xt7hmg7frz0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7frz0j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1955-04-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1955 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1955 1955 1955-04-15 2013 true xt7hmg7frz0j section xt7hmg7frz0j Several Hundred UK 'Professional Donors
Go To School On Hard Earned 'Blood Money9

Several hundred University of Kentucky students arc
giving their life's blood to stay in school. Probably most
of the sh?r5e:-it- s and faculty are not aware of the sacrifice
these mm are making.
Every two or three months a pint of blood it drained
from them. For several days after the bleeding: they creep
back and forth across campus bent under the heavy burden of their books.
. Their strength is gone. They sleep through eight
o'clock's, have trouble staying awake in class, are unable
to study, 2rrJ flunk numerous tests.
These po:r souls barely have enough 'energy to crawl
to their favcrite pub to replenish the lost body fluids. The
symptoms te.it for nearly a week.

Professional donor is the rather degrading title given
these students. They can be identified by a small white
patch taped to their left arm. Their occupation is selling
blood. Their market is any of the local hospitals.
Right now a bitter war is going on among blood sellers.
This is another problem fared by the t'K professional
A blood bank in Nashville is underselling the local boys.
The hospitals are deserting the faithful sellers who have
stood by them through the long, dry years. Donor lists
have been slashed to the bone.
With the nearness of spring formals and beer blasts at
Boonesborough. the situation Is rapidly becoming critical.
All the hospitals have issued new policy statements
Raying that blood banks should buy blood only in the

:Palmer Quits
As SGA Head


E. Pal hut Jr., Student Government Association
which he says was Vol. XLVI
brought on by the pressure of academic problems.

president, lias submitted his resignation,
Wendell Norman, SGA vice
president, has taken over leader
ship of the assembly until elections
are held next month.
Palmer, who only recently resigned as Interfraternity Council
president. tod SGA assembly members that he had been placed on
academic probation for the previous semester's work in the Col-

Palmer, during his freshman
year at UK, pledged the Kappa
Alpha fraternity and was a member of Pershing Rifles and IFC.
During his sophomore year, he
was elected president of Keys, was
a member of Phalanx, and was
elected to SGA as a College of
Commerce representative.
In his junior year, Palmer was
tapped by Lances and Lamp and
Cross, was elected president of
the Constitutionalist Party, and
was appointed chairman of the
SGA Judiciary Committee.
This year he has held presidencies of the SGA, IFC, and the
Kappa Alpha fraternity.




Drama Department
Plans PJav Festival

Friday, April

No. 21

15, 1955


The Drama Department will
sponsor a play night festival at
7:30 tomorrow night in the Laboratory Theater of the Fine
Arts Building.
Colleges that have been invited to attend are Eastern,
Georgetown, Asbury and Transylvania. IK, Eastern and
Georgetown will present one-aplays to the group.




New Dorms

Are Named
By Trustees
Three new residence halls were
named officially last week by the
University Board of Trustees.
The dorms are:
Donovan Hall Without the
of President H. L.
Donovan, the Board named the
new men's residence hall on Rose
Street in honor of the University's
chief executive for his contributions to the University and to
Donovan Hall will house 359
boys and provide dining facilities
for 1,200. It will be occupied this
The Board
Keeneland Hall
named the dormitory for 312 senior girls, being constructed between Patterson Hall and the
Good Samaritan Hospital, in appreciation of the gift of $200,000
from the Keeneland Foundation.
Holmes Hall This proposed residence hall for girls will be constructed on Limestone Street between Euclid Avenue and the
Good Samaritan Hospital. It will
accommodate 298 students.



They're At It Afitiin
Maintenance and Operations has just constructed
another fence. Journalism students, with the flag
flying at half mast, bemoan the erection of said
fence located behind the mining laboratory. Said
journalism students have their reasons. Only, M

of resilience halls on campus.



Dormitory management changes effective in September include:
1. All freshmen and sophomore men. except those
married, residents of Lexington, or commuters, will
be required to live in the men's residence halls un- fKi iivn vrnrinl nprmisirin hv the rifnn of men to
live elsewhere.

Sophomores who are members of fraternities may

iji. ''.;


V Convention Planners
The National Intercollegiate Pep Council convention, being held for
the first time on the t'K campus, began yesterday and will continue
through tomorrow. (See story on page 10) Shown above are Suky officers who helped plan the event. From left to right: Maxine Thompson, newly elected Suky president: Dave Linkous, retired president;
and Jill Mahoney, convention

and O constructed a new sidewalk where a fence
once stood between the Journalism Building and
the mining laboratory. But such was done only
after several years of crusading by the KerneL
Looks like the Kernel will be at it again.

Operation Changes
For Dorms OlCd


Tin Univrrsity Hoard of Trusters last wi'ik
approved sweeping changes in the operation






2 Sections 32 Pages
7Vns Week's

University of Kentucky, Lexington,


lege of Commerce.

The University Faculty has
adopted a ruling that a student
who is placed on academic pro- batlon must resign his elected
positions cn campus, unless it is
felt that the continuance of a
student in office is an absolute
necessity in the successful func- timing of the organization.
"It has now become evident,"
said Palmer, "that my continuation is considered to be in dialectical conflict with the recognized principle that those rules
which are applicable to some must
be applicable to all"
Palmer told the group that students must not forget that their
primary purpose at college is "attaining -- an education on the academic level.
He told the assembly that SGA
has made definite progress in acting upon projects and problems of
current nature this year. He requested that SGA continue to do

direst emergency. The cry Is out to bring bark the amateurs.
The only recourse left open to the sellers Is to organic
a professional blood donors' union. Unfair labor practical
cannot be tolerated

live in fraternity houses.
2. All men residing in the dormitories will be
charged for two meals daily (breakfast and dinner!
in the cafeteria of Donovan Hall on Rose Street,
at $165 a semester.
3. Room rents will be increased for both men and
women students: for men an average of 17 per cent
and for women (room and board about 10 per cent.
The charge for all rooms in Donovan Hall will be
$90 a semester.
Men students not residing in the residence halls
will be permitted to take eiitsnvals a day at the

same semester rattf



the dormitory

summer session there will be
For the eight-week- s'
a single room charge of $10 a student In the men's
dorms and SI 1 a student in the women's residence
Beginning in September, girls residing in Keeneland Hall and at 643 and 615 Maxwelton Court
will be provided two meals dally (breakfast and
dinner i in the Student Union cafeteria.

Dorm Plans Open House
An open house will be held in Donovan Hall,
the new men's dorm on Hose Street,
Thursday fur all students and faculty.
Dean of .Men Leslie L. Martin said the purpose
of the open house is to give the students and faculty a chance to see the dorm before students

move in.
The new dorm will not be dedicated until commencement week in May.
(juides Mill be available to show interested persons around the building Kcjreshmcnts will be


Tomorrow Is UK



'Downtown Merchants







15, lO.w




Annual AFROTC InspecliV
Set For Today, Tomorrow



The annual Inspection of the AFKOTC Detachment at the University will be held today, and tomorrow.
Col. Grayson J. Jones, Lt. Col. James K. Briggs, and Lt. Col.
Robert N. Lloyd are the Inspecting officers. They will examine all
phases of the AFROTC program at the University, including classroom instruction, supply procedures, cadet leadership laboratories,
The newly formed AFROTC band will furnish parade music for
a combined Army and Air Force ROTC Brigade Review at 9 a.m.
More than 1.200 Army and Air Force ROTC cadets will take
part inthe parade.

Donovan Gives UK History
Al Ncwcomcn- Banquet





President H. L. Donovan briefly sketched the history of UK in an
address last night to the American Newcomen Society.
The society, an international
group dedicated to the progress of
man hnnnrpH TTfC nnri Prpsidpnt.
Donovan ai a Danquet in Lexington on the 90th anniversary of the
Bonnie Gibson, graduate student
UK originated in the mind of in music, will present a graduate
John D. Bowman, a prosperous recital at 8 p.m. tonight in the
Kentucky farmer. Bowman raised Laboratory Theatre of the Fine
$150,000 and the school, named Arts Building. This is In partial
Kentucky University, was ..char- fulfillment of the requirements for
tered by the Legislature in 1854, the Master of Music Degree in
Dr. Donovan said.
Applied Voice.
Miss Gibson received her bach-elar- 's
Kentucky University was made
degree from Transylvania
a land grant school in 1865, PresiCollege where she was the student
dent Donovan said. Bowman was
of Harvey Davis. Previous" to that
named regent.
she studied with Barbara Esbach
Trouble developed between the for four years in Hollywood, Calif.
colleges . and the
UniHer present teacher at
University shortly after James K. versity is Phyllis Jenness. the
While at
Patterson was appointed president. Transylvania, she was twice the
The Legislature levied a tax for recipient of the Phi Beta Scholarthe support of the University. The ship Award.
church schools rebelled, Dr. DonotheaShe has also been
van said, and battled the Univer- tre work. Her roles active inNancy
sity until the coming of Dr. Frank Hanks In the "Tall Kentuckian"
McVey as president in 1917.
in the Louisville Amphitheatre,
Under President McVey's admin- "The Merry Widow" and "Detecistration the size of the University tive Story" in Guignol, and "All
increased more than "five times My Sons," in Hollywood.
what it was in 1917.
Miss Gibson is part-tim- e
"The Uriversity of today," Presi- teacher at Transylvania College
dent Donovan said, "is the product and holds positions .as church .soof all the hopes, all the faiths, all loist at Central Christian Church
the efforts and sacrifices of those and Good Shepherd Episcopal
professors and students who lab- Church. She is the daughter of
ored and went before to build a Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gibson of

Bonnie Gibson
To Give Recital










Stylus To lie Out Monday
Stylus, campus literary magazine, will go on sale
Monday at several locations on the UK campus.
left to right, are: Ann Deard, next year's
editor; and Jacqueline Averill and Jean Fraser

Standing are Dr. John
Patrick, present
Cutler and Dr. Maurice Hatch, Stylus faculty



Stylus To Go On Sale Monday
The Reynolds Lyric Award $200)
The Dantzler Award in Prose to
Ky., for 1954 from the Poetry Society
Wendell Berry of Newcastle,
whose story appeared in the fall of America went to Lois Smith
Heirs of - Canada. Ky Her poem
The Farquhar Award in Poetry "On Laying Up Treasure" has its
to Loren Cox of Lexington whose first printing in this issue.
poem appeared in the fall Issue.
Jean Patrick's story which won
conThe awards for
for her the Alpha Xi Delta creatributors are:
tive arts award will appear in this
to Al- issue also.
-- The First Stylus Award
bert Stewart, now of Cincinnati,
Stylus is a magazine published
O., for his poem which appeared in "to encourage creative writing on
the fall Issue.
campus," said Dr. Cutler. Also
of each issue Is devoted
The Second Stylus Award to Sylvia Auxier of Pikeville, Ky., whose to non -- student contributors who
prize winning poem appears in this live in Kentucky or who are former
residents of Kentucky.


Stylus, UK literary magazine,
ivill go on sale" Monday. Dr.

John L. Cutler, magazine advisor, said the magazine will
he - sold on campus and in
downtown lxok stores.

non-stude- nt

price is 25c a
copy, while the downtown sale
price is 50c.
This issue of Stylus announces


one-four- th

awards to the outstanding students
in the field of creative arts.
They are:

Harvard Prof
Gives Talk
On Numbers
D. V. Widder, professor of

mathematics at Harvard University, told a group of UK
mathematicians last week that
"the theory of numbers has an
almost universal appeal."
The Harvard professor, who
a seminar at UK April
spoke on "Prime Numbers.
Prof. Widder, who is on a four- week lecture tour, said that on the
tour he has become a mathematics
salesman selling math to all who
"will listen.
Mr gave the group the lowest
prime numbers and eventually
worked toward the largest prime
numbers known.
At one point in his lecture, Prof.
Widder said, "If you don't understand this, just close your eyes
and dream of a lonely country



-- Cordovans

Wing Tip or Plain Toe
Regular $19.95



The author of several technical
books dealing with higher mathe-nvatic.- s,
Widder is a main contributor to the convolution' transform. Three days of his week's
May at UK were devoted to discussions of the convolution trans-lon- n.
Dr. J. C. Eaves, head of the
Mathematics and Astronomy Department, said that although 28
colleges and universities requested
Prof. Widder, he granted only UK
a full week's seminar.
Prof. Widder received his Ph.D.
from Harvard in 1924. The re
cipient of Guggenheim and Na-- :
tional Research Foundation fel- lowships. he is a member of the
American Academy of Sciences.
He has been a professor of
mathematics at Harvard since

Handsewn Brown Elk
Regular $10.93


- White Bucks
Comfortable Plain Toes
Regular $10.95



For Saturday, UK Day Only!


Triangle Cagers Play
In National Tourney

fraternity's basketball

today to
team Is In Evanston,
take part In the Triangle national

basketball tournament. The meet
be played at Northwestern





133-13- 5




� TIIK KESTt'CKV KKHNKI.. Friday. April



his generation. Stymie went on to win over f9iXi.00O.
Thoroughbred hcrse are not allowed to rare until they are two years old. and all Have the amr
birthday, namely, Janaarv 1.
Most horses are foaled in the early spring, but
they nevertheless become one year old on the following January

a registered bull valued at $26,800,
and several miscellaneous items were accepted for the University recently by the Board of Trustees.
Donors and their gifts follow:
Keeneland Foundation, $5,000 to the project, tractors Affecting the
the Experiment Station for coop- Utilization of low Quality Rougherative research with the South- age by Stocfcer Steers"; Pacific
west Foundation for Research and Coast Borax Co., $1,000 to the ExEducation, San Antonio, Texas; periment Station for research on
Bakelite Co., New York City, $1,250 vegetables;
to the Experiment Station for a Mining Institute, $125 to the Kenstudy of the use of films produced tucky Research Foundation as
from - polythylene for the control second -- semester payment for the
of weeds and the forcing of irri- Henry A. Petter Scholarship.
gation of vegetables.
W. Atlee Byrpee Co., $100 as an
Distillers Feed. .Research Coun- - award for the outstanding student
cu. cmcinatl, $5,000 to the Experi- - majoring in horticulture; David B.
ment Station as a grant-in-ai- d
for Stairman Foundation Inc., Now
York City, to the Research Foun
dation, $10,000 for scholarships or
awards to deserving engineering
students; Research Corporation of
New York City. $1,700 to the Re- RIFLES
search Foundation, as a giant to
support certain research by Dr.
John M. Patterson of the Chemis- try Department.
' Now in" its 24th year, PR
Anonymous. $300 to the Re- announces the initiation of
se arch Foundation for a law scholarship for 1953-5Mrs. William S.
35 men. Company C- -l
Taylor, Lexington, $100 to the Rewill attend the Regimental
search Foundation for the William
Drill Acct at University of
S. Taylor Memorial Fund; E. C.
Cincinnati May
McCormicli Jr., Medina, Ohio, a
registered hereford bull with an
Work is now being done
appraised value of $26,802, for use
on a completely new exin the Experiment Station herd.
Blue Diamond Coal Co., Knox-vlllwfuch we
hibition with
$295 to the Research Foundaplan to win our 15th first
tion for an engineering scholarplace trophy in 20 compeship; Charles Hagan of Sears Roetitions.
buck and Co., Lexington, a tape
recorder and supply Ale to the
University library.




Sore backs were the occupational disease of the early Creek
astronomers, and no wonder! They used to spend every blessed
night lying on the damp ground and looking up at the sky, ami
if there's a better way lo get a sore back, I'd like to hear about it.
Especially in the moist Mediterranean area, where Greece i
generally considered to be.
Lumliago and related disorders kept astronomy from
very popular until Galileo, a disbarred llenser of Perth,
out of throe Social
fashioned a home made telescope in
Security cards and an ordinary ice cube. What schoolboy doe
not know that stirring story how Galileo stcpiod up to his
telescope, how he looked heavenward, how his face filled with
wonder, how he stepped back and whispered the words heard
round the world: "Ictat, c'rst ntni!"
Well sir, you can imagine what happened then! William
Jennings Pryan snatched Nell Gwynne from the shadow of tins
guillotine at Oslo; Chancellor Ilismarck brought in four gushers
in a single afternoon; Hal Newhousor was signed by tho
Hanseatic League; Crete was declared ofT limits to Wellington's
entire army; and William Faulkner won the Davis Cup for his
immortal I'enrod'aud Sam.


ut after a While things calmed down, and astronomers began
the staggering task of naming all the heavenly bodies. First
man to name a star was Sigafoos of Mt. Wilson, and the name
he chose was Uetelgeuse, after his wife Petelgeuse Sigafoos,
prom queen at Michigan State College from 19PJ to 1931.
Not to be outdone, Formfig of Yerkes Observatory named a
whole constellation after his wife. Pig Dipper Formfig, this
famed dirt track racer. This started the custom of astronomers
naming constellations after their wives Capricorn, Cygni,
Orion, Ursa Major, Canis Major, and so forth. (The Major girls.
Urea and Canis, both married astronomers, though Canis
ran off with a dry dock broker named Thwaite Daphnis. )
After naming all the heavenly bodies, the astronomers had a,
good long rest. Then, refreshed and brown as berries, they
undertook the gigantic project of charting the heavens. Space is
so vast that it is measured in units called "light-years.- "
are different from ordinary years in that they weigh a good
deal less. This, of course, is only relative, since space is curved.
As Kinstein laughingly said, "Errmc."



huImo-quent- ly








Curb and Inside Service

Double deck hamburger
en bun with barbecue
tawco and french fries ...




On bun witk french fries

and tartar sauce



guess that cover astronomy pretty thoroughly. Hut
before we leave this fascinating topic, let us answer one final
question: Is there life on other planets?
The answer is a flat, unequivocal no. Recent spectroscopic
studies have proved beyond a doubt that the atmosphere of the
other planets is far too harsh to ermit the culture of the delicate
mtage tobaccos that go into Philip Morris Cigarettes . . . And
'ii can live without Philip Morris?






hfutrnly column like the aullior'a mitre eurlhy imi

MOllltIS tltiunlU
lit u hr the mukvrt of
n il in ihiir product.
n ul



is called astronomy, from the
Greek words astro meaning "sore" and norny meaning "back."


Nicholasvillc Road At Stone Road
For Carry-Ou-t


The science that we take up today

are answerable to the govcrn- ment but in
fact there
is no interference, and all the
changes of government administration we have gone through have
made no distinguishable change in
our policy of broadcasting."
In answering the question. "Is
BBC going commercial?" Sutherland answered no, but that the
whole truth to the problem was
more complex. He said that this
was a subject that most everyone
shied away from.
Sutherland, who formerly was in
charge of television in England,
spoke in the Red Room of the
Lafayette Hotel.


ifi Chrtk," tie.)

minds when they fashioned their cigarette. They were nwnru
that the palate of youth is keen and eager, awake to the subtlest
nuances of flavor. And so they made a gentle and clement smoke,
a suave blending of temperate vintage tobaccos, a summery
amalgam of the most tranquil and emollient leaf that their
buyers could find in all the world. And then they designed their
cigarette in two sires, king-six- e
and regular, and wrapped them
pack, and priced them at a figure
in the convenient Snap-Ope- n
that youth could afford, and made them available at every
tobacco counter in the land.
That's what they did, the makers of Philip Morris, and I for
one am glad.


STARLITE drive-- in

(Author of 'I'.arefoot Hoy

lesson in science.
It is no new thing, this concern that the makers of Philip
Morris feel for American youth. Youth was foremost in their


5-- 6.


Once afrnirt the makers of Philip Morris, nu n who are dedicated
to the betterment of American youth, have consented to let nu
use this space, normally intended for levity, to brinjr you a lTvf

Broadcast Corporation in North
America, who was the guest
speaker at the second annual
Radio Arts graduation
Sutherland said that the BBC's
overseas broadcasts beyond the
Iron Curtain were run on a budget voted by government.
He said that this was very simi-lito the Voice of America setup.
They differ "so far as I can see,
in that we seem to run with much
less supervision from our Foreicn
Office than the "Voice" does from
the State Department."




ti,i,,ww.ii,." o,,tv..i






prc-fabricat- ed

"British broadcasting Is not run




by the government, as many people
think," said Alec Sutherland, program director Tor the British




Group Hears
BBC Official






ol S2.f17.(KW

nf Ik
for t

CoojK rstovvti, liomint; project tor nurritxl students and tli ir
f.imtl its. Ce rtain alternates nuv nilmr the coot to S2..WO.SIS.
The contract probably will be
awarded by the middle of May, mitted to remain there until the
pending approval by the !Ute close of the current semester.
After th.it time, all will be taken
Property and llailding ('nmUkkm.
care of In Shawnret-jwand In
Construction Is expected to' begin
In June with completion of the houses on Hilltop Avenue in
project scheduled for September, Cooperstown. The Hilltop house
195G. Cost of construction will be will not be rared until the project
is completed.
a morticed from rents over a
The new Cooperstown will Inperiod.
clude 129 apartment In ninr brick
The Board of Trustees also nd-stone
budding of modern,
authorlml the issuance, sole and functional design. There will be
delivery of $2,600,000 in revenue 1S1 efficiency apartment
bonds. Thes bonds will be ad- married couplet without children
vertised for sale April 27.
and 177
If the rebuilding project goes accommodating three or four perthrough, the
houses sons.
now in use in Cooperstown will be
Each apartment building uill
dLsposed of Ht public auction. The have its own gas heating system
time of the auction will be an- and community laundry, and all
nounced later. Students presently apartments will be similarly
living in Cooperstown will be per





Trustees, Accept UK Gifts
Gifts of money totaling


icmale horse is known as a filly until she
res four years old. She then is known as a mare.
Male horses are called colts until they are four
yes: old, at which time they then become known
as horses. Male horses that hare been gelded are
known as geldings, regardless of age. The only gelding In recent times to become a great racer was the
famed Armed, who won well over $700,(K)0.
The most outstanding American horse in our history would be, of course, the fabled Man O War.
Big Red, as he was affectionately called, only raced
two years yet he is probably the best known horse
who ever lived. In that two year period he won 20
of 21 races, losing, ironically, his only time to a
horse called Upset.
He beat I'pset three out of four meetings. Man
O' War twiee went to the post at odds of 1 U 1M,
which means that you would have had to bet $100
on him In order to win $1.
Other outstanding American horses have been
Citation, the only horse to win a million dollars:
Whirlaway, Little Mr. Longtail, holder of the record
for the Kentucky Derby; Count Fleet, who like
Man O' War raced only two years yet won 16 of 20
starts; and the great grey ghost. Native Dancer,
who only tasted defeat once, that being in the 1953
Kentucky Derby. Dark Star did the deed.
Amcng the famous American jockeys, most people connected with the sport say there was never
the equal of '.'Heady Eddie" Arcaro. who has ridden
more Derby winners lhan any other jockey.
Some other famous Jockeys have been Isaac Mur-pheEarle Sande, and Johnny Longden.
Getting back to Arcaro, there is an interesting
story on how he decided to become a jockey. It
seems that Eddie's first love' was golf and he actually started makinc his living as a caddy.
On one of his radilying expeditions, he was in
particularly poor form. He Just couldn't keep his
eye on the ball. After losing his fifth ball, the golfer, for whom Eddie was caddyin?, shouted. "Kid,
drot that basr and ro home! You'll never make a
eaddy as long as you live. A little runt like you
ourht to be a jockey."
What strange tricks fate sometimes plays. If it
hadn't been for a
golfer, America
may have lost Its greatest jockey.



Company Given Contract
To Rebuild Cooperslown
Trusters .r
,ut rjl.uu v
Construction ('omjxtny's

writer Traces History Of Horse Racing
nj JiM Tnnn
Unless you differ from most people, the most
thrilling n.oment as a spectator at a sport in event
comes when you are at a race track. As the Keene-Jan- d
racing season opens, let me minor this moment for you.
Here you are, surging forward with the crowd for
a better view, a preciou $2 ticket firmly rlutrhed in
one hand and the other holding a raring form.
After a few tense-packe- d
minutes, which seem
like an eternity, the crowd makes one last lunge
forward and cries out In unison. "theyYe off."
That Is the most thrilling moment in sports. But
how did it all begin, this sport of kings as it's sometimes called?
Ancient drawings on stone prove that horse racing is at least 3.000 years old. but thoroughbred racing is a comparatively modern development.
Every thoroughbred in training in the world today traces its registered ancestry back to one of
three sires that arrived In England about 1730 and
became known, from names of their owners, as
Bycrly Turk, Darley Arabian, and Oodolphin Barb.
There was horse racing In this country before
the revolution, but the great lift to the breeding industry came with the importation in 1798 of Dio-me- d,
winner of the English Epsom Derby of 1780.
The sport expanded rapidly after the Civil War
and now there are more than 800 breeding farms In
40 states, with the site of these farms being some
2 ' i million acres or about three times the size of
the state of Rhode Island.
While the breeding industry is today no longer
restricted to the south, one state, Kentucky, has
quite a monopoly on the industry. In fact, 40 per
cent of all horses being raced today were bred within a 20 mile radius of Lexington, and over 60 per
cent of winners of major stake races were bred here.
The beauty of these farms, so a story gees,
prompted a wealthy Texan, who was being given a
tour through
to inquire of his guide as
to the price of such fabulous land. To which inquiry the guide replied, "Man. don't you know. You
can't buy this land. You have to marry it."
Did you know that there are, on the average,
tf.'OOO foals annually in this country alone? And
1946, the average price paid for one of these yearlings, as they are called, was f.5,000.
The highest price ever paid for a yearling in this
country was over $100,000. The highest priced yearlings certainly don't always turn out to be the best
horses, however. Probably the greatest bargain was
the $1,500 paid for Stymie, the Cinderella horse of

M it,'.:.









� 4

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, April 15. 1953

Better Public Relations Needed
The Unix

rMty of Kentucky lias one of the

most sluggish puhlic relations programs in
the nation. We are not referring to the
staff in the Office of
Public delations. Wc arc referring to the
childish way the University goes alovit explaining its policies to the public.
Long before the UK Hoard of Trustees
made the official announcements, the Kernel
ran the stories concerning the new dormitory program, e.g., compulsory meals, higher
rates, and destruction of the government-finance- d


There was a reason behind the plan, and
a good one at that. Facing high enrollment
increases, the University must find
to house the growing student body and to
help pay off the new projects. The dormitory-cafeteria
system is one way of doing it.
Hut did the public know about this need?
It did not, because the University, seems to
operate on the theory that the public just
wouldn't be interested.; This is a poorly
based theory, as actions of the Kentucky
Legislature should verify. No one up around
Frankfort seems to know that UK exists,
much less that it exists as a state university.
When the board did make the official announcements, papers throughout the state
carried the stories. For the first time, the
citizens of Kentucky liailan inkling of what's
going on around here. This is an example
of extremely bad public relations
Why not inform people of what's going on

in time for them to

of possible assistance?
Ily playing their cards right, the University,
through a good public rrkttions program,
might wheedle the extra money needed to
meet our needs.
It does not make good sense to operate
under a veil of secrecy. After all, this is a
state university and no great crime would
be committed by attempting to encourage
and enlist more state aid.
The way things stand now, we can sym1m

pathize with the people who have the power
to appropriate money. They liave no inclination to do as much as they should for the
University for the simple reason that the
University takes the old We'll Do It Ourselves, Thank You attitude.
Let's not le proud. Let's admit honestly
that, as far as universities go, we're almost
in the poor bouse. Let's try to explain
simply and directly our needs. There's a
good chance that such information, presented
to the public, would stimulate bigger state

A lot could have been accomplished if the
University had made some slight effort to
make public. the .fact that this institution is
taking steps to meet increased enrollment,
and that help would be appreciated.
Let's not fight Frankfort and the Legislature. Let's just make some of our problems'"
generally known. It can be', done . with an
improved relations program.

For Each Sidewalk A Fence
Once again, the Kernel is mad at Maintenance and Operations. It's the same old
story dadblamed fences, more fences, and
then more fences.
The background of our grievance is simple. About four ye