xt7hmg7fs826 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7fs826/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1970 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 3, Winter 1970 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 3, Winter 1970 1970 1970 2014 true xt7hmg7fs826 section xt7hmg7fs826  ‘
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T Naiional Chairman, Froniier Nursing Service, Inc.
This pholograph oi our Narional Chairman was ialcen by her husband, Mr. Je·FFerson Pa'}-
` +erson, on her refurn from +he Cine banquef in Washing+on, D. C., on November I4, I969.
l Mrs. Pa++ers¤n received {rom +he Bulgarian Ambassador +he award given our movie.
* THE ROAD, a+ +he Iniernaiional Fesiival ai Varna, Bulgaria.

14 FRoNT1ER NURSING smzvrcm  
Stevie was right! The wooly worm’s role as a weather
prophet must all be a lot of superstitious nonsense. Perhaps one
of those Florida wooly worms strayed north (does the Sunshine ·
State have wooly worms?) or one of our little natives put on the
wrong fur coat. The only wooly worm I saw last fall was reddish
brown with small black stripes on each end. Now, according to
ancient mountain lore this was an optimistic prediction for a »
tiny bit of severe weather at the beginning and end of winter
with mild weather in between; i.e., black for bad, brown for
mild. It was a beautiful October day when I met Mr. Wooly
Worm and all my defenses were down. I was ready to believe `
anything. So I discussed this token of balmy weather with  
other superstitious mountaineers. All agreed that it held true. i
Thus encouraged, I broached the subject at the breakfast table. .
My son, Stevie, told me flat out that the whole thing was super-
stitious nonsense. I stoutly defended my theory against his I
scientific arguments. We quit at an impasse. The school bus
was coming.
Alas, during Christmas Season this lovely prediction was  V
blown to bits by a whale of a lot of bad weather, with snow, sleet, ,
ice, and temperatures much below normal, near, at or below
zero. This lasted intermittently until February.
We were not beaten yet. There was still that Groundhog  I
Day theory by which the old folks swear. Well, February 2 J
dawned grim, gloomy and gray. This was just what we wanted
(the one day in the year when no one seems to mind dreary
skies!). The groundhog must not see his shadow or we will have l
six weeks more of severe weather. Otherwise, winter is about  
over. But, no, the sun peeped out. Spirits sank low but Kate
Ireland assured us at the lunch table that the sun did not stay
out long enough for shadow casting. Cheers! Goodbye, winter.
February 3 (while trudging a mile through heavy snowfall
to the oflice) 2 "Stevie is right, it’s all superstitious hogwash . . ."

l i `
if by
1 .
[Ed*ito1’s Note: When Jodie and Betsy came to Kentucky last
‘ year to visit Jodie’s aunt, Kate Ireland, we found that we did
not always understand what they had to say to us! They volun-
teered to prepare a dictionary of very modern terminology to
. help us out. Maybe it will help you converse with your young
Acid—The name of a drug taken on a sugar cube. It can be
harmful to the cromosomes [sic].
Bag it——A word meaning forget it, get lost, leave.
Blow your mind—Impressed or attracted by something weird or
g Bombed—A verb stating that you did wrong or badly on some-
l thing.
y Bopping—Going somewhere.
L Boss—An adjective describing something you like, something
mod or up-to-date. It has practically the same meaning as
` groovy.
· Chalk one up for me—If someone makes a funny joke, someone
A else may say "Chalk one up for him" meaning it was a good
Come off it—Quit it or stop it.
L Cool it—A verb to tell someone to stop it or leave.
Fripple—An adjective or noun describing anything you want it
i to. If you can’t think of a word strong enough to describe
i something or someone, use fripple.
 i Give me a break—Stop it, or leave me alone.
Give me grief——Bother me, or cause me trouble.
Groovy-—-An adjective describing something that is up-to—date
with the latest fads.

  ‘  ?
is 1¤RoN·1·11s:R Nunsmo snavxcm i
Hang up--Worse problem or habit. L
Humongus—Huge or large. l
I kid you not——I am not joking; I am being serious. .`
Jet set—The popular crowd; the group of people that are the ’
richest, the best dressed and the most travelled. l
Like Wow——A sarcastic expression. If someone came up with a
dumb idea and asked if you liked it, you might reply "Like .
wow". 2
Man—An exclamatory word expressing surprise or excitement. x
Neat—An adjective used to describe something groovy. I
Pad-—A house. I
Psych out—If something is really mod or up to date, someone .
might say "what a psych out" meaning they were impressed l
by it. 2
Psychs me out——Turns me on. j
Purple haze——Confused or mixed up. ·
Scratch—Money. V
Stud—An exclamatory word to describe something new and  I
exciting. r .
Trip-—-A journey of the mind.
Turns me on—Something I like which excites or intrigues me.
Wipe out—A noun meaning a huge crash or accident.
Wiped out—A verb meaning to crash, tumble or fall off. l

{ QUARTERLY Runnmrm 17
Edited by
,1 From Lorna Miller Eckian, New York, New York
—Christmas, 1969
Albert is just about through medical school. We are leaving
here the end of January and Albert will spend the last part of
’ the year with the Public Health Service in Washington, D. C.
I at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. It will be a nice change, and a chance
I to see more of my family. One of these years we’ll get down to
Wendover for a visit. We’re both fascinated with the plans for
y the new hospital and the Family Nurse Practitioner Program.
 _ From Anne Kilham DeMaria, Rehoboth, Massachusetts
—Christmas, 1969
` We are in the process of selling this house and moving to
P Maine, where John has a new job. We have rented a house in
_ Rockport (near Camden) and John has already started working
and commutes weekends. I am looking forward to the move as
V I think it will be a nice healthy life there for children, lots for
 ’ me to do in arts and crafts and a beautiful place to live—moun-
i tains and ocean together.
I From Parker Gundry Trostel, Williams Bay, Wisconsin
—Christmas, 1969
Al is head of a small manufacturing firm here and loves his
job. I have a mini-job writing for a weekly newspaper. I’m look-
. ing for more. The children have made friends and like school.
, Rick, 9, loves science and music. Kimmie, 8, loves reading and
I drama. Margie, just 5, likes people and bouncing.
  From Theresa Nantz Walton, Paducah, Kentucky
—Christmas, 1969
I teach half-days, except Friday, and all day then, at the
I local school, and I love every minute of it. I really never knew
that teaching could be so much fun. The kids are growing up.

 is Fnowrma Nuasmc smnvrcm
Bailey is in the iirst grade and Halley has added piano lessons  ,
since last year. Dan has formed a new law partnership and it
looks very promising.
From Candace Dornblaser Steele, Palo Alto, California
—Christmas, 1969 X
I am currently in the midst of a class at the University of =
California Medical School, on the development of a discussion of `
leading skills for expectant parents’ classes. I have also been 1
enjoying a ceramics class. Chuck now heads the math group in -
Ampex’s research department and is teaching one course per ·
quarter for the University of California extension program. 5
Danae, eleven years old, is becoming a dedicated stamp col-
lector. Her greatest excitement is her newly-arrived 4-H Club
project. She is responsible for a black labrador puppy for about _
nine months, doing his basic obedience training and then he will  l
be returned to Guide Dogs for the Blind for his special training. .
Heidi, now nine and a half, is excitedly planning for `her 4-H Club
project-she will raise some bantam chickens. Heather, just _
turned eight and is a general collector of all things. She’s espe- A
cially fascinated with her agates and the cupboard is stuHed I
with an amazing variety of rocks.