xt7hqb9v429b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v429b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1986 text GLSO News, December 1986 1986 1986-12 2019 true xt7hqb9v429b section xt7hqb9v429b JIDMB'flfiZfll‘AI‘»Ellillbfllbllli 1 9 8 6 E @
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EVENTS fix“ mm
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CALENDER " fi%y/ a
£3 151'?!" 5 ‘(<‘ ‘%
:7 {3‘ 6,7! .\\
1' a; ‘ 9“ \Nxo if 9' o J .

If you wand like to advertise in the GIST) Newsletter, @LSfi
p133? send your camera-ready copy to: G5), P.O. Box
I Lexington, KY 40575. The deadline for all
amisaions is the 15th of ead1 month for publication the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
following month. Anything received after the deadline
will not be guaranteed to be published in the next issue.

Ads may be sent camera-ready or rough. Rough copies __ Please put ne/us on the GUI) mailing liSt:
are subject to additional charges as shown in the rates including a free subscription to the monthly also
section below. (:5) will not be responsible for Newsletter (delivered in an "unmarked" envelope).
typesetting errors in the ad after printing; advertisers _ Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students) for each
are responsible for proofing the ads they submit for menbership in 6180.
publication. __ Please let me/us how I/we can be more involved in

the Editor and the 613.) Board of Directors reserve the GIBO or other gay/lesbian organizations by calling
right to censor advertisements and other submissions which '
are cleared in poor taste and to edit due to space (phone)
restrictions and/or granmatical errors. Erotica, fantasy, _ or writing to:
aarually-explicit materials, or _ material deened in
conflict with the purpose or policies of the Lexington _.__ __
Gay/Lesbian Services Organization will not be accepted for NAME(S)

Address Apt. I
RATE _—__.________—
city .

Eighth Page, 5 8.00 Charter Page $15.00 _ ____

(2' x 3.5") (2 1/8" x 7" or 4 1/4" x 3 1/2") State ZIP code

Half Page $25.00 Full Page $40.00

(4 1/4" x 7" or (8 1/2" x 7") . Mail to: GLSO, P.O. Box ll471, 1.921., KY 40575

8 1/2II x 3 1/2")
classified 5 1.00 (up to 4 lines, $.05 '
each additional word) #
Typesetting $15.00
Screens $10.00

1”fo for 6issues . . The Editor, staff', and Board of

1/3 off for 12 issues Directors of GLSO would like to thank Kathy

1/2 off for non—profit organizations for her superb artwork on this month's cover

and throughout the newsletter. Keep an eye

Discounted ad space will be contracted for specified out for her future effOIts.
terns. Artwork may be changed at the advertiser's expense
and subject to the above deadline. Half of the cost of
the discounted ad shall be due prior to publication and
half shall be due upon completion of the term of the The GIS) Newsletter is published monthly by the
discount. Failure to conply with the terms of the Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a.
contract may result in future denial of contracts. lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization) , P.0. Box

11471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. The GISO is a

Placement of an ad in the Gig) Newsletter [DES mt registered non-profit organization the purpose of which is
denote a person's sexual orientation or a business's to provide educational, recreational, social, and referral
customer preference. services directly indplving or relating to gay/lesbian

Views or opinions expressed in the articles, stories,
letters, or advertisenents are those of the authors and do
DIRECI‘ORY not necessarily represent those of the (its) Board of
Directors nor the Newsletter staff. Publication of the

(IS) Cayman”.........................231—0335 we or photograph of any person, organization, or other

(150 Billboard................-----------293'6734 entity in articles or advertising in the Newsletter is in

(:13) Newsletter, General.................259—3292 no way indicative of the sexual orientation of such

Advertising.............278—0043 person, organization, or entity.
Submissions for the Newsletter are welcome. All

Dignity/Wing‘ZOH-nu-u-unu---------273'8055 submissions become the property of the the Lexington Gay

Imerial C011“ 0f the Bluegrass Brpire...266-0882 Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian

Gay 5: Lesbian A/A........................266-8887 Services Organization). All submissions trust indicate the

Con'rmmity Health Trust...................268-2329 full m and address of the author, although m by-line

Interweave/MUD..-..uu----------------223‘1448 will be published without the express, written permission

Lexington-Fayette County Hmlth of the author. Non-original material must indicate that

DBPt- AXES lnfomation...............”252-2371 the original author has given permission for use of the

Louisville Crisis Hotline.......... (502) 637-4342 material. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted. The

OdEnSbOL’O Gay Alliance.........-.--(502) 685-5246 editorial staff reserves the right to alter submissions

Cincinnati Gay SWiCChboardj-f---j-" (513’ 221'7800 (including advertisements) to fleet publishing

National Gay Task Force Crisis Line requirements.

and AIDS Crisis Line............. (800) 221-7044

(606) 231-0335
’ 8:00pm TIL 11:00pm Wednesday thru Friday
P.Of Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575
{ s. THERE? <7
f 7 £0936 confisELOP‘S I4)?»
E 9955’ 43‘“
3 F1 0
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‘1 1' ‘
in f 095’ 9
I 9‘?)va v
:E ; DE
11 I NTISTS OLOG—lsrfis ‘ .
l 1 9511C“
% .
:e Upcoming events in the Gay/Lesbian community ‘
.e ‘ Safe—Sex guidelines * .
2 Bar, Restaurant, and other business listings '
Gay & Lesbian Reference Bibliographies
Allied Gay/Lesbian Organizations

 R” _ ”w {mg-I '
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Alum-uh Monk“;- Dvflnl, H. W!" Gum-Dy Mimi“- Drink"!
$;.(:)).uru.;e Nam,» Spun 5m aim: am Minna. my ”mama 2v.si~amlan.l 33:“; I, at, m,"
“M Mm" 26x m, m "W Klllnl Mrrznrlm p, . I“... I‘m? min u Mic-rum. Killul l‘ehmry l9. I'Jléby ”fligflm'fl I“: ma
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hey war: our mlleagaee.
Likc us. my vulumemd lo cclmc lo Nicr Thq have been lullnl b) Ihnsc who dun'l wan: in “HM in [M war, we mull: mi: appeal in you:
run: {mm Wen Germ-fly, Swilmlnnd, build. bul lu dcslmy, 5mm: 19m, 3! hcnllh ccnlcrs. _ S k m” - nh' blood hed‘
Spain, Film: and Be|gium Ia farm. ID 53 salami. ll dare-r: ccmcnl 291 vchidcs.1.270 _ £3: Wm“; ,ngmu‘mfl I, in: mm
leech. Ia pruvidc lie-mi an. In help build :linicx. houses Ind 555 other buildings have been aesimym.
_ . , . mrk humm mmeqaem Ind Hop use luppnn er
hwiu Ind whoo|L The conlrl Cllnpalgn is In aggremaa aimed m mum
They mud: . difference in me live: aflhounnds Agaiusl me innoccnl .au derenselesx, . , V
pi people This is me ml mail 0! “hunlanluriun” Ind w‘. “5" Y‘?" '° 19‘" “’5'“ "‘ “’ “Pl”? 9“” "VJ.
him why mey were kliled. nuliury am hi me comm: me deumciina of me "WW” ”"1““ 'h" W'“ ”'9 m“ "‘"m‘ °"‘"' '“
The people or me Unilal Sulcs should mnliu light: In lire. llhcny Ind me pursuil oihappinm. “"""‘E“'- V
whll xupponing me comm mlly rncllll. Ybut Dtxpil: me daily vialeace, me Nicaraguan “a“ “““mb‘m "W ‘0 u” ”"1”“? “m" ”m
mom, goes in fund dmsufling amen agamu "it people umggle bmvcly In cnnlinuc meir way pi "c h.“ 5“ "P ‘hmflh 9““ “WI"- Y‘“' “P
civilian populllion. life. They lmch us compassion. mange and cum— P0” " "°,°“°“ "’ "c'P M“ "u,” “'“m' ‘."‘°°"'
More man 100000 Nina-gun": have been driven mllmcnl. we will mi abnmllm lliem, “‘"P’W‘m- "WSW "‘4 '8"°““““' Pm1““.‘°'
rm." their Ilnd Ind farms. . .ami uur cullcilgnu nn: On bchulfufnur nlurllcutd colleagues and me "‘c ”WV-'2'?“ "“7 “m m '"m' “W" "W
among lhc um: um 3.000 civilian casuallics. The Ihousund: of Niuuguan civilian! who have been hum“ “"‘J “"1 ”Y "‘c “'-
numben imam daily, Please Help us. Vhrk for peapc in Niclngul.
m— .________________—__
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m,_ i“: in»... g: mam-vi I _ _ V I
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l WWI M“ rim am. | us Bmadwa
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3:; an. "—0-“ war-0m ~r---- I Make check payable in Oth Amcricl-Niclnlul Emergency Appan I
——————-—-———-—— ______——__________L

Hey,did ya hear? There's a new place in by Karen Winter
town! It's a new restaurant. called d _
Razzmatazz! Jane ro e around on a Harley-bike.
To strangers she looked like a bull—dyke.
Dana and Marijo offer two different 32th:: 22$:rinhher ng'
entrees each evening, along with two "Get the ribb: e sai .k _ .
vegetables and potatoes. They have quite a 4 ns, you now what I like!
selection. (They have a Texas Hash which is Sue's arent‘s ld k h
better known here as Chili—Mac.) Each meal when tlfe 'd labziuh ma e er feel bad,
is served with a tossed salad and a homeade ' y_ er queerness a fad.
. _ . , . As a leZZle adult,
biscuit. Everything on their menu is made by was she tra d . l 9
them, including their chili, soups, and Just cuz‘itgpih 1: Sfme cu E'
desserts. For vegetarians, they offer salads. e es. sex 5 es had?
At lunchtime, they offer a great variety of
wh '
sandwiches. Carry our is available, too. en asked about boyfriends at work,
Jan replayed: Men all drive me beserk!
, . It (2' th
Plus, they offer Family Style dinners 1.: 13:9 :02: Y::e:?ar'
with advance notice. With this, you call in Thats m plifesg le ‘ d t , . ..
your order (party of six) and you name your ' Y Y an no JUSt a gu1rk!
meat preferences, vegetable preferences, etc. f . . ‘
In other words, you name your menu, and ( in Common Lives/Lesbian Lives)
they‘ll be happy to fix it for you.
¢\ :‘.”¢
Folks, this is a lesbian—owned and i9; :5:
operated business. Let's show our support "I, “0“
for oursisters! Homestyle cooking and a
friendly atmosphere! what more could you ask
for? W
The reastaurant is located in the
Park Hills shopping Center, on the corner of
Pimlico Parkway and Man—o—War. The phone
number is 271-1377. Hours: 11 am through 9 LW (LZZ
pm Mondays through Saturdays. (They will ajL
soon be opening for breakfast.) " A n
. %4.§7’Z [/96 //o/77e
‘1 fix” 409/4 W 75 EH2," 7“ 1/1/92 2/12““ 475“!
“’9 1 /€$@. " * L“ 2"" ”(fl/J 34°71”? [Ln/«flow: mee.m;a/I(u o'wa, ‘
“53;; ‘1' ‘ I“? . C,“ 00' [mu C4447“ Jot-.4 qum we a C‘mu or
, \ - v -.," —r"n'_ ; g f «f in: Meats. a ayes!“ (11.54am jun-(1 uflk‘k‘fiwk‘l
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., _ .. .. $1 /.;. _ ‘43....
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‘fii . M n 9-K fimi’ ‘g—iéfli Basivd Chicken 350
La gig. Egg - R; 4- - I ; “d $311.”. W‘EMIDA 31.5
- | s I Bee: 341133-er 1L5
Bill 1 M » n;
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arm, a (12551.1), cm to m.uaelz.”Pkm “gm”
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\ I // Gay and Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous
\‘\ \- , I / In Lexington, there are three Gay 5.
\ \, j’ J // Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, which
,{ \N‘T’kflx/// meet weekly. These meetings were started by
\ a\ // Lesbian and Gay members of A.A. with the
fiEAVE/V / purpose of having meetings where we could
—.2, f} help each other obtain sobriety and feel free
fijfl/gg'\l§§vp 9' to discuss issues relating to being Lesbian
FR/ég’tffiggfi' // ”W or Gay and alcoholic.
‘1M'.'/,“V'#i é‘
gxliézagifiy' u”: /
Laggggfiiig?’ \ ik Perhaps the best explanation of what Gay
M‘p"'=?fé2§%wl ‘ and Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous' purpose is
‘6 I‘ all about is the suggested introduction of
/1\ A.A. meetings.
\\ "Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of
x \J\ men and women who share their experience,
. pp strength and hope with each other that they
// v— \.5,§ may solve their common problem and help
others to recover from alcoholism."
"NOW‘hat’scampJ" "The only requirement for membership is
a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues
or fees for AA membership; we are self sup—
" porting through our own contributions. AA is
' . not allied with any sect, denomination,
.\ 27.3». politics, organization or institution; does
_V“%.\ _.‘ not wish to engage in any controversy,
,2 3'5"): y} neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our
5 f_’ >‘ -' primary purpose is to stay sober and help
. 6 ~ \ 5
’ J" "’w'r other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."
C" J
i- i -__ For anyone interested in attending a
, ", 7.: . ' meeting, the schedule is 4pm Sunday,
.,,I ' .
$9 5%, (F; "3 j 9% Comprehensive Care Center, 201 Mechanic
0" W-_‘.!‘ ‘0 street; 8pm Wednesday, St. Joseph Office
\% Park, Rm. 120; and 8pm Friday, Comprehensive
Care Center.

 (‘Al I ”W
4 -’
144 Harrison Avenue Lexington, Kentucky 40507
A (by appointment) 606-254-2207
__ . V . _ ‘.~ >M\‘:, «(SWQS 3"" .
. “-1": uv .» _ . a -:. > '
. fimfimm .; ; ~. ., .. §3«\“W‘W§ .
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Agair‘v , F ‘ fifiv . r' _Q\\<\3\\k§§:§§w
\~ . ‘ -'::‘\,== ‘
' j> twig“ “j‘mQ‘AQ‘WxW ' '
A Wide Selection of Small to Medium Works
$25. to $150.

A notice of appeal was filed on November Rome — The Vatican reinforced its condemna—
10th in response to the Fayette District. tion of homosexuality in a document that i
Court ruling that the Kentucky sodomy law harshly rebuked the homosexual rights move-
was unconstitutional because it violated a ment for trying to change church teachings [
person's right to privacy. and civil legislation. '
Kentucky law makes anal or oral sex In a letter to all Roman Catholic ‘
illegal for same sex couples, but not for bishops: the Vatican for the first time 1
opposite sex couples. District Judge Lewis explicitly condemned the mere'inclination I
Paisley said the state may not regulate toward homosexuality as an "objective i
intimate sexual conduct between consenting disorder." Previous Vatican statements ‘
adults. centered primarily on the sinfulness of ‘
homosexual acts. 3.
Fayette County Attorney Norrie Wake's Noting that "increasing numbers of peo- i
assistant, Florence Huffman, said the county ple today, even within the church, are bring~ ‘
thinks the law is constitutional even though ing enormous pressure to bear on the church I
it singles out gays because such laws are to accept the homosexual condition,’I the {
"necessary to protect morality.’I document called on Catholic authorities to 1
resist "an effort in some countries to J
Attorneys for Jeffrey Allen Wasson, who manipulate the church by gaining the often E
challenged the law's constitutionality on the well—intentioned support of her pastors with J
ground that it discriminated against a view towards changing civil statutes and
homosexuals, have indicated that the appeal laws." 1
process may be lengthy, and a final decision 1
may be several years off. Meanwhile, GLSO The document, which was made public i
has set up a special account to hold funds yesterday, was issued by the Congregation for 1
donated to help offset legal costs. the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office 1
charged with preserving the orthodoxy of i
If you would like to help, please make Catholic belief, after receiving the approval }
your check payable to GLSO with a notation of of Pope John Paul II. ;
defense fund. Mail to: GLSO, Post Office §
Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. All Senior Vatican officials who asked not ?
donations are tax deductible. to be identified, said the letter was issued 4
partly in response in response to increasing "
activity by homosexual groups in’ Western 1
NEW WOMEN'S THEATRE GROUP nations, including the United States. ‘-
(from the Lexington Herald Leader) _
Women, are you looking for a unique and fun 4
activity to get you out of the house?
“Between the Acts" may be for you, then! ‘
"Between the Acts" is an up and coming ROOHATE WANTED ‘
women's theatre group here in Lexington. If ' ;
you'd like to find out more about it, there's Young professional GM seeks same (quiet non— ‘
a Chili dinner on the 8th of December. It's smoker, student ok) to share apt. in Chevy
at Alfalfa's Restaurant (5575 Limestone) Chase/Ashland Park area. Call Steve 269-1136 i
between 6 and 9 pm. It's a fund—raiser, and (h) or 255—2188 (w). If leaving message, ‘
the price is $5.00. Plus, you can have your please be discreet. ‘
chili with or without meat. You're more than
welcome, whether you care to become active ,
with us or not, so c'mon out for a great meal 1
and great company. (For more information, ‘
call Barbara at 277-3ll9.)‘ j 1
‘flj’ . f ‘ ‘
.5- 7.659 ‘ .
‘9 , .fo' ‘ ll 4“, 3 I .
.. . 1 _. x.“ A. t
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"raw... 1”. 3?,"

 t. , AUNT MARY _
e Dear Aunt Mary:
e Well, the holidays Will be here all tOQ It seems to me that perhaps the problem
5 soon and with it our tenth annual knock down, here goes deeper than how the two of you
f drag out, hair pulling battle over how and handle the holidays. If I read between the
with whom we will spend the holidays. I hate lines correctly, you are relatively open
_ it — the holidays, our families, him, myself, about your orientation and relationship,
__ all those smiling salespeople with their while your lover tends to be more closeted.
_ disgusting little "Merry Christmasses", snow, This seems to make you wonder if he places as
h ‘ friends, acquaintances, strangers, parties, much value on hour relationship as you do.
9 all of the known world and probably most of Insecurity is not a pretty thing, but if that
o the universe. Everyone is so cheerful and is indeed the problem, lets look at it.
full of love it makes me want to throw up!
(I: who needs it? First, you cannot drag your lover,
kicking and screaming, out of the closet.
h , After ten years together, don't you That is a Choice only he can make; you must
d think we would have worked out an agreeable be able to live with him as he is, not as you
‘ arrangement for holiday visits, company, want him to be. Now, with this in mind, does
parties, etc.? Well, not even close. He the rest of the year with him make the
c insists on going to all of his family gather- holiday hassles worthwhile? In other words,
r ings, office parties, and whatever other do the good times outweigh the bad? If not,
e events come along, alone — his excuse being why are you still with him? If so, why
i that I wasn't invited and it is rude to ask haven't you learned to accept things the way
1 if he can add 'someone' to his invitation. they are? Ten years is a long time to rehash
‘ Meanwhile, rather than sit home alone on the same issue. What I am suggesting here is
christmas, 1 90 0U“ Of town ‘10 ViSit my that you need to face the reality of your
C family. We have “EVE! been together 0" relationship, instead of being angry about
d Christmas! His family thinks I'm his 'room— the way you feel it should be.
9 mate' (who are we kidding here? We've been
n together for over ten years - no one can be Now, before you come and hunt me down
as stupid as these people pretend to be!) with a gun for being cold and unsympathetic
and my family thinks our relationship is all to your problem, let me say that your lover's
in my mind since they rarely see us together behavior sounds unreasonable and insensitive.
and never at family gatherings. Surely, with an effort on the part of both of
you, some compromises can be made to make
I'm not sure if I can cope with it again this less of a problem. For instance,
this year! We start fighting at Thanksgiving couldn't Christmas Eve be for the two of you,
and finally get back to some degree of with Christmas Day reserved for your
civility towards each other by the end of respective families? And perhaps as a couple
February. My friends know to avoid me during you could have a Christmas party for your
6 the next few months, so I can't really talk mutual friends a week or so before Christmas,
to them about it, and I can't talk to HIM or on New Year's Eve. Even a little time
because we don't speak to each other after together just Christmas shopping might go a
the first party. Help me get through the long way to make you feel less alone during
holidays again this year and you'll have a the holidays.
friend for life, Aunt Mary. - Panicked
Meanwhile, I suggest you make it a
Dear Panicked: point to develop one new friendship each
November. That new friend will be unaware of
Get a grip, dear. You've made it your holiday disposition and won't know to ‘
through ten Christmasses, somehow I think avoid you untill next year. Merry Christmas!
you'll pull through one more! As for being a ' Aunt Mary
friend for life, at my age that probably _ .
won‘t be a difficult promise to fulfill. And If Y“ “0“” llke *0 “”6 *0 Aunt ”“Yl 5?”
while we're at it, let's take it easy on your you letter to hunt Mary, % GLSO' POSt Office
friends (not to mention salespeople, aox 11471, LeXlngton, Kentucky 40575. Please
acquaintances, strangers, the world, etc.) include a stamped, self addressed envelope if
who avoid you; actually when you get right you would like a personal reply. All names
down to it, they are showing very good judge- are StEICtly confidential.
ment, as far as I can determine.

 5 OM} 13H)
llDiniL/ plflviflmbibit
war“- m. um- m" .w a" Sun 14 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comprehensive
l 2 J 1 5 0’ Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street;
7: ,, , > a”,7 Lesbian Potluck, 2 pm, for more
N H (1 ll fl, 1-!
1;:fl .7 A 77 { info, call Julie at 278—7774
Ii I-‘i n: u m m “V
’9' 1) id 9' i5 9“ iii Tue 16 Rainbow League, 9 pm, Joyland
, g 7 Bowling Lanes, call 278~0048 for
7,8 m :w :5: ~ A more info
‘W ""”” 777 W (1 l' 2 1—0 3 8 - 11 m;
Hon 1 GLSO Meeting, Board Report — 8 pm, e 17 :2:a::::s Sureju5’7 pfim for mire
- n , I I
Forum 8'30 pm,"topic, Monogamy. info, call Barry, 268—3935; Dignity
Is It Necessary? , ComprehenSive Potluck 7.30 at Don's for info
Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street call Keilh- 273 8056 gt Larry ’
l — I I

,‘ i , . 254—9812; Gay/Lesbian AA 8 pm

lue 2 Dignity Board Meeting — 6:30 pm. St Joseph Office Park Room 1&0
Liturgy — 7:30 pm, call Larry, ' '

254-9812 for more info; Rainbow .
League, 9 pm, Joyland Bowling Thu 18 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 pm 11 pm
Lanes, call 278—0048 for more info Fri 19 Cards & Games, 7 pm, call Karen,

- 259—3292, or Scott/Bill 254—3361 for

W , - - ; . .

ed 3 Gggazfety 231A0325, est 1; pmh more details; Gayline, 231~0335,
szic:spaf: Réom $26 " osep 8 pm - 11 pm; Interweave Christmas
’ Party/Meeting, for more info, call
, . Craig/Steve, 266—8887; Gay/Lesbian
Fhu 4 Gayline, 231 0335' 8 11 pm AA, 8 pm, Comprehensive Care Center,
. - ' it
Fri 5 Cards & Games, 7 pm, call Karen, 201 HeChanlc stree .
gig—iiii'd::aii25tézliiésii:;3iil Sun 21 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comprehensive
' . y ' Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street
8 pm, ComprehenSive Care Center,
201 M h ' St t; G l' , . ,
231—0:;5a1;o-11re: ay lne Mon 22 GLSO Board Meeting, for more info,
' 9 call Barry, 268—3935
bi AA 4 C h '

Sun 7 Gay/Les ian ' pm, ompre engive Tue 23 Rainbow League, 9 pm, Joyland
Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street; Eowlin Lanes call 278—0048 for
GLSO Potluck, 2 pm, for more info, .gf ’
call Karen, 259—3292 more 1“ 0

Mon 8 Feminist, Alliance, 8 pm, Old Wed 24 ggRé2T??:eFvga_/::::Za:o:;DA:S1;!
Student Center, UK, for more info, St ste h Office Park Room 150'
call Shirley, 273—7870; "Between " P '
the Acts" Chili dinner, 6 — 9 pm, Th 2 [4 M I”

Alfalfa's, 557 S. Lime, $5, for u 5 ERRY EEIRIST AS‘“
more info, call Barbara, 277-3119 NO Gay ine
. F ‘ i .

Tue 9 Rainbow League, 9 pm, Joyland [l 26 Noliayllne' cards 5 Games’ 7 WnU
Bowling Lanes, call 278-0048 for ca Karen, 259—3293! 95 SCOtt/Blll:
more information - 254—3361 for more details;

Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Comprehensive

Wed 10 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 pm — 11 pm, Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street
lesbian volunteer; Gay Parenting .

Support Group, 6:30, topic: Sun 28 Gay/Lesbian AA' 4 Pm: Comprehensive
"Children and the Holidays", for Care Center, 201 Mechanic StIQEt
more info, call 268—3935 .

Tue 30 Rainbow League, 9 pm, Joyland

Thu 11 Gayline, 231—0335, a pm — 11 pm; B°W1199fLanesv C311 27841048 for
Dignity Rap Session, for more info, more in 0
call Keith at 273—8056 ,

Wed 31 Gayline, 231—0035, 8 pm — 11 pm,

Fri 12 Cards 5 Games, 7 pm, call Karen, lesbian volunteer; Gay/Lesbian AA,
259—3292 or Scott/Bill, 254—3361 8 9"“ St- Joseph Office Park,
for more details; Gayline, 231—0335, Room 120
8 pm — 11 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm,

Comprehensive Care Center, 201 HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HARMONY TO ALL!!!
Mechanic street