xt7hmg7ftz9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftz9v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1979 1979 1979-10-12 2020 true xt7hmg7ftz9v section xt7hmg7ftz9v i " ' -.._ WI", 7" T wmfifimwflfiwwww’ “7" W “”7 7v ' I
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Vol. Lxxn. No. or University of Kentucky
Friday. (WOW ‘2. ”79 9 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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,3, 9, . '34, «9 9 9.9 _ , , .. 9.99999. 9 . i: q~ .. 9 9 W , ,
[11M '1 ‘ 3 9,2? “ A: . 9’ 99 9994’ 5.9, 99 3 :{Ko 9: 9,9 (,9 99 ‘9‘ 9 9 .yfi; I‘ 1",‘J‘ . x ‘3?“
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EX'UK C039 aY says 9 was? '4" 3- V” ‘5 -‘ * t. m ' , . ., r grit-sexier :
or . ‘ ‘ .' at V 2" I“. ’ . .3" . ””- r" , a- . .. ~ “4i!“ rat-”"K.
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9 5&4 {a ,. h . -. . 9 e , .. :.’ “ I ”:3" . - - -, " t ’,
enjoye IS I ca years 439$”, pint. 1.". ‘9' * -‘ .v..~ it. , ‘ Wax iii '
9 . ~99 %' I a ‘1‘? *9 9197' ’ i A " .v a 9“ h v .9 A "u" , V; ‘9, “9999 y, is
».., 9 i, x 9 9 9. '4‘. 9 «,9 ~93. . ~ 9 , -
By JOHN CLAY “But I had to saythose things. How @- "j w, , 9 f’” 9,9- _ r s. i ‘5 . . '° ‘99 9' .99
9, spam Editor could those young men believe in § 3‘ 9 4 - ‘ ' ' _ 999, W 9 ' ‘5',“ ', “(,3
' themselves ifwedidn‘t believe inthem. "é‘ 99 ’ 93”,, - s . ' ‘ ‘ ‘- .n, at m"
“Here at Kentucky we didn‘t win a We knew we had to do something to W?" .,9 i9 99 4. 9 9 _ ' 9,. :1 c 'a'; '99” i" . , 9 , 999999 ' ‘ - 9 ' -
lot of football games, but we had fun put a little interest in the football ‘ .9;' . ‘3" “y 5 i, ’ /;.. #1 “- (a. 79%! " - - s
9 9 new-- M « » 9 3%,, (*3/39. . 9.,» 99;. t . - ." 9 i
trying.” former UK football coach program." 9 9 ' ,fjkffit932-9y ’9 quip 9 : 9 9 , 1‘ 9 . £9, f‘é: ..,_~ .. 9
John Ray told the Wildcat Club at the Although Ray convinced UK and ~99 "J s1. ‘1‘»- 9 ' . i . _ _ - . t’ 9. "9,21 - . , '3 i ‘ a ‘s
- - - - r. " - . -..- wit/’4. , -- .“ “ . ,. ~-Ir
Hyatt Regency last night. state offiCials to bUlid Commonwealth 9.. 4.9. 9» 5.9 1;; 39.9% \99,999 It 9 9 999,9 99399; .9 9
Ray came to UK in I969 after Stadium, he was fired before it was ,9 " 9"” , jg“ -, ., 9 we; . V it i ' "A . u," " .- W99 ,j’j’, 9 9 .
serving as assistant coach to Ara completed. 2,: ‘, 9 9f ' .1 . ,9 ,9 [‘ Ki 9; 9., my?" " I :9 [I . I . . 9;. 9.9,"~ '-'_‘ 99 3,,3‘ ' '0
Parseighan at Notre Dame. In four “You wouldn‘t have that football .930 ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘43,..9 t 99 y .91. E", 9- ' ' 3 _. “--;,' 9 . 1-, 94,-: .9 1
years. his teams won only l0 games stadium if people hadn‘t shown 31f 9, ' 9i '1 ' g ‘3, "if. 9_‘ ‘- ”f” v- .~
and Ray was dismissed. Fromtherc he enthusiasm for the football program." , _9 ' .. N" ‘ -. , 1‘ 4,9 ‘ 9 7 fl; . ’i ~¢~
went to the Buffalo Bills. where he Ray said. N 91.9 "9. ‘r ,. ”99 9,9999 [’99 t, _ ., 9 9 - .. " ' I ‘5 95g<.99f$4299,,.
served as defensive coach under Lou Ray also asked the club members to 9 9 9} a4 . ' - 1,56, 9 2:9!“ 9 t. . ., " .9- ' :9 . " 9 V v .99 ‘ ‘53:: 9.9999 -
Saban. 9 9 be patient with present coach Fran . ‘ .9 “39,“ > 9 . $5.9 9" 999 h" 3 ,/ 9 9 9 95:9; «- - 999’ 9999-9 9',“ 9"”;
Ray is now selling insurance in CurCi and his staff. 1237’, “9r,“ 9,?“ "’,..,,,,I.' it" 7” f 99 it ' l” ' ~ .9312: w ' w 99 9‘3” "9 ‘ " ’ " ' ‘5 '
South Bend. lnd. “i just hope that you give coach .9 5 9. ",r' 4" tr. 4" 4 is. ’ f9 " ‘- 9*“ 9 -_---«»~~¢,»~_m~ WW ””3"“?
“You can see my voice hasn't Curci and his staff time to bounce 9 ’ if M ;, I ' ‘. . 5? , . 9 .L an»- .2'.‘ "J"t‘" iii" .
improved ahellofa lot,"quipped Ray. back." said Ray. “Here at UK you are "’"_~99,9,‘95;9 .29’ l' 2w ». -"‘ ’ 99 ‘ 9 .49,- t'! fin ,. 5,": 9.9 - “ - 99 ‘ 99s,. 9; .. {,3-
whose hoarse voice was one of his limited because of your geographic #34 t 5‘ ‘ ; f, .v ’7' ‘. .5, «'fl jm.‘ 1.49; 5.9 ' “3-; "’t " #397“ ,
trademarks. “You can see l still do a location and the number of high -. _99 , ,r "/ 99 99.9, , ”'- ‘“ 9.9 r.“ 9 . ., " ~99...- , "K‘w’f'fiia9' 9 “gr." “ 3
lot of talking. schools playing football. And then 3,9. '9/9, 99 1"" 9 9?, 9 999 1.9 ;9{§“9~. ‘99 '19é9w‘9“ ‘ 5- .96“ f ;.,"' 9‘ 'v "r ' "
“i remember the friends that i had when you have discipline problems , 9 999. .44 A» as ,L “V 5:: ‘ 3", 99,9999 4... fii'fit 9‘ 9 3? 14912;}, ,9. ,, a, , "'
and still have. Kentucky has always which i thought Curci handled 9%“, ‘WW 4 9- 1,9999 99 ~ .9995.”th e9 . 9 99-», .. ml» 9.99 “9 ~ 7:7” 9.99 ‘4”
been kind of close to my heart." said beautifully m and injuries. you just ’ ' _-;z’”.9,-"9-‘*;; A _ 9-,, 9- 9. -w..9,,jy 9 &* :fikxg 1M , . {5‘- - ’ 99- “V ' -.9. 999‘ 9:; 9 .
Ray. “We wanted to come back haven‘t been able to build upthe depth 3y MARK IROWN/Kernelatafl
:Ei‘ézemizgiiink so much Of the state 33:2]; 092:2: {[13:22:63’9‘: affix: Ken Dennison. a pre-med senior. and Lezlei 9Swanson an A & S field trip. This excursion was one of the many activities conducted by the ' ‘
When Ray came [0 UK he boldly “99119.. sophomore are shown rapelling down a cliff during a recent weekend Kentucky Rangers. a 28-member group within the UK ROTC program. 9
predicted that under his tenure the Ray admitted that those problems - -
Wildcats would win the Southeastern hurt his recruitin here, as did the E l/ f / 9
Conference. go to a bowl game and be success of UK's bfsketball program. "’0 ment up ram 381‘ year ~
ranked in the top ten. None of these “One year i had great players— five
predictions came true. of which went to Ohio State. four to I I I I
“People ask me if i made a mistake Michigan and two to Notre Dame ~-
by saying all those things," said Ray tell me in my office that they would -
9. “Hell no! The football program was play for me. But when they got home.
down. Before i came here they were the other coaches used things to
9 only averaging l2.000 people at a change their mind and one of things By DALE MORTON military orasix-yeareniisimentinthe Within RO'lC are tw0 organim‘ commands." said Patty Gnus. a
game and i came from Notrc Dame. they would use is the basketball Staff Writer national guard or reserve. tions which act as "military member and business administration
the epitome 0t ‘30“68‘? football. program." said Ray. However. ifa college freshman has fraternities" and one “military senior.
Charlie (Bradshaw. football coach at “111 bet Fran is having problems Enroilment in [TK‘s Reserve previous experience in the military. sorority." Debbie Ash. anthropology
9, UK before Ray) told me he wished he wrth Wildcat Lodge," he continued. omens Training Corps program, has attended mec- wars of rumor These organizations the Pershing sophomore and executive officer of . ’
. could have talked ‘0 mt before l 8‘“ "When a ktd comes in here and sees which is divided into two segments: RO TC ta program oflered to high Riiles. the Kentucky Rangers and the the Kentucky Babes.saidthatthis“co-
the .tOb- That it “'85 impossible. Continued on page 3 basic and advanced 7 increased from school students). or attended six weeks Kentucky Babes are given "a free unit” 0f the Pershing Rifles is purely
-;-9,,99~ 9 222 to 330 students this year. of basic training. they cart enter the hand in what they do." Smith said. an CXhtbttiOh team. 9
, 99 fire/5% 9:999 included within UK‘s four-year advanced program immediately. “They elect their own officers, “We will do the colorguard for the
z " '7' . _9 9. undergraduate program. ROTC ’l hese student receive their decide how much to drill and set up Lady Kats games and the upcoming
"-9" ; 9,9,9. . supplements the regular academic commission upon completion of their their own schedules." Smith said. volleyball tournament.“she said.“0ur
9999 L ’ 99 program. said Col, Wade C. Smith. sophopmore year. said Capt, Charles lhe Pershing Rifles are basically a colorguard is provided free 0f charge.
9 9999 9. ‘ 9 professor of military science. Mudd. assistant professor of military military drill team composed of (although)otherteamsmentionedthat -
9 . .. 4 ' For freshman and sophomores. the seicnce. approximately 25 members. said their they 80t paid." .-
“a. 529” 9;; 99 . basic program offers an introduction Anot her exception to the captain, Carl Hulsewede. The Kentucky Rangers have L
”Q“ ,y/ U .53 to the military in the form of military commission rule involves scholarship lhe general studies senior said they approximately 28 cadets as members. , 9 9
fly” 3, seience classes. Smith said. These students; students entering LTK 9on9a provide the color guard for UK and “We try “’9 key9on 9011td0°t aCtthteS.”
/ students are not committed to the ROTC scholarship can also begin in the lexrngton community. and also said Dennis RmSthv commmanding '
, service; they don‘t have a dress code. the advanced program participate in inter-collegiate drill officer 0f the Rangers. “We try to EtVC -
9 ' " ‘ are not required to participate in drills Students are free to choose which meets, cadets practical field experience.“ .
”1% _ .. 9 ’ i and can wear their hair at any length. military branch army. navy. marine liK's team consistently finishes MOSt 0t their activities are
m ' * Students who continue in ROTC or air force they wanttoioinfimith within the top IO in the drill meets scheduled for Saturdays. bUt they Stt“ '
”,9, - /' .. after their sophomore year move into said. which are attended by between l0 and have to take into consideration the .
- ' the advanced program and are Extra~curriculat activities are 40 colleges. Hulsewede said. weather, the engineering senior said.
,,:‘i:'_999.:§:. ( required to sign a contract with the designed to give ROTC students Within the Pershing Rifles. there is These activities range from rafting " ‘
A armed services. Smith said. “practical experience" in military an orienteering team. a tactical team down the Kentucky River. rapetlins '- -.
/ __ When they graduate. they receive a practices. and the rifle team. The orienteering and parachuting 0‘" 0t airplanes. I
i t commissionas secondlieutenantatthe There are three different modulars team determinesgeographic locations. Rapelling is probably the most
\ same time they receive their diploma. which provide different “training UK's female drill team. the popular (and most frequent) activity '
' he said. A commission commits the services," for ROTC students. Smith Kentucky Babes. was the “first in the 0f the Rangers. said KCVih Kelly. ‘
JOHN RAY sttidenttothree yearsactivedutyinthe said. nation to use sabers and french geography junior. .
, .
oda! p__—_————————————-——————~— Ky. agenczes can regulate :-
Brown campaign manager Larry Townsend said House Speaker Thomas P.0'Neillpredictcdaclose I 9 ‘
Kennedy “is very interest:d in the neivhborhood vote. He su ested the home heating pro osal had ' f I
'Ocal health-center concept. We chose Park Duville for him great Phhttcgtgappeai- P transportation O "”0 ear waste .
NEARLY 29000 SIGNATURES have been to visit because it was through the work of John F. Amendments aimed at reimposing heatmito“ Pncc
collected in a petition drive aimed at blocking the Kennedy that the center was originally funded." 3'9"”: were 0‘3er as the ”99:56 oegan “Kan"? a By SY RAMSEY extent of regulatory authority of the
'. Fayette County school board‘s proposed property tax ":9 Egcarr'grgmaffirmrnotc? l‘mrg’ programs m Assrttlatcd Press Writer two departments wehre the definitions
. rate. a leader of the drive said yesteray. FIDEL CASTRO SHI . . 7 y _ 9ga . ' ' 9. _ overlap" Brodkey said. “Neither - 9 .
H. Nicholson Carter. a Lexington lawyer, said - ' ”Dan I" 23m POLK!“ In '9 6‘ the" Prcs'dem (mm-Id R' in-rd ref-“med FRANKFORT Two state department has as ofyet promulgated ‘
. . 6.336 signatures are needed 90 call a referendum on t9i99nd dozens of his own guards. spent his first day in controls from the so—9called9 “middle distillate fuels. f h 9 h l t' . th' ;.
. the 999 9999999 ew York Cityin 19 years apparently holed up in the including home heating ml and diesel fuel. (arter 383nm“ avethe powerto regulatet e reg“ 8 tons m is "‘3' h 9 »
9. “With this 9999999099919in weshouldhavemorethan bCuban mission inasoot-begrimed,l3-story red brick could clampthe ltd onagain, but haschoscnnottodo transportation of hazardous wastes Brodkey sluggzsted that t e 9 9 9
59 the necessary “gnaw.“ by Monday or Tuesday." “'T'd'ns Preparing his speech to the United Nations. so. and materials in Kentucky. the enVironmenta an transportation 9
-‘ Carr" said in a news muffler,“ h° CUM" President. who is toaddressthe General attorney general 5 of f ice said departments work out for themselves
9.- Assembly today, was clad tn familiar green fatigues world yesterday. the specific regulations to “OK!
A I state and had a 93‘". an" in his mom“ as h‘ arm“ '3“ | The opinion said the Department of duplication.
I "‘89:" 9" “9:" .fl'gh‘ "°".‘ "”3".“ THE N03” ”“15 FOR MFDK'WE “its Natural Resources and Environment- Management of hazardous waste is
9‘ ANOTHER PROPOSED OL'T-OF-COURT of 3:359; :92" Y“ timing thiF'tytEhS ofthousan9ds9 awarded yesterday to an American and a Briton who al Protection can surpervise regarded as one of the main topics for ‘ -, 9
' settlement was filed yesterday in connection with the remarked durinp 19).! “9'“: Tm“ “"0 Elem”) '" m?" “pm“ “’5 ”'9‘“ demo" 3" x'ra-V hazardous wastes and the Department the I980 legislative session. And a
* '977 Berverly "”15 Supper Club fire disaster which “I am 9909 98 '95 ‘8 etc- 9 99 technique _, computer-assrsted tomography that of Transportation can handle Commission on Hazardous Waste 9 .
9 could bring total settlements to nearly SIS million. p "m“ t° spend a 9smgle Wint- (See enables man to peer "10"? dearly and safely than 0"" ~ M ' d k ’s
The May 28 I977 fire resulted in thedeaths ones ”‘3‘ ”‘mrmm'y 0“ “SW" “'5‘ “-5- “5'“ intothe bodv- hazardous mater'als' '"a‘cmcm-fl “m ‘0 m- e 'e - ~
- ‘ - . - ' - - » “it must be kept clear that recommendations to Gov. Julian ;
. peOple and injuries to another 509 Physrcist Allan M (ormack. 55. of Tufts 9 , . . .9. 9
‘ Previous out-of—court settlements by insurance. Universityin Medford. M35353“ he “'35i‘3mlcd‘it" "m“.m‘“ wastes and . hazardous .Carm” on spCCIftc bins to be t: i
9 “mm“ and owners amounted ,0 $10 million. The HOUSE AND SENATE NEGOTIATORS learn um (he Royal Caroline Medico~Surgical materials are not necessarily the same introduced. ,3. '
9 mum have appointed a receiver ,0 my“, me funds worked yesterday toward a fragile compromise on an Institute had selected him for the I979 prize. His co~ thing." saod Assistant Attorney The US. Environmental Protection '9? -
and collect interest while litigation continues. abortion finanetng ttttpt‘t‘9 that '5 With“! an winnier is Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield, 60. a General Dale Brodkey. Agency has estimated that two-thirds 539
. 9 emergency appropriations bill which seven federal research engineer with the British firm EMI. She advised Ed Hancock. deputy of the hazardous wastes generated in 5“. 99
9 nation «1:33:53: need to keep operating. Cormack and Hounsfield. who for years were transportation secretary for legal the country originate in W states and 1; 9 I
9 8 otally unsettled. however. was the unaware of each other‘s research. wrll shares record affairs. that “hazardous material“ is that h." of those “fl“ border on p.
9 ‘ SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY.D-MASS.. will visit ”p“"‘° “’“wi' 5'5 P‘."°".' P“ m" t°t ”mm “90-000 “mt- “mm“ is the 53m "-5: “"1““‘0 not defined in an statute or Kentucky 5 ' '
. ' 9 Kentuek S turda healthce 9, of Congress which also is tying up the bill. win the medicrne award.which has been dominated by . y ‘ - 9 - ’9: i
y a y to toura nter undedb Kentuck 1: ranked in the to 20 .-
. , . , y There were indications that evenif the conferees are Americans in recent decades regulation. , y p '
9- hn brother and attend a fund-raiser and rally on able to "m on an woman compromise, m, ’ “We recommend that DOT. the states in the volume of hazardous .9
r 9 9 behalf of Democratic gubernatorial nominee John Y. proposal would face a vigorous battle on the Home Department of Transportationset out waste generated within its borders. . , ,
’ . ' , 3'29"“ :9“ 3mm" headquarters said yesterday and Senate floors. Weather 1 a definition or state explicitly that it is Brodkey told Hancock that 2
e s C \y ' . . . . . a .
«in«”13“:33"23.2225‘“:.‘.‘“':.:".‘:..‘:’:.”1°. imam... . 22:32:22,212;.3..i:‘;":::.::...‘;:“1 i:".::::.ya:.:::u‘::::.°:::::':zei .
9 . 9 Louisville‘s 59999999909999 Field 993 .m.and accorn n 9 .9 ticking the votes to stop CHANCE of showers developing today and tonight. _ 9 v d I“, m dc.“ “.999 9.. 9
.. ~ 9 | h' P 9 Pl y President Caner fro9m lifting controls on crude orl Highs today in the low tomid 50s. lows tonight inihe Brodkey 593'd- 9 "W “P 9"!“ to “I ,
im on a tour of the Park Duvalle Neighborhood prices. refocused their efforts yesterday on restoring upper 30: to low ‘05. Saturday will be partly sunny She “Id "hazardous Wflte" '3 transportation of hazardous wute" t. ' ,
9 . ‘ 99‘ Health cmt" 't 130» such a lid on home heating oil this winter. but chilly. with highs in the low 50: clearly defined in Kentucky law. But she said a system of permits is -9 '
' 9 -9 _________-__________..__,.- -,__ .,-_ ,, “There will be some overlap in the cm on III! 3 g .
. t.
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KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel Jay l-‘oaaett 5“" MW! Mark Green 1 Thomas Clark Gary Landon " :‘
Editor in Chief Campus Editor TONI! Young Pllll MIMI Enlcrlammem Editor [Mortar of Phologmphl'
l Aiim'lalr Editor Richard MCDonlid I ‘-. ’
, Cary Willb Lisa Donal-rd Cindy MSG" John (‘Iay David Maynard 1’
Managing Edllul Edi/anal Editor Kirby Stephens Spoils Edi/or Photo Manager '
(‘npi‘ Editors Irla RI | d '- V
o O n c as ._j_-
edltalals & commnts Amt/an! Spam lz‘duur "1
. I . I .
Castro 3 UN VISIt ea 3 to m, . a
- ' ., WlLLthCSlA l :
I773 0r SBCUI'II' r 0 6/778 “l *’ ‘
o MCQPT l . 1’. I
. . ‘ 'l'lle .
‘ Barring unforseen complications, Cuban PreSIdent detachment at Guantanamo was recently quoted as l . l
Fidel Castro will address the General Assembly of the saying that the first he heard about the presence of . STATUS Qbm / t l. . i
United Nations today at “:30 am. The subject of Soviet trops in Cuba was when he read it in the .l‘ I . t l l. i
that speech has remained undisclosed. but Castro, newspaper. Either the military intelligence at the base . ‘i ‘ \ t , 7 7/ t . t . E
whose last speech before the UN's General Assembly is sadly lacking or this entire sowet threat has been fl» . - 9‘ I . ' ‘ .. ______ l y ‘ ; ‘
lasted4and a half hours, the longest ever delivered to ridiculously overblown. The latter ls probably the ‘ +T \ * I 3 . .3
that body, has promised the UN that this one “will not case. . . \ f: t f
be as long." . . _ . _ . . Castro‘s visit to New York. which follows right on : l r/~~ l . fl t il’ ‘ ‘
WhatCastro ‘7‘" not do during hls American “5" '5 the heels of Pope John Paul ll‘s visit to the United l“ l €31.33 i , , ‘3‘ ‘ t
meet w‘lh Presndent Carter to discuss the touchy Nations has presented the UN security authorities . ‘ Ff? ' . .f . ll \ _
subject of Sowet troops in Cuba, an issue which has with another major security headache. The security . l h l‘. \ . ill , ‘1‘ hi ll ‘. .
received a great deal 0f attention 0f late. This ‘5 problems with Castro‘s Visit differ from those got. u . 0‘ l N , all t l ‘ ll \ .1
fortunate. Too much attention has already been given encountered over the pope‘s visit, however. CUBA“ I; .‘,l \‘l '. _ .\\ // ./g h -34, .
to an issue which does nothing so well as make the S _ f . 1 , - . l t‘ 5’ — l“. a / fl t “'l ll -,
United States look foolish. What right has the US to ecurlty tor the pope centered around ‘96an the -_ . _.. ‘e‘ 'l” ‘ ,
bluster and threaten Castro and the Cubans for tover-entfhusmshtlc from "3°“? the pontiff or some ’—-—-'--. if “[0 ‘t’\‘ ’ ‘ -—
allowing Soviet troops of uncertain proportions — anatlcl troml arming hlm‘ _"h Castro th? crowd . 4K0? » — *I] N‘ 0‘ My”!
according to different administration sources it‘s contro anOfVCd must deal WM} hostile anti-Castro % Q~$9W (a W (K ti...“ 73s .
either a“combat force" orafairly insignificant “three sentiment rom Cuban emigrants and the" g 1 I g: l", / g ‘31 0 .
infantry and one tank battalion with 40 tanks" — supporters. a aggllllulf‘gi t O ‘ 1”,. E; .
when the US maintainsaSOOO-strong military base on in an NBC television news interview, Castro was "‘2; °’ N / / l \l‘ ’t", "“ vigh‘p’ in,
. . . I l '
Cuban SOIl at Guantanamo and the 45 square miles of asked about wearing a bullet-proof vest. He laughed, 'lll WU, fl/ tl % u (‘9 ‘ 4
Cuban territory which surround that installation? unbuttoned his fatigue green work clothes. baring his ‘ , n. , ’ i \ div 1‘} M . .
And what‘s more, the troops stationed at unprotected chest and said, “I wearamoralvest.That “Lew-”Ma; -'
Guantanamo are less concerned about the “soviet one has protected me always." UN security forces
threat“ than everyone at home seems to be. Colonel doubtless hope his “moral vest" will hold out during f
Mark Fennessy. commander of the Marine Corps his New York visit. ‘,
I. H 1' th Ed It
T d b-ect what youaretellingus,Mr. Waldorf'?l drunks have a lecture series every entered my mind because eventhough AMA may now attend both meetings Morton also stated that the t
on er 8“ J am sure you were not joining in the Tuesday night? If you had been in i may be “immature“ and “green," I without sacrificing membership in bathroom facilities in the basement '.‘_ r
[was quite displeased withthe letter festivities. Some people have not attendance. you would have witnessed am not conceited enough tothink lam either organization. were “far from modern." if he would t
in the Oct. IO Kernel by James learned to control their drinking, a bunch of “sober" students being better than someone else. Can you For those interested. PBL is have bothered to have inquired (’ t
“Radar" Waldorf concerning the because of strict parents or something perfect gentlemen to their speaker. it make that claim, Radar? designed for business majors and further, he would have found that ', -
unruly, drunken freshmen at Holmes of the sort. Give them time. In the you don‘t believe me ask Ray ln parting l would like to apologize majors in other fields who have 3 these facilities are rarely, if ever. used. I
Hall. This tender subject needs some meantime. do not categorize all Dougherty, Ron Ralston, and Dr. to Psoriasis and the Boat People. lf l desire to increase their knowledge of Why, Mr. Morton, did you not .
clarification. freshmen. Tom Dale. each of whom gave an offended you.lam sorry; but that was the business world through comment on the newly remodeled '
First of all. I am a freshman and As far as the band goes. they were excellent speech on interesting and not an enjoyable performance. i am participation in field trips and various bathroom facilities on each floor, '
quite proud of it, even though the year far from being a million-seller. Also varied subjects. We prefer to think of sorry some of the crowd was unruly, organized activities. which are exceedingly superior to '-
of my birth was clearly determined by the girl who wanted Village People,do ourselves as one of the better but it is human instinct to complain Come and see what PBLhasto offer those in the towers? 1 t
my parents. Also, Mr. Waldorf, you not worry. music never dies as long as organizations on campus and don‘t about something you don‘t like. you. All interested students are Morton also expounded that “on ' :
can take your “unruly. drunken someone listens to it. it is that crap deserve this unjust criticism. By the One last message to Radar. Do you welcome to attend our next meetingto the fourth floor, the only fire door . "
/ freshmenatHoImes Hall"attitudeand called punk rock that cannot get way, what did you really think of look down upon freshmen Randy be held Oct. lo at 6:30 pm. opened without sounding the alarm." " '
shove it. started. in closing,lwouldliketo send Psoriasis and the Boat People? Jenkins, Sam Bowie, Dirk For your information, Mr. Morton. .
Secondly. we are sorry if we know a message to all bands like Psoriasis, Minniefield, Charles Hurt, and all the Terri Hartley we have two fire exits on the fourth ' '
what good rock and roll sounds like. do not worry about even being asked Peter A. Margaritis other outstanding freshmen who help Business Administration senior floor, instead of one, which you
The overall opinion of those Who to perform for us; even freshmen can Undecided freshman make UK the great university it is? 86 f obviously neglected to investigate. f
attended the performance of Psoriasis learn from their mistakes! Holmes Hall House Council president Drum in conclusion, it is our opinion that -

‘ and the Boat People is quite commom. John O'Brien As a member of UK Student Dale Morton, Cindy McGee,and Kim :
Frankly, lyrics like “we wear Arthur T- SWanberg Open your eyes Computer Science freshman Government disinterested in the Aubrey did a poorjob of following up ~ .
deodorant tampons"isn‘texactlywhat Engineering freshman l J “R d ,, Holmes Hall House Council vice upcoming gubernatorial election. l'd Jay Fossett‘s article on our faulty
i would call mature rock and roll. it response to ames a ar president like to reply to Jim Strom‘s letter(0ct, alarm system. it is a cheap shot to '

~ Waldorf‘s letter to the editor about the . . p
Also, ltappeared thatthe onlytalented Sober students 1' f H l H ll f h _ ll). continually bnng outsuch pettyfaults.
members of the group were the bassist Th' . . 3an m6: 0 do mes a f :5 rnen Stereotyp|ng First. our planned forum on Oct. 25 which, more than likely, could be ' ,
and the drummer. ‘5 is '" ”5pm“ '0 ‘h‘. mm "3‘": the p; or???“ 0 50m“ I would like to say a few words in was out. no matter what wedidAt our found in anydormatUK,whilcfailing ,
Finally. I‘m sure that Holmes Hall conccmmg the conduct or the an l 7 .0” cop e, am Sf",ry‘° say .. .. Oct. 8 meeting we learned that our to giveequalconsiderationtothe more - .
« . . freshmen at Holmes Hall. Let me ask that thiSlmmature “greenie‘ disagrees. response ‘0 James Radar Waldorf‘s - - - . . .
Will have better bands and parties in . 'd' l . - - original plans were no longer posmble favorable conditions here at Boyd. For ‘
. . you, how did you know that we were I was at the dance and l was sober " 1°“ ous stereotyping Of an entire _ - . . . . .
the upcoming months, smce your . . . i F' “R d .. one of the candidates could not the record, our liVlng conditions are
, drunk? Did you give everyoneabreath along With 95 percent of the people c 355- "5h does a ar mean you . . ; .
attitude towards freshmen and . h h b'l' appear. far from being poor. It is hard to .a . .
- . . test? This steams me that you would that were there. The members of the 3V“ c a l “y ‘0 SPOi a freshman 0" - ~ . - . l .
Holmes Hallisntworth anythingto us . ~ h ~ .. k .,.. W We briefly conSidered permitting a believe that the Kernel would tolerate .
call the reSldents of Holmes Hall a band have a great deal of talent, but 5‘8 l or 1‘15! ma C waves. hy d0 . . . . . . . i .
or anyone else. , , - representative of the candidate to such irresponSIble investigative .-
bunch of unruly drunks. Answer this, when they play together they dont you COhSId" all unruly drunks ‘0 be - ~ .'. ’
. . . . . f ., appear, but concluded that this reporting. .
two years ago when the UK Wildcats sound quite right. But i did not write reshmen. "a" you ever attended a - ‘.
Wayne Minor . f . UK f arrangement would be unfair to UK . .
Electrical Engineering freshman won the NCAA basketball this letter to cut on the band. raternlty Dani’f” a 09th?“ students they should have the Lil! SCI" I r
Holmes Hall treasurer tournament. l witnessed over 5000 [wrote this letter to opentheeyes of 83"“? Surely, being the maiUl’CJUthr opportuiiity to see the candidates in Undecided freshman 7. :
students yelling. screaming and being a certain upperclassman who has bad thahyou “Pr you ha‘: been exposed ‘0 person (This letter W“ also signed by Boyd ; 7 ,3
destructive at Blue Grass Field while taste andaprejudiceagainst freshmen. suc experiences an you ”all“ that W ll" ll - d Hall residents Jenny Smith, Terry 4 r
- - n as l. k h .-‘ «
No_|onger people? waiting forthe team to arrive from St. Just a few pe0pl€ SChihS TOWdY does many of these d'runkards . are p0literal]“Aaffihgcggrcnmh?” atso fit”: Common. Perl Kennedy, Cecilia GO": '2 i
This letter is to all freshmen on the Louis. Were they a bunch of drunken not give justification for the guys at upperclassmen. Arenttthey 59"th a determine if another date would be Sharon Bradford. Judy Kepler, Lisa
UK campus. Straighten up, you‘re at freshmen? No!!! They were the Holmes Hall to beclassified as unruly fihe example for 01" l"IPWSSthable mutually convenient to both parties Hardin. Terri Miller, and Brenda 1:;
college now! You are no longer people, majority of the campus population — drunks. lam sure that there are plenty "“hdS? - - ~ ' Woodrum.)
. . - Failing that, the committee was asked ~
you are freshmen. You no longer have upperclassmen outnumberlng the of upperclassmen who express their ”Sf“ that anapology lsdue forthe to invite both candidates to a car (Editor's note: The story written by i.
the right to criticize. You cannotdrink freshmen. feelings when they are intoxicated. OthXIOUS h¢h3V|°rt°W3YdSth¢ band, separately in this event (the pifiost Kernel staff writer Dale Morton, With ' 5
or become unruly. All these things are Before you go criticizing us at As to being looked down upon but Whyaccuseall freshmenwhenonly probable case)asmuch asitispossible contributing informatlom from copy '
reserved for upperclassmen. ls this Holmes Hall, wouldabunch of unruly because I am a freshman, this never a small minority attended? Perhaps the same I 'llbe k' t' editor Cindy McGeeandrepofler Kim
Mr. Waldorf should be the one Pm w‘ as "‘8 “u“ ”“5 . ‘
you: .. . _ _ of each candidate Aubrey. was not a followup on Boyd .
_ . ( . . ‘0 grow “P~ Broad generalizations In this fashion .we ho to salva e Hall‘s faulty fire alarm system. It was ’
nggztfifgmm \_ , -:\\ - ,_____,, - are, more often than not. linked to one rtofo . . l l pew“ fwgr directed at improvements made on '
\‘NK. Gee NOW ‘ with a narrow mind. and also p“ "Long“ p ans. .' c c e the residence hall since last year.)
~ \ - students Will hear both candidates. at
\I , repeatedly proven wrong. . .
\ THAT WMeNllON ln concl - f . . least they Will have the opportunity ——
h - . . ’ uslon, l ound one posmve rovided both can d' d t . .
l t I ll. 1WT6UQE, , l note in your letter. Many freshmen p l a es come. One more “me 2
~ l . . * a ,. Wt“ 0N9 w , t:.:;:::::.t*:.::‘:l2222:”W ........... mm .. »
I , X“ i 7 r ‘- l / I H6 K5939. " 7 7‘ F" t! ' 80 Senator somewhat tedious “issue" of the past ’3 .t,
l" { j ' .lla . .— ~_ , a ‘ K th F at few weeks. l wish to ask the Kernel ; _ -
. l l ‘ ‘ l l t‘J \- t 7 g: ‘Ni ‘ ‘ , l A; g frr:shrnan BOYd supported staff to shed some light on a related 3 .
‘1: I ‘4 l I ‘ 1’" (if); ' o, 91’.» . I We. fourth floor residents of Boyd coincidence. It seems peculiar that the 4
fl ‘ , . , l ‘ . Hall, would like to make a complaint commentaries by Joe Lincoln always ti l
t; . {V t,» l l l A , .1" PBL V8. AMA referring to the Oct. 9 article turn up during a drought of letters to l
l , < ° ' ‘ l .- . / 4 Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) and the concerning our residence hall. This the editor. This advantageous timing 3
‘ ' V "ll; 74/ _ ’ ‘ I 1 ”VI l "" :3 American Marketing ASSOCiIiiOH article wasagrossmisinterpretation of provokes a flurry of controversies. t
i ”z”? \ . .1/ , .®‘ l I@ a 3: (AMA) have been in competition for the general opinion of the conditions naturally increasing circulation-and l t
I l 2' / XJ ll 1 t I. ' ' members this ye"- h°ih are bum“! in Boyd Hall. maintaining the value'o'f advertising i l
1 Y / l ‘ . \‘ ‘ l 3.7 g organizations with I lot to offer their For example, Dale Morton‘s article space in the Kernel. This is my attempt i j
z (( . . l Ii 7 i ’ ,_ 4 a“ x {33/ members and bOth h0ld meetings on stated that “some fourth floor to turn the tables as to who is