xt7hmg7fv09x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7fv09x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1988 1988 1988-10-20 2020 true xt7hmg7fv09x section xt7hmg7fv09x  


Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCll. No. 51


Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky‘

Independent since 1971 ’

Thursday, October 20. 1988



Issel, Dickey named in allegation in connection with recruit

\ssociated Press

Dan lssel, Kentucky's all-time leading
basketball scorer, says he talked with a re»
criiit who was visiting his farm but only
atter they met accidentally, according to a
published report yesterday,

The Lexington Herald-Leader said the
contact between lssel. who scored 2,138
points for the Wildcats, and Matt Bullard.
a recruit who eventually signed with lowa.
came while the player was looking to
transfer from (‘olorado

Bullard was accompanied by assistant
coach James Dickey. the new spaper said

lssel said he was told by Dickey that
“the University could iiriiig a reerutt
through my farm as long as they didn‘t
call and make any kind ot appointment tor
me to talk to the kid.”

lsset said seyeral recruits had \ l‘wllt‘il the
farm without ever meeting him

“I‘d never do anything knowinulx to hurt

lss’el. now an assistant to the president
of the Denver Nuggets. ttt'kllti\\ie(l;’_i‘il talk

mg to the ii tool in Ballard. l)ll' said he lll'
.idy‘ei‘tctitly ran the plaier and

The contact w as one of the additional t‘i'
allegations the \t‘AA levied last week
against the school s' basketball program. It
marks the lost time a [K assistant other
than liwaiie (asey has l)t‘t‘ll piitilii-ty
hiikedtottie \t‘.\.-\iiitestigation

Hickey was the one .issistaiit liddie out
too brought with him to Kentucky \‘.llt'i'l tie
tett Arkansas in toil.)

the \i ‘ \.\


“lilt‘V'iit‘ Kit etttoi‘ei'ttn-iit


hit by car
on campus

H) l).\\\ .\ GARNER
t‘oiitritiut int: Writer

'l'wo l'K students were hit by a car
Tuesday afternoon while walking along
South Limestone Street Neither student
was seriously injured

ltotiert Soroky'. an architecture stu-
dent. was taken to A B t‘handter Mt‘dh
i-al i‘i-iiter ’l‘uesday. at'ter injuring his
leg He was listed in satistaetory condi
tion last night

“and Florence also was struck by
the car He was examined at the \ledi
eal t 'eiiter. but was not admitted

Soroky's roommate. (Thris‘ Diarias.
said that Soroky was "doing line and
should l)t’ out in about a week '

Kevin Dean. ltt, ot‘ Lexington was the
tiriyer ot‘ the car He was headed north
on Limes-tone when he apparently
lilaeked out He swerved across three
lanes and ran up on the sidewalk He
then hit a no parking sign tietore hitting
s'oroky and Florence and going hack

When he tinally stopped the car. he
was perpendicular to the wine in trout
ot \llzilta‘s restaurant police reports

Dean would

not he reached tor eom—

Hort-nee said that 'he ear hit tioth
thin and south, and he was thrown tor

l was so petritied I looked
and saw a car zooming Hill" at us] he
’he didn‘t have time to react .\.s
won as i hit the groundi. l was l'lL‘lll
hack up and went running to Hot»




Robert Sorokv

an architecture student



‘oltowmd an ricr‘ident Tiiesdav Smoky mm t' ‘t i 4 1' i'


SGA urges UK handicapped accessibility

lh I‘ll .ll \ltlf'l'll \V \IH‘:
statt \Nt‘tti‘t‘

The student Government .\ssociatioii
passed a proposal last night that calls tor
the l iii\er,sity to estatilish ii eamptiswide
handicap accessibility policy

The resolution calls tor a policy that
would exceed state and tederal retiula
iioiis making mandatory the installation
ot .iiitomatie handicap entrances in any ta
i-ility constructedatterJanuarv t. with

Handicap accessibility has become an
issue at l K since a new lilllltllllfl .it the
l.t'\tllL‘lt)t] i‘ominunity i‘otlege was con
sll'tlt‘lt‘tl without automatic doors

The l'in\er.sity tater installed the auto

\liehael Kiidet‘. who is in charge ot hand
icap concerns. and Jake Kariies. oi hand
iciip set‘\iee.s‘. put together an outline ot a

new handicap iioliez s t d

the proposal ilso . .ilts‘
on) room 'llllllllt‘l\ tint
iirsiille lettering on illll'
lion sil \ ~ proposal ieiiiiests "tat tiiiiils ta

st } \ l‘l‘t'st'lidtl

' t_ii tttz‘ lii11li‘

ii‘iti't‘ t‘ li|'1l\

door int-s l'.

allocated \eai'h tiiitiiitati- hinliiiiiUs

the proposal also ( alts. aii ‘tii- tilttiitlliitl
ot .t iotiiiiiittee ioiiiposed

students to meet \Hlli.

1i‘i lii'iii 's ’ i lltsi‘lg\\

'l)i'tl'< otti'et‘tts litist‘ stiltl


' \lIlll was passed .‘illoi .iltt‘.“

K students itltttlll 'llt‘ 'i-iwt ' It
ilent teiteral i reilit iiiiioii ii’i'dit isi
would pro\iile \(HIHLW
liisltltti'lll ineintiers

'.t'\ l

ii‘i iiii'i‘s .iliti

' \ I’iilt, proposed to, ‘seiri'oi‘s a? li.t‘.‘i'
Kennedy James and t’ai
to send two members oi ‘st.\ :.i the it'l:'|lil|

.il tittitt‘l't‘lli‘t' ot thi- \. tl

ll.lll .i..t\ 'i'.l\\t‘tl

in“; \ssiii t il.iit’

stiiitiii‘,‘ :,

. si, t. \ ppm.“



'tlllt‘il' ‘.
‘i Illlli‘sli

Sutton says he’s misquoted in magazine

Matt reports

l K basketball coach Eddie Sutton said
in a statement released last night that he
is misquoted lll this week's edition ot
Sports llliistiriteil

‘,\Ithough l time not seen this week's
issue ot Sports Illustrated 1 apparently
have been misquoted in a story about our
basketball program." Sutton said

.\ccording to the statement, the article,
which will be on sale today. implies that
.s'utton told a reporter that allegations
against the l‘K program concerning $1.0m
tound in a package sent to the lather ot l'K
recruit t'hris Mills was a setup

It tiirther implies that Sutton said the
setup was connected to otficials trom the

l'niiersity ot \eiada lias \i‘e'as ind ‘t‘ie
l‘iniersiiy ot t‘alitornia i.o.s ,‘iiieeii s

['K sports lntorniation lhreetiir
t‘aineron said the .iiteiiii-w Attll
llll\ll(llt'il writer liriite N‘li'i‘iiltl took placi-
last l‘hursday at a pork itiop dinner lit‘lll
hy the basketball program tor the iiiedia

\\hat I told the l't‘ptlllt‘l was that the
Emery incident was \t‘l‘} bizarre and that
one oi the theories that this lieeti discussed
is that the incident is a setup. Sutton said


\r i'
flit s

"\ty intent was never to implicate the
coaching statt ot l \l,\ ”I t't'l,.\ or a, -e
tlect itegatiyely iipoii theii pt‘ouraiii.s or
tans. hesaid
said that Sutton lound out
iticle through 'he media last
statement said that \iitton

about the
night The

itllt‘tl "tt- '.:i t‘i’s it'll tw lti ‘limiis .-:iit
’iihlthein «i t'n . .ilt'llit'lll i‘a-ieased

liaili-o l.tll\'.llll.iti itti \ tioiii l
tune ltt't‘l t til ‘.ll\ .i'lil .iisii
liiii llaita h i. 'tl.‘i Z iexpiain that l had
been iiiisiiiioteii Mitioii .iiif than at-
«epted in\ t splaiiations

the .'lll’i’ lt‘ .ippareoti‘. ieii'is mi t'ie t l‘st
=it lit \t \\ ‘tie lK
tasketlial. pioigi'aiii

the illt'L‘itlltlll.
.liiiy. says that .i package seiit t~y l l\ os-
slhldlll tulsht'ltmil 11‘4“ ti itwaiie 1.
tl.tlltl ‘~ltll\ t ontaiiied 3 Is iiitwiis


il"‘ll\ thin:

illeiiatioiis .ititiiiist

niiiiii xiis ‘i‘lt'.i>t‘il ‘1)

st‘\ 'ri

l'tie paikaue Jllti'lt noniiiiiieii ideo
i.is.st’llt‘ tape. popped open .'i 'i‘aiisit,
iltt‘ltl'tllllfl to l’tiiei'y \\iilltl\\lttt' Hternight

ltiiyid léei'st, said luesday that the propii
ety ot such a 'Ultl.ltl l)(‘l.\l‘i"i a iioosIe:
and a reii‘uit did not It‘l.lt‘! .i

change ill
words. it lllt'i't‘ s

at.» ’t t‘l

iiititaet (tiltlttll i‘-.teeii at.

fll't‘t'lll1;: .. lit’ 3a.,

i l"(.' *2'11.

1' siti.pi’opi-i

.’l‘l lit‘ ltlltl 'lit' fit .it

l>\t'; s.
liiililiii- 'i'ii'tilttilit‘ iiiliu‘lsitl iili iii s

the la
lllll ‘tlit' oilit'l lt‘t lit]: .‘.ll'


ti.-' w

lt‘llit'lliltt‘tttl iii-lulu. .i." i..

.i'llitlii‘t ii‘ t ..~.-'


.‘ [see a ltt Hill. 1 ll leli lttlli

ought it: fit; it)
\ll t know tr what
‘is may, as nothing

Tote/wt ‘1‘ lili apli'iililllit‘ll‘

’lli‘, .iitl‘-i,

t‘u'li'tlth' is win-'e 'ei'

tli-no. ls‘t‘l s.: it

’ll.‘lt ilu m-\ liiiil f'it;


.‘i' 'l ‘li'

.ilit' tit'tiili- .igli‘t‘i;

(trilliglll to ' lllllllitiitl
ls 'I said



Alcohol’s effect
on babies topic
of address today

,i ls‘l l ~il\\

i l


By MEREDITH lil'l‘Tl ,l~l
Staff Writer

The legal and personal ettects oi
drinking and druiiig were stressed to. a
\ariety ot speakers in last night‘s Ali-o
hot Awareness Week l‘rogram oii Mm
hot and the Law

The program.
Student Government .-\s'soeiation com-
mittee on Alcohol Responsibility and
Education WARE! and the lexineton
Fayette t’rban (‘ounty l’ohce. ieatured
a police otticer. an attorney. a \tt‘lllll ot
an alcohol-related accident. and a mema
her ot Alcoholics Anonymous.

It also teatured a breathalyzer deni-
onstration to illustrate how- quickly at
cohol can at tect the drinker.

The program started with SGA Vice
President Leah Mct‘ain‘s consumption
ot' several beers in order tor (‘ounty l’o-
lice tit'ticer Mitchell Smith to show the
use of the hreathalyzer test.

cosponsored h} the


ffects of drinking,
driving seminar topic


\:ter almost two beers \lct‘ain had a
t'ood alcohol c-iitent oi if». and alter
minost tour tier-rs the result was

to he considered legally iiitOXicated,

person s tilood alcohol content must
beat least ltl

i‘\ltl.‘,‘s‘ eo-rhairman Mark ltucker
said that the purpose oi Mct‘ain‘s con-
sumption was not merely to watch a tel-
lew student di ink.

"the point we want to get across is
that it only takes three to tour drinks to
he legally drunk." Rucker said.

~smith said that the frequency of Driv~
mg l nder the lntluence in Lexington is
’lt‘t‘lllllllfl because m the Traffic Alcohol
Program and society's growing neg-
ative perception ot drinking and driv-

”Only recently have we begun to de~
cide that this behavior is not only illegal
but socially unacceptable.” he said.

see SEMINAR Page 5








Today: Partly cloudy
Tomorrow: Chance of rain








The SEC teams

prepare tor a week ol‘ action

Students lllllll\ l'K should ot't'cr
classes in peace.




\ec l‘imc i




 2 — Kontucliy Kornot. Thursday. October 20,1988

Employee says that company
did not comply with laws

Associated Press

partment of Energy did not always
require the former operator of the
r‘ernald uranium-processing plant
to comply with environmental
laws. according to a department
employee who worked at the plant

Malcolm 'l‘heisen a career I‘Iii
ergy Department employee who
worked at the t‘ini-innali area de
fense plant from 1981 to i985. said
in an affidavit filed iii t .\ District
(‘ourt that the department did not
always require National lead of
lthio Inc to comply with emiriir
mental laws 'l‘heisen said the tin
ergy Demrtment on occasion in
striicted .\l,tt to continue
operations despite the l.1i‘l that \.
standards 'tIIt‘ltl

olatioiis of thesi

oi i‘lll‘

The IlTyearolil Feed \latermb
Production Center at r'ernalil pro.
esses uranium tor the govern
riieril's production elsewheri of Hit
clear weapons The plain .iriii ‘s
operzuors have been heavily «til
ii-i/ed since thi Energy Depart
ment admitted in January illan 'ha'
Bottom pounds ol radioactive Ill‘n e,
um ovide dust had been emitted
into the .itiiiosphere from the pitirzt
during the preyious three 'lt‘t'.lill'\
including tooo pounds iii-tweet. "out
and I983

The state ol tlhiii ha~ ,2 peiti‘uii;
lawsuit in I s lll\ll‘li" l till?’
against the Energy It. p.nri=-_.-i-

Issel named

( Illlitt .«

lit lllllt' :. i;

it.” It. ist

the \llt‘ falls within a
Ii\ xil ti \tllttltl‘

Dickey lssel llunm'ii
meeting was illit' ‘
even remember ll when questioiiiw‘
by investigators 'I iliiln‘ think
was a mayor concern. and
dont I feel t‘lllllltlt‘lll \\t‘ h get
cleared up

t‘huck lliillai‘d
said Tuesday his soe
about Kentucky that it was just a
little too flashy lle ilidnt think
they (lid anything illega‘ ’iiwat‘tl

Steve Malchow


so casual lie


I \I‘Il

\lat' \ latlii-i
tidal a lei-hug

tl.\.\t\l.lll’ sports


Ieging that the plant has polluted
the air and water in its environ
ment Energy Department officials
issued a statement Tuesday ac~
knowledging past problems at the
plant. but repeating the depart
menl's commitment to modernize
the facility and clean up radioacr
live wastes on its LOSIHicre site Ill
miles northwest of (‘incinnati at
the Fernald community

Ii()\ Richard t‘eleste sent a let
tei 'l‘iiesday to President Reagan
urging him to close the plant until
steps are taken to ensure the safety
iil plant workers and the area's

l‘heiseri made his statements in
an .lllltlilVll tiled iii connection with
a Holt million t‘lilSSrllt'Iltln lawsuit
itleil on behalf of an estimated H.
ooo people living and working with
tit tne miles ol the Fernald plant
The I 5 District t‘ourt lawsuit.
which awaits trial alleges that the
plant has polluted the environment
with I‘.lll|tt(lt‘ll\'t’ materials that
htl\“ posed a health threat. eiiio
Tiiiiiai distress and lowered prop
t't ty values liir neighbors

ttonald ('ochraii the Energy De
Iiui'lllil‘lll s director of nuclear
materials production in Washing
ton 1983 letter to a con
i-ei'iied t'llllt’ll, J (‘lark l’ontms of
lt\lord. assuring him that environ
mental protection was a high prior
ily eyen as the department was re
provide \l.“ \lllli

sellt ti

timing lit

in probe

.rtlntiiiatioii director at Iowa, said
‘vleilnesday that Matt llullard was

practice Malchow said the
'iuitii \ i'iiticli had decided not to let
any iilayers be llill‘l‘Ht’WOfl until
tn. \i‘tlvtl‘t begins since the team s

'tll-tim l.l\l

lii'v .‘..l\

‘.\ i ‘i'ly

lluliaid s eligibility at Iowa
would not be allotted by the l'K ill
mm Nth Hers? saii‘

\lt-anwnili: 'l'hi‘ t'ourier Journal
reported \lednesilay that Eric
\laiiuei s high school coach re
vened Writ pins expenses for a one
day trip to Lexington in June last
year to speak .it a Kentucky sum


Arax Davtian Scot?”
Richard Stra .:


Richar lllman

Carol Winceric ’r
William $c.nc."‘.i"
Lucas f 3:5

Frances Dot» * r

Mitchell Sardou Kleine
Guest Lot‘idtu’ni
Claudio Jatle, L‘s-tits:



a validated full time :0 cm:
Tickets will be distributed or ”i


A limited number at tickets an) a. ‘i at». to on stader‘ts upon presentation at

" .irsrltiy and Friday :w‘ioe supply lasts?
prior to each performance Distrrt when '0’ tickets tor the next performance writ
take place on Thursday Oct :0 and Friday Oct St
‘ C a. m .1 p r“. Box Ot‘ =1?
(ZOLI LGE ()l llNl ARTS 8 a it‘: no 1“

2x}; L‘ea" S filth];


Lucien Stark lel'tO

All Orchestra

WE" ~i,’

Starr ri'ir"

Soprano TBA

At: Sncda Converse,
'w-icr Randall Black

Bass Stanley Inivin

The Lexington Singers
motes Floss Beam‘

Musu; Director

VERDI Reduwn


‘ p R" .4 5i) p








Just, liecatise y i ill

can't find things you
need for the game.

Shop the




adequate pollutioncontrol funds.
said Stanley (‘hesley. lawyer for
the plant neighbors

(‘hesley sent a copy of (‘ochran's
1983 letter Tuesday to Rep Thomas
Luken, D~()hio. a persistent critic
of the plant‘s operations lluken's
district includes the plant

It. Doran Fletcher, an Energy
Department official with responsi
bility for the plant. said in another
affidavit filed with the lawsuit that
NU) officials often said they would
be "incapable of complying with
pending federal regulatory stan
dards governing the emisSion of'
chemical and radiological wastes "


to feature

Staff reports

Democratic vice presidential
candidate Lloyd Bentsen will
hold a satellite teleconf'ereiii-e
today at 1:30 in the (lid Student
(‘enter Theater

(in hand to ask the senior
Texas senator questions will be
former Kentucky (l(t\ Martha
Layne (‘ollins

Bentsen. a three~term senator.
is chairman of the Senate l'i—
nance committee and one of the
ranking Democrats in (‘ongress




Pentagon may halt sale
of commissary tobacco

Ily NORMAN Ill, \t'K
:\>.\tt('|2llt*(l l’ress

WASHINGTUN ._ Despite strong
objections by congressional lead
ei‘s. the Pentagon is considering a
plan to stop the sale of tobacco
products in military eommissaries
and to raise the prices of cigarettes
and alcohol sold in post exchanges

According to defense sources.
who asked not to be named. Deputy
Defense Secretary William H. Taft
l\' is receptiy e to the idea and has
asked his staff to draft a directive
that would implement the changes
onJan t

Taft would normally be the top
Pentagon ollicial to deal with such
matters But seyeral congressmen
have now asked Defense Secretary
Frank (' (‘arlucci to intervene.
calling the proposal 'ill advised
and > hastily conceived '

‘This is a very dangerous preci-
dent for commissary and exchange
operation. and it lampers with a
very important fringe benefit for
serviccnien.’ liep Marvin heath.
Dr'l‘exas. said iii an interview

‘lt would really penaliye the pew
pie assigned overseas '

heath. the chairman of the House
Armed Services Committee‘s
morale. welfare and recreation
panel. said the two Democrats and
two Republicans who serve on that

panel with him had Jl)llle(l in writ
ing to (‘arliicci last week They iii
clude Reps Bill Nichols l).’\lil
Nicholas Mavroules. lt-\lass
David it'll Marlin. ll \ \ and
Jack Davis. Hill

The idea ol changing tobacco and
alcohol sales policies was ad\ anced
quietly last Sept 28 by the Defense
Resources Board. the Pentagon's
highest-ranking H‘Vlt'“ board for
military programs

Ma). David Super. a Pentagon
spokesman. on yesterday acknowl
edged the board‘s action and
agreed the department was consid
ering changes. but said he knew of
no tentative decisions having been
made by Taft .

"The DH“ has made the recom
mendation to sales polir
cies." Super said


"This would be another step iii
an ongoing effort to promote good
health for sci'vice members and de»
peiidents smoking cessation and
deglamoi‘ization iil alcohol. The
price increases also could generate
more morale welfare and i‘ecrer

The sources said the plan being
considered by Taft would renioye
all tobacco products from the cont:
nnssaries or military grocery
stores and allow their sale only
at the post exchanges which are
more like drug stores


It hap ens every weekday during our Happy
Birlh( av Hour... celebrating from 3:00 PM until
8:00 the Bristol’s set mid year in business.

lRll PARKING 0 (le\ \ ( HAM Pl ‘\/3\





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Lexmgton KY



W53 ‘




enjoy the music of


Friday, October 21, 4-7 pm, Fraternity How Parking Lot
with special guest appearance by the

AND auro SERVICE carats t3:—



Join the campus—wide campaign to stop drinking and driving at this alcohol-free beverages party sponsored by

gill-W5, t #1


nMvv cou~cu


gonna )ANI







 Kentucky Kernel. Thursday or forum A, M"



0-6 Tennessee the
underdog against


Cats can’t affms
to lose to Bullrtm,

lowly Memphis St.

By (‘llRlSllARVEY
Staff Writer

Already halfway through the
football season. the Southeastern
(‘onferenee has produced its share
oi powerhouse teams, upstart hope~
lids and eertit'ied duds.

The biggest dud of all has to be
'l'eniiessee, w'hieh is now' 0-6 after
an emotional 28720 loss to .\lahaiii:i
last week.

[YT will find itself in another
uphill battle this Saturday as the
upstart \lenipliis State Tigers 'w'ho
upset FloridaI get a shot at the

'l‘ennessee's main problem lllil}
he underestimating the Tigers
bill UT ('oaeh Johnny Majors sa_\s
that absolutely eannot happen

"With the position we're in we
ean‘t afford to take any learn tor
granted.“ he said "Memphis will
be very emotional and confident
when they take the field against iis
on Saturday ”

Sixteenth~i‘ankerl Louisiana
State. w‘hieh rebounded from losses
to Ohio State and Florida with a
win over l'K last week, were hop
ing to find an easy team for therr
Homecoming Saturday

But Mike Archer’s Bayou Bern,x
als ezin't afford to look past tile
Miss if they want to sta} lll the
SE(‘ raee The ltebels were rude
guests at Alabama's llomeeoining
two weeks ago, upsetting the Tide

Arehei‘ said his oftense ha,s slll
tered a eonlidenee lapse "()iir oi
tense has definitely been set hark
some. but we feel that we‘ll pla}
betteronStiltit'da} ’ said \reher‘

Combs changes stor

\ssoeiateil l'i‘ess

t‘ttlil'NlBl'S‘ tlhio The pub
Iisher ot .‘t [K booster magazine
has changed his story regarding a
meeting: with (‘olutnbiis Wehrle
basketball player Law‘renee l-‘iin

$150 cash

AIDS Poster Contest











"Injuries to our tullbaeks have
severet) hurt our prmluelnitx. and
the replaeenients we'xe put in are
sutterinu mayor tm-akdowiis in
execution '

Florida ioins the Tigers on the
.‘\“*i)£llltl and team this week but
should reeroiip thanks to an open

llall isn' erxrng over spilled
tlltlk (illt‘l‘ ills lt‘iitrl llrsl L14 lt lt)
\‘dlldl'l'ltllL and sees Iheir ne\t op»
ponenl, \uhiirii. .is another tough

"\nbnri: i‘» the rnos= tltrllllllillll
detensne train: !ll 'tie ltilL‘llt' so
we It need to «tart prv parna; our
ottensne si‘hernes tor then. now ‘
said Hall 'llne thine we I] need to
have happen during, thr ott week is
to get our km people health} and
to stop l'riiiiriirtteriI tillemnl lltlll\
that are rolrrr'ig irt :reprwr't-liw

\Iiitltlr-l‘bill put-till its ‘tir «int.
horse it‘tlllt in the stat =h:- _‘.";t[
show-d ~\ll_'\ \itnrmx ti, \lrr-r
('it} b} disiniiirtlnz.‘ l‘ioizrlgl r.
tront oi ii sellout i’rouri r nil :aetwir.

Wltll I‘Ll’rl‘ .lltltt‘\ Hpr't'ti'ltltl Tlir-
\\'l.\llliiitl(‘ lo pi'Ht‘thtl ‘ti'lu‘ “Ni-l
t'unninuhani inaknru lit~ tortuh tor
(tutor runners. Mind). inm. haul-
i-oine a step x'losr-i' vr' 'tt'l‘ltl'llllt,‘ a
part ot the iprur' still-tn >‘ 'lir'


tlseiir' tombs pzrli'~twr or the
(tits l’anse, was ruined the
Nt‘.>\;\ in one ol _il'1‘t3;i"l|l‘~- or
volume rilegnl “t‘-""l"lllf lit lxeri
'ur'k\ tenths 1' motel: in The
.\ssoeriited l’l't'\.\ it- innit ire Jil>
introdnr'i-d to l-‘ rririer‘nirki- Keir
ttiek} Lil‘i'tiiale ltrll t‘inpii when

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Oct. 28

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UT Head football coach Ji'ltltt”,
mach of the Vols Tennessee a

The win was riiiisrr to whirl
\tiitson Hi‘ow'n's ear-s l'n. 'r'.-,:i'.
proud of the ettoil ‘.\t showed to
and "l lelt that we tri;.rltx Lllim -
upltittllt't'upill)llll_‘» ’

The road doesn' met .inj. ege‘r'
.i- the rmadrn: l'itiildruzs
“poi-gin. eoaehed lrj» ‘i'rnen- trout. ‘,
ramble on into l.e\rni,:ton tor _t r
"onsllly tele\‘rserl game ~\cl'rird
the triendly eontines or l'orrxr

y about meetzrw;

l~‘niiderbiirke a htorl't’ wreror tr
(‘olnmbus \Vehrle wits mln erLJh'l
rrl‘tlltllhrtlr‘iltlt‘l' '

ln lts edrlrons today the (Minn
nits ltispateh reported that .. ‘rct
sr'llrrrrl teammate ol Hinderbnfls
\ltltl he \isited Kenttiek} \\'lltl t‘






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 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. October 20.1988


UK should develop
a class devoted to
the study of peace

Articles in the newspaper this week reported the lsraeli
army’s lirutality toward Palestinians along the (laza Strip.
the likely increase of acquisition of chemical weapons
around the world. and the estimated death ol 260,000 rel'u
gees iti Sudan this year due to t 'i\ ll Wat".

But many people proliahly skipped over those stories.
it‘s pretty easy to take ioi granted all the violence in the
world these day s

But some t‘lx' students and liexuigton residents want to
make people more aware oi the alternatives to violence
and the options availahle to achieve peace

More than too [it‘iilttc tiayv‘ signed a petition urging the
development ot a couise .ii i ty ill peace studies" The peti‘
tioii asks tor a ilass itio‘ .iould explore the use oi none
violent torce , 't iiioits. and practitioners
and the promotion oi Ilt‘_lt't

Although a l't'lali'it i , i called "Peace aiid World
itrder. was taught t. a: as part ol the honors pro
tll‘illil. currently t'lx' othu ’~‘l.i\,\ in peace studies

But l'l\ should lla'ii .. l; t- class Alter all. the history
and eitectiyeiiess oi pe tit ttiii‘vt‘lllt‘lll.\ can he taught just


lhomas J. Sullivan

l Kt‘t iitive, t di‘tiii

CA. Duane Bonltor
Editorial Editor

Mlchul Brennan

Jullo Euclman
91pm tat F‘iiiwcts Witter

Jlrn Whlto
Assooate Editor

Joy Stanton
Editor in Chiet



its llts’i“


its easily as the t it

ttiiiily areas llllpli
It may sound ttlt‘tilts' i

:its oi wars And they cer

at: The study ol peace involves

many important concepts and historical lessons. troin the
tormatioii and work oi the t iiiied Nations to the teachings

and ellectiveness ot Mahatma (tandhi

Students can learn

about options toward cont} i' li-siiltllltlll and conditions that

will prevent war

Granted. many or tho-st topics are touched upon iii va
rious classes iii history. politital science~ sociology and the


ideas would (’llllttl‘it't' 'ia.‘

apply totoday‘sworiii
Studies in peace is no:

.iactii at idea

But a coiiiprcl‘iensiyi- ilass incorporating all those
vaporiance and relevancy to

More than 200 um-

versities iii the l'iiited \lrllt's otter such courses. and ahout
Tithavedcgree programs l K should ‘littll them

However. supporters ot this petition want the class to he
availahle tor the next tall st‘lltt'sl‘T To do this. they would
have to laid a pl'iilt'sstit' and outline the course within the

next lew months

But they shouldn ' rash the process just lor the sake ol
llélVllltl a peace class it Yhi- schedule hooks instead. they

should research other

aimols‘ programs and classes for

They should get input from prolessors and take their
time figuring out how to incorporate the various disciplines

into a unified peace class

A course in peace studies won‘t stop all the violence in
our world. hut at least it can make people aware of the
horrihle ltitility' oi war and prompt them to consider ways

to avoid it


Theri is today a grea’
etc iii ”iv road to enliL‘l-‘-
and vipe‘ iiiindedness

As has oeen addressed '
eral letters in the Kentui-k:
nel. mair people perceivi- .
as a thri -‘ to their “to
takes the ' rm ol tea:
itsell is a L-‘eat prot
its \tlur('t' “s Alrii .
tiaiis. not gays, oi i
ultiUs tear oi the uni
scntnieiit towai'i:
merely hccaiisi oi riis
ual prr'lt‘l‘ciii‘e does c\i‘yiiti-
great dissery iii

Too many
minded people who ll.:‘-" ‘
away their l~‘.ii‘ ot
.lcws sllll sei sexual tilt'tt't i-i
as a iust \ “l‘t‘ lot

socallcd op.
lilazks l'

t;i.. [il:, . .

iitteti iustiiy 1 » ‘ ;
tlll't‘ liy pi lit'l\lng ho: :om i
ty as itst‘ust' iii
and lli' .i inherent to
* «v i-orreliaioi

lit ' 'k that
llli . ny ltl'tl'ldllllili:
ch iiis her seyiia
.iltslll‘tl its
cottltl it.
lli illclltt‘t‘ lheir ia~

stint dsv


‘.i,i .|\

”it. irii'iillt

t‘.\, tl‘lvv‘s .iQit I All
'ia liililiy at tin. tiiilritv
\\li.' sltillt‘ll't tillii
it; n ".i aiiil asked
'll.t it: in! titty itL‘lils
l ii'pl‘t'il \"s tliow
ililli it right 'o in het- lli‘flii
The reply was ty pical
ltliink that we should i
lltlt\l'q“$t1&'u.l'v* I iliili'
L‘cl .\llt\ liy poii...‘ into it..
I lit” ivtllllt‘llt‘tl
on discrimination thit-

'l‘l. 1:;

'..lvl‘ .t‘

:tilii .i