xt7hmg7fv31w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7fv31w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 2007 2007 2007-02-07 2020 true xt7hmg7fv31w section xt7hmg7fv31w A KICKIN' CLU

\N’VVHI. IsYKERN [I .( ‘( )M


ltBRt‘ARY i gun—

The UK Budo Karate Club gives members strength, flexibility and
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86 set to

By Blair Thomas

hthoniastykernei corn

Student (io\ ei'niiieiit \Hll hold
the hind ‘iote oii iiiaior ehatiges
to its senate strueture and elee»
tion proeedures at tonight's senr
ate meeting.

.-\t last \\ eels's meeting \\ hen
the hills passed their initial \ote.
\Cndlors [Vl‘L‘senlL‘il opposing
\ie\\s on Iio\\ ttittii'e eleetions
should he run as tar as iitili/ing
online \otiiie

"The last meeting siii‘piised
me a hit" Senate President Brent
Biirehett said. "Weoe heen
“orking on these proposals tor a
“hile. ehaiipine them and dis
eiissiiig theme hiit I thought the
senators \\eie .ill heliiiid online
L‘It‘t‘llitlh H

lttlllglllt students “I“ not he .il
limed to \ote ti'oni am eaiiipiis
eoriipiiter. a ehaiige li‘oiii ti'esh-
man eleetions this tall Instead.
the e\eetiti\e 'nraiith \till set tip
designated eleetronie polling; lo
eations that “I” he .ippio\ ed h}
Iltt,‘ ltlll \t‘llitlt‘

Sen .lesse I’.ii'iish and Sen
Blake Burnett are opposed to one
line elet tioiis heeatise tlie_\ said it
takes ana} pii\.ie} pii\ileges ol
the \otei,

"Students lithe e\PlL‘sst'tI [it
me then diseoiiilort in eleetions
that are held online " l’ai'i'ish said
at the senate meeting; on Jan 14
"I‘. does aha} \\itli a person‘s
right to a pt'i\.ite ballot. and it is
in} opinion that one student \\ ho
is toreed hi a group oi their

\Ck'I‘Iltl \ tile passes

peers to \itlt' one MI} is enough
to ree\ali_iate our pioeediii'es."

I:llen Boniak. an tiiideelared
treshmaii. telt the pressure trom
hei‘ roommate and li'ieiids to \ote
lot .i tandidate in the I'iesliiiiaii
ILIL‘CIIUHS iii ()etoher

",\1_\ ioommati.‘ \santed me to
\ote loi’ liei sororit\ sistei " I’m
iiiak said "She sit tight heliiitd
me .it im eoinpiitei and natthed
”It \UIC I It'll llIsC I litiil lit ‘sitlt‘
loi‘ \\ ho in} iooiiiiiiate \iaiited me
to. e\en though I didn‘t knots
.in_\thin§_' about her tiiend ”

I'reshman I‘leellttllS \i ere held
online hut had .i sniallei ttiiiiout
than pi'e\ioiis )t‘dls

“\Ve'ie t't‘.ill\ l‘t‘eti lot‘eeil lo
look at Ulll\L‘I\t‘s and eyiliiate
ho“ the (ilHII‘IIS \ieus Student
(imernmentf Hurthett said
”I'Iie t‘e.iliti is. it‘s hard to set
sltltlenls tlllet‘t‘\leil I'lte} tltttt'l
like our posters the) don‘t like
us hugging; them to go \ote
I‘hese xlldtlgcs in": about .iiltltess
in}; “Ital the students \\.IIII "

In attempt to address \\I].ll
students \santt an amendment to
e\p.ind the iitinihei ol seats in the
\L‘ltillt‘ .tlsit has it \ttiiitil \ote

It passed. the amendment \\lII
inei'ease the total iiiimhei ot sent
tors h} li\e. .ltltllllt.‘ one senator
It) I‘tttlll lllt‘ (‘UIICEJL‘ HI t\l‘ls .Hltl
Seienees antl llit‘ ('itllt‘gc til I .1“.
and three senators to the (iradir
ate Seliool

“'I‘he more di\erse \\e he
LUIIIC. the hettei \se \\lll repre
sent the students and the better
he “III heeome as an organi/a
tioii." said Sen I_\lei’\1oiitell.

S(i “Ell also \ole on an
amendment that \\(tllltl restriier
ttire their :oint and standing eoin
mittees tonight.

The matorin ol senators
tahled this legislation on Ian 31
heeatise the meeting ran long

"This is .in issue that is \er)

(‘IilIiBIs’ATING 56 YEARS ()l lNl)ll’liNl)l,.\‘( I







i. i. .,


s . es oi.

Administrators: Snow
not enough to keep
students out of class

By Sean Rose "It’s \ei‘s \ei} iaie toi the II!

3- sepaztytbmiogni stitiitioii to shut dots ii,” said I I\
spokesman laj. Hliiiiioii

l‘hei'e iiie iii.:ii\ reasons I Is

Students erossiiie theii tineers
\t‘;‘\ he siio\\ d.i\s Itiaiztnz. \itlll

toi that most liiil} ol liolies the
et-lleee siio\\ dax \xill II.I'»k to “W the :N‘I “3 “llh ll ‘ ”is” ‘ ~
I.\‘\I‘IPIV.IV\1II¥lttlr\\t‘I\L‘\kL‘elllk‘I littSI‘lItil Illttl \ .ll) I sIlliI ili"s\!l \
"Based on the loi'eeast iiitoi “If“ ”WNW “3 i’H'i‘N Vi“

iii;it.oii \\e ha‘ie at this time it :s ,.
tiiilikel} I Is' ‘Alll tlose loi in tlt‘lll‘o

I'iiieryeiii \ ~ ‘ ‘1“ J“ 1‘
(’hHeii. hate to iettiaiit iipei: itll snout

I‘L‘tltl‘» ' i?

i leitteiit 1\ eathei. ’ “II-’3 ~s3- s _-
\Ianaeeiiieiit I)ii‘eetoi
(iiles told the Kernel iii .in e mail
"I K has an iiitleiiient \\e.ithei
polie}. lio\‘.e\ei' theie are no pi'e
set .oiiditioiis that would dittiite iiil~'l“"‘-‘ {If
iiitoiiiatit tlosuie ot the I ni\etsi "to,“ “IV“
v\" Ititk. \Il‘ltft' H

l'tank Itiitlei‘. e\etiitt\e iite Ills l‘li‘filwl i‘I-W‘ I Wit
piesideiit ot titiaiiee and Months I I\ with" I” .31: '\ do?“
ti.itioii. makes the liiiai all to IJI‘WIH’ "1"“ 4“? “-'<'§* ““tt‘s »:
o\ei".iiiie to keep \stitl-extax s eieo

tl.t\s .is \‘vk'il Illiililitit .itltle‘tl
H \II III"\L' I.ii1‘.lii‘s

tvmaiii open. he said

eaiieel \Itl\\ attei’ eoiisultine \\iIlt
the I iiieigeiie} .'\I.iniieeiiient l)e _
P-ii'tmeiit and other senior {ulltltn "I! s 'iist a eoiititilH- i‘i‘“
“Imp,“ \l‘; It‘L'aIi' \.li\l "We it latttllitiJ
it iaiii} easy right it.

“ I he "xiit‘i piiii'W

ot \II<\\\ .tllil i-_e

llie last time I Is taiieelleil
tliiss \\.is Iehriian Zlitt‘. \kheii
the entire tit} shiit doun ll‘. the

midst oi iee storms i Snow

Journalist alums share I).C. stories

By Ed Matthews

l‘tfiwS ii‘kykm'iiat ,, up

Some tournalistii .iliiiiis \\tII espei‘t
ente .i hoiiietoiiiine ot sorts tonight to
diseiiss theii i.ii‘eei‘s .ill iii\ol\ii‘.-_'
tune in l)(‘ and the ehaiieiite I.“ e or
their lield

I‘he lilth annual Rithard \Vilsuii
.Iotiriialisiii »\luiiini Sittiposiiini mil he
held toda) at S pm in the \\ | \oiiiie
l ihrar) .iiiditoiiiim li‘l the

”I:\ei\' _\eiit \\e ti) and llt\lli‘ illlllltlli
to return to eampiis and talk to \ tii‘ieiit
students about iournalism and their iii
t‘eei’s." said assistant toiiriialisiii protessoi
and e\eiit oreani/er Mike I‘dl‘lt‘ll

The event “as started h) Ritliiii'd
Wilson. a I‘K toiiriialisni hall of tame

tiieiiihei and loiinei edtitatioti iepoi‘tei
IttllI\\llIt‘ (oiiiiet Ii‘lll'tldl, in
It'll} \\hile he \\.is .ittiiie as interim iii
iettor ot the sthool ol toiii'ii.ilisiii .iiid 11““ ““1“ ~1‘ NIH ‘~1‘~ .
telei oi iiiiiiiiieatioiis I'he aliiiiiiii il\\IX Id
itoii later deiided to name the s\iiipo
siiiiii in his honor

Iliis )eiir's \HttptKlIHH liiities hatk
l K ioiiinalisni eiadtiiites Sit-\e |\e\. lei

ij. Iltinte I‘llll \eikiil aii-It .ill \\es'
l\e} :I.IilIIlI\il iii ,‘itt‘
isorksas .:
in \lahaiiia
IItint a “NV
\\ liite Iloiise t oii
i 1.1?L'il I’lt's‘
\eikiil, uhiv fiadoa'eit ii' 'W‘ ,s
no“ .ittiiie .is the iliitf \\.ishii:;tt-:i iiii

ie'i‘ttlli'l ”oi I It

Neikirk .
iespoiideiit Ii‘l thet Iii“ III"tIIlt
\\est. .i I‘IN» ~_‘t.ah :e
:toi ot Ihi' Stan liiiiiiia St I hillhltt'l
\llsdll \Ilitlll‘ tl I‘t' V'

s the}. llit

, i _

liitI‘S l'Hu
liit lentieh‘ti \l.t\itl Iiri‘. \ “.l \ezti.
set‘x e .is itnxlUtatot

Illls \ear's S\l"l‘\‘\l|t"‘i


Town hall

raise AIDS

By Jenisha Watts
"riflstlnykit'w i‘t
.\iiiiette (metis \i\idl}
and p.iiiiliill_\ teiiieiiiheis the
day the doetoi told hei she
had III\

"I lotiiid out \iieiist ot
WIN." ()ueiis said "I \\eiit to
the doetoi to get tlh iesiilts
.illtl IIC said. '\I\ lllttitks )0“
are HIV positiw ' "

(Neiis tollapsed attei
hearing the I]L"\\s

“I lII‘sl hi‘oke dossii and
tried. the tli‘LIttl tllt'tl \\lIll
me." she said ”He .illoued
me to ask an} questions that l
iii.i\ ha\ e and I kiieu \eiji lit
tle .ihoiii Il|\ \lltS

I)\\t‘l1\i .i ii.iti\e ot
( .iihsle_ set\es as .i eoiiimti
iiitt adioiate loi Ill\ \IltS
She uill he speakiiie .is pait
oi .i Ii‘\\li iiieetitie toi \atioii
.il Itiatk III\ \lltS \“dl‘s'
.il \Itilitl'i Hop'tsl

.II‘III ft to

iiess Il.i§
(hiiith tonight
‘ to

[he I e\in;_'ton I.:\ette
(‘oiiiitt Health Itepaiiiiient
alone Willi \Il)\ \i‘il‘iil‘K‘k'lS
liit and. the Iiliteeiass < ate
(’liiiii . is llitslitlj.‘ the
to ilistiiss lIl\ \IltS iii the
I'Vaik eitlilltilllllh

lhete nil: hi- i' r." ot


e1eht people speakzne tll‘i‘ll'
lII\ \II)\ IIlt' t‘\t‘li' LS Hex'
and open to the in?
(Hens fees
" Ills HI“
‘-I is.tli \"eui

\lt eat:

'i “Wins

v‘: “‘i'i

l|l\ \li‘s



Girls Gone Wild sparks Women’s Place protest

By Alice Haymond

ahaynijndakyknvvigl l t iv

('.irt‘_\iiii: siens detlaring. "I'm not here loi \otii

I'rotesteis s.iid (iirls (ione “th uas on Lilllif‘IIS
lot a short time hut ('tipt Kenn li'aiikliti ol I Is I’o
lit e s.iid he iie\ er s.iu their preseiite

He said he reeei\ed ii tall lrom the \‘koiiien‘s

i-‘ \l isixell I‘late. tip and diotii Rose \ttitt eiiiliiii:

iti lioitt ot the l’atteison t lltite loo ‘1
lamhert s.iid the pioiest is.» ii'ooiit

speakine out against ( iirIs ( ioiie \\ iiil, u hit h the\ s.iid

'ttoie than

I‘Iat e around Ill a iii .ihout (iii'ls (ione \'\ ild
”I told them he \soulil ask them to Ie.i\e it llte\
shoued up." Iiankliii s.iid “\one ot out people e\t‘t
\.l\\ them '
(iitls (ione \Kild “as iii It'\iiieti»ti \esteida\
I‘l'dllhlln said he sa\\ their \.in parked on I’iroail'uat
\\eniie hut not on I K s i illltl‘lls “here it uoiild not I‘lat e diieitoi l)oioth\ Iduaids s.iid
h.i\e .i permit to he Its kind ot hitteisueet s.iid Isiista king. .in
I'he “omens I‘lat e nieinheis “allied tioii' \d I iielish and \meriian studies senior \oii don't real
iiiiiiisti ition l)ri\e through (‘ential ('aiiipus in tioiit ,i Prom“ w 3 up 10

p'oiiioted disiespett to“ aid uoinen

’ It s IV‘III,‘ eiiipiiueiiiie to en otit and talk to peo
ple to let them knit“ it‘s not UK that one ot three ol
|.iiiil\eit s.iid

“i‘ll‘ik‘li L‘Ii \ tIII‘iI‘lls llth‘ tome

entertainment” and "\se speak toi those unheard."
Women's I’laee menihers marthed .iroiitid eampiis
_\esterday. ehallengini.v the present e ot (iitls (ione
Wild near I'K

I‘iirtieipants oi the Women‘s I’late protest said
the} want to make people more a\\are ol the I'C.tI|I_\ ol
\iolenee and disrespeet that man} isoiiien experiente

"The best “to to deal \HII] it is edueationf' \aid
soeiolog} sophomore Kristen lamhett "It the admin
[\Il’tlllttlfs not going to do it. He “III "

important and I think desenes
our in” attention." Buiehett said
"That was something' we iiist
eouldn‘t one by the end of last
meeting "

Sen Josh ()doi “role the
amendment that \Htllltl rename
existing: S(i eommittees and add

SUP 86 ii" {time 10

iis is going to he assaulted,
I’his semester. I ‘
to the \komeiis Plate and repoiteil \ iolente \\omen's

First issue he. Suhssqusnt issues 25 cents. Mm: 257-1915, Advertising: 257-2872
s .. §


 PAGE 21 Wednesday, February 7, 2007






























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'I'Ile DiSI-l

In Paris tor Iashron “cell.
38 )eai'«old Katie Holmes
lunehed on a Iresh trutl'le salad
alongside Hill" Victoria l‘lecle
ham on Jan, I“ at luse restate
rant I.e Voltaire. “She has an ”1'
tier glow manager Antonie l’l‘
cot told l's altei'xsard. "She's a
beautitul “om-an stunning,"
Alter a meal punctuated “Illi
e\cited gtissip (“H”) \\ ere
laughing and making sure no
one else could hear them." sa)s
l’icoti. the friends parted \sass.
l"o|lomng a wardrobe change at
her almost $4.()()(i—a~night suite
at the (ieorge \' hotel. Holmes
“as oil on a shopping c\pedr
tioit Ivor her nearl} Ill-monthsold
daughter. Suri. \\ ho “as back
home in the l'nited States. :\t
bah} couture store Baghere. she
picked out more than Slllrtlt)
“ortlt of dresses. some silk. in
\arrous si/es. Store cmplo_\ee
.\mrre Houplain tells I's. “liar
bres gro“ otrt oi their clothes so
qrrrcld}. ls'ane “anted Suri to be
able to crr|o_\ them for as long as

.~\nd Holmes. more than
e\er. mas be ;l\\ttl't‘ ol the rm
portance or eaprtali/mg on the
moment. \’\ ith the birth or Sun
and her \shirloiiid \xeddrng to
loot (rinse. 44. behind her.
Holmes is realr/ing that piixate
iets and I1\L"llf_'lll'L' shopping
sprees “on't lxeep her onte
promising career alloat. .-\ .laiiu
art 30 stoi‘} in 'l‘lre \\ all Street
Journal questioned the star's
bairltabilrt} rher Q Store shims
that. met I\\U sears. she has 1W,
come nearls tuice as recogni/
able but less likabler. lhe .rr
title also broke the neus that
she \\ould not be reprrsrng her

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ GI


district attorne) role in The
Dark Knight. the sequel to the
Itlilfi tilm Batman Begins. r.-\
rep for Holnres blames sehedul
ing eonllicts and tells l's. "Katie
is in the process of negotiating
her next mime") And on .lanu
ar_\ 20. Holmes \\ as spotted tale
mg meetings at the higlrpo“
ered (‘reatn e Artists Agenc)
uhich reps her husband to
"map out a “C“ career plan.”
according to the Journal,
Holmes herself reportedl) told
lrrends. "I‘m resuming m)
IDOVIC career once our daughter
reaches her lirst birthday"


As that April milestone ap
proaches. Holmes is considering
a part in the corned} Mad .\lon~
e). which begins l'ilming in
.-\pril It‘s Ion-budget. but other
talents \\ ho are likely to do the
trlm are Queen Latitah. Diane
Keaton and director (Killie
Khouri. \\ ho \\ rote Thelma ts;
Lotuse. A Holmes source adds
that the actress is holding out tor
the right role. "Katie is \er) in
dependent." the insider tells Is.
"She i'eall} wants to choose a
character that she hasn‘t done

I‘lesttlcs. lltst because
Holmes hasn‘t been on a tilm set
doesn't mean she has ignored
her prospects. The source sa_\s
Holmes "is .il\\a}s looking tor
scripts and iro\els to option. and
she‘s been watching mo\ res and
researching director's she \miiltl
like to \iork \xith.“

Still. this is Hollsuood.
“here out-otnnorlt actresses are
otten _\esteid.r_\ 's irexss, llolmes’

last iiio\re. l‘hank You lor
Smoking. \\ as released iii Match
2000 “hen she was eight
months pregnant Speculation
has s“ riled about the controlling
nature ot (‘i'uise as xxell as
his rn\ol\ement \\IIII the contro
\eisial (‘hurch ot Serentolog}

and \tlrcther that has impact-
ed his \\ile‘s options. btit a
source close to the attress tells
l's. "Iom rs intr'edrbl) support
i\e lle \\rll support an} deer
stoir she makes regarding her ca;
ieer'." ()ne intriguing possibilit).
Holmes is considering a book
deal (“IIIL'II could be an_\thing
troni a tell all to a children's
bookr. an rrrdtisti‘) source tells


Good Lite

Still. Holmes. unlike other
actresses on the rise. has the
leisure to ptcls and choose her
ne\t protect and not struggle
horn pattheck to proclieels l‘he
role in the Batman sequel \\otild
lta\ e earned her a reported pay
da\ ot *1 million to $2 million

but. he}. her husband earned
an estimated 5({7 million

\nd Holmes has cleail}
mastered the role ot liieh»prolile
celehrrt) “rte She and (rinse
ll.t\L' u‘lllllMtlt‘tI .ttt .\ llsl k‘tl't‘le
oi international \L'IL'I‘III} pals
(see "'lornls'ats l’o\\ei Clique."
riglrtr l-or e\ample. l)a\rd and
Victoria lieckharn are \sllt‘tlllle‘tl
to be their gtrests in Miami on
l'eb st tor an imitation onl_\ Sir
per [ton] parts at the Hoosi .\Io
bile Villa presented b) radio star
lttill 7"” l‘llk‘ litt‘l‘tt‘l






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lebruary 7, 3007

Page '3


Mi’f ' a’t Lati't
Asst lt'dlut lt’b L.t.'at'

’A. <.

i , v ,,
ta, w “It,“ ..


Beatnik Ball finds 'new sound' in student

By Ellie Fairbanks
elairbanksakykernel com

Josh Rupp was looking for a
sound he hadn't heard on carn—
pus before.

“We found some guys who
play really chilled out music."
said Rupp. director of concerts
lor the Student Activities Board.
'We wanted to find something
like this that would be some—
thing totally new to UK."

Rupp thinks he found inst

This "totally new“ sound
\sill come from Tyrone Wells. a
soul and pop singer from
Spokane. Wash and UK l'resh-
man Wes Meek.

Rupp found Meek. who \\ ill
open the shots. on My Space
when he was looking for acts
that might compliment Wells.

“1 was looking for a regional
opening act on My'Space." Rupp
said. "I just kind of found Wes
and saw that he went to ['K and
‘iad a sound that fit the l'eeling
Al the show.“

When Meek agreed to be the
ipening act for Wells. he was

Bambi \s

excited but didn't realize how
big of a deal SAB's Beatnik Ball
actually is. he said.

“I just kind of agreed (alter
Rupp contacted him \ia er
maili." Meek said. "I‘m really
stoked. but I didn't knots hots
hig ot~ a production this all is."

Meek said his acoustic iiiu
sic is not the typical "col'tee
shop” sotiiid that people might
be used to. He said it ysas a
soult'ul. pop»rock feel and he
considers himself the musical

. child of James 'l'ay lor and Stey ie


"It‘s inst me putting eyery»
thing I've got into my music."
Meek said. "Coffee-shop music
tends to hate a sappy feeling to
it. and cum though I might not
think that’s yyhat I sound like.
I‘m sure some of my songs are


Wells and his bandmates
also consider his sound to he

"We play a dit't'erent sound
depending on what \ye're leelA

mg at the time." said Mark
(‘hipello. tour manager and
drummer l‘or Wells. “Sometimes

.Gody illa: ()n the

it's a little more iiielloyy when
it's acoustic. but it gets pretty
~iaued up \shen yyc're all
hooked up.”

While Wells and (‘hipello
hayc been touring together for
three years. Meek has only been
pertormiiig on his on n tor about
a year. he said. He has been in a
number ot' ditl'ereiit bands. but
said he's lound his niche as a
solo artist.

“l'\e been in a lot ol~ bands.
but it iust neyer yyorks out be-
cause l‘m so crazy about hoys
things should be done." Meek

Meek “rites and plays all
original music. he said. He has
about l3 songs. but he \son't
play them all tonight.

"I ha\ e a bunch of different
songs." Meek said. "But il I run
out of stuff. to play. l‘ll rust
make something up. lt' it sounds
like l'in mumbling toyyard the
end. you’ll kiioys that I‘m jllsl
coming up \yith the song.”

Meek‘s giilt‘i'ieiid. ('hristina
('hilds. also a lieshmaii at l'ls'.
\\lll play piano and sing \\lll1
him during the opening act

Meek credits (‘hilds yyith inspir
mg him to play li\e music.

“My gii'ltriend told me she
thought I \s as really good. and I
should giye it a try. so I did."
blct‘k \dld

Meek is looking toward to
the opportunity to play his songs
on campus

"I iust loye playing slioyys
and pertoriiiing liyef' Meek
\‘dltl. "I play my music better in
t'ront ot' people. It‘s such an
adrenaline rush and so much tun
[U do,"

If you go

What: SAB's Beatnik Ball
featuring Tyrone Wells and
Wes Meek

When: Tonight, 8

When: Worsham Theatre in
the STudent Center

Tickets Free and open to the

LIT thLll’C,

purpose and p ‘aetiee of the movie business

By Susan Dunne

This is the month when everyone u ho is
anyone in Hollywood gathers around the
campfire that is the Oscars to hear gloyying
stories about themsely'es and bask in the
toasty warmth ot‘ the yyorld they inhabit.

What a perfect time for Day id Mamet to
goine along and slap them all doyyn.

An actor at the Oscars. Mamet yy rites.
agrees to lawn and paint in return tor a pat
in the head. This. of course. is the reason
lor the Oscars" success as entertainment
the audience gets to see their oppressors
Wrought losy

This and other deeply cynical \yords ot
inoy'ieland wisdom can be found in I\lamet‘s
'liambi ys.God11lla:On the\ . atiiie. l’ur-
pose and Practice of the Moy ie Busine ss."


Tony and Oscar nominee. has published 4‘
essays. many of them reprinted or reyyritten
from his column in Britain's The Guardian
iieyy spaper. They otter a running commen
tary on the moyie business from the inside.
\\ ith anger but no amtice.

Mamet expresses great toiidness t'oi' dr
rectors. \s riters and. especially. the iinherald
ed creyy. \sho only “am to “fills together to
do their best. But he admits that Hollywood
is largely a hopeless sinkhole ot contormror
die. In this. Mamet‘s biting dismissiyeiiess
can be \ery luniiy

In spite of all this. one thing is clear"
When it comes to yyellrmade moy ies
Mamet is a man in low He understands
them \sith the passion ot not rust a “flier.
director and insider but of a litcloiig thllr
noisseur. tThis makes his contempt for crit-

ics seem hypocritical; he is one himsell.

calls “(iala\y Quest” a “perted” tilni

This is the chiel irony ot this book. l)e
\elopment eyeciitiyes and producers really
should read this book and learn troiii it. but
Mamet‘s piercing intelligence probably yyill
alienate those \y ho make a lot ot’ money by
dumbing things doysii The book \s ill iiiid its
most ardent readers outside ol the industry.
people yylio like engaging their brains but
u ho are in no position to do anything but
shake their heads and sigh

liyen those i’cadeis. llt‘\\t'\L‘l. might be
challenged by some ot Maniet's more ab
struse \saiideiings. suth .is “The
Mint!“ at the \iolatioii ot the aesthetic dis
tance may be employed as a diagnostic tool
indicating that the iiatuic ol the entertain
merit is not. essentially dramatic.” “thing
like this doesnt reach otit and embrace read
ers but instead makes them step back and

ttl‘s'c‘tlt'c (ll




\.\ right (for

. a Pulitler Prize-winning playv
"Glengarry Glen Ross") and





yy hether or not he di'ayys a pay check doing
it.) His l'aiidom isn‘t snobbish.





either. he

as a Mamet character might say
"u hat the I


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 PAGE 4 | Wednesday, February], 2007

(BA with wUK’s Budo KarateClub


Spotlight on President Ross Cook

3v “Elli-.929?"

Throughout the war. the Kernel l.\
spotlighting \'tlrl(lll.\ rumpus leaders. 'l‘liii
ii'eck l\'(’ are featuring Rosy ('riok. leader
of UK") Btu/o Karate (‘Iii/i. ('ook is a bio/—

ogy senior.

Q. What is the Budo Karate Club?

\ .We‘re actually practitioners of
“shotokan" karate. Budo is art ohiectiye
tenn reflecting a state of rriiiid. ()ur defini—
tion is discipline and dedication to acts that
are considered iUst and honorable.

. What kind of acts are considered

“just and honorable.

E tNot picking on anyone or abusing the
abilities \ye have gained from karate. It is
about .so tiitrch more than just physical
strength. There is a mindset that is devel—
oped. It can help you at work or syheii you
are studying or anything like that.

. How long has the Budo Karate (‘Iub
been at l'K'.’

‘1 There has been a karate club tor a
while. btit it has been \yith the affiliation it is
with now for two years. Since then \ye liaye
Just been trying to get our name out.

The organization we are affiliated \\ tilt is
TSKA-~7l‘raditiotial Shotokan Karate Assoi
ciation. It is based in ()yy'eiisbor'o_ arid is rtrri
by a man named Allen Reiit'royy. It is a
young organization \yith most people in-
\oly ed utider 30. We are also at'tiliated yy ith
other doios iti Cincinnati.

Q. As president of this organization.
w at are your goals?

I want to let rtraiiy people knoyy about
this club. It is a practical. tisettrl i‘ot‘m ot'
sell—detense. It also increases strength. ile\
ibility and cimrdinatiori With all the talk ot
campus salety. it should be something that is
adyertised more More people should take

Q. Him did you become president‘.I

Last year I yy as secretary and at the be;
ginning oi the year they were looking tor a
hen president. I had a iot ot ideas on ho\\ to
promote and bring people in So the whole
organi/atiori \oted_ and l \\ as elected

Q . Who can participate in this club‘.’

\\e encourage anyone. with or \chout
e\per'ience, to rioiii lhose that dont knoyi.
learn the most. 'ioii don't hay e to be super
athletic. ()ui head instructor is l)e\iii l‘osier.
and he goes to lz'astetn He teaches begin
tiers You can neycr reach a poiiii “here you
cart hayc eyet'ythirig per‘tctt \ou alyyays
keep learning llic best \yay tit learning
something is by lt‘dcilllly.‘ ll. so \it‘ entourage
irresperteneed neysconiei‘s

. “hat type of equipment or attire
must an interested person bring'.‘

lire attire yyc recommend is iust athlei
it shorts and t shirts \\c practice in \yhi'e
"yrs" and bare test It really does nothing to
ttt.i tcet cyeept tor the “\k«l\lllll.ll blister
“hen \yc spar he do ha: e haiid guards. but
there is a inrtinituiii .itiiouiit oi contact \yhen

“. i‘li si'Hll'

Q]. llo people base to pay to be in the

‘lll i'.‘

\oii can tome to ehetk it out and see ll
you \iant to [Mid tor tree Membership is
\lttl' tor a semester or “it a month tor
llittst’ riot sirie it they yyant to tomviiit lliit

\Hlilllillk'kl to other plates. it is may l't‘asith

For More Info;


When: Mondays and Wednesdays
8:15—9:30 pm; Fridays 4:30-6:00 pm.
WherezBarlter Hall Dance Studio




it at \t‘tt‘tlt .< ser'otiii his first year as lllt‘Sltlt'I‘l at i‘is s E‘i‘lt‘ l\'lhtit5 C;

"‘1 ti rilitd‘ni asses: and liviti‘: fil‘i’ttll tiiri nary :1’ws .


Q . What do you do at the meetings?

\\e hay e broken doyyii the days (in
\ioiiday s \\e yyoik on techniques like "kat'a"
.i id stepping (in Wednesdays \ye yyork on
tonditioiniie. and he learn one technique
and si‘llllllttl‘ practit mg: to make it better. ( )it
lrrttays use apply \yhat yyc \yot'ked oti

Q . ”on many members are there‘.‘

[here are about siy aeti\e riiciiibet's.
and \‘u inst had No neyy guys tour this year

Q . lloo does this compare to last year‘.’

It is about the satire \‘se lost sortie peor
pic troiri last year because ot scheduling and
classes Hut yye haye usually kept about \l\
people the mo years I hay'e been iii it

Q . ”ti“ many girls are in the club‘.’

\t the irionietit it is all ;lu_\s \‘se did
fiat ~ tyyo ~.:ii|s. and they \yould alyyays go
.. e. compete against other girls lhey .zl
mm yyoiiid on: \\'e usoiilti loye to haye
riioit :jiils take part.

. llo you guys participate in tourna-

Iypit ally \ye l’iai'titrpaie in three toiii‘iia-
triertts tine is in ()yyensboi‘o. and it is the
most iinnortarrl betaiise it is ran by oru oi’ga
Iii/.tllttlt l‘here is also one around (lctobei
or \oyeiiibei \l liei‘c \ye compete at Purdue
\\t toriipete against their team and against
other tilii\t’lslllt'\ iii ( ills ago and .l\ toss the
Indiana and (Him .ir'eas \\e aiso torupete in
i oozid tirairipionship iii l_.is \i-gas

\\e iiaye done really \yell last years
it oild tha'npioiishrp he sent tyyo rneriibci's
.il d they both i'eteiyed medals lhe year he
tore that yte sent someone. uiid he “Hit a

'ltt da‘i itltt
Q . llou does the medal system smrk'.’

It Is based on too eyeiits lhere is

kala H “hit it is .i ilt‘lallt‘d l‘allcl‘li til strikes

and Hot ks indeed on detail and toi’m
\lt‘tl.tl\ .ll‘t‘ .t\\.|ltlt'tl lit lllt‘ hip llll't‘L‘ ill t‘dsll
dry isioii [be other part is “kuniite.” \yhrtli
is another iiazite tor sparring [hey are the
at trial righting matches arid are too minutes
'littr lt.i\«' Iii stiitc‘ l‘oit lh‘tiils itli _\ttll! itltpit
iieiit ltependiiie on your dryision. there are



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’»-.(_ctirtl.orii ff

certain techniques you cant use, [it the
black belt dry isron you tan eyeti niakc con-
tact unit the face But no matter \yhat eatc

gory. you cannot strike someone in the knee.
kidneys or elboyy theni arryysiiere (oiitatt is
yery mtiiirtial though. 1 base neyei been to a
totiiiiariieiit \ylieie someone \\.is iniiited hoi

i’ibly l'hc most I liayt' seen is a broken toe
ot ringer

Q. Describe \yhat it is like to participate
in a tournament.

l alyyays enioyed the 'kata” part the
tnost betause it is a spiritual thin; \oii get
to display what you liaye learned. and you
are \ciy much on your oysn. it is inst you
and your art out there lht- sparring part is a
little dilteient i like the .li‘l‘llsdlly‘dl part ot
it but ll is \try nerye racln' :' little is air
e\tia leyel ot eyeiteiricitt when you kiio‘is
you are about to shoyy \yliat \ori knoiy to air
otltcr person. and you get to set hoyy \yell
you mattl. ap

Q. “on did you start karate and ho“
long base you been doing it‘.’

I titst got interested about too and hail
years ago in no kinestology class \lost oi
out iiicnibets hayeti't been dome it that
long [he iisltiittoi has been doing it for
tour or tiyc years \liist oi the t lass is \‘i‘ll‘i
posed oi eiiy s him has e iiist taken it iii the
past iyyo \ear- and ie.ill\ ciiioyed it

Q. \\ hat is the spiritual part of karate?

\\ llt‘ti yttll tlii piaelice .tlltl lt‘rtlly litclls.
you lose your mind. .\ot in the sense of go
trig era/y. but all the tales and stresses go
away \oii learn to tours and biotk IlllliL's
out that aren‘t itiipoiiant “bile iii the dance
studio ll.|lllil‘._t_'

. ”on has karate helped you in other
aspects ol‘ your lil’c‘.’

ll ‘\ ~‘i .11sz ‘-‘-»t\ ol it‘llt‘\ll‘i:‘ stress It
you base a bad test or a bad day all around.
you can go soiiieyyhett- and \york it otit it
has also been llL’illllil bet ru