xt7hhm52jr4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hhm52jr4s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1976 1976 1976-03-31 2020 true xt7hhm52jr4s section xt7hhm52jr4s  


Cultural ‘fuzziness'

Kernel Staff Writer

Former speechwriter for Richard M.
Nixon and conservative columnist William
Satire expounded on "fuzziness in
language. morality and politics.‘ last night
in a speech before some 400 avid listeners
at Memorial Coliseum.

The 46‘year-old New York Times writer
said “rampant. suffocating t‘uniness in
how we express ourselves. in our political
choices and our foreign policy" represents
danger to the American system.

Satire related several examples of
common and improper word usage and
said the same ”l'uzziness“ is engulfing
journalism and politics.

Satire cited direct quotes in a recent
book released by Watergate reporters Bob
Woodward and Carl Bernstein as a classic
example of "journafection."

Satire says language, morality,
politics endangered by tuniness

Satire said quotes. purportedly those of
Nixon and Henry Kissinger as they prayed
just prior to Nixon‘s resignation. were
third hand at best.

Satire said the representation “not only
dumped all over Nixon but eroded the
credibility a‘ my profession. Fuzziness in
journalism is a concern for all of us in the
media-it permeates journalism today."

Satire said he is concerned about the
attention the two Washginton Post
reporters are receiving. “Reporters
should report not be the news.“ he said.

Satire. who described himself as an
"outspoken and opinionated Republican."

attacked the major Democratic
presidential candidates for "creepy fuz-
ziness." He said Jimmy Carter, a peanut
tanner. gets his words ”stuck to the roof of
his mouth. Some people are talking about
a Carter-(Sen. Frank) Church ticket—they
could call it peanut better and jelly."

Included in Sat'ire‘s attack on fuzzy
speakers were presidential candidates
Sen. Henry Jackson. Gov. Jerry Brown
and Rep. Morris Udall. He said the can-
didates “attempt to fuzz up the political
spectrum. I don‘t believe in government
by gum—l like to know the issues"

continued on page a

o—mn local



# 1‘

Vol. LXVII No. 140
Wednesday, March 31, 1976


University 0! Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

McLaughlin, Haering become

' second pair of 56 candidates

3mm .

Catching rays

Lanna Lewis. BUS senior. worked on her tan while she waited for a
ride outside the Chemistry-Physics Building. Kentuckians won't be
able to enjoy yesterday‘s 70-degree temperatures for long. however.
as cooler weather is expected in the area today.

Assistant Managing Editor

Student Government (SG) needs to be more
practicaland down to earth. according to the
second pair of students to announce their
candidacy in the April election for SC
president and vice president.

Mike McLoughlin and Hal Haering, both
biology juniors. filed yesterday to run in the
April 20 and 21 election.-

“We‘re running because we feel we are the
best suited candidates." McLaughlin said.

Haering called the pair the “residence hall
team" and said, “it’s time for SC to have
leaders that live on campus.“ Both
McLoughlin and Haering are corridor ad-
visers in dormitories. As dorm residents, the
candidates said they had “more personal
contact with students which would stimulate
more student input."

Students have been alienated by “too lofty
ideals" and the pursuance of goals that are
“out of the realm of SC.” Haering said.
“Students on campus deserve and want
something that is immediate and conérete.”

Haering announced a plan to construct
shelters at bus stops which would be partly
SG financed as an example of a concrete goal
the candidates had in mind.

The candidates also said they wanted to
make students more aware of 56 available
services. They said they would advertise the
availability of free legal counsel for students
and tenant services.

McLoughlin also said he would like to make
SG office supplies and machinery available to
registered students at cost.

In addition. the candidates plan to provide
financial aid to recognized student
organizations. which can show need. “in the

past. students have had the feeling that $6
se'rvesspccial interest groups. But what they
tail to realize is that we can provide the same
services to other groups like the Kentucky
Belles," McLoughlin said. As senators-at-
la rgc. Mclloughlin and Haering both voted for
a resolution last semester that would have
provided funds for the Kentucky Belles. The
resolution l'ailed.

“ll' an organization needs a loan or some
help getting started. there‘s no reason SG
can't help.” McLoughlin said.

Although they said their platform is not
t'ully developed, McLoughlin and Haering
said it would also include:

— the reorganization of the Free University
program into “something that would be
respected.” They said Free U should “act as
an agent that advertises oft-campus courses
students can take."

-—continuation and improvement of the
student directory;

-—changing senator purgation procedure.
Haering said a senator presently can miss
five consecutive meetings before he can be
purged. “We’d like to cut that number in
half." Haering said; and

—naming a senator as head of the senate,
ratherthan the president. “It’s ridiculous for
the president——with the veto power—to head
the body," Haering said.

McLoughlin has been a senator for one year

and served on the senate Finance Committee.

He also served on the University Senate
Student Affairs Committee.

Haering is a Sigma Chi fraternity member,
Big Brother of Lexington and Student Health
Advisory Committee member. He has also
served on the intramural judicial board. He
has been a senator for one year and served on
the Academic Affairs Committee.







”Minimum-u WWI.“


Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges
. Editoroin-Chief

Ginny Edwards

Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

John Winn Miller
Associate Editor



(Editor's note: Because of the number of letters and commentaries received by the
Kernel. there is no editorial today. In cases where a number of letters and com-
mentaries are received about one or several subiects, more space is devoted to
readers' views. All letters and Spectrum articles should be typed, double-spaced and
signed. Letters should not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles should not exceed
750 words.)





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M Isssd issue

In regard to the March 29
commentary on Josh McDowell ("Josh
McDowell delivers Jesus to the multi-
tudes,” Kernel) it is my opinion that the
writer missed the maior issue of
McDowell's lectures. ‘

The issue is that Jesus Christ offers
viable solutions to human problems.

I believe that if people, including the
writer, will look squarely at the claims
of Jesus they would not have to skirt the
issue by being harsh on those who
present the claims.

Christ’s claims have survived for
almost 2,000 years. I believe that they
can stand up to even the most careful

I would like to challenge everyone to
examine the records of what Jesus said
abOut himself, his followers and Christ-
ian life. If, after honestly examining
them, they reiect him and his claims
they may do it with a clear conscience.




Until this is done any reiections will be
made out of ignorance.
It is a sad thing when decisions are
based on ignorance.
Dean Davis
Agriculture sophomore



Concerning Peggy Caldwell’s article
in the March 29 issue of the Kernel
(”Josh Mc Dowell delivers Jesus to the
multitudes"). I did not go to see Josh
McDowell Thursday night, so I can‘t
pass iudgment on whether or not the
sermon was a ”public relations blitz."

I did read Caldwell's article, though,
and I was disappointed. She seemed to
be attacking the whole Christian re-
ligion because of one speech. I hope she
will iudge all Christians individually
rather than collectively, for no one can
view a group collectively and get the
total, true picture. Thank ybu.

Tani S. Burns
Spanish freshman



he screamed. ”A blockbuster expose.
You know I met Patty Hearst last
summer in Cleveland. Beautiful girl.
Shot hours of first-rate footage of her
armpits. They were shaved, of course.
Smooth as a baby’s bottom—which
proved conclusively that she really was
sweet little Patty all along and not
Tania at all. You think Tania would
shave her pits?" He turned back to the
TV and snarled, ”Assholes! You have
no appreciation of art!”

I certainly couldn’t disagree, but I
wasn’t sure, at the moment, that

Monday night around IO p.m., my
apartment was subiected to a strange
invasion. You guessed it: Simian
Medulla breezed in, wearing some kind
of wierd. iridescent tuxedo, complete
with cane and cape—with five very
strange-looking flunkies in tow, all of
whom were shining flashlights on his
face—and began raving, in a very
whacked-out fashion, about ”Glamor,
suspense, the Main Chance. I want to
thank my director, Neal Cassady, ahem
yasss, and my mother and father.” Or
some such nonsensical gibberish.


Simian was the final arbiter of taste
flunkies and they switched off the

He waved his hand at the

He gave a long sigh.
”Someone will pay for this treachery,

he said, and began to mutter darkly
about ”getting Charlie Manson’s phone

Well, Simian was disgusted, and he
had a perfect poetical right to be. For a
being of rare sensitivity like Medulla,
the Weimar~Republic spectacle of the
Academy Awards is very hard to take.
To deal with it at all requires a very




I was in no mood for a long bout of
Medullian craziness. My checkbook
had iust been zeroed-out by an ill-
considered bet on Michigan in the
NCAA finals. I told him as much.

”Tut, tut, my dear boy! Dance your
troubles away! Tonight is the Night of
Nights!” He assumed a theatrical
pose: ”I want to thank the members of
the Academy for this beautiful award. .

I moaned. One of his retinue—Lord
knows where he picked them up—
flashed over to the TV and switched it
on. The Academy Award show
materialized on the screen.

Simian plopped down in front of the
TV, theflashlight beams still playing on
his face. And what followed was a very
long evening as Simian howled,
moaned, writhed and cursed as each
new award was announced and his
hopes for victory were repeatedly
dashed. By the time the ”best
documentary“ award was announced,
he seemed on the verge of some awful
violence. ”Didn't those scumsuckers
see my last movie, ’Patty or Tania?"



Academy Awards are pure craziness

special participatory stance. - Indeed.
Immerse yourself full-tilt in the
madness so you can see your way
through it.

But as for me, with my own more
prosaic outlook, I enioyed the whole
show. Which is pure American cornball
craziness, sure; bedrock insanity,
perhaps. But. . .harmless enough.

I agreed with several of the awards
this year anyway, which is rare. Jack
Nicholson surely deserved to named
Best Actor and ”One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nes ,” if inferior to “Nash-
ville" in my view, is still a helluva
movie (sorry Ken). And I was glad to
see that Stanley Kubrick’s
monumentally boring shitpile ”Barry
Lyndon" didn't get any of the maior
awards. Still, I was furious that Lily
Tomlin wasn't named Best Supporting
Actress for her incredibly subtle and
wholly beautiful performance in
”Nashville” and disappointed that
Robert Altman, who emerged as
America‘s finest director, didn’t get the
director’s award. .

But. . .it’s pointless to argue these
things anyway. Even Simian seemed to
realize that toward the end of the
evening, when he refrained from
putting a rake handle through the TV

Thankfully, he and his entourage
departed iust before the end of the
show, and he missed Liz Taylor leading
a singalong of ”America the
Beautiful." I tremble to think what he
might have done when confronted with
that. His final statement was that he
was going out to film the drama of a
sewer erupting. I still don’t know what
he meant by that.

- But I'll look for the clips on next
year's show.

Scott Payton graduated from UK in
I973. He is a former contributor to
Rolling Shine magazine and a retired
boxing promoter who currently lists his
occupation as ”speculator." His
column, "Ten Years On," appears
weekly in the Kernel.









Opinions from inside and outside the University


Josh brought a
sobering message


'By John Baumgardner

I would like to comment on Dick
Downey’s column on the lecture by
Josh McDowell (”Who are you ioshing,
Mr. McDowell," Kernel, March 26),
Certainly, as Downey indicates, the
content of the message was sobering.
Yet if one is realistic at all concerning
the world situation he must concede
that mankind is face to face with

As a former scientist in the Air Force
high-energy laser program, I say—all
religious or spiritual issues aside—that
worldwide catastrophe in this
generation in which a sizable fraction of
the world’s population is killed is
inevitable. l defy anyone to propose a
meaningful plan which can avert it.
This reality is not pleasant to con-
template. And the human mind has an


- amazing capacity for suppressing input

it does not want to analyze or consider.

Downey, it seems, was so affected by
the suggestion that the world may be
facing disaster that he did not hear
some of the main points McDowell was
making. First of all, as he stressed at
the outset of his talk, he was not
predicting the end of the world. The

seven-year period mentioned in the
lecture is that described by Jesus in his
Olivet discourse (Matthew 24, Mark 13.
etc.) asthegreattribulation. The great
tribulation does not result in the earth
being ”con5umed in flames” or "tur-
ning to dus ” as Downey asserts. I
would encourage Downey to read the
texts himself.

On the other hand, the period of
tribulation is culminated by the return
of Je5us, who is the Messiah of lsraél,
"for a reign of righteousness and peace
and blessing. Israel lS to be exalted
among the nations, who bring their
trea5ure to Jerusalem, as is so
carefully described by the Hebrew

The real issue, which Downey ap~
parently missed, is allegiance to the
living God, the sovereign creator. A
position of rebellion against Him,
whether a person to be a humanist,
evolutionist, existentialist, Hindu,
Buddhist, TM freak, uncompleted Jew
or nominal Christian, is Surely a
position of judgment. Every human
being, regardless of his philosophy, is in
a desperate need for reconciliation with
God, who in His person is holy and
righteous. This reconciliation is

possible only through a blood sacrifice

of a worthy substitute, namely that of
Messiah Himself.

I would inquire of Downey, who
mocks at the ”Sweet Sanctuary” of
Jesus and His eternal offering for sin,
how he intends to pay for his sins. The
complete forgiveness of sin ”is a gift of
(God...that no one should boast”
(Ephesians 2:8,9). The position of the
Christian in communicating this
message is that of one beggar telling
another where to get bread.

McDowell did display a joy and a
hope because of the certainty, both
from history and personal experience,
that Jesus is indeed the Savior and the
Messiah. I say in a day of growing
despair and anxiety, a person who is
rational should at least take a look at
the evidence for the authenticity of


John R. Baumgardner is with the UK
Campus Crusade for Christ.


Some evaluate Josh too quickly


By Mike Hate

It is unfortunate that the criticism of
the March 23 lecture by evangelist Josh
McDowell has been largely of his
character and speaking ability rather
than of the material that he presented.
What McDowell has accomplished in 13
years of intensive research in Biblical
and secular material has for the most
part been avoided in articles appearing
in the Kernel by people who have
reiected the evidence in an apparent
overnight evaluation.

It Similar evaluations were used in
the courts of the United States, Patricia
Hearst could have been convicted or
acquitted in an hour’s time after the
jurors had examined her appearance,
heard her manner of speech and looked
into her bank account.

The book that McDowell otters
containing much of his findings in his
research is entitled ”Evidence That
Demands A Verdict.” The serious
critic will find that the coming of Jesus
Christ 2,000 years ago fulfilled at least
280 prophecies including the city of His
birth (Micah 5:2). the manner of His
birth (Isaiah 7: l4), and the year of His
coming into Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:9,
Daniel 9:24-26). The purpose of His
coming was described by Isaiah the
prophet (Isiah 53). On the day of his
death alone Jesus Christ fulfilled at
least 33 prophecies.

Is it strange that men like McDowell
are conv‘nced that the evidence -is
sufficientto warrantstudy? Over 1,800
Bible prophecies concerning the second
coming of Christ have been fulfilled,
are presently being fulfilled, or, from
examining the world situation, appear
to be soon fulfilled.


The evidence McDowell cites,
however, doesnot come solely from the
Bible. His studies carried him through
a wide range of sources from ancient
Greek historians to such updated
material as the newspapers that we
read. It is interesting to see that the
articles criticising McDowell’s lecture

have only proven the relevancy of the

Jesus Christ quoted the prophet
Isaiah when He said, ”You shall indeed
hear but never understand, and you
shall indeed see but never perceive.
For this people's heart has grown dull,
and their ears are heavy of hearing,

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and their eyes they have closed, least
they should perceive with their eyes,
and hear with their ears, and un-
derstand with their heart and turn for
Me to heal them.” (Matthew 13:1445).


Mike Hale is a junior majoring in









t—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. March 31. 1976









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fl news briefs





Carroll signs bills passed
by Kentucky legislature

FRANKFURT, Ky. (AP)-—Gov. Julian Carroll signed Ken-
tucky‘s open records legislation Tuesday, along with several other
bills approved by the 1976 General Assembly.

Effective June 19, the law will require most local and state
govern mentala gencies to open records to public inspection. There
will be some exemptions to safeguard personal privacy.

In the event that a public official refused to disclose records, a

“citizen would have the right to appeal to the attorney general or to
the courts.

The governor also signed legislation Tuesday that will allow
victims of violent crime to recover out-of—p ocket medical expenses
and lost wages.

A crime victims compensationboard will be established under
the new law to screen claims and determine compensation for the

Also signed by the governor was a bill allowing the state’s tax-
payers to designate that $1 of their tax be used for a political con-
tribution to either party.

Carroll a lso signed a bill he had proposed as part of his economic
development package, which provides for financing and con-
struction of “resource recovery” roads-roads used to transport
coal. The legislation permits the use of coal severance taxes to
amortize revenue bonds for the roads.

Callaway formally resigns

\\ ASIIINGTON AP— President Ford today personally announced
the resignation of Howard “Bo” Callaway as his campaign
manager and said Rogers C. B. Morton would take over the post.

Morton is the White House counsel who handles liaison with the
President‘s campaign committee.

Standing in his Oval Office with Callaway and Morton besid
him, the President told reporters that Callaway had resigned “in
his typically unselfish way" so that no cloud would hang over the
Ford campaign while officials investigate allegations that
(‘allaway intervened with federal authorities to help in the
development of a Colorado ski resort of which he is part owner.

Earlier in day, White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen said
(‘allaway met with Ford and White House staff chief Richard
(‘heney for nearly an hour Monday night.

Lebanese forces close on Christians;
U.S. warns against intervention

BEIRUT. Lebanon (APl—Leftist Moslem and Palestinian
guerrillas thrust closer to Christian headquarters in savage
lighting Tuesday and some Lebanese politicians expressed fears
that Svria mightsend troops to forceanend to the civil war.

UN. Secretary-Genre] Kurt Waldheim, in an unusual move,
alerted the Security Council to the situation, saying it carries
“obvious potential dangers for international peace."

A seven-ship U.S. task group from the 6th Fleet was moved to
within 24 hours steaming time of Lebanon for the possible
evacuation of 1,450 American civilians, Pentagon sources said.

The force carrieda Marine battalion of about 1,700 men. A Soviet
cruiser was reported to have moved from the Egyptian coast to a
point where it can observe the U.S. ships.

The United States issued a general warning Monday that any
country thinking of intervening should stay out. France said it
wouldi$ue a statement on the situation after a Wednesday cabinet

Callaghan leads Prime Minster race

LONDON (APl—Foreign Secretary James Callaghan led the
second round of balloting today for a new prime minister and head
of Britain’s ruling Labor party but failed to get the clear majority
needed to succeed Hamid Wilson.

(‘allaghan‘s strong showing in the vote by Labor members of
Parliament made him the clear favorite to win the decisive third
ballot April 5.

The 64-year-old foreign secretary defeated Employment
Secreta ry Michael Foot, 62, and Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis
Healey. 58. The vote was Callaghan 141, Foot 133 and Healey 38. A
majority of 157 was needed to win.






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._L campus briefs



Preliminary plans finished
for UK Fine Arts Center

Preliminary planning has been
completed on the University’s
Fine Arts Center to be con-
structed on the old Stoll Field

The center. a two-story brick
and concrete structure, will
house a 1,500-seat concert hall,
too-seat recital hall, combination
rehearsal room—performers’
waiting room, a 20,000 square foot
art museum, support facilities
and faculty offices.

“The University of Kentucky
has for a long time needed this
fine arts center and we have
planned very carefully for it,”
said UK President Qtis A.
Singletary. “With its excellent
facilities for the performing arts
and other cultural activities, the
center should serve well not only
the University and Lexington
community, but the entire state.”

Bids on the project are ex-
pected to be received in August
with construction to begin shortly
thereafter. The building should
be completed in early 1978.

The concert hall will feature a
large pipe organ with movable
console, a multi-level orchestra
pit with mechanical lift,
upholstered seats and special
acoustical design. Paul S.
Veneklasen, noted acoustics
expert, is special consultant to
the project. The hall will be
designed so it can be expanded

The recital hall also will
feature special acoustical design

and will be equipped for the
eventual addition of an organ and
orchestra pit.

The rehearsal mom—waiting
room will be used for rehearsals.
recording sssions and as a
dressing room for major
productions. A control room on
the second level of the waiting
room will be connected by closed
circuit television to the stage
areas d the concert and recital
halls. ,

The 20,000 square foot art
museum will consist of a 9,000
square foot, two-level
area and 11,000 square feet of
office space, work areas and a
print study room. Lite the
concert hall, the art museum will
have expansion capabilities.

Each of the major areas of the
center will be connected by large
lobbies designed so functions can
be conducted in all parts of the
building simultaneously. In
addition, the new building will be
connected to the present fine arts
building on Rose Street by an
enclosed bridge housing faculty

The building will contain 83,620
square feet of total space and
51,669 square feet of assignable
space. Architects for the building
are Johnson and Romanowitz,

The fine arts center, estimated
total cost at !5.2 million, will be
located on the southwest corner
of the Avenue of Champions and
Rose Street.

Journalism alumni dinner
to honor Prof. McCauley

The "eighth annual UK jour-
nalism alumni dinner on Friday,
April 9, will honor Prof. J. A.
McCauley, who will retire from
the UK School of Journalism
faculty on July 1.

Four former students of Mc-
Cauley will review the UK
professor’s contributions to

A native of Cynthiana, Mc-
Cauley joined the UK journalism
faculty in 1974 and founded the
UK chapter of Sigma Delta Chi-
Society of Professional Jour-
nalists. He has previously been a

high school teacher in Harrison ‘

County, a newspaper editor in
Cynthiana and Lancaster, and a
member of the news staff of the
Lexington Herald.

Trash Theatre at Student Center

The Theatre Arts Depart-
ment will present a “Trash
Theatre Review” today at 12:15
pm . in Student Center room 206.

According to some of the



participants the show will be
composed of “weird skits” with
an emphasis on wild costumes.

The show is part of the “At
Random“ series and is free to the




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him 378 times in February

for cars with unpaid

Better pay ’em —— or bette
yet, don’t get ’em

Fines will be $5.00
beginning April 1st



College of Education
Special Senate Election

Any student from the College of
Education wanting to fill a vacancy
in this year’ s Student Senate must
file for election:

Tues. Mar. 30 or Wed. Mar. 31
in Student Govn’t Office 9am— 5pm

ELECTION will be held

April I and April 2
in Dickey Hall 10 am—5 pm

Questions? Call Student Gov’t Office 7-269l
or Hal Haering, Chairman Special Elections 8-224

For 7 Day Campus Delivery
.Call 252-4933 or 253-0211

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, Sunday

Satire says a war on fuzziness
forces candidates to talk sense

continued from page I

Fuzziness in language is a
result of improper education,
Satire said. “Kids today can’t
walk, talk or write straight.

Satire said “English is the key”
to eliminating fuzziness. He
proposed a “war on fuzziness in
the home” and for parents and
educators “to crusade for ar-

Despite the fact that “fuzziness
lS creeping along.“ Satire said,
“there isa fundamental desire to

Asked if he was involved in the
exposure of Watergate. Satire
said, "No, I wasn't Deep Throat
(an unidentified source of
Woodward and Bernstein) and
no. I don’t believe there was

“But i was wiretapped and l
was tu rious about it," Satire said.

Asked if Nixon should have

been jailed, Satire said, “Of,

course Nixon lied and of course
he committed crimes. Kennedy.
Johnson and Nixon all did—they
could haveputall three in Jail but
I don't think they should have.”

single-minded hatred of Nixon in
the future."

Concerning the presidential
race. Satire predicted that
Hubert Humphrey will “plunge
into the (Democratic) race after
the California primary," hoping
fora brokered convention. Satire
said George Wallace "sees the
handwriting on the wall” and
recognizes that he has no political

Satire alleged that the

Democratic National Committee
knew in advance of plans to break

get things straight." He said the
presidential campaign is “one of
these times to rise up and
demand precision."

A war on tuzziness can torce
candidates to talk sense and
could result in a ”new birth of
respect for all institutions." he
said. “That’s why I’m an op-
timist." he