xt7hqb9v443x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v443x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1939 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1939 Vol.10 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, February 1939 Vol.10 No.8 1939 1939 2019 true xt7hqb9v443x section xt7hqb9v443x :3 v 3:313:
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- 5 - :11. :55 Page lwo THE KENT UCKY PRESS l‘ebruary, 1939 5
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5 5 ' 5» 1- o o o o a suing election. To prevent this, and that the " or
. , : 1111‘s plnlons n eCISIons n u ICIty taxpayers and M1 verses at interest min 5 re
_ 5 55 5, 5 55555.55 know the facts, the Legislature has provided .
11 5 55112555 L , , _ for the publication of this statement," 7 1“
. 1 1""‘1‘11 ' *1 1 ' m'
, 5 515 aw Sustain Newspapers Contentions in 1111s the oi... oi Appeals held 5
5 1 55 5'55 5 that it was mandatory that the financial
.5 - 5 555 B 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 statement he published in a newspaperl,
» 5} 551 5 ecause 0 5t 1‘3 ”1561655505 KCDWCLY mg ,m, ,sald °°Pnt¥1 graded 5011001 dlsmch having the largest circulation, and that 5
551 5555155555 editors regarding the publICity law that subdiVision or district less than a county, and 5 h . . 5
, 5, 5555555 5 5 _ 5 5 . . . . suc publication must. he made wheth 1
‘ “Mil" re uires ublication oi finanCial state- municipality, Who SUbscrlbe for and actually - - - er 2
515 55,555,515 ‘1 P 5 lb 5 G 5 1A bl pay for their subscriptions. The term shall it suits the convenience or the financial 1
:5 5 ments as P355CC Y He_ eneia 556m y not be construed to include any newspaper condition of the county and its fiscal 1'
55 _ 51,15 In 1926 and amended in 1928 and 1938. whose circulation or any part thereof is dis- court or not M
5, 55 5 we publish part of the report of Chair- tributed free of cost to persons receiving said In the case of Providence Publishing 5
5 5 5 555 man Underwood 0f the KPA Legisla- newspaper, excluSive of copies to active (301':- CO V Hearin 272 K 3_4_ 154 oi
i ' ii 1:"il1tive Committee together with the ex- resPondentS’ and/0r Cheeking comes to ad‘ I ' g. - y' I ’ S' W' in
4 5. 5 1355.5." 55 ’ “Lb 1 Ad . . ,, vertisei's and advertising agencies, and /or (2nd) 492, and dCCIdCd March 1, 1938,
11 113$! CC ent paper on ega vertismg as exchanges with other publications. Neither the Court of A eals had occasio ' P L
l 1.21.; . (l l) S . G d 'h pp I1 t0 5 f
. 55-55-555 piescnte y eymour 00 man at t 6 shall the term be construed to include any construe the above copied act, being 5 0
5 5 15 mid-Winter meeting. 5 newspaper whose Circulation or any part Section 374725-15 Kentucky Statutes, be-5 to
1 551 15,55- Mr. Underwood read the followng thereof is paid for by some advertiser, mer— lore its amend _ . la‘
. 1. ;5,1. 1 _ , , ~ ,, ment by the 1938 Legisla.
“l 1‘3““ letters concernin the PubliCit laW' Chant or promoter. , - - W1
55 555.55, h 3 fg 5 A fY5 l926 I _51 b 5 555 5 'd' 5 ture, and the same prmctples of Statutory 5, d'
5 C5 aptei 8 0 tie1 Acts obltie 5 5t5w51 A e iilotcc 105m 15(.d ing tie construction as applied in the Shelby 15'
1 51 1. ;, ~ ‘ 0 i . ' 2 ‘ 1 '
5 5 55553-5515 SesSion of the Genera ssem5 y was tie Oi ibina ct int in itemized swom County Case, supra, were followed. The ,5 W
5‘ 5 5.3.15 first law enacted by the Legislature on statement of funds collected, received question involved in this most recent
,5 155 555551 this SUbjCCtJ This Act has been twice and disbursed was required to be pub- case was whether or not the ”Dixon 5 pC
‘1 ,5 ,32535511_ - . . - . s5 5 5 i 5
_ 5 55 '15 amendchby 55116 L6g1512‘1uilgesg’f19i8 and Milw- 5 55 5 . _ Journal had the right to publish the p1
' 51 “0535151 by dthe fegislature 0 an now 3a15136a1f;_[_1i1t :th 5116 act originally financial statement of a school district 2%
’5 '3 "5'51"" 1611;: Subfihvbfficial of any county grad- :52 scihlflol) (5153:5555; “[55:55:3123 655551602: by reason 0f5the fact that 1' had a greater th
51 55 15,51,5‘: ed 5555550055, district city town or subdivision to mean that 55556555555555 f t i ii 5 circulation in the school district than 1
55 5,131,115 , , ’ ’ . ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ 0_ cer a n 5 X“ the “PrOVidence Enterprise,” although 1'
- 5 555 or district, less than a county, whose duty it expenditures such as salaries of officers, h u 5 . 5 5 5 5. ,, 5 5 h tli
, 5 5‘55 1 is, by virtue of his office, to collect, receive, et c uld b nl 05 5 _ 5 5 t C P10V1( (311596 Enteipiise 13C 5 e 5 en
. 515 ,‘15 have the custody, control or disbursement of C75 0 e co ( 61154550 as not 05 16' largest circulation in the county. 5 kn
55 ‘ public funds of5 said county, graded school (11116550 muchgspace [01 PllbhcaElon- The Court of Appeals held that the 5 La
1 ‘11 1‘11 T 0‘? “i. “.6 b1 machine 01 any .0
- 'i "EH1" f n 1 l ‘-_ ' . ‘ ' . -
5 i! 511 51.51 c} y or OW ’ p . S ‘9 Chad“ W15 “6 exception that It was struction other than that all the financml
5 51 W 1;, City of the first class or a. county or city which further . , 5, 5 h' b ,- 1_ 1 - 5 , r1 to:
:1 1‘1r111i‘. - - P10‘1(C‘ t “It esic CS Siowmg statements re( uircd to be ublished ‘
5 51 5525155 by law is required to make quarterly publica— the amount disbursed 5555 d te f 55 - ‘ _ l 5 P 5 ist
5' ‘55.,11‘515 tion of its fiscal and financial affairs; shall _ ‘ ‘ 1' C a 0 can must be published in the newspaper in 5 m
5 I l 1‘551'2155’ at the expiration of each fiscal year prepare disbursement should be PUthhed' the county having: the largest circulation. ', '
151 - '5 '115 an itemized, sworn statement of such funds Due to the fact that there was con- ' Jesse 'K I cwi‘s dr
1, 5 5 so collected, received. held5 0r disbursed5by siderable controversy amongst news- ’ “S5. 155505.515), General. 5 ga
,1 2 5 55 mm during the fiscal year JuSt closed, Whlch paper publishers in counties where there 1 t6(
.5 5 5 1:55; statement shall show the amound of public was _ 55 5 55 ————— ou
:1 5 5 .‘i funds collected, and received and from what ‘, mme mu one “FWSPaPer’ "5 5m 1 5 . - . , - _ . 5’ ‘
i ‘ 5 55 sources received; the amount disbursed, the “Yh‘Ch one should PthSh these Offlaal Here Is the inloiiiiation that you 1e. 5 m'
1 5 5-455 date of each disbursement, for what purpose statements because of disagreement as (11195th on the C011“ “1511185 on the 5 er
‘ 5 5 51‘"555 expended and to whom paid; and said official to which newspaper had the “largest printing of county financial statements: 155
J j 1, 515'5'51 shalltprocure ortmtiude fm or attgchttofszid circulation,” the 1938 amendment to In OClObBl‘, 1936, we entered a suit 5 wt
: .‘1 ereo a ceri cae r m . _ u 55 5. 5 5 5 5 5 . ._ ,
5 I ‘ M5551 ifigodasliiiraofilther proper office of the bank this Act added the words hona fide (“Wm-551 ‘11 county ‘0 require publica Pl
1 5 551 or banks 555 which such funds are or have ”mung the Act read, “largest bona fide 11011 at an itemized finanCial report. The 55 [3125
r 5 1" been during the year past deposited, showing circulation” and Section 2 as set out (“WHY 05510315 contended that the 15934 '
1 t 5 ,, 555 the balance, if any, of such public funds to above, then defined the term “bona fide County Budget Act repealed sections 5 an
. 5 151 the credit of th: ofiicial ngaking :uch :Eatte- circulation.” 1.8116 and 3747A]. We won this case in 55 He
1 c 1 5,1135 ment; and suc officer 5 all wihin iry 1 . . 5 . . 5, -, -. , . , . 5 k 1 th
1 s , :~ . , the ,1 int ut, .nl the count too 1
E 5 l511 days after the close of the fiscal year cause Considering lurthCi ”“3 lau “5 It has . c If CO} _ l ( 5 TI y el- 5 dc
5 5555“. such statement to be published in full in a been interpreted by the C011” 05 AI)’ " '0 the CCU” 05' Appeals. 16 app 5 ' t'
,- ' 1‘1, newspaper published in said county whiéh peals, the Constitutionality of a similar 1““? C011” sustained the lower 5C0,“ 10
51, ‘61,, has the largest bona fide circulation therein, act was upheld in the case of Shelby ruling. The county has been5printing (530‘
. t 1 515.55 and said officer shall file a written 501' print— Fiscal Court v. Cozine, 174. Kv, 504., and the itemized financtal report since that 5 in
0 » 5515351 ed copy of said statement, subscribed and 51 E C0 5” [5 5 . 5 55 55 ‘ time On
f 51 515: sworn to, in the ofiice of the clerk of the 1 1 1610‘“ “gene" I , 5 5 5 5 .5 55555 the C555 5 T1
"f t5 ;—‘,' 15' county court of the county in which said “This statute was passed in the interest of ”1561, WC en 016". w} aga . 'zed 1. 55C
1 v. 53 '15“, 55- officer resides, or holds offce. Provided, that the public good. In such matters publicity is to require the publication Of_ an itcrm _
5 ' a 115 15155 the publication required in this act shall be a safeguard which, when well employed, ren— statement of receipts and disbursements Wl
' 5‘ a “”13." made in the size of type provided by law ders the public revenue even more secure annuall , The cit contended that ub- f0]
1 p1 11““ d tth 1t "ddbl t b ~ ~ y y 'd'
5 a , 55:5 55 an a e ia e piov5i e y aw, o 8 than iron bars or fireproof safes. The fiscal lication of the audit only was require - be
5 . F , 555', paid for out of the public funds in the hands affairs sometimes have fallen into such bad W , tl , ~ tl 1 wer court but 5 th
f tl 1., of the officer making such statement. way that those having them in charge have C 5'0“ 1e case In 16 O 1 t body 51
n ‘ 1355551 Sec. 2. The term ‘bona fide circulation’ carefully withheld and guarded the true con- 1055 m the Court 055 Appeals, “a 5 G
5.15 h . 555,5 is defined for the purpose of this Act to mean dition, lest the public become informed and holding that the my manager Charla (
55 y ‘ 551153“ a circulation consisting of subscribers resid- select a new set of officers at the next en- under which Paducah operates requlres P1“
' O ‘ 555E. '
51 n 555.
3 ’ ' :‘th 5
:5 1 ,1 '25?5 5
' 1 it}
in 55 . 5 5 5 5 ,

 . .- . " -IJ , J J JIJJJII J J
.. . . JJJIJJJi J
Page Three . JJJJJJJ J
Febiuaryi 1 , . . J an 0 en break J ,JJ JJJJJ J J J
My, 1939 l l' Beverage Control Law.” This p0551ble lttitS bititihtzh‘bolgc‘l Ogicers- In JJJJJJJJJJJ J ;
J r er ( ~ ‘ i‘ ', . J i: .
. ly the publication of the anniual autdhit :ZtloplZVides for state licenses for .the on 1:11: 121:6 even though the publisher .J JJ JJJJJ‘ J:
and that theJ on _ l cit ,S alfairs, an not e (1 sale of distilled Spirits suc _ , _ 1 ill robably lose JJ,JJJ JJ J
t 1; ~ orts of tie y . J - ‘se‘ manufacture an _ arries his point, 1e w P , JJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJ J
lggezrglilggé Jehnized list Of receipts and disbul and wine. It makes compulsory for 6V C the end through the 1055 of good Wlll J J JJJJ’JJ JJJ .
nent.” 7 He is ‘ 1» )erson’ before applying for llCCI’lSC: 1nd ther rinting and advertising bUSI' JJJJJJJ J :J
l h ld J men I Joe Lacore’ ‘ foh'zidvertise his intention SO tO apply PY ans 0 I) JJ JJJJJJ J J ._
)Pffffl S C: J Managing editoi. . inserting in a neWSpaper of general Clr' neIS- our own case we have on several [J JJJ J
J6 manual J Paducah SUH'DemOCJaJ' uthtion in the county in Wthh are 10- n' ns had difficulty in securing the El 1. {JJ J
newspaper J C c ' f hich the license occaSIo J _ J h e were clear- J JJJ J J ;; JJJ _
i _ , cated the premises 0r W 1 advertismg to Wth W J JJ JJ : J J
heahhhhh J LEGAL ADVERTISING ' is sought ' ' ' ' at least once a week for lgggntitled by law. A recent example _0f JJJ J i)
e financial J In his address on “Legal AdvertlSlng two consecutive weeks .1. - . ealed and this occurred last falJl1 i/Jllhen :ghlflyciley , JJJ J J J
, ' ~ , ' lature a $0 TSP d bmitte t Clr y . JJJJJ, '1‘ JJ JJ J J
J Its fiscal J ‘ dman sald. * The JaSt 16ng - - . s- school boar su- . it If i ii
M1. G21: discussion 0f the development re —enacted the laW_Pertammg tglniiver Port for publication in a very condense: ~J.2J:JJJ,ZJJ J: J
Publishing £11;ng 'advertising we are at once if” paper sales under Judgment,t '(nihagl to form. As submitted the rep ortlgrfiulll); S J JJJJJJ J
0 . h bout a a 210)- the laVV p61” 31 J ach teacher, SUPP y 0 JJJ: JitJ J
114 S W' . Wlth the fan that a ' 25’ page " ets, all checks to e , . . e a : JJJ: J .'
"h 1 1938 flogltiilier can do toward the PYOHJOUO-h the publication of IJCOIJIEYtliebllaJE re- and other firms and indlvlduflhfnftoishif J J J JJJJ J J
I J J pu ' ‘ ’ J ‘dvemsmg h 26 a e 21 i3“ . -. ~ t one item. . : ‘ EJJJJ1J‘ 1:.
“351°“ to J " I‘tlcula11 [We 0 ‘ . ‘ (Chapter , P g _ . - 1 entire year in 0 . . ~ m .i J.
of this Pa . 1f with the - h ublication of financ1a h (1 been issued to one 2. JJJJ _. J,J
act being ‘ aint thoroughly hinise lating to t e P , d' t icts fifteen checks a . , h e JJ "JJ‘JJJJ‘ JJ’J
, to acqu _ d then take f Countles school IST (1 rin theh yeai, t es JJJJJJ,J1 .J
atutes, be e arding same, an Statements .0 . . ’ a e 511 ply house 11 g . e Ji‘gliJill IJJJJ;
38 Legisla. J lalJiJJasteheg steps are necessary or 6171(1): and municipalities, (Chapter 27, P g pagments were all conldensch 51121:); Jim J J JJJJilJiJJ
W - < ( . L t a - J; __,,J J‘JJ JJJ
EStatutory p dient to see that his Papei gets '1 o 212). f these reenactments item and only thedyreltroii 52110015 agreed JJJJJJJJJJJJJ
he Shelby I h h is enthhh' ' The purpose 0 a ' - The superinten e b- J: J‘Jf? QJ J11,
. wth 6 1 . , ‘ t n ’ (115- h term Bona fide Clrcu 1 atter should be su JMJJ .-J J-Ji
)WEd' The J In the few minutes that are a I J. was to define t e e made with us that t 16 m d we .5 n 15' ll JJ
. . . might . ,, 1 no other changes wer , th Attorney General, an JJJ :Ji JJJJ J”
”St recent '1 It occurs to me that we lation anc J “B a fide mitted to C J . ~~ n In “mi :‘ w JJ
u . mi posa J h some of the . 1 g The term 0“ lt abide by hlS declSlO - JJi‘JJJ J [M
.e Dixon 7 fitabl stUdy toget er In these awi. a ”cir— both agreec 0 Owen JJJJJJ JJ JJJJ
' pm y ~ 1 A'semb1V that - - ,, '5 defined to mean . . “men by Hon. w. widen. r E'Ji'
iblish the “he 1938 Genela 5. J J/ C1rcnlation 1 , ho an opinion WU , f J JJJJ JJJ
, . acts 0 . . d eiSions of . ‘stin of subscribers W . held that the salaries 0 JJJJJJJ J.J:~!i
01 district affect legal advertiSIng, and e, culation conSI g a for their Keller it was t 1 itemized JJJJJ JJJJ JJ J
m heath the Attorney General mthprehhhitheh Sllbscribe. for and hmhly fhzll not be teachers could be comple e y J J JJJ J!
him than J’ 0 e law PaSSBd by the 1938 16g} 5 mule Sllbscriptlons' The term whose as follows: ths $900.00” J JLJJ JJJ J IJJJ
Withough J [J tn I'OVidCS additional advertimng I‘CV- construed to mean any nehfipapir iS diS “To John Jones—Salary for 9 mon h J? JJJ JJ NJ
1 a . . eo ' u S, .51."; 5‘ J. , JJi7
had the J ehheho the papers Of KmkaY ls ihe (:12: Cirwlahon or fanyt harpeiscfiis receiving The Opinion Went 01: to hittiér siinis JJJ JEJJJ J‘ . JJJ '
r. the “Roadhouse ice n‘ibuted free 0 cos 0 J - to ever, could not app y to 0 ’ ‘JJ {5 JJJJ JJJ._
J “1“ the J £23.“? Tali“ ”W “Ovid“ “1‘” “"70“ said newspaper ”Wed/"Effiféfiing if; as money spent to Suppl; “:6: J :J: JJ
. _ . . . le non-1n- - es ondents, an . . 1 - of the teac erS S JJJJJJ‘JJJJJJJJJ it?
any con house or place offerlng fol 5a active corr P , dvertlslng etc. The sa aries _ _ J J, JJ J .J;
. J . . . . . , tour- . dvertisers and a mn expenditure. J 'i‘iJJ' ,, JJJJ
zfinancifl1 :7 toxicating or intOXicating chinks . copies to a _ ther fi d re ularly recu g J J J J JJJ
. J , . . _ . es With 0 xe , g . . her items J JJ . JJ
published ‘ ist camps or places of public enteita: agenCICS,J and/01‘ hilich-ahsiall the term which must be anticipated- Otand must JJ‘SQJ JJJJJJ JJ JJJJJJ
spaper in J ment at which people assemble F0 e J’J publiCations. tht1 Che any newspaper are not fixed in their; nature J t‘fiJ 13 J J JJJJJJJJ
rculation. 2 drink, dance, bathe Or engage in ahtl be construed to inc El art therCOE be 56parately set out. E J J’JJ JJJJ J JJJJ
" ame or entertainment, shall be perini - whose circulatlon 0’ any. P erchant A ecent decision of the COP” 0 iJ‘ JJJJ
3 J g ' ealth OJ Kentucky ‘ ‘l for b i some advertisen m r ~ the case of Padu' J31JJJ1;:JJ .J J JJ
-nera~ ted 1n the ColnmonW _ _ J E an" IS PalC 2, Appeals, however, in C un- J JJJ J‘JJ,‘J.J JJJJJ
J outside of the coI‘PCrate Juihhitos owny- or promhteh ‘ t the publication Cah Sun-Democrat vs. Mcfrackerllise Ernst ’JIJJIJJJJ JJJ
. J ~ . ted city or town un €55 . The law relatlng O . 1 n- l olds that each item 0 EXEC J JJ‘Eg’g JJJJ
it you 16 “J incorpoia . shall have a permit k fstatements of finanCia co ty, 1 . LY m all an- J, «tilJ J
. ‘ « . . ,. ._ EPARATE J J JJJJJJJJ
n the J ei or propiletol A, ‘t m b) ban 9 0 reenacted- be LISTED 5 ed JJJ J JJJJ
itfmentsl J issued to hlm by the Chum) C10} 11 the dition was also r-EPCaJEd anfillows: ”EV- nual financial reports that are requir f‘i i‘JJJJJJJJJJ
( l a suit . which it is located granuhg JO~ hmsaid This law readS 1h Part ana s after call bv law to be PubliShed' 1 Jr iJ'JrJ JJJJ
E( J _ J )rivileUE and license to opeiate ery bank shall Within t€n_ 5" h Di- 1 I end that revenue from lega JJJJJJJJJ JJ. JJ.’
phbhca 11 hf business in said county” 1 h on said institution b'y t e To J16 ‘ reased to the full ex- J. JJJJJJJI:'JJ kl
ion. The " P hlhihol firther provides that before mat e‘ IEthe Division of Banklng Of_the advertisuig bJC flflCbJj-hw it is necessary J JJJJJJJ JJJ JJ JJJJ
the 1934 J 115 21W 1 1 ‘6 Of bUSi' l‘cCtOl 0 . .ness Regulatlon: tent pl‘OVIdec 01‘ C ‘ , J rd JJJJJJJJJ JJJJJ
. . {hall opcriltC R l) at , De )artmcnt of BuSi . kee) informed 1n iega :-;JJJJI;J :J JJJJJ
1 sections . any Peison s 1 ll a))1y to lz d statement of its for us all to l _ _ f the ~qu J JJJJJJJJ
. :_ » t above be sia ll blish a condense nd the opinions 0 J. J MM
is Case in f Hess as set 011 J 1- The bu >J . . the close of busi to these laws, a . , f h 3%.12;;,J,-J.iliaJJJ
l ~ by a icenSC- , ( ndition at . r . 1605mm 0 t e ,.--J<;:inigi JJJJJJ
[my [OOJJ J tile kchurclltiil‘ecctleetlktoJclocket the applica‘ finanCIn1 1th: date named in said call 1;) AttmheJ’ fhnellhlrggctlirig thereto. JJJ JJJJI i-JJJJJ
he appe— . cJer is ' 1 b' the county ness 0 I f the Division of Ban - Court 0' PPea s , . this J, JJJJJ JJJJ JJ JJJJ .
, . Court tion to be acted upoi J . d sald Dii‘eCtOI” 0 , c b him at J. ~ellcnt aid to publishers in. JJJJJJJJ JJ J1 “J J
ehhnhhg court, and to have apphcatfllm hléiilitstlign ing, which Chill may bighieshzill make reggcf‘i: the booklet recently compiled JJ’J JJ 1 JJJ 'J J JJJJ 'J
' ' (J ' in a neWS 3361" OJ genera Ch c ( iv time he 6511:“, a ,, _ ‘ - ~tmann, of the Jour' J' JiJZJ JJJ J JJ J,
mce hm J once a weeh flor three consecutive weefkh :JJ least two calls m each year. (Chap by PrOfJ Vlcrttorhehhlof the University of J J‘l'lJf ,JJ ‘JJJ'J j
. . . licant 0r ( * 691) nalism cepa , B Dr _ J25 .g’J J , .iy‘ijg“
J J The law rov1des that the app ter 143, flf’C ' J - - b Franklin - Y this? iJJ’isi %
E'hlthZhJ J license Shhh pav to the clerk $13001, 0!: l supphs; every publisher, at 0116:1152: KentuckJJ’ Shhsltiiliedy with the compli‘ iJJJJT JJJ J JEJJli v"
1 C A . . I , H ' 1 bV t C C 61‘ . ‘ . It in persua i den, ang . . Thi 'FJ JJJJJJ JJ J JJJJKJJ J
. 9.50 is to be ictaine( , _ , l r has diflicu Y . , t n Herald. 5 a. J, :J J,.,JJ,J J
11-5ements J which $3- . be ald to m anotle : 1 lines who are ments of the Lexmg o _. J JJJJ J'J’J JJJJJJ J
b- for his fees, and $7.50 is to P, . f the lOcal aut 10 _ . cts of laws relating .JJJJ‘JEJJ J, JJJl-J J
thaiiii‘JJd J be Paid to the II‘BWSPaPer for pUthhmg 83312;; with that duty J01 puihhhtihel: bOOkJiei' glvfisnt-(ihtgmlegai rates, legal ad' ’ JJJ‘ JJJ J J
req ' . . c i t _ d ets ega no , to pu) ic p , {‘JfllJ. JJJ JJ l‘iié. J
. t the a lication. , (1 re orts, bu g , , , :JJJJ JJJJ JJJJJJJJ
huhhhhy J Anhhher law that was paSSEd by hhe fitllhniiiqihepmanner prescribed thy 131:1: Please Turn To Page Four ‘JJJJJ JJJ JJJ JJJJiz .
1a . t at e' ., . . » tw erev JJJJJJ J:,,.,.,Jg“ 2;
r charter J General Assembly last .yeai Jahlcile “Al- It is needless to pomt out tha JJJJ JJJJJ JJJJJ JJJJJJJJ J
requires provides for legal advertismg is JJ JJJJJJJ JJ J JJJJJ
3:? J . 1
J: '5‘ :J vuiJ ‘

 .1 :1. February, 1939
1 _11 Page Four 1
l 5|"11iI-t n C audit more attractive to week— scxous, and WILh A little help from the A
. | .1 11:11:51; wig? 1" ' home-town publisher can be encourag. F
1 . 1113‘ - ies. . _ 1. 1 . . ‘7 . .1
l ‘1 I. 112111.} :3sz e, w Certain additional expenses are incur- ed to (ontiibutc many interesting news 7
' , . ; 7-1115 h V - . _ " ‘ ‘ , . - - A , ) ,. 1 ' , 7
' 1 1 1111.11.31 éfifié’ W E)? 11; if? E3; 3% 16.11 [or [he first years membersmp in ittnis. Icihaps'wuh the assistance ofa ; I
'1 ‘ 1W ‘- V g! Q ae. k ’5‘“ / “w! 1 , ~ . 1 1 t ) hiv'h school admsel‘ and under gu1dance
I ‘ 1 Hi? .-_—_.é the Bureau. ;\1)1))()VCCl iecmds mm L e. _ , _
1 ‘ 1 ’13 i be insmlled ‘llld the newspaper has to of the editor of the local paper, one issue .11 b
1 ‘ {1'11 ‘— , ( f - - r I, ._ ; , . 1; , )ublished b‘ 11 staff 0f hi h .I'
; 1 1511111 Ofiicial Publication 0? the Kentucky pay 101‘ an initial audll, .DCCCSSZUY 1-01 nin be, 1 l t‘ \ )boint one )erg ; a1
.; :1; 1111 Press Assomation membership, on a basis of time and inile— school stut en s. r 1 1 . 1 son 1 1
11 111 ——————- we for the auditor, as under the old editor and 11110111” one busmess man 2, )
1.11331 - ‘ ‘1 ( - N1. - r ‘ . i 0
, 3‘1 11 Victor E. Portmann, Editor'l’uthhel‘ Jan The 95.21.1192” membership ap- agei oi adteitising inanagei, each asslst~ 1
1 I1.1I ( . ‘1“- , ,n .
‘1' 1121111 ‘— 1 11C 11-161. ,1 WW. 1m been accepted to ed by an adequate SIII‘I- LCL 1110111 191111. 1 s
:1 .1 1r‘1 . ) ’S ( i I I ’ 1 1
:‘1 11111 Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington Inemlmrship C); the news and sell the ads. Show them 1 1
IaLI‘11 i ' 1 - . ._, 1 - . t(
:1 5:11 ————— The PC“. 1011“)“ audit ppm forweek— the details Invoked “1 1%“th 0‘” a 1 1
' 111 1 Press Association omens 1 Its \"'1§ granted by the Bureau at the paper. lheyll dig up many features 1 [
171i“ , U d rwood, President, Lexington Herad I 1 1., 1‘1 1. . . 1 . 1 , .- - _1 ne “(11161115111 1 w
j 1 11111 $233; 1:111, Pgdleey, Vice—President, Eddyvflle Herald remiest ()1 a committee repiesenting and peihaps hung in 501 ( g 1 n1
' 1 111.1714 J. Curtis Alcoek, SeC.-Tres.1 Messenger, Dam,1118 ‘1‘ a \ssociation lVI'tn'mers accounts you’ve been unable t0 crack 1
- 1 ‘ 'ESI" .\eu'5):i)".I‘-.. .( 1 ‘b " " , ’. - 1 , '
' i' 1311;! Executive committee 1 1 Then lor future issues they 11 be aleit b
! Wt - _ hairman; ._—.____ 7 1- . ;. . 1 k e(
I 1 i 1 London Sentmfl E0110: 0 ,. - 1, , to \()11 stones that ma (2 1
.1 ‘11-},111 ggiigullegngterflem, Clinton Gazette; Egggnglgfi- Today’s 00117111111 lVetUSIMPC? m (,ontngute , m
1 31:31 ford Morganfield Advocate; Vance 1 ' . ”011$ 1
: ‘ .1111 .’ - . _ 1; J e Richardson. G13§80W 1 1 s ,
1 ‘ 1 «1111151 g?;f:.‘ll1§vcgur§1rc1f§;g§$ Dgnville_AdtVOCat§;m‘QsCt%r Today‘s countly newspapei 15 mUCh ——___ e1
1[ 11.515111: It aim, Kentucky Press, Lexmg on; _' ‘ I I . ~ 7 11‘s 1n man ’ WEI ’S- 1 . . 4 1 21
1 36ml: Igsmand I“depe£d%‘t‘BT11TsJXELSfJ“ gryiirigie llkc that Of [0111211611 3661 e in the)honies Birthdays—keep on Me in )0111 of- 1
1 a . . . , , , , - ac ’ ‘ '
11 11' 111 mm Lou Cabin, Fran . e P i tsville Herald; IL COHUI’IUCS to a p .7 , , 1 .17 l ; 10 113 1130111311“
:1 1 1 t; Walker Robinson. a n . , . fice when: on can 1C C1 ,1 b ,1:
= E1 115%:‘111Egaigrcciananuett, Columbia News; Robert LI Elkm’ of, people not reached by any f01thel 11% of the established firms in the .. e1
: 1 111 Lancaster' Honorary 11 (r 113 111 ose as a iecoidei 0 mp 7 . 11 - 1
1; 11 3111",. . committee 1m” p p - . , 1 ~_ town, The list: should prove valua)em w
i :1 iii: 11' LegISInnve penings and dOIDgS Of the avelage pel gellino’ 1’11‘0‘6 ’11111iYC1‘SZH'V' lids “then the Cl
1. 1 111111 1 . . . ‘ , ' . 1 ‘ K ( I / .
1‘ it 11 1’ Tyler Munford, Mei-eagigeldmg‘ldvfiiifee (Xiaiiiigiig’ son in the community remains the same. 810110;,er 71110111 to celebrate birthdays.
, ; 1 31119111. - ‘ , S i rse 0H ; ' ’ . . . . . L ‘
i I‘ 1 1.35111 Eileen svdfriiiieliilsxais CgihienonwealtmL VanceonAerfgi‘la‘iigé It IS 5111“ a place Whele the gOIHIgS 1 01
. 1111:; ,1 ~ _ 1; w_ . aws . . _ ‘———— .
‘ 1: 15111 Bigiisgxiilenrcacimslgnigflini. Goodman: Lancaster Rec' and comlflgS 0f the commumty p601) 6’ _ 1 ,. . 1 1fo1~ 1 11
.‘1‘ 1‘ 1 {"9111 0rd; Harry Lee WaterfiEIdI 01mm“ Gazette‘ of the births and deaths, of the occa— Pictures——Start 1118]ng p ans no“ 1 .
11 ‘ Newspaper EXW’“ C0mmittee sions of joy and happiness and sorrows your final issue of 1959. For eveiy evflit
' ‘ ' * - ‘ ~ - ‘ 1 1 ,. 1 ' r ' 1 '
' 1‘ 11' 1243 Victor RI Pumam’ fenmc‘éfiviiéiii nglnntiitcoliii of the people of a given community me of unportance 1n the tou ii L1) to 56 1'1 at
1“ . ; Carl Saun ers, - , ‘ . - - . . 1 ' . n -
. . 11 Sgiéf‘“é‘3‘berc Simpson! grangfggcgtgte gfieignalsmgfg the events uppermost in 1mportance. good pictuie. Accidents, hfiICS, outtstaniy 1C3}
. " Le Gorey Pad‘wah “‘1' e ’ . ~ ; ; ( elebrflllOHS———HO 0 2
:1 11 :1 Georgetown News. Howevei, the newspapen must-116613 mg 1)C150n’1l1l108,1C 1‘ )r their tinieli- in
1 11 11111: _ _— pace with the community m “7111“ It Wlll they be goof “OW f . ‘1 in m 1 1h
1 1 1‘1 112;: exists If the Community progresses, so ness, but you can repllIlL tieni it 1 .
1 1- 1w. ' . , n 1,112 u-
: Ii ’ 15:. 3‘ M BER ”9‘91 must the newspaper. In every cornmun- issue next Decembti, 1L\ ICWIHg 0 1 2‘
9: 1:1 ‘i‘1 EM B12: . ' ' , ‘ 1 I - , var. -
1 15‘ 133351111 Iggy 1ty of the country, the newspaper, lfllt Standmg e1 ents o[ the 30 ;
1 :I 1 11 " would continue, Will keel) up Wlth “6 -——-—-———]—-— 1 W1
1 1 5“i:1‘1 *- ' ‘ . ' ‘ ' '1 .. C
11‘ ‘I 1 11111 K TUCKY PRES community whlch fostersult,1 and as 2; Continued 17,0717, Page T726 1 of
1;. :11 . - ' or ne can t6 tie t e 0 —__-——_
i - 1 1111 ASSOCIATION genelal Ehlnb’ 0 h CVVS a Cl" 313E its . . 1." t. Of legal 1 CR
11 ! 1i1511umzwmmmy my community by t e n P P 1611151111; and the pub ica 1011 '1 ble 1
' ' "III ‘ - . . ‘ « ; van a -
1 1 1 1111111 _*___ midst. _ 1 . d‘ d ore notICCS. Copies of It (110 5““ a .1 five 1 Se
‘ ’1 . Despite the advent of 1a 10 an In . I would suggest that the legisa 1
1 l 1 A. B. C. Halves Audit Costs or less general Circulation of metrOPOh‘ COmmittee, or another committee :1) 1 Se
1 1 1 1; ‘1 1 T0 H’gekltc’s tan newspapers and magazmes, tillle place pointed for that purpose, bung. t I:
1 - 1 1‘ ‘= 1;? . - . ' I never ' ' in 1
. i 1 11 Annual cost Of an A. B. c, circulation of the community newspapei vfnit kee S booklet up to date by including hich 1 en
1' 1;“ . 1 - 1 1 1 ' ire W i
‘ 11 1 ‘1 audit [or weekly newspapers is now 3126,. b6 taken by any other 3361 cy. . . P those acts of the 1938 19.9513“ d .1 A]
( 111111116 a1 ed with $52 in effect prior to the up with the community in which it lives. affect 1119 subject, and the recent (ac:l 1 to
111:1" comp " I - ‘ 771.61' rise . - '- ‘ e an ‘
7 l 1 51‘ reduction made, December 3, followmg 49de County E I i) sions and 01311110rls concerning 5am ’beis 1 ur
‘ 1 11 an Audit Bureau Of Circulation meeting _—fi . that it be diStrlbUted t0 {Ill-man 1 th
. e 11 11:11 in New York The Storm Lake (Iowa) leot-Tnbm’ic of. the Kentucky Press Assoleiitiplr: legis 1 of
L ‘ 11:1» 131 ' . . . 1 , 4 . Ham 1 ~ -' ' ma 1 '
E l ‘33“ U (1 the new lan weeklies Will be cained a full page ad from a CC . Anothel suggestion 1-5 k for 0f
1 1111111n er rptwo rears instead 0f TCMlY‘LO'WC“ store last week. Nothing lative committee submit and WO1 bli CI
1 audited once eve y] lbl- her’s state- unusual about that except that this ad the passage of a bill to make the pu 1. .
i 1 1111 once a year. Regu ar pun ls th was the first one the said store owner mtion of ordinances in cities of the fifth 1
' i1? uired ever 51x mon s. - . . . 1‘ _ . .ad1 c
t 1 1111‘ ments are I'Eq 1 d y f (126 a ply had published 11'] the last five Years' It and SlXth class nlandatOIY) as It 'alclle I121 1 C};
.1, 1; - - . . . . . a
1 (f3 11 .1 1111 Minimum annua 1168 O 1 413000 announced his elosmg-OUt sale. If YOU is in cities of the first, second, thir 1
I" t‘ ,1 £111; to weeklies With not more than ,' . don’t tell ’em you can’t sell ’em. Why fourth classes .
1 1 1 . - .I . i- ’ . ' ~
1 V‘ 1 5‘1; Clrmlatlon' Piior to the reduction, mp: wait until you throw in the towel to; And, finally, I would suggest that til: 1 pi
1 ;_ z 1 5.11111: mum dues of $52 covered nitelim )egsolog begin advertising. Advertise now and KP A bring test suits in regard to mattei . 11
‘ ' ' t more 12m 1 t . _ . cart 1 .11
1 p _ #11111 for weekhes With .no 1 f 5,000 prosper forever.——Sh€1d0n (Iowa) Sim. of legal advertismg that may be in 'n- 1 b
i a ‘ circulation. For Circulation mm 1 troversy and that it keep members 11t 1 t;
: B I11 8 %_ 1 _ _ re a.
I 1 . 1 1-111. 0 000 dues were .11? - , . . lecmons
1 1 t“ 3‘ 151‘ to 1 J - ethods and reports Guest Editors—Many children of high {01 med 0f opinions and 6 N1
1 : n i ‘ 7121.: Bookkeeplng m h h 1 a e are becoming journalism COI’I- lng thereto.
I‘1 f‘ 1 1111 have been simplified also to make t e SC 00 g
I'.‘ y ' 1g};
1 0 : *1}
1' It 1:11 1‘
1 11 1.
' ; its 1 ..
‘ 121- 1
-' l 1 11,1
1 L . 1 I ‘11 I

 .. . . t
1'""'I"1 I
._ . Page Five It' 5 iiii'" .
. ( 11, "111‘: ‘
my. 1939 Februalyv "339 1 l 0 MIN i
. 1 ;' le salesmen W10 ( 0 11 1 E ‘i‘1|t?|"E' 11- '
. - , , rs 6 gaggd as outSIC , . _ '. i! '. '
, . ; Vork must be WILhIn thC hou . . , . . , E'1mllzll t0 . i1- 1' t -
) from the ' Natasha/761‘s and. NW l'l'ng‘f"H0“' Law (1(1)111'1ntl713 m (temporarily suspended substantial amounE of wortrgd by the EEE :.1EiIttIti,I :-
A . .c ' ' ' " l ' '7 ‘ '-"""I i
. 1 _ . <~ . . 1 . that done by CHIP 0193 CO‘ .: .~1;': '-
encourag. i ' S Sll’lil'CR'l‘; Universlty 0t “1111015 by the Chief of the Childrens BureaLI). , . This exception would seem to Co‘ " I"""
sting news 7 RED . L A - malist (é) Employers Should have on file a C6]? (ti-(irculation solicitors who do all their 'i'1"""" It "
-.)1 ‘)1‘:- - . . “- v"? , ‘ '.tt'1'
stance of a The National I tintel Jt ' tilicate from eithEr the federal Chaldlfll: work outside but does not cover ad E "I"" 1;! ,2
. .' . . ; J '. _ _. , 1' 'en en 0 ’ I ; 1:351» ..
' guidance I The followmg Olllhnc 0' the Fan La Bureau 0' the State Supellnt , 1 n- vertisino salesmen who also do Office 3 11'j_E.::1|1.':1:
., one Issue ‘i' b Smndqrds Net has been prepared to Child chlfare. (f) \Vork must )0 no “ME, 0: layout ads (5) Employers 0f ' ,1 "'1'" 1;
- ' 1 0T ‘ ‘ ‘A '1 . ' ‘ ‘- . ” 7'
'E 0' lugh " assist publishers of both daily and Yeah hill‘ndom' 1 1 teen are service establlshments. The. national .11?" EEIE E E .
ne Person i 1 Cwspapers in applying the provistohb 3- Persons seventeen anc lcigt kc ' news'tper associations are 8661011? 3 “‘1' MEI 11": 1' 'l‘ ‘
. t 1n"» c - _ . .. 1 - , . 1(- VViere W01" 13 ' "‘ “" . . .'. 4 111.311. '
ness man 'I' o't the ”Ct '0 "ml" busIHLSS. " l 'wlml'md '0 "0"1 (la) there employer inq from the administrator of the TLSA EEE1EE.EEIE
.ach asstst~ ' Whether thC Congress 0' the .Umifl “011-1111zardous, ant "J' i' . 1 B reau t0 the effect: that newSPflPer lmthhmg 1" biifi'}? T ‘
,hem gath- I 1115 )owcr under the Constitutlon has Certificate from ChIldiens u c serViCC but such a question would E:.t1'EE'E‘:E;EE; E‘ 1
'how [Item I 8mg; i'w'w'e and hour act a