xt7hqb9v2q2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v2q2p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, October 8, 1966 text University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, October 8, 1966 1966 1966 2014 true xt7hqb9v2q2p section xt7hqb9v2q2p I O I
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ir ir ·k ir ir ·k rk Page
Game Story .......................................................................... 5
Governor Breathitt ................................................................ 6
  Official Signals and Penalties .............................................. 8
    President Oswald .................................................................. 9
    UK Frosh Schedule and Results ............................................ I0 1
  Athletics At Kentucky .....................................................,..,. I I
  Athletics Director Shively ...................................................... I2 I
 _, _l    Varsity Schedule and Scores .................................................. I4  
‘°"';§§'§§;§',§Es ’ \ Coaching stott ...................................................................... is ‘
za MLB MEDALS `I    Head Coach Bradshaw ,.........................r............................... I6 »
Longmes watches are   Kentucky Player Pictures ........................ I8, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38
recognized as OFFICIAL Virginia Tech Player Pictures .......................................... 20, 33
fgrtiming world Statistically Speaking ............................................................ 24
· championships and Olympic Rosters .......................................,....,..................................... 28 `
0$P0|’I$ in all fields Lineups ...........................................................,.... Center Spread 1
t¤r¤¤zh¤¤¤¤¤ www- 6 oenrn cnen .....,............................,.....................................r. 29
I Virginia Tech Administration .....................,.......................... 37  
  l·’`   The Four P's of College Football ............................................ 40  
  I ri  /%   p\   What Opponents Are Doing .................................................. 42  
    II      q§»\\  _o”V I 1 Meet The Kittens .................................................................. 43
  7,I\ uw I     Southeastern Conference Schedule ...................................... 44    
  Ts_W   r`\ (Ig q;_;;,- sj   · I li`s·   UK Committee Chamber of Commerce ..........................s..... 46   »t
 ; rl·,‘s   “   G; R ,, ,6 Vllsli   Mystery Wildcats .................................................................. 47  
 To j     »·.s   I ,l~,   Preview of Coming Attractions ................r........................... 47  
}ti,*‘;;j{j;§,?‘jig?g}%;i;Q;;_',,j*j*;,;"ig,jjg,l·;·,*}j,,Q;';;;_g; Band .................................................................................... 49 .   .‘ll   T
Wildcat Coaches——Athletics Staff .........................,.............. 50 ,l,·~;' ] _l
1 %’_Q7(L'/7/~1·111»tti·tiimztigt   tt"‘éii~¥ii»m*~?d*it‘li“'"g if l  
”'¤*°*°'W¤*°’·¤*°' '“·= "*¤““'°"¤*¤='°* $‘"°° "*°’ 271 Madison Avenue, tsiewlvorik, N. v.  
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“ I CLI l' I I l” (7//I EWS  
  WM I § Z2" N  
KENTUCKY vs, VIRGINIA TECH extra point kick following the closing minutes drive to a TD
failed and cost Tech a chance for an upset victory.
Former Kentucky \Vildcat player and assistant coach Scouting reports point to an all-out defensive battle be-
]erry Claiborne brings dangerous Virginia Tech to town to- tween Kentucky's heralded defenders and Tech’s experienced
night seeking a first victory over ex-teammate Charlie Brad- unit. VP1 lost only two hands off its defensive outfit of last
shaw that would give his Gobblers a big boost in prestige. season. Heading the group scheduled to square off against
The invading Techmen (1-1-1) look to the Kentucky UK’s light and inexperienced offensive line are senior tackles
( encounter as a pivotal game in their quest for a winning Sands VVoody (210) and Andy Bowling (G-3. 220). The »
eampagin and doubtless will hold little back in an all-out VPI offense is built around quarterback Stafford and tailhack
effort to top the Blue Grass contingent, which has to keep Tommy Francisco.
one eye cocked warily toward next week’s conference test Kentucky counters with an aggregation virtually devoid
against Louisiana State. of “stars.” The \Vildcats, now 2-1 on the season after top-
Claiborne, once a teammate of Bradshaw’s at UK, is ping Auburn last week, have shown improvement as a
T guiding Tech for the sixth year and gives every indication harmonious team unit with every game. \Vhile the much-
_  of a winner. After dropping their opener to Tulane in New improved defense has received deserved credit. thc `Cats
 T Orleans by a 13-0 count, the Gobblers swamped George displayed a consistent offensive punch in defeating Auburn
\Vashington, 49-(), and last week flexed powerful muscles to and should come to the forefront in even more important
i tic \Vest Virginia, 13-13. The ambitious Techmen were kept fashion this week. Tailback Larry Sciple leads the ground
· off balance throughout by the fired up Green VVave but gainers with 203 yards while alternating quarterbacks Terry
 ; powered their way past George VVashington’s Generals by Bcadles and Roger \Valz show a ledger of 12 completions
, scoring six of the first seven times they had possession of 111 $9 Z1ltCmptS f01‘ 100 }‘t11` ·    .T   V VT i   °     T >``» -,       T l gy] `T »`V’ gj   V    ac   
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IUI11I1US GOV€I'I10I‘ Boosts I COI' I’I €I'S . . .
A W'ld G 'dd ii
Edward TA Breathitt, at 4l, is the nation’s second youngest Governor. A Hopkinsville attorney,
he continues a family record of distinguished public service that dates back to pre—Civil War days
when an ancestor, John Breathitt, served as the state's chief executive.
Governor Breathitt, who in his capacity as Governor, also serves as chairman of the University
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to sm:. roucmmcx mmm; nuns on cussr
`I. OFFSIDE by eiIher Ieam; Vialarian oi play aI sIarI ol eiIher haII—Loss 0I I5 I3. ILLEGAL FORWARD PASS OR IL-
scrimmage or Iree IIIoI Foul and FirsI Down.
Taking more Ihan Iwo sIeps aIIer Fair
carer is mas; Player on une reserving 9. Roueriirie me i<1ci<&r< or ileiaer gs IPPIIESQGILBLE RIEESIIIEIZ POWNFIEIP
snap; Free kick ouI-oI—bounds—Loss oI "—I—'?>$S OI I5 Y¤F¤I$· __ OSS O ar S'
3_ ll_LE(;AL MOi·lON_gl’Ir9,IslI,S playa,. SIrilIaIion oI rules during of Preceding Down and Loss of a Down.
4. ILLEGAL SHIFT-Failure Io pause one inIermIssion; Illegal reIurn 0I·disqua|iIied Eligible pass lacsivsl going OUl_O{_l;,Oullds
Iull second in shiII pIay——Loss of Five player; Coaching Irom side lines: Invalid and laler lollclllng a Icorward p¤SS_l_OSs
Yards. signal Ior Fair CaIch; Persons illegally on I D _ lll ll l<. l(. Ill b ll__l_
Iield-—Loss 0I I5 Yards. (FlagranI oIIend- O Own' Egg Y Iclnq S 5 , OSS
5. ILLEGAL RETURN·—|nIrac+ien or Sub. 6,5 will bs Cllsqualllmll il ¤5bYirdgHIIl&j¤$Iv I<¤¤k·¤<; llr b¤gI·¤e I `I8. HELPING TI·lE RUNNER, or inler-
Loss oI Five Yards. Team ncI ready Io 0I pass Plus Loss oi Down. locked inIerIerence——L0ss oI I5 Yards.

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- University's President Knows Value of An Athletic Program . . .
_ When Dr. John W. Oswald became the sixth and later rose through the administrative ranks V
f president ot the University of Kentucky on Sept. to the position ot Vice—President tor /\dministra— °
  l, l963, he brought to the position most unique tion.
  qUT’l'i'C¤i’O"‘$ TPO? PGYG Smce mded 'mm€P'SUr` Dr_ Oswa|d's athletic experience, that now _
g jb Y ·¤ he ¤<¤*m·¤·$tr¤*·¤¤ 9* Ons 0* the ¤¤t_·¤¤_$ Srmis him in gm stead GS president ot O uni» i
Or?mOSl Gnd fcslesbgrcwmg Gducctmncl Inst" versity boasting an ambitious athletic program,
lUtlOn$‘ I _ came as a player in his collegiate days at De E
John Oswald s background reflects the highest PGUW OS he plgyed gl/lord On the fOO,[bO|| mgm E
Slgndgrd Of GPCSHGPCQ In €F:lUCGllfmGl prQ_pGm_ for three years and later at Calitornia’s Davis `
tion and also includes experience in athletics at CGmpUS_Wh€r€ he med his hcnd Ot Cmlchmg
'=>¤*'* the ¤*¤v€r ¤¤<-t ¤<>¤¤** '<=V€’$» _ ii>y¤VOC¤irOr.> the grid team fora rmi Demi, .
The 49-year-old educator, who was born in St.
Paul, Minnesota, received his education in the ln l?62» hs Vl/OS ncmed by SDPHS llluslmlcd
public SChOO|S Of LO Gmngel HI'] Cmd Gt DEPGUW on its Silver Anniversary All-America team, ·com»
University where he WGS G phi Beta i<¤pp¤ gmd- DOSE? Ot twer t¤¤" P*¤vsiS WM ¤¤*w¤d
UGTG in   H6 OISO   grcducte WOr[< On the Sp€C|Gl pl'Ol'l'lil'l€l'iC€ ll'l ll'i€ll' Cl'lOS€l'l pTOiGSSiOl'lS.
Davis and Berkeley campuses of the University Dr. Oswald is a staunch supporter ot |es»A¤d MA€·A¤d SAC- appreciate your respect for Sportsmanship in
And ADC remaining quiet at this time. Please cooperate.
There's a real future in Air Force flying. In years to D It h I t d It , t _
come aircraft may fly higher, faster,and further than On Q p O raw a Pena y agams youl
we dare dream of. But they'|l be flying, with men team-
who've had Air Force flight training at the controls.
Of course the Air Force also has plenty of {obs for
those who won't be flying. As one of the world's I
largest and most advanced research and develop-        
ment organizations, we have a continuing need for
scientists and engineers. S_
Young college graduates in these fields will find Date Opponent ma
the W Fee   e es eee me   Oct. 7 Tennessee neen .......... Knoxville I
both interesting and important, The fact rs, nowhere I
will you have greater latitude or responsibility right OCI. 14 VG Tech I:rOSI,.I Blacksburg `
from the starr than on the Aerospace Teom—the I I  
U-5+** fmsel Oct. 20 Cincinnati Frosh ........ Lexington i
Interested? The place to find out more is at the I
office ol the Professor of Aerospace Studies, if Oct.   \/Cll"tC.l€t'lDlll' l:|'OSl’t ........ l.EX|I"tQ'l'Ot't  
there is an Air Force ROTC unit on your campus. ll
Ask about the new 2-year AFROTC program avail-
¤bI¤ ¤r m¤nv wlleees cmd fe \_ 1965 RESULTS (Freshmen)
universities. lf you prefer, mail the ’   7* `I
coupon bclovv.  I', (Won 2, Lost  
4+;, I gjg i Je?
- I ’ I     .
   I   »r 7 Vanderbilt Frosh (A) O
F‘”‘; *__-—"——*—‘——  -*1
I IIIIIOICC mm 28 I I2 Va. Tech Frosh (I·l) 36
H wpl Air Tar; ets;-, · 1 6 . . .
I O U cp H Em I I9 Cincinnati Frosh (A) I5
I tsinm ___i_______; I
I C n— ~¤=~   I O Tennessee Frosh (l·I) 40
I Cn"ej»s Class al I'? I Y. ___
I Aet.tIe·.-. I    
l Cty _ State Yip l I
L .—a,__E_____ _ _____ _t

 Kentucky’s athletic program, a well-balanced development of one of the nation’s top athletic
and ambitious activity featuring inter—collegiate programs is Bernie A. Shively, a former lllinois
competition in ten different sports, is organized grid All—American and a veteran of over 25 years
under the Department of Athletics and a cor- in the post of Director of Athletics.
poration known as the University of Kentucky The Association’s Board of Directors is com-
Athletics Association. posed of the following:
The program is conducted without overempha-
l sis or sacrifice of educational objectives and in Dr. John W. Oswald, Chairman
A strict compliance with the rules of the University, Robert Johnson, Vice Chairman
the Southeastern Conference and the National Dr. W. L. Matthews, Jr., Secretary
Collegiate Athletic Association. Dr. Ralph Angelucci
A board of directors, headed by University Prof. David Blythe
President John W. Oswald in the capacity of Dr. Aubrey Brown
chairman, maintains overall policy supervision Dr. Loren Carlson
of the athletic program. Ex-officio members, in Dr. Thomas Clark
addition to the resident include Vice Presidents Dr. Glen Creech
Robert Johnson and Glen Creech, Dr. W. L. Dr. John Douglas
Matthews in the ca acit of secretar to the Dr. L man Gin er
board, and a student representative—a|l ap- Dr. A. D. Kirwan
ointed b the resident. Twelve other men Carson Porter (Student)
drawn from the University faculty and the gen- Douglas Parrish
eral public, also serve on the board as appointees James l·l. Pence
of the resident. Dr. Dou las Schwartz
Supervising the steady growth and balanced Floyd Wright
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