xt7hhm52jn2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hhm52jn2z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2005 text GLSO News, December 2005 2005 2005-12 2019 true xt7hhm52jn2z section xt7hhm52jn2z :tv'ii‘iiaf GAY and ’\.
\ 7 1330 news
.__.5 ORGANIZATION fl 0 b '
Lexington, Kentucky Btem 8' 2005
A Publication of the Lexington fiat-i and L'esbian Services Ui'aanizatitm
World AIDS Day Volume 20 Number 11
A number of events are planned for ANOTHER NOTE PRESENTS
World Aids Day with related events following ”WHAT SHAH WE GIVE“
later in the month. On Thursday Dec. 1, Another Note, a men's choral
there Will be an Interfaith Service of ensemble, will present “What Shall We
Remembrance and Hope, from 5:30 to 7 Give," a holiday benefit concert on
pm at the Downtown Central Library Saturday, Dec. 10, at 8 pm. at Woodland
Theater, 140 E. Main St. There Wiii also be a Christian Church, 530 East High St A$12
brief. video presentation as part of the suggested donation at the door will be
' serwce. _ _ _ given to Movable Feast, which provide
FOHOW'”9 the serv ice, there w'” be a mealsto personsliving with HIV/AIDS and
Candlelight Vigil at Phoenix Park, 100 E. to homebound Hospice patients.
Main St., starting at approximately 7 pm. The title of our concert comes from
This year's theme is “Stop AIDS Keep the one of our songs, “What Shall We Give.
Promise.” This year has seen a lot of suffering,
0" Monday, Dec. 5 from 6 to 10 pm, especially for people affected by the many
UK's College of Medicine will be hosting the natural disasters. ”There are still people
firstannual Cue foraCure in recognition of here in the Bluegrass affected by AIDS
World AIDS Day. Cue for a Cure will take and HIV who need our help," says Artistic
place at South on Broadway. There will be a Director Steve Johnson. "This concert is
pooltournamentand concertto raise money our way to give back to our community
for the Mashambanzou Care trust, a grass through Movable Feast.
"'Contmued on "M page What Shall We Give will feature a mix
. ~ of contemporary and traditional
MISS Gay Ky US OfA Ctassrc Christmas and Hanukkah selections
on Wednesday, Dec. 7. The Bar guaranteed to help you ring in the holiday
Complex Wiii hOSt Miss Gay KY US Of A seasonintrueAnother Note style!
Classic, 2005, an official preliminary to . . _ _
Miss Gay USofA Classic. The Pageant ' " .. . "i --‘ t “
beginsat9:30,admission $5. . RohbleBal‘iiei‘is 2nd‘Anu‘a'
Several national title holders will be New Years Eve Party _
staring: Latoya Bacall, Miss USofA 2005, f ' 3' .f ’ ' See page 3 '-
Tina Devore, Miss USofA Classic i
Emeritus, and Ginger Manchester, Miss sponsor of the Month
USofA Clasic 2004. Celete Holmes, Pride '
of West Virginia Emeritus and Natalie .
Gaye will also be featured. K)" DePt- for Pubhc Health
Registration for contestants is at 4:30 "
pm and there is a $75 entry fee. HIV/AIDS. Branch
Contestants will be judged on interview, ._ ‘2
gown and talent. For information or
question please contact LaToya or John at 1 800 420—7430
859 294-0901. " ‘

 , World Aids Day ...continued from page 1
\ ; GAY AND roots organization in Zimbabwe. AVOL will be
LESBIAN present at the event to present info about
SERV' CES HIV/AIDS locally. The pool tournament will cost
RGAN IZATION $10 perteam of two.
Lexinthnl Kentucky On Thursday, Dec. 8. AVOL's Prevention
Staff will host The White Party from 10 pm to 2
5“” NEWS am at The Bar Complex. See the ad on page 9.
For more information please contact Aunsha
VOL” ”0-11 Hall at AVOLAunsha@aol.com or
Published Monthly by: 859.225.3000
GLSO On Wednesday, Dec “14, The Imperial
P.O. Box1172 Lex., KY 40588 Court will be hosting A Very Special
www.lexingtonglso@yahoo. com Christmas at The Bar Complex to benefit
www.webspawner.comluserslglsoqxnet AVO‘L 3 annual Christmas program. that
prowdes Christmas presents to children
Pride Center Office Manager infected and affected by HIV/AIDS . Doors open
. at 8:30 and the show is at 9 pm. Admission is $5
Bl” Chandler orfree with a new toy.
859 253-3233 For more information about any of the events
_"'""—""— please call (859) 225-3000 or visit us at
GLSO BOARD ' http://www.aidsvolunteers.org.
Joan Brannon, President . ,
Tom Collins, Vice Pres. Qulrk Cafe 85 Coffee
Ben Salyers, Secretary Presents Wishing Chair
Thomas Collins Just fifteen miles from Lexington, Quirk
Mary Crone Café & Coffee, can be found on Railroad St. in
Lindsay Mattingly Midway, KY. We are excited to invite you to the
Terry Mullins Wishing Chair concert on Thursday, Dec. 8, at
Cheryl Smith the Thoroughbred Theatre, right next door.

The concert is at 7 pm; the $15 ticket price
includes dessert and coffee/ or tea at the
intermission. continued on next page

GLSO Membership » .

& Newsletter - 4433“ l . . CE .
PerYear ; . '7 4 "if
Individuals/Couples it
$20' if} T ‘ i at Thelhoroughbred iheatre
o inions ex ressedin the GLSO . ‘ ‘- if" ‘ .
Ngws are thlcise of the authors aifi ~ "l ThuISdflg Deoembera
and don't necessarily represent Mir-m Davidson &
those of the GLSO Board. Klva Heartwood Concert at 7 pm
Sifiiizfiiii‘ii’iié’it‘i’é’r’e Deeeecofleeat mtenmsswn
96,0“ month: my be Gill 9’ "Of $15 per person ' Reservations required
printed when space is limited.
The star reserves the right to (859) 8464088 ' into at wwwtcyaallergcomz ggirlc
:gfigrijgijfigrigbm’ssms and Benefit {or the Old Friends Thoroughbred Retirement Program

 Community News
Quirk Café continued NEW YEAR’S EVE
Reservations are required, call (859) with Robbie Bartlett
846-4688 or email: lrlshgrl@a|ltel.net. , . ,
You can also make reservations for RObb'e Bartlett '5 hOSt'"g her 2nd
dinner atQuirk Café at the same number. Annual New Years Eve Party at the
Reservations for dinner will fill up quickly P'9ad0me, Country CIUb' 499 Parkway
so call now. Drive. This Mardl Gras Style Celebration
A portion of the proceeds from this will begin at 9 pm and continue until 1 am.
concert will be donated to Old Friends There Will beads, masks, party favors and a
Thoroughbred Retirement program. Champagne Toast at Midnight. There will be
Quirk has live “family” music acash barand plentyoffingerfood available
scheduled every Tuesday night through foryou to enjoy. , ,
January. If you are looking fora place to ,If you have never“ heard RObb'e srng,
share your music, call Laura at the now is the time. She blends elements of
numberabove. Go to Quirk’s web site to Jazz, southern rock, and " SOUI into an
get information about the cafe and entertaining mu3lcal mosalc . Come llsten
upcoming music performances. You can and dance to the wonderful music and ring I
also join their email list, add GLSO initials the New Y?“ W'”‘ StY'e-- Adm'ss'O" '3 $50
and youwill be added to the family list per person in advance or $60 per person day
. f event. For information call: (502) 727-
_ . o
—flg—-‘L——Lg—WW O'Ie' com Wk 6525 or (859) 619-0092 -
‘ 2nd Annual new Qeelr’s EVe Fewest
"mardi Gras" fissile!
Picadame comers Club '
4-69 Parkway Drive - Isexingttan. Kentucky
8:00 pm - 1:00 am /
- / ,
3,, . 19651;ng
'- 3a ‘1,
331,-. . “If”.
'f , Bobble Bar'mefsfi
$50.00 per person advanced
$60.00 per person day a? event;
Cash Bar
.2 Finger Food (enough good, don't; eat; batters coming!)
a "JV Beads. masks. Pat-1:3 Favors - Available
". "é Prizes :v " ;s£r§7‘-s hourly!
~.._ !
For Marmaflian call: is; (soar-messes e:-
‘M :. ; (858) ~61S-0082
GLSO Page 3

 40+ Women Bumbshells

The 40+ Club is a group for women Imperial tourt Calendar 2006
over 40 (and younger friends) who are , ,
interested in attending a wide variety of The Imperial 00””32005 Calendar
activities together. In December we are WOUId make a Perle‘?‘ HOWY present for
planning a Holiday Weekend in Louisville. many on your list. it is available for $12 at
On Friday, Dec. 9 we will attend Voices of the f°"°W'“9 locations: The Bar Complex,
Kentuckiana’s Holiday Concert, "I Still Room Servrce, SquIal Media, Moveable
Believe". (www.voicesky.org) On Feast Lexmgton, Paisley Peacock,
Saturday, Dec. 10, we will celebrate Premiere Video (on Euclid), Third Street
December birthdays at the Connection Stuff, Thansylvania Umversrty Bookstore,
Nightclub. We will be getting hotel rooms The. Contemporary Art Center '”
for Friday & Saturday night. Cincmnati, VOCE Salon, The Pride Center

On Sunday, December 25th, starting and online at www.impcourt.org/kentucky.
at 2 pm, Ginger and Jane will host a Every_dollar that '3 made on the
Christmas Pot Luck Open House at their calendar will go to Moveable Feast toihelp
home. We will furnish the meat, bring your them prowde hot meals to Hospice clients
favorite side dish and beverage. Come andto peoplelivmgwnhHIV/AIDS.
s end the holida with friends and family.
CpaIl 859-25y3-0061 or email lVlOVeClble FeOSl
ggclr@yahoo.com for directions or more We are in great need of drivers to
information. deliver food to our clients. You can

If you have questions or would like to volunteer once a week, twice a month, or
be added to the 40+ mailing list, call or whatever fits your schedule. We know that
email Ginger and Jane at 859-253-0051 or the gas prices are discouraging but having
ggclr@yahoo.comforinformation. a hot meal is life saving for many of our

clients. Bring a friend along to share the
! ActOvIt Presents work and the cost. Call 252-2867

.__..... Corpus Christi SisterSound

Corpus Christi by Terrence McNally, SisterSound is rehearsing for its
directed by Bo List, and produced by winter concert to be held on Sunday,
ActOut Theatre Group wi” p|ay January 6’ January 21. This iS our tenth anniversary
7’ 13’ and 14 at 3 pm and January 15 at 2 season and the concert will be a blend of
pm at the Downtown Arts Center, 141 E. some old favorites and new numbers.
Main St., Lexington. This will be our first Watch the newsletter for more inforamtion
show in this venue and we are looking nextmonth.
forward to a good turn out. Tickets are . . . .
$15, or $12 for Seniors and Students. DIVBI'SIIY Ill Gender Mllflllfie
Reservations can be made by calling The Lexington Diversity in Gender
(859) 225-0370. Alliance (LDGA) will be meeting on

Corpus Christi, a tale of a modern Saturday, Oct. 1 at 7:30 pm. Call for
day messiah who happens to be gay, has location. LDGA is open to all people who
sparked controversy wherever it has transcend gender norms or who are
played since its premier at New York’s questioning their gender identity including
Manhattan Theatre Club in 1998.We’|lsee transsexuals, effeminate men, masculine
how it is received in Lexington. An article women, gender queers and more. Family
about the play can be mum on pages14- and supportive friends are welcome.
16- This is not a therapy group.

 Ref {9.
It’s N 0t 0 ver _
Remember Those W ho
H ave Passed
Celebrate Those Living
Prevent The Next
For Information about free HIV Testing, HIV
Medication Assistance,
Case Management and Prevention Services
contact the HIV/AIDS Branch ofthe
Kentucky Department for Public Health at
I q

 339 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 Milli. - .‘l'rl. Ill - 3 Sat 10 -2
Pttde Center Lexington Insight
Saturday Dec. 10 6pm to 9pm
Fin ersmith A group for Gay Men
g Friday, Dec. 2
Excellent BBC film - to be shown ,
. . J0ln us for o Pot Luck
Jen and Cheryl Will be keeping the _
Pride Center open in the evening on the Pride center 730
second Saturday of each month. In We were delighted to haveagroup
Decemberthey plan to show Fingersmith. of seven men meet in November and
Sarah Walters is one of our best we hope to build on that success.
lesbian storytellers. Fingersmith is the Please 10th US for an evening of good
second of her books to be turned into a food and lively conversation.
BBC movie. (The first was Tipping The Everyone is welcome to attend-
Velcet.) But don't think of this as a TV
Movie. This is one of the best films I have DISCUSSION GROUP
seen this year and is an outstanding
addition to quality gay/lesbian film. Every Wednesday 7 pm
AsLori O’Connor wrote in her Pride Center 389 Waller Ave.
reviewlast month: “Fingersmith is a Open to all.
Victorian thriller and romance set in 19th Jane at ladyjaneky@yahoo.com.
century England. London con—artist We havewide ranging discussions on
Richard “Gentleman” Rivers enlists Sue many topics_ If you need support in
Trinder, an orphaned “fingersmith” (8 petty dealing with your family over the holidays,
thief or pick-pocket), t0 SWtthe the young if you arejust coming out, if you have been
heiress Maud Lilly out of her fortune. A out forever butenjoy meeting new people,
twisting tale of deception, betrayal, and join us anyWednesday.
unexpected passion unravels sending the
characters, and the viewers, on a roller FOR RENT: Loudon Ave Renovated Apt
coasterofemotions.” 2 bedrooms, drawing rm, living rm,
The story is divided into tWO parts, formaldining rm,3fire places, hard wood
each told primarily from the perspective of floors, front porch, court yard, heatpump,
one of the two young women, Sue and $500 a month, 333-5904
Maud. They develop strong feeling for
each other but feel trapped by
Clrcujofrtarbflon the 10th and give us ' “Keep the love you find,
suggestions for other Saturday nights. We .’ Get the love you want!
can show more films, Ia ames, or 'ust ‘ , ,
hang out. p y 9 J Jessma Bollinger LCSW
. . Imago Relationship Therapist
The GLSO Web Site IS. now EMDR Trauma Work
updated monthly. Check it out at Couples, Family, individual
www.webspawner.comlusers/gIsoqxnet imagoconnection.com 552-6533
(2W1 Dam/r

 The Imperial Court of Hentuckq Presents...
wednesdou Dec. 1 4TH
Doors @ 8:30 Show @ 9:30
$5 OR
f-i NEUJ TO‘r’
The Imperial Court's 2006 Calendar, “Bombshells,” is
ovoiloble for $19. at the following locations:
The Bar Complex Room Service Sqeciol Medio
Moveoble Feost Lexington CD UJorehouse
Poisleu Peacock Premiere Video (on Euclid)
Third Street Stuff Tronsulvonio University's Bookstore
The Contemporary Firt Center in Cincinnati, VOCE Solon,
The Pride Center
and online at
| http://www.impcourt.org/kentucku
I —
GLSO page 7

“We work for every constituent out the LGBT community, and seeking
there who is net in this room With US,” said stronger alliances with other socialjustice
the facilitator, Shannon Stuart-Smith, organizations, especially faith-based
pointing towards a long row of conference organizations.
room windows.“They are our bosses. Our Other objectives involved better
10b, this weekend,” the Stuart-Smith ‘ recruitment and appreciation of
continued, "tStO writea2006 Strategic plan volunteers. Obviously, renewed threats
that serves their needs.” of gay discrimination ordinances , an anti-
SO from November 4-6, at Natural gay adoption amendment and a
Bridge State Resort Park, the ten-member statewide repeal of non—discrimination
Bluegrass Chapter steering committee 0t ordinances,make it clear that well—
Kentucky Fairness Alliance (KFA) went to organized lobbying efforts by mobilized
work for “their bosses” writing a plan for volunteers take some precedence in our
the future. The work resulted in a plan that movements. The Bluegrass Chapter will
focuses 0" strengthening ties With the work hard to insure the success of those
community and working harder than ever efforts
to protectourrightS- “I learned a lot,” said James
“I thlnk thlS is the best retreat we've Upchurch’ EKU student and the other (:0.
ever had,” said co-chair Cindy Downey chair, “now we need to make sure we do
capturing the sentiment of most of the what we said we are going to do.” The
members present, “we have a great plan Bluegrass Plan for 2006 doesjust that by
that we are proud of and are excited to laying the groundwork for finding,
show people what we QOihQ to do for training, and mobilizing the necessary
them.” volunteers to address these threats
In fact, the Bluegrass Chapter’s first starting with a special gathering for
goal for 2006 is “Better communication,” volunteers on December 10 at Windy
and Bluegrass Fairness will be making Knoll Farm.
900d Oh that commitment when it Lookfor more information aboutthis,
launches it first-ever newsletter complete and many more events planned, as
in 2005- AS part Of that goal, staying in Bluegrass Fairness goes (back) to workin
better touch with its volunteers, donors, 2005, for the LGBT community, harder
members, and the community as a whole than everto protect our rights.
ranked high amongst committee
To achieve these objectives the YOU CA” ”El?
steering committee singled out improving GET A SUBSCRIPTION AM)
its web site by expanding it capacity,
making information more available to the SUPPORT OUR WORK
community, and overhaul its donor- December Deadline
members database information.
Another priority included building , ,
stronger networks with allies both inside It '5 very important that you
and outside the LGBT community. As a get articles and ads to US by
result, the committee members created a
new committee dedicated exclusively to THURSDAY DEG ,5”,
Ally Building and Networking. The group marycrone@insightbb.com
will concentrate on reaching out to and
partnering with other organizations within
GLSO page 8

 1 a: m? :5 . W P
'- . W .
W ' 5y“:
I I‘- # H V . ‘7‘;-—__‘t {:11 H . H
The Bar Complex
December 8, 2005 lOpm-Zam
”Raising HIV/AlDS Awareness”
Sponsored by AVOL, Inc.
For more information contact Aunsha Hall
(859)225-3000 or avolaunsha@aol.com
GLSO page9

 SUULFORCE In addition to challenging the
Soulforce is a national, interfaith homophobic “spiritual violence” that
movement with the goal of freedom for many churches teach to the”
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender congregations, Soulforce alsofocuses on
people from religious and political hetp'hg 'hd'V'duetS, look at the”
oppression through the practice of internalized homophobia. Lesbian, gay,
relentless nonviolent resistance. hlsexual, and transgender people often
Soulforce has just launched their believe the untruth that they are inferior,
completely revamped web site at S'ek' smful,orunloved byGod. .
www.soulforce.org. This web site was Real freedom begins not 'h the
created by our own Jamie McDaniel, courts or the Congress, real freedom
coordinator of our local Soulforce group begins 'h your head when you believethe
and web master for national Soulforce. truth about yourself. F 0t many of us 't
The new site features easy navigation, means seeing ourselves to a whole new
allowing visitors quick access to the 700+ way .Here are two. Soulforce'statements
pages covering the 33 Soulforce that you can practice to stoplnternallzed
nonviolent direct actions to date in the homophobla: , _
struggleforLGBTequality. 1. I am a child of a Iovmg Creator, a
In addition the site introduces the daughter or son of the Soulforce at the
new Soulforce Community Forums. centerofthe universe.
According to Jamie, these Forums are the 2' I am loved by my Creator exactly as I
next best thing to being at a Soulforce am. My sexual orientation '3 not a
event offering faith-driven activists a way Sickness to be healed .nor aismlto be.
to engage in online discussions about forgiven. My sexual orientation lsaglft
everything from nonviolence, to theology, from my Creatorto be accepted:
to book studies, to just-for-fun topics. celebrated, and lived With integrity.
Real Estate Service With
iy Blasuns KELLER
INTEGRITY [l3 it ‘- E" '
Scott Ackerman “EDIGATIIIN
Mobile' 859-338-8433 E
V0lce Mall: 859-294-2055
Fax: .859 269'0065 Serving Lexington &
E'Malll SAcker4224@ao|.com All of Central Kentucky
Call me with all your Real Estate Needs

 5137. mm m
The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
A Charity Organization
Scott Ackerman.
For all your real estate needs........................................294-2055(mobile) 338-8483
SisterSound 8060243
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation...............................................223-1448
kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee .859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7430
I GLSO page 11

 GHQ "mull” calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 .h ,, . ,
Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.comluserslglsoqxnet \ ;
December 2005 “g «
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Salurday \
'— 7:30 Lexington Insight enter Open 10a-3p
More information about many of the events are @ the Pride Center p Narcotics Anonymous
in this newsletter. You may want to call or email PotLuck Social Tonight call for place 278-7103 “0.”, M“:
the group to confirm the date and time, see the 730p LexDGA
directory on back page. 730 p Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place) Mondays:
11-1 RFOLKYAnnlvomry _ '
Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC (call for place) 278-7103 Luncheon fiGItfltown 3?? 923% L23?OrnCAA/\I f r
Callfor Place ma beabbreviated-Call S US,S'O p G e ( O O
l— J. LOCOron] 278_7103

9a and 11a UU Church 8p AA Open 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call 2p Narcotics Anonymous Tuesdays: .

10230 a St. Mychal's Discussion/Speakers 266.5904) Group.PC for place) 278-71 03 call for place 278-7103 :figéé—E‘SA (GOV STTOIghT
(call for place) 278-7103 8p Gay/Lesbian AA v

Call for place 278-7103 WOW" 10"” 3“" Wednesduvsz
5WD 7pm - GLSO Discussion
8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA (Ca/I

*M~—~—“—~—*——w——————e—_———- -~h_———- w“ for Location) 2 78-71 03

9a and 11a UU Church 8P AA Open 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA Center Open 10a-3p , _

10:30 a St. Mychal's Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) Group-PC (call for place) 278-7103 2p Narcotics Anonymous 9pm ' Ra'nbOW BOW'Ing

SoulForce (call Jamie 230- (call for place) 278—7103 8p Gay/LesbianAA ’ call for place 278-7103 Leggue SOUTthfid LOHGS

5525) Call for place 278-7103 Fridays:

2p Women's 40 + GroupPC ‘ 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA

2P meicggfgfilmhaflg . (Call for Location] 278-7103

s p p 9' Newsletter Dead-line Saturdays:
film—EMHWM 2pm Narcotics Anonymous

9a & 11a UU Church 7:30 p GLSO Board Mtg. 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 730 p Gay/Lesbian AA Center Open 10a-3p :78'3103 .

103““ MW“ 8p AA Open 266-5904) « Group-PC (call for place) 278-7103 2p Narcotics Anonymous '"' “Y‘t
Discussion/Speakers 8p Gay/Lesbian AA . call for place 278-7103 9:000_m & llom - UU Church
call for lace 278-7103 7 Call for lac 278-7103 5p Unltarlan Church Worshlp Serwces.

( p ) ‘ p e Sew-ce 10:30 - Mass, sr. Mychal The
Winter be ins hrlstmas MOW“
g c E" 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal
I @ Landsdowne Presby.
10:30 a St. Mychal's p AA Open 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 9P‘1a Robbie Bartlett ChUFCh.
Egggorce (call Jamie 230- Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) Group-PC New Year's Eve Party @
. call for lace 278-7103 ‘ the Picadome Club
. p ) . 3|.me
Chm“ D‘V Hanukkah ‘ ' 6pm - The Imperial Court
Hanukkah (first night) Kwanzaa SoulForce -
m. Call Jamie 230-5625
Menlllly Mlvllies:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. (3rd Mon.) 7:30pm - Lexington Insight 7:30pm- LexDGA (137‘. Sat.) 2pm -Women 40+[2nd Sun]
7:30pm - Fairness [2nd Man. J (l st Friday) 4pm— Integrity [2nd Sun)
8pm- Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon—Every 3 months]
GLSO Page 12 GLSO Page l3

 ActOut to Mount granted all of the feelings, hopes, desires
Controversial Corpus Christi and dreams ofthe billions of souls of whom
that is also true.
. . . In Corpus Christi, playwright Terrence
Corpus Chn‘St” Terrence McNallys McNally creates, fictionally, a Christ-like
tale of a modern day meSSIah who happens figure who happens to be gay. In The Last
to be gay, has sparked controversy Temptation of Christ, the literal Jesus has
wherever it has played Since Its premier at distinctly sexual feelings for Mary
New York’s Manhattan Theatre Club in Magdalene. Both the 1988 film and
1998' ACEOUt Theatre Group, part Of McNally’s 1998 play received protests,
Lexmgtons Gay 8‘ Lesbian SerVices picketing and death threats. it seems as
Organization (GLSO), W'" presentCorpus though Jesus’ public wants him neither gay
Chnsti as its first venture in Lexmgton’s nor straight. There’s just no pleasing
DowntownArts Center. ltwill play January anyone.
6—7 and 13-14at8:00 pm and January 15 at Now that Dan Brown’s innocuous
2 pm at the Downtown Arts Center, 141 E' book The Da Vinci Code is drawing all of
Main St.,LeXIngton.Tickets are $1§or,$12 the heat from the religious fanatics and
forSeniors and Students Reservations can fundamentalists, I would like to think that
be made at (859) 225—0370 , Corpus Christi, a work of dramatic fiction
Prior to 'ts opening '” New York, and not one of speculative history, may go
members °_f the Manhattan Theatre Club 3 produced with neither incident nor scandal.
board of directors received death threats But you never know. Pat Robertson
from religious fundamentalists and may catch wind ofoursmall production and
cancelled the “production. Only after a determine that Kentucky is due a meteor
groupiof preeminentAmerican playwrights shower or frog-dropping plague unless its
including EdwardAlbee, Tony Kushnerand servile congregations rise up against
Harvey Fierstein protested, threatening to freedom of expression and against
forbid performance 0f the" own works by freedom of religious oppression and defeat
thecompany, d'd the board reverse 't3 the work of our community theatre and the
deCISlon. , _ respected dramatist who penned the
Bo L'St’ director for ActOut’s words. I do not wish to court Mr.
production,recalled the incident, “Critics of Robertson’s ire but to quote the wrist
the original production seemed, overall, a band, Idon’tthinkthat's What Jesus Would
little disappointed. They walked through Do?
picket lines, security dogs and metal lremembermy experience as ayoung
detectors to see not a cultural fireworks student at Christ the King Elementary here
display and not a pageant of blasphemy ” in Lexington, and being asked by my
but rather a pleasant and calm—hearted religion teacher to imagine what it must
experience much like'the little church plays have been like to be Him. imagine knowing
that accompany the big holidays. your destiny your whole life and choosing
Corpus Chr'St' [.3’ perhaps, the. most to die forthe sins of the world. Imagine the .
controversral dramatic work written 'n the crown of thorns and the cross and the nails.
United States since, well, since Angels in Imaginel?
America just a few years before. Prior to What Terrence McNally has done with
that, it was probably Martin Scorsese’s film Corpus Christi (the name of his hometown,
The Last Temptation of Christ, and before no less) is just that: he has imagined. He
that ' who knows? Probably something hasimagined notonlywhat Mel Gibson did
else. that dared to. combine themes 0f with his brilliantly singular The Passion of
religion and sexuality, or to suggest that the Christ, which was an imagining
Jesus was actually a human being and .
continued on next page
_ I

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”I . .- Directed Bl.) Bo List.
2* . , Downtown rts en en
ethnilriifi ,3 Iii." , i o . . . . l
at. ~ “I 4 '| East Mo i n Street:
@ , Jonuoru 6th, 7th, 13th, and Md} @8P. .,-
ilwievve‘ gig}? _‘ , ‘7 it; .. fan-.3 gauze-take“.
,, i; p _ January l5lti @ 2PM. , A EJQiJi
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$15$12 MOE/5m '. 1;? s
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 Corpus Christi ...continued from pg 14 (1999): Our TOW,” (2001)! and last
summer’s As You Like It.
exclusively of the suffering, but instead has As founder and Artistic Director of
imagined an entire life. One part Jesus, one Chance Theatre Company, List has
part Terrence, one part imagining. The produced new and different works in
result is this qUieti beautiful play that unconventional venues. More recently he
weaves in and 0Ut Of the Bible and through served as Associate Artistic Director at
the biography of the playwright himself. Bailiwick Repertory in Chicago. His
With theatrical liberty as needed. extensive credits also include turns as an
It contains the same amount of truthful actor and playwright. For Corpus Christi
elements that may be expected in any List has assembled a cast of 13 led by
heartfeltwork offiction. lt’sa play; and, as it Nathan Richard Wagner as Joshua, the
possesses no particular suspense and play’s central character.
states very early on how it will end, has ActOut has been producing plays in
more to do With the Passion and Mystery Lexington since 1998 in the theatre at the
plays 0t olde than the contemporary Lexington Public Library. Its previous
theatrical idiom With WhiCh Mr. MCNaiiy is offerings have included September?s
most closely associated production of Southem Baptist Sissies,
List’s work is well known in Lexington. Last Sunday in June, Sordid Lives, The
A graduate of the University of Kentucky Laramie Project, Love! Valour!
with a BA. in Theatre and the University of Compassion! (also by McNaIly), Elegies
Memphis with a MFA. in Directing, he has for Angels, punks and Raging Queens
frequently directed for the Lexington and others.
Shakespeare Festival earning kudos for his Reservations: (859) 225-0370
productions of Much Ado About Nothing
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