xt7hhm52jt39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hhm52jt39/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1993 1993 1993-10-22 2020 true xt7hhm52jt39 section xt7hhm52jt39  





‘ v, .~W«.m .. .i ,


Kentucky Kernel

EiVoi. va: No 41

Established 1894

.. University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971


Friday. October 22, 1993:

Dawgin’ times await Cats in Georgia


Kentucky (4-2)

Georgia (3-4)

12:30 EST


Sanford Stadium
Athens, GA





By Melissa Rosenthal
Staff Writer



The establishment of a UK
chapter of the National Organ-
ization for Women is under-

“I was very surprised when
I found out that there was not
a women's organization on
UK's campus. so I decided to
do something about it," said
Allison Crabtree, a political
science sophomore and the
group‘s president

Crabtree said there was a
NOW chapter on campus in
the mid-‘80s. “but I really
don't know what happened to
it. There was a nimor that the
founders hit some road
blocks. but I have had no trou-
ble at all."

There are 25 members of
the campus chapter of NOW
at this point Crabtree said.
“We really are just getting
started so. I am sure after perv
ple hear about the group, in—
terest will increase.“

Crabtree said rape aware-
ness is the main topic that the
group will deal with during its
first semester.

“I think rape crisis is a real
rallying point for most wom-
en. and it seems to be a grow-
ing problem on college carn-

See NOW, Page 2



on the air ,
Radio: 590 AM WVLK (Live)

TV: WKYT/ JP Sports (Live)
about the SEHES

UG leads 35-9-2

Last meeting: 1992. UG won 40-7.

Bill Curry (15-24) at UK
Ray Goff (32-22) at UG



UK goes for fourth straight win,


By Erlc Mosolgo
Staff Writer


The UK football team has Geor-
gia on its mind. For veteran Wild-
cat defensive players, any thought
of the Bulldog offense is likely to
be accompanied by a sudden chill.

Last year’s UK-Georgia encoun-
ter was a lesson in bad defense, as
evidenced by the 567 total yards
the Dawgs rolled up on their way to
a 40-7 romp.

first against Bulldogs since ’90

Even that miserable performance
was better than the defensive disas-
ter of I991, in which the Georgia
offense erupted for 638 yards en
route to a 49-27 victory.

In case you don’t have a calcula-
tor, that‘s 1,205 yards allowed in
two games.

The Wildcat defenders will get a
chance to redeem themselves to-
morrow when UK faces the Bull-
dogs at Sanford Stadium in Athens,
Ga. A victory “between the hedges"
would certainly defy recent history.

Consider the facts:

0UK has not won in Athens since
1977, when it shutout the Bulldogs
33-0 on its way to a perfect confer-
ence record.

Saturday is Homecoming for
Georgia. It's been 14 years since
the Dawgs lost on Ilomecoming

°UK coach Bill Curry. who grew
up in nearby College Park. Ga. is
3-7 lifetime against Georgia (2-5 at
Georgia Tech. l—2 at UK).

UK (4-2. 3-1). however, is conti—
dent of its chances in Athens. (icor-
gia (3-4. l-4) is off to its worst con—
ference start since 1958. 'lhrec
weeks ago. after falling in Athens
to Arkansas 20-10. Bulldog Coach
Ray Goft‘s job status was the hot

topic in town.

This is the same Georgia that last
year won the Citrus Bowl and
sported a l0-2 record. While the
Dawgs have rebounded the pan
two weeks with victories over
Southem Mississippi (54-24) and
Vanderbilt (41-3). the fans prob-
ably wrll not be appeased with any-
thing short of a winning record.

The premature departure of run-
ning back Garrison Hearst and
flanker Andre Hastings to the NFL
has precipitated the team's descent
trom the penthouse to the Daw-

Curry suggested at his weekly
press conference that if Hastings

See FOOTBALL, Page 5

KRS-One: Self-knowledge is key


By Mitchell L.H. Douglas
Staff Writer


Kris Parker. a hip hop artist, acti-
vist and lecturer. brought a mes-
sage to UK last night: “Know your-

The pcrformer. also known as
KRS-One. told the crowd of about
900 that they must fight back
against stereotypes that are ac
quired through America's educa-
tional system.

“Today we are here to offer you
the truth." Parker declared last
night before the standing-room-
only crowd at UK's Student Center
Grand Ballroom.

Parker delivered a speech titled
“Street Knowledge.“ an event
sponsored by the UK Student Ac-
tivities Board and its Multicultural

”The Street Knowledge lecture is
not about robbing and killing."
Parker said. “Street knowledge is
knowledge of survival. Street
knowledge asks the question,
‘What happens when you lean on
your college degree, and it doesn’t
work.‘ ”

After spending four years in a
New York City homeless shelter
where he met his former partner.
the late D]. Scott La Rock, Parker
explained why he is skeptical about
relying strictly on a college educa-
tion for success.

“Over 30 percent of (shelter oc-
cupants) were college students."
Parker said. “It dawned on me.
‘How was it that you went to
school this long and here you are
next to me here in the shelter‘?‘ "

His solution: understanding the
difference between education and









Sigma Chl Chrlc Carmlclo hltc Phi Sigma Kappa Andrew
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Student’s memorial set for Oct. 29


Staff reports


A memorial service will be held
Oct. 29 at noon for Thomas Robin-
son, a UK medical technology stu-
dent whose body was found Thurs-
day in rural Fayette County.

The service. to be held at UK
Hospital Chapel. is open to the pub-

Two suspects have been arrested

in Iowa in connection with Robin-
son's death.

Richard Staten. one of the sus-
pects. recently had stayed as a guest
in Robinson's lexington apartment

Robinson was buried Sunday. He
was 26.

Because of a reporter'. r error an
article in yesterday' 5 Kentucky Ker-
nel reported an incorrect date for
Robinson' r memorial service.


By Joshua Agostinelll
Contributing Writer


KRS-One, known as the
“Teacher“ of hip-hop music, will
perform in concert tonight at 8 in
the Student Center Grand Ball-
room. The show will be the first
time KRS-One’s off-beat reggae
style has been heard live in Lex-

His hard-core, hip-hop lyrics
mixed with inner city intelli-
gence make KRS-One stand out
as a trendsetter on the black mu-
sic scene. said Richard S. Gray.
co—chainnan of the Student Ac-
tivity Board's multicultural com-

SAB is sponsoring the con-
cert, which also will feature
SEE-I (Royal Rulers of Reggae).

“He came up battling such art-
ists as Melle Mel during the for-
mative years of hip-hop." Gray
said. “His lyriail and perfor-
mance skills are fine tuned and
up to par.’

KRS-One began his career in
1986 as Kris Parker. Since then.
he has released six albums with


Rapper to perform
tonight on campus

his band Boogie Down Produc-
tions. and his new solo album
Return of The Boom Rap.

KRS-One has performed with
a variety of musicians, including
Kool Moe Dee, R.E.M., Chuck
D of Public Enemy, Billy Bragg
and The Neville Brothers.

He also has toured in Holland.
France. Japan. England, Den-
mark, Germany and Italy. KRS-
One also performed at the Apol-
lo Theater for Earth Day l99l
and 1992. and for Nelson Man-
dela in New York and San Fran-

Tickets for the UK concert
originally sold for $10 for stu-
dents and $12 for the general
public. but SAB decided this
week that admission will be

Students should bring their
validated UK IDs to the Student
Center Ticket Office today. or to
the door after 6 tonight to re-
ceive their free passes. Each stu-
dent also may bring one guest.

Thosc who already bought
tickets may get infomiation on
refunds at the outlets where they
purchased the tickets.



truth. and combining your “street
knowledge" with your college edu-
cation to achieve success.

Citing Christopher Columbus and

the discovery of America. Parker
argued that we are raised in a
school system that is concerned
only with memorization without


J“. FOR. UM’KOMI Staff

Rapper KRS-One speaks to students last night In the Student

Center Grand Ballroom.

asking questions. even if what stu.
dents memorize is not entirely true.

“The reason we don‘t ask ques-
tions and the reason we aren‘t mtel~

Cable, telephone merger
could affect job market


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer


The merger between Bell Atlan-
tic Corporation and Tele-
Communications Inc. earlier this
month has implications for not only
future technology but the job mar-
ket. as well.

The cable and telephone merger
may allow consumers to order a
home movie or use the telephone
and other services with a single
box. said John Clark. staff assistant
to the director of School of Journal-
ism and Telecommunications.

Because of the numerous servic-
es that may be offered with the
communications system. some ser-
vice jobs may be lost. Clark said.

“Technology replaces human be-
ings in terms of numbers of work.
ers." he said.

He said that just as jobs have
moved from the manufacturing sec-
tor to the service sector in the past.
service sector jobs eventually will

This particular merger will not
affect the Lexington ma because
the two companies do not serve the
region. Clark said a merger is in the

v. \y“';1.~w:yamx. .


PHOTO nonunion IV 4“. mm St.fl

Telephone and cable systems mergers wlll allow consumers to
order movies and complete financial transaction at homo.

process for Lexington area compa-

The loss of jobs is mthing
C lxk thinks the government should
look at before all the technology

to look at in the


“It‘s a societal problem we have
niture,” Clark

See JOBS. Page 2



ligent in the classroom is because
intelligence is not necessary for the
type of education you‘re getting."

See LECTURE, Page 2



consent workshops. O
Page 6.


o‘The Joy Luck Club‘ IS not
just an Asian-American
speCIal interest movne.
Revnew. Page 3.

O'Rudy' is a heart-touching
movie about the American
dream. Revuew. Page 3.

-Sunny and continued c-
today; high in the lower
«Clear but not quite as
tonight; low in the mi-
-Sunny and please
tomorrow; high he
and 70.



remix -m’~ (ng Q.ggw,mflgd~omiva~ " '



”A“. ‘






2 - Kentucky Kernel. Friday. October 22, 1993



Read Kernel Music Reviews


By Diane Druston
Associate Press





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WASHINGTON — The govemv
ment's first attempt to survey the
effect of cable TV regulations on
the prices viewers pay was partially
released yesterday. but it raised
more questions than it answered.

The incomplete data showed that
rates went down for 68 percent of
subscribers and up for 31 percent.
But the survey covered only about
15 percent of all cable TV users and
was not a scientific random sample
representing the overall population.

The cable industry praised the re-
sults as proof the new law achieved
its objectives.

But the law's primay congres—
sional sponsor. Rep. Edward Mar-
key. D-Mass., said the findings are
"too incomplete to draw any serious
conclusions about the effectiveness
of the commission's regulations."

He said he would ask the General
Accounting Office to conduct its
own survey of rates. The GAO is
Congress‘ investigative arm.

The FCC‘s findings are prelimi-
nary because they deal only with 14
of the 25 companies surveyed. The
FCC declined to give any informa~
tion about its findings on the 11
other companies.

The survey compared the differ-
ence between rates in April and in
September, when the new regula-
tions went into effect.

The FCC found that among the
14 companies. rates went down an
average of 8 percent. or $2. It did


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8 8 E Building 101
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POT Mezzanine

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Student Center



Thursday. October 2 l .
8:00 PM.


Come and listen as Kris
Parker (KRSONEJ shocks
your mental system with a


provoking and

challenging lecture with
topics that include
metaphysics. religion. correct
history. the 0.5. Gov.. and
racism. KRS-ONE is ranked
as one of the t0p ten college
lecturers who has lectured at
Harvard. Yale and Stanford.
Just to name a few. The
lecture will have you thinking
for days and may even
change your way of thinking.

INET‘Q’ ,‘nu r’, 34*


Student Center
Grand Ballroom
Friday. Oct. 22. 8 RM.



UV“ /,‘:> //\ r“ m r;
“R U ”Wig
genie LiCJ

the t'cha t'cha

Mashin it up with the
original BOOM-BAP RAP

with special guests

., , I)
It”... I

Royal Rulers
of Reggae



Mp new a "~7le

not give any details about the size
of the increases alone.

lawmakers say the intent of the
legislation was that increases hit
only a tninority of customers and
amount to a few cents on each bill.

The top 25 cable companies were
asked to supply data about their top
10 operations. The 24.5 operations
on which data was gathered serve
about 14 million, or roughly one-
quarter, of all subscribers.

But the analysis of the data was
complicated by the development of
an “a la cane" pricing system by 11
of the 25 multi-system companies.
So. the percentages released yester-
day deal only with the 14 other
companies. which have 8 million

Furthermore. the 10 systems
within each cable company do not
necessarily reflect all the cable
company‘s operations.

“We serve over 1.000 communi-
ties." said Bob Thomson. spokes-
man for Tele-Communications Inc,
the nation's largest cable company.
“The top 10 don't reflect the com-
pany at large because in the top sys-
tems we have more expensive
equipment deployed. If you were to
take all our systems you would find
the number of people who experi-
enced rate decreases was closer to
80 percent."

The law regulates basic cable.
which is defined to include the
broadcast stations obtainable over
the air with an antenna as well as
public and govcmment access cable

Additional channels are generally
packaged in “tiers“ which also must
stay within cenain price ranges.

When companies break their non-
basic cable channels into an “a la
cane" pricing system. however,
they fall outside the regulations.

Survey on effect of cable laws incomplete


J obs ..

Continued from Page 1

hologycennothe stopped. long
term plmningneerls tohc done
tern will effect everyone. Clark
said ”thew” welivegtheway
wcthinkahouthow wecommn-

cmipleofm hcsaid

tooOntrolphonecalls; mattend


with mom system. ‘ .
Bruce Williams, a professor in

between socialclnsses
“lt’ 5 going" to increase the gap






“There it also a focus on tho


all types of finanoint m .Iil':.h?”‘Wiltlamssaid.ix

system will be expensive at first. '

the newest sciencc department. ,. ,.
said that he is worried that the“
new system trill increase the gap


’ that com along: than aren’t“


mintheeocess norm

forum and the circulation of
“mation is terrihl. y important
MMYr”wufim35a-Id¢ . :

lie said the way to solve the
txohtem of more is to bare

"there is an argmet for the
govermnem being untimely i”,
volved in the evolunon‘ of'this”
new system so people are sent
tutwedaocess.” ‘

He. said instead of being can
W‘m mammal»...

tn the new system, people


goeéwhlz apect: ‘lsoltthis golngflgs’
whewondet-fnttoheahle redial»
up a movie every time we warn.


most new technology. the 111cc.

“With every new- technology;


that many people who can afford
or who are interested in mg;




The survey did not reveal the ef-
fects of these per—channel pricing
plans. The FCC is determining
whether this price system evades
the law and requires corrective ac-

But at least one cable company
said a la cane pricing. if added to
the mix. would make the percentage
of subscribers with decreases look

even better.

A la cane pricing led to decreases
for 80 percent to 99 percent of cus-
tomers. depending on the communi-
ty. said Barbara Lukcns of Comcast

“1 don't have an average or medi-
an for the company." she said.
"Most of our rates did go down for
regulated services and equipment."



Continued from Page 1

“We are working on the develop-
ment of a rape awareness program
for all of the sororities and fratemi-
ties.“ she said. “We hope to get the
administration to add a rape aware-
ness program to the fall orientation
program also."

Gender bias is another issue that
the group will address.



Continued from Page 1

Parker said.

“The type of education
you‘re getting is preparing you
for the job market. It‘s not pre-
paring you for civilization."

Parker‘s return to UK marks
his second lecture in two
years. a comeback that SAB
Multicultural Committee co-
chairman Richard S. Gray saw

“He's a powerful speaker
with a powerful message.“
Gray said of Parker‘s speech
in 1991 with Kwame 'l‘oure.
“Just because he was here
once does not mean he can't
come back again and have the
same impact."



“I don't know that the teachers
are necessarily guilty of gender
bias. but most women seem to have
a hard time speaking up in class."
Crabtree said.

loumalism freshman Sara Byrd. a
member of the group, said. “I am
very excited about getting things
underway. I think there will be
some changes for the better on carn-

Two organizational meetings for
NOW have been held up to this
point. Byrd said. “We really are

very new so. many people haven't
heard much about the chapter get-
ting started."

She said UK a NOW chapter sep-
arate from the Lexington chapter.

“We will be addressing complete-
ly different issues than the Lexing-
ton chapter of NOW."

The next meeting for the campus
chapter of NOW will be held Nov.
4 in 245 Old Student Center. Infor-
mation about the group can be ob-
tained in 30-A Student Organiza-
tion Center.

Ex-skinhead convicted in killing


By Janice L. Magln
Associate Press


MONTGOMERY. Ala. — A for-
mer skinhead was conticted yester-
day of killing a homeless black man
during a drunken celebration of
Adolf Hitler‘s birthday.

Mark Lane. 19, was found guilty
of manslaughter and faces up to 20
years in prison.

Prosecutors had sought a murder
conviction, which carries a possible
life sentence.

lane. from Lilbum. Ga. said he
was extremely drunk when Benny

Rembert was stabbed to death un-
der a Birmingham bridge in April

1992. during a local skinhead
group's celebration of Hitler‘s

Prosecutors said Lane and three

other skinheads had gone “bash-
ing.” meaning they went in search
of blacks. Jews or homosexuals to
beat up.

But Lane testified he was passed
out in the back seat of a car at the
time of the slaying.

Two older skinheads were con-
victed of murder and were sen-
tenced to 30 years and life in pris-
on. lane’s sentencing was set for
Nov. 19.

A fourth defendant. Christi Wat-
son, is scheduled to go on trial in

Lane. a skinhead since he was 14.
was head captain of the Confeder-
ate llammer Skinheads and lived at
the “WAR House" -— a White Ar-
yan Resistance hangout in suburban
Birmingham for followers of its
white supremacist and Nazi doc-




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‘Rudy’ warms
heart with true
success story








Starring Sean Astin
TriStar Pictures


By M: Lobert
Start Critic


“Rudy" is a heart-touching movie
about the American dream of suc-

It is the true story of one man.

Rudy Ruettiger (Sean Astin), who
had a dream and worked hard all of

his life to make it come true.

Rudy‘s lifelong dream is to be a

pan of the Notre Dame football

team, and the 27 seconds he did

play for The Fighting Irish is
enough for him to say that his
dream came true.

“Rudy” shows that hard work and
determination can get you almost
anywhere you want to go in life.
Rudy triumphs over dyslexia, his
limited athletic ability and his small

He does not care what opposes
him and works at overcoming those
obstacles. That determination is


Urgent rock
Urge Overkill


Urge Overkill
Geffen Records


By Ell Humble
Contributing Critic


With its new release, Satu—
ration, Urge Overkill thrust it-
self into the new crop of re-
freshing, innovative

alternative bands along with
Smashing Pumpkins, Radio-
head and even Lenny Kravitz.
The Chicago trio makes no



mistake about its intentions:
They came to rock.

The album roars out of the
gate with the dirty, guitar-
driven rocker and current
MTV mainstay “Sister Hava-
na." All too often the term
“altemative” is merely a dis-
guise for pure rock’n’roll,
which is definitely the case
with Urge Overkill.

The second uack,“Tequila
Sundae," appears poised to be
a follow up single, with the
group's trashy, garage sound
maintaining the groove and
attitude. The band also adds
occasional sound effects to
enhance the tunes.

“Positive Bleeding" in
cludes lush, acoustic strum-
ming, as well as pounding,
two-fisted guitar riffs. It’s evi-
dent that Urge Overkill al-
ways puts the song first, and
largely succeeds.

Urge Overkill‘s influences
are all over the place. “The
Stalker" sounds like a pol-
ished, far-out version of AC/
DC, while “Back on Me” re-
fitxts warped visions of Tom
Petty, as well as R.E.M.

One of the more interesting
tracks, “Dropout," opens with
eerie, synthesized melodies
and a repetitive. almost indus-
trial back-beat, adding well~
placed acoustic rhythms and
warm vocal hannonies.

Whatever these guys try al~
ways results in something
catchy and irresistible.

The band unit is uncharac-
teristically tight considering


. p .u.,://


.w . .. ., .. .amm.’,u ,







The determined Rudy Ruettlger (played by Sean Astin) stands amidst fellow teammates at Notre
Dame's prestlglous football team. ‘Rudy' traces hls path to success as a walk-on player.





what gets him his time on the field.

Astin portrays Rudy well. He is
able to portray enough determina-
tion in his face that it showed he is
struggling. He also comes across as
innocent enough to follow through
with his dream.

The only bad thing that can be
said about “Rudy“ is that it starts to

KRS-One raps social justice


Return of the Boom Rap
Jive Records


By Matthew Deloor
Contibuting Critic


At the front of the line that de—
clared rap as an intellectual medi-
um, KRS-One (aka Kris Parker)
poses with various lines of thought.
With each new release, you find
yourself asking, “What‘s his line of
propaganda now?"

Return 0fthe Boom Rap is KRS-
One‘s first solo album since he
burst onto the rap scene in I985.
This also is his first effort in the
past six years without his former
group Boogie Down Productions.

Ripe with reggae sounds and de-
liberate hip hop beats, Return con-
tinues his role as a “Teacher“ in hip
hO') and black culture. Always con-
cerned with problems of the inner
ety, the role of rap as urban folk
music takes on new meaning as he
rhymes the details of history.

“Sound of Da Police," strong in

Shannan’s Alley 5.3 k; 9:}, IV ,


slow down in the middle, after
about the hundredth time someone
laughs at his aspirations. The View
er begins to wonder if his dream is
ever going to be brought to life.

Although “Rudy" slows down in
the middle, that only helps build on
the emotions of the climax at the
end. When everyone, Rudy, his
friends and the audience, starts to
think that Rudy should stop fanta-
sizing about being pan of the
toughest college football program
in the country, he gets his chance.

The other players on the team say
they won‘t dress for the final game



rasta beats, finds KRS-One proving
his adept feel for a reggae sound.
Thick with bass and underlying
horn spurts, KRS-One chants: “First
show a little respect and change
your behavior/Change your attitude/
Change your plan/There can never
be justice on stolen land."

Still struggling to raise awareness
of the injustice served at the hands
of law enforcement, the “officer"
and “overseer“ become synony-

In bitter tones the two are linked
together through the lines of time,
“You need a little clarity'I/Check
the similarity/The overseer rode
around the plantation/The officer is
out patrolling our nation." Es-
tranged and disgusted, he sounds
off with the others who share his
predicament, “After 400 years, I’ve
got no choices.“

Even though he has evolved with
rap through its stages of evolution,
KRS-One is not without his fulfill-
ing of the traditional rap stereotype.

of the season if Rudy, the walk-on.

By the time Rudy gets put into
the game, the audience members
are on the edge of their seats ready
to cheer along with the crowd at the
football game.

“Rudy" encourages dreaming and
hard work. It says that anything is
possible as long as you want It

It is imponant that people are re-
minded that dreams do come true.
In the fast-paced, competitive socie<
ty of the ‘90s, people tend to forget

On “Mad Crew" and “Return of
the Boom Rap," he joins the legions
of other rappers who posture and
claim to be the biggest and baddest
on the block.

“Higher Level" takes a stance
that KRS-One is familiar with. He
is searching to define the levels of
seeiali/ation, discrimination and the
lack of a religion to call his own.

The only thing concrete that es—
tablishes itself is a spirituality that
will guide him and us through the
fallacies of history and what we
have been taught. With a hammer-
ing beat and a distinctive drawl, he
says. “We gonna talk about what
you believe in/We gonna talk about
how you been trained."

Echoes of “Sound of Da Police"
ring through the chunky thump of
the bass as he says, “Emancipation
is long overdue/So if it come from
procrastination/Cause freedom is
within you." Ringing true with
clever rhymes that have a Streetwise
intensity, KRS-One again has
proved his role as an "Edutainer"
and a “Teacher" of history through
hip hop.

KRS-One has pointed rap and hip
hop in new direction of intellectual
free thought and given it and us
courage to question history.

Cuisine And A Half



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Kentucky Kernel, Frlday, October 22, 1993 - 3

‘J 0y Luck’ joyous



portrait of families






”The Joy Luck Club"
Hollywood Pictures


By Irene Hong
Contributing Critic


Some movie-goers WlII dismiss
“The Joy Luck Club" as an Asian-
American specral interest movie

Audience members familiar with
Amy Tan's novel of the same
name, however, understand the
crosscultural appeal of her charac-

The movie Interweaves the stii»
ries of four Chinese immigrant
women (who form the Joy Luck
Club in San Francisco) and their
American-bom daughters.

In a series of flashbacks, the audi»
ence becomes immersed in the nar.
ration by each of the mother»
daughter pairs.

Granted, when the third mother
gets a far-away look in her eyes and
a flashback ensues. the movie
seems slightly contrived.

We hardly mind this formula,
however, since the courses of the
women‘s lives are so compelling. In
one sequence, the audience follows
the strong‘willed Auntie Lindo
from the day her mother promises
her, as a four—year-old, to a wealthy
family in an arranged marriage.

According to the niatchmakcr‘s
agreement, Lindo's mother must
deliver her to the husband’s family
when Lindo becomes 15. Until
then, Lindo‘s mother reprimands
her daily. saying that “no one
would want such ti daughter-In

Moments like this illustrate one
of the greatest strengths of the mo-
vie: the screenplay. Written by
Amy Tan and Oscar-Winner Ron
Bass (“Rain Man"), the language of
the narration paints vivid images.

When the mother Ying-ying de-
cides to talk her daughter out of her
destructive marriage, she describes
how she waits “like a tiger to cut
her spirit loose."

Perhaps the most memorable as-






pcct of “Joy Luck" is its power to
evoke emotion.

In one stanling scene, Ying-ying
charges at her abusive husband with
a shard of broken china, but stops
abruptly when he orders her to
clean up her “mess.“

Watching the frail Ying-ying,
battered in mind and body, obe-
diently stoop to gather the broken
pieces is a porgnant moment.
Though she finally escapes this
abusive marriage, it scars the rest of
her life: Her daughter, Lina, “had
no spirit because I had none to give

Perhaps the detailed, fascinating
plot m involvmg three generations
in diverse cultures a would have
carried "Joy Luck" all by itself.

In unfolding the plot, however,
the movie also masterfully com-
bines compelling narration and im-
ages that move the audiencc. Amy
Tan‘s rich storytelling translates
beautifully to the screen.





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