xt7hmg7fs83s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7fs83s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-01-30 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 30, 1987, no. 496 text The Green Bean, January 30, 1987, no. 496 1987 1987-01-30 2014 true xt7hmg7fs83s section xt7hmg7fs83s No. 496 January 30, 1987 1
January 30 Gallery Serles: Dr. Lance Brunner: "Muslc and
Heallng". Lecture and audlo—vlsual presentatlon.
January 30 Franklln D. Roosevelt, 1882 — 1945. 32d Presldent
of the Unlted States.
February 2 Groundhog Day
February 3 Gertrude Steln, 1874 - 1946. Amerlcan wrlter. `
February 6 Gallery Serles: Dr. John Edgar Tldwell: The 1
Crltlcal Reallsm of Sterllng A. Brown". Lecture.  
February 6 Aaron Burr, 1756 - 1836. 3d Vlce—Presldent of g
the U.S., challenged and mortally wounded ‘
Alexander Hamllton ln a duel.
February 7 Charles Dlckens, 1812 — 1870. Brltlsh author,
. famed for works such as Ollver Twlst;’ Davld
Copperfleld, and A Chrlstmas Carol.
February 10 Borls Pasternak, 1890 — 1960. Russlan poet and .
author of Dr. Zhlvago.
February 12 Abraham Llncoln, 1809 - 1865. 16th Presldent of 4
the Unlted States.
February 13 Gallery Serles: Dr. W.Y. Adams: "Nubla: Corrldor
to Afrlca": Lecture.
Next Green Bean: Frlday, February 13, 1987
Deadllne for lhcluslon: Frlday, February 6, 1987
Production Staff: Edltor, Kerry Kresse; Typlst, Scott Lutz,
Prlnter, Cecll Madlson
0 O
‘I¤¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty
O 0
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes


 FROM THE EDlTOR'S DESK adult llfe.
Adelle began her college
You all undoubtedly notlced educatlon at Wooster College ln
the dlfferent cover on the Wooster, Ohlo, where she studled
prevlous Issue of the gg. If you plano. In 1936, she transferred
are really paylng attentlon, you to the Unlverslty of Kentucky,
then notlced the new cover on contlnulng her muslc studles and
thls edltlon. Thls Is the new graduatlng In 1937 wlth a Bachelor
cover of the Q, and It's out of Arts degree In Hlstory. From l
sooner than anyone antlclpated. 1937 to 1942 she served as head
We ran out of front pages for the resident of Patterson Hall,
last Issue, and so I made a qulck leavlng thls posltlon upon her
cover. The current cover ls the marrlage to Dr. James S. Dalley, a
one that we wlll have for now. local oral surgeon. In 1960, she
Speclal thanks to Teresa Smyth declded to return to work and
for dolng all the paperwork and took a posltlon ·s Record
legwork to have Unlverslty Llbrarlan for the Muslc _
Prlntlng prepare these covers for Department at UK. She managed
us. the record llbrary, whlch began
Adelle Dalley, former Muslc wlth 3 llstenlng booths ln the
Llbrarlan here at UK, passed away Muslc Lounge In the Flne Arts
recently. Cathy Hunt, current Bulldlng, later movlng to Its
Muslc Llbrarlan, has wrltten a present locatlon. When she
brlef memorlal for her. Adelle completed her Masters ln Llbrary
Dalley was a generous woman and Sclence In 1967, Stuart Forth,
an excellent llbrarlan. She wlll be Dlrector of Llbrarles, offered her
mlssed. a posltlon as cataloger, whlch she
At the end of thls Issue, accepted. Adelle gradually came
past the job notlces, ls a to be the Muslc Cataloger and, In
questlonnalre from the OPAC thls capaclty, worked closely wlth
Tralnlng Subcommlttee. They are the muslc faculty In developlng `
looklng for Ideas for new tralnlng the muslc collectlon. In 1972, the
forums. Don't mlss lt. · declslon was made to separate the -
February ls the shortest muslc and art collectlons In the
month, and the coldest. lt's also Flne Arts Llbrary, whereupon
Amerlcan Heart Month, Amerlcan Adelle became the flrst Muslc
Muslc Month, Black Hlstory Month, Llbrarlan at the Unlverslty.
lnternatlonal Frlendshlp month, Under her dlrectlon, the MUSIC
Natlonal Cherry Month and _Llbrary was organlzed and, by the
Natlonal Potato I.over’s Month. tlme she retlred In June 1981, It
Stay warm. had attalned the status of belng
A one of the two most complete
muslc llbrarles In the Southeast.
IN MEMORIAM Durlng her tenure, the School of
Adelle G. Dalley, 1916 -1987 MusIc's record collectlon also
became part of the Muslc Llbrary,
Adelle Gensemer Dalley, born where It was developed to Its
February 11, 1916 In Creston, Ohlo, current strength, Supportlhg the
had strong tles to and a needs of the School of Muslc and
pervaslve Influence on the the communlty.
. Unlverslty of Kentucky and the Adelle's contrlbutlons to the
School of Muslc for most of her Muslc Llbrary and the School of

Muslc dld not cease upon her THANK YOU I
retlrement. Through the School I
of Muslc, she establlshed the The followlng thank you
Frances Arnold South and the letters have been recently .
Dudley E. South endowments, whlch recelved for hollday donatlons. `
provlde scholarshlps for freshman  
students In volce and strlngs January 9,1987 E
respectlvely. Her slzable  
donatlons to the Muslc Llbrary Dear Mary Geyer, Q
have provlded for the purchase of Wlll you please tell the UK 2
computer equlpment for the Llbrary Assoclatlon members how  
Llbrary, compact dlsc players for grateful we are for your generous  
the Llstenlng Center, an offlce donatlon. You made a lot of I
for the Llbrarlan, and other chlldren happy at Chrlstmas, and  
smaller Items whlch have we surely do thank you. j
streamllned the procedures and y
Improved servlces In the Muslc Slncerely, I
Llbrary. Adelle also served as Harrlet Anderson, UK `
"mentor" to the current Muslc Hospltal Auxlllary
Llbrarlan, Ilstenlng to Ideas and
glvlng useful advlce and guldance * * * * *
whenever asked.
Adelle Dalley dled at 3:00 am January 8, 1987
on Thursday, January 8, after a
long Illness. Though she Is no Dear Frlends,
longer wlth us, her Influence on On behalf of The Salvatlon
the Muslc Llbrary, and on many Army and those we serve, I want
lndlvlduals, wlll be felt for many to thank you for you doriatlon of
years to come. mlscellaneous food Items In
The famlly of Adelle Dalley support of our Chrlstmas Effort.
has asked that those wlshlng to We feel that thls past .
glve memorlals make thelr Chrlstmas was a success In that
contrlbutlons to the Adelle G. we were able to provlde food, . _
Dalley Muslc Llbrary. toys, clothlng, glfts, and hope to
14,957 men, women and chlldren who
Submitted by Cathy Hunt, Muslc mlght otherwlse be forgotten In
Llbrarlan the hollday rush.
We are truly blessed to have
,frIends Ilke you who care enough
WELCOME ABOAFID to share. Thank you again for
helplng to make all thls posslble.
Barry Boatman ........... Law Llbrary May God rlchly bless you In thls
New Year.
BON VOYAGE Slncerely,
Captaln W. Howard Burr
Gerald Morse ............ Clrculatlon Corps Offlcer
The Salvatlon Army
. Lexlngton, Kentucky

 W4 FORMS UPDATE lnformatlon related to the
llbrarles, answer questlons, and
If you need help fllllng out lead the employee on a tour of
your new W4 form, joln the club. M.I. Klng Llbrary.
The UK Payroll Department has Thls process wlll only affect
recelved numerous Inqulrles and staff members new to the llbrary
requests for asslstance that they system, not Internal employees
are provldlng an lFlS—produced who have been transferred or
I vldeo tape that outlines the promoted. We hope these meetlngs
» baslcs. The tape Is avallable ln wlll help new staff members make a
Room 15 of Memorlal Hall through more comfortable adjustment to
the asslstance of Human Resource thelr work In the llbrarles.
Development. The vldeo tape ls Thanks for your cooperatlon.
22 mlnutes long. Seatlng ls (SubmItted by Dan Hodge)
Ilmlted, and In order to assure a
space, please call 257-6331 to
schedule. The tape wlll be shown ABOVE AND BE‘l_ND...
on the followlng dates: W '
Russell Powell recelved the
January 30 8:30 — 4:30 followlng thank you letter dated
February 5 8:30 —— 4:30 January 2, 1987:
February 3 1:00 — 4:30
February 5 8:30 -— 4:30 Dear Russell,
February 4 8:30 — 12:00 For many months now I have
wlshed to wrlte and thank you for
you help and graclous hospltallty
STAFF ACTIVIDE durlng my vlslt last October.
Also worthy of many compllments
ll_/tary Vass has recently was your collectlon of facts and
revlewed a blbllography of flgures for the use of the team.
Charlotte and Emlly Bronte for Your professlonallsm was to be -
Cholce. admlred.
Thls was a flrst, the ~ .
Incluslon of a Ilbrarlan as an
ORIENTATION PROGRAM observer on the ABET team. As
FOR NEW EMPLOYEES you are well aware, I really had
no Idea of what to ask for or to
The ACTS Orlentatlon tell you we needed for the
Commlttee has put Into effect Its _ evaluatlon. But wlth the start
role of helplng to Introduce new you made by your actlve
classlfled staff members to the partlclpatlon on thls vlslt, future ;
llbrary system as of January 1987. observers and the englneerlng ‘
We would Ilke supervlsors to be Ilbrarlans they Intervlew, wlll be
aware that thls process wlll better prepared. — .
Involve a brlef meetlng (no more Thank you for taklng the
than 2 hours) wlth each new lnltlatlve and calllng and
classlfled staff member hlred, to arranglng to meet the plane and
be scheduled wlthln the flrst few for the Informal tour of Lexlngton
days of hls/her employment. whlch really made the clty come
A Durlng thls meetlng, a member of allve for us. But the major
the Orlentatlon Commlttee wlll contrlbutlon you made was
glve the employee a package of arranglng the Intervlew wlth the

 dlrector of Ilbrarles and the "You Got To Move" follows
materlals you, wlth the people from Southern communltles
cooperatlon of your colleagues, In thelr process of becomlng
collected. These were very Involved ln soclal change. The
Important for the evaluatlon of central characters In the fllm
the Ilbrary and llbrary's servlces. have been actlve In some of the
I look forward to your most slgnlflcant movements In the
sharlng your lmpresslons and South In the last 50 years, from
glvlng feedback as (slo) the ASEE clvll rlghts and labor organlzlng
Englneerlng Llbrarles Dlvlslon to clt|ZenS' actlons agalnst toxlc
meetlngs next June so we can waste dumplng and strlp mlnlng.
contlnue to reflne the Important The events are free and are
first start we made. We need now co-sponsored by the Unlverslty of
to lust Iron out the wrlnkles. Kentucky Llbrarles, Unlverslty of
And you can provlde an Important Kentucky's Appalachlan Center and
contrlbutlon to thls process. Mlnorlty Student Affalrs Offlce,
Thank you agaln, Russell, for Kentucky Falr Tax Coalltlon, and
all you dld. You helped the Lexlngton Publlc Llbrary. For `
englneerlng llbrarlanshlp take one more lnformatlon, call Kate Black,
glant step forward. 257-9401. (Submltted by Kate
Wendy Culotta
Callfornla State Unlverslty
LT Il, Clrculatlon, Klng South. '
"You Got To Move: Storles of
Change In the South," a GPD Llbrarlan. Unlverslty of »
documentary fllm by Lucy Masslc Callfornla, lrvlne. Salary:
Phenlx and Veronlca Selver, wlll $29,340-$45,048. Deadllne: March . _
have two screenlngs In Lexlngton: 1, 1987.
--Wednesday, February 25, Reference Llbrarlan. Unlverslty
1987, 7:30 pm at Seay of Callfornla, Los Angeles.
Audltorlum, located next to Salary: $24,012-$42,254.
the Agrlculture North Deadllne: May 31,1987.
Bulldlng at the corner of
Llmestone and Cooper Drlve Onllne Speclallst, Blomedlcal
on the Unlverslty of Llbrary. Unlverslty of Callfornla,
Kentucky campus. Wheelchalr Los Angeles. Salary: $24,012-
access. $36,828. Deadllne: March I5,
--Thursday, February 26,
1987, 7:30 pm at the
I Northslde Branch, Lexlngton
‘ Publlc Llbrary, 1737 Russell
Cave Road. Wheelchalr

 DELAWARE Asslstant Order Llbrarlan.
Prlnceton Unlverslty. Salary:
Asslstant Dlrector of Llbrarles $19,200 mlnlmum. Deadline:
for Publlc Servlces. Unlverslty February 20, 1987.
of Delaware. Salary: $35,000
mlnlmum. Deadllne: February 20, Soclal Sclences Cataloger.
1987. Prlnceton Unlverslty. Salary:
varlable. Deadllne: February 23,
Serlals Cataloger. Unlverslty of 1987.
Delaware. Salary: $18,200
mlnlmum. Deadllne: February 16, Englneerlng Llbrarlan. Rutgers
1987. Unlverslty. Salary: $25,097
mlnlmum. Deadllne: AprIl15,1987.
Coorcllnator for Retrospectlve
Converslon. Unlverslty of NEW YORK
Delaware. Salary: $18,200
mlnlmum. Deadllne: February 28, Unlverslty Archlvlst. Unlverslty
1987. of New York, Albany. Salary: ·
$20,000 mlnlmum. Deadllne: Aprll
GEORGIA 1, 1987.
Dlrector of Llbrarles. Valdosta Reference Llbrarlan. Unlverslty
State College. Salary: varlable. of New York, Albany. Salary: $,
Deadllne: March 1, 1987. mlnlmum. Deadllne: March 30, 1987.
INDIANA Asslstant Dlrector, Unlverslty
Llbrarles. Unlverslty of New
Muslc Cataloger. lndlana York, Albany. Salary: I-$25,000
Unlverslty. Salary: $19,000 mlnlmum. Deadllne: February 13,
mlnlmum. Deadllne: March15, 1987. 1987.
Asslstant to the Unlverslty Dlrector of Llbrary. Oklahoma
Llbrarlan. Unlverslty of Iowa. State Unlverslty. Salary:
Salary: $30,000-$35,000. varlable. Deadllne: March 15,
Deadllne: February 15, 1987. 1987.
MISSISSIPPI Head, Soclal Sclences Dlvlslon.
Oklahoma State Unlverslty.
Dlrector of Llbrarles. Unlverslty Salary: $27,600 mlnlmum.
of Mlsslsslppl. Salary: varlable. Deadllne: Mayl, 1987.
Deadllne: February 27, 1987. ‘
Documents Llbrarlan. Winthrop
Head of Preblndery and Labellng College. Salary: $18, 500 mlnlmum.
Sectlon. Prlnceton Unlverslty. Deadllne: none glven.
` Salary: varlable. Deadllne:
February 16, 1987.

 M *_
LS/2000 OPAC Training for Staff
The next LS/2000 library staff training forum will be held on Tuesday, March 3,
2:00 p.m. in the Gallery. Brad Grissom will give an introduction to the MARC
fields and how they affect searching.
The OPAC Training Subcommittee would like your thoughts on possible topics for
future forums. The following topics have been suggested. Please circle the
ones that would interest you and list any others you would like to see covered.
l. A panel presentation on various searches from the retrieval subsystem. A
2. A session on searching serials.
3. A session on selected authority files and how they relate to each other,
e.g. /sJ, /1>N, /011, /sc, /cN.
, 4. A session on database clean-up projects. l
Others: I I
Please detach and mail to:
Laura Rein
Reference Department
M. I. King Library — South 00391