xt7hqb9v441r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v441r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1998 Vol.69 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 1998 Vol.69 No.10 1998 1998 2019 true xt7hqb9v441r section xt7hqb9v441r .‘ l
- l i . 1 . , r' . a
Mark your ! THE KENTUCKY omber’ 1998
a: i
calendar i . Volume 69, Number [0
,5 . . 15 The Official Publication
i means-1mm i Of the Kentucky Press
' - MS“ 1 Service .
owns . : l
W“. 4‘ : . . : , I l
an. '21-22 - i
9.; . IQWAWW ‘. é
' i ' l r
: WWW i ’
:  St t O l) l O t
jI By LISA CARNAHAN ' ,_._ fl“ “"‘” "’“’”'"”" ”m” ’ ' ’ ' ” ’ i
KPA News Bureau . '3 «g r ' ' y f .~ 1
.i' (Editor's note: So many people 1,: w ' ' 3; ‘ 1‘ . ; i
have left neu'spapers lately that it 's , 3f“ "p . a .» _ i
" caused KPA members to u'onder....Is . ‘ o 0 i :1. , " . Ir ' V 'y ‘3 i
the trend increasing or is it just the 1 " " "" a . '1 , 1 .' . ' p ,1...“ . . ,3? g” is“ i
natural transition ofjournalists, to , é ‘ V? U 1 .-, ‘ 3'; - .1 it. ‘3 10;; 1
leave the working press to become i ' ‘ v ’ ‘l " , — '- i
:‘_ public relations specialists! One i 5% i
r thing holds true for all those depart- i I I . . . ‘ ‘ ‘
. ed. however. Newspapers are still in l Lawson summers ElklnS WIIIIS Helm Armsuong i
their blood.) i_________________.___-.__._,__fi#_._w__.".1-.._ ""“m‘H—‘WT ' _ _‘ ' ' ' ' ' " ‘ " ' ’ l
f L. . _ .. Press interv1ewed Six who have to manage work and my homelife... of 1:) years.
j; It 5" more than JUSt more recently left and asked them about and I decided I wanted a job with "For 14 years of our marriage,
, money.h Tfie ”$30: goal among their career change. fairly regular hours," said Lawson, she pulled up stakes and followed
5., Lops-:1: to av; 2 iinnrfiwstpager Gil Lawson "Everybody knows the hours me around... from ()ldham County
.‘ mifiiiczstionzupdsitgign: is :nbecttrelr Lawson, after 10 years at The involved with newspapers. It wasn't to Somerset and then to Frankfort."
schedule. It's true, more money was Courier-Journal, decided the sched- that I was being abused or mistreat- he explained. "Each'time, She Mt a
often cited, but never as the number 1119 was too irregular for parent- ed at_ the Courier, I wasn't. BUt it good Job‘ never be'F‘g able to get
one reason people lefi newspapers hood. The father Of three children, was“ t pOSS‘ble for me at tlmes ‘0 tenure In her own 10b because 0f
“ Since the mid 905, a number of Lawson is now a communications PiCk up the kids. or take care of mine. SO those are really the two
, journalists have left the newspaper officer for the Cabinet for Health them when it was needed." reasons... With the overriding one
: industry and joined the ranks of Services. The other factor for Lawson was being regular hOUI‘S-'
- state government. The Kentucky "I found it increasingly difficult a fairness consideration for his wife See STATE. page 5
, ____________________._______
i T h rt d°b°l't NAA ff t t h l
.. " .7 CHARLES L. OVERBY 'Lee Baker, sports editor of the h h h 1 “y
. Freedom Forum News defunct Jackson (Miss) Daily 1g SC 00 n6 Spapers
There’s a lot of talk these News and sports writer of the H' h ‘ h l , b . y d' 1d
days about newsroom folks leav- surviving Clarion-Ledger, retired 1g be 00 newspapers seem to an, . “MUM . en dnger.‘
- ing the business and others want- after 50 years. He gave me my serve as the cornerstone of newspa- spec1es~espemally in schools With
- in to leave first job per recruitment. After all, surveys high numbers of minority students.
1 g This is not new but it seems So th are people leaving the show that 65 percent of journalists In hopes of saving high school
3, to be getting worse, That’s why I news business" The top pre- began their careers out ofa passmn newspapers, the Newspaper
~ was struck by news last month dictable reason .which has been that developed while working on Association of America iNAAi. in a
3 . . ’ . . , their school newspaper. joint effort with Junior
'3'? }nvol;1ng()twodofdmyonewspagelr £2233: :(gngznoir22235'hpag' it: Unfortunately, the ominous fact is Achievement (JAL is offering NAA‘s
, « £35}? vforkdIdeatlfheir ::w;:;;;ré probably is not the moit .dec'ilsixie that most high school neWSpapers Advance Journalism: Running a
‘ for 50 years or more. In the end, factor. See GRANTS’ page 7
.1 their longevity in the business Indiana University journal-
_ L, was as notable as their contribu- ism professors Cleveland Wilhoit I NS' D E
J! tions. and David Weaver have been
The friends: studying journalists for two . .
0Edgar Allen Poe, Washington decades and agree that the exo- Pewhpapasmthe Loyalty’shouldbe Wm
correspondent for The Times dus involves more than pay. mpg.2 ad reps goal...pg.4 mmm
:; Picayune in New Orleans, and Wilhoit cites journalists‘ . . _
1‘ covered every president since uncertainties about the future WWW 3 mac“! 231V”? ImLebatespose 11
.17 Harry Truman. He died at 92. See TURNOVER, page 7 ”I.“ gundnenupg. es ecu y "'pg‘ I '5 tho...”
i . ,

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, October, 1998
K k 1 ' h
entuc y peop e, papers 1n t e news
. . . ' In Atlanta, he was deputy busi- In her new ioh. llutchison will Belo in 1979 as assistant city editor
Eblen ndmed m‘ln‘lglng ness editor. assistant [mg-mp»- ..(h. lie rt-slitiiisllile tor all editorial con» at The Morning News \\ here he
Editor at Herald-Leader tor. business reporter and region tent ot the newspaper alse seryed as l)[l\l[1{'_\s .ahioig pp.
lexington “1““. Tom Fblen al/national reporter Earlier. he _ 1W“ t'tlHHli (lt‘l'H'iX Iil.lii.i‘;!lli'~,' Hll
was hum“?! managing editor (If. the ;\"as an Alp reporter-lip Nashyille. K4 Llrlln pronuncd tor till~1"l “"rlywl M WHHHHH‘HW
and at other papers ered Mcliean ('ounty eyeiits . "N‘li‘l ”“l l"' Al 1'11” a Hl\”1l"i
Moog named president. Hmiwrmu sie a-.. xx-rz-iwi
. associate pl‘iivlliie" tor lllt' l‘i‘l’N .3
Th6 KentUCky Press GM LII Morning News Kentucky Wm. ”mm a,“
Thelx'entuckyPress(ISSN-(Xl23-0324)ispuh- l>istrictl3 Former ()chslwre Mt'SN‘HL't‘Y‘ ~‘l‘”““ 1““ “"‘l ’” “‘l’l‘ "'l""‘*“’l‘
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press (“Jenn (Lray,lylanchesterEnterprise Inquirer publisher Robert \V, Moi‘ig 1” lll'flllL‘THll
Association/KentuckyPressService,inc. .Jr“ hag [,t-pn mlmpd [misidpm and Kathleen h’utledge has pliitlli-(l
"W”dlcal’cl‘l“P‘WK"“Paid atFr‘mkf“fi' DistrictH general manager of The Dallas ”1“ 5W“ 11* '* L‘t‘I‘H‘Nl (I‘SISIJIW'M
“at“ , W. * 'i i ..
Kentuckvl’ress,101CoiLsumerlAne Ninterbetl’ulaskiNews-loumal Mong "1”“ recently SVTVNl 1” giaduate ”l “Mm” ( ”Hm!"- A
pr‘mkfnr}, KY,40001,(502)223-X821.l executive vice president ol'the All Rll‘lt‘d‘s'“ \‘Hrkt‘ll 11* it “it“ \VTIU‘!‘
DistrictlS-A Boln (‘orp l’uhlishing Division. the and photographer tor The
Officersand Directors DU“Whilew‘mdcr‘m‘ Now” parent company of the ()weiisboro ('ollegian. Asbiiry s student news } l
KmkaYPTCS-‘Assmlah‘m paper and The Morning News. lie paper
”‘5‘”“15‘8 was at ()wenshoro from January All” graduating. 5h" *l“"“ H i
I’reSident John Nelson, Danyille Ad“)de'Mv»Cng” 1996 to September 1997. He loii‘ieil See PEOPLE. page 11 I
(luv Hatfield, Citizen Voice & Times ' l
' Stateat large " ‘
l‘residentFlect Sharon Tuininski, Winchester 51in F101 Ida paper battles Odds ‘
Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader
Past President lid Riney, Oivensboro Messenger Inquirer t b] ' h d ' h '
(imeClabes,Horence 7 O pu ls urlng urrlcane
Teresa Mullins, Berea (.llllt'n
Vice President iAl’l —-- It took three stops. but So the team was sent to Naples
Vacant ASS‘Wlal“ DlVNO” the daily Key \Vest (‘itizen finally on the Gulf ('oast. only to turn
Ed M“~"’“““’Komuck.“Educamm‘l found a place to publish while around when (leorges‘ started moy-
Treasurer TelWiSi‘m Hurricane (ieorges battered its ing toward the (‘xult‘ot'MeXIco
Teresa Revlett, McLean County New“ ‘I . offices with 10:3 mph winds. Finally stopping in Broward
District] cigrigtiiiiispreiiiigmnHerald-Leader V Renting nine rooms at the County. the 'Key West stal'ters
WilliamMitchel] FultonLeader ’ ( oral Springs Wellesley Inn in gathered information from its
' News Editorial Division Broward County. the 12»member reporters who stayed in the Keys.
Districtz Mark Neikirk. Kentucky Post news and production teampub- reports from The Associated Press
led Dillingham, DawsonSprings Progress ‘ lished an eight—page tabloid on and photos posted on the lnternet ‘
Circulation Division Sept. :25. They printed 5000 copies "We were not going to let a !
District3 Dave Eldridge, les‘gdmmc loumal and then deliyered them tree to storm det'eat us and we were going ’
Teresa Revlett,McLeanCountyNeWs Keys residents in area shelters and to (leliyer the Key West (‘itizeii as
Journalism Education hotels a daily." llunt said l
QiSU’iS'M _ ‘ . IaAnn Huff-Albers, Western Kentucky The South Florida Newspaper The end result was appreciat i
Lharlie Portmami,Franklin l‘avonte University Network offered the ”5“ of its “(1 i
District?» fl . presses All other production "They were personally littlltlllli‘
David Greer, The KentuckyStandard, (‘t‘l‘eralL“”“~“~’l5 p ‘ cqtiipment was carried up from the them out indiyidiially to each per
Bardstown 1”" F1915d‘akermd K'"‘(’r“"'“’ Keys son." said .let‘t l’irandt. .i Monroe 1
DinsmoretfizShohl "llaye newspaper. will trayel.” (‘ounty l’ire Rescue paramedn ‘
Districtéw _ publisher Bill Barry said "The assisting at the Florida International 1
[)Omthy Abernathy, Oldham Era Kentucky Pm» ":‘b‘s‘lmdtim only thing we needed was a printer l'niyersity shelter where hundreds ot l
Kentucky Press Sery'icebtatt . ‘ * . . _ ‘ ‘ t
District7 David T Thompson, E‘U‘CLIUVC Director andwye HUI It , ”mm “1“wa “in “MN”
Kelley Wamick,Gallatint‘ountyNews Bonnie Howard,Controller ‘ llie crew landed 10a miles It was yer) nice It .lli\'illlli l\
Gloria Day'is, AdYt‘rhSIHgl)lrL\‘ti)r from home alter t‘rlSNt'l‘lis‘sllig the lilted up their spirits he said l
Districtt’r‘) Lisa Camahan, News Bureau Director state running from Hurricane saw peoples laces light 1][I\\lllllil:'
KenMetz,BathCountyNewsOutltka RebalpwisResearch/MarketingCmrdmaior (ieorges An adyance team was smiles and heard people saying.
”Mn“ ltHl Sue Cammack, Administrative Asgismm sent to‘llomestead in south Miami "Wow' The Key \Vt'srtd ‘itixen' The \
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Buffy SamsBookkeeping Assistant llade (, ounty. according'to execii were expecting l he Miami .
David Shropshirelndiana SalesSupernsor tiye editor Bernie llunt Ihen lorer Herald or the  nd T‘Hd "n in?! S S( )n‘ll thtx
_ 1 g. ‘th me 8 end SS m SS TD 0U Ct, W, UC h th Ih r. rd, h up no gu' ’U 1}
tlnll (’runl‘ 8”’n K“ at K 01' how 91- " nd 9 0C' en 0c' a .m 59 LI}. 31h “(w ad (rm 1* (‘ fr xtd llt rCE. “q
10 fl bS( S b’ntu 9 a a to b J Ir D lat' t 8 lat' Vld a] dlt th , th ’8” n ‘ S. . () ()n 11 Y. t} .
‘t 11] _ ”v. r Ck nla fre ggr 111-8 1m an Inn it Ion T 'Al or ,"r, , by 0 (H . ‘llq ur ‘t ' y" IQt
, h" r“ d‘faghty; thffv st, 9 me:- p mori’gch‘xoygnfi’fey“Klfigmg‘: pritaig 339$?“ i2“,NZ.Eiec-tn ‘h~‘£).’~v15?1‘,*~’°s‘}“ ind.
‘('hcqto ‘ orb ‘1 1in [at dtb R ES . adu at eAard te f he LhO er] On OFCnt l'dsd a} of his 5 N)n§ t ”nor [Infill-(’11) ‘g.
0 (”"1th “(RN 01v (x81 ( (as Inev- cah had gsoc‘fromrom (“J rePry Gr the (“in (”fig the. way etW U th s in ’ "J thh
th ”113.65 “In )fth(’rt fir, ”ab co ha ‘at th Je ’ CheSe “en “0f w m. ‘ 3'} 9m 0 m "n “(1,:
hi “I“ ht )tli 0, ‘tt let unt Pp (-dp e ffe ‘6 "ta; 9 t wh fa. (St «ws {1n {Si “(1' of} c.
“‘(i , ’n hw ght-‘o 0b ha y 6n r EV r80 f 13‘ th’ r8 y 'rt .3k‘ Po “5 C) '11 - )rn
: n th tho féii jggun "r0 tho .dge. rt1h e d Evil] Olin 1C gativas irfi ask rulel tQp ‘ pro ‘M 3: th udi
! (. \ .S‘l T Inbd. D' th 1C, ”1 Gus. ay 8(1 ty "L‘ ekn p ed S": S“ Son ) th 0 ‘ ng
‘Ilchnlb C()U t} qrh (- s t at neq . 9 m bof “d , 0rd 1k e 03in , Sh I )ba t .. o (’b Stllf‘
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' page “L

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, October, 1998
' ' G a1 h Id be
Paper makes big profit 0 S ou customer
. O O .
from small advertisers loyalty, not JUSt satisfaction
The Santa Maria appliance/repair stores -—.——-— experience. But for some reason or
(Calif) _ Times , and Realtors. A . © ’ 2 another, it‘s a long time before you
( m 0 Y‘ n 1 n Ev - { .8 Almost all Of d'llbs { i ‘ ‘ visit that restaurant again. Or per-
a p p r o x i - 3 I“: the ads repre— MN , .. ‘l haps you don't return at all.
33 30308) It: g7}...- ggu‘ $3,; 5 at 2:"; n ens“: Even; though you are satisfied.
’ . . ‘1; ,1;* I1" 5* .H 5} ' ’ By John Faust WU at?“ t 1W 81-
making blg Trin'flfigkmlph hiyyfiifidg: and all the Raleigh.N.C. . y .. Businesses need loyal cus-
buckls from. E“‘$3 w i” 0‘ ad vertVisers tomers in order to thrive in today's
2T: witivieil‘siiew seeifié‘fiiigtifrt-li‘v: .. A. ‘0‘ ”f b ‘a'k i‘b‘m‘ 'Vf”k“.“f‘,“‘.‘" Th3 .”°"d W
program that generated been good for all of us," taking care of customoers. But :yio wi tome ack again... and
$10,000 in its first month. says Anglin. what do the numbers say. W: B 'tt B . , l f d i f
Business Builder targets the The small ads are easy to scatter T ‘ficgtrdlmi to Yasm’nfléonbasefi America: starlight awn?“ acdoii- 1
small, service-oriented companies throughout the paper. Anglin I)? nufll fgyy; escarc f sumer behavior research tirm in .
that. don't usually advertise and especially likes to group three ograms, nc. ' i' percent 0 t‘h'irlcx't (So’tl L 1 , 'l , rt‘
offers them 75 percent off if they two-column bv two-inch ads across a merchants unhappy customers h( d £10”: 7 U. 1. aro Nikki“ 6 ,
run the ad every day without any the bottom ofthe page WI“ never do business there again. :1 L t taking) mi.Whtf)vr\I;.CrkOy-d ty m
changes. The ads are either one or The program is so popular that Whats more disturbing IS the mid l: M}, . rm a‘toryl h ‘lr eting. In i
two-columns by two-inches. Anglin thinks he can move the ing that, typical mistreated CUS— {9.30 t N “flying: {)ya‘tydlevel Wdh f
"It's been a great boost,’ savs rate a little higher. even as he tomers WI“ t9“ Hahn” 1b other peo~ bbtpyrunt ”V 1‘ i“ It 2: . timwf‘fl 1
Tobey Anglin, advertising direc— signs up more advertisers. ple about the.” negative Pvanomm‘ 11”.. I .Ilwlr.;“nf' in}; m 1‘ J6 It “a“ d
tor, The paper sold 33 in the first 1(‘onfucf: Tobey .Atrig/m, The Santa ,It doesnt take a mathematical ( lfinjp; .1 2”” n ' f .. , tl' . l
month to such varied clients as Maria Tunes I805) 7392226. genius to realize that a handful “f . def landincniimru 'Mt‘ EM; 1
insurance companies, hair~ Reprinted from the June issue of talkative malcontents can hurt a sumt ,rk (,lrlv, . .( rill?” m,“ niotr'ttan .
dressers, massage therapists. Big Ideas.) local‘merchant. . .n i‘ “mi”- (N. Hr ( x.” (i d Hm”
So the challenge 15 to have gm, are not being met. ()r exceeded.
isfied customers. right'.’ Not really, What‘s a loyal customer Worth'.’
G ' because satisfied customers sink Beemer calculates that a 30-year
1' I I I I I6 I I I), newspaper. . . buglnossesy (0,, old man who spend $25,000 on a
_ Loyalty is the key. There's a big car can conceivably buy 20 more
o o . . (jifi‘pnmu. between customer satis» cars in his lifetime. With inflation.
Wlth ever tth In It ' faction and customer loyalty. For h“ 1* *1 potential 31 million CUS’
y g ' example, let‘s say you have dinner tomer. H“; h‘fla‘ trt‘i‘ltt‘d right,"
I'm going to give 75 cents to the times and the closing stock market at a restaurant. 1." your hometown. tBeemi-r says. hm w1te H ”k?” to I
newspaper staff. Divide it up any prices. The meal is delicious. the serVice .h it a costomer. too, And dont org‘et
wayYou wish. I “'1 break the law, I don't want I’rf’mpt and the atmosphere .15 tihv cars by may buy for h” ah”-
Now for that 75 cents I am giving you to print my name in the paper. enjoyable. If someone were to ”SK' ( H.121; (HY, 31:1}: fill-Mid} ”(dink ,
you tonight, I want you to deliver and I have a friend who is in trouv you would say that. you WOW com» rans d ( h 1m 0 hm mg
tomorrow to my house a newspaper ble too, so you can leave that out, pletely satisfied With your dining See CUSTOMER page 5
that will contain more reading mat- too.
ter than the current best—selling Another thing. I'm sick and tired
novel. ot' misspelled words in your paper.
I want all the news, And I want For 75') cents. you ought to do better Video workShop can help
every bit of it to be tresli I want By the way, l eat promptly at :3
pictures of all local accidents, tires. p m. and my paper better be at my your staff create better ads
iiieetiiius and events that I'm inter; tront door bet'ore that Not on the
ested in. and I don't want to see steps. not in the rain. not in the "
any that attend me. either. front yard 5 ~ . ~ -
I expect you to tell me who dies, “hen l meet you on the street, I fif" ’L I ' i _
who was born, who was divorced expect you to tell me all the inside 35;. “."qmanM-"WP’ , ,. \
and who was married in the last dope I expect you to serve as pub g? "' k.‘
\veek, including the last 24 hours licity chairman tor eyery committee Elan“ - “m" '12-; pm
I want to know what those guys in town. too It I call the paper and \l ‘ i ,
in government are doing with my ask you how many kids Al (‘apone '
tax money, I want to understand had or what round Denisey .
all of the important events, plans knocked out Tunny ior was it the ‘ _
and results, but I don't want to other way‘.’i I expect you to know u . . ' ‘ ’ I
have to waste more than a couple of and tell me. Right then ’
minutes on your story Next week I'm going to start my A last...a program that is tailor-made for newspaper‘sl
I want to read just as much about own business, and I want a news Basics oj'lxzyoutand Copyis getting rave reviews from
the Liberals and New Democrats as item about it publishers and ad managers coastmfoagr
the Conservative and the Reform A picture would be even better. lt'saworkshop,not alectureYour staff will beinvolyed
party. Advertising" No. It you run the from the start—workingon layoutsgetting ad ideasand
Don't tell me you can't do it story and the picture, I Won't need writing moreetfective headlines.
That's What I invesmd my 75 com“ any adwmsm“ Find out howtotrain your staffthequick and easy way.
for. The only reason you won't do it But, if you straighten up, I will Write lodayforfrcc brochure '
is because you don’t have any com— give you another 75 cents for the '
petition day after tomorrow john Faust AdvertisingScmmurx
I want all the supermarket (Reprinted from the West P()BOXlO86l,Ralelgh.NC 27605,fittthKi‘t-Ztlbti
prices, a list of people with used Virginm Press Association ncu's/ct- m.mmgmwmwini w M!v-a~~w-~~~w‘
cars for sale, the movie and TV fer;

 The Kentucky Press, October, 1998 - Page 5
Fl ldtakttll l d d tffd
i o __ 5 and 20 percent otthe population suffers from flu England Journal of Medicine.
l P, esstng Issues each season That many of" those cases go far Healthy adults receiving shots in that
‘ heyond chills and fever is demonstrated in the study reported 25 percent fewer cases of' upper-
1 -—-——-—-—————-———-———-—— (‘l)(‘ s estimate that about 20.000 deaths in the respiratory illness, 45% percent fewer sick days
i v t » . , ,
1 By Jerry Hilliard and Randy Hines l “it'd NM!“ NV“ W'é'r “1“ l‘“ ”WM ‘0 “WP“ and 44 percent fewer Visits to doctors offices
‘ East Tennessee State University cations related tn flu. sllt'll 1l> pneumnnia than ot hers who received placelios The
‘—.~~A__—_____m_rmWWWHAW For many years, the lienetits of annual flu r‘thnhprg estimated a “\mil h, the pmphw”
To many people. (lctnlier is the month when \ accinations for high risk groups have been ”1‘75“; H5 per yucr‘lnutlluy
ghosts and gohlins come calling To other» it ividely accepted The Mayo ('linic considers peo llr Kristin Nit-hoL who directed the study
signifies the arrival of something even scarier ple to he t‘spt‘t‘lztll_\ vtilnerahle to flu it they are at ”W ymprzms Affairs Medical (‘Untpr m
flu season. . H?» or older. live in nursing homes or other Minneapolis. told l'SA Today. "I'm not saying
Recent research has pointed out that noth~ extended care facilities. suffer from chronic dis ”1.” .1“ ltt"tltll\' Working “1,11“. should ”M flu
. .. ‘ ‘ ' . ~ ‘ r ' i 9*
mg yvnrks as well as or is as cost-effectiye as orders such as heart conditions and diahetes. or shots. lint n s an important consideration. and it ‘
vaccinations when it comes tn keeping the flu have weakened immune systems would most likely l“, henefici'il m most years ..
bug out of newspaper plants and other \yorkr Although the \‘alue of flu shots tolr healthy This April. ”1“ Journal ”t Occupational and
placles. Armed :ltl] this he“ lllfitfttltndllltinf .Idultstpreyiously \lxas a inlatter of de ilate. ({Wl Environmental Medicine published the “”de
‘ .,s, \. y-i~ 'i' l I i'- \‘i'-; -'- ' '- 5 ; f . .
(mp ()_\t rs art ta mg st< ps to ma t surt tit ir ttntt roni .t\t ri rt ti tit \ ton-t tittit tiit It s of one M the 1;”th studies of a workplace flu. V
emplovees receive flu shots each year indicates that the potential henefits including , _ .. y , , _ .
.. ~ . ‘_ t . shot program lhe study Hl\tll\t'(l nearly 4.4”“
I Influenza is not an insignificant disease. cost~etfectiveness easily outweigh lllt nega . 4 ' . ‘ ‘
i . . . . . ‘ employees of the .fiM (ompanv in the
warns Dr, Jim WLilsnn. chair of the family medr tives “Hm“; m“ \‘t [,Vm] ”H ’
‘ cine department in East Tennessee State Medical professor Lawrence Ellis said in a ' Th‘ lr ‘ fir h (r r ‘H l l m“ int n lu
, . V , . V , _ . V . t e t's‘t'i c t' s e )ti‘ H s r t': 't t‘
Iniversitvs Qtiillen (ollege of Medicine lts ISM» issue of the l ntyersity of l’ittsliurgh s _l l“ .
i H * . ,A . ,V ,, ‘ tions in the