xt7hqb9v3036 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v3036/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2014 minutes  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2014-10-17 and 18 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2014-10-17 and 18 2014 2014 2015 true xt7hqb9v3036 section xt7hqb9v3036 Minutes of the Board of Trustees Retreat
University of Kentucky
Friday and Saturday, October 17-18, 2014

The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky began its Retreat at 9:00 a.m. on
Friday, October 17, 2014 in Fellowship Hall at Mandrell Hall, Lexington, Kentucky and
concluded its retreat on Saturday, October 18, 2014 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of
Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, Kentucky.

Members Present

The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: C. B. Akins, Sr., James
H. Booth, William C. Britton, E. Britt Brockman, Sheila Brothers, Mark P. Bryant, William S.
Farish, Jr., Oliver Keith Gannon (Chair), Carol Martin “Bill” Gatton, Cammie DeShields Grant,
Robert Grossman, David V. Hawpe, Kelly Sullivan Holland, Jake Ingram, James W. Stuckert,
Robert Vance, and Barbara Young. Trustees Terry Mobley and Angela Edwards were absent.
The University administration was represented by President Eli Capilouto, Provost
Christine Riordan, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, Executive Vice
President for Finance and Administration Eric Monday and General Counsel William Thro.
The University faculty was represented by the Chair of the University Senate Council
Andrew Hippisley and the University staff was represented by Chair of the Staff Senate Mike
Guests, other administrators and members of the news media were also present
throughout the Retreat.


Chair Gannon welcomed the members of the Board of Trustees and guests and expressed
his enthusiasm for the fifth Retreat and the discussions scheduled. Chair Gannon was thankful
for the annual opportunity to look closely and critically at the progress being made at the
University; and to offer a collective voice and guidance regarding plans being made for the
Chair Gannon stated this Retreat would continue the strategic planning discussion from
last year, but focus more singularly on the research mission of the University of Kentucky. Chair
Gannon stated that “research is a key strategic endeavor and is directly related to the
comprehensive land-grant mission to serve the needs of the citizens of the Commonwealth.”

Overview of the Day

President Capilouto thanked the many people who helped make the retreat possible. He
thanked Provost Christine Riordan for her work leading the Strategic Planning process, and
Interim Vice President for Research Lisa Cassis and Center for Applied Energy Research

� Director Rodney Andrews, who also served as the co-chairs of the research working group in the
Strategic Planning process.
President Capilouto stated that the Strategic Planning process would continue through the
fall of 2014, building upon what was learned through the last year. The reports will be
supplemented with additional data to generate a more complete picture of UK’s current position,
challenges, opportunities and the most aggressive path forward.
In meeting with the leaders of UK’s Strategic Planning process, President Capilouto was
impressed with their work and commitment to this “people-centered place.” He reiterated that
UK is about people and place; and that we are a “University for Kentucky.” UK’s mission of
research “confronts the issues of the day, stirs the soul, fuels dreams, improves education and
inspires generations. It is a critical responsibility of the University of Kentucky; from the
cellular to the community level; to the basic, translational and applied research.”
President Capilouto offered the following as examples:


College of Fine Arts’ Arturo Sandoval’s “Confluence River Reflections” hangs in the
grand foyer of the Owensboro Convention Center;
College of Arts and Sciences’ Dr. Frank X Walker is Kentucky’s Poet Laureate and
author of renowned literary pieces and works of poetry;
College of Education’s Kentucky P20 lab is sharing what works best in education;
Center for Applied Energy Research’s (CAER) promotes private and public sector
partnerships to advance Kentucky;
College of Design’s House Boat to Energy Efficient Residence (HBEER) initiative
created jobs lost during the 2008 recession;
College of Nursing is working to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco;
College of Agriculture, Food and Environment has developed a technology to sterilize
College of Engineering’s Dr. Suzanne Smith leads fellow faculty and students on a
NASA grant to conduct research on the International Space Station and in the
aerospace industry;
College of Pharmacy’s Dr. Jon Thorson is turning to coal mine exploration for unique
organisms that might produce the next generation natural products;
College of Business and Economics Dr. James Ziliak is studying the federal aid
program Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP);
School of Music and UK Healthcare have a graduate program in music therapy,
demonstrating there is more than one way to heal someone; and
The Green Dot Program and Center for Research on Violence Against Women’s
bystander program is effective and has been replicated in K-12 schools across

President Capilouto stated that past investments like “Bucks for Brains” created
invaluable contributions and opportunities. Currently the UK research enterprise competes for
state resources, is mindful of the pressure to keep tuition and mandatory fee rates manageable,
recognizes the flat and declining federal support for research, and realizes the big investments
made by other institutions. The questions for the future of research at UK and the essence of

� strategic planning ask what should we do; where should we focus; and how do we achieve our
President Capilouto stated that his background in public health policy and management;
specifically community-based interventions to improve health outcomes, drew him to facts about
Kentucky. He stated that hundreds of Kentuckians die each year from chronic and preventable
illnesses. The University of Kentucky can make a difference in closing Kentucky health gaps.
UK is uniquely positioned to help the citizens of the Commonwealth because UK:


Is one of eight institutions with programs in Agriculture, Pharmacy, Engineering
and Medicine on a contiguous campus – including a full complement of health
care colleges: Nursing, Dentistry, Public Health and Health Sciences, in addition
to Pharmacy and Medicine;
Has a physical presence in all 120 Kentucky counties through the extension
network and clinical outreach programs;
Has seventeen colleges and professional schools supported by a comprehensive
research library system; and
Is one of 22 institutions nationwide with a National Cancer Institution (NCI)designation, Clinical Translational Science Award and Alzheimer’s Disease

President Capilouto stated that because of the University’s breadth and depth, it has the
distinctive opportunity to approach health challenges in multi-disciplinary, team science settings.

Optimizing Health Outcomes

President Capilouto introduced Dr. Nancy Schoenberg, Professor in the Department of
Behavioral Science and Director of Community Engagement and Research in the Center for
Clinical and Translational Sciences to familiarize the Board with some of UK’s current research
to improve health outcomes.
Dr. Schoenberg shared the research of Dr. Debra Moser, the Linda C. Gill Professor in
the College of Nursing, who partners with the Center for Excellence in Rural Health in Hazard,
Kentucky and community health workers to improve cardiovascular health outcomes. She shared
the cervical cancer research of Dr. Mark Dignan, Professor of Internal Medicine and Co-Leader
of the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Program. Dr. Dignan in collaboration with local
rural health departments, recruited and trained patient navigators to enroll women with abnormal
Pap test results to identify the barriers/assets that affect women’s receipt of diagnostic and
treatment services for cervical cancer; the patient navigators who then coached these women
through the health care delivery system.
One of Dr. Schoenberg’s federally funded research projects, “Faith Moves Mountains,” is
currently targeting smoking cessation intervention. Working with and through a faith-based
community of 26 churches, lay health advisors are using the Cooper-Clayton method, support
sessions, nicotine replacement therapy and motivational interviewing to help individuals quit
smoking. Of the 591 enrolled, over 91 percent of the participants stayed with the program and
over one-third quit. After six months, two-thirds of this group were still not smoking.

� Dr. Schoenberg summarized that these three programs are a definitive example of how
culturally appropriate community-based interventions can address and impact health gaps in

Improving Health Delivery

President Capilouto introduced Dr. Mark Williams, Director of the Center for Health
Services Research and Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine, to share
with the Board the importance of health services research and the delivery of health systems that
maximize health outcomes.
Dr. Williams stated that health services research is a science that has success in a
multidisciplinary approach. Five components of an effective clinical system are consistency,
information systems (collect, integrate, point of care), patient centered (engage patients in care
delivery), team-based care (nurses, doctors, pharmacists, physical therapists) and innovation.
Dr. Williams shared three research projects that were examples for improving care
delivery: UK – Appalachian Tele-Emergency Network; the National Coordinating Center for
Public Health Services and Systems Research; and Project ACHIEVE, Effectiveness of
Transitional Care, which looks at achieving patient-centered care and optimized health in care
transitions by evaluating the value of evidence. Dr. Williams stated that these three examples
were rooted in multidisciplinary science and were centered on coordinated care.
Drs. Schoenberg and Williams welcomed questions and comments from the Trustees.
Comments and questions included praise for community based care, timeline for expansion of
programs to western Kentucky, diverse population expansion, how UK’s extension offices play
key roles in improving access to care, implementation strategies and outcomes-based
reimbursement. Other questions included student and professional opportunities, drug and
substance abuse in Kentucky, mental health issues in diverse populations and the role of
programs like Center for Excellence in Rural Health.
Trustees were also interested in the strengths of UK’s research enterprise from a
faculty/professional perspective and areas for growth and development. Drs. Schoenberg and
Williams both praised the collegial collaborative atmosphere and the unique collection of
colleges on a contiguous campus. Both believe that with an increase in the critical mass of
faculty, investments in infrastructure and an investment in endowed centers, UK can become a
leader in health outcomes for disadvantaged populations.

The Research Enterprise

President Capilouto introduced Interim Vice President for Research Lisa Cassis to share
with Trustees information on the economic impact of University of Kentucky Sponsored
Interim Vice President Cassis shared that in the last five months, evaluating UK’s
research enterprise has been her main mission. She is convinced that UK can make significant

� strides in research with careful planning and strategic investment. As the state’s flagship
institution, it is an imperative that UK’s focus be the Commonwealth’s health disparities.
Dr. Cassis introduced Dr. Rodney Andrews, Director of the Center for Applied Energy
Research (CAER), to update the Board on the state of UK’s external and internal research
Dr. Andrews explained that 70 percent of UK’s research is sponsored predominantly by
federal agencies. State and local government funds six percent and institutions 21 percent, with
business and other sources making up the balance. As federal funding has declined and looks to
remain flat for the foreseeable future, universities are competing more aggressively for the same
UK’s College of Medicine has the largest mass of research funding, followed by the
College of Engineering and large research centers. While UK’s research volume has grown
since 2004, its national ranking has declined. At the same time, the research and development
spending of many aspirational research university peers has increased substantially. While our
numbers are going up, other institutions around us are going up faster.
Dr. Andrews continued that UK’s research enterprise must make thoughtful strategic
decisions on our research investments. It must focus on solving Kentucky’s biggest and most
complex problems and invest in the areas of strength that support this mission. As only UK has
the strength and the breadth of programs to do this for Kentucky, UK must continue to develop
and enable the multidisciplinary teams necessary to tackle these problems. Additionally, the
clinical and research enterprises are linked. As UK has expanded the clinical enterprise, applied
research grows and this can be applied back and translated to improved patient care.
Dr. Andrews conveyed the need to focus investments on people, facilities and
infrastructure. The successful and strategic hiring of individuals like Dr. Mark Evers and his
group led to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) designation for the Markey Cancer Center, the
only one in Kentucky. Also Dr. Kunlei Liu in the Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER)
was hired to start a carbon capture program for coal fired power plants. Dr. Liu has built a group
of 39 researchers, including six students, and has $28 million in active grants.
Dr. Andrews shared that UK has also been successful with the “center” model, organized
around multidisciplinary teams. Multidisciplinary groups also make effective use of space and
Drs. Cassis and Andrews asked the Board for comments or questions regarding the
current status, priorities and investment of UK’s research enterprise. The Board engaged in
discussion, seeking answers to questions regarding faculty recruitment and retention and
infrastructure needs.
Economic Impact of University of Kentucky Sponsored Research in the
Commonwealth of Kentucky
To detail the economic impact of UK’s sponsored research in the Commonwealth of

� Kentucky, President Capilouto introduced Executive Vice President for Finance and
Administration Eric Monday.
Mr. Monday detailed the hiring of a company called Tripp Umbach, a national leader in
completing research, planning and economic impact studies for academic health centers, major
research universities, hospitals, corporations and nonprofits. The goals of the study were to
quantify annual economic impact of UK’s sponsored research; quantify the employment impact
of UK’s sponsored research; quantify the annual government revenue impact of UK’s sponsored
research at the state and local level; and provide a defensible impact study which shows the
impact of current sponsored research operations on the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Tripp Umbach’s methodology uses IMPLAN, input-output modeling software, to run
economic impact analyses. Using recent economic data from public sources such as U.S. Bureau
of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Census
Bureau, the data can predict effects on a regional economy from direct changes in employment
and spending.
UK’s sponsored research impact in direct, indirect and induced ways produced for 2013:

$581.2 million in annual economic impact in Kentucky;
8,114 jobs created and supported; and
$21.3 million generated annually in state and local taxes.

The Trustees engaged in discussion regarding research building(s) and support services,
commercialization and start-up companies, the healthcare enterprise, undergraduate and graduate
student success and patent opportunities.

Health Disparities in Kentucky

Vice President Cassis shared that as the Program Director of a National Institutes of
Health (NIH)-funded Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) which focuses on
obesity and cardiovascular diseases, her research focuses on two health problems that clearly
impact the lives of those throughout the Commonwealth. The evolution of the Center provides a
compelling example of how thematic research, coupled with targeted recruitment around a
research theme, empowers researchers at UK to find solutions to complex problems.
Dr. Cassis shared with Trustees that the objectives of COBRE are to identify mechanisms
linking obesity to cardiovascular disease, develop a multidisciplinary research Center around this
theme and use this as a platform to develop promising junior investigators to compete for NIH
grant support. Keys to the COBRE plan include mentoring junior faculty and students,
developing core facilities to optimize the research enterprise, strategic hiring and pilot projects.
Dr. Cassis offered that translational interdisciplinary teams under one roof and in close
proximity result in clinical discoveries, clinical trials and improved clinical outcomes and
standards of care.

� The Board engaged in extensive discussion, seeking answers to questions regarding
supporting basic research, educating constituents on the importance of research, fundamental
duties of institutions of higher learning, financing the research mission, infrastructure realities,
optimization and alignment of current resources and strengths, balance of priorities, attracting
industry investment in UK and building on momentum.

Update on Capital Improvements on Campus

Executive Vice President Eric Monday updated the Board on the capital improvements
on campus. He shared that over the last 40 months (since July 2011) UK has initiated 84
projects renovating 4.4 million square feet, investing $1.36 billion. These projects can be
characterized as being related to Quality of Life, Academic, HealthCare, and Infrastructure.
The Quality of Life projects (44) include housing, dining, parking, athletics, University
recreation halls and student centers. Academic projects (13) include acquisitions, renovations,
remodels and new construction. HealthCare projects (14) include fit-up of floors in the Patient
Tower, Kentucky Clinic and Good Samaritan. Infrastructure projects (13) include security, road
and sewer systems and central plant projects. These projects have been funded through a
combination of debt, private partners, University funds, philanthropy and state and federal funds.
This funding combination has resulted in an increase of UK’s outstanding debt by $240 million.
Ms. Mary Vosevich, UK’s new Vice President for Facilities Management, updated the
Board of Trustees on the four targeted areas for UK’s campus.
Attention to the landscape plan was introduced during the campus master planning
sessions last year. Focus will be directed on the campus landscape and creating a sense of place,
belonging and pride. Attention will be directed to transition spaces that the campus community
moves to and through and spaces where individuals congregate and collaborate.
Ms. Vosevich defined UK as a “city within a city.” The utilities infrastructure needs to
be robust, redundant and reliable. Attention will be directed to a utilities master plan for now
and the future, with the appropriate economic analyses performed.
All major universities have a deferred maintenance plan. Facilities Management will
strategize on how and what facilities need investments for efficient operations.
Ms. Vosevich stated that the last targeted area is preservation. Buildings and landscapes
that have historic significance cannot be ignored and UK needs to link the past with the present
while thinking about the future. Her office will inventory facilities and find ways to celebrate
culturally and historically significant facilities using static displays, interactive displays, and
other methods in order to preserve the greatness of this campus and respect its history.
The Board adjourned at 4:15 p.m.


� Saturday, October 18, 2014
The Board of Trustees began its morning recap at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, October 18, 2014
in the Board Room, 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower on the University of Kentucky campus.
The Trustees were introduced to and had a training session on Directors Desk, software
developed by NASDAQ that allows for a paperless meeting environment.

2014 Retreat Recap

As a follow up from the discussion held on Friday, President Capilouto presented for the
Boards consideration and discussion, CR 1, Principles for the Research Enterprise. It read as
Recommendation: Recognizing the essential nature and value of all scholarly and
creative activity undertaken at a comprehensive, land-grant institution, the University’s
mission and the current financial environment compel a focus on research areas where:
1. the needs of Kentuckians and the Commonwealth are most pressing; and
2. the University can continue to compete successfully for external research support.
The President is directed to take steps necessary to achieve these goals and grow the
University’s research enterprise by:

Aligning resource commitments to optimize efficiency and facilitate faculty success;
Recruiting and retaining additional world-class researchers and research teams;
Strengthening the commitment to interdisciplinary exploration; and
Confirming and detailing the critical need for additional research infrastructure.

Concerns were raised about the inclusivity of staff and students and the role of faculty as
scholars in the research mission. After extensive discussion, item number one and two were
changed to read as follows:
1. Aligning resource commitments to optimize efficiency and facilitate faculty, staff and
student success.
2. Recruiting and retaining world-class scholars and research teams

Retreat Adjourned

Chair Gannon adjourned the Retreat at 10:14 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila Brothers
Secretary, Board of Trustees


� University of Kentucky
Board of Trustees Retreat
October 17, 2014

Nancy Schoenberg, Ph.D.

� HeartHealth: A Community
Program for Life
Debra Moser, Ph.D.
Linda C. Gill Professor College of Nursing

Support: Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Institute (PCORI)

HEART DISEASE DEATH RATE PER 100,000, 35+, 2008-2010


• 6 interactive modules:
1) self-care and CVD risk reduction;
2) nutrition;
3) physical activity;
4) depression control and stress reduction;
5) managing multiple comorbid risk factors; and
6) smoking cessation and/or medication adherence

• 12-week period by lay community health worker
and nurse educators who have been trained
extensively by our research nurse interventionist

� Patient Navigation for Cervical
Cancer Control in Appalachia
Mark Dignan, Ph.D., MPH
Prevention Research Center

Support: NIH/NCI R01 CA120606

(U.S. RATE: 7.8, KY: 9.6, APP KY: 11.2 PER 100,00)

1. In collaboration with local rural health
departments, recruited and trained patient
2. Enrolled women with abnormal Pap test
3. Identifying barriers/assets that affect women’s
receipt of diagnostic and treatment services
for cervical cancer.
4. Navigators coached them through the health
care delivery system.

� Faith Moves Mountains
Quittin’ Program
Nancy E. Schoenberg, Ph.D.
Marion Pearsall Professor of Behavioral Science

Support: NIH/NIMHD and NCI,


Note: Current Adult Smokers is defined as adults aged ≥18 years who reported having smoked ≥100 cigarettes during
their lifetime and who now smoke every day or some days.
Source: Kentucky Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Data Department for Public Health, Cabinet
for Health and Family Services, Frankfort, Kentucky, 2010. State and U.S. Data is from CDC BRFSS 2010.

• Lay health advisor
(LHA) administered
group randomized trial
• Church settings
• Components
– 12 support sessions
– and nicotine
replacement therapy
– Motivational
– Cooper- Clayton-based

Kingscreek Community
Lewis Creek Pentecostal
Corinth Baptist Church
Premium Baptist Church
Kings Chapel Church
Whitesburgs First Baptist
Holy Trinity Tabernacle
Church of Christ in Harlan
Hurricane Gap Baptist
Wabaco Christian Church
Consolidated Baptist
Hindman United
Whitesburg United
Methodist Church
House of Prayer
Wallins Methodist Church

Bledsoe Church of God of
Immanuel Baptist Church
Neon First Church of God
Smith Creek Full Gospel
Isom Presbyterian Church
Faith Community Church
My Father’s House in
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints
Cornerstone Community
Jeremiah Missionary
Holy Trinity Catholic

591 current smokers
Unemployed (70%)
Fair or poor health (56%)
Most had attempted at least
one cessation effort in their
• Nearly 70% exhibited high or
very high levels of nicotine




91% retained


Median # sessions
27% attended all
12 sessions


36.2% quit in
compared with
2.6% in control

� University of Kentucky
Board of Trustees Retreat
October 17, 2014

Nancy Schoenberg, Ph.D.

� University of Kentucky
Board of Trustees Retreat
October 17, 2014

Mark Williams, M.D.

� � Why Apply Health Services Research
to Public Health Delivery?

>75% of US health spending is attributable to
conditions that are largely preventable

Cardiovascular disease
Lung diseases
Vaccine-preventable diseases and sexually
transmitted infections

<5% of US health spending is allocated to
prevention and public health
CDC 2008 and CMS 2011

� Why Apply Health Services Research
to Public Health Delivery?
Evidence-based prevention strategies reach less than
half of the U.S. target populations at risk:
Smoking cessation
Influenza vaccination
Hypertension control
Nutrition & physical activity programs
Family planning
Substance abuse prevention
Interpersonal violence prevention

� Boston

The Commonwealth Foundation, 2012

� � Operating Environment


Care Delivery



Standard Processes






� Three Research Project Examples
For Improving Care Delivery

UK-Appalachian Tele-Emergency Network

National Coordinating Center for Public Health Services and
Systems Research


� UK-AppalachianTele-Emergency Network
University of Kentucky
Chandler Medical Center (UK-ATEN Hub)

Control Site
Intervention Site

Rural Non-Critical Access
Hospital (UK-ATEN Spoke)
Rural Critical Access Hospital
(UK-ATEN Spoke)



� National Coordinating Center for
Public Health Services and Systems Research
Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:
$10.5M to UK from 2011-2015
Intramural research activities
− Public Health Value: Cost estimation, economic evaluation
− Delivery System Reform: ACA effects on public health delivery,
population health measurement, aligning public health & health care
Extramural research programs (funded separately ≈ $30M)
− Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs) across U.S.
− Investigator-initiated research awards
− Predoctoral/Postdoctoral & career development awards
− Quick Strike rapid-cycle studies

� Public Health PBRN Reach
Networks in 32 U.S. states
1,593 local public health agencies engaged
35 state agencies engaged
52 universities engaged
58 professional and community organizations
Emerging Canadian network

� Connect — Catalyze — Create
Center for Health Services Research



to Optimize


Business and

Arts and Sciences
Social Work

� Project ACHIEVE
Effectiveness of Transitional Care
Achieving Patient-Centered Care
and Optimized Health In Care
Transitions by Evaluating the Value
of Evidence

� � ACHIEVE Study Design – 3 year study
Phase 1:

Survey Development

Phase 2a:

Retrospective Longitudinal
Comparative Analyses

Phase 2b:

Prospective Cohort Analysis

Phase 3:


� � Translational Science

Return on investment:
• Educate future leaders
• Improve health of the Commonwealth
• Grow research portfolio

� University of Kentucky
Board of Trustees Retreat
October 17, 2014

Mark Williams, M.D.

� Health Disparities in the
Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases
A Compelling Example

� UK NIH Funding Aligns with Health
Disparities in the Commonwealth

NCI = National Cancer Institute; NIDA = National Institute for Drug Abuse; HLBI =
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute; DDK = Diabetes, Digestive Diseases and Kidney

� NIH COBRE on Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases: Historical
Perspective of Center Development

5th floor, CTW
Partnership begins

Phase 1 COBRE funded

Brilliant Idea

Phase 2 COBRE funded

� Lisa Cassis
Pharm Sci

Alan Daugherty

Ming Gong

Zhen Guo

Bernie Hennig

Nancy Webb

Erik Eckhardt

Phil Kern

Vicky King
Lisa Tannock

Dennis Bruemmer

Fred de Beer
Internal Medicine

Deneys van der Westhuyzen

� NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)
on Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases
• Objectives

– Identify mechanisms linking obesity to CV disease, two health
disparities that are rampant in the Commonwealth
– Develop a multidisciplinary research Center around this theme
– Use this as a platform to develop promising junior investigators
to compete for NIH grant support (“graduates”)

• Plan

Develop core facilities to optimize research enterprise,
Strategic hiring,
Pilot Projects

� Junior PI

Progress during Phase 1

Grants Funded

Greg Graf
Lisa Tannock


3 (2 R01s, 1 ADA)


Zhenheng Guo
Sean Stocker
Jianhua Shao


Shuxia Wang
Victoria King
Kevin Pearson
Eric Eckhardt
Zhenyu Li




2 (R01s)
4 (3 R01s, 1 VA
2 (R01s)
1 (R01)
4 (2 R01s, 1 R21, 1
2 (R01, VA Merit)
2 (R01, CCTS)
2 (R01, R03)
1 (R21)
3 (R01, ASH, Astra
2 (R01, SDG)
















• Have now graduated 12 out of 12 at a rate of 100%, or 2.4 investigators/year
• Graduates have multiple grants (2.25/investigator)
• 2.5 publications/investigator/year

� Cost Effective Investment of Research
NIH Phase I
$10.5 million
UK Investment

$400,000 (VPR)

and Mentor
$72 million

= $94 million

NIH Phase 2
$11.3 million
UK Investment

$250,000 (VPR)

� Funding is impressive, but it is the
research and its impact that matters…

• An Example of our research:
Childhood obesity and its
impact on cardiac function

� Project 2: Brandon Fornwalt, MD/PhD

Susan Smyth, MD/PhD
Professor and Division Chief
Cardiology, Dept Internal Med

Brandon Fornwalt, MD/PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept Pediatrics,

David Randall, PhD
Dept Physiology

� Pediatric Obesity is Prevalent

� Pediatric Obesity is Associated with
Early Mortality

Highest BMI
Highest BMI Quartile

Franks PW, et al. NEJM. 2010;362:485-93.

� MRI Techniques: Increased
Subcutaneous and Visceral Adiposity in Obese
Children in the Commonwealth
16 yr, Healthy

16 yr, Obese

Subcutaneous Fat
Visceral Fat