xt7hmg7ftt82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7ftt82/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1940 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.); v, 146 leaves, 27 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.3/32 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III The Department of the Treasury, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III The Department of the Treasury, Number 32 North Carolina 1940 1940 2015 true xt7hmg7ftt82 section xt7hmg7ftt82 `E.   4   ` ·   I A 7 V H V { rr ` ` UNIVERSITY 6F KENTUCKY`   ‘ · V
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 11 . A
The Survey of Federal Archives Q
Philip M. Hamer, National. Director  
Emily Bridgers; Supervisor A
Division of Professional and Service Projects A
Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator i
y I May E. Campbell, State Director §
F. C. Harrington, Administrator T
Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator
- 1

 § iii
g The Inventgry of Federal Archives_in the States is one of the products
j of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation-
5 wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1956 to
{ June 30, 1957, and has been continued in North Carolina since that date as
$ a state project of that Administration.
{ The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows:
E Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowl-
1 edgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content
g of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed
Q information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate
i series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except
j the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government.
ig Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organiza-
;_ tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding
) numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to
Q each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for
` Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.
L For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of
related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
Q dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was
E secured), general description of informational content, description of
{ the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and
j purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in
§ folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical
3 condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room
f number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the
E Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey
i worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is
[ on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial informa-
Q tion on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed
E abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda."
i In North Carolina the work of the Survey was under the direction of
Q Dr. C. C. Crittenden, regional director, with Miss Mattie Erma Edwards as
f assistant, from its inception until June 1937. Since that time it has been
T under the supervision of Miss Emily Bridgers. This Inventory of the
I records of the Department of the Treasury was prepared in the Raleigh office
{ of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Dr. Erik Achorn of the
$1 Washington office. It is reproduced in mimeographed form with the aid of
Q, the Historical Records Survey.
{ Emily Bridgers, Supervisor
jr Raleigh, North Carolina Survey of Federal Archives
{ May lO, 1939 in North Carolina

{ iv
Q Page
§ Raleigh, State Accounts Office . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Q Raleigh, State Disbursing Office . . . . . ..... 5
Q const ctnnn
€ Introduction . . . . . . . ..... . . . . 5
Q Avon, Big Kinnakeet Station . ........... 6
g Avon, Little Kinnakeet Station . . . . ....... 6
g Beaufort, Cape Lookout Station . . ......... 7
Q2 Beaufort, Core Bank Station ............ 8
z Beaufort, Fort Macon Station ........... ll
§ Buxton, Cape Hatteras Station . . ..... . . . . 15
1 Corolla, Currituck Beach Station ...... . . . . 14
I Corolla, Pennys Hill Station . . . ....... . 14
Corolla, Wash Woods Station . . . . . .... . . . 15
Duck, Caffeys Inlet Station . ......... . . l5
Duck, Paul Gamiels Hill Station ......... . 15
Elizabeth City, District Office . . . ..... . . 16
I Frisco, Creeds Hill Station . ........... 22
Hatteras, Durants Station . . .......... 22
Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hill Station ......... 25
L Kitty Hawk, Kitty Hawk Station . .......... 25
A Manteo, Bodie Island Station . .......... 24
Manteo, Nags Head Station . . . . . ..... . . 25
Manteo, Pea Island Station ........ . . . . 25
New Bern, Records in Custody Deputy Collector of Customs . . 26
Poplar Branch, Poyners Hill Station ......... 26
Rodanthe, Chicamacomico Station . . ·... . . . . 27
Rodanthe, Gull Shoal Station . . . ........ 27
Rodanthe, Oregon Inlet Station . . ......... 27
; Southport, Cape Fear Station ........... 28
€ Southport, Oak Island Station . . ......... 30
§ Wilmington, Cutter "Modoc" . .......... 32
1 Wilmington, Records in Custody Collector of Customs .... 54
i Introduction , . . . . . . ..... . V. . . 56
S Beaufort, Office of Deputy Collector ......... 46
New Bern Records .............. 48
Durham, Office of Deputy Collector ..... . . . . 49
7 Elizabeth City, Office of Deputy Collector ....... 50
¥ Edenton and Plymouth Records . . . . ...... 58
$ Manteo Records .............. 61

g Page
i New Bern, Office of Deputy Collector . . . . . . . . . 62
Q Reidsville, Office of Deputy Collector . . . .... . §7
Q Washington, Office of Deputy Collector ..... . . . b8
Q Wilmington, Office of Collector . . . . . . . . . . 70
Q Gastonia Records . . . . ......... 86
i Winston-Salem Records ........ . . . . 87
E Durham and District of Camden Records ....... 87
§ Wilmington, Customs Patrol ......... . . . 88
Winston-Salem, Office of Deputy Collector ...... . 88
1 Introduction . . . . ......... . . . 91
Asheville, Office of Field Deputy Collector ...... 96
Asheville, Office of Alcohol Tax Investigator . ..... 96
{ Durham, Office of Deputy Collector V , . . . . . . . . 96
~ Greensboro, Office of Collector . . . . . . . . . . 97
Q Greensboro, Office of Accounts and Collections Supervisor . . llO
. Greensboro, Office of Income Tax Agent ....... . llO
V Kinston, Office of Income Tax Agent ......... 116
New Bern, Office of Alcohol Tax Investigator . . . . . . 116
Raleigh, Office of Collector . . . . ..... . . 117
Raleigh, Office of Collector, Records in
Custody North Carolina Historical Com ission . . . . 125
Reidsville, Office of Deputy Collector . . . . . . . . 127
Rocky Mount, Office of Income Tax Agent ........ 127
‘ Statesville, Office of Collector .......... 128
Wilmington, Office of Field Deputy Collector . . .... 129
Wilmington, Office of Income Tax Agent . . , ..... 129
Charlotte, Office of Narcotic Agent ........ 152
Greensboro, Office of Narcotic Agent (not surveyed) .... 152
Raleigh, Office of Custodian, Records in
Custody North Carolina Historical Com ission .... 154
W Raleigh, State Procurement Office . . . . . . . . . . 155
a Wilmington, Office of Custodian . . . ....... 156
§ Elizabeth City, Third Class Relief Station ..... . . . 158
Q Southport, Cape Fear Quarantine and Relief Station .... 158
g Charlotte, Office of Agent ..... . . . . . . . 145


   ` 2
Raleigh Bldg.
Hargett and Fayetteville Sts.
I This office was established June 26, 1935, under Executive Order 7034
Q of May 6, 1955. It audits and controls funds for all federal administra-
tive agencies operating in North Carolina under the Emergency Relief
# Appropriation Acts of 1935-1938. It reports direct to Washington and has
E no branch offices. Prior to the summer of 1936, the office conducted
certain accounting operations for the regional office of the Resettlement
A Administration (Farm Security Administration). Since that time, it has
A performed practically all accounting functions of that agency. In July
1936, records of the Rural Resettlement Divisions in Tennessee, Kentucky,
Virginia, and West Virginia were transferred from those states to Raleigh
(see Entry 7).
l. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1935 to date. Correspondence with the Come
missioner and with officials of the WPA in North Carolina relative to
financial transactions involving WPA projects. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 6 ft., in 3 metal filing case drawers.
R. 216. (2110)
2. PROJECT FILE, 1935 to date. Advice of financial allotments to
projects of the WPA and Rural Resettlement in North Carolina, requisitions
for supplies, equipment, etc., travel vouchers, and msc. encumbrances for
the operation of projects. Filed numerically by project number. (Daily,
official.) 9 X 12 folders, 32 ft., in 16 metal filing case drawers.
R. 216. (2111)
f 3. PAID VOUCHERS, 1935 to date. Vouchers for disbursement of funds
R for WPA projects and for Rural Resettlement in North Carolina. Filed
Q numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 16O ft., in 80 metal
Q filing case drawers. R. 216. (2116)
( 4. NORTH CAROLINA LOAAB, 1935 to date. Vouchers for loans made
1 through the state office of Rural Resettlement, showing name of client,
j amount of loan, and dates and amounts of payments. Filed numerically by
g loan number. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, AO ft., in 2O metal
g filing case drawers. R. 216. (2112)
E 5. SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENTS, 1935 to date. Record of all funds dis-
é bursed for travel expenses, supplies, and equipment, pay rolls, and msc.
§ encumbrances for the projects of the WPA and the Resettlement Adminis-

i5 Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Raleigh 3
Q_ tration. Filed by schedule number. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders,
i 24 ft., in 12 metal filing case drawers. R. 216. (2113)
? 6. CONTRACTS, 1935 to date. Contracts with firms and individuals for
g services, supplies, materials, and equipment of all kinds for projects of
i the WPA in North Carolina and Rural Resettlement in North Carolina,
i Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Filed by contract
number. (Daily, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 16 ft., in 8 metal filing
` case drawers. R. 216. (2114)
l DISBURSEMENTS, AN  PAID VOUCHERS, 1935 to date. Records of Rural Re-
, settlement in Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky, general
correspondence with Washington and state officials, data on loans, infor-
mation on the operation and management of all projects, record of expendi-
j tures for travel, pay rolls, and supplies and equipment for projects, and
A schedule of funds disbursed, with reasons therefor. Filed numerically.
(Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 9O ft., in 45 metal filing case
_ drawers. R. 216. (2117)
( 8. TRAFSMITTAL SHEETS, current. Transmittal sheets for all papers
covering expenditures incurred in the operation and management of WPA
projects in North Carolina; cleared monthly to transfer cases and stored.
‘ Filed by administrative areas. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft.,
A in 2 metal filing case drawers. R. 216. (2115)
Sir Walter Hotel, Fayetteville St.
State Disbursing Office No. 32 was established June 26, 1935, under
Executive Order 7034 of May 6, 1935. It discharges disbursing functions
for practically all government agencies in the state allotted emergency
relief funds, and discharges any other disbursing duties assigned by the
Secretary of the Treasury. In the case of the Farm Security Administra-
tion (formerly the Resettlement Administration) the office discharges dis-
bursing functions for Region IV, composed of North Carolina, Tennessee,
I Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia. It reports direct to Washington
and has no branch offices, From June 26 to July 30, 1935, it was located
~ in the old Commercial National Bank Building, and in the Raleigh Building
i from July 30, 1935, to August l, 1936, when it was moved to its present
j location.
V 9. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, June 1935 to date. Correspondence with
Q Washington, state officials of the WPA, federal agencies, and individual
§ payees relative to disbursement of funds. Filed alphabetically by sub-
E ject. (Daily, official.) 8 x ll folders, 8 ft., in 4 metal filing case
§ drawers. State Disbursing Office. (2125)
§ 1C. RECEIPTS FOR CHECKS, June 1935 to date. Paymasters' receipts for
g checks issued to workers on projects of the WPA, the Rural Resettlement
§ in the states comprising Region IV, and all other federal agencies in
§ North Carolina receiving benefit under emergency relief funds. Filed nu-
3 merically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 18 bundles, lOO ft., on wooden and
i metal shelves. State Disbursing Office. (2126)


   5 ·
  coasr GUARD
W The main duties of the service are as follows; to render assistance to
vessels in distress and to save life and property on the seas and naviga-
7 ble waters of the country; to prevent smuggling and to enforce customs,
F navigation, and other marine laws; to patrol waterways for the purpose of
‘ removing obstructions to navigation; to extend medical and surgical aid to
$ crews of American vessels engaged in deep-sea fishing; to investigate and
g compile statistics of marine disasters; to render flood relief on the
$ Mississippi and Ohio rivers and their tributaries; and to maintain for the
; carrying out of the above purposes, boats, life-saving stations, and air
{ stations.
g North Carolina is in the seventh district of the Norfolk Division of
j the Eastern Area. The Eastern Area office, under a commander and his
staff, who plan, organize, and direct all activities within the area, is
located in New York City. The division office, through which the district
office in North Carolina reports to Washington, is located in Norfolk, Va.
J It has jurisdiction from the Delaware-Maryland to the North Carolina-South
Carolina boundary lines. The office of the seventh district, which ex-
I tends from Cape Henry, Va., to the South Carolina line, is located in
é Elizabeth City, N. C. All stations located on the coast of North Carolina
I report to this office. Of these, sixteen are active and twelve have been
- deco missioned. The oldest were established in 1874, by authority of an
2 act of the Forty-Third Congress, dated June 20, 1874, “to provide for the
establishment of life—saving stations and houses of refuge upon the sea
and lake coasts of the United States, and to promote the efficiency of the
life-saving service."l The Forty-Third Congress also appropriated funds
for one superintendent on the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina and
for new life-saving stations, sites for which were to be purchased by the
Secretary of the Treasury.2 Additional life-saving and life~boat stations
have been established by authority of acts of Congress, notably: an act of
1878 to organize the Life-Saving Service, in which provision was made to
establish fifteen additional life-saving and life-b at stations on the
Q coasts of Virginia and North Carolina;} an act of 1382 providing for the
Q establishment of three additional stations on the coast of North Caro1ina;4
g and an act of 1902 providing for the establishment of a life-saving
Q station on Ocracoke Island.
E 1. U.S. Statutes at Large, XVIII, 125,
§ 2. Ibid., XVIII, 205 and 571-572.
  5- }_`•;4_1;_. XX, 165-
  4. ibid., xxii, 56.
é 5. IpidL, XXXII, lOl.

 1 ( 8
; Coast Guard, Avon 6 ?
( Records of the stations at Hatteras Inlet (1885), Ocracoke (1905),
E, Portsmouth (1895), and Bogue Inlet (1905), are not included in this
) survey. Files of the majority of the stations are unbroken from the date
( of establishment. ‘
1 A cutter, the "Modoc," and a patrol boat, the "McLane,“ assigned to
Q bases on the North Carolina coast, report direct to the commander of the
Q Norfolk Division at Norfolk. Records of the “McLane" are not included in
Q this survey. This boat was assigned to a home port at Morehead City,
f November 6, 1957. Since June 4, 1950, it had been at San Pedro, Cal. It
s operates in the Norfolk Division area and elsewhere as directed by the
` Commandant. Records of the Cutter "Seminole" from 1907-1918 are filed in
the office of the deputy clerk of the court in Wilmington, N. C. (Serial
155). Pay rolls and pay vouchers for the cutters "Seminole" and "Apache,"
Q 1917-1918, are on file in Room 221 of the Custom House in Wilmington.
Kinnakeet Beach
I This station was established in 1878. It was originally housed in a
V building which was disposed of when it was moved, around 1950, into its
present quarters. Since April 15, 1957, the station has been inactive.
Useless papers are destroyed.
ll. GENERAL FILE, 1950 to date. Administrative correspondence, requi-
sitions, and material relative to repairs and service matters. 8% x ll
index. (Daily, official.) 9 X ll pockets, 4 ft., in 4 wooden filing case
drawers. Office. (2)
12. JOURNAL AND LOG, 1878 to date. Record of daily events, including
wrecks, wind and weather conditions, lookouts, patrols, etc. (Older
records, occasionally; recent records, daily, official.) 8 x 15 vols.,
9 ft. 6 in., on floor and on wooden shelf in locker. Older vols., dirty,
bindings broken. Attic and Office. (5, 1)
` On beach 4 mi. N. of Post Office
( This station was established in 1874. It was located in the old
_ station, 100 feet NW. of the present building, from 1874 to 1904, when it
{ was moved into its present quarters. Useless papers are destroyed after
J three years.
* 15. GENERAL FILE, 1904 to date. Administrative and board of survey
w records, accounts and pay rolls, telephone and telegraph communications,
etc. 8% x ll index. (Daily, official.) 9 x ll pockets, 4 ft., in 4
? filing case drawers. Office. (4)

 { Coast Guard, Beaufort 7 )
) 14. JOURNAL AND LOG, 187A to date. Record of daily events, including
) names of crew, patrols, lookouts, wind and weather conditions, wrecks, etc.
)` Arranged chronologically. (Older records, occasionally; later records,
g daily, official.) 9 x 14 vols., 5 ft., on wooden shelf and in desk.
  Attic and orrice. (6, 5)
Harker's Island
~ This station was established January 24, 1888. From 1888 to 1917 it
~ was located in the building now used as a radio station. No papers are
considered useless.
A 15. PERSONNEL, 1920 to date. Data relative to complements and muster
rolls, enlistments and appointments, pay, welfare, etc., with all corre-
spondence relating to each man. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
17 x 25 folders, 5% in., in metal filing case drawer. Office. (110)
16. OUTFITS, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES, 1920 to date. Forms covering
requisition and transfer of all supplies and equipment. Filed numeric-
ally. (Daily, official.) 9 x ll folders, 9 in., in metal filing cabinet
drawer. Office. (112)
17. OLD PAPERS, 1888 — 1920. Pertain to all phases of administration
and activities, including construction and repairs, supplies, accounts,
personnel, service operations, etc. (Occasionally, official.) 12 x 17
paper packages, 3 ft., on shelf in closet. Office. (115)
18. ADMINISTRATIVE FILE, 1920 to date. Documents relating to adminis-
tration and to departmental and legal matters. Filed numerically by sub-
ject. (Daily, official.) 9 x ll folders, 7% in., in metal filing cabinet
drawer. Office. (107)
19. COM UNICATIONS, 1920 to date. All documents relative to communi-
Q cations, embracing construction and maintenance of telephone lines,
V rental of telephone service, connection with commercial lines, etc. Filed
_ numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 folders, 4% in., in wooden filing
I case drawer. Office. (106)
i 20. CO STRUCTION AND REPAIRS, 1920 to date. Correspondence, bulletins,
§ estimates, and specifications covering construction of new station and
Q boats, repairs and alterations, maintenance of grounds, etc. Filed
i numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 X ll folders, 4 in., in metal filing
Q cabinet drawer. Office. (109)
( 21. INSTRUCTIONS, REPORTS, AND COMPLAINTS, 1920 to date. Instructions
, covering target practice and drills, inspector's report of visits to
( station, complaints against crew or service, etc. Filed numerically.
i (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 4 in., in wooden filing case drawer.
g orrice. (114)

( Coast Guard, Beaufort 8
?· 22. LEGAL, 1920 to date. All data relative to questions of law in-
[ volvsd in operation of the station and service activities. Filed numeric-
’ ally. (Daily, official.) 9 x ll folders, 4% in., in metal filing
i cabinet drawer. Office. (108)
( 25. MACHINERY, 1920 to date. Correspondence and data relative to
E repairs to boat machinery and tractors. Filed numerically. (Daily, of-
E ficial.) 9 x 11 folders, 5 in., in metal filing cabinet drawer. Office.
i (iii)
24. SERVICE OPERATIONS AND ASSISTANCE, 1920 to date. Monthly report,
compiled from station log, embracing scope of operations and station
activities, equipment, cooperation with other federal and state agencies,
acknowledgments and commendation for assistance rendered, District Com-
mander's visits of inspection, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
9 X ll folders, 7 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Office. (115)
Atlantic St.
I This station was established in 1896. Useless papers are filed.
material relative to personnel, embracing complements, muster rolls, re-
cruiting, pay, health and welfare, etc., applications for enlistment or
transfer, and all correspondence relating to each man or group. Filed
numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 5% in., in filing case
drawer. Office. (159)
26. PERSONNEL STORES, 1920 to date. Record of rations, clothing,
medical stores, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25
folders, 1% in., in filing case drawer. Office. (128)
Record of all boat equipment which is not a structural part of the boat,
including paints and oils, brushes, lamps and lanterns (except electric),
· beach lights and all accessories, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, Of-
ficial.) 17 x 25 folders, 5/4 in., in filing case drawer. Office. (150)
V 28. DRAFT ANIMALS AND VEHICLES, 1920 to date. All documents relative
p to purchase and hire, feeding, care, and furnishing of horses and to
2 station wagons, buggies, carts, and motor vehicles. Filed numerically.
@ (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 5/4 in., in filing case drawer.
J Office. (154)
29. LIFE-SAVING APPARATUS, 1920 to date. List of all such apparatus.
» Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 1% in., in filing
2 case drawer. Office. (155)
( 50. NAVIGATORVS DEPARTMENT, 1920 to date. Record of nautical instru-
g ments, charts, maps, flags, and bunting. Filed numerically. (Daily, of-
§ ficial.) 17 x 25 folders, 5/4 in., in drawer of metal filing case.
, Office. (129)

 I Coast Guard, Beaufort 9 *
i 31. ORDNANCE, 1920 to date. Record of guns (except line-throwing),
? tools, parts and accessories, and am unition. Filed numerically. (Daily,
6 official.) 17 x 25 folders, é in., in filing case drawer. Office. (132)
»i 32. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES, 1920 to date. Record of general mess and
g office equipment and household furnishings and supplies; also profes-
) sional and technical printed matter, newspapers, periodicals, etc. Filed
Q numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, éi in., in filing case
T drawer. Office. (126, 127)
I 33. TOOIS AND MATERIAIS, 1920 to date. Record of carpenter*s tools
‘ and supplies, engineer's tools and supplies, containers and conveyors,
; electrical supplies (with exception of radio supplies), and fuel and water.
l Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 1% in., in
filing case drawer. Office. (131)
_ fire fighting equipment, pay rolls and allotments, transportation re-
· quests, records relating to travel, transportation of personal effects,
. freight and express, and boating, cartage, hire of civilians for wreck
‘ duty, and other expenses for services not distinguished as supplies.
Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 3/4 in., in
filing case drawer. Office. (135)
35. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES, 1920 to date. Msc. requisitions, data
relating to equipment for handling supplies and to transfer of property
between units, with related invoices, records of boards of survey, and
correspondence relating to same. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
17 x 25 folders, 3 3/4 in., in filing case drawer. Office. (125)
36. ADMINISTRATIVE FIIE, 1920 to date. General file, containing
Presidential proclamations, department circulars, bulletins, service
publications, photographs, pictures, clippings, etc.; also records relaa
tive to departmental and legislative matters, and to loss, delay, or
improper delivery of mail and telegrams. Filed numerically. (Daily, of-
ficial.) 17 x 25 folders, 3 in., in filing case drawer. Office. (118)
37. ASSISTANCE, 1920 to date. Letters of acknowledgment and com en-
dation, reports of assistance rendered, and records covering wrecks,
fires, floods, derelicts, obstructions, and vessels stranded or sunk,
parades, celebrations, observance of holidays, exhibition drills, boat
races, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 3
A in., in filing case drawer. Office. (137)
j 38. BOATS, 1920 to date. All correspondence pertaining to construc-
, tion or repair of boats, and record of boat handling gear. Filed
* numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, lg in., in filing
· case drawer. Office. (123)
. 39. COM UNICATION , 1920 to date. General file on com unication l·
l m&tté!S;”ihcluding.improper"usb aus delay“i¤ transmission; constr btion
, and repain·0f telephone lines; rental of teleph¤¤e·servics3»&hd-éonb
j ymections with com ercial lines. ’Fi1ed numerically. (Daily, official.)
g 17 x 25 folders, 1% in., in filing case drawer. Office. (116)

 i Coast Guard, Beaufort 10 >
( 40. CONSTRUCTION AND RERAIRS, 1920 to date. Correspondence pertain-
Q ing to specifications, plans, location, and layout of new station build-
g ings, estimates and reports on condition and repair of stations and
E other necessary buildings and shelters, and correspondence relative to I
i same. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 4 in.,
g in filing case drawer. Office. (121)
§ Records and correspondence embracing repairs and alterations and the
? erection of all minor structures, including boathouses, launching struc-
’ ( tures, shore protections, facilities for water supply, stationary fuel
3 tanks, sanitary facilities, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
Y 17 x 25 folders, 2 in., in filing case drawer. Office. (122)
42. DRILIS AND INSTRUCTION , 1920 to date. Record of target practice,
` signaling, and boat, beach apparatus, resuscitation, and fire drills,
7 inspector*s report of visit to station, complaints against crew or serv-
ice, and data on forbidden or competitive occupations. Filed numerically.
(Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 2% in., in filing case drawer.
I orriee. (138)
A 45. LEGAL AN  COURTS, 1920 to date. Records relating to legal mat-
ters, including rulings by the courts, the Comptroller, boards of in-
quiry and investigation, and deck courts, regulations, general and
special orders, and data relative to violation of regulations and care of
prisoners. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders,
4 in., in filing case drawer. Office. (119)
44. SITES, LEASES, AN  RENTALS, 1920 to date. Records covering use
and occupation of land belonging to other government departments, right
of way, use of service buildings and grounds for other than service
purposes, taxes and assessments, light, heat, power, drayage, boat hire,
water and sewerage, post office box, disability claims, and life-saving
medals, Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 17 x 25 folders, 2
in., in filing case drawer. Office. (120)
45. MACHINERY, 1920 to date. Record of repairs to boat machinery,
and correspondence regarding marine machinery; also records covering
tractors, and related correspondence. Filed numerically. (Daily, of-
‘ ficial.) 17 x 25 folders, 1% in., in filing case drawer. Office. (124)
46. SERVICE OPERATION  AND REPORTS, 1920 to date. Documents relative
p to scope of operations, District Commander°s visits, watch bills,
V patrols, and duties assigned crew, transcript of station log, monthly
[ report on machinery, station monthly report, reports of operation of
‘ motor vehicles, cooperation with Navy, and cooperation with other de-
3 partments, states, services, etc. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
17 x 25 folders, 5% in., in filing case drawer. Office. (156)
47. OID RAPERS, 1895 — 1920. Administrative and legal records, data
· relative to construction and repairs, supplies, requisitions, boards of
i survey, accommodating pay rolls, service operations, personal telegraph
g and telephone messages, etc. (Occasionally, official.) 17 X 25 paper
( packages, 5 ft., on shelf. Office. (117)

  ll —>
ij Coast Guard, Beaufort (
g 2 mi. SW. of Beaufort
g This station was established in 1902. No papers are considered useless.
( 48. ENLBSEMENT CONTRACTS, 1955 to date. Originals se