xt7hqb9v2g7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v2g7r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-09-04 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 4, 1987, no. 510 text The Green Bean, September 4, 1987, no. 510 1987 1987-09-04 2014 true xt7hqb9v2g7r section xt7hqb9v2g7r               E N BEAN
Number 510 September 4, 1987 ‘
C A L E N D A R .
September 6 President william McKinley shot in 1901 in
Buffalo, New York, and died on Sept. 14, 1901.
September 7 Labor Day. University Holiday.
September 7 Queen Elizabeth I, 1533-1603. Queen of England
and daughter of Henry VIII. .
September 8 welcome convocations for President David P.
Roselle (See inside for details.)
September 8 International Literacy Dayf
September 9 Gaines Center Luncheon. Featured speaker is
Lawrence Busch, Sociology/Agriculture, "Studying
Science and Sc1ent1sts"
September 11 O Henry, 1862—1910. American short story author,
born william Sydney Porter.
September 12 H.L. Mencken, 1880—1956. American lexicographer
and humorist.
September 13 200th Anniversary of the Press in Kentucky.
Remarks, display and reception follow. (See
inside for details.)
September 13 walter Reed, 1851—1902. American army physician,
especially known for his work on yellow fever.
Next Green Bean: Friday, September 18, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, September 11, 1987
Production Staff: Editor/typlstz Kerry Kresse;
Proofreader7typ1sE: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil Madison.
A E6; Mewsietter of the Umversnty  
  ef Kemupky Lnbrarnes  

After two years of editing PLACED ON THE PAYROLL. This ls
the GB, I am turning over a change from the last GB, and
control to the capable hands of is a change from the Employment
Bonnie Cox. Future Office, not the Dlrector's
correspondence and items for Office.
the GB should be sent to her at As a brief reminder, the
Collection Development, King easiest way for American
Library South, 00391. Phone citizens to prove their
257-5895. citizenship ls to take their
I have enjoyed my stint as dr:Lver's license (must have a
editor, and would like to thank photo on it) and their social
all of you who encouraged me, security card (cannot be
and submitted items for laminated). For further
publication. I could have done information, please call the
it without you, but lt would Employment Office.
have been a lot more work! ·
There is an lmportant
retraction regarding the I-9 NEW STAFF .... WELCOME ABOARDH
forms for student employees, so
make sure that you read it Thomas Rlckert ..... GPD
carefully. Linda Turner ....... CDU
As a parting thought, I Phil Stoffer ....... Geology
would like to leave you with a
quote, probably from the New
Yorker, originally published? BRANCH LIBRARIES HOURS
the Princeton {NJ) Packet, that ·
was g ven o me y a Chemistry Another correction to the
Department faculty member. branch libraries hours that
were recently routed. The
T'a1 Chi is the ancient Journalism Reading Room is
Chinese way to health and located in 124 Grehan Building,
longevity. Gentle, not Room 116, as previously
deliberate movements refresh published.
the body, revitalize the
spirit and clear the mind.
T'a:L Chi improves book VAN TO KLA
circulation, strengthens the H
cardiovascular system, If you are interested in
massages the internal organs taking the van to KLA on
and supplies the entire September 30 - October 1, (see
organism with llfe energy. last issue of the gg for agenda
and schedule) please call Carol
Happy reading! -KLK Renta in the D1rector's Office
at 257-3801. When you call,
please specify which day(s) and
I—9 FORM UPDATE t1m€(S) you wish to go.
A Retractlon

FALL RECEPTION FOR NEW by the Kentucky Wind
FACULTY Quintet and Student Jazz
President and Mrs. David
Roselle and the University Facult Convocation
Women's Club will host a 3:00 — 3:45 pm. Address by
reception in honor of new President Roselle in the
appointees to the faculty, Concert Hall of the Center
professional and administrative for the Arts.
staff and their spouses on 3:45 — 5:30 pm. Reception in
Sunday, Segtember 27, from 2 to the Lobby. Music provided
5 pm a e S u en Cen er. by the UK Faculty Brass
T e Gran Ba room wl e Quintet and Student Jazz
used for the reception. All Ensemble.
faculty, professional and
administrative staff are
invited. Written invitations 200th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PRESS
will be sent to newcomers only. IN KENTUCKY `
Child care will be provided in
Room 206 of the Student Center. The UK Libraries and the
>> Please note the changes made Lexin ton Herald—Leader invite
for the time and location of you to a celebration
this year's reception. commemorating the 200th
anniversary of the press in
Kentucky. The festivities will
MEET PRESIDENT ROSELLE be held on Sunday, September 13
beginning at 2:00 pm in the
Chancellor Art Gallaher Court Room of the UK College of
invites the Lexington Campus Law.
faculty and staff to welcome Remarks will be made by Dr.
President Roselle to the Thomas Clark, Professor
University on Tuesday, Emeritus, UK Department of
September 8. Dr. Roselle will History, Mr. Creed Black,
deliver a few remarks at two Publisher, Lexington. Herald-
convocations, followed by Leader, and Mr. Davl D c ,
receptions, regarding a Acting Dean, UK School of
suggested agenda for the Journalimn.
University. The exhibit, ”A Kentucky
Attendance is optional and Hundred: Landmarks of Kentucky
offices must remain open. Pr1nt1ng," and accompanying
Staff who cover offices during reception, will be open to the
the morning convocation may public in the Department of
attend the afternoon Special Collections in King
convocation. Library North following the
Staff Convocation
8:00 — 8:45 am. Address by
President Roselle in the ABOVE AND BEYOND...
Concert Hall of the Center
for the Arts. Paul Willis recently received a
8:45 — 10:30 am. Reception in copy of this letter addressed
the Lobby. Music provided to Dean Timothy Slneath of the

 College of Library and Powell and Lllllan Mesner, in
Information Science, dated conjunction with the staff,
August 10, 1987. work with the Assistant to
design a project to develop
Dean Sineath: that concern. An example of
Having recently completed this is a project which was
a one {ear Asslstantshlp at the designed for me working with
A rlcu ture Llbrar , I would UKM records after I had
like to take ’EHIs opportunity expressed a deficiency ln
to state precisely how working with classification
beneficial that experience was schemes and subject headings.
to me. The project allowed me not only
The Agriculture Library to complete British cataloging
actively supports the research, records but to verify LC
teaching, and extension work of classlflcatlon and subject
— the College of Agriculture. headings.
The Asslstantshlp was designed The Asslstantship has
to expose graduate students to proven invaluable to me. It
all aspects of llbrarlanshlp has enabled me to apply theory
and the integral workings of a learned in the classroom to a
research library. Graduate working situation as well as
Assistants are required to keep provlde me with practical
the library open during peak experience. Through my
evening hours and weekends Asslstantshlp at the
during which time they are Agriculture Library, I have
responsible for circulation, gained the confidence necessary
reference, and servicing the to pursue my professional
various collections. Hours career as a Cataloging
worked during the regular Librarian at the New York
business day are spent in Publ1cLlbrary.
technical services. Assistants
have the opportunity to work Jeffrey T. Huber
with OCLC and the LS2000 as
well as the documentation which
supports the two systems. CLASSIFIED LIBRARY STAFF
Practical experience ls gained WORKSHOP
ln searching the databases, "Communlcatlon Skills That
cataloging, and serials work"
control. The Asslstantshlp ls
rounded out with a weekly The Community College and
seminar ln which various topics Junior College Round Table of
such as reference tools, the Kentucky Library
budgets, planning, staffing, or Association are presenting a
future considerations are workshop on communication
discussed. skllls specifically for
Working in both public and classified llbrar staff. The
technical services provides the objectlves of the workshop
Assistants with the opportunity include: .
to develop their interest `
within the profession. Once a ** methods of handling
student has expressed an `troublesome' students and
interest in an area, Toni faculty
4 .

** techniques for supervising Pat Lloyd ·
student workers Bill Marshall ‘
** ways to handle workplace Sandee McAn1nch
conflict Paula Pope
** methods of communicating Judy Sackett
more effectively Steve Savage
** ways to present your idea Gerry webb
to gain respect
** methods to asses  your Computerized Literature
personal style -— building Searc n
on your good points Stephanie Allen
** a chance to apply the Karen Cobb
methods and techniques Joanne Goode
learned Barb Hale
Kerry Kresse *
This workshop will be held Katherine Martin
on Friday, October 9, 1987 at Lillian Mesner
Shakertown from 10:00 am — 3:00 Patty Powell `
pm. The registration fee is Russ Powell
$10.00. Lunch is $2.00, and Teresa Smyth
payable at the door. Phil Stoffer
To register, please send Mary Vass
your name, library, position, Judy Wiza
social security number and a
check for $10 to Jefferson Galler Series
Community College, Continuing BIII Cooper
Education Office, 109 East Bonnie Cox *
Broadway, Louisville, KY Margaret Doutt *
40202. For a copy of the Harriett Ford
brochure with registration form Bev H1ltOn
attached, please call aonnle at Roxanne Jones
257-5895. Kathy Noland
Green Bean
Kentucky Review
* denotes committee chair Ro A en
_ Jim Birchfleld *
Building Kate Black
Jim Birchfleld Bill Cooper
Terry Birdwhistell B. J. Gooch
Ruth Brown Brad Grissom
John Bryant * Dan Hodge
Mary Geyer Paula Pope
Norma J. Gibson Meg Shaw
Harry Gilbert z Mary vass
Cathy Hunt
Roxanne Jones Occasional Pa ers
Gail Kennedy Terry Birdwhlsfell *
Kerry Kresse Dennis Carrlgan
Mike Lach Joyce Gilmore

 Occasional Papers gcont'd] Claire McCann *
M e Mar w Toni Powell
Mary McLaren Adil Razeeq
Janet Stlth
Salary Review
Personnel Bra Gr ssom
Terry BIrdwh1stell Toni Powell *
Teresa Burgett “ Mary Welch
Karen Cobb
Ann Howell Staff Development
Cathy Hunt * Ka e B ac
Bill James Charles Czarski
Sandee McAn1nch Betsy Daniluk
Lillian Mesner Joanne Goode *
Sharon Nelkirk Joyce McKinley
Loree Pennock Kate Sago
Kate Sego E. B. Theirl
Paul Thompson ‘
Planning Dorothy Trenbeath
Kar Boewe I
Diane Brunn S stems
Teresa Burgett Ro A en
Katherine Martin Bernle Baldini
Mlko Pattie John Bryant
Patty Powell Judy Fugate
Ebba J. Sexton Tari Keller
Meg Shaw Gall Kennedy *
Phil Stoffer ` Mike Lach ·
Judy Wiza * Mary McLaren
Miko Pattie
Preservation Toni Powell
Anne Campbell Christie noblnson
Cindy Cline Deborah Sogin
Charles Czarski Gary Stottlemyer
Emilie Dawson Mary Welch
Nazee Depp
Norma J. Gibson
Bev Hllton *
Cheryl Jones As part of it= general
Bill Marshall service program, the Gaines
Mildred Moore Center for the Humanities is
Judy Sackett again offering an informal
Jeanne Trimble luncheon seminar designed to
acquaint library personnel with
current projects, techniques.
Promotion/Tenure and resources used by UK
Lynn Bowman faculty. The seminar has as
Anne Campbell its purpose the furtherance of
_ Mike Marklw a splrft of collegiallty and

 intellectual appreciation among OPERATION READ AT UK
those on the campus most EmpIoyee Literacy
concertned twith scholarly Tu or Tra n ng
researc ln he humanities.
At each luncheon, a Volunteer tutors are needed
facullty member w1ll explaln hl; lxfl :1; prggram thaézf vg-111 hlellp
or er research, wit 1 1 era e UK sta earn ow
particular emghasls on to read or earn his or her GED.
resources ergploye , and wlll In otrder ti: become a tutor?
a so commen on M.I. K1ng's ou mus comp ete 14 hours o
xiesouzrhces for general research ¥ra1n1ng that are available at
n e topic area (most Human Resource Development:. To
particularly as lt would affect enroll or get more information,
undergraduates and graduates please call Operation Read at
who mlght want to begln UK at 257-6331.
research in that area). The
format, however, will be of an
informal discusslon group. ALA/LAMA SEEKS PERSONNEL ‘
Participants wlll be CONSULTANTS
different for each meet1ng,
vglth par§1cular interest 1n the Ltlbrarles seek out
oplc o discussion belng of exper 1se to consult on human
_ pglmary consideration. A total resource management lssues and
o 12 llbrary personnel ma to conduct worksho s on
attend each meeting. Lunch personnel top1cs. To asglst 1n
w1ll be provided from 12:00 - the 1dent:Lf:Lcat1on of
1:03 for participants during experienced personnel ·
eac session. consultants, the ·Personnel
The four sesslons for the Administration Section of ALA's
Fall Semester are: Library Adm1n1strat1on and
Management Association is
Se tember 9 Lawrence Busch, preparing a personnel
SotcI§Iogy/Agrlcultureé cobnsultants list for
"S u ying Science an pu l1cat1on 1n 1988.
Sc1ent1sts" Individuals who want to be
listed 1n this publication must
October 14 Keith MacAdam, complete an application form,
PHysIcs and Astronomy (*) providing lnformatlon about
_ experience, references, and
November 11 David Olster, personal data. A modest
History (*) application fee will also be
required to assist with the
December 9 Percival Everett, cost of publication.
Engllsh (*) App icatlons can be
requested from Jim Neal, E505 _
(*) The topics of the last Pattee Library, Penn State
three talks will be announced University, University Park,
in a later edition of the GB. PA. 16802.
If you are 1nteresté`d` 1n
attending any of these
luncheons, please contact Rob
Aken at 257-1631.
_ 7

 SOUTHEASTERN LIBRARY ls S50, and rooms are available
ASSOCIATION SEEKS NEW MEMBERS at the Capital Plaza Hotel for V
$50 (double occupancy.)
Linda Stith, SELA Watch upcoming issues of
representative, reports that the gg for agenda information. ~
the Southeastern Library ·
Association offers its members (
a quality journal, a well- GUIDE TO RESEARCH SUPPORT
planned biennial conference, AVAILABLE THROUGH THE
and the opportunity to meet GRADUATE SCHOOL
librarians with similar I
interests and concerns. Active The new guide for research
participation ls strongly support available through the
encouraged, and there are 23 Graduate School outlines steps
committees waiting for members. and procedures necessary in
SELA membership dues order to obtain funds. The
include two section/round table following basic rules apply: I
affiliations and are salary- ·
based, with the highest dues I. Each request must be I
being $15.00. Further related directly to a (
information can be obtained specific research project.
from Ms. Stith or from Ellen 2. Any full-time faculty
Hellard, both at the Kentucky member is eligible to
Department for Libraries and apply. Visiting and
Archives, Box 537, Frankfort, adjunct faculty and `
KY 40602, or call (502) 875- generally not eligible. 3
7000. [Submitted (sort of ) by 3. Funds are not intended for ~
Judy Sackett.] long-term support of (
ongoing research. 1
4. Awards seldom exceed  
COMPUTING AND 5. Deadlines for receipt of 1
grants for the FY1987—88  
Plan now to attend the are October 1, 1987 and I
Fall 1987 Kentucky Higher March 1, 1988. €
Education Computing and 6. Proposals requesting less l
Telecommunications Conference than $600 (exclusive of (
in Frankfort on October 26 and equipment) have no T
27. The theme of the deadline. Such proposals, (
conference will be "Informatlon termed M1n1grants,' may be j
Management: A New Direction for submitted at any time and E
State Government and Higher will be reviewed promptly. g
Education. " g
UK President David Roselle For a complete copy of the {
will be the dinner speaker on rules, regulations and §
Monday, October 26. A guidelines, please call Kerry g
` conference vendor exhibition at 257-5954. s
and a demonstration of the g
services offered by the .
Department of Information a
Systems. The registration fee  
. 8 `

 ‘ l
September 12 ‘ l
The 1988 Summer Stipend
. .Program of the National. The South in Transition. Dr.
` Endowment for the Humanities THomas IL ClarE. 230 New l
has been recently announced. Student Center, 10:00 am —
, Each year, the NEH awards Noon.
several hundred summer research I
stipends to university faculty. will the U.S. Constitution
Both junior and senior faculty Endure for Another _200
members are eligible for the Years? Panel dlscussldd l
program. The NEH not only featuring Dr. Robert M. §
considers projects in the Ireland, Prof. M. Louise _
, traditlonal humanities Graham, Rep. Ernesto ·
{ disciplines but also funds Scorscne, Dr. Sidney S. X
» projects in the social sciences Ulmer. Moderator, Dean
and law that have humanistic Mlchael Baer. Board Room,
content or focus. The stipend 18th Floor, Patterson. 2
is $3,500 for two months of Office Tower. 10:00 am —
‘ :ummer research. 11:30 am.
Over the past decade,
twelve UK faculty members' The Blessings of Llbertp. ·
proposals have been funded by Ex . Boar Room, 1 h
the NEH summer stipend program. Floor, Patterson Office
Dr. Jonathan Glixon, Department Tower. 9:00 am — Noon. ·
of Music, held a 1987 summer
stipend. H 1 g h T e m p e·r a t u r e
This year, the University upercon uc v y: A
will nominate three proposals Revo u ion n Science an
for the national competition. Technolo . Dr. Kumble
Faculty are encouraged to SuEEaswamy. 153 .
apply. Before applying, Chemistry/Physics Building,
applicants s ou plc up a 10:00 am — Noon. -
copy of the 1988 application
guidelines from the office of September 19 .
David C. Johnson, Acting
Associate Dean, College of Arts Garden Festival II: Plants and Y
8 Sciences, Room 271 Patterson People, An Opportunlty In l
Office Tower. Ken uc y. Lan scape Gar en
Interested faculty should Cen er, 10:30 am — Noon.
submit a proposal and a 5
curriculum vitae to Dean "when in the Course of human
Johnson's office by Thursdag, events": A Rare Copy of Ehe
September 17, 1987. T e D e<: a r a 1.o n o
proposa s ou o low the Independence. Dr. Thomas
application guidelines and Owens. 230 Oswald
should be written to appeal to Building, Lexington
educated nonspecialists. Community College, 10:30 m
For more information, — 11:30 mn.
please contact Dean Johnson at 7
257-6689. I
. 9

 Food and Your Heart: A Concern CALIFORNIA
of Kentucilans. Dr.
Bemdhrd Hmmlg, 128 Reference/Instruction
Erikson Hall, 10:00 am — Librarian. University of
Noon. >>> Followed by a California, Los Angeles.
healthful ta1lgate' Salary: $27,948—44,676.
party, available at $5.00 Deadline: October 15, 1987.
per person. Checks
payable to UK must be CONNECTICUT
received at 102 Erikson
Hall, 0050, by September Preservation Librarian. Yale
11. For more information, University. Salary: $22,500.
call 257-2878. Deadline: None specified.
Associate Head, Acquisitions
A. PAUL NESTOR CREATIVITY AWARD Department. Massachusetts
- Institute of Technology.
The third annual A. Paul Salary: $28,000—32,000.
Nestor Creativity Award Deadline: September 30, 1987.
provides funds for an annual
$400 cash awamd to a regular NEW MEXICO
full—t1me Lexington Campus
staff member who best Reference Librarian (2
exemplifies the excellence positions). University of New
expected of all employees in Mexico. Salary: $20,000.
their service to the Deadline: October 15,1987.
u¤1vers1ty. Nominations must
be received no later than NORTH CAROLINA
October 1. If you would like j
to nominate someone for the Curator of Manuscript .
award, please contact Carol University of North Carolina at
Ranta in the D1rector's Office Chapel Hill. Salary: $45,000.
at 257-3801 for a copy of the Deadline: December 1, 1987.
guidelines. .
Mlcroforms Cataloger. Y
University of North Carolina at
PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Chapel Hill. Salary: $19,000
minimum. Deadline: November n
ARIZONA 1, 1987.
Librarian, Cataloger for Public Service Librarian, Music l
Serials. lhzlversity of Idbrary. University of North
Arizona. Salary: $20,000. Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Deadline: October 15, 1987. Salary: $20,000. Deadline:
November 30, 1987.
Middle East Librarian.
University of Arizona. Salary:
$20,000. Deadline: October
15, 1987.