xt7hqb9v430m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v430m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2006-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2006 text GLSO News, October 2006 2006 2006-10 2019 true xt7hqb9v430m section xt7hqb9v430m Ga and
"at es. la"
.. we“
at 38m?“ , October 2006
A Publication of the L‘exingtrm Gay and L‘esliian Services flrganizatiim
Volume 21 Number7
IT! A M ATTER 0F PRIDE Marriage Equality Matters
, . The Bluegrass Chapter of the
Centérddfalghesgiuwe TaggerfilithehfieEng: Kentucky Fairness Alliance will host a free
We dries da Octoger 18 at the Bar educational forum on Sat., October7 at the
Complex y’Doors open at 8 m and the UK Law Courtroom, 620 S. Limestone. The
h . ’ h d l df 9 AF; _ , , forum, entitled Marriage Equality Matters,
S owls SC e u e or pm. mis3ion '8 will begin at 1 pm with a reading of the play,
$5 With proceeds to benefit the Pride Tyingthe Knot, by David Rush.
Cent1elrlofthe Bluegrass. The play focuses on several gay and
f t .'S prim]: es toBbeCaugregt 820‘” lesbian couples and explores how the lack
ea uring a oya é a ’ un ae of civil marriage rights effects their
DeLarouge, Crystal Diamond, Natalie relationships. Mr. Rush will answer
Gaye, Jennifer Grant, Lady Marmalade, . .
Bunny Marshall Kristen Miranda questions afterthereading.
. ’ . ’ At 3 pm refreshments will be served,
Empress XXV Sierra Reign, and Kenneth followed by a presentation by Evan
J.Squrres. . . _ _ , Wolfson, Executive Directorof Freedom to
Centgiif8§glfilieciupit€e“3:13;: :5de Marry. Wolfson is a civil rights attorney and
. ' . a longtime leader of the marriage
book or Video, schedule a meeting, or movement. Moreinfo on page8&14.
consider renting the space for a party.
Annual Meeting
fijya' 0f figrkne'gé The Bluegrass Chapter ofthe KFA will
host its annual membership meeting
Come kick off your Halloween early October 24 at 7 pm in the lower level of the
as the Imperial Court of Kentucky hosts its downtown Central Public Library. We invite
annual Diva of Darkness Pageant at the you to come hear what the chapter has
Bar Complex on Wednesday, October been doing and learn ways to become
25th at 9:30 pm. Doors open at 8:30 pm active. For more info, contact Cindy
with a $5 cover. Proceeds benefit the Downeyat859-539—2703.
charities of the Court, including GLSO,
AVOL, Moveable Feast, KFA, and ; ' ’
Bluegrass Fairness. % Debra Hensley
Vtfith categories like Creative Funeral ‘
Wear, you're bound to be entertained. . Insurance
Potential contestants may pick up .
applications from Brad @ the Bar, or by ‘ 1513 Nicolasvflle Rd.
emailing Empress Sierra at %
bradleyeday@yahoo.com or Emperor 3 859 276—3244
John at Ursaloc02@aol.com There is a
$10 application fee. .
See you there! ,

1:3,, l- E S B I A N The Imperial Court of Kentucky will sponsor
:42}, SERVICES the Mr. Kentucky Leather 2007 Contest. The two
" ORGAN IZATIO day event will be held Friday and Saturday,
Lexington, Kentucky October 20 21, at StarbaseQ, 921 West Main
Street, in downtown Louisville. The contest will be
6 ['80 NEWS produced by Kentucky Leather Productions with
‘ Ky's Leather Clubs: the Lexington Lyons Leather
Vol. 21 No.7 Club, the Louisville Nightwings, and the Louisville
published Monthly by: Trailblazers serving as co-sponsors.
GLSO The weekend will get undenNay with a
reception on Friday, October 20 at StarbaseQ for
R0- BOX 1172 Lex., KY 40588 judges, contestants, and special guests from 9 to
wwwlexmgtonglso@yahoo.com 10 PM. This will be the followed by a Meet and
www.glsopc.org Greet that will include the introduction of the
- contestants, judges, and special demonstrations.
News Ed'tqrs The contest will he held on Saturday,
Mary Crone & Jackie Cobern October 21 , 2006 at Starbase Q. at 11 PM. Doors
will open at 9:00 on Saturday. Cover for Saturday
Pride Center Office Manager night will be $5. The opening ceremony on
. Saturday night erI include a Color Guard, the
BI” Chandler Leather Anthem and a Parade of Colors.
859 253-3233 Kentucky Bootblack 2006 Pony will offer boot
__—_ polishing. Several gift baskets will be raffled.
GLSO BOARD Judges for the contest are: Rev. Dan
Newman, Mr. Tri-State Leather 2001; Donnie Ray, .
Tom Collins, president :VI: Kertituck|y I;_et.:itt)her129%%5;R'i‘homass Smith, Align
n erna iona u er ; oger pencer, r.
Ben sa'yfys’ Secretary International Daddy Bear; and Mistress Tammy,
JaCk'e CObem Great Lakes Master and Slave 2004.
Mary Crone The winner of the contest will represent
Aaron Hutsen Kentucky and the Imperial Court of Kentucky at
- - the 29 annual International Mr. Leather
Lmdsay Mattingly competition in Chicago, IL, over the 2007
Sondra Mew)“ Memorial Day weekend. Net proceeds from the
Terry Mullins weekend will benefit the charities of the Imperial
GLSO Membership For. additional information and/or contest
& Newsletter applications contact Larry Stanley at
In divi duals/Couple s LDStanley09@aoI.com or 859-312-3816.
$20 per year .
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are Deadline for NGWSIetter
those of the authors and don't necessarily October 1 5
re resent those of the GLSO Board. -
Sfbmissions received afterthe deadline, which send ameles’ a.ds’ and Changes to
is the 15th of each month, may be cut or not the d'reCtory to
pn'nted when space is limited._ The start . marycrone@insightbb.com &
$321925: the right to edit or reject submrssrons I exi ngt O n g I s o@yah O o. c om
' put "newsletter" in subject line
GLSO page 2

Communit N '

I I] (5103


I; Robbie Bartlett In Conceri chmgton lyoni leather/ten (lub

le On Wednesday, October 11, Robbie The Lexington Lyons meet the second

ih Bartlett WI“ be Performing in concert at Monday of each month at the Pride Center,

er Comedy off Broadway. Comedian Bernie 389 WallerAve. at 7 pm. In October that will

e Lubbers WI” be joining her for an evening be Mon.9. The Lyons are a group offriends
ofgreatentertainment. Admission is $5 at that come together to celebrate strength,

a the door, show starts at 7330- Tickets unity, and diversity in order to form a bond

if available www.comedyoffbroadway.com. within a community that enjoys the Leather

0 Robbie has been performing in /Levilifestyle.

d Central Kentucky for several decades. Membership has grown steadily over

e Her talent and strong sense 0f musical the last year and we now have 14 active

. direction is electricand engaging. She has members. For more info visit

1, a warm, smokey alto voice which she puts http://wwaexlyonsorg.

s to good use in a diverse repertoire. She

y includes torchy blues songs, jass and SisterSoundlnvitation

n R&B favorites and some raucous

3 numbers thatwillgetyou on yourfeet. SisterSound is looking for interested

._ women to join the chorus. We do not require

1 Dress and Gender Alliance auditions. Come toa rehearsal, meet some

people, try Singing With us and see how much

I The Lexington Dress and Gender fun we havetogether. Rehearsals are at6pm

_ Alliance (also know as the Diversity in eve ry Sunday at Landsdowne Cumberland

.' GenderAlliance) is reorganizing. We are Presbyterian Church, 333 Redding Rd. For

; rsgjdigzgr ainnperf ngme :nd/gyieegouédc Information call Patti at 806-0243 or email
organizational matters. We still meet on paowens@eXCIte.com

t the first Saturday of each month at a ...Visit:www.geocities.com/sistersound for

t private location. more inforamtion about us. .

' LexDGA is a peer support group for '

' anyone that transcends gender norms. Quirk Cafe Grid Coffee

I This includes transsexuals, intersexuals, . , .

I cross dressers, drag kings, drag queens, _Q”””k Cafe 8‘ Coffee ‘5 located on
gender queers, and people who are Railroad St. in Midway, KY. Itis an easy15
unsure what their gender identity might minute drive from Lexington. We feature
be. This is not a therapy group but we live music every Friday from 5:30 to 8 pm.
offer some honest conversation and For upcoming events YOU can call QUIFK at
support. Call the Pride Center for more (859) 845-4583 or check 0” line at
info at253-3233. wwwkygallervoom/duirkl.

. _ We are now open on Thurs, Fri. and
Gay Prlde Union Of Ky Sat. evening, serving our full menu. We
The Gay Pride Union is a peer support offer _a variety Of salads, soups,
group for the GLBT Community in sandWIches and wraps. You can select
Somerset, KY. For more info email: from our 23 different gourmet press pot
Alexstalcup@yahoo.com :ggfrez: & teas along With fresh baked
page 3
'“' "r——-—W

 Wishing (hair Computer Classes
Wishing Chairhas been nominated byJP Aaron HUtSOfi, a GLSO‘ Board
Folks for several 2006 awards fortheir recent Member, is teaching evening WOFKShOPS
CD Underdog, Including; in Excel and Photoshop at the Carnegie
Best Americana Song; Calamity Jan Center for Literacy and Learning. If you
Best New Folk song; Sidewalks are a beginner or if you want to improve
Best Roots Song: Sue Mundy your skills, this class is for you. Classes
Best New Folk Album: Underdog start in early October, .so sign up today.
Congratulations to Miriam and Kiya for Email cc||1@carnegieliteracyorg or call
creating such wonderful music. See all the 254.4175 or to register. Scholarships are
nominees at www.ipfolkscom/homehtml. available, _
Scroll down the home page to see Wishing Two informal Saturday W9rk5h°p5
Chair's album cover along with those of the are also offered, $30 each. Keeping Track
top nominees This is an impressive M“ be on Sat. OCt'ZB 11, am— 1 pm. Learn
accomplishment; only 1 in 300 songs got how to make your I'fe eaSIer. Topics
nominated andlessthan 1 in 50 albums. 301/9ng include. tspreadsheetsi
. . .. . a a ases, protec managemen
l .Wh.'s:'1ng phelf‘s on to??? they wgl :36 software, email, and organizers. Please
p aying in eVicmi yacoup e o imes in c. bring samples ofdata orprojects.

' Friday, October 13, Women Upfront Prod. Digital Photo Triage is offered on Sat.
York Street Cafe - 738 York Street Oct. 21 from 11 am — 2 pm. Topics covered
Newport, KY -Showtime: 8:00 PM include: scanning, retouching, saving,
:$10 in advance and $15 @ door digital cameras, and memory cards.
Saturday, October14th, lndylndie Concert Please bring photos In. any form.
7,30 pm 7780 Eagle Valley Pass Questions? Please email Aaron at

' - u . u .
Indianapolis IN 46214 __@g____ahutson mail com
SCOTT AckermCln Real Estate Service With
, BESUIJ'S t71_
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MOblleZ 859 338-8483 _
Fax: 859 269-0065 . .
E-mail: SAcker4224@aol.com m sen/”’9 Lem-0’0” 8‘ Q
mm All of Central Kentucky "3.22m
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
naue 4

 Sponsor of the Month
Debra Hensley Insurance
Where diversiiy, fairness and respect are valued.
Insurance and Financial services K
, Life
I l— Home
L m Health
Busmess Ia; .-
Retirement Planning
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington, Kentucky 40503
{Across from UK Foofbo/I Sfodium)
859 276-3244

 o O -
Pride L enter News
,- o
389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 Moll. - m. 10 - 3 Sill 10 - 2
7773 Pr/fle Cem‘er 13' also open Wed 5 — 7 pm and Thurs. 3 — 5 pm
Pride Center Activities saluruaii 3mg|es
91.0 ‘I’ A group for singles, women and men,
IEXih “ Insigh is starting at the Pride Center on October
Pafl‘mk d”dD/.S’6'(l&9l0/I 6’04” 14. at 7 pm. The purpose of this group is to
Every Friday night . open to all give support to people who are single and
Pride Center 7:30 pm would like to meet other people.
Individuals who are new to our
DISCUSSION GROUP community, recently coming out, single
Every Wed. 7 Pm Open to all again, or 'looking for new friends to
_ SOClallze With are welcome. Come help us
Jane: ladylaneky@yahoo.com plan some activities at this organizational
, meeting. We are open to ideas .about
Reflffie Pr/de Ue/lfef outings and/or plan activities for other
There are a number of times when the Saturday nights. Call Jackie at 859 971-
GLSO Pride Center is not being used for 3315for more information.
meetings, discussion groups, etc. We . .
would love to rent this space for $25 a hour, VOIWtee" OPPOWWtWS ,
With YOU dOinQ the Clean Up- It is freShly 1. Keep the Pride Center open one Saturday
painted and looks great. If you are looking a month 10 am _ 2 Pm- Or one evening a
for a space to have a party or reception, week 5 _ 7. This could be a shared
contact our office manager, Bill at 253-3233 responsibility. (can Bill at 253-3233)
2. Start a group for parents of GLBT people.
0 Could be affiliated with PFLAG (Parents,
:11 {LS Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays.)
or it could be just a discussion group. (call
cc - - mary 266—5904»
Everythlng OI" somethlgg 3. Distribute this newsletter to a couple of
for all your Glft Needs locations. (call mary 266—5904)
502-868-963 5 4. Write for this newsletter. (call mary)
ddh3498@bellsouth.net 5. Start a movie night (or afternoon) or other
social event at the Center. (call Bill)
, 6. Hel us with a fundraiser
Donny Hrdhcka & Russell Draper P
D841 Gifts Diversity Directory
_ . . The Humanitarium Diversity Directory
Come Check out D&R 9'“ W'th ”ems is available at the Pride Center. This
ranging from home decor, bath productsi directory lists many organizations in
tools, and everything 'n_ between. They Lexington that are working to make
carry affordable and unique Q'fis for all Lexington more inclusive. Both GLSO and
occasions. Stop by the Pride Centertoday KY Fairness, Bluegrass Chapter are
and PICK UP a COPY ofthe catalog, M sponsors of this publication. Pick up a
m or 0001301 Donny and RUSS at 502' copy nexttime you visitthe Pride Center.
GLSO page 6

All-lawn mimcmunuuussmss
: ‘4‘?-
, 0F 1’ 5
0 'V ‘ Ii 3 '
. ..- .fi‘ La ona gawk
I 5 ,4 7
, _ ”i5 . _ Sundae DeLaIwga
a I , ”f 3:13:41 DIIIIIIoIId
’ fl ' “18% fig”
. I Jennifer Grant
\. {I -- . W
- 4 , bunny Mussel-MI
" . Imam. Mimosa
.‘iIIIpIm XXI/1m W" " I
W I m madam-norm;
I - , mmcmronflumatmnmm
l. in}: Themission oiIheGLSO Pride Center ofthe Bluegrass isIo inpmvethe quality ofliie of the Gay, Lesbian.
Bisexual and Transgendered Individuals and Ihelriamllles of Central and Easiem Kantuckyby provldlng a
i """‘"“ community focal point through outreach. information access and support.
11:06.80!" mammuwmmmmm
page 7

 KFA Presents Siii‘t'é‘ydi'r‘i‘igmé’dféfi;Sniifi'aifigiiieiti‘i
Marriage Equal“), Matters the meet and greet. The audience will have
with Evan Wolfson and David Rush ample opportunity to ask questions of and
receive answers from Wolfson and the panel
On October 7‘“, the Kentucky Fairness at large.
Alliance will host its annual fundraising The Bluegrass Chapter is extremely
dinner at the Hyatt in dOWNtOWN Lexington. excited about hosting this educational
The eventwillfeature keynote speaker Evan forum_ "This forum is an excellent
WOifSOH Who iS the executive director Of the opportunity to fu|fi|i the part of our mission
nationally acclaimed QFOUP Freedom to dealing with educating the general populace
Marry. Wolfson will address the important about LGBT issues. We hope that bringing
issue of marriage equality. To lighten things Evan Wolfson and David Rush to the
Up a bit. the comedian Jade Esteban community will produce a huge turn outwith
Estrada will perform at the dinner as well. lots of audience participation,” says Cindy
interested parties can find additional Downey’ Chair of the Biuegrass Chapter.
information on Wolfson and his organization “Since the event is free, I hope to see
at www.freedomtomarnr.org and further many members of the community in
info r m a t i 0 n 0 n E 5 t r a d a at attendance,” says event organizer Paul
www.getiaded.com. Brown. For the latest on the educational
The dinner, organized by Sen. Ernesto forum, go to www.kentuckyfairness.org, and
Scorsone and Debra Hensley, has already check out their Get Active section or call
proven a huge success for KFA. In fact, it is Paul Brown at859-227-5004.
sold out. However, those who want to hear _
Evan Wolfson speak will still have the M°re Fe'mees News °" Page 14-
opportunity. The Bluegrass Chapter of KFA See Insert for Fairness Ad you can post.
will host a free educational forum called
Marriage Equality Matters with Evan 33.3,; ,“Ker the love you find.
Wolfson among others during the day of Get the love you want!”
Saturday, October 7"" at the UK Law " ‘
Courtroom at 620 S. Limestone. '
Marriage Equality Matters will begin at Jessica Bollinger LCSW
1 pm. with the reading of the play Tying the - - -
Knot by David Rush, a theater professor at Imago Relationship TherapiSt
Southern lllinois University. The play follows EMDR meme “’9’,"
two gay couples and one lesbian couple Couples, Family, Indlwdual
through their relationships. The audience imagoconnection.com 552'5533
will get to explore what happens to the
couples as a result of not having been
allowed the same marriage rights as their imago Therapy Workshops
heterosexual counterparts. After the Jessica Bollinger continues to offer
reading, executed by volunteers from UK's great Imago workshops for couples.
theater department, the author David Rush Unlike other relationship therapy
will participate in a question and answer approaches, these workshops offer ways
sesswn. , _ for couples to reconnect in a positive way
'mmed'ete'y efFe’ the .queet'en and immediately. You then build on these
answer seSSlon With DaVId Rush, the feelings to establish positive
audience will have the chance to meet Evan communication. In addition to offering
Wolfson personally during a meet and greet workshops Jess also works with couples
with refreshments. Wolfson will give a short and individuals. Give hera call today.
presentation on his work with marriage
Page 8

d leStl RAINBUW Sl’llNSlll
al ,
The imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
ii A Charity Organization
9 Scott Ackerman.
: For all your real estate needs....................................................(mobi|e) 338-8483
n .
ll SisterSound 8060243
3 Diverse music for all women
” Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
:. Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
: Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding.....................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
' 1513 Nicholasville Rd.
' Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431
Page 9

 GLSO Newsletter cu|endur To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ~.
0 c1 0 B: R 2 00‘ Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.convusers/glsoqxnet .
Thursday Friday Saturday
" ' ' ' ' . _ , 1 -KFA t r'
?3'§3da181tallL/l;lcfi:lllsr0h 7P GSA (call for place Center Open 5p-7p Center Open 10a 7p 7p Lexmgton ln5ight @ K5.“ 3,, E$Z°3v§my$t the
6pSisteerund Rehearsal 266'5904l 7" GLSO D'5°"ss'°“ the Pride Center UK Law Courtnn- 620 3- Weakly Adlvll'los:
_ . Group-PC . 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA ygfmfu -PC
. p 131?? ”Cm!” 8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
znfifimnm Discussion/Speaker(Ca/I for
.- .. _ -. . , . . _ . . .. . . . . .. ,_ - .. .. . .. . . . . .. L000Ti0n1278-7103
as“\l’ r ‘tt riser Wrath” o» stir rte ttsoh‘ttsit‘ial ti
10:30 a St. Mychal's 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 5p-7p Center 0 7 L ' t I ' ht Center 0 n10a-2
. , pen 10a-7p i P exmg on "Sig @ P9 P Tuesdays:
oulForce l Jamie 280-5625 79 Lexmgton Lyons-PC 2665904) 7p GLSO Discussion .the Pride Center ‘ 7pm _ GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)
. p Integrity @ St. Michael s _ l . - 1p Nerf Singles Support
- Group PC 7.30 p Gay/Lesbian AA
. p SisterSound Rehearsal . i Group-PC
:00p Imperial Court Mtg. 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 948-.434 _ Wednesdays:
call for place 948'3434 7pm - GLSO Discussion Group
' 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for
. Location) 278-7103
sometime meaeemreemeretym—Wfl testes tit
attire-:31“ “”m“ a 7p GSA (call for place 7" GLSO Diswssmn Center Open 10a-7p 7" Le’flngmn “‘5‘th @ enter Open10a-2p Pride-ye:
gift: Mycgflfffltr 255.5904) GrouP'PC .the Prlde Center 1p Mr. Leather Contest 7pm- Lexington Insight
0 ' elw‘tiol ltllaill'l-r 8p Pride Center Drag " 7:30 p Gav/Labia“ AA @ Starbase Q l" 8pm _ Gay/Lesbian AA
Benefit @ The Bar ‘ (call for Place) 943'-434 L°“‘s""'° Call for Location 278—7103
; _ Complex 255-1551 9p Mr. Leather Contest ( J
' ‘ i ' '
.7 224 East Main St. Opening night @ . _ Saturdays:
Newsletter Dead-line {Starbase Q m Louisvrlle New to 2nd Saturdays' at 7:00pm
Wists Singles Support Group
10:30 a St. Mychars l 7p GSA (call for place l7p GLSO Discussion Center Open 108-7!) 7p Lexington insight @ on -r o pen la- p
oulForce ( Jamie 230-5625 :30p GLSO Board Mtg. 266-5904) GiouP-PC. _ i the Pride Center Sundays:
p integrity @ St. Michael's (New Date) gpffylLESb'Z'mm 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 9:000m & l lam - uu Church
p SisterSoulnd Rehearsal a orp ce ‘ (call for place) 948-.434 Worship Services.
-:00p Imperial Court Mtg. 33°F “10'6" presents ' ,
mm “mm . _ i i 0.30 - Mass, St. Mychal The Martyr.
PueantQTho Bar 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
Complex J Landsdowne Presby. Church.
fiswrseeatesaetmat: 4w‘usiél‘si‘e‘htrtspe‘tfafitfi:estatenitsw’Ha’eaeetii Knigsetwnf‘ie‘ts priests ea‘eiw‘flt‘exil‘tfirfi’etfidte’isfifit a l
.a and 11a UU Church 7p GSA (call fr . ac
| 0:30 a St. Mychal‘s 266'5904) . ’ II-wooldy:
i-p SisterSound Rehearsal 6pm - The Imperial Court
' SoulForce -Cal| Jamie 230-5625
. i
HAPPY H OWEEN ,, W ,, , , , .
Monlllly AoIlvlllos:
Mondays: Saturday: Sundays: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
7pm _ GLSO Board Mtg. (41h Mon. J New Date 7pm -LeXDGA 181 Sal. email the group to confirm the date and time, see the directory on back page.
7pm ' LeXlnglon Lyons (2nd Mon.) 4pm ’ Integrity [2nd_ Sun} Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
4pm- Gen Ylnregrlty [3rd Sun]
Page 1 0 Page 1 3

 Opening at the Kentucky Theater October 13
Graham Norton Scott Thompson Darryl Stephens Ant Lypsinka
- Matthew Rush James Geizlaii Richard Hatch
. . . smog-7.11;”.341i“?
‘ L12 ‘ 2"“; 1‘. '1“ a...“ i‘ q, 3'?!» ..
‘k‘ti‘ii‘r'i‘emfiij ’, j. Lowest:
Clarifiiififfi‘t‘. .34-». c ' \IOiCe -. .
to, Viiiage if; ..71:;,
“. Michaei MUS r" I: .l'tin'iJ'J‘i'l’vlj‘lz‘ Ell?
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Our web site is up and running.
Log on to sign up for free movie updates!
www kentuckytheatre.com
214 E. Main 51:. + 231-6997 * www.kentuckytheatre.com
fREE PARK|NG weeknights and all day Sat/Sun + City Hall Annex Garage next to Police Dept-
Page 11

 Put this up 0 your fridge for a handy reminder.
Kentucky Fairness Alliance Bluegrass Chapter Presents
Marriage Equality
Saturd ay. October 1
Illil Lav Courtroom. 610 s. Limestone
l:00 pm‘: “Tying the Knot”
' g. V. A reading of the play by David Rush
; f- ...r that looks at the effects on long-
' ‘ = term relationships of being denied
. - the right to marry. The reading
- _ , will be followed by a Q&A with
the author.
3:00 Pm: Evan Wolfson _._ g *'
Executive director of Freedomtoi
Marry, Evan Wolfson is a _civilm'yrights
attorney and longtime leader; ibf‘ the
movement for marriage equality.
He will present on this issue
following a short-reception.
Kentucky Fairness Alliance Bluegrass Chapter
PO Box 22032
Lexington, KY 405224032
(859) 806-4! i4
Page 12

 Kentucky Fairness Alliance officials at Northern Kentucky University |
joined the conversation. Faculty Senate
KFA, our state wide activist President Bill Oliver said making those
organizatioan celebrating the progresswe benefits happen is his goal for the year.
have made in the state toward domestic In September the UK. Board of R
partner benefits in state universities. Even Trustees human resources committee (r
the Family Foundation of Ky proclaimed on gave the go-ahead for further 0
the cover of their September/October consideration of DP benefits, and the a
Citizen, "The homosexual agenda iS Faculty Senate endorsed UK's plan by a 9.
apparently an the move in the greater than 2-1 margin. Western KY
Commonwealth." Thanks for noticing. We University President Gary Ransdell said re
thinkTsrtIJtos. f L ll B d f WKU's University Senate, Administrative A
e "iVGTSiiY o 0UiSVi e car 0 Council and other groups were likely to h.
Trustees voted in July to extend domestic address the topicinthe coming months. dl
partner benefits to faculty and staff. KFA thanks and congratulates the pi
Within a week the University of Kentucky's campus leaders who recognize a fair Ci
spokesperson Jay Blanton said UK would workplace is essential in the 21st Century. pi
consider the issue. By the end of August, We are definitely onthe march.
—_——_——————'— fr
RELIGION GONE BAD the wall that separates church and state, is
Review ofa new book by Mel White superimpose their "moral values" on the a,
_ . US. Constitution, replace democracy with it
The Reverend Mel Wh'te' bestselling theocratic rule, and ultimately create a new al
author of Stranger at the. Cate, has JUSt "Christian America"intheir image. in
published a new book, Religion Gone Bad, He suggests ways we can resist these
an expose of the Christian Right. Before efforts by educating ourselves and our al
coming out as a gay man, Wh'te served the communities, by becoming effective h,
evangelical movement as pastor, activists, and through simple
professor, filmmaker, te'eV'S'O” producer, cpnversationswe havewith ourfriends and
author, and ghostwrlter for fundamentalist co-workers.
leaders Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and
Billy Graham, all of whom he got to know The Architect
well. He writes, "These are not just Neo- Karl Rove's Clay Connection
cons dressed in religious drag. These men .
see themselves as called by God to rescue A hliinotthir rejcently DMUbI'Shed litooviil, M
America from unrighteousness. They M Y ames oore an ayne
believe this is a Christian nation that must Slater, reveals that Karl Rove, Pres. Bushjs
be returned forciblyto its Christian roots." Ch'ef pOI't'Ca' strategist, was raised by “'5
Religion Gone Bad documents the gay stepfather. After realizing that he was
thirty-year war that fundamentalist gay, LOWS Rove was divorced from Karl's
people. But that is only part of the story. Karl and Louis continued to have a warm .
White states: "i also hope i can persuade and respectfulrelationship. _ _ _
you that the struggle for "gay rights" is the _ Karl Rove has been working “'3 entire
next stage in the broader struggle for civil “fa to W" Republicans in office and one Of
rights in this country. Consciously or his favored techniques. has been the
unconsciously, fundamentalist Christians :xplmtatpnhof homofehobla. Carri) accepted
are using their anti-homosexual campaign ‘3 step- at. er or W 0 he was ”i has “0
to test how much intolerance the American problem usmg GLBT people as scapegoats
peoplewilltolerate." in his strategies to ensure Republican
White believes that the true goal of power. Sadlywe are notsurprised.
today's fundamentalists is to break down
Page 14

 Ex-GAY EJ RGANIZATIDNS composed of psychiatrists, psychologists,
. . . certified social workers, professional and
some Ideas abOUt curing leSb'anS pastoral counselors and other behavioral
The National Association for scientists, as well as laymen from a wide
Research and Therapy of Homosexuality variety of backgrounds such as law, religion,
(N ARTH) is a non-profit, educational and education." Their stated mission:
organization "dedicated to affirming a "Helping clients bring their desires and
complementary male—female model of behaviorsinto harmonywiththeirvalues.”
gender and sexuality.” | find this site disturbing because of the
N ARTH was formed partly in scientific veneer and because I know it is
response to the American Psychiatric part Of the larger attempts to portray us as
Association's decision to remove sick and to slowour progress towards equal
homosexuality from it's list of mental rightsandacceptance. , , ,
disorders in 1973. Some mental health Andria L' Slgler-Smalz '3 a Clinical
professionals voiced opposition' they Pastoral Counselor and the founder and
continue to see a need to "help"’GLBT Director of Journey Christian Ministries.
people "straighten up." She wrote a paper posted on the NARTH
This organization's web site differs web site titled Understanding the Lesbian
from other ex-gay organizations in that it Client which l find particularly disturbing.
is notas religiously oriented and has more She PathQ'Og'?s lesbians (presents us as
articles and Studies written by educated mentally m) m ways that could sound
men and women. They also include reasonable to some lesbian women who
articles from a wide variety of sources, turnto herorothertherapistsforhelp.
includingTheAdvocate She discusses issues such as
The scientific tone and inclusive enmeshment, that could be said to be true
approach is little more than a veneer for many people whatever their sexual
however From their web site “N ARTH is orientation. And she presents these issues
' ...continued on next page
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M 7 Page 15

 as problems inherent in all lesbian a couple withdraws from non-suppoortive
relationships. The following paragraphs are family members.
takenfrom herarticle. "The therapist must assess her
"For the female homosexual, (client's) personality organization. For 1’
"emotional attraction" plays a more critical example, does she have the separation- '1
role than does sexual attraction. holding individuation conflicts of a borderline, the C
and affection may be more highly valued fragile self—esteem of a narcissist, or the 13
than sexual relations. The propelling drive attachment fears of a schizoid?
in the lesbian relationship is the woman's Understanding the core confiictswill provide 1.
same-sex emotional and nurturing deficits," the therapist with the meaning behind her E
Why does she assume that a desire for behaviors." Somanyfunwaystolabelus! h
affection is based on a deficit? Don't many "Also important to notice is the degree
people wantaffection in theirrelationships?. of the client's compulsive or obsessive
'W'thi” (lesbian) relationships there feelings, thoughts and behaviors. The a
appears to be a capacity for particularly higher the compulsivity, the more anxiety 3
strong attachment. Howevet, a closer look and/or depression may surface as the client p
reveals behaviors that indicate a fragile begins to separate from her lesbian partner
relationalbond ridden with fearand anxrety," or chooses to not "act out" their 3 a me- sex 11
Falling in love With a woman could certainly emotional attractions. This is often the most 0
provoke fear In a woman raised as a difficult part of treatment and strongly s'
fundamentalist. . . resembles the treatment required with a
"Wh'le lesbian partnership s generally person strugglingwith substanceaddiction. 3‘
are of longer duration then mele Falling i