xt7hmg7frk0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7frk0g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1932 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 06, no. 04, 1932 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 06, no. 04, 1932 1932 1932 2012 true xt7hmg7frk0g section xt7hmg7frk0g  
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A,     I Official Organ oi the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  
in   ‘ Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington   T
; A  "’?‘_‘_"’“_;"'¥""#’_"_"""’_"_   0 SI
  - ¥ Volume IV FEBRUARY 1932 Number 6  °;§;‘SIE§
. . A  »—-—»j———-—~·——-{W-    · -· ·
* . , E—·r·»l-tri as $e··ond Class Matter at the Postofflce at Lexington, Ky, May 22. 1929, under the Act of March 3, 1879  tlggllgsc
. ; 1  ._. ._.——-———-—— ——»———?~—-——» A---ii  
A 3 1 sUBscRlPT10N PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR  °,§,,”},i{
2 ’— .   A ——·—S·~ · i·~   · 1
  ·` JAMES S. SHROPSHIRE, ’29 ..... Editor and Manager  teghg;
j i j. ‘ ‘ BETTY HULETT, ’30 ........ Assistant Manager   ith SO
A _ I PAULINE nARMoN,·ss ...... Student Editor  Tg?  Sub
. 11 . __,__f,,_,é______.,_-,..K...1.-1..-1.1   .
, _ , . ,_§ _0 mdu
= 2 OFFICERS OF THF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION W.C.Wilson‘l3, Dr. E. c. Elliott ’02, LulieL0gai1’l3 iéiis fic ,212
~ I LEON K. FRANKEL, *00 . . . President Dr. Geo. H. Wilson ‘04. Wayland Rhoads *15, Walter  
1 · .. , i. »..»  · hat th
z , MISS SARAH BLANDINCA ·23 _ Vicvpmsidem Ailileumeyer lll., Maury J. Crutcller l§,BJ.;elha6n   Etweel
 _   j ` .1As. s. sHR0l¤smRE, ·2s . secretary-Treasurer °`“St°“’ Gsiaigxfxg‘;}{cL,?JéS,,?I?g§* “° ner 8 §§Ii~§haH b
  2   Ttunity
1   l_   Let I1
· E $.2;* 'tion 1
· . . 1i=.:.·is used
 . ‘ 1   is .
‘ A =` 1 · · ·   _ ¤
g   ` ~ J. Snead Yager, President, Blackstone build-  Ohn   puuocig .Pmslfl°“t’.41z Dixie Tel" PISLEIPO i1f€
    ‘ 1 ing Ashland mma] building, Cincinnati, Ohlo. A.,g,.%Hu,.,Ag
. I: ’ ` I. B. Helburn Vice—President.  
, g. _ _ · 1-org; T0 st
  1 A I ATLANTA ALUMNI CLUB .‘3;€}..‘?.‘°§§‘$,S"ii"E.ii.% . 2... Ea .. A  
‘   A , , e e , s rn ve. Aggiiand 1
’ { Warren Clare, President, care Clare & C0., C0ViI\gt011, Ky- figyigéduggéé
j Q; Bona Allen building. ?€§‘.Afhing$_
 »   1 John Marsh, Vice-President, 463 Electric Bldg. CLEVELAND ALUMNI CLUB   H. ·
,   , R. L. Porter. Sccrctary—Trcasurer. 1310 At- R. E. Clark, President, 1388 East 101st st., £’.*‘€,but thi
A g lanta Trust C0. Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio. ,?Q’1g’}0Hg€l‘
· Q C. R. McClure, Secretary-treasurer. i,.i§%g§hemsei
1   BELL COUNTY CLUB ;)";_yZ§d as t
  5 PiI;I;;,,f";‘;'g° W· M°K°°A S°°'°*“">’· B°" 661 Marguerite Mol.a¤gli1in, Presiaont, 226 East if{§T¤¤S1¤<>
 ‘ A T y' Maxwell St.   Anotl
A   BIRMINGHAM ALUMNI CLUB Vi¤'gi¤i¤· Boyd. Secretary, 119 Waller Ave. goégion as
  j i?`_gQthe stu
j   J. M. Sprague, President, Box 66, Ensley, Ala. LOUISVILLE CLUB Zjjgbf guid;
. g S. C. Ebbert, Vice-President, 231 Brown—Marx Ben Garr King, ’28, President. , ·‘'· {il}8.VlO1‘_
 g   ,, building Birmingham. Levi O. Coleman ’14, Vice-President. { ·.,` of the 1
L   A. B. ’Haswell, Treasurer, Box 1174, Birming- Oscar J. Stoesser; ’28, Secretary. ‘§—:_§§hel·e a
 ` · ham, Ala. D. ("Dud") O. Williams, ’27, Treasurer. 1}`E”§iOms tt
  1 .   th
= I _ 0. G. Bl li I , P wl t, T li . *SiA9.hF’*` V
  1 W. J. Craig, President, care Western Kentucky D,._ J_ A? 5;;,,5, r$§;c(i¥,msi3g;t_a Pittsburg. t= `‘A- 9€.t10l’l` 1
, State TC8Ch€1‘S College. Mrs. Guy Smith, Secretary. `Y‘I~i¢ muh
1 Mary Lee Taylor, Secretary, care Western ;.;.§11d de
1 ·` _ State Teachers College. NEW YORK CLUB   I
·_ . l BUFFALO ALUMNI cum   Ajigmithl I"’°sI‘I°“*· II ·‘°I“‘ S*'°°‘·  
  1 . ' , F" Tiiilbqui ·
  , John W. Gudgel, President, 149 Highland Ave- h W' G'A{m°"’ S°°r°tary'tI°as“I°I* 850 F"°h“g' 1'Elit is lg
{ 1 Dell Ramsey, Vice-president, Hamburg, N. Y. uyscn V°‘· N°W“rkT N* ‘I· Wqiixireme
  l Claude W. Daniel, Secretary-treasurer, care PHILADELPHIA CLUB   Scit
  1 Amcmcan BTAST C°· L. C. Davidson, ’23, President. 1j&{§gg°;dlg${
    CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB C. B. Smoot, Secretary-Treasurer.   me
i ~ ¥’YLQ§m$ in
5 n. M. Nicholls, riosiaont, 134 South Michigan WASHINGTON ALUMNI CLUB ·_;Q:¢8ti0n
  A Avenue. Elmer D. Hayes, President, Care Interstatt A1;fjfiquj1.m
j , .~ S. M. Cassidy, Secretary-treasurer, 2135 Black- Commerce Commission, Oxford Street, Chevy   ,.8
.. ? ` stone Ave. Chase, Md. ;`e§ca,use il
, 1   vast
. , _ Gljiaracts
—. 1 . .1
L I    
A . .__ _ 1

  . 1 T    
 1 E 1‘ 1 -' H T 1     slsi  
c s duca ion n Relaho 0 Industrq it    ·»  l
il  `_ By FRANK L. McVEY, President or the Umv.;p53;y gf Kentucky   ETL; 
   — WL; i  
___ ‘ T To speak at 2 diH11€1‘ giV€11 by all problems can only be gained b ‘~ tha · ·   l  
r 6 -  yganization that is specifically in- analyzinv the facts and placing 15 They jiisliilfgigp method i ’
.  · . · · , = _ · _·- ¤ .. 10n might be fur- l p
 erested in a distmct group of ac~ these facts befov the ·· ·»· » · -»r
Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -6 » 111¤lLll1111; ther extended by reference tg mb- l
fa ;_ ivities brings one m Contact Wlth mmd. In that way progress is made lem·· of grggnivatjg vf   `E ' i
__ ·  umerous possibilities. The speak- and everv n » st ‘ ~ . M A ” p’ 0 malkctmg i  
`r may in fact miss the point f ‘ d L `1 W N ep m bm Held Of and Of Salegmamhlp The recent t '
·  , , 0 111 uS1`y las a foundatio ;- ‘ · · -   I
,1  he occasion or he may overstress which to rest. D upon SSR,€§;;1;1y1I;h§;]l;hEiOu?tW Sgowf l 7 j 
·    1;;>hg§§1l`€;;b9;ctm*i1;lb;l`$tggsfomj This ppppply of pm pas pwd be Eine ip théaad Ofi)3Iik;11?1lg?Lh;iE i  
`     ‘. · 18 °r~· through a very interesting matgpiai 1111"31 banking, for instance, has in Z i'
  .1 ith sorne he..1tat1on that I talk on divelcumgnh Waves Of population 8 131,%, mpasure broken down nd g ;
   he subject of education in relation h , L .¤ . v - - . _ 1 . ° .` · Z a 2
A     0 mdustr In the minds Of axe sxypt acids it, plain, guy} we have yet to build up a satisfac- i ,
gf.- ,1 _h y· _ . ltlanyl 111¤ll11tH111$, the frontiers have i·;»11- FCYY SYSt€m of Hnancial assistance i .
~», V ave no doubt, theie is no speci- d ,, Q , . _ _   . . 2
[1,13   ic 1_ 1 mmsh. b t .f I _ €_ xeotiiaid. one aftei anothei, un- to agllcultuie. So with the problems s ·
me,    lm $1; . 1p _“ { _ can S1?°“l til the last frontier is gone In thi; in marketing and salesmanship, the 5 V 
hi;  €tW€af§J3cZtl§t’§¤%"i§§i};l?-‘§°1°‘i "??£°‘ ’“““g mmm *0 the   hm   °*" telling ***5 pmduct   1 
l   _ _ _ · 0 cnineteenth ggntuyy tlqeuwb- to mélrket militate a¤a,inst stan- ‘· 1 
gee;  hall be satisfied with the oppor- lvm W9, ’ . - . - - ° .‘ ‘ t. ‘ 
  . . - V is largely problems in utili- dtlldi 01 lll/111*: and happier condi- t
I  :““‘W wd the ‘”°°aS“?“· _ when or uamiai i·e$pui·pe$-l·€ap€- liens among me population. -   t
 uhet me ask you to think of a defi- ment of method was unnecessarv. In the social Held manv ad`ust— i` ‘
  of education. When the word But now a great many difficult and ments are tc be made We have] `u··t ii` ·
  u$?d what IS m_Y0u1`_ mmd? What F€1`i0ll* ¤U€$F1011$ have arisen in the be¤un to workv with insurance ima   i
  SOC1it10tl1S does it bring up? Does field of industry. It has been found the country is much agitated over l [ ~
Ter-   S}1g,,€S 8 p10C€$S closely related thqt physics and chemistry. bioloev the problem of unemplovment and I t
  1}f€ and 0116 Whlfih C011C€1`l‘1S you and geology. all have c·mti·ibutions the diihculties which follow in its `   —
 111111% 3]} y0l11' days'? _ _ to make to the scientific phases of train. Old age dependency is an- -¥ ‘ 
  TO. SOH1€tD€ODl€ €dl.1C3.t101l IS the 1I`1dLlSt1'Y. In fa(;t_ industrv dgijgndg gther f¤gtOy sg that industry jg Q
;_f;i ,Cql11I`€m€11 of a mass of khoxvledee upon what these nl; ri 1 '¤ »—¤·— o · A U ’· i · iv `
Ave.   in their Opinion   Inan   al ‘ ' "` 7 ‘ 55 Ca' SC1—~u~.»··¤ ·-ClWf1C11t9d Yvlth the ¤u€$t]iD]] Of SQ-  
mia  ‘e able to develop, It is hardlv cial nroblem as well a ' t`fl ·" 1 
  W110 k110WS 3 gréat many 1`¤9C€"S3l`Y to refer to the T)`l`O0`1'€%% ard ecrrncmii ones Vlfhast isuiztll 2:   `
-¤—-r. ai · - - s * *— —· · —- E0 i .
  mE$·];[`h€ Old deiiriition of science that has been made in radio and ina to do about it? All of this raises   9
  tt}? Ogvnof f5195SlHBd'k110\Vl·€dg9. chemical industrv. to sav nothing of the question of education. The in- gi E
t St.,   U15 €¤1'11tl0Il of science 1s·no manu othezgs that grow onlv as ouivinq mind is needed to Dry into ii ‘ l
 ii}; E 3¤€~Df€dA bv the scientists scientific knowledge cf the fact·n·s these problems to look at them to ` ‘i I 
  BIHSGIVGS. and 1t is as old fashion- that are involved in the nrohlems get the facts. to analvze and! to if 1
  ii   9al`1Y·a‘~lt0m0b1l€ BDDBBYS Mfliiid down as foundations. Cam- come to conclusions. Then in turn   _ 
East  a¤S;Of€£i0l.§€1S of that form of €9;1tlOll between garsvups as well as these conclusions must be tested i V
  ` · 9‘l·’€°l1 11'lf1'>11S has bl`OU"`l'1i the bv experience, reformed and hn- i .  
 Another group thinks Of educa- scientiiicallv trained man into an ally set un as procedure?   E i
e.   as precepts and gxjgmg Ygyhicyw important place in the field of in- - - L l
new · · .· \· - I hat I h c . t l *
  s¤.¤¤¤¤   at me i »rii -     vas   have     that mil? Qitdlititi §§§al t p l
i 5  Sllldlhg his own conduct and be- built by corporate organizations and leo.;] wd Qmmmic problems thai —i
 . °*V1°1`· In Um accllmulatéd wisdom in th°F€ ]”b'”`”t°l`i€* $(**611**50 m°‘l cciiftont the different states in this E `
  thft W01‘Id the supposition is that labor to Hnd out anvthin€ Ilremgpter an ·ammd€_th€ ac' °°"’» h""’?"€l`— that “'€ l”°"’€ Solve"? little bv little new functions have . I
 _ Sciemgoglill; 111§f3l]9C€L1z;l curios— the transnortation nroblem is to hcen added. Provisions throualri acts = V 
.=e _' _ _ @31011 0 his view claim more than anvliadv is will- of C·inqi·es;s and the state levisla- i =
§_ ’g;dtg(£1iUO11 15 11'lt classified know]- ing to accede Even the character ture have made the state l111lV€I`Fit}J " Q
E  __Av   mBthaQ)é)*g§€gu1`$_. the ttechnioue of roads and road-buildinrr is not an important asencv in experimen-  ,`
  . Ra mq wi h prob- vet ¢‘lPt€·1‘miii¤;_ 
  Y ing Secretary of the class, he has program, something for the amuse- Crenshaw, Charles Mahan, \lig'% aREduc(
 ` { heard from fifty members of the ment and entertainment of every- D. Nichols, Elizabeth Wallis._gg~ én€m1
‘ class. Out of the fifty, forty-iive one present. We promise that no Hart, Swift Parrish, Lewis  Returr
` are sure that they will be here. The one will be bored by a single tea- meyer, Josh Reese, Stanley   Abohsi
 · i ‘ other five are anxious to come. but ture of the procedure. Roger Ammerman, Bob Acker. Elie . Ehmm
 · due to the difficulty of distance. And can you imagine any thing Denham, Dave Estill, Louise Kf‘§jg§ .SchEdl
g , · they are not sure that they will be that will give you more of a thrill feld, Logan Lewis, Goldye Laiggg glual Sm
 . · able to make the trip at that time. than to come back and meet fifty Mary Leokfidge. Jack YHEGY. ii  Om _
. ·   Two members of the class, Andy people whom you have not seen for Brown, Copus Donan. Anlllligfl  am°i1_
 ‘ ` ] Craig and Clarence Fish, are de- 25 years? Those people who were Colemen, Jim Stigers, Boston U§§ um§l°·
 , ‘ ceased. Seven members of the class in school with you, sharing your son, Go1·don Summer, DonFig§.; th1€t.1
  l have not been located and we are joys and your sorrows, friends you Branson, Alice Crawlev, Beef  dedlgt
{ ’ l in doubt about finding them. Seven made who, though still loyal, you er, Ina K. Smith, Flora Gviiggggbit bl
s ; more are lost but we believe that may not have seen nor heard from Fritz Rankin, Red Woodwalegggig mist °‘
i [ we will be able to locate them be- for many years. F. Scherffius, Perrin Rule,   Dr  
‘ { fore June and have them here with Recent visitors to the campus from Webster Bennett, George G. Setiliije ge ath
E i us at that time. Seven more of the the class of 1907 include Slim Den- Jim Dumps Carse, J. W. Tll°Y;€,; ed b
 - members of the class have been lo- ham, Logan Lewis, Jack Yager, Bos- Mary Bagbv. J. M. Sprague.  M En if
{ · cated but not heard from. They ton Lawson, Gordon Summer, Beef Grunwell, Walter McKinney.   pedal;
i ·» have ignored all correspondence and Brewer (Major B. E. Brewer), Flora Towery.   ble f ·
4 * . we do not know whether or not we Gordon, Minnie (Walter) McKinney, The following are in doubt l·‘¢?f·*~ ie  
Q · shall be able to make themiwrite Ben Scherffius, and John G, Allen. returning but will try to be   {at P 1
S g to us before the big celebration. All of them, with the exception of Brown McClelland, Mildred   ,Thg¤S
. ‘ · However, we could advise them to John Allen, will be back again in Florence Maddocks, Phil Sll¤“Yig;,;§  N
, i § wake up and answer all correspon- June. John G. Allen, A. M. Kirby.  
¤ . · , ,.4 ag ,.
1 l  
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inquire  appeared on the recent publi-   -
be ani .  3 cations, "A.B.G. F¤etS" a¤   
social,    Q,. Aetllig linen Miss MeLailgliliri’e    
a1. ;;Y;{ 2€¤€€€$tl0n· the Lexington Club _‘‘_ i   ¤'V  if 0r¤:   l l
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ter or     .. "     » i Y
i   eneee needs Urge       i i ·
iv. iii  Grirl Steeeere     -‘ii=     i  
  A l2—p¤i¤t program urging liiglier     ·--.e i  -i‘i  
 telldelds fel lllteleelleglete ath-   i00`;  tie?   s
.  eliee eeeeeiellv feeteell. wee     ‘.”r‘; i  it   é 5
 ·ee<>mr¤e¤°lt eenven       ’‘i        i
ent in *'  py D"· Thomas S· Gat‘?S· °°m'     ll ‘
[   1Se10n_°n0n"nen end lnestdent ef     t  
_ rgzilia  University or Pennsylvania.     `‘‘i E   ‘ Q t
2 elle   ._i  Highlights of the 1.€cOmmehdh_     ·=·=·=·i······‘     . · 
00 te "  were       E ‘ · 
*1 See  Shorten the sea t ·— - e  0;     1 ` 
Ivggeziaf  Eliminate prre—season practice.   _;:_‘   —ii‘ h  
,S in  Be¤_e¤l>elellZlrie· `‘·‘= i   :._      i i
Lewis  egeellell reerllitlrig arid nreselvt- ‘‘’·=   i f
‘   · ·‘ii`‘   `‘‘t     . t
nenu 0*  ‘‘e4  _;Reduce coaches salaries to the ’`"`*   . t
Weunh neral faculty scale.   ; »   T t
’W‘S Hli »Retlll‘¤ the game to students.   i “ t
ellley  ’Ab01ish di·utigei·y in training,   T ` l
A0k€Yhj§ Ellminate training houses.   ’;;`’`'````‘t l ’ X
;>;ge‘iaZ2§; .Schedule Only Competitors Ot   :==e   =¤¢:¤    
ages, whhs ilual strength . i
Ahhh;  _Othe1‘ points the commission _ _ ‘ 
gosthh tt  etnllllclied included educating Chosen from a group of 43 entrants, Miss Margaret McAl1ster has been {
Den   te_Ol‘ee¤eet _ Well_ develepeel designated winner- of the 1932 beauty contest or University or Kentucky  
ilgeeééiggh lhsd swiss eggesgss asg"’;sy0g$n IEE; at Lexington, Her home is in Lexington.  
sOdWal.dhh»· g;tgstbecause publicity is e test of .. r     eeaee-e » ee A
:5, *    ‘  
  Gates said he believed col- but natural .riva.].s be _eliminated games between schools of equal  
'W_` Tlieg gd ttsgnlgtles Could be overempha- from schedules. The commission ghyiiggln Zhgyrrsz-ihstagagpgvisss and of h 
   en ge ;;(ld1SStl;1.§tt§;llleg5e00ortIte1ei};; geieltgntaloggntggts §e`t$t;ee11;)(t1ga.;l12s€l¤ piglie l`€D0iit Delllted ellt that Sian-  
Y  Pecmly Dresidents, were respon- ··too far distant geographical sec- dard_ equalization of competitors *
doubtay blc for the type gf athletics and tjonsyi physical powers eihsted in boxing, E
to hh   Physical education program Urging contests between teams of wrestling; racing. and n<>tabs1y_in _!
ldred  lllstltutions maintain, equal standard, thelcommission said yachting, but that   t_ rating »
lil Smith ; B report I`€C0mmended that all the guiding principle should b€ Was absent ll'! C0 Bgé PL €·1CS. V 
zirby.  E l ' 
» I — ' ·

 . f   ' ’  yi -` el .
  A··» 1
  ri`.  1  r
 -t.Ei*i 1 ~
 `· 1 e z.
_  ${*1 6 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS . ¢
,  E'2Z`€ 1 ‘
    Th u2·l<—1 e k  1
g y; ; G 1 0611 EIS GiGGI`S it
    ·’#~~-~ SY}  ,_..
A     NIEL PLUMMER. Lexington, but the small Tigers since won the Dixie title by troune. t.Qr`_ 
l     . Fifteen victories in 17 games 745 were unable to cope with the high- ing all comers in the Dixie tourna. J C0mbs·
*11 5 , points against 456 for the Oppgsj- scoring offense opened up by Darby. ment.   Mn
1 1  {F * tion and the accomplishment of be- $31% and D€M01S‘€fY· EVBYY mgm On Washington and Lee’s Genera];   Desha
  , ing the best team to represent the the Squad was 8**611 3 chance to came to Lexington full of fury, per.  A of th·
_   ~ , University of Kentucky in years- D91`101`m ull-d€1` 1"11`B mid the 13115 be- hapg ygmembeying thg 45 to 0 dI·ub_   Frank
  ‘ ‘ those are some of the marks placed *3611 to ‘V°¤d€1` 11 the Cats dldnt bing in football last fall. But they   Januar
·   L { to the credit of the 1932 Wildcat h9»V€ a Cl9·S$Y Outfit- left with only another grievance   marria
f   , basketeers and their affable coach. Until the opening game there had The score was Kentucky 48. W. ang   home
1 nj   s Adolph F· Rupp- been considerable doubt about the 1**28*   R€V· E
  r eg ‘ Averages figured, results obtained. Wildcats. Foul. slnssumem prev, Here the Wildcats, now attracting >YQi;3`¥_; an? Q
.5  e the power displayed and the nent ,, ` genuine attention from a nerem.   W _
`  Q   ; and sportsmanship all point to the “1_S had been lost by CO8ch_Rupp of fore apathetic Southern fandom   Wllhm
Q   · inevitable conclusion: The Wildcats ms Stellar 1931 team- Spmer was hied themselves to Nashville 1;  The
j  Q1 , of 1932 were a mighty organization. one of them; "Little" McGinnis. meet the Commodores of Vander-  Univer
~ . 1   I And the whole gang, with the another all—S0uthern forward, was bu? TM gam€ W1`U€§1 Out into   of the
E ‘ r’ i members of the an undefeated gone; George Yates. all-Southern track meet fo? the Wildcat scm?  ty am
1  ;Q freshman team, will be back to- center was lost because of 111neSS_ 211110112, themt Jenn Delgloisejywsoph-  egtivié
_   gether next season. and Jake Bronston, all-Southern OKUOYB *9611 B1`- 01`Wai`; 9 0155  9
.  -_ Z Just for a matter of perusal. guard, had completed his allotted 1Um$€1Y Ytmg UD 29 D¤1{115· and thi  Was}!
L  j i i here’s the 1932 record: playing time. Yet here was an en- Bm? a‘§°01m1€d ellteld TOY 61 matt  termtl
1  jg Kentucky 66, Georgetown 24 tirely new organization playing as ETS Wh11€ 1h€_C0mm0d01`€S €11€¤k€€  The
Q  5   Kentucky 36, Carnegie Tech 34 if no players had been lost. UPHBT- g€M0;;]?’ 1?_ad algeacg 19661  thrgue
?  r , , KGHEUCKY 52, BB1'€& 27 Carnegie Tech came next, Thev ca EG M we- 86 mg" y. Qxmg` 1 ma 8
 _ _   Kentucky 46, MHl‘Sh311 16 came into Lexington fresh from an ;?;tf?{1ieb€gauS€ §ft*§""§a§1t‘?Y1? ` ¥E;r€
- _  j _ K€¤t¤¢kY 43» Clemson 24 overwhelming defeat of Kentucky {1 N kh .118 _ Sp I Q ‘ TO (N13 : to gk
    Z, , K€¤¤¤¤kY 3*% C1€mS¤¤ 1'7 Wesleyan at Winchester. They . wu *‘SC“ B gggef ilpm S “"";  —
3 jg   e Kentucky 30, Sewanee 20 headed toward lnttsburgn that   ef]   b"*‘ RQ el ?§g€§i€i = Ch
z   2 Kentucky 29, Tennessee 28 ment, defeated. the score being ae *2* E ~ Ou 9 ce 6 50**  0 am
Z gi ~ _ Kentucky 51, Chattanooga 17 to 34_ A feature Of this game was Power. A s  I ver
»   ~ Kentucky 48, Washington - Lee 28 the battle put up by Ellis Johnson