xt7hhm52js73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hhm52js73/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1988 1988 1988-09-08 2020 true xt7hhm52js73 section xt7hhm52js73  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol XCII. No. 21

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971 Thursday September 8. 1983

Sutton says he didn’t help Manuel on ACT test

Executive Editor

Sean Sutton. the [K basketball player
who news reports have linked to charges
that teammate Eric Manuel cheated on his
\(‘T test, said yesterday that those allegas
tions are t'alse

Sutton said that while Manuel was the
only person he knew at the Lextngton La-
fayette High School testing site last year.
they sat three tables away from one anoth

"We didn't even sit near each other be
cause of the tear Of) this kind of
thing.” Sutton said

"Eric \laniiel is innocent and I think

he's been unjustly treated iby' the presst."
the sophomore guard said.

L'K President David P Roselle told the
Kernel on Sept 1 that allegations of
possible wrongdoing concerning Manuel's
ACT test probably will be brought against
the ("nu ersity by the NCAA

Manuel had to take the test as a final et-
fort to satisfy the Proposition 48 reqinre
ments Sutton had already passed the re
quirement and was taking the test tor the
second time

"My mother wanted me to take the test
againi.“ Sutton said "I took it at the end
of my' junior year . V she‘d been on me to
take it at the end of the semester of my
senior year it0i improve my score "

There were about ith‘ monitors in the

cafeteria where the test was administered,
Sutton said And monitors would pass
about ex ery two or three minutes so t'he.i'
me could not take place

Sutton said that he had "been ntiuiritri:
to talk to the press tor ti ion; Write 'rii I
wasn't able to because i wastit :LHt'l‘
mission by the sports
s‘tatt or my rather

Yesterday litiit‘tllt‘rfl
trom hrs t i'her saying 'hat he t“‘tiili ’.iiK’
the press the _\i'tlt‘:»_et’ Sii'ttti: ”itch" fie!
.‘l pt‘t‘s‘s‘ i'iittlt'l‘etlt't'

"I think he inst saw that .’
bothering me. Sutton said

“I'm deeply upset. tired
iby'thesttuation he said

By spt‘zlktttL‘ to 'he press \i:"ni‘ s iii‘.


ititiit’tz ti‘ i':

Stitiiii‘. gt»? .t i.lt]

v\.l\ ld'illl.‘


t .

is pretty t'ontidetit that in

(_‘tl.lt'h Sutton stitli tlta' 'tii 1512"-
htl‘ been rausiii; 'rtl'ttir‘lt'ltls
‘(i‘.tt!‘it"ti zit'l‘, 7hr t».iske't ttil tirwg' :-
in it prepared skitenieiit la't
'tte elder Sii'tiii: rltllli ”\‘t'i "xi ‘
txvii' it 's.


1 1‘4“ 7‘

‘,‘.iti‘~! steamer”
tiiiyersi'j V i
\rlditiotiaiiy .itid jthi as tumor"
pride tit iitir eii' H- \'.i"t" -- w
T.” .

Qt'tl'ti' t i

live“ .l'f'rl l".

signed .i

in ye

A... I/


~ arm stirrw



5'05 de“ Gecrce

'i'es 6"".9'” " L.:'iis,tite

Bush addresses the Nationat

tee the s'owd ‘hat “is


3-) ”"‘i


me n st'rit not: a. i n

.n , w ,7. on
4 , > ..


Ellis won’t
his fraternity

lllt|\l\\l \l l l l\ \\

~ i9: 'ni



K’lt‘ fit's‘ “intt'k
\ipt‘a fraternity at
'.\.it‘.! ‘ii tie

': Lelltiti Hunts
he .KJtlpl

.t .t. t n
“.i' i LE it‘

tttit‘s!‘ '
'- K “int-umtlll

'i‘t' \Sllt'fli l‘titi' s
i‘ "' tilllllilt‘iii till ilt'
xt‘s‘i't’thi‘» iti‘t‘t’NHHH
‘ux' yntr‘l‘uf 'il \Y't‘k 'ii
'l‘tl' 2"“

.«,,is pieduiiiu ti 'r.i

;tt*s‘:~iis would .tsK
‘ 'lfii'
:fit‘ss Mt “.ii t'
ii; i\\ ‘iiitt 'ht- heritiit'ky Ker
'\t;_iis' 3'. s'ory ‘hiit lilhs pit-dc
r; ‘rx \ mi»: "-t‘h '1:
mt ninth :iiore ini me to s.i\
llt-vtet. iiir'hei eiiiiinieiit
‘t‘t'k Eieti't‘i' t-Ziits tilt'ttaeti l\\ Hit-
tl'a't‘tt tlzsiiitneii ti I‘iiiiteilerate Hat: on
tl‘ei text: wont .\.iii 1'
t1\ ii.s' st‘ttii-s't't s [llt‘tiL‘t‘\
Hie :l,l‘t‘li"?". tixittitmiialiy
Mitt stitch tinii‘ry inspired by the lllt\\‘t*
titllit' \\ifti 'he “lllti in \\hlt‘h the nieni
!‘ t'tiiiteiteiziteiiiiitoriiis
both 'lie the: ililti the iii.itoriiis

ti‘dt‘ a Vii r.it'e
tht'! i' s
l‘tii s_t



‘~\t|\ painted titer


hr'l's :h'l‘ss

lo sztt‘



stitith 'h.ii wing-m

’tittt'k ~iti\ t'! ‘. ’lii‘

' llt'

‘t'lil‘t‘H‘lH _t “til" ‘ll
"‘l 'lliiiillltl'itlli
t Iltll‘iit‘t'.tt'\



“.i‘i iitiitiieiit >ii
mean m hiiii tir \yltt'tltt't ‘lt‘
it.li"‘l“ll.lj('iii ttiiisoiitli

\s air .is "t‘tllL‘. tin iliilit'H‘ tllil l

:izt-iiibt'r i-iilis ‘lt'
T‘t'itiL‘ 'itst iiit-tit'hegiiys

i‘,iii\ said lie spent l «it 'inie _i‘ .Pit'
‘tziteriiitt iii-«nurse -it ti trieiid, \llkt' Htil'lit‘
.tho s it Ki\ member
the only thing i ilidti ! do iast \e.il' ~\.I,s
«I 'he It'lllltliS He said I tins :tieit-
“tie ':iiie

so lfllis decided that he would iiisli 'tit-
:r iter-iity Hennh riishetl K.»\i he said

\ittiitl \fiat ‘ti‘ist-



dues sat s ’lilll;l\


\t't'll I I‘ i'ttt


Bush speech rails
against Dukakis
on defense policy

Earthquake in Kentucky %~‘~"11t§ only
mild disturbance for [K

lh \Il'ltljltlllll ll‘ll l'
'I.‘I'I“l""t;\\l ‘t-i'


. ’it‘t‘
'ht‘ ‘t‘ti sti tttetiiy itt’L'tlli slitiki: ;
tier Robin
'he :‘imm s motion :iiso

‘titii'hi'tt 'ttt‘ ‘til.

tidbits t ‘tt..-‘ .t

’ii‘tt tint): ’Iltt‘i s‘ "ix i

"in sm‘i'
tliltliilitiit’. it‘ill‘istili ' ~t.i‘ '

Hit“ :‘

\tt‘i's .’i\t‘ ‘ltts 'ili'lx ,vi.i\i

:iiiii' i :ii f‘iasuiat

~tiiit‘hei it it"

\litm ‘iirit-iits
tit; 1m ii thissitiu‘riit h
iix sophomore ,i.iiivI ‘l
‘wii‘t! ‘itmt tit \l'i King 1,:
i 1"(t1t‘ti 7

it liiss

in -'itl“',"l\ 'i

It s« 'i‘tm‘

.iIitl \t‘\ t‘l'ill

e\pl.isiiiii i:

:i \ n: ‘he
illL‘lllt‘ll ’lltll l i llt'llt‘l
ii lll‘. .- 'tes.iitl
\llillt' ,iotiiisiiii was ‘t‘. 'iwi
‘tiiii'ti ’liitii tit .lt'wt‘tl Hm t
't ‘t it ‘he tiiiilding mum ‘tiitlt i H4 .tti u-..
my computer piitiiei tits
it riiss 'he tlnoi she said
lttitiiiison and 'iei

liti:"ti .w'



[Nit VH'IH‘H'Hz‘t

.\ xi,i-‘t-.ti‘

“l \".H\ h taint


\‘yt iii.
.1, i 'l'l't Ru 1

.1‘1l\l {i..~

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-, ..; i‘ i: ”titti.‘ .isttiitm

tl"t‘t \ it

.tsit I t“'.i

Mint “:11" '.ti\\t'_

'3. “lll‘i‘l: M'i Nutty “i -..

«We. ittiit'sst‘tttisi titt't N‘tli't.

[l' ‘iit'l‘ \l‘t'\\ 1' ’t

.i: Miriam nut: . \‘.i‘t ti








80 85



Today Sunny
Tomorrow Partly sunny



Fear and Loathing on campus.
not Hunter S. See Page 6.





Spotlight Jazz Series opens Friday, For
a preview, See Page 4.



 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, September a. 1988

Social Tours of UK library
programs go through tomorrow

. h I By CATHERINE MONZINGO of the records converted from the
1“ SC 00 S staff Writer card catalog to LS/2000. an online
computer system
\mwiatethn-ss M.l. King Library tours to help King Library is the central li~
students learn how to use the facili- brary to UK‘s system. It offers
FRANKLIN K.‘ 5001” “”"k ties started yesterday and will con- many services such as com‘oper.
t‘l‘s. mental health pl‘t)i(‘.\sltlllill> tinue through Friday. ated typewriters. copiers. and
and hcalthcarc provniet's mll _ Tours begin at 10 am“ noon and PRIME terminals. There is a map
llltnt‘ into the schools under a pilot . I 2p.m. collection. and sortie maps can be
program announced yesterday to ' Students are to meet in the lobby checked out.
enable students to .slu) lit the class . ofM.l. King Library. The “Library Guide." which has
room ,. Paul Willis. director of UK li~ a list (it services and departments
From in to 13 school districts will - . braries. said tours were initiated and a map ot’ King Library. is
be included in the program lllllluli) because the University has so available at the Information Desk.
beginning in early October More “ - *' ‘ v: many new students and the librar- A library card can be obtained at
schools \Hll llkt‘l) he added as the » ies are seattered thrOughOut the thecircultilitmdesk.
idliillt'l canliaiidlethc load T. ' f campus, "You use your Student II) and
the announcement “as made by ' - ’ u" is a general orientation tour «the person at the doski will put a
.i am: at state oilicials during an . _ > _ of the library." said Judy Sackett. bar code on your Student ll).'
Jill't‘dl'dlltt‘ «11 l‘l'dnkll” SI”ill-“m . ’ t .‘ head of the reference department Sackettsaid
iliLlll \t liool \iiiniig those attend , ‘ ' . ‘ . ' ‘. of King Library. "People will be The ID needs to be validated lie
at M'l'r t.o\ \lallact- “ilkinsun, _ 4. In “ ‘ . able toaskquestionsafterward." torethehar code \\llll)t' put onit
lt':lli.lif lit‘stllll't‘t'.‘ N‘t’l‘t‘ldl’) ill . i M‘ In addition [0 familiarizing Stu.
llwl l t ( ii\\llt‘l‘ti Education N't'l't‘ ~. . i dents with King Library, the differ-
-lut l\ HM” dtl‘l ‘Hllt‘l "11"“ .. ent departments will be pointed out
1H ’ JUIHEH'MK ‘- '~ and the available services dis
‘H'ntn'l‘tl Mild llh‘ lit‘tttll'flm “lit cussed "Anytime tsludt'lltsl need help.
3m: in ~‘\l)ttltsltll‘. Ill \I‘l'\ it t‘\ to , . The UK library~ system has over they can go to the t‘etei‘eiice desk.“
""‘l't't- ‘ ~.' ‘ 7 2 million volumes with 90 percent Stickettsald
\'\"l' 1'1“ stall l'l_L'lll llltlt i. lilt
s :i. in .ni lltiit'l li.i\t in ' i.ixi \ g , O O
,. ~ ~ * Ellis declines comment
,t.v;.. 1.1... ‘. t'l.\t' ill \t‘(‘ .i t.isi"x\tiiixt‘r . .
.md i‘!‘.tl nip doing A.“ 'lx ~.\li.il ('ontinuedtromPagcl


[1 none ot' the tour times are con
venient. there is still hope in get
ting information

.-.r- it ll‘\lll‘;_l tn .i\imt lt't'llt\illL’
til. .liildi'cii il'tlll. lln ttlllttilt Ill

“we“ triatlii‘i‘r' mil: '. ,: newts

Ellis is the only member of the "tSuttoiit was happy to see I
basketball team that is also a fur went out and did something l
ternity member. \ianted todo “

‘iltllxz'iwi: will Kl'll'tl‘ M - ”womunymmsw Eilcigasgi'id Eddie sum)” apprm (‘8. Ellis is starting his pledge duties

. ~ in. vii.» :vrc . . TUNNEL VISION: A student takes a walk Hall courtyard on his way to a class in the en- “He “3's in a lraternitv when I“, came} mm W. “I‘m. pledges 5‘,
'H 51' m4 'lH' ”‘31“ ~l' " J7 ' ’ ”’9'"? "‘9 tunnet leading to the Anderson gineering butldlng was in college." Ellis said “and he that he can complete them on time
“’ "'“ "mm" ” " ' ‘2' , said the trick to it is to manage and not sutt'er during basketball
your time, season. he said

. I
it ii,.~u






livery 'l‘hiirsday Night

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{Carrier tit'lligli & Linn”
Tie Place to Party . .
on Thursday Night? /// ~— v n y 39

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10:30 Tonight

Imperial Plaza











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all you want is .

done quickly '

otopricethot ALL WEEK!
won’t break
your budget Come Kick Off All Home Games with

BesType O’Charley’s!!
TypesettingServioe I: 2895 Richmond Rd. 2270 Nicholasville Rd.









Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW -- A Soviet space cap~
sule floated safely to Earth yester-
day after 26 hours stranded in orbit
with dwindling air and food, but a
flight control official said the com»
mander delayed the landing by
making mistakes.

Deputy flight chief Viktor Blagov
said commander Vladimir Lyakhov
should have switched to manual
controls to fire braking rockets
aboard his Soyuz ’I‘M-T) capsule.

according to the government daily

The tiny capsule parachuted to a
landing at 4:50 am Moscow time
100 miles southeast of the town of
Dzhczkazgan in the republic of

Izvestia. which reported the
space-to-ground radio exchange.
noted that despite the earlier prob-
lems with the guidance system, the
spacecraft landed within only a few
dozen miles of the intended target.
and only 24 hours late.

'I‘eleyision showed the tiny spher~

ical Soyuz capsule floating toward
the ground on a white parachute
with orange stripes againt a red-
dish dawn sky. A puff of dust rose
from the ground when the capsule

Abdul Ahad Mohmand, the first
Afghan in space, and Soviet crew-
mate Lyakhov spent 26 hours
aboard the cramped capsule that
had enough air for only two days,
dwindling food supplies and no toi-

“Of course it was not an easy
thing to sit in spacesuits for 24

hours," Lyakhov, 47, said in an lll
terview near the charred capsule

The problems began after the
capsule undocked early Tuesday
from Mir. the space station where
liyakhov and Mohmand spent six
days with three other cosmonauts

After boarding their capsule and
undocking from Mir, the ("ostrio
nauts made two attempts to re
enter the atmosphere on Tuesday

Scientists determined that during
the first landing attempt. sunlight
interfered with a sensor in an ill
f‘rared guidance system

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, September 8. 1988 —- 3

Official blames commander for mistakes on Soviet craft

Blagoi said the sensor belatedly
started an engine that slows the
craft for reentry The cosmonauts
manually oyerrode the system and
shut down the engine. Blagoy‘ said

,\ second attempt to re enter was
made three hours later The sensor
put the craft in the torrect [)tlsl
tron. but an on board computer had
not been reprogrammed and the
capsule was sent on a traicrtor’j.
tor a landing lll t'hrna son.”
media reports said

Iluriiig the second recritr at
tempt lAakho‘. 'IltI

lltl' folio»,

proper procedure and worsened the
equipment problems, Blagoi was
quoted as saying, without referring
to Illt'l osrrionaut by name

The public questioning of a cos
rrroriaul s gx’rforrnancc was. highly
*llllhilal in the Soviet space pro
gram ll reflected the more open
discussion of problems encouraged
Il'. Smret leader Mikhail h tiorha
chi-x under his policy «it “glas

hit other Soiiet space officials
Jeerml aim). lrorr; mentioning pos

House begins considering $2 billion addition to drug war

Associated Press

began ('ongress' latest assault on
illegal narcotics yesterday, taking
up a INS-page bill that would spend
some $2 billion for every conceiyar
ble method of fighting drug abuse.

The House will likely labor
through next week on the work

product of 11 committees, which
might undergo lllilJ()l‘ surgery from
more than three dozen amend~
merits. Some proposed changes will
provide the most controversial mo—
ments of debate

After a day devoted to debate
and explanations of the bill's provir
sions. the House postponed votes on
amendments until today

Speaker .Iitn Wright, I)-'I’exas.

Playing tonight—
8 LA M M
Rock ’n’ Roll
Tonigm — 7—1 1

$1.50 Coronas
& Margaritas

’Laaies No Cover”


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Frollcking Follicle

49C: Sauchlana DP“. 8
Lextngton, KY 40563 \


has labeled the bill ”bipartisan." a
strategy that will allow incumbents
of both parties to claim credit for
the politically popular legislation
during their re-election campaigns
But the tactic also guarantees
votes on Republican—inspired
amendments that would allow the
federal death penalty for drugre
lated killings, deny federal benefits
to conyicted drug users and admit

some illegally seized evidence lll

The House took up the bill on
(‘ongress' first day back from a
niontlrlorig recess

Other issues that lawmakers
must settle before they qurt next
month to campaign for re election
are spending levels for the Star
Wars anti-missile program. arms
control issues. a maJor oierhaul or



the welfare system competing p: w
[illsiilr Ill. tlllltl r.ti't‘ iitl'l ii -I " ‘
caragua s t orrrr .t rebels
Democrats rim;
on their legislator: 'lt inert-a». ‘ri
rriirirrriurri ’.‘..i._‘,t' 'rnrr‘. SN 3 per ‘.
fir S4 33 hourly «er
period. an
I’rcsiderrt Iteaga'.
I‘ was ~' '

’iivtii' .\ - \-
t l'>‘.t v.1

ir‘bl. l'ii .ti'r'-

i 'Iil-w' .t“jt

.litlt'rid' rlr‘tlrisin‘



if .









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‘o iritcr‘ver" loud

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V, , ( v ‘ w." 4 W 5 M “W / \t\ltlli lit the S'iidcnt .‘\(‘li\'ll(‘S tothcjazztradition."(irundy said ‘ g ‘ "p
' Board. and 2» tiltiiost k'i'litplt‘it‘l} in order to meet this standard. "Even if you're not a jazz huff.
structured around the students dt‘ the committee decided on Corea. a you can enjoy listening to it," said
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ititit‘. ll ‘ Ht: Militia limit“ \k Fli‘f‘vit\
v » fl . 1
some; a:..1..\ :mb!‘ ain‘t. it!» y.

1.11'1"._t iv a!





iiiiiifl’. 1:0 -Il_it" i-l; Ix‘ .inxi ;.r U “\V


{‘1'} u:..si.i.’l it '.\T:1v, '1 w. x: i; Kn:


in: \\.l' \» 'li :‘viirasen; .z ii.i:.iui.i:tf. \ "


mg". {'1 wi‘ii mm; in'\\ \v‘w .' : 1r 1'21.

":5; .2 “14.. \Mi‘i? :1. w s:





1 .t v'tr:"s' .\.\ti\l\,l\ '. i . . "«‘- i .ll itttli .’.\



.i \‘i wttLi. 'i. vi'.lf.;' nit. mm. 1: ‘ titan

August 22, I988 - September 9. I988




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 Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. September 8, 1988 — 5



Tom Spaldlng
'aports Editi’ '


UK soccer team begins year
facing possible extinction

Contributing Writer

It's a new season for the UK soc-
cer team, but the problems facing
the squad are anything but new.

Each year Kentucky must hurdle
virtually the same hurdles: a tough
schedule, lack of adequate funding
and the lack of a better playing

And each year the players them
selves face difficult questions how
to work around school and still
keep their grades up. and how to
attract more people to their humt‘
soccer games.

The problems have become so se
rious, in fact. that l‘K goalie and
team organizer Mike Garrison said
the UK soccer club program may
face extinction.

“I think we're coming on ihc
edge of the club going down the
tubes." he said. “The players are
getting frustrated their outlook
is getting dim. I think that they
don't think that sOi'cer has a
chance we're in trouble "

And while the [K team continues
to suffer. those players used in the
situation are trying not in let it
bother them They Just want u.

"(We justl try to play our best.
try to improve.“ said ['K soccer

UK judo instructor Larry Howard grabs hold of
judo member Carl Shoudel after flipping him yes-


“I think we’re coming on the edge of the club
going down the tubes. The players are getting
frustrated . . . I think we’re in trouble.”

Mike Garrison,
UK soccer player

forward Charlie Rodes. "‘YOUI
play for the love of the game. . .fan
support makes no difference, but it
would help,"

ltodes and the other veterans are
used to the problems. And they're
used to not having any answers Iri-
stead, they just go out and play

And this season. the sentiments
of the team are that UK is on a
mission: to improve on last sea
son's 14-7 record and third-place
finish in the Southeastern Confer-

Kentucky doesn’t even have ii
head coach yet. but one man inter-
ested in helping to save the soccer
program from extinction is Presut»
io Giuseppe. He's planning on send-
ing out a talented mix of veterans
including nine starters back from
last season) and a crop of fresh
men to bring home the
championship this year.

”If the freshmen develop.“ UK
player Matt 'l‘histleton said. "we
will be solid “

Giuseppe is trying to jump—start
the program back up himself But
he can't do it on the field himself .
he‘ll have to count on an experi
enced group headed. he said. by
ltodcs. Garrison, Malt ’I‘histleton.
Ali Sadeghian. and Doug Koop

But trying to repeat last season's
success will be ii cakewalk com
pared to the task of overcoming the
financial burden the team always
faces, Giuseppe said

Money problems always seem to
he a monkey on l'K's back ltiit
they have to put it aside. ltodos
said. andjusl play

“(Ouri team success will depend
on how great the team‘s love for
the game is " itodes said

“We play for our own pride and
for the love of the competition"

TRACEY COLEMAN Kernel strait

terday at Alumni Gym. The judo ciub meets Mon-
days and Wednesdays from 5 to 6.30 pm

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Is that what you
say to yourself

Editor in Chief
txecutive Editor
Assocmte Editor
Editorial Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Photo Editor


Advertisung Director
ASSistant Advertismg Director
Production Manager

The Kentucky Kernel

Jay Planton
lhoriias a. Sullivan
gm White
fiuiine Roniior
Rob bend
tom Spaldinq
Randal ”.V’illiariison


Mike Agin
Linda Collins
Jolt Knew
Scott Ward


The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer sesSion.

lhiidclass postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511 Maiied Selbixio‘tipllOt‘
rates are $30 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and pllt‘lit‘g,