xt7hmg7frh2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hmg7frh2j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1962-04-jun5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-04-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-04-jun5. 1962 1962-04-jun5. 2011 true xt7hmg7frh2j section xt7hmg7frh2j 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky. June 5, 1962.

        The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the
Fresident's Office on the campus of the University at 10:00 a.m., EST;
Tuesday, June 5, 1962, with the following members present: Governor Bert
Combs, Chairman, Harper Gatton; Aubrey Brown, Robert H. Hillenmeyer,
Judge James H. Sutherland, T. D. Clark, Dr. H. B. Murray, Dr. R. W.
Bushart, Sam Ezelle, Dr. Paul B. Hall, Clifford Smith and Dr. Ralph J.
Angelucci, absent, W. F. Foster, Emerson Beauchamp, Wendell Butler,
Smith D. Broadhent, Jr. , and Floyd H. Wright.  President Frank G. Dickey
and Secretarv Frank D. Peterson, Vice President, Business Administration,
met with the Board.

        A, Meeting Opened.

        Governor Combs asked Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Vice Chairman
of the Board of Trustees, to preside. Dr. Angelucci took the chair, ex-
pressed a welcome to the press and the public, and called upon Dr. Ross
Webb, member of the University of Kentucky Department of History and
ordained minister in the Episcopal Church, to lead the meeting in prayer.

        B, Approval of Minutes.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Board of Trustees of April 3, 1962, were approved as published.

        C. Financial Report.

        The Treasurer made a financial report for the ten months ended
April 30, 1962. He read the transmittal letter and the balance sheet; where-
upon the Chairman recalled that the financial report had been in the hands
of members of the Board of Trustees for the past ten days and asked if there
were any questions concerning the report.


             UNIVERSITY         OF KENTUCKY

                         LEXINGTON                May 8, 1962

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

       I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the
University of Kentucky for the ten months ended April 30, 1962.
This report contains a balance sheet and related financial statements
which present a complete financial picture for all funds of the
Universit y.

       The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the
period reflect income realized for educational and general purposes
in the amount of $ 21,305,107.16 or 99% of the budget estimate
of $ 21,517,100.93. The expenditures, including encumbrances
outstanding amount to $ 17,390,056.35, This represents 81%
of the total Current General Fund Appropriations of $ 21, 463, 943. 58.

                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                    99eC    2Y AL     u-.i     l

                                 Frank D. Peterson
                                 Vice President
                                 Business Administration



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
April 30, 1962


L Current Funds:
  A. General
           Cash in Bank
           Available Balance, State Appropriation
           Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
           Deferred Charges
           Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable-Hospital
           Unrealized Income

              Total General

B. Restricted
         Cash in Bank
         Petty Cash Advances

$    882, 753.17
     422, 167.74

$  6,277,757. 81

$ 1,598,092.59

Total Restricted


Total Current Funds

II, Loan Funds:
            Cash in Bank
            Notes Receivable
            Due from Federal Government

                  Total Loan Funds

III. Endowment Funds:
            Cash in Bank

$     34,518.66
     26,500. 00
         122. 67

$    655,813.15

$     12,375.30
     275, 458.71

Total Endowment Funds

$    287, 834.01



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   April 30, 1962


I. Current Funds:
  A. General

Reserve for Departmental Requisitions
Reserve for Inventories
Reserve for Auxiliary Enterprises
Other Liabilities
Appropriation Balances
Unappropriated Surplus:
Division of Colleges          $
Medical Center
Agricultural Experiment Station
University Hospital

$ 1, 451,071.26
    422, 167 74
    87,076. 72
      7, 666. 20
  4, 973, 887. 23

  2, 662. 81
  23, 223. 20
136, 354. 11
73, 648.54

235, 888. 66

               Total General

B. Restricted
         Outstanding Check Liability
         Restricted Fund Balance

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

II Loan Funds:
            Principal Balances-
              National Defense Educ. Act, 1958-
              Federal Government           $
            Accum. Interest Income-NDEA

     Total Nat'l Defense Education Act
     Principal               $

University Student Loans
Expendable Balances

$ 6, 277,757.81

$    15,906. 16
  4( 353) 213. 50


$ 10, 646, 877. 47

514, 867.22
57, 207.46
   *439. 11


55,517.54 $  628,,031,.3&
                27, 781. 82

Total Loan Funds

III. Endowment Funds:
             Principal Balances
             Expendable Balances

$   278,038.75
      9, 795. 26

Total Endowment Funds

$    655,813. 15

$    287,834.01


University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  April 30, 1962


IV. Plant Funds:
     A. Unexpended Plant Funds
           Available Balance;,State
           Accrued Interest

$ 6,019,951.38
   7, 813,849.85

            Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
      Cash in Bank                    $     20, 637. 33
      Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer    445, 598.50
      Cash on Deposit, Trustee             105, 238.74
      Investments                          912, 530.50
      Unrealized Income                      4, 520. 22

            Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Plant
      Land                           $
      Buildings                        5
      Equipment                         1
      Construction in Progress         2

Total Invested in Plant

                 Total Plant Funds

V. Agency Funds:
            Cash in Bank

$ 13, 858, 892. 67


3, 930, 288.79
3, 946, 492. 00
4, 330, 465. 22
6, 096. 517.93

  98, 303, 763.94

$     47,065.50
      65, 967. 19

$ 113,651. 181.90

Total Agency Funds


$   , 113, 032. 69


University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  April 30, 1962


IV. Plant Funds:
     A. Unexpended Plant Funds
           Accounts Payable
           Reserve for Plant Requisitions
           Plant Appropriation Balances

$  2,717,325.38
   3, 637, 441.43

            Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
      Fund Balance                    $  1, 488, 525. 29

            Total Retirement of
              Indebtedness Funds

C. Invested in Plant
      Bonds Payable
      Due to Other Governmental Units
      Net Investment in Plant

Total Invested in Plant

                 Total Plant Funds

V. Agency Funds:
            Agency Fund Balances

$ 13, 858, 892.67


$ 20, 447, 355.00
   1, 632, 997.60
   76, 223, 411.34

  98 303, 763. 94

$    113,032.69

Total Agency Funds

$ 113, 651, 181.90

$    113 032. 69



         University of Kentucky
    Statement of Unrealized Income
  For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1961 and Ended April 30, 1962

I. Educational and General:
      A. Student Fees
             Incidental Fees and Tuition
             Training School Fees
             Adult and Extension Education Fees

                  Total Student Fees

      B. State Appropriations
             Division of Colleges
             Medical Center
             Geological Projects
             Agricultural Experiment Station
             Agricultural Extension Service.

                  Total State Appropriations

      C. Federal Grants
             Division of Colleges
             Agricuitural Experiment Station
             Agricultural Extension Service

                  Total Federal Grants

      D. Endowment Income

      E. Sales and Services of Educational
             Division of Colleges
             Agricultural Experiment Station

                  Total Sales and Services of
                    Educational Departments

                  Total Educational and

II Service Enterprises:
            Post Office

I1I. Gifts and Grants:
            Kentucky Research Foundation

                  Total General Fund Income


$ 1, 383, 000. 00
     33, 300. 00
     173. 800. 00


$ 1, 464, 644. 36
     99. 325. 60


$ ( 81, 644.36)
      2, 207. 00
      74. 474. 40

$ 1,590, 100.00 $ 1, 595. 062. 96 $  ( 4, 962. 9611

$ 8, 723, 699, 00 $ 8, 723, 699. 00 $
  3,507,000.00    3,507,000.00
    803,860.00      803,860.00
  1, 249, 900. 00  1,249,900.00
  1,444, 200.00   1,444,200.00

$ 15, 728, 659, 00 $ 15. 728, 659.00 $

$   239,567,93 $    200,932.96 $     38,634.97
    973, 293. 00    973,293. 00
  2, 132, 781,00  2,132,781,00

$ 3, 345, 641, 93 $ 3,307,006,96 $   38,634.97

$    38,675.00 $     39,690.02 $   (   1,015.02)

$    32, 000. 00 $   19,402,47 $      12,597.53
    700, 000, 00    578, 376, 44    1.21, 623.56
    49,800.00        5,601.01       44,198.99

$_781,800, 00 $     603, 379, 92 $  178,420,08

$ 21, 484, 875. 93 $ 21, 273, 798. 86 $  211,077.07

$     5, 500.00 $     4,583. 30 $        916.70

$    26, 725.00 $    26,725,00  $

$ 21, 517, 100.93 $21. 305, 107. 16 $  211, 993,77

1. Realized in Excess of Estimated






         University of Kentucky
 Staternent of Departmental Appropriations
 For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1961 and Ended April 30, 1962

I. Educational and General:
  A. General Administrative

 Appropriation  Expenditures  Outstanding  Unencumbered

$   388,421.72 $  285, 417.91 $  4, 034.05 $  98,969.76

B. General Expense
     Student Services          $    467, 877. 65 $
     Staff Welfare                  222,557.82
     General Institutional Services  572.526.93

357, 611.21$
176, 048. 45
519, 477.45

4, 236. 16 $  106, 030. 28
               46,509. 37
45, 590.74    7, 458.74

Total General Expense  $ 1, 262,962.40 $

1. 053. 137. 11 $

C. Instructional ( Including Departmental
     College of-
     Agr. & Home Ec.          $    509,302.41$
     Arts & Sciences             2, 741, 203. 45
     Commerce                      333,066.86
     Dentistry                     100,916. 69
     Education                     623,181.09
     Engineering                   723,361.83
     Law                           161,721.37
     Medicine                    1, 541,069.02
     Nursing                       123,821.04
     Pharmacy                      130,290.84
     Graduate School                 29,087, 78
     Univ. Ext. Programs        __  692 316. 33

  399, 927, 89 $
2, 217, 460.59
  79, 197, 88
  497, 805.53
  575, 228 18
  129, 248.75
1, 201, 067, 67
   98, 398 13
   99,036. 64
   22, 475, 45
 567. 490, 40

9, 790.33$
42, 490. 24
10, 692.95
12, 405, 99
4, 241. 16
43, 373.93
1, 357. 46
1, 810.25
   702. 93
22. 255.03

99,584. 19
481, 252. 62
64, 149. 37
21, 272. 84
28, 231, 46
29, 443.95

        Total Instructional
          ( Including Departmental
             Research)          $ 7, 709,338. 71 $ 6, 156, 103. 82 $  149, 717.02$ 1, 403,517. 87

D. Activities Relating to
    Educational Departments    $     66,952.00 $    53, 295. 57 $            $    13,656.43

E. Organized Research
     Univ. Research             $   253,997. 52 $  183, 835. 46 $   18, 372.52 $   51,789.54
     Agr. Exp. Sta.               2, 847,384. 67 2, 117,363. 14   203, 776.12     526, 245 41

Total Organized Research $ 3, 101, 382. 19_$ 2, 301, 198. 60 $

49, 826.90 $

159, 998. 39

222.148.64$  578.034.95



       University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1961 and Ended April 30, 1962

F. Extension and Public Services
         Univ. Ext. and Public
         Agr. Ext. Service

            Total Extension and
            Public Services

 G. Libraries

 H. Operation and Maintenance of
     Physical Plant

           Total Educational and

II. Service Enterprises:
         Post Office
         Medical Center

           Total Service

III. University Hospital

IV. Student Aid

V. Working Capital

VI. Clearing Accounts

VII. Debt Service-Bonds Retired

VIII. Debt Service- Reserve

        Total Departmental

1 Negative Figure

Appropriation  Expenditures  Outstanding    Unencumbered

$ 1,088, 666.41 $  482, 383. 46 $
  R 577. 981 00  2. 8-37 49. 18

516, 788.51$

89, 494.44

40. 463 44   699. 168. 38

$ 4,665,647.41$ 3,319,732.64$   557, 251.95 $  788, 662.82

$   646, 399.02 $  531,953.54 $  21, 306.70 $  93, 138. 78

$ 2. 226, 538.53 $ 1, 531, 761. 32 $  251,860.41$  442 916. 80

$20,067,641.98$15,232,600.51$ 1,256,145.67$ 3, 578 895.80

$    40, 365.07 $   33, 150.11 $             $      7,214.96
     82, 093. 18   54, 672.53    10, 977. 84    16, 442. 81

$ 20, 190, 100o 23 $ 15, 320, 423. 15 $ 1,267,123.51 $ 3,602,553.57

$   679, 401. 12 $  273, 533. 99 $  7, 608. 13 $  398, 259.00

$    13, 300,00 $    8,620. 00 $             $      4.680e 00
$    90, 000. 00$  (43, 535,58)$  125, 668. 21 $  7,867.37

$   117, 801. 61 $  57, 085. 12 $    189. 20 $  60,527.29

$   244,000.00 $   244,000.00 $             $

$   129,340.62 $   129,340.62 $             $

$21.1463,943.58$15,989,467.30$ 1,400,589.05$ 4,073,887.23

_. -- ____ __



               University of Kentucky
     Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
             For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending April 30, 1962

I. Unexpended Plant Fund

Appropriations Expenditures  Outstanding


Construction of Buildings

Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond
  Proceeds-Chemistry and
  Physics Building
  Haggin Hall
Northern Extension Center
Northwest Extension Center
Southeast Extension Center
Women's Dorm Arch Service
Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond
  Proceeds-M. King Library
Addition to Student Union Building
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity House
Sigmau Chi Fraternity House
Commerce Building
Spindletop Ind. Res. Center- Site
Spindletop Ind. Res. Center-
  Administration Building
ElIzabethtown Extension Center
U. of Ky. College of Engr.
Addition to College of Education
Addition to College of Law
Med. Sch. Plans and Specif.
Medical Science Building
Medical Center Heating and Cooling
Plant Project
Medical Center Hospital Outpatient
Medical Center Landscaping
Medical School Dental Wing
Medical Center Laundry and Maintenat
Seed Building Offices and Service
Agricultural Research Center
Feltner 4-H Camp
Tobacco Barn-Campbellsville
Cereal Plastic Greenhouse
Swine Farrowing and Testing Station
Horticultural Shed
WeedResearch Greei~house
Swine Service Center-Princeton
Beef Service Facilities
Office and Service Building-Quicksand
Swine Farrowing Barn-Coldstream
1 Overdraft

$  176,521.33
    80, 590, 25
    8, 058. 93
     7, 835. 35
   197, 992. 12

    10, 656. 34
    9, 148. 21
    27, 479,80


2,284.90 $
   14. 69
2, 390. 77

5, 512.10

570, 429. 53
17, 185. 60
9, 454. 40
  8, 289. 44

18, 660. 39 $  155j 576.;04
               80, 575, 56
   237.02       5,431.14
15, 913. 68  182, 078.44

1, 212, 986. 12

150, 00

24, 441. 88
36,000. 00
50, 000, 00
42, 000. 00
30, 000. 00
56, 655,50



32, 800. 00

33,580. 00

129, 000. 00
20, 680, 00
    163. 52
    500. 00
 17, 800. 00
 4, 500. 00
   449. 71
 15, 293e 00
1.48, 712.71
46,000. 00

4, 880. 49

29, 960. 32
14, 795. 89

270, 290. 38
10, 363. 83

  3, 374. 00



50,000. 00
42, 000.00
2, 184. 51
   536. 34

6, 657. 09
18, 358. 31

5,721. 45

49, 497.75


   535. 19

   350. 00
5, 436. 38


11, 490.00
   223, 94

98, 545. 84
7, 246. 80
   858. 77

   150. 00

13, 060. 39
36,000. 00

24, 510. 67
13, 418. 33


    821. 85
 4, 077. 86


    783. 50

    500. 00
 17, 800. 00
    ( 85. 48)
 11, 000. 00
 143, 275. 33
 32, 380. 35



            University of Kentucky
      Statement of Plant Fund Appr opriations
          For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending April 30, 1962

CorssiIrxct.'o  of Buflind.gs ( cort)

Appropriations Expenditures



Swine Tes '. g STat-on              $
Del-.a Gamma Sz~roritv House-Women' s
Small Residence
Ram Tesfing Bar-n-Coidstream
Headhouse-Greenhouse Ag. Research
Sheep Barn-Coldstream
Two Plast-ic Greer-houses-Poultry Farm
Agr. Research Center- 4 Greenhouses and
Lath House Ho.-tic-alture
Beef Ca`le Shed-Mercer
Pou ry Hoase-Poultry
Bull Shed-Co7dstream
Steer Feed Ccldst:ream
Animal Pa'nologLv Barn

   To .al Construction of Buildings  $,

    778, 90 $

  8, 280, 20

100, 000. 00
42, 300, 00
  1,339. 43

  1, 000 00
  3, 500. 00
20, 000. 00
3, 000, 00
16, 000. 00
16. 000 00

188.22 $

1, 172.00

33, 720. 80
2, 726. 81

176, 235. 49

$      590. 68

     8, 280. 20
     1, 699. 37

8, 134. 14

139, 186. 59

100, 00000
 (1, 387.38)1

  3, 500. 00
  20, 000, 00
  3, 000. 00
  16, 000.00
  16, 000. 00

204, 279. 11 $ 1, 263, 922. 20 $1, 637, 970. 38 $1, 302, 386.53

Ren~v-^ior and Improvements of
Bu idings

Re-:Srnolds WarnhDuse Roof Repair   $
U. of Ky., Miscellaneous Repairs
Farm Service Ce.ter
Repa`rT' Coids,,.ream
Hcrt icul ;ural G-reenhouse
Remodel ard Pa:ntG Dairy Heifer Barn
Colds;reani Bee.f Barn
Paint Coldsiream Buildings
Repair and Paipi Dairy Houses
Convern Sheep Bulilding-Pes, icide Building
Install Commode Dairry Barn-Eden Shale
Rer.ova. on of Animal Pathology Building
Repair and Remodel Buildings-Coldstream
Repairs Agr. Ergr. Bldg.
Hood Replacement-e'Home Economics
Agr. Eng-. Building
Renovation of House-Quicksand
Repair Ent.omology Greenhouse and
Air Condit.ioner Installed in Dairy Barn
Repair Small An-irmal House
Repair Tobacco Ba-n
Repai- Animaal Pa~lrhology Barn
1 OVCe?:draf't

   322. 84
8, 543 50
8, 41.8. 59
1, 852, 58
7, 114.60
1, 500, 00
3, 447. 88
  277, 39
6, 928. 10
5, 200, 00
1, 890.08

  562, 10
5, 500.00
  184, 84
1, 500.00
3, 500. 00


8, 543.50
4, 315, 90
  308. 63
1, 450.54
  869, 98

$      322. 84
    20, 049.00

551. 81

500. 38

632. 91
222. 61

1, 774. 94
  183. 76
2, 708. 91

541, 24

  400, 00
5, 000. 00


1,524. 93

3, 550, 88

5, 744.24
1, 500.00
2, 814.97
   153. 16
   803. 28
( 818, 83)1

  562. 10
  600. 79
  (356, 40) 1
  ( 24.93)1
3, 500.00



           University of Kentucky
    Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
         For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending April 30, 1962

Renovation and Improvements of

Appropriations Expenditures  Encumbrances
                             Outstanding   Unencumbered

Repair Roof and Repair Dairy Barn
Isolation Barn

         Total Renovation and
         Improvements of Buildings

$    3, 000. 00
       600. 00



$    3, 000. 00
       600. 00

$   82, 798.37 $  23, 112. 10 $  11, 620. 60 $  48, 065. 67

Acquisition of Equipment

Northern Ext. Center-Equipment
Northwest Ext. Center-Equipment
Southeast Ext. Center-Equipment
Med. Sch. Lib. Acq. and Supplies
Med. Center Hospital-Outpatient Clinic-
Movable Equipment
Med. Science Building-Equ9)ment
Med. Science Building-Act of Inven.
Chemistry Physics Building-
Chemistry Department Equipment
Chemistry Physics Building-Physics
Department Equipment
Margaret King Library Equipment
Air Conditioner Units
Hospital Equipment Accounts
Univ. Hospital Patient Care-
Activation Inventory
Dental Science Building-Equipment

         Total Acquisition of

$    8, 110. 46
     4, 313. 05
     8, 971. 59
     84, 639. 19


1, 188, 616. 14
420,595, 31
  55, 359. 62

  103, 419. 43

  82, 252.79
  75, 243. 00
  4, 000. 00
  418, 000. 00

142, 000. 00
744, 264.88

3, 529. 70
2, 640. 98
44, 528. 10

399, 629.37
124, 323. 77
  8, 242. 21


  2, 934, 72
  44,022. 82


5, 800. 57

620, 836. 64
176, 971. 62
11, 113. 47

74, 624, 83

$    4,580.76
     1, 672.07
     8, 690.28
     34, 310.52

   168, 150. 13
   119, 299, 92
   36, 003. 94

   28, 701. 85

58, 110. 92   24, 141. 87
100,000.00     (24,757.00) 1
334, 058. 25   39,918. 93

15, 853. 72  109, 124.99    27, 021. 29
40, 178. 22  274,190. 82   429, 895. 84

$ 3, 339, 785, 46 $ 676, 257. 67 $ 1, 764, 832. 11 $ 898, 695, 68

Other Improvements

U. of Ky, Electrical Dist. System    $
U. of Ky, Steam and Return Line
U. of Ky. Razing of Water Tank
Boiler Renovation
Razing of Neville Hall
Robinson Sub-Sta. Renov of Heating
System in Auditorium
Misc. Boiler Repairs-U of Ky.
Feltner-4-H Camp Sewage & Water System
Replace Water Line-W Kentucky
Road-South Farm
Pumphouse and Dist. -System-South Farm
1 Overdraft

45, 706. 15 $

2, 500, 00
21, 608. 59
   700. 00

10, 803. 08
  829. 32
4, 820. 00
2, 268.84

367.01 $   25, 160. 27 $

2, 153. 37

6, 528. 97

  535. 01

14, 526.70

18, 000.00



20, 178.87

   700. 00

10, 803.08
16, 374.99

4, 785.00
2, 268. 84



              University of Kentucky
      Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
            For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending April 30, 1962

Other Improvements ( cont)

Appropriations Expenditures



Repair Agronomy Road
Fencing-Agronomy Area
Install Transformer-W. Kentucky
Repair Roads-Mercer Farm
Water Line and Distribution System- Sc

         Total Other Improvements

Contingency Reserves

Medical School Clearing

         Total Unexpended Plant

$      275.45
     2, 200, 00


$      275.45 $

2, 144.50

1, 189, 25

     40, 000. 00                                 40, 000. 00

 $  169, 365. 69 $  10,555. 31 $  59, 832.47 $  98, 977. 91

 $ 1, 289, 315.64 $           $              $1,.289,315.64

 $ 9, 085, 544. 27 $ 1, 973, 847. 28 $ 3,474, 255.56 $3, 637,441. 43

IL Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
    A, Debt Service
          1st PWA Issue              $
          2nd PWA Issue
          Dorm. Rev, Bond Issue
          Auditorium Field House Issue
          Library Bldg. Issue
          Stadium Addition Issue
          Dorm. Rev, Issue (456 Rose)
          Journalism Building Bond
         Dorm, Rev. Issue( 476 Rose)
         Student Dorms-1953
         Student Dorm ( Kappa Sigma)
         Student Dorm ( Lambda Chi)
         Student Dorm (Phi Sigma Kappa)
         Student Dorm (Pi Kappa Alpha)
         Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1952
         Dormitory Rev, Bonds of 1954

36, 689, 83
18, 164. 48
24, 356. 25
62, 111, 78
99, 610, 09
18, 852a 40
7, 320. 75

30, 426, 25
4, 986. 93
22, 399, 31
11, 517, 85
10, 908, 01
10, 948. 34
58, 442. 50
31, 780. 11

Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Cooperstown Apartments       252, 815, 65
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Six Sorority Dorms           52, 391. 50
Dormitory Rev, Bonds of 1956-
Student Dorms Reserve         31, 250. 00
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
336 Clifton Av enue            8, 200, 00
Dormitory Revenue Bond of 1956-
Holmes Hall                   47, 435. 00

$      315.00
    18, 055.94
    2, 512, 50
    54, 281, 25
    33, 460. 00
    3, 909, 40

$   36, 374. 83
    21, 843. 75
    7, 830. 53
    66, 150, 09

12, 430. 00
2, 840. 00
13, 185. 82
6, 592, 92
6, 592, 91
9, 851, 25

17, 996. 25
2, 146.93
9, 213.49
5, 113. 65
4, 315.10
41, 887.50
21, 928. 86

42, 394. 35

210, 421c 30

19, 912, 50

32, 479.00

31, 250. 00

3, 055. 00

5, 145.00

14, 217. 50


33, 217. 50



          University of Kentucky
    Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
        For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending April 30, 1962

Contingency Reserves ( cont )

Appropriations Expenditures

Outstanding   Unencumbered

Dorm. Rev. Bond of 1956-
Dorm. Rev. Bond of i957- 468 Rose
Dorm. Rev. Bond-342 Clifton Avenue
Housing Bond of 1958-Haggin Hall
Consol. Educ. Buildings Projebt
University of Kentucky Housing Bonds

         Total Debt Service

$   90,151.25
     7, 834.00
     8, 372. 55
     79, 103. 75
   20. 296. 46

$ 1,551, 379. 99 $  642,698.54 $        $  908, 681. 45

B. Sinking Fund Reserves with Trustee
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1955
         Reserve Holmes Hall
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1956-
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1952- Res.
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1954- Res.
   Consolidated Educational Buildings
   Housing Bond of 1958

$   65,572.96 $


172, 777. 27
125, 744. 15
68, 318. 11
124, 405. 10
23, 026, 25

$   65,572.96

172, 777. 27
125, 744. 15
68, 318. 11
124,405. 10
23, 026.25

Total Sinking Fund Reserve

Total Retirement of
Indebtedness Funds

Total Plant Fund

$  579, 843.84 $             $              $  579,843.84

$ 2, 131, 223. 83 $  642,698.54 $        $ 1, 488, 525.29

$11 216, 768, 10 $ 2, 616, 545. 82 $ 3, 474, 255.56 $5, 125,966.72




90, 151.25
3, 155.00
78,973. 75
152, 113. 85
18. 400. 00

  1. 896. 46


        University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1961 and Erded April 30, 1962

July 1, 1961  Receipts

Restricted Funds:


April 30, 1962

   Fund Balances

Loan Funds:

    National Defense Education Act,
    1958 -Federal Government
  Accum, Interest Income-
  University Student Loan


Endowment Funds:



Agency Fund:


Combined Totals

$ 3,724, 161.59$ 9, 289, 904. 73$ 8,660, 852.82$ 4, 353 213.50

$   326, 732. 25 $ 188, 134. 97 $            $   514, 867.22
     36,303.58      20,903.88                     57,207.46

         26.75        412.36                         439.11
     58, 696. 42  ( 3, 178, 88) 1                 55, 517.54
     27,055. 53      1, 190.53        464.24      27, 781. 82

$   448, 814. 53 $  207, 462. 86 $  464.24 $  655, 813. 15

$   236, 500. 27 $  41, 538. 48 $            $   278, 038.75
      9, 237. 87     1, 898. 47     1, 341.08      9, 795.26

$   245, 738. 14 $  43, 436. 95 $  1, 341.08 $  287, 834.01

$   162,485. 10 $ 1, 340, 395.-70 $ 1, 389, 848. 11 $  113, 032.69

$ 4, 581, 199.36 $ H10, 881 200. 24 $ 10,052. 506.25 $ 5, 409, 893.35

1. Transfer of Funds




        Motion was made, seconded and carried that the financial report be
received and put to recor d.

        C. Purchases Approved.

        Mr. Peters-on read the following letter:

                                            April 10, 1962

       President Frank G. Dickey
       University of Kentucky

       Dear President Dickey:

       From January 1, 1962 through March 31, 1962, the following
       requisitions and orders were processed for the purchase of mer-
       chandise, supplies, materials and other items for the use and
       benefit of the University of Kentucky:

S.D. Orders
State Requisiti
Eme rgencie s,
Special Orders
Job Order Vou
Stores Vouche3
Vouchers  ...
Order by Lette
Athletic Order

.............. Inclusive
ons .......... Inclusive
State ......... Inclusive
  ............ Inclusive
chers ......... Inclusive
.s Inclusive
..............  .Inclusive
rs ........... Inclusive
s  ........... Inclusive

Emergency Purchase Orders

Stores Material Requisitions.
Food Storage Orders .....
Requests for Quotations ....

796 -1,420.
1, 452-2,430
399 -584
2,727-5, 117
16, 053-16, 535
1-12, 622

    Lilly     923-1, 424
    Burnett   291-486
    Pratt     445-620
    Bolin     667-1, 046
    Hawkins   526-786
    Beemer    4-206
..Inclusive 28, 178-33, 208
..Inclusive 102-790
. Inclusive 709-999

The requisitions, emergency requisitions, special orders, vouchers
and other documents are made a part of this letter and are available



       to the Board of Trustees for inspection, All purchases have been
       made in accordance with approved policy of the Board of Trustees,
       and I respectfully request confirmation and approval of the pur-
       chases as listed conforming to the Statutes requiring action by the
       Board of Trustees.

                                            Very truly yours,

                             (Signed)      Frank D. Peterson
                                            Vice President
                                            Business Administration

       Members of the Board being familiar with the procedure, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the requisitions and orders listed
in the letter were ratified and approved.

       D. Contract with United States Armed Forces Institute Approved.

       Mr. Peterson presented a new correspondence course contract be-
tween the United-States Government and the University for the fiscal year
1962-63. He explained that the contract is a negotiated one and provides
for charges that may be made by the University for college courses by
correspondence taken by members of the United States Armed Forces. Mr.
Peterson explained that the courses are those contained in the catalog and
the charges those heretofore approved by the Board of Trustees, and that
this contract is necessary in order that charges may be paid by the United
States Government. He recommended that the contract be approved and
authorized executed; whereupon a motion was made, seconded and carried
approving the contract and authorizing same executed.

       E. Contract for a Loan and Use of Radiation Approved.

       Mr. Peterson submitted a contract between the University and the
United States of America providing for a loan and use of radium by the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Medical Center. The contract is referred to as No. 37.
It covers the loan of 156. 192 mgms. of radium with a valu