xt7hqb9v253f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v253f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1949-07-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  1, 1949 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  1, 1949 1949 1949-07-01 2013 true xt7hqb9v253f section xt7hqb9v253f owl uupy

July 4



Eighty students in five colleges
made 3.0 standings last semester,
according to announcements made
by the deans this week.
The College of Pharmacy has not
issued a perfect score list, and no
3.0 standings were made in the
College of Law, Dean Elvis J. Sta lusts ted. The last perfect standing
in the Law College was in the summer quarter of 1947.
The students, according to colleges, are:
College of Education:
Price Ashby, Jerry Claiborne, William Warderfield, Lillie Highfield,
Margaret Grace Johnson, Fred A.
Martin, Betty Jo Mayse. Albert
Ruth Elizabeth
John SchifTU,
Tandy, and John A. Wells.
Collere of Engineering: Allison H.
Caudill, Robert C. Deen, John D.
Ooodlctte, Robert O. Grubbs. Neil
D. Hall, Roger L. Hulette, Raymond
A. Kemper, James A. Lyne, Carlyle
Michelson, James J. Pollitte, Paul
Riddle. Warren W. Walton. Louis
W. Withers, William 8. Spilman,
and Cecil V. Barnett.
College of Arte and Sciences:
John Tilden Ballantine. Graydon
Dee Bell, Charles Augustus Browning. David L. Carter, Dominick
Anthony Caselnova, Jim Cherry,
Henrietta Morris Conn, James Daniel Comette. Harold Goodwin Flee-no- r,
John Blain Flege Jr, Donald
James William
Lea Hochstrasser.
Holladay, and Howard
Alice Givan King, Arch Sanders
Lacefield, Willis Wayne Lake, Mary
Sue McWhirter, Nancy Jean Potts.
M. Patterson. Fannie
Lou Rorer, Helen Louise Smith,
Elenor Jane Sturm, Mary Kathryn
Swetman, Elizabeth Ann Vaughn,
Kick Clark Wallen. John Bond
Wells Jr.. Kenneth Wells, and Allen F. Wilson.
College of Agriculture and Home
Economics: James H. Barnes, Cecil
C. Burnette. Leon F. Bush, J. D.
Hume, Newcomb Green, Robert M.
Crouch, Dallas Shuffett, Joie W.
Ekaggs. Robert 8. Smith. Winford
Thomas, W. Hayden Timmons,
James A. - Wells. Ann E. Nevitt,
Mary Jo Ridley. Chester Blakeman,
John Denton. Kenneth F. Grizzell,
James F. Shane, Robert W. Hicks,
Ray Hogg, and Charles Lassiter.
College of Commerce:
Farmer, Mildred Foreman. Walton
E. Hayes, Dolores Slaughter, Catherine Stapleton, and Neilan Thur-man.

mm fifo

enrollment of 3,793 has
established a new high for a regular
summer school student body, the
registrar's office announced this
week. This figure surpasses the previous record of 3,730 set last year.
Short courses scheduled throughout the summer will boost the over
all summer session attendance to
more than 4.000. Final figures will
not be available, however, until after
term, the
the close of the eight-wee- k
registrar's office reported.
Included in the summer session
enrollment are 200 new students, ap
proximately one-ha- lf
of whom are
A record

Dr. Maurice F. Seay, dean of the
University, reported a "significant
increase in the number of Kentucky
teachers enrolling for graduate
The Northern Kentucky Extension
Center at Covington and the College of Pharmacy at Louisville are
closed for the summer.

Ag Class Visits

Dairies, Farms
Members of an agriculture class.
Survey of the Dairy Industry, have
completed a
tour of northern dairy farms, according to Dean
L. J. Horlacher of the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics.
Twenty-seve- n
students toured
Ohio, Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota. Iowa, and Illinois, visiting
farms, dairies, dairy processing
plants, experiment stations, agricultural colleges, and artificial breeding centers.

Minister To Speak
On The Spiritual Life
The Rev. William Green, assistant
pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church,
will speak on The King's Hour program of the Baptist Student Union
at 7:30 p.m. tonight.
The topic of Mr. Green's talk will
be ''Living The Spiritual Life." Paul
Chung. UK student from Korea, will
present the special music.
The program, a weekly feature of
the group, will be held at the Baptist Student Center.




i r, i




8:00 p.m. Lecture:
of Human Rights
Charles Malik. Memorial Halt.



1 p.m.
Libraries close until 8 a.m.

Requested last day for applica
tions for degrees.
8 p.m. Movie: "Yippee."





p.m. Meet at Union for tour of
Bluegrass farms.
'Sign at information desk, SUB,
by noon Tuesday.)






4 p.m.







7 p.m. Meeting; Graduate Educa
tion Club. Recreation room. Education Building.

p.m. Lecture: "Russia's Aims."
Dr. Phil Mosely, Head of Russian
Institute, Columbia University.
Memorial Hall.

Foreign Study Not Necessary For Artist,
Renowned Portraitist Tells Art Students
Parking Rules Announced
Students must obtain permits
from the office of the dean of
men to park cars on the campus
from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., according
to a statement from the dean's
office this week.
Permits for the limited parking spaces will be granted to persons who commute and are physically handicapped. Students without permits violating the restriction will be fined, the statement

ROTC Gains
National Title


ROTC sharpshooters
won the senior division of the
National ROTC Intercollegiate Rifle
Matches, according to Col. G. T.
Mackenzie, commandant of the University's unit.
The rifle team has had the best
collegiate record in the nation for
the past two years. By winning
this year, It is the first team to win
the national ROTC championship
A score of 7632 points of a possible 8000 was registered by the
riflemen, beating their closest rivals,
Michigan State, by 79 points.
The Kentucky squad qualified for
the national tournament by winning the Second Army Area championship.
Firing for both matches was
held on the team's home range.
Certified scores were mailed to the
national headquarters for compar
ison with scores made by teams
from other competing schools.
The competition is sponsored by
the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice.
Coaches for the team were Major
Joseph P. Parker and MSgts. El
mer Kinker and Edward Raber.
Members of the championship
team are Ernest Cooper, team cap
tain; Edwin Walters, Kenneth Fa
g&n. Jack Wellinghurst,
Boles. Thomas Deen, Donald Stan
field, Robert Teater, Samuel Welch,
James Connor, William Welch,
Charles Tucker, Arthur Whipple,
Daniel Tuttle, and Bert Jody.
Individual scores were not announced. The top ten men, however, will receive medals. A team
trophy will be presented later.
The University team won this
season in 21 of 22 postal matches
fired against teams from throughout the nations. They also took
second place in the William Ran
dolph Hearst Rifle Match this

Diehl Directs Clinic
A speech clinic, sponsored

by the
department of psychology and the
Jewish Women's Council, is being
directed by Dr. Charles F. Diehl,
visiting professor from Penn State
College, and Mrs. Walter Hill, Lex
ington, in Neville Hall.
The clinic, which will continue
until August 10, is open five days
each week from 10 a.m. until 12
noon and has enrolled approximately 15 students with speech or hear
ing impediments.
Students working toward a degree
in clinical psychology are assisting
in administering group and Individ
ual examination and experiments.


The artist is a native of Germany
and has studied in both Europe and
When asked if
thought a young
seek foreign study,
"You can wake
He continued by

he personally
painter should
he answered,
them up anysaying

that the

3 p.m. Lecture: "The Introspection of A Painter."
Ulfert Wilke, professor of paintbe expressed only through line and ing at the Allen R. Hite Art Instieclor," he said in explaining why tute. Louisville. Room 200, Funkthese two tools of art, born of both houser Building.
the intellect and the imagination,
excite man to thought. He stated
4 p.m. Round Table Discussion:
that a painting cannot be explained China.
orally in any sense with a completeLeader, Professor Harold Vlnacke,
ness that the eye can accomplish at Office of War Information, Far East,
a slight glance.
University of Cincinnati. Memorial
The only time we have fear is Hall.
the time when "art lacks changes,"
and therefore will carry no emo ' 9 p.m. Student dance. Informal,
no charge. Student Union Terrace.
tional effect, Mr. Giesbert added.
An exhibition
of the artist's
works is now on display at the
University Art Gallery in the Funk
houser Sciences Building.
A demonstration class in beginning Latin is being offered by the
department of ancient languages.
Advanced methods are being used
to modernize the teaching of Latin
in high schools, according to Jonah
W. D. Skiles, head of the department.
Paintings by Virgil Expenlaub,
The course, to last three weeks,
graduate student and part-tim- e
in is under the direction of Mrs. Genstructor in the art department, are1 eva Hoye Bobbitt.
on display in the Evansville Public
Museum as part of the summer ex
hibition program there.
Library To Close For Holiday
Of the paintings shown, 19 are
The Margaret I. King and the
watercolors, seven are gouaches, and Biological Science Libraries will
16 are oils. Paintings Mr. Expen
be closed from 1 p.m. tomorrow
laub has completed within the last until 8 ajn. Tuesday, according to
six months will be seen for the first Lawrence S. Thompson, director
time. The entire collection dates of libraries.









Art Displayed
By UK Student

instructors and teaching facilities
in America are excellent
European museums are swollen
to the bursting point with works of
the old masters and centuries of
accumulated art, he stated.
What an artist wants to say can from

"North Atlantic

Defense Pact.".
Dr. Shepard Jones, Chief, Division
of Public Studies, Department of
State. Memorial Hall.

Miss Virginia Durbin of Lexington posed for Edmund Giesbert as the artist gave a public demonstration of portrait painting in the Funkhouser Biological Sciences building Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Gets-be- rt
is on the faculty of the University of Chicago and the Chicago Art Institute. During the week he
lectured and gave demonstrations In the art department. A display of his work is now in the art gallery.

By Ruth Adams
artist and
teacher on the faculties of the University of Chicago and the Chicago
Art Institute, has been guest lecturer in the department of art during the week.
Renowned as a portraitist, he has
painted such men of distinction as
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president emeritus of the University; the late
Richard C. Stoll, who served as
chairman of the Board of Trustees,
and the late Dr. William D. Funkhouser, former dean of the Graduate School.
Mr. Geisbert has worked with the
UK drawing and painting classes
and gave a public demonstration of
portrait painting Wednesday after-tioo-



Lebanese Minister To Give
Two Lectures Here Today
Graduating Seniors Asked
To Apply For Degrees
All seniors who expect



comfor grad-

plete their requirements
uation at the close of the summer
term and who have not at a previous time made application for
degrees, are requested to do so today or tomorrow.
This applies also to Graduate
Students who expect to complete

their requirements for graduate

All applications should be filed
In Room 16 of the Administration
Candidates for the bachelor's
degree will be charged a graduation fee of $9.00. This will cover
the rental of cap and gown, diploma fee. The Kenturkian and other necessary expenses. Candidates
for advanced degrees, other than
the doctorate, will be charged a
fee of $17.00 which will cover the
above with the exception of The
Kentuckian and in addition the
cost of the hood to be presented
the candidate. The fee for candidates for the doctorate is $25.00.
Graduation fees are payable not
later than the fourth day preced- -.
ing the commencement
will be August 8.

Judge Richard

C. Stoll

Death Marks
End Of Stoll's
Work For UK
The death of Judge Richard C.
Stoll marked the loss of a veteran
University trustee. Serving almost
50 years, he was appointed in 1898
and served continuously, except for
a three year period, 1905-0Judge Stoll. once vice chairman
of the Board of Trustees, was In
1919 appointed chairman of its exHe officiated
ecutive committee.
until last year when he asked to
be relieved of the duties, but remained a member of the Board.
University Awards Judge
The Alma Mater cup. awarded
for unselfish service over a period
of years, was presented to Judge
Stoll by the University in 1948 at
the stadium which Is named in his
At the June commencement exercises of 1948 he was given the
Golden Jubilee tribute.
Attended IK in 1891
Judge Stoll entered the University,
then Kentucky State College, as a
student In 1891. The enrollment at
that time totaled approximately
a far cry from the 7800 he
was to see enter in the last year
of his trusteeship.
While attending the University he
was a member of Kappa Alpha social fraternity and was elected to
Omicron Delta Kappa, men's national honorary leadership fraternity. He received the Bachelor of
Arts degree in 1895. Eighteen years
later he was awarded aa honorary
bachelor of laws degree by the University.
Graduated From Yale
After graduation he went to Yala
University, receiving his law degree
in 1897, Judge Stoll returned to
Lexington and opened a law office.
A renowned attorney. Judge Stoll
became president of the Lexington
Bar Association in 1921. and also
was appointed judge of the 22nd
Judicial district. The following year
he became president of the Kentucky State Bar Association.
After finishing the first term as
judge, he was elected in 1923 and
again in 1927. He served untU 1931.
Activities Listed
Judge Stoll was a delegate to the
Republican national conventions in
1912, 1916. and 1920. In addition
to this, he was president of the
Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders
Association, director of the First
National Bank and Trust Company,
the Keeneland Association, and of
the Southeastern Greyhound Lines,
among the major positions of his
active career.
Those who knew him recall that
he was an ardent reader. He was
cordial and generous. One friend
sums up his life as "a substantial
citizen who was
Life Linked With University
A life long friend of his remembers when "Dick's" outfit 'was the
"best looking signal corps squad" in
school. These young men in their
uniforms" were the favorites at all the dances.
Judge Stoll demanded that their
and their
dress be immaculate
marching formations perfect.
Few men have loved the University as much as he. He visited the
campus and attended executive
meetings even when UL
Dr. Stoll's life was indeed a link
in the growth of the Umiversity.

Prof Gets
Study Aid
Dr. Oordon R. Leader, assistant
professor of chemistry, has been
named the recipient of a $3,000
grant-in-ai- d
by the Research Cor
poration of New York City, Dr. Lylo
R. Dawson, head of the department.
has announced.
Dr. Leader, who Joined the Uni
versity faculty in 1947, will use the
grant for a two-yestudy of the
chemistry of solutions. .
Before joining the faculty, Dr
Leader was an Industrial chemist
of the Monsanto Chemical Company
and worked three and a half years
on the Manhattan Froject at Oak
Ridge, Richland, Wash., and Ar- gonne National Laboratories in Chi

Taylor Elected Head
Of Phi Sigma Kappa
Marion R. Taylor has been elected
of Phi Sigma Kappa
social fraternity for the summer
Other officers named are J. T.
Cavender, vice president; J. J. Rudy,
secretary; Donald Hall, treasurer;
Donald Dodson, sentinel, and
Charles Oakley, inductor.



Dr. Malik To Speak
At 4 PJVI. And 8 P.M.


Student Center.



4000 Enroll
At University

Lecture: "Economic and
Social Council UN."
Charles Malik. Minister of Lebanon and member of the UN Human
Rights Committee. Memorial Hall.
4 p.m.



Number 30

FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1949

This Week...


Continued Hot
May Rain





80 Make
3. Marks



The ECentugky Kernel










.,t ,,,





One of the largest crowds of the year turned out Tuesday night for the campus movies in the
amphitheater. The series of short movies included "The Royal Wedding," an impressionistic poem in color, and lastly "The Potted Psalm", an
experiment in surrealist movies. Wierd and novel are only milder adje ctivei used to describe the films which stirred up more comment than
any event on the campus so far this summer.

Clark Says Historians Too Dependent On Pioneers
By Otis Perkins
We have not scratched the surface in gathering materials on the
history of the state. Dr. Thomas D.
Clark, head of the history department, stated in a speech at the library Monday.
Dr. Clark, authority on the history of the South and particularly
the state of Kentucky, spoke on
"Research in Kentucky History," in
the first of a series of five lectures,
sponsored by the history department
to be held in the Browsing Room.
"Kentucky history is not a sport.

or a means of amusement and entertainment," he said. "We ought to
profit from the mistakes of the past;
Kentucky people should not spend
too much time looking at the tracks
of their ancestors."
Emphasizes Need for Understanding
Emphasizing the need for more
reading and understanding of the
various subjects on the state, he
enumerated many fields on which
little or nothing has been written.
He said that most writers on Kentucky have used the personality or
the pioneering approach, and have

These men
virtually ignored such topics as the of the Courier-Journa- l.
Kentucky press, the distilling in- and others, he said, were important
dustry, tobacco, horses, agriculture, figures in our own state and in the
nation, yet are unknown to most
and livestock.
"Kentucky has one of the best de- people today.
"We have written enough about
veloped presses in the country." he
said, "but there is not an adequate pioneer Kentucky," he continued,
history of a single Kentucky news- "but know too little about Kentucky

Mentions Early Journalists
Dr. Clark mentioned early journalists William Bradford, founder
of Kentucky's
first newspaper;
George Prentice, editor of the Louisville Journal; and Henry Watterson,

since 1860."
Dr. Jacqueline Bull, head of the
archives department of the library,
will be the next Browsing Room
lecturer. She will speak on "The
Wilson Collection of Kentucky History," July 11, at 4 p.m.

Louisville Trip Set
For Song of Norway
transportation to the
operetta. "Song of Norway," at the
Iroquois Amphitheatre in Louisville
July 15, is being sponsored by the
Student Union.
Tickets and transportation fees
must be paid at the SUB Information Desk by July 13.

Dr. Charles Malik. Lebanese minister to the United States, is
scheduled to speak today at 4 p.m.
and again at S p.m. in Memorial
Hall. His subjects will be "Economic
and Social Council UN" and "Declaration of Human Rights UN",
Dr. Malik is one of the principal
speakers of the Foreign Relations
Institute being held on the campus.
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of the
political science department, said.
The minister is a graduate of the
American University of Beirut and
Harvard University. He served as a
delegate to the San Francisco Conference which drafted the United
Nations charter.
Since that time he has acted as
the Lebanon representative to the
UN. He has acted as chairman of
the Economic and Social Council
and has played an active part in the
drafting of the International Declaration of Human Rights.
Dr. Jones To Speak
Dr. Shepherd Jones, a member of
the US Department of State, will be
the second speaker at the institute.
He is slated to speak July at 4 pjn.
in Memorial Hall.
Dr. Phillip H. Mosely. member of
the staff of the Russian Institute at
Columbia University, is also
scheduled to speak July 7 as part of
the Foreign Relations Institute program. Dr. Vandenbosch, stated.
Dr. Mosely was formerly chief of
the State Department's Division of
Territorial Studies.
A roundtable discussion on China,
also held in conjunction with the in
stitute program, is scheduled for
July 8 at the Guignol Theater. Prof.
Harold Vinacke. of the University of
Cincinnati, and former Office of
War Information expert on the Far
East, will be the principal partici-

The discussion of the second
roundtable will deal with "Americas
Policy with Respect to Japan". Dr.





Japan for 40 years, and Dr. Oeorge
Brady and Dr. Ellis Hartford, both
recently returned from missions to
Japan for the US Department of
War. will be the speakers.
The University has offered as part
of the institute several courses on
various phases of world politics and
American foreign policy.

Art Professor
To Talk Here
Ulfert Wilke. professor of paint
at the Allen R. Hite Art Institute In Louisville, will visit tho

University for five successive Friday afternoon lectures. Dr. Edward
W. Rannells. head of the art department, announced this week.
Mr. Wilkes first lecture will be
in room 200 of the Funkhouser
Biological Sciences Building at 3
pm July 8. He will speak on "The

Introspection of a Painter." and
will use illustrations, tracing his
work from its beginning to the fin-

ished canvas.
On succeeding Fridays Mr. Wilke
will lecture on his exhibition in the
Art Gallery: painting demonstration; "Art with a Capital A"; masterpieces. 'Artists Through Their
Own Words." respectively.
Paintings by Mr. Wilke will be
on display in the Art Gallery, room
217, from July 8 to August 5.

Group Hears
Dr. Crocker
Dr. Lionel Crocker, chairman of
the department of speech at Deni-so- n
University spoke in Memorial
Hall last night on the subject
"Speech for Democracy."
Dr. Crocker spoke in connection
with the workshop in speech education sponsored by the English de-


workshop, designed
The four-weprimarily for teachers of speech, is
under the direction of Dr. Gifford
Blyton, associate professor of speech.

Feed Problem Studied
In Nutrition School
Fundamental principles and new
findings in the feeding of farm animals were reviewed in a nutrition
school held at the College of Agriculture Tuesday and Wednesday.
The program was designed for
those interested in the manufacture, sale, and use of commercial
feeds in Kentucky.
Principal speakers included Dr.
H. R Bird, from the United Suites
Department of Agriculture; Dr. H.
L. Donovan, president of the University; and Dr. Thomas P. Cooper,
dean of the College of Agriculture.


� vanauic



Po're Two


The Kentucky Kernel





some other artist have done on
canvas In presenting graphic stream
of consciousness material. In the
main, they succeeded Admirably.
The University Is to be com-mended for bringing to the campus
such outstanding film accomplish- merits, and I hope that the entire
series of amphitheater movies will
be a success
but not necessarily
the "howling" one it was Tuesday


All t.crtd article! end column! are to be
the cp,Hi:ru ol the KTitert
romi. .
Prww Anwclatlnn
th,m..-l,e,ana d. n. neeeiser,!, rflrr K,ntuekw Intercollegiate of Commrrca
Lexington Board
llie ,:p,r,.,n n The Kernel.
Kentucky Prena Association
National Editorial Association
awm. M umalu. m .vaaT.aM. T
n fxaminahon pfrioks
National rUTf ertlStnS SeftlCt, IK.
MU4t fmUUktn Mrmui- t- "
otlicT a7 Le.mgton.
Renin kv. as smind class mattT wider 4IO MaOtaoM AVI
tlie At ol March J, 1879.
MtM iaa awaua . faa Puaoaca

dresses that only have
straps at the top (and some of
them without even that!) and hang
lng cigarettes out of their painted
mouths are a disgrace to their





Friday, Jufy 1, 1949

Dear Editor:
When Christopher Marlowe wrote
in his Doctor Faustus, "Bent is the
branch that might have grown full
straight," he was referring to a
branch bent by inordinate learn- ing. I observed the other day that
a branch can also be bent by In- ordinate loving.
Have you noticed recently the

$1.09 per aemeatn

I have taught school a number
of years and I mean to tell you that
none of that went on in my classes!
They should be made to realize that
they are ruining the chances they
have to become wivets of successful
men and mothers of future citizens.
I suggest a serious study be made of
this situation and a series of stern
lectures be given these girls who
but who
have lost their
can be lead back onto the path of
sweetness and gentle womanliness,
A troubled teacher

Faculty Gives First Concert
In Music Department Series
Herman Exam Rescheduled

Ben Reeves
Editor Kent Hollingsworth
and Dudley
Georpe Reynolds
Managing Editor Saunders .... Associate Sports Editors
Nell Blair
News Editor Reporters: James L Barlow, Porter
Sports Editor
Earl Conn
Charles Dorroh,
P. Brumagen,
Editor, The Kernel:
Matthew Downer, John D. Enple,
Business Manager
Joan Cook
Rodney R Ford,
Wm- - J
WeU W(, ml ,)t
Advertising Manager
Bob Clark
"I won't make an 'A' standing tins way, but I'm having fun!"
Ralph Graves, Harvey V. JohnsQ
vha.lst,d th.
Bttty Mastin
tell-tacurvatures. in the trunks human race ag a source of news.
Lawrence May Ramon Mor.
Asst. News Editor
Otis Perkins
gan, Boyce C. Napier, Wilbur leave. As we usually stay aboard shipsjor around two and a halt of the trees growing in front of n,
tumed M of yore to
Eo!) Cox, Earl Conn
co" animal kingdom for its rare bits of
Simon, John E. Thompson, James vears. with nothing to do, I guess I'll just fade away as Little Boy d H all ? Bv d Hu
V. Vaughn, Kenneth L. Wood.
Associate Manning Editors
Abner's Shn.oos have done in this country.
uw Kruujms surl WiTl
summer it was monkeys,
In which
itst five years in the rounding it were landscaped.
"I in 23 this year, and will have had
a kindly
to- a
of this month. I hoie I will hear front wa Planted a thicket ol
attendant turned loose
Marines on the twentv-seconupon the town. Prom these animals,
from you sixm or at least a few pals.
matured rapidly. one oi wnose names a rjeueve was
Soon lovers returning to Boyd a Jrf
"All the best, hoiiefullv vours.
t intellieent
1 lie I'nivcrsity lus recently published and distributed a
few minutes before coed curfew
ha, rarrifS ln
events planned for the summer term.
paused to lean against them in the
Mess o:,
Although there is a pretty good chance that most of these
'uu m7 UCB""
I iiiulon.
. th. erh. of .
in cet letter irom sauirreis. vour
leaflets hae long simr- found their ways to die trash heap as a
(Marine Munro lists his home address as Perth, Scotland, and yesteryears ennllnna them Into the first
coming from a squirrel
pan of the MiKifluous inijxdimenta of registration, those per- s.i s. "Yes, I'm a Scotsman, but 1 dinna wear a kilt wi mae while snaDeiiest, sttuiuiics uii tKdk cittuMua. H j
uiv ..mmiC
Where the shaded street ught are mgnly
sons retaining a topy .could do worse than reread it.
ely; and I want you to
am no at hame." Ed.)
origni arounu uoyu
know thSit not everyone u taken in
con1 he University has gone to a great deal of expense, and
are fairly straight. In the periphery by these
iette ot yours.
of the lights they are slightly ap- - Not by a jug.fUu.
siderable elfoit has la-eexended in bringing to the campus
propriately Indented. In the deep
are lust writ.
You and vou
a iuuiiIht of able and outstanding sjieakers on a variety of social
shadows of the thicket the trees 1U( IUUUI .v.
w. ure . siuiuao Ul, UIUCI .w iiu
and KiliiiiaI ipiestions. In doing so, it is functioning as befits an
nr rnntmired lust rtant.
up space. Anyrxmy mows tnat.
Dear Editor:
Dear Editor:
Some of these trees are curved
inMimii.ui whose legitimate purose is to promote the cultural
know k
Granted that it Is too late to Not being able to attend the Unl near me Dase oi uie ixuiik, buuk what j wantnimoi nlnnp why don.t
" am a
of the Kentucky community.
and iiitt llc tual
- versity's summer session annually fc
have anything done about this situaQd some at
squirrel, too. ueorge is my best
of the
mealum. some of the trunks
Todav. Dr. George Malik, Lebanese delegate to the United ation out i wonaer whn the person oecause Kentucky-mete- skimnv salaries ha
out to its
persons may be that can explain which
.rched barely, some broadly. letter you say you got last weTk-te-Naiions and a member of the UN Human Rights Committee, or a rpmnvnhle tinor will not be elementarV teachers. I have long
...., ..
anQ some neaumuny. une uuui, ,.,,
hs,iu,v. nw f.onro ii illit.
is si hed u led to deliver two major addresses in Memorial Hall placed in the new UK fieldhouse. placed a high premium on one of
By they CQme in all sizeg
j uic
seem to me tnat iv.en- - tnese rare excursions
whith have a direct bearing on the future jeace and it would
Marlowe went on to say, "And
Nuts to you.
tucky has missed the boat ln its ens of the West." No place can burned
V( in it v of us all.
chance to have one of the finest rival it for beauty.
which meant sacrificed in the cause
On Wednesday, Dr. Shepard Jones of the Department of Slate auditoriums in the entire South Did I say "can rival"? No, what of learning. Here in this shady
put I meant to say was "could have ....not, ,onr soi.rilli.iul ilin Is Ha '
v. ill !isus the North Atlantic Defense Pact; and on Thursday, when the decision was made to
My 1 sueest a Priect 'or the
permanent floor in the fieldhouse. rivaled" the University campus for cause of le4rning
boughs are
Dr. l'liil Mostly of the Russian Institute in New York City
The Cincinnati Gardens at Gin- - beauty and charm in days that ap- not yet burned, but I have It from IriiirriQlichs
speak on Russia's aims. All of these men are eminently quali- - cinnati are an excellent example pear to be no more
reliable sources that some scorch- exposition?
What, Mr. Editor, has happened ,
of what I mean. Because of Its
bed to sjieak out on the live issues of the day.
A number of students were re
floor it is Dossible to hold Ice skat- - to the campus? One cannot go a
cently graduated from the UniThese are but a few of the many University sponsored events ing shows, boxing matches, bas- - hundred paces in any direction their
versity with honors,
on the summer calendar. They are commendable attractions, kctball games, operas Just name without running into a vicious look- Note
Thank you. sir. You dis- - were not designated but their stuas honor
fences p,ay an aj
they can produce the place lng fence. Even barbed-wir- e
knowledge fgx be-and it is to be hoped that the students will give them the support it and
are in eviueuue. is liic uiuugut yond your freshman years. Editor. dents in the commencement prolor It.
v.'hi'h thev certainlv deserve.
gram, nor were they released to
This could have been the situa- - so bad on the experiment station
the state papers along with the
somebody meadows that the University is Editor, The Kernel:
tion here.
other honor students.
bungled the job and instead Ken- - contemplating turning its livestock
I've never been one- to gossip or
It seems to me that at least
tucky will have a basketball floor out to pasture on the lush green complain even though
sometimes the Kernel ought to rescue from
lawn southwest of the Adminlstra- and that it is.
I've felt that it was my duty to eor- - all-tioblivion the names of those
Now I am a rabid basketball fan tion building?
a lblunile!'
offend- - people who,
in the final rush of
Mr. Editor," if we are to go to
just as everyone else. However,
- -cu- uneuucu uie urnf th.
,rlc " rinrlR
Tins week the University lost a good and great friend in the even I can see the possibilities If a school in a cow pasture, why don't vokIIv
Ppie neipea eacnotner ana
passing of Rihard C. Stoll, ior nearly fifty years a member of removable floor had been placed in you advocate that the Department were not afraid to eat a little hum recognition justly due them.
of Building and Grounds provide
new building.
ble pie.
the Hoard of Trustees, and for over thirty, ch