xt7hqb9v1q73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v1q73/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1945-01-jan5-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-01-jan5-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-01-jan5-ec. 1945 1945-01-jan5-ec. 2011 true xt7hqb9v1q73 section xt7hqb9v1q73 

     Minutes of the Mleeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, January 5, 1945.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky met in the Director's office of the Student Union
Building at 10:45 a.m., Friday, January 5, 1945.    The office of the
President was not available due tobeing repaired and redecorated.
The following members were present: Judge R. C.Stoll, H. S. Cleve-
land, H. D. Palmore and R. P. Hobson.   President H. L. Donovan and
Comptroller Franl D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board, were also

     A. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of Novem-
ber 22, 1944, were approved as published.

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller made the reg;ular monthly financial report. Each
member of the Executive Committee was provided with a copy of the
report detailing a complete statement of unrealized income, appropri-
ations and expenditures for the period ended November 30, 1944.    The
report also included a complete list of Restricted and Agency funds
showing receipts and expenditures for the same period.    The report
was examined by members of the Committee, discussed, and, upon motion
made, seconded and passed, ordered received, accepted and approved.

     C. 1Miawen Motor Corporation Contract Approved la Attorney General.

     President Donovan reported that, pursuant to direction of the
Executive Committee, at its meeting on November 22, 1944, he had
submitted to te Attorney General a contract and lease agreement be-
tween the IMflawen Motor Corporation and the University of Kentucky, and
that the contract and lease agreement was approved by Attorney Gen-
eral Eldon S. Dummit.

     D. University of Kentucky Coupon Bonds to be Registered.

     It was called to the attention of the Executive Committee that
the Comptroller had, in his position as Custodian of Securities, some
United States Government Coupon Bonds.    At the request of the
Comptroller, the following action was taken:

                           * ** * * * ** * *

             1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the Comptroller is directed to have all Gov-
                ernment bonds registered, and report back
                to the Executive Committee.

* * * * 41 * * * * *



     E. Contract with Kentucky iunicipal League.

     President Donovan submitted a letter from Dean Wiest in which
he transmitted a contract between the University of Kentucky and the
Kentucky M;unicipal League, under which it is proposed to carry out a
research project concerned with the finances of Kentucky municipali-
                                          December 14, 1944

     President Herman Lee Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

     Attached hereto is a contract between the University of Ken-
     tucky and the Kentucky Municipal League under which it is
     proposed to carry out a research project concerned with
     Kentucky Municipal Finances.   I recommend its approval by
     the University.

     The investigation is to be conducted under the direction of
     Professor James W. iiartin, Director of the Bureau of Business
     Research.   The scope of the research is suggested in the
     contract.   The M,1Iunicipal League, it is understood, will pay
     the University $3,000 in four installments, as indicated,
     for work done by the Bureau.   The League also agrees to
     publish;the report of the study, and will sell to the Uni-
     versity any number of copies that may be ordered at a cost
     equal to the additional expense to the League of manufactur-
     ing such number of copies.   It is expected that the study
     will be completed in August 1945 and that the report will
     be published a month later.

     I understand that the Board of Trustees can not act on the
     proposal before January 19, 1945.   However, you have been
     informed as to the general terms of the understanding with
     the League and Dean Chamberlain has examined the text of
     the contract.   Some work has already been done on the
     pob ject, and if the Board is to give its approval it is
     suggested that the appropriate official be authorized to
     execute the contract as of December 1, 1944.    It is request-
     ed that the three copies of the contract be properly execut-
     ed.   The original, it is assumed, will be kept by the
     Secretary of the Board, and the two carbon copies should be
     returned to this office one of which will be turned over
     to the League officials.    It may be noted that one of the
     carbon copies has not been completely executed by League

     Very sincerely yours,

     (Signed) Edward Wiest, Dean
               College of Commerce.



     This agreement between the Kentucky Municipal League
(hereinafter called the League) and the University of Ken-
tucky (hereinafter called the University) witnesseth:

     1. The University, with the assistance of the League
staff to the extent of approximately half time of the secre-
tary and of one clerical employee from December 1, 1944,
to August 1, 1945, agrees to make, through its Bureau of
Business Research (hereinafter called the Bureau), a gen-
eral survey of the city finances of Kentucky.   For this
purpose the University will contribute the equivalent of
about one-third of the time of the director of the Bureau,
one-third of the time of one other professional worker or
senior clerical employee, and the full time of one other
professional employee from about December 1, 1944, to
August 1, 1945.   Also, the University will provide subse-
quently, to approximately September 15, 1945, the services
usually made available to a book publisher by or in behalf
of an author incident to production of the latter's book.
The scope of the research is defined by the following out-
line unless the scope be modified by mutual agreement:

        I. The facts outlined and analyzed
           A. Expenditures
           B. Revenues
           C. Debts
           D. Financial management
       II. Expenditure readjustment proposals analyzed
           A. Examination of city service obligations
              and possibilities of savings
           B. Examination of state-city, county-city,and
              state-county-city cooperative arrangements
              and possibilities
           C. Possibilities of state administrative assistance.
      III. Revenue readjustment proposals and possibilities
           A. Independent sources of supplemental city revenue
           B. Possible state aids
           C. Suggested city-state, city-county, and state-
              county-city cooperation.

     2. The director of the Bureau will be personally responsi-
ble for the research work.   He, together with the person or
persons iho do the detailed investigation, will sign the re-
port and will have final responsibility -Land discretion re-
specting its content.   The staff of the League will assist
by gathering statistics and other information regarding munici-
pal finances and their management and by preparation of memo-
randa as the said director may request, subject to limitations
already indicated.

     3. As a part of the University's service, the director
of the Bureau, throughout the period of the Investigation
and also subsequently through the calendar year 1945, will



assist the League as its technical consultant on municipal
finance to whatever reasonable extent the League may desire.
In this capacity the director will (a) informally advise the
League or its committees or other agencies regarding finance
policy decisions, (b) aid in the preparation of newspaper
or journal articles, and (c)provide other consulting as-
sistance in financial matters, including general, as dis-
tinguished from individual city, counsel respecting fiscal
management. The League's officers and committees, however,
will take full responsibility for policy decisions and in
every other respect will seek to protect the University
against any charge incident to discharging its obligations
hereunder that the University or its agents are engaging
in political activity in respect of the League or of its

     4. The report of the survey of Kentucky municipal fi-
nances will be submitted between August 1, 1945 and August
15, 1945, unless the parties shall agree upon another time.

     5. The regular Bureau staff members will contribute to
the municipal finance survey as a part of their regular
duties.   lo reimburse the University for the expense of em-
ploying additional workers and for the cost of materials,
travel, etc., incident to this city finance survey, the
League will pay the University three thousand dollars
($3000) as follows: on or before January 1, 1945, nine hun-
dred dollars ($900); on or before April 1, 1945, nine
hundred dollars ($900) on or before July 1, 1945,
nine hundred dollars (h9oo); ind, at the time the report is
submitted, three hundred dollars ($300).

     6. The League agrees to publish the report of the
study of city finances, and the University may purchase
any number of copies (which it chooses to order before the
study goes to the press) at a cost equal to the addition-
al expense to the League of manufacturing the number of
copies required by the University.

     Executed at Lexington, Kentucky.

Date --_Date NovY2_,1944

By_                           By   J. P. Arnold
Title                         Title    President

                            Signed  Wilson W. Wyatt

                              "     Henry L. Nichols

                                    Winn Davis

J. J. Moran



     The contract was explained by President Donovan and discussed
at length by members of the Committee, after which the following ac-
tion was taken:

                          * ** * * * * ** *

             2. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously
                carried, the contract is approved, and the
                Comptroller is authorized to sign the con-
                tract on behalf of the University of Ken-

     F. Agreement for Extension Work in Farm Labor Supply and Distri-

     President Donovan submitted agreement between the War Food Admin-
istrator and the Extension Service of the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics for work in farm labor supply and distribution in the
State of Kentucky4   It was explained that this was a continuation
of a previous agreement approved by the Board of Trustees for this
type of cooperative work with the War Food ,Administrator.

                                         January 4, 1945

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          Enclosed are four copies of an agreement for exten-
     sion work in farm labor supply and distribution in the
     State of Kentucky.   Under this agreement, the work and
     funds will be extended through the calendar year 1945.
     I recommend its acceptance,   If approved, please sign and
     return the four copies.   A copy for your file is enclosed.

                                        Sincerely yours,

                                      (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                               Dean and Director



                   STATE OF KENTUCKY

     THIS AGREEI$NT, made and entered into this 1st day
Of January, 1945, between the War Food Administrator,
hereinafter called the "Administrator", and the Cooperative
Agricultural Extension Service of the College of Agriculture,
University of Kentucky,. hereinafter called the "Extension


     WHEREAS, pursuant to an agreement dated April 29,
1943, and a Supplemental Agreement dated February 25, 1944,
the Administrator agreed to apportion funds to the State of
Kentucky and the Extension Service agreed to use such funds
in furtherance of the purposes set forth in said agreements
and authorized by the Act of April 29, 1943 (Public Law 45,
78th Congress) and the Farm Labor Supply Appropriation Act,
1944 (Public Law 229, 78th Congress), and

     WHEREAS, the Congress having authorized continuance
of the authorities, purposes and objects of the Farm Labor
Supply Appropriation Act, 1944, for the calendar year 1945,
the Administrato-r and the Extension Service desire to continue
the cooperative program for providing an adequate supply of
workers for the production and harvesting and preparation
for market of agricultural commodities in the state of
Kentucky in accordance with Section 2 of the Farm Labor Supply
Appropriation Act, 1944, as supplemented:

     NOW, THEREFORE, the administrator and the Extension
Service mutually agree as follows:

     1. Clause 1 of the Supplemental Agreement referred to
above is hereby amended by inserting the date "December 31,
1945" in lieu of the date "Decem-ber 31, 1944", and by
adding the words "as supplemented" at the end of the clause.

     2. Clause 2 (2) of said Supplemental Agreement is hereby
amended by inserting "Director of Extension Work" in lieu
of "Director, Office of Labor."

     3. Except as expressly modified in this Agreement, the
terms of the Agreements referred to above shall continue in
full force and effect.
                              WAR FOOD 011INISTRATOR,

               (Si-ned)      By   M. L. Wilson
                                   Director of Extension Work

                              COOPERATIVE AGRICULTUPRL EXTENSION
                              of College of Agr. & Home Ecs.
                              University of Kentucky



                                    President (or other appropriate

                                      Director of Extension

     after examination of the contract, the Executive Committee took
the following action:

             3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the Director of the Experiment Station is
                directed to sign the agreement on behalf of
                the University of Kentucky.
                          * * * * *F * v * * *

     G. Authority to Dean Cooper to Sign Papers with American Jprsey
Cattle Club.

     President Donovan submitted a request from the Registration
Board of the American Jersey Cattle Club, New York 11, N.Y., suggest-
ing that Dean Cooper submit for the record of that Club power of at-
torney authorizing him to sign on behalf of the University of Ken.
tucky all applications for registry or transfer of Jersey cattle
owned or bred by the University of Kentucky.   After hearing the re-
quest and having same explained, the Executive Committee took the
following action:

             4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
                ly carried, the following power of attorney is
                granted to Dean Thomas P. Cooper:

                      KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents, that the
                University of Kentucky, a corporation organized
                and existing under and by virtue of the laws of
                Kentucky, has made, constituted, and appointed,
                and by these presents do make, constitute and
                appoint DEAN THOM1AS COOPER its true and lawful
                attorney for it and in its name, place and
                stead, to sign for it all applications for
                registry or transfer of Jersey cattle owned or
                bred by it and to certify to service of ally
                Jersey bull owned by it as may be required by
                the Rules of Entry of the American Jersey Cattle
                Club; and it does also ratify and confirm any
                and all documents signed by the above-named
                DEAN THOIMAS COOPER for it in the past in con-
                nection with the above named association,



                giving and granting unto its said attorney
                full power and authority to do and perform
                all and every act and thing whatsoever requi-
                site are necessary to be done in and about
                the premises, as fully to all intents and
                purposes, as it might or could do if personal-
                ly present, thereby ratifying and confirming
                all that its said attorney or his substitute
                shall lawfully do or cause to be done by
                virtue hereof.

                     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto
                set our hand and seal the 13th day of January
                in the year one thousand nine hundred and

                                     UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                         (Signed) By  Richard C. Stoll
                                     Richard C. Stoll
                                     Chairman of its Executive


                (Signed)  Frank D. Peterson
                           *s * *F *t v * * v v *

     H. Recess for Luncheon

     The Committee recessed at 12:45 p.m. for luncheon.   It recon-
vened at 1:40 p.m. and continued with the agenda.

     I. Adjustment in Room Rents, ,,en's Dormitor'ies,

     President Donovan submitted a letter from Comitroller Peterson
concerning room rents, iVion's Dormitories.  The following letter was
read to the Committee:

                                           January 4, 1945

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, at its
     meeting on July 21, 1944, adjusted the room rates of the Men's
     Dormitories in keeping with the recommendation concurred in
     by Dean Jones and Dean Chamberlain.    The adjusted rates were
     to become effective at the beginning of the summer quarter,



         Dean Jones is now of the opinion that single rooms
    (above the basement) are priced out of line with the ad-
    justed prices for the suites, and doubles, and that the
    price per quarter per man should be raised from thirty-
    two to thirty-four dollars.   The adjusted rates, effective
    at the beginning of the summer quarter, 1945, per man per
    quarter, will be

                     Suites            $38.00
                     Doubles            30.00

          It is our desire at this time to increase the rates
    for single rooms to $34.00 per man per quarter.    Dean Jones
    states that more men prefer single rooms than suites, and
    that the prices for suites and singles and doubles are too
    near together, and that if the price for the single rooms
    is advanced, the dissatisfaction felt in not obtaining one
    will be lessened somewhat.   He is also of the opinion that
    a single room is worth more than two dollars above the price
    of a double room.   Dean Chamberlain concurs in his recom-
    mendation, and wve trust that you will see fit to request
    the Board to authorize the increase.

                                      Very truly yours,

                                      (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The following action was taken:
                           * * * * * * * * * *

             5. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
                ly carried, the rate for single rooms (above
                the basement) in the Mt1en's Residence Halls,
                beginning summer quarter, 1945, shall be
                $34.00 per man pwr quarter.

     J. The National Research Fund Overdrawn.

     President Donovan submitted the following correspondence from
Doctor Webb, head of the Department of Physics, and Comptroller Peter-
son, explaining an overdraft in the National Research Fund,



                                   November 24, 1944

Lir. Frank Peterson
Department of Business Management
    and Control

Ely dear or. Peterson:

     Relative to the account of the National Research Fund,
Number 3049, which is overdrawn to the amount of $43.72,
this overdraft seems to have occurred sometime after Decem-
ber 11, 1941.   It was an attempt at that time to close the
account by charging to it two requisitions of the Department
of Anthropology and Archaeology, for a total of $43.72.

     If these requisitions had not been charged to this
fund they would have been legitimate charges to the then
current budget of the Department of Anthropology and Ar-
chaeology4   There are no special funds in the hands of
the Department to which this amount can now be charged.
The Department received the benefit of this expenditure.

    I regret very much the overdraft which occurred because
of a misunderstandihg of the amount of funds available.

                               Very sincerely yours,

                               (Signed) Wm. S. Webb
                                        Head of the Department

                                  November 28, 1944

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

My dear President Donovan:

     I attach hereto a letter from Dr. W.S. Webb, head of
the Department of Physics, explaining an overdraft in a
restricted fund called the "National Research Fund", ac-
count 3049.

     Two requisitions of the Department of Anthropology and
Archaeology, totalling 843.72, were sent to this office from
Dr. Webb to be charged against this fund.   The office at
the time honored the requisitions, thinking that Dr. Webb
had additional funds which Would be received and credited
to this account.   lie now tells us that the account has
been closed and that there are no additional funds to be
received,   In view of the fact that the original purchases



    were for equipment used by the Departmeont of Anthropology
    and Archaeology, and could have legitimately been charged
    to the department's budget, had they been so drawn, I am
    rncommending that the overdraft be now charged to the cur-
    rent budget of the department through appropriate trans-

          In order that there be no question about the transfers,
    I suggest that this be submitted to the Executive Committee
    for proper authorization.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     (Signed) Prank D. Peterson

    After reading the correspondence and receiving explanation of
the origin of the National Research Fund, the Committee took the
following action:

             6. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the Comptroller is authorized to transfer
                from the budget of the Department of Physics,
                for the current year 1944-45, to Restricted
                Fund, Acet. No. 3049, National Research Fund,
                the sum of $43.72.

     K. Resolutions on Deaths of Dr. F. Carleton Thomas, Mtrs. Shir-
ly Beeler, Mr. Tollie Riddell,   ir. Raleigh V. Trosper, and Ibr,
Ralph Cundiff.

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee the
deaths of Dr. F. Carleton Thomas, physician in the Infirmary; M1ro.
Shirley Beeler, hostess in Student Union Building;    . Tollie Riddell,
truck drivas, Experiment Station; Raleigh V. Trosper, County Agent in
Breathi4 t County; and Ralph Cundifff, Agricultural Extension.

     After expressing deep reg;ret on learning of the untimely deaths
of the persons above namied, the members of the Executive Committee
thought it highly appropriate that the following resolutions be spread
upon the minutes, and copies sent to the families.



                 Dr. F. Carleton Thomas

     Dr. F. Carleton Thomas, visiting physician to the Un-
iversity Health Service for fifteen years, died suddenly
in his office at the University on the morning of December
2, 1944.   Dr. Thomas brought to the students not only the
highest type of professional service, but by his kind and
courteous manner and his sterling qualities as physician
and friend, he endeared himself to all who came to know

     Dr. Thomas' professional attainments were of high or-
der.   He Was a member of the Kentucky State, the American
Medical; and the Southern Medical Associations.   He was a
fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and, it his
chosen field of Ophthalmology, he was a diplomat of the
American Board of Ophthalmology.

     The University has sustained a severe loss in the
passing of Dr. Thomas.   The students have lost a devoted
friend and physician; the Health Service has lost a col-
league and friend.


                                         (Signed) Chas. McChord

                                                  J. S. Chambers

                                                  Wilbur A.Hcinz

Approved by Board of Trustees



Approved by University Faculty

(Signed) Leo M. Chamberlain

Date     November 13, 1944



                   Mrs. Shirley Bee-ler

     The death of Mirs. Shirley Beeler, hostess, Student Un-
ion Building, came as a shock to faculty and students on
December 30, 1944.  Although she had been in declining
health for many months, her cheerfulness and faithfulness
in the performance of her duties belied the seriousness
of her physical condition.

     I.J1rs. Beeler came to the University as house-mother
for Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity.  While serving in this
capacity, she won the love and respect of a group of
young men whose unwavering loyalty was a source of joy to
her.  When the fraternity houses were closed, she became
house director of Hamilton House, where she was equally
popular and influential.

     As hostess of the Union Building, she had the
opportunity to serve a large number of students.   Her
sensitiveness to their needs and her sympathetic under-
standing of their problems endeared her to those who
sought her counsel.

     The impact of her death will be felt in many lands,
wherever her boys and girls are serving their country.
It was through her that they kept in touch with the Uni-
versity and with each other.   In them and through them,
her influence will continue to live.

                   Mr. Tollie Riddell

     Those who knew Tollie Riddell were saddened by his sud-
den death the afternoon of Decermlber 23, 1944.  Apparently.
in his usual health, the end came while he was in the midst
of work.   For tvrenty-two years, ir. Riddell was employed
on the Experiment Station farm and performead faithfully
and well the various duties assigned to hirm.  He was
obliging and willing to do not only his part but to assist
others; conscientious and regular in the discharge of his
work; kindly in his feeling for his fellowman; loyal to the
institution and eager to promote its interests to the best
of his ability.  We record our regret in his passing and
express to his family our sincere sympathy in their be-



                    Mr. Raleigh V. Trosper

     Raleigh V. Trosper became a member of the staff of the
University of Kentucky in 1921.   From that date until his
untimely passing on October 17, 1944, he was a valued mem-
ber of the staff of the Extension Division of the College
pf Agriculture and Home Economics, serving as county agent
in Breathitt, Knox, Bell and Russell Counties successively.

     He was born December 3, 1889) and received the degree
B. S. in Agriculture from the University of Kentucky in
1930.   In each of the localities where he had opportunity
to serve, he was recognized as an able leader and a valuable
citizen'   He identified himself in each community with all
movements for civic betterment and was active in the councils
of his church both locally and state-wide.

     It is resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky that in the death of Raleigh V. Trosper the
University has sustained great loss, that his long period
of service was of great benefit to the people of the State,
that these resolutions be entered upon the permanent records
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, and
that a copy be sent to his wife.

                      Mr. Ralph Cundiff

     On the battle fields of France, in the summer of 1944,
Ralph Cundiff gave that last full measure of devotion to
his country.   He was killed in action in France and in his
death a valuable member of the staff of the University was
lost.   He was born January 2, 1911, and was graduated from
Berea College in 1938.   He became a member of the staff
of the Extension Service of the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics on July 1, 1938.

     He Atas a conscientious and efficient worker who always
placed duty and service  before self,   Hid devotion to duty,
both as an Extension worker and as a soldier, may well serve
as a challenge to us who are left behind, to carry on ac-
cording to the high standards which Ralph Cundiff set for
himself, and it is resolved that in the passing of this
faithful worker, the University of Kentucky has suffered
great loss, that his place will be difficult to fill and
that these resolutions be made a part of the permanent record
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and
that a copy be sent to his wife and to his parents.



                          v * * * * * *F * * *

            7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
                carried, the resolutions on the deaths of Dr.
                Thoillas, IMrs. Beeler, Mr. Riddell, Mr. Trosper
                and Mir. Cundiff are ordered spread upon the
                minutes of the Executive Committee and copy
                of the appropriate resolution is ordered sent
                to the family of each person named.

                          * * * * * * * * *t *

     L. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and
other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.

                   Colletre of Arts and Sciences


     Constance W. Gallant, departmental secretary, Chemistry, ef-
fective December 13; 1944.

     Anna Newton, graduate aswistant in Bacteriology, effective Jan-
uary 1, 1945.

     Barbara Bachman, graduate assistant in Bacteriology, effective
January 1, 1945.

     Charles F. Isackes, visiting lecturer in the Department of So-
cial Work, effective January 1, 1945.

     Anna Lea Schoulties, graduate assistant part-time, effective
January 1, 1945, Department of Chemistry.

     Betty D. Crawley (MIrs. Clyde),instructor in the Department of
Mathematics and Astronomy, for the winter quarter, effective January
1, 1945.

     Mirs. Lydia R. Fischer, instructor in the Department of Mathemat-
ics and Astronomy, winter quarter, effective January 1, 1945.
     IvIrs.Leila Kilroy Harrisinstructor in the Department of English,
effective January 1,1945,f'or winter and spring quarters.
Salary Adcjustment

     L. C. Harrison, inrtructor (part-time) in Bacteriology, adjust-
ment in salary, effective Jaf3,nuary 1, 1945. Mir. Harrison will take on
additional work in thfe dopartmont as a result of Dr. Thornton's resig-