xt7hqb9v252v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v252v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-05-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  4, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  4, 1934 1934 1934-05-04 2013 true xt7hqb9v252v section xt7hqb9v252v . Best Copy Available









Leave for Knoxville

ing Session

College Newspaper Problems
Will lie Taken Up at Dis- ft
cussi on meetings



Dig Blue, Under Shively, Will

Prof. Enoch Grehan to Welcome Delegates at Open-









9:00 a.m. Call to order. Prof. V.
R. Portmann, presiding.
9:30 a.m. Adrtrpmt of welcome,
Prof. Enoch Grehan, Head,
Department of Journalism.
Topic: College News10:00
paper Advertising; leaders,
Prof. William 8. Maulsby,
executive secretary, University of Pittsburgh; James
Shropshire, manager of publication. University of Kentucky; A. J. Norris Hill, representing Major College Publications, Berkeley, Calif.
General discussion.
12:30 p.m. Luncheon, University Commons, courtesy Kentucky Kernel.
1:30 p.m. Call to order. Room
111, McVey hall; leader, Prof.
William 8. Maulsby.
Appointment of committees.
New Business.
Judging of newspapers.
Dr. and
5:00 p.m. Reception,
Mrs. Frank L. McVey, Maxwell Place, University campus.
(:30 p.m. Informal dinner, Lafayette hotel; May Day Gingham dance, Unlverstiy gymnasium.




Lois Robinson, Lexington, senior in the College of Arts and
Sciences, will preside as queen over the thirteenth annual May
Day ceremonies on the lawn in front of Mechanical hall. She is
a member of Alpha Delta Thcta sorority, president of Mortar
Board, honorary senior women's sorority; president of Women's
The 1934 convention of the National College Press association will Administrative Council; captain of R. O. T. C. sponsors, and
get under way this morning with a
of Phi Beta. She is a member of the Y. W. C. A. senior
welcoming address by Prof. Enoch cabinet, Cwens, Strollers, the Women's Glee club, University
Ctrehan at the opening session In
Philharmonic orchestra, and has a Guignol key.
Room 64 of the Journalism department. Approximately 25 delegates
had registered for the convention
at the close of the registration head- Memorial Will Be
quarters last night and more are exDedicated in
Delegates regpected this morning.
istering came from several eastern
Monument to Be Completed
and a few southeastern states.
Before Commencement
General newspaper Advertising will
Week Begins
be the topic of the first general
Governor Laffoon Refuses to
session to begin at 10 a. m. DiscusPermit Denhardt to Assign
During Commencement week it Is
sion in full on the subject will be
State Troops to Guard the
led by James Shropshire, manager planned that the James Kennedy
of student publications at the Uni- Patterson memorial will be dediMansion
versity, and Prof. William 8. Mauls- cated. The work already has been
secretary of the N.O. started on the foundation and the
by, executive
Gov. Ruby Laffoon refused to
P.A., of the University of Pittsburgh. pedestal of the monument, which permit Adjt. Gen. H. H.
morning session a will be placed in the quadrangle
Following the
luncheon given by The Kentucky between the Administration build- to assign a guard to the executive
Kernel will be held in the Commons. ing and the University Museum, mansion at Frankfort after having
as a background a spac- received several letters threatening
The afternoon session will be held ious have of green shrubs.
in Room 111 of McVey hall, Prof.
an attempt on his life. The let
The bronze statue of Doctor PatMaulsby presiding. After other busithe terson, "the grand old man of the ters, which were not made public,
ness Is taken up, he will address
is being modeled by also contained threats to blow up
convention on "Faculty Supervision University,"
the mansion.
of .College Newspapers." Judging of Col. Augustus Lukeman,
Governor Laffoon made public his
newspapers entered in the annual sculptor of New York. It Is certain
statue will be refusal after Oeneral Denhardt had
contest also wlU take place at this that the
Com- announced that the governor and
session. At 5 p. m. the convention completed before the June
his family would be guarded day
will adjourn to Maxwell place as mencement exercises take
During the past decade a vigorous and night by national guardsmen
guests for a reception by Pres. and
and extensive campaign for funds under orders to "shoot to kill."
Mrs. Frank I McVey.
It was revealed that one of the
Activities of the day will be brought for this memorial has been carried
to a close by an Informal dinner at on, and it Is being financed entire- letters received by Governor Laf
ly by the private donations of foon threatened him with death if
(Continued on Page Elght)(
friends of the late Doctor ratter- - he did not pardon Neal Bowman.
son, who served as president of the Ohio fugitive charged with two
University from loea until isuo. ine Kentucky murders, who is In the
All students working on CWA cost of the monument is estimated State reformatory at Frankfort. The
letter demanded the pardon of
who have not signed the April pay- at $20,000.
Bowman within ten days and was
roll please stop in the dean of men's
please check
marked Portsmouth, Ohio,
office and do so. Also
W.A.A. Will Sponsor post signed "Dillinger Squad No. and
your hours.
U.K. Girls byGeneral Denhardt was assign the
Governor Laffoon to
troops intended for the executive
Women's Athletic association mansion to the State reformatory
has announced that it will conduct to prevent a possible attempt to
a camp for all University girls who free Bowman from the prison.
wish to attend on May 19 and 20 at
The guardsmen were eaulDoed
Gowln's camp near Frankfort.
rifles, machine
All girls wishing to go will be guns and sidearms. The machine
charged $1 and must obtain written guns, procured from Ravenna, were
permission from their parents. They to be set up at strategic positions
will also be asked to furnish their around
the governors mansion.
own blankets and will leave at 1 p.m. Picked troops will guard the manin Saturday from Patterson hall.
Second-semestsion and capital and guards will be
Schedules of
the College of Arts and Sciences are tournament are the W.A.A.thetennis stationed inside the capital buildWoposted in
requested to go as soon as possible
ing and especially around the govand matches
to their University post office boxes men's gymnasium as soon as possi- ernor's office.
must be played oil
for mail from their dean.
Before Governor Laffoon had re
ble. All entries in the tournament
working on CWA are asked to watch the bulletin board fused to be guarded. Major Den
All student
hardt announced that guards would
must have signed the payroll In the for further announcements.
accompany the governor on all
of the Dean of Men by Satoffice
trips, including his trip to Louisurday, May 8.
ville Saturday to see the Kentucky
There will be an Important meetGet Movie Tickets Derby.
ing of fraternity presidents and
their advisers at 7 p.m., Tuesday,
Representatives of the Phoenix CITIZENSHIP AWARD TO
May 8, in Room 4 of the AdminisBE DECIDED MAY 7, 8, 9
will be in
be the Amusement company p.
tration building This will
m. Tues
White hall from 1 to 5
of the year.
last meeting
Election of the senior military
day, May 8, to distribute theater
tickets to Independent men and student for award of the Rotary
will be an Important meetThere
Trophy for Good Citizenship will be
ing of Strollers at 6 p. m. Wednesday women of the
to held May 7. 8, and 9 by advanced
In White hall. The voting on of members have been distributedand course students of the Military decandidates for membership will take sororities of the fraternities and partment.
by William Acosta
place at that time.
Balloting will take place on the
Paul Cullen, representatives of the
Amusement company. The three days named above and will be
Last day that seniors may pur- Phoenix are good for either
chase rings, May 11. Mr. Roe, of tickets or Ben All theaters the Ken- secret. The ballots will be turned
with ten In to the senior and junior class
the L. Q. Balfour company, will be tucky service charge on
Instructors who will seal them in
here at that time and this is ab- cents tickets are being the ticket.
distributed envelopes and deliver them to Major
solutely the last day that orders
can be placed In prder that the by the amusement company in re Brewer.
Votes will be counted at 1 d. m.
rings will get here before gradua- cognition of the cooperation of the
tion. Mr. Roe will be on the first University tn abolishing the practice Wednesday, May 8, under the super
floor of the Administration build- of theater rushing and In apprecia vision of a committee composed of
tion of the cooperation of Pres. Major Brewer, Capt. Clyde Orady,
Frank L. McVey and SuKy, student Lieut. P. E. LeStourseon. and two
cadet officers. The selection will be
Members of the Pitkin clyb who pep organization, who were instruMay 10 mental In bringing about the dis- announced at Field day which will
wish to attend the hay-rid- e
be held May 23.
call the YAi.O.A. or Y.W.O.A. office. continuation of theater rushing.





full-leng- th









FRIDAY. MAY 4, 1934



10 A.M.










Wildcats Have Won Three
Out of Four Meets
This Year
left this
morning for Knoxville, Tennessee,
where tomorrow afternoon they will
compete with the Tennessee Vols In
the Big Blue's last track meet of the
season and the final one in the collegiate career of Capt. Douglas Par-rls- h
and Ralph Kercheval.
The 'Cats will bring to a close tomorrow one of their most successful
seasons. They have engaged in four
meets so far and three of the results
have found the Shivelymen on the
winning side of the ledger. Their
only loss of the season was to the
powerful Georgia Tech Yellow
Jackets, who have one of the best
track teams in the South. Parrlsh's
only defeat in two years in the century was at the hands of Gallloway,
fleet Tech dash man.
Kentucky should experience little
trouble tomorrow in the javelin and
the pole vault. Kercheval, who does
the heaving of the spear, has yet
to meet his match. He has tossed
the javelin as far as 183 feet, but has
won every Javelin event this year
with a 173 foot toss. "Stonewall"
Jackson, can pole vault 12 feet, but
he, likewise, has yet to meet his
superior, and has won or tied with
a team mate in every one of his
events this year with 11 feet or less.
The Wildcat distance men, Hocker,
and Fields,
went down in defeat last
Monday for the first time this year,
but have improved some this week
and can be expected to come through
in their respective events. Captain
"Red" Parrish, In the 100 and
dashes, and 120 and
hurdles, "Cannonball" Joe Rupert,
discus and shot put man, and Gilmer
In the century, shot put and Javelin,
can be counted on to take some firsts
and seconds.
Little is known of the strength of
the Volunteers, except that tn Wolf
they have a good middle distance
man. This lad travels the half-miin less than two minutes and the
quarter mile in :50 seconds.
The Wildcats who made the trip
to Knoxville follow:
Captain Parrish, Rupert, Jackson,
Miller, Hocker, Fields, Long, Cassa-dHolbrook, Hay, Kercheval, Gilmer, Jobe, Coffman, Olney, Ellis,
and track manager Frank Adams.


220-ya- rd

220-ya- rd


Annual May Day Festival
To Begin at 10 a. m. with
Service in Memorial Hall
Horse number 13 from the
post for "Just one of the N.C.
P. A. delegates" because: (1)
he was the 13th man to sign
up for today's N.C.P.A. convention; (2) he was born in
1913; (3) his home address in
Pottsville is 1313; (4) he has
13 silver dollars, or did until
(5) his room at
Pitt Is number 13 (although
the guy who slept there last
year and had almost the
same name is no longer with
us); (6) he won a box of
candy At a Legion Auxiliary
Bazaar on number 13 exactly
13 years ago; (7) the Kernel
managing editor says that
this Is exactly 13 words too




Music Majors to Aid Groups
in Preparing Numbers to
Be Presented at Annual


Prof. Carl M. Lampert, head of the
department of music, realizing the
true value of the
sing, sponsored
Jointly by Omicron Delta Kappa and
Cwens, has made arrangements with
the committee whereby music
majors will visit the different houses
at a time agreed on by the group.
He will direct them in their contest
numbers and especially help them
in working out the harmony part to


inter-fraterni- ty



Sullivan Medallions Will
Presented at General






Lances, ' honorary fraternity for
junior men, held its annual initia
tion last night at the Tea Cup inn.
Each year Lances selects for membership the outstanding sophomore
of each fraternity and one outstanding Independent.
It is the purpose of Lances to
promote better fellowship among
students on the campus and endeavors to create a better school
spirit in general. Each year a cup
is awarded to the fraternity having
the highest scholastic standing.
Following a banquet, given in
honor of the new men, 13 pledges
They are as folwere initiated.

lows: Balomero Menchero, Triangle,
Holguin, Cuba: Robert Hess, Phi
Delta Theta. Chicago; William Daniels, Alpha Tau Omega, Toyah,
Texas; Gene Bryant, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Lexington;
Stanley. Kappa Sigma, Bardstown:
J. B. Wells, Lambda Chi Alpha,
Kappa Tau, Lexington; Elvis Stahr,
Sigma Chi, Hickman; Basil Baker,
Pi Kappa Alpha, Georgetown; Louis
Ison, Alpha Gamma Rlio. Harrods-burJames Moore, Sigma Nu;
Washington. D. C; Daryl Harvey,
Kappa Alpha, Glasgow, and Rich
ard Boyd, Sigma Phi Epsilon,

Exhibit to Be Held
At U.K. Art Center

and Pencil club. The showing will
be open from 2 until 5 p. m. beginning Sunday and continuing through
Saturday, May 19.
Included in the exhibit will be the
paintings of Kentucky buildings
which have been executed by Miss
Joy Pride as part of the Public
Work of Art project in Lexington.
Also included in the showing will be
a proof of the print by William
Frazer, Lexington, which has been
accepted for the Century of Progress
exhibition in Chicago this summer.
Mr. Frazer's print is titled "Street

of Women."
Among other artists of Lexington
who have signified their Intention of
submitting their work for the local
show are: Miss Anne Rice, Miss
Therese Newhoff. Miss Katherlne
McGlnnis, Mrs. Doris W. Rannells,
Miss Anne W. Calllhan, Miss Gladys
McAdams, Lexington; Mr. Frank
Long, Berea; Mrs. C. B. McMullins,
Danville; Messrs. Lawrence
and Harold Collins, Frankfort.

Of Kentucky High Schools
Kentucky and the many advantages
It has to offer. First of all, It is
your University; your county has a
large share in the ownership of it.
Next, the University with Its seven
colleges offers you many opportunities for diversified work. Finally,
the University maintains high standards of scholarship and is recognized as one of the best schools in
the country.
We invite correspondence
you, and we shall be glad to assist
you in every way possible.
Soon many of you will be thinkDean of Women
ing of going away to college, and
In selecting your college we Invite
Dean of Men
you to consider the University of








Mortar Board, Lamp and Cross, and
SuKy, and the annual presentation
"Oold Windows," will be the sub- of the Sullivan Medallions will fea
ject of an address to be given by ture the 13th annual University May
Dean Sarah Blanding at the annual Day festival today.
banquet of the Women's AdminisAll classes will
tration council at 6:30 p. m. Monday the second hour be dismissed after
this morning in
in the University Commons.
Approximately 300 guests are ex- order to enable students to attend the
pected to attend the banquet, which morning and afternoon programs.
Presentation of the Sullivan Meis the largest affair for women students throughout the scholastic year. dallions, offered each year to the
Honor guests for the evening will be outstanding man and woman in the
Pres. Frank L. McVey and Sarah B. University, and the pledging of
Holmes, assistant dean. Mrs. Frank Mortar Board candidates will feaA
L. McVey will offer a toast to the ture the morning convocation.
women students of the University, medallion award also is made to a
and the Women's Glee club will sing. citizen of theJudges,who, in the opinion of the
has been outMembers of the W.A.C. will be seated at the speakers table. All women standing In his field. This year's
students of the University and award will be made to Rev, Charles
women of the faculty are invited to W. Welch, pastor of the Fourth
Street Presbyterian church of Louisattend.
Tickets at 50 cents per plate for ville.
The general convocation will be
the banquet are on sale at all sorority houses and at both women's halls. held at 10 a. m. Dean T. T. Jones
All reservations must be made by will preside and Introduce the speaker of the morning. Dr. G. Davis
Sunday evening.
Committees in charge of the affair Buckner, chemist in charge of aniappointed by Lois Robinson, presi- mal nutrition at the Experiment stadent of the organization, are: com- tion, who will speak on "A Voice
mittee on arrangements, Marjorie from the Wall." Following the adWiest and Alice Vance; decoration dress, Mortar Board, honorary senior
committee, Mrs. T. T. Jones, Lucy women's sorority, will hold its annual
Jean Anderson, Mary Heizer, Mar- pledging. Phi Beta Kappa will then
garet Scottow; publicity committee, award its cup to the freshman who
Mary Carolyn Terrell, Lee Moore; made the highest standing this year.
ticket sale, Virginia Murrell, Ann The program will close with selecColeman; program committee, Sarah tions given by the Men's Glee club.
SuKy, campus pep organization,
Whittinghill, Dot Carel, Alice Vance,
Virginia Pitzer, Virginia Riley and will have charge of the afternoon
Betty Dimock.
The parade will assemble on the
The program for the evening is as
follows: presentation of Dr. and drive in front of the Administration
Mrs. R. L. McVey. pledging of Phi building at 1 :30 p. m.. and led by the
upsuon omicron, honorary home "Best Band in Dixie," move down
economics sorority; song by the Limestone to Maxwell, west on MaxGirls' Glee club, Miss Mildred Lewis well to Broadway, north on Broaddirecting and Elizabeth Hardin, way to Main, east on Main to Rose
pianist; presentation of the Y.W. street, and from there south toward
C.A. and the W.S.G.A. officers; presthe University, returning to the
entation of the W.S.G.A. award to starting point by way of Euclid avthe outstanding junior girl; a stunt enue and Limestone. Behind the
by the Women's club; Grannie band will come the queen and her
Gormley tells a story of "On Ven- - attendants, SuKy members, and the
geande Height," Miss Anne Calli- - floats of fraternities and sororities.
nan: awarduig of the AlDha Gamma A police escort will lead the parade.
Delta cup to outsanding freshman
Coronation ceremonies of the May
woman; presentation oi the Mortar Queen
Board award to the freshmen girls lawn will begin at 3 p. m. on the
in front of Mechanical hall.
wno nave sept tne neatest room;
pledging services of Chi Delta Phi. The throne will be set up at the east
honorary literary sorority; an- end of the lawn. The order of the
nouncement of the women students queen's procession will be as follows:
R. O.T. C. officers court of honor,
who made a standing of three; pledg(Continued on Page Eight),
ing of Theta Sigma Phi. national
honorary journalistic sorority. Lois
will preside.


Dr. Warmingham
Addresses Engineers FOR


Interpretations of Life Was
Experiment Station Conducts
Theme of Speaker's
The third exhibition of the works
Study of Taxation, AssessSubject
of artists of Lexington and vicinity
ment, and Sales of Farm
open Sunday at the Art center
Land in Every County
under the sponsorship of the Brush of "The three Major Interpretations
Living," was the subject of Dr.

To the Graduating Classes
To the Graduating Classes
of our Kentucky High
Thin Iksiim of The Kernel is desig
nator tha hkh school number. The
Kernel is a student publication, all
the work of producing it oemg aone
by students.
At this season of vour commence
ment exercises we congratulate you
on the success you nave aitainea.
and we extend to you tne gooa
wishes of the University of


"Gold Windows" Is Subject Mortar Board, Lamp & Cross
to Pledge at Assembly;
of Talk to Be Made Be
SuKy at Dance
fore 300 Women
at Banquet
A new coronation
ceremony, a

"Alma Mater."
Rules for the annual sing, which
will be held in the amphitheater of
Memorial hall on May IS, are as
follows: The chorus of each group
participating shall consist of not less
than 12 members. Each chorus must
report entry to the committee not
later than one week before the contest. Each individual participating
shall be a bona-fld- e
active member,
or pledge, of the fraternity, or sorority, with which he sings. The winning chorus of the sing will be chosen by a committee of three judges
selected by the sponsors. Each group
shall sing one of its fraternity, or
sorority songs and one verse of the
"Alma Mater."
The entire group
shall sing as a closing feature the
"Alma Mater." The order of appearance In the contest will be decided by a drawing of lots on the
day of the contest. Gold cups will
be awarded to the winning fraternand
Outstanding Second Year Men ityCopiessorority.
of the words and
on Campus Initiated Each "Alma Mater" are being music of Robinson, president,
Year into
by Omicron Delta Kappa.


O, W. Warmingham's

address to the
engineers at their regular assembly
which was held at 10 a. m. Wednesday in Memorial hall.
Doctor Warmingham declared
that there are two theories of life,
the first, extension, and the second,
thinking, which he classed as the
major process, without which one
would not be in college. The speaker observed that writers say things
and put them down In books but
they themselves do not live them.
The speaker pointed out that
a partnership conducted
without false conceit, is of great
dignity, and that we should work
for freedom with the largest possible measure.
In constructing a
building it must serve the purpose
of living in it, the speaker continued, not because one person says
so, but because the world orders it,
and the same rule applies to life
since we all have to live with our
fellow men.
"I believe the sportsman's idea is
the struggle of life. The game of
football Is organized to be able to
meet the obstacles later on in life,"
concluded Doctor Warmingham.

Election of officers of the Women's
Self Government association will be
held from 9:30 a. m. until 3 p. m.
The following have been nominated by the senior nomination com-


Mary Carolyn Terrell and Jean
Foxworth, president; Mary Heizer
and Marjorie Powell,

Martha Giltner and Frances Kerr,
secretary; Charlotte Coffman and
Ruth Hallmark, treasurer.
This list is not final.
nominees will be added as new petitions come in. The results of the
election will be announced Monday
night at the women's banquet.

A Droiect. consisting

nf th ctH
the taxation, assessment and sales
of farm land in every county in the
state was conducted by the Agricultural experiment station, in coopera
tion wun tne united States department Of Agriculture, with tha
tance of the Civil Works Adminis
program which came to a

close Sunday.

As a result of this work, there is
now on file at the experiment station 300,000 records of transactions
affecting the assessment, taxation
and sale of farm lands throughout
the state. This is said to be the most
information of its kind ever assembled in Kentucky.
The sale and assessed value were
obtained on every farm that had
been transferred for ftnv nurnnu in
the state In the last three years, and
in some counties tor as iar back as
35 years. A history of all farm
tax delinquencies for the last six
years was obtained.
The tax delinquency data shows
the number of acres involved, toe
assessed valuation of both laud and
improvements, the general and special taxes, and whether buyers, in
cases of land sold for taxes, were
public or private.
Other information was recorded
regarding the relationship between
the assessed and sales values of farm
lands. This tends to indicate whether the land was under or over
assessed. The trend of land sales as
fur back as 1875 is shown in statistics gathered in many counties.
The study was one of the major
CWA projects conducted under the
auspices of the University of Kentucky. Four to five local persons
were employed in every county to
gather the information. The material was then brought to the experiment station, where it will be tabulated, studied and analysed. C. J.
Bradley, of the department of markets and rural finance, served as
director of the project.

� Best Copy



Tage Two

Friday, May 4, 1934



tary science department, and In
that year uniforms of the standard
type used in professional bands
were purchased and worn with the
addition of a blue and white cape,
the same uniform that Is worn at
However, next fall, the
band will be outfitted In new uniforms that will be snappier In appearance, and the old uniforms will





SMITH. Mi or. rhon











be discarded.
The Kentucky band was given
the rating of "The Best Band in
Dixie" In 1925 when, at Atlanta.
Oeorgla, It was the center of attraction at a football game being
played there. The story of the
game published
the Atlanta
Journal the next morning centered
of the
around the performance
Kentucky band, and It was this paper that created the new title.
8lnee that time other Institutions
In the South have done considerable work on their bands, but the
Wildcat musicians still carry the
rating given them nine years ago.
The Atlanta trip is representative
of the trips taken by the band, the
latest long trips being to Washington. D. C, in 1931. and Birmingham, Alabama, In 1933.
In 1926, duties in the music department became such that Pro
fessor Lampert was forced to give
up the band work and Elmer O.
Sulzer was made director. He directed the band through the height
of its growth until 1933 when he
resigned. At that time, John Lewis Jr. was employed as director and
in his one year of service the band
has shown splendid results. Mr.
Lewis, a graduate of Kentucky
Wesleyan college, has been outstanding in Kentucky as a musician
and as a director.
Each year there are a number
of scholarships given to high school
graduates who have distinguished
themselves as musicians in high
school and have shown themselves
to have outstanding ability as players. These scholarships are given
to persons who play orchestra Instruments as well as band Instruments.
Each year the band plays a serperforms
ies of twilight concerts,


Mrs. Enoch Orehnn. Mrs. Victor
Portmann, and Miss Marguerite
McLaughlin will preside at the tea
Friday, May 4
Ocneral Convocation, 10 a. m tables.
New and old staff members of
Memorial hull.
May Day Parade, 1:30 p. m.. Ad- the Kernel, members of Theta Sigma Phi and Sigma Delta Chi, and
ministration building.
May Day Exorcises. 3. p. m., in faculty members of the Journalism
department will be guests.
front of Agriculture building.
SuKy OiiiRham dance, 9 p. m. to
Mothers' Club
1 a.m.. Alumni
gymnasium; SuKy
The Mothers' club of Kappa Delpledging.
National College Press Associa- ta met at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon
at the chapter house, Mrs. C. 8.
tion luncheon. 12:30 p. m., UniverJones presiding.
sity Commons.
Officers elected for next year are
Reception for National College
Press association, 5 p. m., Maxwell Mrs. 8. I. McGinn, president; Mrs.
W. 8. Webb,
National College Press Associa- F. E. Faulkner, secretary; Mrs. Cas-ketreasurer; Mrs. P. C. Matthews,
tion dinner, 6:30 p. m., Lafayette
publicity chairman, and Mrs. C. T.
Phi Beta Kappa banquet 6 p. m.. Crowe, social chairman.
Following the business meeting, a
Phoenix hotel.
Saturday, MayS
social hour was enjoyed.
9 to 12
Delta Chi Derby dance,
p. m., Alumni gymnasium.
Informal Dinner
Delegates to the National College
YW.C.A. and Y.M.C.A.
Press Association meeting will be
Daniel Boone
guests at an Informal
dinner at
Enjrairement Announced
the Lafayette hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Carter,
Prof. Victor Portmann will act as
Louisville, have announced the en- toa.stma.ster and call for informal
gagement of their daughter, Miss greetings from the guests. Wesley
Angela Lorenz, to Mr. Van Buren E. Carter is chairman of the enterRopke, Jr. The wedding will be tainment committee, and reservasolemnized in June.
tions can be made through him or
Mr. Ropke, a member of the class Professor Portmann.
of 28, was prominent in campus
activities, being a member of Alpha
Bigma Phi, Strollers,
Keys, and
Scabbard and Blade.
Miss Elizabeth Hobson, Chi Omega, will be the Sunday
guest of
Law College Banquet
Miss Virginia Rubel in Lebanon.
The annual College of Law banMiss Jane Crain and Miss Arva
quet for students and faculty mem- Ray will spend the week-en- d
bers was held Monday night In the Louisville and attend the Derby.
Wellington Arms tea room.
Misses Jean Dawson and Eleanor
The program presented was as Dawson, Chi Omega, will have as
follows: piano solo, John Stevenguests in their box at the Derby,
son; remarks. Doctor McVey; sen- Mr. Henry Turner and Mr. R. L.
ior class representative, Paul Mans- Huddleston.
field; Junior class representative,
Mr. John Coovert, Lambda Chi
Calloway Napier;
sophomore class Alpha, spent the week-en- d
in Lourepresentative, George Skinner; isville.
piano solo, Lloyd Leckie; address,
Mr. Marvin Wachs, Covington,
Dr. Charles I. Dawson.
and Mr. Ewing Elliott. Pikeville,
About 50 guests were present.
were recent guests at the Phi Kappa Tau house.
SuKy Gingham Dance
Dinner guests last Sunday at the
anSuKy will entertain with its
Alpha Sigma Phi house were Mr. and
gingham dance from 9 p. m. Mrs. E. J. Endicott, Misses Louise
to 1 a. m. tonight in the alumni Johnson. Louise Ewing, and Angymnasium.
drea Skinner.
The Blue and White orchestra
Messrs. George Vogel and Ira
will furnish the music for dancing, Lyle, Alpha Sigma Phi, spent last
and pledging services will be held week-en- d
In Louisville.
by SuKy. Awards for the best
Dinner guests Sunday at the Sig
floats also will be made during the ma Chi house were Misses Martha
WHlford Graves is In Cleveland, Catherine Jones, Mar
charge of the arrangements.
garet Greathouse, Jerry Kelly, and
Ann Covington, Richmond; Messrs.
Women's Banquet
Robert Shannon. David Bassett,
The annual women's banquet Duncan Stokes, and Anson C. Ha-gl- e;
sponsored by W.A.C. will be given
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saber, Ft.
Monday night in the University Thomas.
Mr. William Boland visited at Ft.
Dean Sarah Blanding will be the Thomas during last week-enspeaker, and Mrs. Frank
Miss Margaret Tarter spent last
Jj. McVey will give a toast to the week-en- d
at her home in Lawrence-burwomen students. The rest of the
program will consist of a number
Miss Elizabeth Graham, Clinton,
by the Women's Glee club, a tap was a week-en- d
guest at the Delta
dance by Misses Marjorie Powell Zeta house.
and Martha Bltner, a stunt by the
Alpha Lambda Tau announces
Women's club, and the pledging of
new members by Chi Delta Phi, the initiation of the following: MesRichard Brown, Williamsburg,
Phi Upsilon Omicron,