xt7hmg7ftw4t_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftw4t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftw4t/data/2009ms132.0267.dao.xml Voyles, Vilmer, 1919-2001 0.23 Cubic Feet 5 folders archival material 2009ms132.0267 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Vilmer Voyles World War II prisoner of war diary Prisoners of war -- Germany Prisoners of war -- Italy. Prisoners of war -- Transportation. Prisoners' writings, American. World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Africa, North. World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, German Vilmer Voyles diary text Vilmer Voyles diary 2019 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftw4t/data/2009ms132.0267/Box_wh_3/Folder_1/Multipage344.pdf 1945 1945 1945 section  xt7hmg7ftw4t_4 xt7hmg7ftw4t 39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftw4t/data/2009ms132.0267/Box_wh_3/Folder_1/3_1_0001.jpg 1588 1965 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftw4t/data/2009ms132.0267/Box_wh_3/Folder_1/3_1_0001_tb.jpg https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftw4t/data/2009ms132.0267/Box_wh_3/Folder_1/3_1_0001_ftb.jpg Jan. 1, 1945 (mon) I [freed?] my [illegible] tonight. I, Jr, Junge took Xmas decorations down this even.  This morn I, Jr, pete has spuds (fried) [illegible] good, coffee (jr.) bread, toast. "Shorty George" up this morn early and comes to each in bed and shakes hand and says "Happy New Year" Gave Jitter my British field jacket tonight. Cleaned up my mess equipment late around 9:00. I and Jr. has cup of coffee after this and washed 2-guns "numeral puzzle". I, Jitter, Frenchey and "Gery" gets new [illegible] this morn early. Our boy gone away all day. Snow on today a good bit. Under officia up here tonight for a short while.  This even late [illegible] up. I cleaned up showered polished, washed  hair and pr. trousers and a towel [illegible] and belt and wash cloth.

 Jan. [22?], '45 - A cold day still cold. We built fire today and had going all day. Young Polish highschool teacher worked with us in woods today. Hooper leaves this even or not working. Fixing covers on wagon today. Things are popping - looks like time to be spent on this farm is getting short. "Shorty" out getting in his wood this morn. leaves this even bids us a farewell gives me meat. I and [illegible] fries spuds tonight.  Jan. 21, '45 - Heard today 7 Jerries got order to leave for Army. I and Junge fries spuds tonight. Gave "Shorty George" little girl a box of prunes today. His wife here today. boys here this even. Nichola here this even. late with a Frenchman who had

 Wed. Jan. 24, '45 I and Rap on bricks with Franz at station still 11:00 Ben Jery and Hubert [illegible] Nice day but big frost on this morn. I on for fruestuck. After Frue I and pop, mother, Ben and [Mab?] unloaded 1 load of brick for 30 min. Rest of [illegible] on [illegible] handing seeds only. I alone in barn, Got shoes [this even?] morn [illegible]. Only Dumpy, Zuba, and Ashley in woods. No lights tonight until 11 or little later. To bed very early and didn't get up to eat. Tues. Jan 23, '45 Shorty and guys leave this morn. Still preparing for evacuation. Rumors many and hot. Sure makes one fat good. [I bet?] Uklain out with us today. Sure cold out today. Many planes today.

 Fri. Jan, 26, '45 - A cold, cold day nearly froze a strong wind and spitting snow. So cold in home tonight. Jim fixes supper tonight - meat and spuds. No lights again [illegible] makes light out of shoe grease. No fellows looking over [illegible] or tonight. I and Pap played game of chess after dinner finished up by fire light. [illegible] town people are going to to be above 300 pds each family. [Edg?] heard this morn. Many planes today. We finished patch of woods up the snow. Had 2 cups of coffee to drink after sup. [matches of otto the morn?] , [illegible]. Thurs. Jan, 25 45 Jim makes Jr and [illegible] cake today. Underofficer here brought after dinner says "no good" "won't be long now" all day sky full of planes especially Ju's 52. No lights tonight or water. Water turn on for short while, cold out today, had fire built all day, stayed up late 12:00 suppose for lights none so went off to bed. I and Jr cuts cake around 7:00 or :30 suppose and had coffee and cheese, bread. Got extra box after dinner. Room catched on fire tonight (26th jitter box tonight at dinner Frenchman here)

 Nichols [crossed-out] I packing up things tonight looking to move out soon. Compacking papers, shaved this even. Marko and I opened turkey tonight, he has maconia for we two. Jan. 27, '45 - A terrible bad day. Only and Ashley and I out in woods. Zuba and Marko in horse shit stalls. Snowing out today hard. Shit spreading stopped this even. looks like we'll be away in a few days. Boxes got out at dinner time I and [Prince?] get em out and let em draw. Sawed down pine trees in opening today Built fire this morn and had all day. Got things out and was packing tonight.

 Jan. 29, '45 - A terrible bad day. Snowing like hell this morn. Most of us in horse stall hauling out shit. Came in at 11 or late about for Fruehstueck and then lefted for bahnhof to shovel snow. Came a terrible snow storm around 1:30. In tonight very cold. I and Pop plays 3 or 4 games of chess after sup. Also had a cup of cocoa to|drink|or|haff| to a man. Underofficer came up here this morn when "Shorty George" opened up was on way to Stolp. no train. Vaq, gets sick today in. Jan 28, '45 - On railroad detail this morn. from here to Muttrin. No breakfast back at 12 or about away at 8:00. Very very cold out us guys clothe to have frozen. This even. I washed out some clothes and took a bath. Corp. here haircutting this even.

 Shorty George” up after I [to bed?] to get bandage for 1 hand [blister?].  German observation plane flying around [town?] today came down past us the [illegible] few feet from the ground. [illegible] in today.
Jan. 30, ’45— On [lump?] spreading today. I, Pop, [Name?] & [Name?].  Snow mighty deep and awful cold out. Boys goes to shovel snow out [station?] today. We came in for [illegible] today. I & [name?] plays chess tonight after dinner. I get package tonight.  Heard today that Adolp [sic] H. takes over Ger. Army that Ger. officers had deliberately given over to Russians.  [Marko?] and [name?] on water today. [Marko?] fall in water. Rumor today that Russians in [town?] Sees back tonight or even from [Schuster?] [Name?], Jr. & I makes pancakes tonight. [illegible]

 Feb. 1, ’45 — Cigarette package came today brought this [illegible] by [illegible].  Lots warmer today sprinkling rain all day, snow melting off fast very sloopy [sic] out got feet wet this morn. [Town?] turns out again for snow shoveling this [even?] [Old?] G I out except us us in [illegible] marking [illegible], I, Ashley, Ben Greg & Pete on [illegible]. “Belt face” and Franz out to woods. Boys says lot of [illegible] and [soldiers?] on road today all day. [Junge?] is today also [illegible].  got lot of matches from [illegible] this even. Ger. Soldier came up this morn. with “Shorty George” on front 2 1/2 yrs. spoke polish.  Tore up scarf this morn. Hooper & guys back today.
Jan. 31 ‘45 — New time today 12 to 1:30 noon off at 5:00. We all on snow today all day on road to [Mirttron?]. This even. all women turned out.  Lots of [illegible] on road today. Jim bakes my cake [(gingerbread0?] this morn. [Junge?] [illegible] in this even. I ate no [illegible] tonight off to bed & didn’t get up. [Frenchman?] [(evac)?] [stays?] with [French?] tonight
[written sideways] [May?] birthday present

 Fri. Feb 2 ’45 — Eng. lads here today. Bad, bad day raining out and snowing. We in woods come to birch trees.
Sat. Feb ’45 3  I in today sick. Cold out today. Took bath real late [illegible], boys came in. Got picture [“Romania”?] from [Mikala?] today. 2 gals up here tonight.
Sun. Feb. ’45 4  Shorty George up here tonight for a long long time. Says he’s leaving. [Name?] officer here too for last time. Says 2 wks. or little more, also all convoys to come to stop. [underlined] Did washing late [illegible].

 Mon. Feb. 5 ’45 - I in today. Walter up for 1st time. Shorty George & he up tonight with two. [underlined] Lights off tonight on late around 9:30 or 10:00.  Under officer here this even. [illegible] one. [Name?] was to leave this even. but didn’t.
Tues. Feb. 6 ’45 — I on [straw?] tonight with Frankenstein, John, [name?].  “Joe” & “[Jessie?]” comes tonight. Lights off for a while tonight but comes on early after [sup.?] over.  Shorty George leads this morn. On [dunk?] loading after lights off around 10:30.

 Feb. 8, ’45 Thurs. I, [Marko?], [Dunpsty?], [Johann?], Ashley on straw this morn & then goes to [illegible] of [illegible]. [Horseshow?] or inspection today many [illegible] this even. “2 [gun?], [Grey?], Ben, I Jr. on [meters?]” [Name?] goes away to take officers today. Bombing tonight. Walter up at time. I shaved tonight. Boys leaves today afternoon. [Name?] officer is here this even.
Wed. Feb. 7, 45 — 8th  (Frankenstein and boys leave today for [town?].) I, Frankenstein, [Name?], John on straw this morn. this even. on [meters?]. “Ginger & Charlie” here tonight.

 [crossed out]  Jan. 2, 1945 (Tues.)   Back to work today after New Year [illegible].  Shorty brings [illegible] my [illegible] today. G. I. [from?] over this [illegible] after [illegible] with guard to get photograph [illegible]. [Junge?]  [saws?] [wholes?] in [Red?] & [illegible] tonight or [illegible]. after dinner [illegible] hard today. Lots of snow [on?] today this even. wind blowing pretty strong and mighty cold.  [when?] can from [field?]. I go to bed after dinner [illegible] but don’t eat [toasted?] a couple of pieces  of bread had [butter?] & onions. [Name?] not with us today. Gave [Nickola?] my clothes tonight for to wash.

 10th Feb '45 Along with had coffee, biscuits. Pre going to bed breathed cold drops in hot water. THis even. I, Jitter, with John on shit at cow stall. This morn (me) -(most of all guys) on potatoes meters handing to stations. Ben and marko took to Dr. this morn. Heard today also yesterday that ships was in at Stolpmuede. I, Dumpy, Ashley, Evelin and Serg [yak?] goes to swinestall for to unload spuds goes to field. [line separating page in half] 9th 9Got flour of Karl this morn. 9th.) I, Ashley, York, Dumpty + Evenlion goes to swine stall this morn. but are called to spud meters. Jitter goes out today 2 1/2 days sick was in Lights off tonight on around 12:00. Ben and Ted up + peels spuds, 2 when helps. I + Jitter up he [shower?] [shave?] + washes. Had coffee - he + I late pre bed time. I get shocked to [noihe?]

 I, Jitter, Johnnan on shit today. marko cuts foot today 5 notches - Junge is stuck with a fork by the "Pro." Sun. Feb. 11, '45 Price, Jim, Ted, Ben goes to [nippoglosse?] this even. for to [exchange?] boots. Underofficer came this even just as they returned Raining worse this [illegible] + Tonight. I + "Two-gun" had pancakes for breakfast with cherry jam, coffee, toast, butter + fried spuds. Lights off today swine. Up + waited a long time this morn. for to get place on stove for spud. frying. Corp. here this even. cutting hair. Sat. Feb. 10, '45 - I helped Frenchy + bag empty shit cans rights after work, Got boxes tonight right after. Lights off tonight. Walter up + stayed a long time I + Potak had a pancake each tonight fried in little room stove

 Tues. Feb. 13, '45 - Junge in today with sore hand. I + Jitter on shit with Johanne today. I give Russians 6 "Lucky Strikes" this morn. Jack + oldest daughter away today. 2 Policeman here this morn. Lights off all day; went off tight after breakfast. Very loud explosions heard today and esta noche. Chocolate pudding for sup. At noon sun shining + very nice - like spring; when back at noon was very cloudy. Snowing this even. but didn't go. Evacuatees came in this even. late I down this morn around 10 and ate - milk, butter bread, marko gives me pock of "Luckies" today 3 eggs of Nichola at [mon?] - [9 cig vaq?] No water. [line from left side to right side, dividing paper] Mon. Feb. 12, '45 I + Jr. makes ground coffee after sup. To bed around 10 or :30 I, Pap + Jr. Planes over tonights drops flares. I study Spanish tonight. Frankenstein back this even.

 Sun. Mar 4, '45 - lefted village Lüchtenthan around 6: or :30 Russian man march around 35 K. up through Hegen to City Wollin to dorf(st.) west - Plötzin Here sick, I, Gay, Doug + Brown sleeps in first bin. Mon. Mar 5, '45 - lefted around 11:00 came to Surnentin [Zarrentin?] around 7:00 crossed on ferry at 8:15 marched for until 1:30 14K from [Swine?] - 40 K march. very tiresome.

 Sat. Mar, '45 tonight 12K. from [illegible] brandenburg. Smoked last Lucky tonight. Came from Clenpenow this morn. Fri. Mar. '45 - at village Clempenow tonight 160K from Berlin 26K from Anklam. Here got (5th D.) ration. Came from dorf (village) [Breecher?] this morn.

 [Illegible] men at village Lapitz. [Illegible] hight - Gr. Dratow [OKamine?] - 5 [illegible] Hof Kreien to [illegible] over Parchim. [illegible] [arrow pointing from illegible word to the word "Hof"] XX [double Xs circled] Dütsch [illegible] night 14 or 15 K [phrase written upside-down and crossed out]

 Mar. 7, 45 - at dorf [?gelin] outside of Anklam. [Illegible] for count - 3 or around box to 4 men. Zietten [illegible] bread this morn. Mar 6, '45 - around 141 K [Sweinemüde?] south [illegible] born around 2:00 lots of [illegible] in at time. Crossed bridge [illegible] land tonight. March until [illegible]. Bombing tonight. [Illegible] city used [illegible]. Sing. [illegible] berys this morn.

 Sat. Mar. 3, '45 - Lefted from Kütehom or 4K w of city Treptow. Here bin since Tues night. Fri. Mar. 2, '45 - at 4K w of Treptow. Shaved today. Bread + meat ration this eve. Thur. Mar. 1, '45 Came to [illegible] this even. - raining. stopped at 44 Kriegs Lazarett.

 Fri. March 23, '45 - Today at Dorf Breese for breakfast coffee (Gen.) I got up and got Bread (5 to loaf) only this morn got (tomorrow's ration) soon ate. Boys all washing + cleaning up. Got water from [chip?] kit. this morn. washed face hands + shaved. Cleaned up mess kits with sand pre dinner (soup for dinner spuds, carrot + horse meat. Washed ft. good after dinner in cold water. I + George shaked blankets good this even. + aired em. Joe made a brew of coffee this morn and gave to George + I. Joe got coffee this night brewed up at [kit?] + shaved with George + I. I traded bar of soap to chef daughter for ½ (about) of loaf, 4 onions + small piece of wurst. Jr and Curly got 2 or 3 slices piece bread for 2 cig. Sat. March 24. '45 - A beautiful day very warm. 5 man to loaf got. I had soup for breakfast (spuds + meat, turnips) Came up through city Württemberge this morn here past the Singer sewing machine Co. + crossed the river Elb. Came a short distance today 14 or 15 Km. in at 12:00 to dorf

 Sun. April 1, '45 - Coffee this morn. I didn't get up to get but George got his. Slept up until around 11:00 got up + washed + then back to bed. Got in soup line late around 12:15. Tried for spuds at bit but no go. Roll call after coffee this morn 7:45. Dinner [Following information is typed on paper] Educationa [sic] Stalag Attached to this letter is the Others will follow when completed. with this French course, so please to another. A similar course in German will course will also be sent to each Ko [sic] Possibly the Algebra and Spanis [sic] two will be sent only to those reque [sic] our best to fill your requests for great that we have had to order more books arrive, they will be sent to

 Jan. 3, 1945 (Wed.) Corporal comes over after dinner to get photograph and brought my "Log" book back. I, Jr. has a cup of tea each tonight late he makes it and gives sugar. a bad windy day and raining especially this even. I did some writing in "log" book tonight - to bed late I, pop, Pete, morgan, Price. No woods work today, [on? or?] straw, we 4 men along with Beich at shop station barn. My stomach hurting tonight. In at früstück had butter, bread + barley water. made a cup of soup after sup but no good so threw out or away. Guard up tonight and says "Goodby" for "good evening" and also "[J.k.?] you". He also says that [boxes?] is in at Stolp but don't know about when can go [illegible] how arrangements.

 [torn page]
Beuster (outside of) For sup. got soup
([illegible]. only) Joe given me an egg (boiled) to-
night.  Food stolen tonight.
Sun. Mar. 25 '45- Came around 
22 or 23 Km.  Had a checkup pre
leaving for stalen grad [sic].  Outside
of dorf Beuster.  A (very warm) nice day. [crossed out] Around
Breakfast (soup from last nite [sic]- Nick gave,
very greasy) Had dinner just outside
of city Osterburg.  Got to shopping 
place around 2:30 at düsedau
4K. from Osterburg. Smoked last 
Lucky -"cig" this even. Lots of trading
going on tonight or even.  6 men to loaf
today - Lt. George ate ours at dinner
this was all "dry bread". Traded [illegible]-
[illegible] for onions tonight. Begged some
salt from fraulein tonight.  For sup
only "Water coffee".  After got spuds late
had these & onions. Joe & Nick made 
coffee tonight & shared with us. Eggs
taken this even from hen

 [Typed words] If you have books from the Ref 
using will you send them in, so that 
Also will you send in books when yo 
Perhaps you have not received 
of unfilled requests, and as soon as 
sent out. 
No more information has been r
States Armed Forces Institute. 
We trust that these courses ar
[Handwritten words] Mon. Mar. 26, '45 Soup today around 3 or 4. A nice warm day boys given soap powder today for clothes. Bread [thing?] morn. 5 to loaf.

 Fri. (Good) Mar. 30, '45 Up this morn. had Gen. coffee with yesterdays milk after this a roll call then back + slept or rested to around 11:00 got up washed face + hands teeth, came in and read a few old letters from home. Fell in arounf 12 for sup + waited a hr. - got only 1st and just a little little 2nds. Finished bread up at breakfast that drew yesterdays even. This even. layed in bed till coffee time at 5:00 - coffee only. Took Rank + [occup?]. Sing died this even. looks like a Korm. detail. air corp boy came back from hospital this morn. Cool today more so this even than this morn. sprinkled rain a wee bit at noon time (around) and about coffee time. Roll call this even. late. Air raid tonight with machine gun fire. Thurs. Mar 29, '45 - Milk stolen this even. so they say. I + Joe was to get spuds 1st at 5 + then 6:00 but didn't get. Raining today or night some - an air raid around 12:00 + one at 2:00 (Fri.) morn. so they say. Had inspection at noon time for see who washed by 1 eye. Got Bread this morn. 5 to loaf. This even. got 1 rat. brot Extra 6 to loaf. Sunny good today 3rds, coffee this morn. + even. milk for evens. coffee. Boys goes to hospital this morn. Cool today. Wed. Mar 28, '45 - Called sick boys out of line (soup) today for milk soup. Shaved this even. + took off underwear.

 [handwritten]  only soup- horse meat, peas & [illegible]
After dinner, got old letters out & read
then rested.  Around  3:00 hot water
5:00 or around bread 2 loaves 7 men
Soon ate up with coffee at this time)
[printed text] DEPARTMENT [handwritten]  Roll call around 6:00 or
little later. Cool today & sprin [sic]
[printed text] II - B  [handwritten]  rain, men out short while only 
this morn.  Rumor 20K from Hannover
[printed text] first series of the French course. 
Each Kommando is being furnished  [handwritten] What
[printed text] o not take this from one Kommando
soon be ready for you. The German
h courses will follow later. These
sting them or texts.. We have done
ext books. The demand has been so
books from Geneva. When these
ou to fill your requests.
rence Library that you are not
they may be sent to other Kommandos.
have finished with them.
the books requested. We have a file 
the books are available they are
eceived in regards to the United
books are of help to you.
d Tues Mar. 27'45-
Another day spent in this 
misirable [sic] place with hungary [sic].
& cold. Will this damn war 
ever end so we can all get 
home & eat & live good?

 Sat. Mar 31, '45
[Left page]
Layed in bed most of 
day. Cold today and 
[some?] rain off & on
I & George got coffee this
morn. Got bread this
morn. 4 to a loaf. [Todays] bread
Got spuds from 
[illegible] this even for
4man -- [swap?]  I & [Eng?]
swap today little & no
[2nds?] Told today or 
even, that we are on a 
[illegible] Bread
even at coffee
time  5 to a loaf
we 15 short. Roll 
call late.
[Right page]
[illegible}  O. K.

 [left page]
Mon. Mar. '45
[Lefted?] (village pro. 5 or 6 K)
from Parchim at 2 [illegible]  30
Passed close to airport
saw plane crashed in
field. Got very very tired.
George & I ate tuna fish
at last [illegible] from village
where stopped for nite
Village [Dülschow?] to
night. [town?] [illegible]
sick tonight. Says in
3 wks 10,000 kgf passed
by here. [illegible]
[illegible] Captain & airboys
had no [parade? pride?] for 3 [wks?]
I was  up [illegible] cloudy 
today but warm. [Small?]
[Dutch?] [illegible] to [see?]
us [illegible] did at [illegible]
[right page]
Had boiled spuds
pre [leaving?] 4 to [Morn?]
[Pre?] [this?] [name] & I got 
water George & I had 
coffee. This morn
up in morn. [spuds?]
4 to man.  I 2 [illegible]
George I & Bill put
[luchein?] [ilegible] 
with [onions?] [salt?]
[illegible] am:
coffee. I & George ate
[prunes?] this morn.
[Brotrat?] in tonight 
We [both?] this [illegible]

 [Hand-written text on left side of page, right-side up]
Ia. [followed by 20 tallies]
Pa. [followed by 9 tallies]
Mich. [followed by 4 tallies]
Ariz. [followed by 2 tallies]
Ill. [followed by 8 tallies]
N.y. [followed by 6 tallies]
W.Va. [followed by 4 tallies]
Mo. [followed by 2 tallies]
Ind. [followed by 9 tallies]
S.C. [followed by 1 tally]
Cal. [followed by 4 tallies]
Main. [followed by 2 tallies]
R.I. [followed by 1 tally]
Tex. [followed by 8 tallies]
O. [followed by 6 tallies]
N.C. [followed by 1 tally]
N.j. [followed by 1 tally]
Mass. [followed by 4 tallies]
Miss. [followed by 1 tally]
Kan. [followed by 1 tally]
Tenn. [followed by 1 tally]
Minn. [followed by 3 tallies]
Ky. [followed by 1 tally]
Ga. [followed by 1 tally]
Wy. [followed by 1 tally]
[Hand-written text on left side of page, upside down]
Mon. April 9, '45 - Had roll call tonight around 7:30 was got out of bed. On construc job today in at 4 or 4:30. Shaved after coming in. Got bread rat. this even. 6 man to loaf, sugar, butter, marmalade, (1st. 8 mon.) [Civy?] helps kid this morn. Only coffee for breakfast with stolen milk. Dinner only "ruddy [baker?]" soup. Sup. - meat with soup (good) spud, [barley?], [illegible]/ Ray in or back at noon time. Only 1 door open tonight. Airraid tonight. new latrine dug today. Got good supply of "[Sneeal?]" this even. Very cool this morn. but sun shining up at noon time. Sleep a little better tonight. Guard has the [volkstrum?] with tonight. Talk tonight over bread. Gave Frankie name, rank, birth, this even.  Tues. April 10, '45 On latrine work today all was done around 4:00 others at 4:00. We on track of train. Foggy, cold this morn. but real nice this even. 11 men to game tonight 5th instead of 4. No sugar today. Bread 4 to loaf. Milk in coffee this even, soup good tonight + today at noon. noon soup very good everything in about except the [pe?], Had a belly ack at noon. Heavy bombing tonight. Cheese ration tonight. 10 to 11 to cake. Got onions, salt + B of [bil?] at noon. Our planes over this even, saw probably 4 or 500 and 1 go down in flames. 36 meters today 4 to man 9 men on car loading. Had toasted bread for sup. ate all.
[Printed text on right page, in German]

 [left side]
Sun Apr. 8 '45 Very very foggy this morn. but cleared 
off up in morn. & was sunny until up toward night
For breakfast coffee. Me & 3 or 4 more fellows had
swollen [faces?] this morn. What a nights sleep. This
morn. got [illegible] from guard.  This dinner was
in 2 courses. 1st pea & spud soup then spuds
with  mutton & gravy. Went around in chow line at
noon 7 or 8 times was mighty full. Had elections
about 1 1/2 or so pre noon for Confidence Man. Our
fighter planes over just pre noon -- very high. After
dinner George & I put blankets out.  I & Dick [stale?]
mile up around 3:00. the 8  [WCO's?] lifted around
3:30 suppose a very call up. I wash up good around
this time & brush teeth also.  [Name?] gives us a talk
tonight. Roll call pre dinner. [Boys?] 6 leaves tonight
Potato salad for sup. coffee pre sup. 
Sat. April 7, '45 -- Lefted village [Düsedan?] around 9:30 & lefted [Ortenberg?] around 10:20. A nice warm
day especially around noon. Breakfast had
coffee.  Fell in with Eng. fellows at [illegible]
Our planes over after arriving at [town?]. For dinner
very very good soup peas, meat (bacon), spuds, onions
(fried) 3 rd on it very full. This even. worked
on road 2 till 7:00. Came in straw was in
billets. For sup got soup (not no good - was very
thin & barley with few carrots. Got Bread ration
(Sunday's) at soup time (sup) -- 3 men to loaf I
Frank & Buddy.  Slept so so bad tonight calves
[brawling?], lights off & on & that old [shorty?] barn
house smell. A Pole at sup time gave me a 
little [illegible]  very very bad kind.  Are told to
day that we'll get margarine, jam tomorrow
killed a sheep tonight
[right side] [printed text]
Rleb auf Geite 31 hinter Biffer 5 nachitehenbes Deckblatt an:
6. Ungehörig der Ginfakgruppe während der Urbeitsruhe..
Für Die Ungehörigen Der Ginfakgruppe, Die nach Biff.  
10 Ubf. 2 mährend Der Uebeitsruhe anmefend fein müffen, ift 
Die Möglichkeit Der Uebernachtung vorzufehen. 
vorzufehen. Hierbei ift
grundfäklich anzuftreben, Dab Die notmendigen Liegeftätten
aus  porhandenen  Beftänden oder mit  einfachften Mitteln
felbft heifgerichtet merden follen.
[handwritten text] 
Fri. April 6, '45 Got todays bread ration this morn. 2
loaves 7 men.

 [left page]
[crossed out] Tues. Apr. 2-4, '45 - Very windy
today & cool sun shining at 
[intermavals?].  Sprinkled fo "Roll
Call" yell this [ink spot]  pre any 
body had hardly got up. Right
after this had hot water only
not coffee.  I got Ger. mess 
kit full& George & I washed
up & brushed teeth in [hexon?]
room. After this I & George 
peeled spuds & took to kit.
Just pre peeling them or at 
that time "bread [care?]"  5 men 
to a loaf. After took spuds to 
kit. I [here?] for 1 cake "Swan"
wash [illegible] up got Can of jam.
Coming back from kit.
went to bed, ate between I& 
George 1 slice of bread & jam
how good. Our planes over
around 11:00 or 10:30.
3 waves I believe wasn't too
high. After this get spuds
but not bucket. I & George 
Hot hot spuds then. After
all this "[teye?]"  unterofficer
got me and an English guy
to dig a latrine finish just 
pre noon.  For dinner got soup
same as before 2nds. & got
prommised [sic] 2nds tomorrow
for today's work. Now after 
dinner in bed writing today's
recording. Thundered great this
even. and rain hard like for short
[right page]
Mrs. [Newt?] Tavener
2707 w. Potomac
Chicago, Ill
[crossed out] Mon  Apr.  3 '45 A bad, bad day
raining all day off & on very 
cold all day. I, George & an Eng. guy
got spuds cooke up at kit.
this morn. got back
in around 11:30 [written below] or 11:15   Was cold at
even. roll call about "up [illegible]
[deal?]" to be careful.  Roll
Call early. For dinner had 

the soup & spuds in. For [sup?]

got [Ger?] coffee.  After  sup ate spuds
& soup. Tonight got a [illegible]
of "corn sugar food" & ate in
bed.  [Airrad?] tonight [in?] [a?]
many planes over. [Woman?]
today discovered about [spud?]
path.  For breakfast Ger. coffee
Ration Wagon came in this
even. but no rations today.
Had talk with Ray & Chicago 
in horse stall this even.  [illegible] pre
coffee time.
Made a bet with Ray tonight on
war - [he?] May 7 to 17 - 4/5, I [get?]  [meal]
Mon. Apr. 2 45 Very windy
today X tonight. Cleared off this
even. tonight not near as
dark. We stole spuds tonight
around 9:00. Had to reg.
Name, Rank,birth, Occup.
Bread this morn 6 to loaf (for Tues.) 
[written upside down]
Mrs. [Newt?] Tavener
2707 w. Potomac
Chicago, Ill

 Page 6 (Continued)  FRENCH LESSONS 3-4-5
1. L`argent est utile. 2. L amour [illegible] pas toujours I amitite. 3.  L `art est
agréable, mais pas né cessaire. 4. Montrez-moi de l `argent. 5. Le travail
n est pas l`amitie del`homme. 6. Donne - moi de l`argent. 7. Le grand
homme et la grande femme sont riches 8. La musique est agreable avec
l`amour. 9. La femme est  utile á l`homme. 10. La bonté est toujours une
vertu. SOME or ANY is expressed in French by de plus the Definite Article.
De l ` argent. -- someMoney. De la musique-- some music. Vous avez de
l `argent. -- You have some money.
When the paritive noun is the direct object of a negative verb, SOME or 
ANY is expressed by de alone. Examples:  Nous n avons pas de maisons.--
We do not have any houses. Il n` ya a pas de liveres. -- There are not any
SOME or ANY as a pronoun -- en.  It must be expressed in French, even when
omitted in English.  The En stands directly before a Verb. Ex: Have we some?
--En avons - nous?  Louise has not   any. -- Louis n  e apas.  There is some
in the house. -- II y en a dans la maison.
ADJECTIVES:  Regularly  add s to form the plural  e to form the feminine.
Ex:  M. Sing.   M. Pl.  Fem. Sing.  Fem. Pl. 
young [Illegible]  [jeanes?] [jeume?] jeunes
useful [illegible] utiles utile utiles
All adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.  
EX: le gargon est grand. -- The boy is great.  La fille est grande. -- The
girl is large. Les maisons sont [illegible].  -- The house are large. Les
livres sont petits. -- The books are small. La maison est grandem mais les
chamres sont petites. -- The house is large but the rooms are small.  Les
garoons sont utiles mais les filles ne sont pas utiles. The boys are useful
but the girls are not useful.
suis -- je? Am I?  sommes -- nous? are we?
es -- tu ?  are you ?  etes vous? are you?
est -- il? is he? ont [ils?]? are they?
Ne suis - je pas?  Am I not? Ne sommes - nous pas? are we not?
N` es - tu pas?  are you not? n` etes - vous pas? are you not
N` est -il pas? is he not? Ne sont -ils pas? are the not?
N`est-elle pas? is she not? Ne sont - elles pas? are they not?
A Noun followed by SOME  or ANY, expressed or understood, may be called
a "Partitive Noun."
The words which in French express the idea of SOME or ANY is called a 
"Partitive sigh." A pronoun that expresses the idea of SOME or ANY is called 
a "Partitive sign."  A pronoun that expresses the idea SOME or ANY is called  
a "Partitive Pronoun."  EXAMPLES: -- 
(General) Les hommes sont utiles dans les maisons. -- Men are useful in houses 
(Part) Il y a des boites (boxes) sur la table. -- There are some boxes on the
[illegible]. (Gen. Partitive) Les femmes sont utiles. -- Women are useful.
"Partitive sign"  de plus the Definite Article, de alone or en. A Parti-
[illegible] sign is always used before each noun of a series. EX. Il y a des filles 
des  [garoons?], et des femmes dans la maison. -- There are girls, boys, and 
women in the house.
Avez-vous  fillies L`homme a maisons. Montrez-moi argent.
Avez-vous éleves Robert? J`ai beaucoup livres.
(to be continued on Page -7- "Write in French")

 Jan. 4, 1945 (Thurs.) I, [Name], Ashley,
[Name], [Name] on straw this day. [Pre?]
break at sheep barn often up at 
this [near?] barn. For [frusterich?] has
bread, butter [liver pate] sandwich [illegible] 
[t] and jam. also. [illegible] - potato. Heard tonight that
a new under officer was to take
over.  A 5 1/2 YA kid was buried this 
even. [illegible] [provision?] [illegible]
barn.  Gave Shorty's [bag?] 2
"swan" songs this [illegible] as time
work over.  for day [illegible] of "Old
[illegible]" Tues. [Table?] [reminded?]
this even. Our boy goes to 
[Italy?] today. Jr. stomach hurting
again tonight. Snow melting 
off today not too much lefted.
Lot warmer a few small 
flakes of snow coming down
tonight in late even. [Name] with 
[Name] in wood