xt7hmg7fv179 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7fv179/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1996 1996 1996-02-06 2020 true xt7hmg7fv179 section xt7hmg7fv179  

~lmbi~>v V







[bl/Int ISHI l) 1894


bitter cold temperatures yesterday morning.





fl "0““ Student: at some :top: bad to wait for more than an boar in the

By Gary Wull
Staff H ’nter

UK students waited patiently
in the cold yesterday morning for
more than an hour in UK's K—lot
because their bus to Central Cam—
pus failed to show up.

LexTran buses were running
late because they could not get the
engines to start in the cold weath-
er yesterday morning.

Steve Rowland, general manag-
er of LexTran, attributed the
problems to the cold weather.

“The buses‘ brakes are operat-
ed by the use of compressed air,"
Rowland said. “Sometimes these







'Iourmm/ent. Story. page 3.


air lilies will get water in them.
“hen the temperature drops
below zero, the lilies will freeze
up. causing the bus to lose air and
lock up."

To combat this problem Lex—
Tran attempted to use alcohol to
clear up the air lines. However,
because of the freezing tempera-
tures the alcohol froze, too.

“\Ve were beat by the weather
today." Rowland said.

The cold weather is not a prob—
lem only in Kentucky. This occurs
all over the country, even in the
north, where they are used to this
type of weather is experiencing
troubles with temperatures of 30

WEATHER Port/y runny

today, big/i near 40: cloudy
tonight, 1021‘ around 30; wordy
cloudy tomon'ou'. high near )7).

lllllllllllli AHEAD l.'K aim/.7 Roi. I’m it

already thinking about the upcoming .\'(.'.-i.-l

«. . ..


to of) below zero, Rowland said.

L‘K‘s parking and transporta~
tion department helped out by
sending its only extra available
bus, which is normally used for
the night shift, said Don Thorton,
director of Parking and 'l‘raus—

Unfortunately, the C.:\.ili.S.
buses only hold 1.13.) people,
which is halfof what the Lex'l‘ran
buses hold.

“(The size of the bus) was not
enough to have much of an impact
on the amount of students that use
the buses," Thorton said.

“This doesn't happen often but
when it happens once it shouldn't



February 6, I996


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Problems leave Students ill 00“

happen again".

l.cx'l ran lllls driverloe Home
has been driving buses for In years
.ind said: “l’\e seen this happen
before, but not to this larger mag
mtude "

I'K students were sympathetic.
c\ cn tlimlgli some were out \valt
mg for up to an hour.

Brian Bucher. an engineering
freshman. was l< minutes late to
class, but was umlerstandmg.

“I don‘t like being late for class
but if it's something like that
where they can't help it, it's
nobody"s fault," Bucher said. “It
didn't ruin my day or anything.
You can't blame people for it,"



By John Abbott

Senior Staff” 'riter

You are an evil half—ore warrior wearing chain
mail, fighting a drooling goblin to the death with
your enchanted sword.

You are at the helm of a BattleMaster, an 85-ton
robot armed with a half—dozen lasers, a machine gun,
a missile launcher and a deadly particle projection

You are a sycho killer, dispatching your victims
with a pitchildrk, a post-hole digger and a Garden

You must be a Miskatonic.

The Miskatonic Student Union is a role—playing
and comic book organization which has been at UK
since 1988. The group is made u of role-players
who assume a fictitious identity antrcan solve a mys-
tery,'battle for money and power, beat up the bad
guys, beat up the good guys or do anything else
within the expansive realm of these games.

The group derives its name from the writings of
novelist HP. Lovecraft. The main characters in a
number of his stories were associated with the fic-
tional Miskatonic University.

Economics and sociology senior Miwako Lyn
Hirano, who was last year’s president and is this
year’s treasurer, said the comic book side of the
MSU is what drew her in.

“I just had mentioned offhand that I like to read a
good story,” she said, “and someone handed me a
comic book and said, ‘Here’s a good story that I
think you mi ht like to read.”

It was Nei Gaiman’s The Sandman.

“I was hooked,” she said.

Physics and linguistics senior Chris Hall likes the
MSU as much for the weird people in it as he does
for the chance to pretend he’s a vampire and enslave

“It’s mainly a social oup we just get a bunch
of people together antfltalk, and it always leads to
some interestin discussions,” he said. “We had one
discussion whicIi ended up with talking about using
Jesus’ head as a hand puppet and it started out so
calmly, too.”

Another afternoon’s was spent searching for the
equation to find the perfect bar in town, figuring in
such important factors as distance, cheapness and
quality of alcohol, and cuteness of waitresses.

“I’ve made a lot of good friends through the
MSU," Hirano said, “and even though several have
graduated, we keep in touch, because we’re a pretty
close-knit group."

Once a semester, the Miskatonics unleash the
LexiCon, a two~day carnival of vampires, super-
heroes, and giant robots clashing on the field of
imaginary combat.

Along with a number of role—playing games, the





WING A MOVE .Memlterx oft/7e UK .Miskatonit Student Union play a role playing game in ”JP Student (Jenny-

yesterday afiernoon.

LexiCons feature vendors from gaming stores and
comic book stores, as well as Japanimation movies.

Hirano said the next Con, slated for March 29
and 30, the organization is trying to secure use of the
VVorsham Theater to show the films. This
semester's Con will have a Magic: The Gathering
tournament, and a miniatures-painting contest.

If you're not in the mood to cast magic spells or
butcher monsters, you can come to the Con and play
a relaxing game of Clue or Monopoly instead.

Cons also generally include representatives from
companies which manufacture role-playing games,
like FASA, the company which puts out BattleTech;
TSR, which is responsible for the granddaddy of the
genre, Dungeons and Dragons; and White \Volf,
which puts out Vampire. Speaking of fangs

“Last night I was fighting as a werewolf and
killing various minions of Satan," said MSU Vice
President Chris Crockett, a computer science
sophomore.“I was a good werewolf."

Music professor Gordon Cole has served as the
MSU’s faculty adviser since 1994.

“Is that what I signed?" he asked of the adviser
sign-up sheet he endorsed one day two springs ago.

“I can't remember the name of the student who
got me to sign that, but he said he needed a faculty
adviser that’s the first and last I ever heard of it,"
he said.

Hall said that the MSU is an unusually eclectic
bunch. Hirano agreed.

“\Ve've had conservatives in our group, we‘ve had
liberals, but it doesn't matter," she said. “\Ve can all
find a common ground in role—playing and in comic







at national breakthrough Allis study

UK research part

By Kathy Railing

Results showed that 40 percent of

ther, then it will prove that anyone with


... '.rm:‘~v I» .-


new prefect.




Staff W'riter

A UK specialist in clinical drug stud-
ies and 30 Kentucky patients have been
a part of HIV treatment studies result-
ing in a breakthrough.

Dr. Richard Greenberg and the Ken-
tucky patients were part of a study on
the drug ritonavir, a rotease inhibitor,
which interferes wit the HIV virus’s
attempts to replicate itself.

At an international conference last
week, study results released show that
patients takin ritonavir in combination
with other AIDS drugs such as AZT live
longer and delay the onset of AIDS-
relatcd diseases.
study is a milestone
because for t e first time we have
showed effective progress for people
with advanced cases of AIDS,” Green-

reenbcrg also was involved in trials
of another protease inhibitor, indinavir,

“(T he) dru
l' i
; ber said.
out mimic: wing
I. In“. Gnenberg work: on a

used on patients with less advanced

patients taking AZT and indinavir for
five months did not have any HIV virus
in their blood.

Greenbcrg said patients on AZT
alone show no drop in the virus level.

Only 5 to 10 percent of patients on
AZT and the drug 3TC approved in
November show reduction in the virus

The thousand-fold lower level of
HIV in the patients in the indinavir
study “has instilled a great deal of

“\Ve’re changing the shape of this
disease,” Greenberg said.

“We can now slow it down.”

Greenberg said the FDA should have
ritonavir and indinavir approved and
released by early April.

A part of a new study b the National
Institute of Health to determine the
effectiveness of treatment with a combi-
nation of AZT, 3TC and indinavirwill
now be done at UK on advanced disease

“If this shows that people benefit fur-

\ ’-

AIDS will be on protease inhibitor."
Greenbcrg said.

“How much more do the protease
inhibitors help than the best treatment
we have now (AZT and ITC) without

More than [00 Kentucky atients
have been enrolled in all the studies.

He said patients are being recruited
in Kentucky because of the endemic
nature of the disease here and the num-
ber of patients who have had no treat-

Greenberg became part of the studies
through his role in the Kentucky AIDS
Consortium, a cooperation between UK
and the University of Louisville.

“Although this has been based at UK,
we could not have contributed without
the community and U of L,” (ireenberg

“UK had done a lot for the state.”

Grecnberg said although the new
treatments are not cures, the are a big
step because they “maintain the virus in

a controlled ornon-replicating state.”





Clinton ordered
to tcstity next month

lllvl'lli R( )( 2K. .-\rk. 7W President Clinton was
ordered yesterday to testify at next month's “lute
water trial forlamcs and Susan ,\lcl)ougal, his part
ners m a failed northern Arkansas land deal

:\ lawyer for His .\Icl)ougal. w hose ex—husbanil
_lames ran the failed Madison (iiiaranty Savings and
Loan, said last week that only Clinton could olfer
testimony that would clear his client.

.\Irs. .\lcl)ougal is accused of receiving a
$300,000 loan that a former Little Rock banker and
municipal judge, David Hale. says Clinton presr
sured him to make. Clinton, who has not been
charged. has denied the accusation

The McDougals' and (i()\'._lllll (iuy Tucker. who
had other business dealings with the .\Icl)ougals.
face trial March 4 on conspiracy and fraud charges.
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr says the three
concocted $3 million in loans from federally backed
lenders to benefit themselves illegally.

Simpson proclaims his innocence on Ill

L( )S ANGELICS In a surprise TV interview
yesterday, a combative ()-.l- Simpson telephoned a
panel of lawyers on CNN and submitted to his
most extensive public questioning about the mur-
ders of his ex—wife and her friend.

“I did not commit these crimes,“
he said in an hourlong call to the
program “Burden of Proof." “And
it took all of my life savings, virtual-
ly, to prove that, and it shouldn't be
that way."

\Vith exasperation in his voice,
Simpson denied he degraded or ,
repeatedly abused Nicole Brown Slmpson
Simpson, played down 2 “Dear john" call from a
girlfriend the morning of the murders, expressed
suspicions the killings were linked to the drug prob—
lems ofone of Ms. Simpson’s friends and suggested
police planted evidence.

Simpson also said for the first time that he armed
himself two days after the june 13, 1004, murders
of .\Is. Simpson and Ronald Goldman for his own
protection. He later pointed the gun at himself as
he rode in :\l “AC." (Iowlings' Bronco the day of
the slowspeed chase.

Salvi trial begins under heavy security

DICDHAAI, Mass. — State troopers. bomb
squad technicians and metal detectors greeted
potential iurors yesterday as_lohn C. Sabi III went
on trial for the shooting deaths of two receptionists
.it abortion clinics.

Salvi, 23. entered the courthouse wearing leg
irons, handcuffs and. as usual, a blue blazer a bit
small for him. He showed no emotion in the courti
room and did not acknowledge his father or crying
mother, who reached out her hand and softly called
her only child's name.

Salvi used previous court appearances to espouse
bizarre views, such as his theory of a conspiracy
against Catholics. But he has not addressed the
abortion issue since his arrest, and it was evident
only on signs carried by a couple of protesters out-

Salvi is charged with two counts of first-degree
murder and five counts of assault with intent to
murder. His attorneys do not dispute his involve-
ment in the shootings and plan an insanity defense.


caprlatl attempting tennis compact

PARIS —-jennifer Capriati, hoping to put her
off-the—court problems behind her, will make her
first tournament appearance since November 1994
at next week's Paris Open.

Organizers said yesterday that Capriati was
granted a wild card for the Feb. 13-18 event.

Ca riati, 19, left the pro tour and returned to
schoo after losin in the first round of the US.
Open in 1993. Sfie later dropped out, then was
charged with marijuana possession. She was
ordered to complete a (in: rehab program.

A teen—a er arrested cfaimed Capriati also had
been usin Eeroin. Ca riati attempted a comeback
in PhiladeIihia more t an a year ago, but lost in the
first round and has not played since.

(.‘mpi'ledfiw wire reports.




“33“.. . 7st,


g. 1%-, -





2 Tuesday, February 6, I 996, Knmulfy Kernel



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John Abbott, Scott Gordon, Brian Privett, Jeff Vinson,
Tiffany White ....................................................... Copy Editors


By .Ty Halpin

Senior .Smfl' ll 'r'rlrr

L'K’s 77—63 win over Florida
Saturday revealed much about the
\Vildcat team, little ofit bein on
the floor. This hunch is more Paid--
back than in years past, more
focused on the team goal.

Talk about the NCAA tourna-
ment (3 full month before it starts,
mind you) was splashed across UK
quote sheets. On UK coach Rick
Pitino’s television show, he select—







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llocnrll P18
1. UMass (58) 21-0 1,641
2. Kentucky (7) 18-1 1,586
3. Kansas 19-1 1,483
4. Connecticut (1 ) 21-1 1,468
5. Cincinnati 17-1 1,398
6. Villanova 18-3 1,300
7. Utah 183 1,216
8. Georgetown 193 1,176
9. Wake Forest 14-3 1,020
10. Penn. 81. 16-2 1,004
11. Virginia Tech 16-2 976
12. North Carolina 16-5 930
13. Texas Tech 18-1 798
14. Purdue 17-4 781
15. Memphis 16-4 729
16. Arizona 16-4 707
17. UCLA 15-5 609
18. Syracuse 16-6 500
19. Iowa 15-6 275
20. Louisville 16-6 273
21. Iowa St. 16-4 238
22. Boston College 13.5 229
23. Michigan 15.7 174
24. E. Michigan 15.2 137
25. Stanford 13.5 125

Others receiving votes: Arkansas
123, Washington 107. Mississippi
St. 79, Wis-Green Bay 77, Auburn
58, California 51. George
Washington 46, Marquette 32, Duke
21, New Mexico 17, Clemson 15. 13
schools received 13 or fewer votes.




ed the top seeds in each region of
the tournament. The were: East,
Massachusetts; Mi west, UK;
\Vest, Kansas; and Southeast,

“hether or not that pans out, of
course, remains to be seen. Pitino
did put UMass a head above the
rest ofthe nation’s teams, including

“Massachusetts is in a class by
itself," Pitino said Saturday.
“\\'e're in the hunt, but if anyone
thinks we can simply beat Mas-
sachusetts that’s fool’s gold."

Pitino said UMass’ defense
makes all the difference.

“They play defense like starving
dogs, like they haven’t eaten in
weeks,” he said.

L'Mass barely defeated Xavier
(Ohio) Sunday in overtime. The
Minutemen have won three over-
time games this season.

UK's players also turned
thoughts to March Madness.

Junior Derek Anderson is plan-
ning what he termed a revenge
“sweep.” Anderson said his perfect
NCAA Tournament would include
Marquette, Michigan, North Car-
olina, and then finish with UCLA
and UMass in the Final Four.

“That’s what it’s all about —
playing the best," Anderson said. “I
don’t want to take the easy road.
You’ve gotta want to play the best
to be the best.

“Right now is the start of crunch
time. so to speak. \Ve don’t worry
about (going undefeated in the
Southeastern Conference) too
much. \Ve about the
N( iAAs. "

Praising llll

Lon Kruger. Florida's Beaver
Cleaver-lookalike of a coach,
joined the swelling list of coaches
to sing L'K’s praises.

“Kentucky is as good a team
that we’ve had in the league in a
long time," Kruger said. “I don’t
think you can bank on being able to
attack them inside. They have too
many ways to beat you.”




HELENA "AU KH'm'l luff

REVERSE Tony Del/r trier a reverse layup against Florida Saturday. Belle
and his teammates trace! to Vandy for (m 8 pm. game tomorrow.

Dametri Hill, who scored a
career-high 29 points against the
Cats, also was impressed with UK.

“\Ve got casual with the ball and
on our heels, and you can’t do that
against Kentucky," Hill said.
“They ’re the best team I’ve seen in
a long time. They’ll go a long way
anyways, but when their threes are
going down, they’re unstoppable.”


According to UK center Mark
Pope, the Cats will need some extra
front-line help come tournament
time. Pope has watched freshmen
Nazr Moharnrned and Oliver Sim—

mons sprout into potentially solid

“I think they really have to step
it up from here on out," Pope said.
“They are close to becoming really
effective. If we get in foul trouble,
we’re going to need them.”

8E6 dominance

UK has won 16—straigbt versus
the SEC, starting with a 87—77 win
over Florida last season.

The Wildcats’ last loss to an
SEC team was on Feb. 1-1, 1995.
Mississippi State spoiled UK’s
Valentine’s Day at Rupp Arena,

Conference teams not faring well on road

the SEC, or in any other league. As far as our situation
is concerned, we just haven't learned to win on the

By Chris Easterling

xirrlrmnr Spam Editor

\Vinning on the road is difficult for most college

basketball teams, especially for teams in a
league like the Southeastern Conference.
\Vith teams having to travel to hostile
places like Arkansas’ Bud \Valton Arena, Van-
derbilt’s Memorial Gymnasium and L'K’s
Rupp Arena, it is not surprising to see SEC
teams only posting a 1-1-38 record in confer—
ence games on their opponent’s home court.
For those non-math majors out there. that
amounts to only a 26.9 percent winning per-


If you take UK’s perfect 4-0 road record
out of the mix, the percentage drops to woeful

20.8 percent.

Auburn, Georgia, Ole .Miss and Tennessee
all have been unsuccessful in their attempts to
win a conference road game, combining for a

0-19 mark.

Other than the Cats, only Arkansas and
Mississippi State have winning records on the
road. The Razorbacks have won two out of
three games away from Fayetteville, while the
Bulldogs have won three of five outside of Humphrey


“You could ask me, you could ask (L’CA coach)
Tubby (Smith), you could ask (Arkansas coach) Nolan
(Richardson), you could ask (MSU coach) Richard
“'illiams, you could ask all those guys about the road
in the SEC," Ole .\1iss coach Rob Evans said.

“1 don’t see many games being won on the road in

The UK junior varsity basketball team (8-3) plays host ,-
to Lees College at 8 pm. today at Memorial Coliseum.
The contest is a rematch of the JV’s opening game of

UK illllllll‘ varsity lll action lflllllllll“








LSU coach Dale Brown credits several factors for
the miserable record of road teams.

“You have weather problems getting places,
you have the fans, you have sometimes different
rims, different courts, the atmosphere (of the
game)," Brown said.

The LSU coach also targeted one group in
particular which he felt plays a big part in the
outcome of the game —— the officials.

“I honestly think officials get caught up in
the home crowd that's aggressive and vocifer-
ous during the game," Brown said, “and I don’t
think they mean to, but I think it is very diffi—
cult when tbere’s a run made, or something
that the referees don’t tend to get caught up in

Foreign invasion

Misha Mutavdzic from Serbia and Roman
Rubchenko from L'kraine, both LSU players,
are just two more examples of foreign athletes
coming to the United States to play college

\Vhat’s behind this influx of foreign talent?

“(The foreign players) see an opportunity to fur-


ther expand their academic horizons as well as play
basketball against the best," Florida coach Lon
Kruger said. “\Ve’ve never gone overseas to recruit,
it’s something that has happen as a result of them
coming over here and seeing them in their exhibition


Julie Eilerman,Jennifer Behymer, Kimberly Purdon, Andrea Schneider,
Heather Berkshire, Laura Farley and Tamara Marsh.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The father of Louisville basketball player




Eastern Division

Kentucky 8-0 18-1
South Carolina 5-4 12-6
Vanderbilt 4-4 14-7
Florida 4-5 9-10
Georgia 3-6 12-7
Tennessee 3-6 10-9

Western Division
Arkansas 6-2 14-6
Mississippi St. 6-4 14-5
Alabama 5-4 11-7
Auburn 3-5 15-6
LSU 3-5 11-9
Ole Miss 2‘7 7-11








Strotol your
olvortlollo Iollor

Advertise in the Kernel.




the season, a 133- 129 overtime victory.

The Wildcats are led by sophomore Cameron Mills
and freshman Nazr Mobammed who both are averaging
23.2 points per game. Mohamrned leads the team in
rebounding at 11.6 per game.

Freshman Oliver Simmons is averaging 17.8 points
and 10.7 rebounds a contest. He has recorded four
straight doubles-doubles.

In the first game with Lees Colle e in Jackson, Ky., UK trailed by as
many as 16 points in the second halffiefore taking the lead with five min-
utes remaining.

note on“ tokoo «cool at basketball toornoy

A team of eight women representing the UK Air Force ROTC took
second place over the weekend in the 10th annual Flying Irish Invitation-
al basketball tournament in South Bend, 1nd.

UK won three games to reach the semifinals and defeated South
Dakota State to earn a s ot in the finals a ainst Marquette's Army
ROTC squad. Marquette efeated UK 42-32 fir the championship

Members of the squad coach by Sgt. Ronald Horn are Stacey A meter,



Sainaki \IValker said his son did not violate NCAA rules by driving a car
registered to an insurance compan , The Columbus Dispatch reported.

The (i-foot-9 center from Co umbus has sat out the last six games
while Louisville investigates whether his use ofa 1991 Honda Accord,
now owned by his father, John Walker, violated the NCAA’s “extra ben-
efit” rule.

“I can't talk about the specifics of any of it,” said Ray Nystrand, head
of Louisville’s internal investi tion.

John \Valker said he boug t the car Aug. 8, before school had started,
from Anthony Huff, the president of Corporate Insurance Services Inc.

Huff also runs North American Truckin Association, which gave
Samaki Walker a part-time summer job as a le clerk. John Walker said
one of his son's employers mentioned the company was selling several

“I paid cash for it and they were supposed to take care of the paper-
work and send the title,”John Walker said.

He said the car dealer was late in sending him the title.

“The car dealer didn't process the paper like the said they would. As
a result, it made it look like there were under-the-to le dealings,” he said.

Compiled fim .rmfl; wire reportr.















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lPS remember IIISIOI‘V

By Tom Owens
IVRFL General Manager

Ahiodun Oyewole
25 Y ears

Abiodun Oyewole (pronounced Ah—bee-oh‘
doon Oh—yeh-woh-leh) was a founding mem-
ber of the Last Poets.

Much needs to be written about the effects
of that cup of volatile urban griots. Suffice it
to say t ey were the forebearers of rap.

swiftly delivered words, poetic
imaAgneeriiiilding scenes of revolution, intense

III preparation

jean Ritchie performed [arr Saturdiry m a yell—our crowd at the ()rix A.

Singlet/try C enter for the Arts.



conga rhythms speaking from some taproot
that s an idea ofwhat was happening.

However, this is 1996, 26 years after the
release of that first album.

2) Iran is a recap of Abiodun’s experiences
and observations, still wrapped in bittersweet
images and hand drums, still potent and
poi ant.

he focus of this record is on the music of
metaphor and message instead of notes and
melody. Every line spoken by ‘Doon carries a
commitment to the politics of people and their
thoughts, coming right out and callin the
caca, tendering affection, offering hell) or
dropping science.

For example, the
son “Dread Brother”
is a I about the rasta
reggae culture and its
superficial subversions.

Oyewole saV',s
“C an ’t you hear Mar—
ley in your hair? Mar-
ley ought to beat the
shit out of the brothers
and sisters who lock
their hair but don’t
really care what Gar-
vey talked about, but
just get high, roll up a



blunt a s iliff, drink a fifth of piss .. I don t
think the brother heard a damn thing I said."

The album will make Vou think and ask
questions, or maybe throw it away in anger.
Either an you've felt something, and that
doesn t happen much in music anymore.

Graham Haynes

()n the carefully chosen path in the corpse--
strewn plains of jazz, looking across the addic-
tions, stumbling atonality, lounge- ~muzak and
raped ghosts, stands (yraham Haynes

Haynes a comet player that worked with
Steve Coleman and Five Elements, has
released a record that takes jazz to the level
that would have occurred after the fusion
movement if everyone hadn’t been so caught
up in the “nice” harmonies and dug deeper
into records like Miles Davis’ Agbarm.

The record kicks it out with a Coltrane tune
transmogrified into the twenty—first century by
hip-box beats and scratches a la the “rap
machine" and Vernon Reid (of Living Color)
fuzzing the improv lines into soulful static.

From there the record takes a stroll through
the psychomental realms of convective corner
riffs and various excised melodies supported by
a wash of backwards drum beats; an Indian-
style jam with spin—cyclic melodies; gorgeous
harmonies with circumcised rhythm; meters
that jerk your feet off in different directions;
and a capella singing from iVIoorish Spain.


Krurml‘y Kernel. Inequv. Frin‘iunjy 6. I996 a


Sen. Bradley to
sign new book

Sen. Bill Bradley Ii'ulil \t‘VV
Jersey “I” be going to _lo~.eplr
Beth Booksellers Sunday at noon
to sign his new book, 'l'ime l’l't“
rent, Time I’m .‘l memoir.
Although the book is written by
a politician, it is not necessarily a
political book.

It is loosely organized around
Bradley's travels across America
from urban ghettos, a Sioux
reservation and the coal—country
Appalachia of I’restonburg, Ky.

In the book, Bradley also asks
questions other politicians would
never ask, questions concerning
the things he believes in: com-
munity, faith, jiistic, hope and
humanity's potential to grow.

And yes, he will even answer
all those questions about why he
is leaving the Senate and where
he is going and \\ hat he‘ll do

Bradley is a tliree-teriii tltlllir'
cratic US Senator and .i former

Kic ks B isketb ill st i.i

lii adlitioii to the sigiiiiiu

_loseph Beth VVill donite I” per

tent from the sile of the book to
l’resionburg (.oiiimuiiity ( ol
leeg i part of L K s ( oiiiiiiiiiiitV
(Iollege Sy stein.


(In Feb. lo, 17 and In at >4
pin in the .\lusic Hall, (:Int'lll'
ii iii .PUI)‘ conductor Erich Kim
rel is reViVing a rarely heard

(iershVVin opera entitled Blue
.110nu’ily which was performed
only once in its original form is
pirt of .\eV\ \ork (ity s
‘(ieorgc \1'hite Scandals of

There also will be two other
new pieces from (ieorge (iersh»

For more information, call
the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra at
(El il’illrl1)l‘).

L'wnpi/nl from mil] reprint




Jones was the winner.

’N"£ *4.

Siberia Giveaway

The Kentucky Kernel and Neces-
sary Records are giving away
five copies of 'Damage.‘ the
debut album from Siberia, and
five Necessary Records T-shirts.
Winning is simple! Just answer
this trivia question and send mail
to reduffOOpopukyedu before 8
pm. tonight. One winner will be
randomly chosen every day this

For complete rules, call Arts Edi-
tor Robert Duffy at 257-1915.



At the Weekly Writer's Workshops
“My Paper Doesn‘t Flow" Pan 1'.

()rgarii:ing your paper so (hill 1! preterm
a coherent and unified argument.

M]. King Library RM 105 (257- |35(i)
Every Tuesday from 7:00-7:45 pm.
Sponmred by UK Writing C enter




featuring Susan Sarandon
and Tommy Lee Jones

‘ : sab cinema committee presents. :
VOUESTION: What was -
Quentin Tarantino's first screen- I I
VYESTERDAY: Yesterday's : :
question was ‘Sense and Sensi-
2. . ,, bility‘ and ‘Persuasion.’ ‘Ciueless‘ : Center Theater :
' l.- . ‘- was also loosely adapted from I 7:00 Tonight I
' an Austen novel. Elizabeth : :








$5/15 words
FREE red ink

*Deadline is Monday,