xt7hqb9v442b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v442b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2006 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 2006 text The Kentucky Press, January 2006 2006 2006 2019 true xt7hqb9v442b section xt7hqb9v442b ,. - - » _ Volume 73, Number 1 a“???
I V .::5,7§7§:::7' ”‘5 3113;" , m ' ‘ s ‘ ' '1 ‘ Kenkay Press Association ' I as ge
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n ' a g :1ng RSITY OF KY LIBRARIES ‘ x:
7 January 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service 1? z" 3
W {1/}?! ,
I i P l B I i . I: . .331: .
New general manager z; . , ; :; .. I , . gag ft: - - . wig f
4 named for newspapers J ; I. ' '3 #5 ;..;: '.
I After 19 years as CEO 0 f The . . I g . . V , f; f 5%. I . g , _II;:'II .II ; . 7h. . ,
Community Press newspapers, ‘ as; , .,I-: ‘5' 5 r x. " a; ”m - j
I I, .. Tom Noonan has " retired. The is: . I ‘ ..; I W“; i ‘ I" i ' , , in f
’ I Community Press 152 the Parent E; ' a ”f ‘ H J .' 3 ~ ' . . ' " 2
company 27 newspapers in greater W3? . . . 1% r, ._ ' j
,. We worked, hard7 together and. ' ' .. “r r .. I -. t 2 ' 7
I ' ‘ . I. Ivery- healthy .rv’a‘nd viable opera- i ” . I II 1: ' .13 “ g ;;Igjgjg“ I' I f
. ' . ' ' —tion,” Noonan said in a message to ' i ' I " ‘ TI :2,“ V “A; a .gAI
7 employees. 5 I ' i “*2 ., iv 1 we“. 1‘ f
' William Cusack has taken over ' " ’ ' ' '
,, " the leadership role as general man- . PHOTO BY JOHN WHITLOCK/KPA NEWS BUREAU
'; ager. k h b d' f Kentucky Speaker of the House Jody Richards, D-Bowling Green, speaks with the media following the Open
. , Gus,“ as een irector 0 ing of the 2006 session of the Kentucky General Assembly Jan. 3. 1
- . operations of the Community Press 1
. since 2002. Prior to that he served 4 g . '
, as pubhsher o; the comm, Kentucky General Assembly opens 2006 sessmn ..
' Recorder newspapers in northern , I
' -- . , Kentucky.I . What can we expect from this . From our KEEP, and some of their positions 5
y 1 I He joined the company in year’s General Assembly? probably make a lot of sense to a ',
> , ' IMarch 2000’ coming from Thomson Turn your head toward the news deg k ... . . lot of voters including the notion ;.
g SOUthWESt Ohm, where he served heavens and ye may find your —--— ' that the commonwealth is losing I
.a« ‘ in a number 0f roles including answer. . millions of dollars to Indiana casi— E
,. .. regional sales manager of the The knowledge you seek may By IohnI Whitlock I I nos. I
I .. Journal-News Group, publisher 0f come in the form of a billboard. KPA was Bureau g; 3.1 I’m not here to make an argu-
_ , . ’ the Oxford Press and general man- A casino advocacy group, Dm’d‘” 'J‘ ment for or against more gaming in ;
' . ager 0f I‘ . Thomson Kentucky Equine Education referendum to amend the state con— the state but as the General ,
I Onlme/ Electronic Publlshmg. Project, is making a major push stitution to all for full casino gam- Assembly gets rolling, newspapers 'TI
7 " - ”The Community Press and The through billboards and newspapers ing for those holding licenses to across the state should brace for :I
V » Community Recorder are owned to allow expanding gaming in the operate racetracks in Kentucky.” the two-sided blitz to come.
_ ' by Gannett CO- Inc, the country’s commonwealth. Kentucky Senate bill 4 which Some of the more conservative f
1 largest newspaper group in terms The aim of its membership, in was prefiled by David E. Boswell regions of the state that don’t see a -
, _ . 0f. Circulation. . it’s own words, is ”in the interest of Owensboro, proposes the state lot of revenue from the horse 3
~ " . - ' ["11 am particularly happy that of preserving Kentucky’s equine Constitution be amended to allow industry and charitable-gaming
I" IYVE are able to promote from Wlth' heritage and strengthening the casino gambling at Kentucky operators will line up for a fight 3
, g - In; said Margaret Buchanan, presr- economy, the Kentucky Equine horse-racing tracks. with casino supporters. . I
, . :r I '3 i SeerNEWS 911 Page 12 Educatlon Pro]ect supports a voter There is a lot of power behind . See SESSION on Page 3 1

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, January 2006
:7." (
° ' ° ' II (
C-J aSSIStant busmess edltor dies Thekentucky 31.53am #939.) Is; mm 12-DonnaCannmsaseY-.
:PuhhShed-msnfiflr by flieKentucky .Comtyetsws .-, : ' _ “

John Kirkpatrick, who joined the staff of The Courier-Journal in April as ‘ PressAssocratmn/Kenmcky 17’ress 7 7‘ '2» .7 i, :77, 7 '7
an assistant business editor, was found dead in his downtown Louisville Semce,1nc'11urdClass pofStage:_7is ‘,Dismd,1374D0117White‘713A11C18rS0fi5 7, 7 ._ t]
apartment He was 51. paid 3’ at» rGIasgomia KY 42141: News 2 x ' .: ;; , 1‘

"Aside from being a solid journalist, John was a very kind—hearted per- fiubs‘crifiién pncers$8per7yearQ 7 , 7 7 '7 j 7 1,7“ T717 ,7 7,; ’0
son, Courier—Journal executive editor and vice president of news Bennie '.’P70$tma$tér:Send Changle-addieSs’tO 77 District 1,41" Teresa;7S:centerS,Be1je§7i 77, 0
Ivory said. ”He was the kind of person we need more of in this world.” The Kentucky Press, 1917:,,Consumer: Citizen 7 j 7 ' 'f '7 7 77777 -1 ~,, 7777 0

Kirkpatrick worked at the Dallas Morning News for 18 years, where he Lane, Frankfort, 1014061071; (502.1223; 7~State AM arge77 . 1 ' 77 777 7'27 g
had been a writer and editor on the Metropolitan, Lifestyles and Business 8821, 7 ' ' 7 ‘ 7 7' '7 7, Taylor Hayes KentuckyNeWEra '77' t‘
17637137765177 t 1r tyl’ t 't d 1 t' 1 th htf 1 ' . ' 3“ OFFICERS. ' » -_ Tom CaudfilrLeédngton Heralds 3; n

e was a erri 1c 3 is as awr1 er an a so an excep iona, oug u 7 , " , »- I Leader 7 :.y 1, ‘ ‘11 3. _ i,';7:.i1:
person as a colleague,” Ed Dufner, Dallas Morning News assistant manag— 7 ’ WWW ASSOCIATION ,, Willie SawyerS,London Swfihéi3_ ‘ b
ing editor, said. “John was the consummate professional.” Presld-Em.‘ 3“?th Portmann, 7 . ., , Echo: 1 ‘ . 7 7 '-' - u ,., n

A North Carolina native, Kirkpatrick ”did everything off the wall, when kahn Favorite 7 7 7 7 7 . . 7 Mark Van Patten,l30wl7ing Greer?” ‘1
we were kids, that you could possibly do,” his brother, Thomas Kirkpatrick, ~7 , 73 ‘ 7 , 1 g _ , , 7 .‘DaflyNews‘ " , 7 . 7 P
said, but “he was always very studious he always enjoyed writing. PYeSIdent~Elect~AhceRouse, , - . 7 . _ ' , . ,7 . , ,7 ,77 f? I.

Kirkpatrick had been a business editor at the San Jose (Calif) Mercury Murrayledgerand T139937; 7 _7 7 7‘ 1 7 Diyision’ChaMan; "---'-' 71.7.3777
News from 1983 to 1986, and had worked an earlier stint at the Dallas 37 '73 ‘ ‘ 7 ' 37 ,7NewaEditorial D1v1810n~Mike 3
Morning News, as well as for a newspaper in Richmond, Va., according to Vice PreStdent “K953 1011113011} 7 Alexieff Bowling Cmen'Dail‘y News 77 ,
his brother. LemgtonHerald—Leader 7" 7 V

He earned his bachelor’s degree in journalism from Antioch College in if 7 77-, 77 7 77, 7'” Z7377 77'AdvertlsngIv1510n~Steve 5
Ohio, and he had attended the University of Treasurer~ T%Y191-H3Y?5' ; j, IWheatley, Ehzabethtown News I;

North Carolina in Chapel Hill for some undergraduate work, Kentucky New Era 75' .7 7:77:37 Enterprise "'7 7};

”John was an astute editor who brought a new depth of financial news ', Th _
expertise to the paper,” Courier-Journal business editor Dan Blake said. ”He Feastl’resrdent- 10111119131533 eClrculahoanIsmn-Knssfohnsom 7
FormerHazard Heraldcorrespondentdles Names; " ,

Nerva Crutcher, a former Hazard Herald correspondent, passed away f5 777277-7oumahsmEducahenReresentative
Nov. 5 at the Hazard Appalachian Regional Hospital. Dlsmct2~18dfldhnghmDawsoanH ‘fif'E ILEastemKentExcky

She attended Rogers Branch School before going to work for the govern- DIStflCt 3~ DaV1dj Dlxorn'l’he GmeralCozmsels—IonFlelschakei; A
ment work program NYA. Henderson Gleaner 77 7 AshleyPack,D1nsm01‘€ &:Shohl
Ohio. WMWO‘OY Butlerflow “mammam Staff? : b

In 1956, Nerva Crutcher began working for the Hazard Appalachian Banner 7‘ 7 ” r7 7 7 C77 , DaVIdT'Tlmmpson,Execut1ve
Hospital, and remained there for over 26 years. 17' ‘77 ’, ' 77 '7 , i. 7‘ Duector n

”13111615911911“ 51““ch " BonmeHowardControlIer
Yvonne Eaton, C-J columnlswles at 70 mammwMMmm ~ :1

Yvonne Eaton Willenbrink, a features columnist and reporter for The Courierdfoumal ': 7 . : 7 I JohnWlutlockNewsBureau 7
Courier-Journal for 45 years, died recently at Baptist Hospital East after a 47 1 "*7 ,, ,¥--- Director " 7”" b
battle with cancer. 1335111317‘ K3135)“ WarrudgGallatm DaVId SpencercNewMedla ' , ‘7 , 0

She was 70' CountyNews ‘ 'fi ‘7 1' 12::Ad1maisfiat‘or:~ 7’ . :7 7;:7‘

For decades, Willenbrink took Courier readers inside Louisville houses '7 l3 Barns Bookke in Asmstant 7 n
that were always imaginative, sometimes wacky and frequently just plain 'tUIStmct8~KenMetz,BathCounty ”gégymeéomad, 173p 7 7g, 37:37.77- ~ 7
beautiful,” said Courier—Journal Features Editor Greg Johnson. News Outlook 'j 5;, '7 '7 7 1‘ 7 7rResearch/Marketing Coordinator 7 5

When Willenbrink was introduced to Courier—Journal Magazine readers 3 ', 7, .7'757 " :3 : 7, . 7 ”5,719 Criminack, Admuustrattve
in 1961, along with another new female reporter, she was described as District9—Loretta1‘ackett,1’amtsv1fle Assxstant _ ]
young, talented and extremely good—looking under the headline, They’re Herald {77713 7 .‘f '77Rachel‘McCarty'Advertlsmg ' 7
Lovely, and They Write. , .7 -' “’7’ , '7 , ' , , ' ASSiStanti

Willenbrink who wrote under the name Yvonne Eaton quickly built a ~Dtstric110-Ed1nund8helby77. i ' ; ’7 7 '7 H0115, Willard, WANBusmess Clerk :1 E
reputation as a hard-line grammarian and an eagle-eyed proofreader for the BeattyvflleEnterpnse 777‘" ' » '7 ' 7 ,7 7 7 77 ,. “"‘1'f'fst '7, C
Features Department, as an editor wrote of her in 1972. ‘ 37 ,, 7/7», 7-7 ,17' - , " 7 Staffmembers,off1cer83nddflecmrs

But her legacy became her social and community Contacts and her 79159119117 99115.5??? WHEY, " maybereachedbye-maflusmgthe 7 a
decades as the newspaper’s resident expert on interior design, furniture and Newsfoumal ' ., 77 7' 7' ' _md1v1dual'sf1rst m1t1a1,full last ' 1"
antiques- 7 , - * , 7name@kypresscomiffé E

 ~ The Kentucky Press, January 2006 — Page 3
, SESSION tax would be used to establish a tions on new drivers under the age belt, the officer can pull you over
' children's dental care fund and be of 18. Under the proposal, minors and issue a citation. j
Continued from page 1 divided up for other programs such would be issued an ”intermediate This proposal is probably gener-

. . as mental health and substance license" for six months. Under the ating as much grass-roots interest

Wlth casmo supporters. . abuse serv1ces, Medicaid health prov151ons of the bill, the 1nterme- as any other bill facing the General ,

‘ It should be interesting to see 1f care services, health insurance for diate driver could only have one A bl R t d d‘ t ;
this proposal makes it all the way state and public school employees, teen passenger at a time, could not ssem y' elpor fers an. e 1 ors h j'r

to a referendum. I'm a fan 0f C0h' smoking prevention and cessation, get any moving violations or legal- can expect a Cl 0. reactlon from t e :

troversy that puts two usually public school construction or reno- ly drive between the hours of 12 commumty on thls one. Thls bin

opposing beliefs together for a vation for school districts with and 6 a.m. could be a good source for local "7

common cause ' like temperance growth in enrollment, veterans' Like the tobacco tax, this bill editorials.

' groups and bootleggers teaming up nursing homes, cancer research, could provoke a lot of grumbling These are just some 0f the issues 1
I to fight legal alcohol sales in a and postsecondary tuition assis- among readership. This legislation the General Assembly Will be fac- ‘y
‘ county. When these two sides get tance or the state's general fund. is a good opportunity to canvass ing over the course of the next 60
together, usually its an informal’ This is the kind of legislation local high-school students who odd days.

bond Wlth no real organlzatlon, 1t that will probably go through with- haul all their friends to cheerlead— The budget, which triggered so

makes for 300d COPY ' _ out much of a public fight but ing practice. You could find out much controversy last year, is still

Here are some other interestlng expect a lot of grumbling. It’s hard how its passage could affect insur- on the table 'j

prefiled bills to follow: to defend opposition to any laws ance rates. Are the cops in favor of Wh' ch b'l . 7

l ' HB 103 _ submitted by Mary that could make smokin dri in it? 1 l ls W111 become law. I
' g’ Pp g Will Democrats and Re ublicans '1

L0“ Maralan and l on Draud. or chewin’ less attractive. This is HB 86 — submitted by Charlie p ;

Thls blll WOUld impose e tax Of that kind of bill that could spark Hoffman ever agree? _ . .

. 32 percent Of the gross receipts 0f some good “man on the street” cov- This bill would change current WIH par tisanship w1n out?
wholesale sales of smokeless tobaC- erage. Kentucky law make seat-belt usage Who Will emerge from the '

co, c1gars, loose tobacco, and plpe 'HB 90 - submitted by Tom a primary enforcement issue for upcoming battles as the victor? .

' tobacco. Under the spec1f1cs 0f the Burch D. Keene and Wuchner police. This means if a cop spots Stay tuned for our next exciting 1"
' b111, the money raised from the new This bill would put some restric— you driving without using a seat episode. »
Z The communications award has been resented annuall since 1960 to a I
. . _ : WKU Student newspaper, yearbOOk print journalist whose work contributes tlc: a better public ulrliderstanding of I
. Wln national Pacemakers award at???“ . . E.
, edla outlets, county Farm Bureaus and other farm organizatlons nom- .

Western Kentucky University’s student newspaper and yearbook have inate candidates. A similar award is presented to a broadcaster. ,

continued their tradition of Winning national Pacemaker awards. Sentinel-News Associate Editor Walt Reichert received the award in f

l The College Heights Herald and the Talisman won the awards at the 2001.
ACP/ CMA National College. Media Convention in Kansas City. Freidlein is a graduate of St. Xavier High School and the University of

The Pacemaker awards, cosponsored by the Associated Collegiate Press Louisville. Z

' and the Newspaper Association of America Foundation, are considered to In his role of farm reporter at The News-Enterprise, Freidlein has written
‘ be the Pulitzer Prize of college journalism. extensively on topics such as beef prices, tobacco payments and soybean
WKU was the only university to take home national Pacemakers in both rust. His articles have also dealt with issues that are important to agricul- E

j newspaper and yearbook competition. ture and he has published feature articles on individual farmers. I
The Herald, WhiCh competes in the four-year nondaily newspaper cate- ”John came to the newspaper with an interest in writing about agricul- '

" gory, has won the national Pacemaker 11 times. The Talisman has nine ture and took it upon himself to include stories about farming in the com- 3
j national Pacemakers for yearbooks, including two straight awards since munity that had long been overlooked, Hardin County Farm Bureau 3-
‘ resuming publication in 2003. President Ray Allen Mackey said”. .3,
. ”It’s quite a tribute to the students who produce Herald and Talisman for He made all these things important and brought them to the front page :
‘ both publications to win their top national award,” Robert Adams, director of the newspaper.” E
w of Student Publications, said.

i This year marks the sixth time the Herald and Talisman have won ° ' '

‘ national Pacemakers at the same convention. Former Tlmes Journal edltor WIDS conteSt :
: Herald editors for the fall 2004 and spring 2005 semesters were Danny Beth Foster, daughter of Junior and Connie Foster of Russell Springs, is j
: Schoenbaechler and Shawntaye Hopkins, both of Louisville. the leader of the Indiana weekly newspaper recently recognized as the :
state’s best. f

. ' _ ' The Mount Vernon Democrat, where Foster is editor and general manag—

‘ ‘ Former sentlnel News wrlter honored er, was awarded the Hoosier State Press Association Foundation’s Blue 3
. John Friedlein, staff writer and farm reporter for The News Enterprise in Ribbon at a banquet in Indianapolis. ’ .

E1izbethtown, has been named recipient of Kentucky Farm Bureau 5 2005 The press association awards a daily and nondaily daily Blue Ribbon 1'

i communications award to a writer. each year.

' Friedlein, a former staff writer for The Sentinel-News, was presented the In addition to receiving the Blue Ribbon award, Foster also received an E

.1 award during a ceremony at Farm Bureau’s 86th annual convention. He award for first place for best feature section or page, and third place for best i
3 received a plaque and $300, and Will be invited to take part in Farm newspaper design. She shared in a first place award for best news coverage ; .
Bureau’s 2006 Congressional Tour ,to Washington, DC. with no deadline pressure by a team. 3 '

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, January 2006 ~ =
° P 9
Can I download a paper onto my 1 od .
An-often-mentioned theme dur- .........._, . either but it's reality for many. movie to the store. Cable and
ing this month's KPA convention in Oh, By At my house, my wife and I Internet companies have trials
Lexington will be how to attract new Th W y» bought ourselves a TiVo for underway in communities across '
readers — particularly young ones. 8 ay 3‘3?” A. ' Christmas. It's a digital video the nation that deliver so-called
With that goal in mind, someone in —_— «fin recorder. Yes, it basically does the video-on—demand. It’s all about con— ;
the newspaper field needs to figure 8 1) id G fig same thing a VCR does but only venience. ?
y av reer _ ‘
out how we can align ourselves with Km MW Services §W much eaSier and with more features. Do we see a trend emerging here?
iPod., That seems to be the road to ”M" ‘ It’s a cinch to program it to record a Time will tell but don’t be sur— 1
success in today’s media world. show or movie we want to watch prised if iPod or maybe Son of iPod
I don’t own an iPod. I’ve never newscast and the concept of a week— later — just press one button with no figures prominently in the future of
even held one much less used it. But ly UK basketball newspaper page - setting the time — and everything the newspaper industry. '
frOm what I read, it’s the ticket to among my crazier ideas that actual- goes directly to the TiVo’s hard '
salvation. 1y worked in varying degrees. ‘ drive. No more tapes! No searching . ° ' ' ' ' _'
First came iPod music downloads Apparently, iPod users value the for a blank tape. No more cuing I’m very pleased to report that ,
and then TV downloads. Can down— convenience the little device offers — tapes to the right spot so as not to 107 schools are now members of the ‘
loading the local paper be next? OK. as in taking your music or video erase something else already on it. Kentucky High School Journalism
I know. An iPod screen is tiny and anywhere you go for listening or No more tape jams or tapes eaten by Association for the current school '
‘not designed for text but surely viewing at any time. Yes, newspaper the machine. It’s digital recording in year — our highest membership yet. »
there’s a way around that. readers get that now with our age- the purest sense. It’s the TV we want Sixty-one percent of the KHSIA '
If we want to get our newspapers old paper format but some people when we want it. In other words, it’s schools are sponsored by a local ;
into the hands of more people, just seem to have an aversion these all about convenience. paper. That’s a wonderful record .
maybe this is one way. It’s a crazy days of reading anything on paper. Another big push for the past and represents the highest newspa- .
idea but no crazier than some of the - Put the same material on a screen of several years has involved eliminat- per sponsorship rate so far. But f
others I hatched over the years at some sort — computer, iPod or cell ing the mandatory trip to the video more importantly, it demonstrates .
various newspapers, e.g. audiotext, phone, for stance, and they like it. store to rent a movie on DVD or the dedication Kentucky newspa-
a controversial reader hotline, a Put it on paper and it’s boring — in tape. Or better yet, eliminating the pers have inmentoring the next gen- '
newspaper—based local cable TV their minds. I don’t understand it dull and pointless trip to return the eration of journalists. '
SN D seeks entrles f 01' competition Newshfnrahers
* The Society for News Desi is acce tin entries for the 27th Annual Best of ha. ‘
NeWSpaper DeSign creative cogspetifion? g FIND tIJsCIlteSt 5
The competition is open to all general circulation news a ers - dail or nondai- Sewnik ‘-
ly, broadsheet or tabloid, traditional or alternative - purblighed anychere in the OUT z%&4§Mfl&1KenEquyNW$
. . . . . . . . t’ftetogmgketammfiensamai}?¥ .
world. All entries in this Juried competition must have been published between MORE eoatestefiésemaiaméjanzmanage ‘ ,
Jan. 1, 2005, and Dec. 31, 2005, inclusive. U.S. entries must be received in Syracuse, Louiévifiermtfiast’fheevem’mthe
N.Y., by Ian. 18; international entries must be received by Ian. 25. {karshafiwferMheéefl}mm 1
The full set of rules and forms for entering the competition can be viewed, print- A PPF W“ f“ 339’ -
ed and downloaded from SND‘s web site at ht ' / / www snd or in En lish and reg‘mauon has mfime“. .
- - - tp' ' ' g g been uploaded to Themflandwindgmwzflmkepla - . y
in Spanish and in both Quark and PDF formats or request a copy from SND by accesskpa.com IanEanéisaefitflieahcmthflie - > '
sending an e-mail to snd@snd.org, or contact the Society for News Design at its ’P?
new address 1130 Ten Rod Road D 202 North Kingstown RI 02852-4180 educatxanalsamarlanitmeevmwifl
. , , , , ' memealighoneeenimrewettaeme .
———————————————————— éflsa’m 1
° ° Thefeamdsekexsenesfil’lszdem F .
Courier-Journal W1“ Close three State bureaus thinFeretpenntiehtatah - .
The Courier-Journal will close its regional impacting our readers." TheNBWYGl’kfifI‘K-‘BS,SEWBiddle-sta£f _
bureaus in Hazard, Paducah and Elizabethtown "It will be a terrible thing. People need to know §kgraezWaahmgten€aaganéfm~
early next year, the newspaper recently announced. what's going on," said Bill Gorman, 81, the long- fancepltmegrapherAmyTnsmgfz’o 3
decision, said the closures won't entail layoffs. The to cause all of Kentucky to suffer." ThefenmedWeaeakeremgluéeRay ' " '
three reporters in the bureaus will receive as-yet- Gorman said the newspaper "has been such a Parkanmetegemiemproneer,€erky
unspecified reporting jobs -- two likely in part of the mountains. We have the holy Bible and Seholl,Kfifo~TVmenveg§fPFAfimie
Louisville and a third in Frankfort. The Courier-Journal." CnspyelavxsronNews?hwgrapherofthe , ‘
"We want to continue to focus on local news and Michael A. Lindenberger, the Elizabethtown yearmém‘lha‘fiRw/MWWW‘ .1
He added the newspaper still is committed to out in the state and he worries that more might go Farmoretmfamafimmfifilefitz '
covering the big stories in Kentucky, but "we untold. websfieathwknpaiargfbtcmt65f~a3d§ .
would like very much to grow our suburban cov- "I think it's a huge step backwards it's a real- semarmfarmatronasWeIlasPFffiegef ‘ - ;
erage. We'd like to intensify our online presence to ly sad day for the newspaper," said Lindenberger, stiliandTlees,semmarandawards A 3
continue to improve. the HEWSBoPer in terms of a Louisville native ' " ' ' ~' ’ ‘ ' mehwmégmam‘ "f

 = The Kentucky Press, January 2006 - Page 5 1;
Benjamin Franklin Award of Excellence nominations sought returned our 3;
Did a deserving postal employee go out of the Reppert, publisher of Gazette—Democrat, Anna, IL,
way to provide excellent service in 2005? will present the award. ‘ t 9 ‘
1 Despite the weather, and the challenges of long— Judges are members of the NNA Postal ne survey 9
distance deliveries, did a local postmaster, clerk, Committee, chaired by Max Heath, vice president . .
carrier or administrator go above and of Landmark Community Newspapers, Inc. . . . . f
beyond the call of duty to help newspa- . H Entry forms are in the mail to newspapers. Advertising :i a
pers reach their readers? . In addition, nomination forms are available P133- f 1:
If so, that employee-—and the nomi- at www.nna.org us L é
nating newspaper executive-—may earn ~ under Contests and ””w , :1 .
a trip to Washington, DC, in March, Awards: Ben Franklin.
, 2006, if the newspaper's nominee for '5; Deadline for entries is Feb. 15. Entries K1133 grew Revtset; _ e3
the Benjamin Franklin Community «”3 ”‘t should be returned to the NNA Washington rector 0f a es a. ;
Newspaper and Postal Partnership g, M Office, PO Box 5737, Arlington, VA 22205.
' Award of Excellence is selected as the , Reppert emphasized the importance of _ . _
national winner. 5%“ recognizing local efforts. Starting thls year, the Kentucky Press
. Jointly sponsored by the National ”With hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, Service staff plans to sell more online ,;
, , Newspaper Association and the United MAX changes in postal processing networks and a advertising for members.
_ . States Postal Service, the "Ben" award is HEATH ton of other hurdles for mail service to clear, One of our goals is to establish an ,1
. designed to recognize service by USPS sometimes the overall national delivery pres- Internet banner advertising program for 1:
; ' employees—postmasters, business mail ents challenges to newspapers. But often we its member newspapers. A survey was ,
; , clerks, letter carriers and others—who have provid- find local postal employees doing their level best to recently sent out to member newspapers
. ed excellent service and strengthened the relation- overcome the challenges and help us reach our read— requesting information so that a program ,
- ' ship between the Postal Service and newspapers. ers. Those are the folks we want to recognize, ” he can be put into place. Several newspa- :
A winning nominee submitted by an NNA mem- said. ”This award represents some of NNA's most pers responded by the Dec. 30 deadline.
_ ' ber newspaper will be selected for each state. A important work with the Postal Service, and I However better than half have yet to
‘1 national winner will be Chosen from among state encourage NNA members to participate.” res on d to the surve . {*3
. winners to be flown to Washington, D.C.—-along The award is named in honor of the first US ~ The surve was seth to ad nijma. ers at .1
l with the nominating NNA member publisher or Postmaster General, 'Who was also a newspaper 11K k y If d8 t
.1 editor-- for recognition during the 45th Annual publisher. It was established in 1999 to salute the a entuc y newspapers. you 0 no 1
, Government Affairs Conference. Postmaster partnership between local post offices and commu— have a survey that was sent the flrSt Of
1 General Jack Potter and NNA President Jerry nity newspapers across the nation. December give me a call and we can fax . 1
‘ another form to you. For fastest reply, ;
‘ —————————-————————_—_——_——__ complete the form and fax it to Teresa at
, 0 502-875—2624. 5 3
CNHI estabhshes state news bureau H He Heemeeee 0. He Hem. g3
° h 'l l d h. ° Name of Newspaper E
o to serve its eaVI y rura rea ers 1p .em ~,
' Web site address $
Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. has 20-year journalism career. He has a bachelor's ' Webmaster name 5 E
announced that Ronnie Ellis, a longtime degrees from Western Kentucky University in ' Webmaster email address 3 Z
. Glasgow Daily Times reporter, will become the English and journalism, and has won several Approximate number of impressions 1':
' ‘ chain's Kentucky correspondent in the state awards. Ellis said, "It‘s as exciting a move as 011 main/ front page Of Your newspaper's i
; capital of Frankfort on Jan. 2. His copy will I've ever made in my career." WEbSite during a one WGEk period COSt 0f .' ‘3
move through the CNHI News Service. Ellis will serve a heavily rural readership. a 120X60 pixel ad on your main/ front
l , "Company vice-presidents Keith Ponder CNHI has daily papers in Glasgow, Somerset, page webSIte _ :
_ and Eddie Blakeley created the position with Corbin, Richmond and Ashland, and weeklies If you do “Qt have a web51te,'th_en we : 3
r . the intention of having someone at the capital (some publishing more than once a week) in aSk that the form be returned Wlth a NO ' 3
I Who could delve more deeply into issues Greenup, Olive Hill, Grayson, Morehead, €11“de saying that you (1'0 not have a .
‘ ; affecting communities within the CNHI read- London, Whitley City and Monticello. All the W813 Slte' A network buy 15 bemg devel- 3 f
a ership,” writes Times Editor Todd Garvin. towns are in Appalachia except Glasgow, Opid for those nelwsrpapers who have .
" , Blakeley said, "We hope to bring our readers whose county borders three Appalachian we sétés‘ Encela 1 t €11 :urveys arted t '1
t 1 a different perspective on statewide and polit- counties. Eme 1n, 6 p an WI e'presen e O : ‘
. . , _ . . . e KPA/ KPS Board of Directors Ian. 19. ,
1 _, 1cal news. It Will be more of a behind-the— Only one town, Ashland, IS 1n a metropoli- An one with uestions should call me
i . ‘ scenes look at what goes on in Frankfort and tan area, and its Daily Independent, the at 5022274992 d: email , 1‘
s . how it affects our local communities." largest—circulation (18,678) CNHI paper in trevlett@k ress com ,3 -'
-‘ Ellis, 54, has covered politics for much of his Kentucky, has many rural readers. 7, .. . . , Happy yew \fear' ' . E .

 Page 6 - The Kentucky Press, January 2006 ‘ The Kentucky Press, January 2006 - Page 7 . E
O O O i
In Ore aSIIlg re adershlp 1 S 2006 K1) A Convention Program — Election coverage: How to handle Kentucky’s biggest “What newspapers must do to attract and keep young 3
election year ever, including those judicial campaigns that readers” 3
ThurSday, Jan. 19 may get out of hand. Former Courier—Journal political 2
° . writer Al Cross, now director of the Institute for Rural 1:45-3:15 p.m. - KPA General Session .
a C 0n Stant the I I I e at thl S Frlday, J an. 20 Journalism and Community Issues and member of the Reforming the nation’s high schools: what the public and _ .
Kentucky Judicial Campaign Conduct Committee, will press need to know .
' . give a brief report on class projects —-, last year’s on tobac- Presenter: Dr. Willard Daggett, authority on education 1
ye at 9 S B P A C 011V entlon ThurSday’ January 19 co and its communities, and this year’s on Covering Rural reform (Sponsored by the Prichard Committee) '
‘ . . Elections.
8 am- - Trado Show Vendors Set Up 1:45-3 p.m. — KPA News Editorial Division
' 9-10:15 a.m. - KPA Circulation Division Reporters: On Drugs — covering Kentucky’s drug culture .
‘ 10 a.m. ' KPA/K135 Board Of Directors Meeting Over—the-top customer service and other ‘ in small markets
\ By DAVID GREER, , . i i - 4 , fl circulation success stories Presenters: Dale Morton, Operation UNITE; Ron
. Member Serv1ces Director ‘ 11 a.m. ' Trade ShOW/KPA Registration Desk Opens ’ Presenter: Phil Hanna, circulation consultant, Anderson, Hamblin, Bobby Thorpe Jr., and Teresa Barton, Kentucky »
. The 2006 KPA convention is just days] away. Ifthis year’s event had an official theme, Noon _ KP A/KPS‘ Board ‘0 f Directors Luncheon :’ . , Randles & ASSOClateS Office Of Drug comm] Pelley '
1t would probably be along the lines of How to increase your paper 5 readership — par- _ __ ,
1 ticularly among young people.” . . - . ~ 7 . , 10:30 a.m.-noon — KPA News Editorial Division 1:45-3 p.m. — KPA General Session
1 Those who attend the Ian. 19 and 20 convention at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 1801 2 p.m. - Bus departs for four 0fthe UK microfilm facility —-B ad News and Good Judgment: A guide