xt7hmg7fv07r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7fv07r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1987 1987 1987-09-24 2020 true xt7hmg7fv07r section xt7hmg7fv07r  





S99! Be fl A shake, ‘babylon’ roll with Squeeze’s
new album. SEE PAGE 2.






flooded with
sponse. SEE PAGE 4 8i 5.





Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Afternoon clouds



Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

‘ Vol. XCI. No. 29

Established 1 894

independent since 1971

Thursday. September 24, 1987


SGA senator resigns
claiming no time

Associate Editor

Student Government Association
Communications Senator Scott Ward
resigned last night, citing a busy
schedule and problems with internal

Ward's replacement will be Jason
Williams -— who finished second in
last spring’s SGA elections — if he
accepts the position, said SGA Se-
nior Vice President Susan Bridges.

Williams said he would be willing
to fill the gap if it was still within
the senate rules.

“I stll feel like I could be a good
senator even though I‘ve been out of
touch a little bit with SGA," Wilt
liams said. “I don't think I‘ll be as
active internally in SGA as I would
have been if I had originally won be-
cause I‘ve committed myself to a lot

to be focus
of group

Staff Writer

The UK chapter of Amnesty Inter-
national will concentrate efforts to
improve the state of human rights in

At a meeting last night. chapter
President Roland Mullins announced
that Amnesty International USA. the
national division of the worldwide
organization. has recently stressed
the importance of Cambodia as the
target of human rights cam—

Mullins said Cambodia will likely
be the theme of this year‘s annual
candlelight vigil. which will be held
Oct. 14 in the ampitheater behind
Memorial Hall.

The vigil will include speakers. po-
etry readings, and music from folk
singers Art Mile and Peter Kosky.

Mullins said the turnout at past
vigils hasn't been very good, but the
chapter hopes to become more visi-
ble this year. “We want to give our
campus group more focus." he said.

One of Al's main objectives is to
educate students on human rights,
Mullins said. Another important
function of the group is to write let-
ters to foreign officials and also to
US. legislators.

At last night‘s meeting, the group
signed a petition to be sent to an of-
ficial in the Democratic People's
Republic of Laos. In cooperation
with others in Al. they are trying to
help people there who have been im-
prisoned “without being charged.
tried or convicted of any crime."
The petition asks the Laotian gov-
ernment either to charge prisoners
with specific crimes or to release

Members also expressed their sup-
port for the Moakly-DeConcini Bill.
which the US. Senate should vote
upon this month. The bill would tem-
porarily suspend deportation of Sal-
vadorans in the United States for
two years, pending an investigation
of the conditions in El Salvador to
determine if it would be safe for
them to return to their country.

Other Al efforts include cam-
paigning against the death penalty
in the United States. Vice President
David Eaton said AI is opposed to
the death penalty “in all cases. be-
cause it is cruel and unusual. but es-
pecially because of the inconsistency
in its application. It‘s too arbi-

At the meeting. campus members
discussed sending letters of protest
to the judge in a Kentucky murder
trial in which capital punishment is
being considered. “We don't want to
suggest that this guy should be let
free." Mullins said. “We just think
imprisonment is sufficient to get
him off the street.“

Eaton said the campus chapter
hopes to increase its interaction with
Lexington‘s local chapter this year.

The international organization.
which was founded in 196i. advo-
cates “the release of people de-
tained anywhere for their beliefs.
color. sex, ethnic origin, language or
religion.“ provided those prisoners
“have never used or advocated vio-

of other things now, but I can still
represent the college well.‘ ‘

Speaking during senator‘s priv-
iledge. Ward told the SGA senate
that “it has come down to doing
many things poor or a few things

“I’m just sorry to say I can‘t do
the job I want to do,“ he said.

Since taking office, Ward said he
has not been able to meet with the
College of Communication's dean or
students, or keep any of his cam-
paign promises.

“I wanted when I ran to get a lot
of things done and I haven't been

Ward also said he was frustrated
with some of the internal activities
that have been going on within SGA.

“There‘s just too much bullshit
going on around here and everyone's

. SGA decides against
holding office hours


stabbing each other in the back." he

After his announcement, Ward im~
mediately left the Complex Com-

See SENATOR. Page 7

Associate Editor

The Student Government Associa-
tion last night rejected a constitu-
tional amendment that would have
based senators‘ salaries on atten-
dance at mandatory SGA functions.

The amendment also would have
required senators to schedule and
maintain an office hour each week.

The senate voted in favor of the
amendment by an 18—13 margin. but
under SGA rules. a two-thirds ma-
jority is required in order for an
amendment to pass.

The amendment was proposed by
SGA Senior Vice President Susan
Bridges. Bridges said she proposed
it in order to make SGA more acces-
sible to students and to force some

senators to do their jobs it they
wanted to be paid.

Currently SGA senators receive
$150 each semester. Salaries are
funded by money from student ac
tivities fees.

Law Senator David White told the
senate "there should be no OPPOSI‘
tion to this bill. I'm afraid this is the
only way we can get some college
senators into the Student Center."
he said.

Senator at Large David Moore
spoke in favor of the bill because the
job of an SGA senator is similar to
having a regular job.

“You‘ve been hired to do a job
and this is what you should look at."
he said.

But some senators said they didn‘t
like being told what to do.

"This is ridiculous." said Senator
at Large Susan Brothers "If you do
your job right you shouldn‘t have to
havea baby-Sitter ”

Brothers said making office hours
mandatory was attempted before.
but "for one reason or another" it
was unsuccessful.

President Cyndi Weaver said pro-
rating senators' salaries according
to attendance was a good idea be-
cause "it might make senators more
committed to their jobs "

However. Senator at Large Darid
Botkins questioned whether it is pos
sible to legislate commitment.

Communications Senator Scott
Ward questioned whether students
even care if SGA is committed to
them or not

\cc lltll R5. Page ‘



The Rev. Billy Henderson preaches to students yesterday in the
free speech area by the Student Center. Several members of the

.- .“~1 A

.3 .2


Lexington Christian Fellowship were on campus to spread the

word of Jesus.

pass word
on campus

Staff Writer

Each year it happens

The seasons fade. leaves
change color. the wind picks up

and the sound of preaching
comes from the free speech area
near the Student Center

Members of lllt' Lexington
(‘hristian Fellowship preached
and talked onecnone yesterday
to students about the love of

"Never live life to the fullest.
live it to God.” said the Rev
Billy Henderson "If you know
his love. you will live a righteous

Rob Scale. a member of the
fellowship for six years. said the
organization recognizes the love
of Jesus and wishes to share this
unselfish love by telling others
about Jesus “We would like to
reach out to I'K's campus.” he

“We are not trying to recruit
members but to turn people to
Jesus who loves them." Hender—
son said. “People who don‘t know
Jesus will go to hell. I don't want
you to go to hell. but to turn

\cc PRLALHERS. Page ,



SAB to present satellite program about AIDS in theater

Staff Writer

The Student Activities Board will
educate UK's campus about sex
next Wednesday at 8 pm. in the Stu-
dent Center Old Theatre.

SAB and the College Satellite Net-

work will present “Sex on Campus“
live‘via-satellite from Washington
DC and Los Angeles.

“The two-hour program. pre-
sented on a large-screen video pro-
jection with special telephone lines.
will discuss sexual attitudes, peer
pressure and the impact of AIDS."

Sen. Biden withdraws
from presidential race

Associated Press

Biden ended his quest for the 1988
Democratic presidential nomination
“with incredible reluctance" yester-
day saying the “exaggerated shad-
ow“ of mistakes made it impossible
to continue his candidacy.

Biden withdrew from the cam-
paign after a week in which his
campaign was rocked by admissions
of plagiarism and false claims about
his academic record.

The Delaware Democrat is the
second candidate to be forced from
the race by questions of character
and integrity.

“I made some mistakes." Biden,
his wife at his side. told a room
crowded with reporters. “Now the
exaggerated shadow of those mis-
takes has begun to obscure the es-
sence of my candidacy and the es-
sence of Joe Biden.“

Biden said he had to choose be-
tween continuing his presidential
campaign and chairim the Senate

Judiciary Committee hearings on
the Supreme Court nomination of
Robert H. Bork.

“And although it‘s awfully clear to
me what choice I have to make. I
have to tell you honestly I do it with
incredible reluctance and it makes
me angry. I'm angry with myself
for having been put in the position —
put myself in the position — of hav-
ing to make this choice," he said.

“And I am no less frustrated at
the environment of presidential poli-
tics that makes it so difficult to let
the American people measure the
whole Joe Biden and not just mis-
statements that I have made.“

Biden refused to take reporters'
questions and returned to the Judi-
ciary hearings. where he was lauded
by his fellow senators.

“I would like to say the Demo-
crats have now lost their most artic-
ulate spokesman.“ said Sen. Strom
Thurmond of South Carolina. the
ranking Republican on the commit-

Biden's rivals for the Democratic

said Harrison Witt, chairman of stu—
dent activities television.

A special taped introduction by
US. Surgeon General (‘. Everett
Koop will start the program. Then a
25-minute film. “The AIDS Movie.“
will be shown with an AIDS expert
and educator talking to a group of


nomination were quick to react to
his withdrawal.

“I'm very saddened by it." Mas-
sachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis
said in Iowa. “It takes a lot of cour~
age to do what he has done -— to put
the Judiciary Committee‘s responsi-
bilities ahead of his future."

“It‘s one more down note." Rep.
Patricia Schroeder, D~Colo. “And I
think we all get tarnished by that

students, said Mary Brinkman.
health education coordinator.

“Three people # a black homo-
sexual man. a heterosexual woman
who received AIDS from her boy-
friend and an intravenous drug user
who had AIDS last year and are now
dead will speak very personally on a

Collins said

videotape about AIDS." Brinkman

During the program. sexual atti-
tudes. television‘s sexual promiscui-
ty. a clinical approach and students
from New York will discuss instal.
ling condoms on campus. Brinkman

she’ll call

special session in month

Associated Press

Layne Collins said yesterday she
will call the Kentucky General As-
sembly into special session. proba-
bly next month, to deal with the
state's debt~ridden workers‘ com-
pensation program.

Collins said after a meeting with
key legislators that “we've all come
together" on a proposal that. in its
present form. would assess Ken-
tucky employers an extra $110 mil-
lion per year for 30 years.

She spoke at a news conference in
her office. flanked by Senate Presi-
dent Pro Tem John “Eek“ Rose,
Home Speaker Don Blandford,
Home Majority Whip Kenny Rapier
and Sen. Ed O‘Daniel.

“Based on the information they
have given me and the conversation
we have had today. there will be a
special session.“ Collins said.
“Right now we have a plan, we have
a concept that everyone has agreed
to support. However. we still have

some details to work out. . . It will
probably take through the weekend
before we have everything com-

Collins said she was “pretty sure"
the special session would be ordered
for October. but nothing further had
been decided

Basic details of the current plan to
fund workers' compensation had
been known for more than a week.
They were contained in draft legis-
lation written by O'Daniel. D-Spring-

Under the plan. all employers. in»
cluding the coal industry. would pay
an extra $70 million per year for the
program. Coal employers then
would pay $40 million per year on
topof that.

Coal was singled out for a yeater
share because coal miners' black
lung accounts for the lion's share of
occupational disease awards from
the workers‘ compensation Special

The Special Fund already is
obliged to pay 81.7 billion in future

See COLLINS. Page 7


 2 — KENTUCKY KERNEL. “My. Septunber 24, 1 987


Squeeze’s ‘Babylon and On’ does just
that with relationships and loneliness

Arts Editor


A & M Records

,\ 4

" é
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8 89

What was the last Squeeze album
in recent memory that didn‘t deal
with the overriding theme of alco
holism and its destructive effects?

It's a trick question. There isn‘t

Ever since the band reformed
three years ago as rehabilitated al-
coholics, they have been patting
themselves on the back for it with
songs about their forlorn, narcissis-
tic misadventures.

The second installment in this
phase is Babylon and On. which is
exactly what the album does. And
what it’s babbling about is bad
relationships and the lighter side of

Of course, Glenn Tilbrook and
Chris Difford, the co-songwriters
here, would sell their mothers to
gypsies for a rhymed couplet. “No
more the drugs and the drinking,"
goes “Tough Love,“ “Her heart can
stop sinking/Now that he‘s home
once again." And they still have the
ability to strike some of the simplest
truths as on “Cigarette of a Single
Man“ with lines like, ”The book he
reads is on the floor/He's read it
several times before."





In the early days, Squeeze was de-
cidedly a singles band. The albums
were compilations of songs with top-
ics ranging from psycho-groupies
(“Annie Get Your Gun") to mastur-
bation (“Touching You, Touching
Me"). The music was the binding
thread —keyboards and guitars built
on beat and bordering on overkill.

Now it is the lyrics that have nar-
rowed and the music that is broa-

“The Prisoner“ is the only track
that reverts back to the dance-floor
formula of old with couplets that are
darkly humorous: “He‘s helping her
to see/Haw a marriage can be ba-
ked/Baked like a cake but without a










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file/The tool that she needs to make
her life worthwhile."

Front man Tilbrook has taken
over most of the instrumental
chores. He has toned down the gui-
tar involvement of earlier efforts
and switched his inter-fits to key-
boartt. horns. the banjo and sitar.
Guitar solos are rare here. and
when they do appear, it is mixed be—
hind the keyboards and vocals.

The result is shifting tempos that
are a Squeeze trademark and an ex-
panded, almost orchestrated. sound
that isn't. However, things get
spread so thin that the backbeat of
old is lost in layers of instruments
and electronics.

The fact that the band’s aim is
shifting seems only to show that
they are maturing, as musicians and
individuals. The spontaneity of a
song like “Sex Master" is pretty far
gone. In its place is a shift toward a
style that is more ambitious, though
it lacks some of the earlier frivolity.

Erik Reece
Arts Editor



The lottery is coming
to Lexington Saturday

Staff reports

This Saturday, concert-goers
may be confined thinking they're
in line for UK basketball tickets.
Not because of Rupp Arena. But
because of the new system for
distributing concert tickets

This new system, eliminating
the need to arrive at ticket win-
dows more than 1% hours before
the start of ticket sales, will be
implemented when Pink Floyd
tickets go on sale this Saturday

Jeff Bojanowski, Rupp Arena
box office manager, said that as
a result of Bon Jovi, U2 and other
concert ticket sales over the
years, another method of ticket
distribution was needed. “We
can’t deal with campers.” he
said. “We’ve received complaints
from parents. Civic Center busi-
nesses and our patrons.”

Bojanowski added that with pa-
trons camping out on Rupp Arena
property, the arena then becomes
responsible for those people. And
this is a major concern for Rupp
Arena officials especially since,
as Bojanowski said, “the camp-
ing turns into a basic party atmo-
sphere day and night."

Rupp Arena officials said that
arena doors will open at 7:30
am. this Saturday with the ran-
dom drawing at 8:30 am. This
drawing will determine each pa-
tron’s position in one of the eight
ticket lines. Then ticket sales will
start at 10am.

The officials emphasized that
this new type of random drawing
will only be used at Rupp Arena
Ticket Windows, and other ticket
outlets will administer queue
lines. During the first day of
sales, 50 cents will be charged
per ticket to cover the added cost
of the queue lines.





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KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. September 24. 1907 — 3





Two employees of Peipe Works Construction Co. hoe-ram a set
of steps by the UK law building yesterday afternoon, The compa~


ny was contracted to replace several sets of deteriorating steps

on the University campus.





Partial cease-fire claimed in Nicaragua

Associated Press

MANAGUA. Nicaragua The
government announced a partial
cease-fire with contra rebels yester-
day to start unilaterally, and it said
an opposition radio station could re-
open immediately.

President Daniel Ortega did not
specify a timetable for his leftist
government‘s truce plan but said:
“We are working on concrete ac-
tions to make known the first zones
where the cease-fire will be de-

He said troops would be with-
drawn to designated areas in a par-







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tial truce as a step toward a total
cease—fire with the U.S.