xt7hhm52gq94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hhm52gq94/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-03-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1932 1932 1932-03-11 2013 true xt7hhm52gq94 section xt7hhm52gq94 L




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Joint Anoroorlatinns Committee of Legislature Proposes
Cut of f 111,531

FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1012

Guignol to Open
Goldsmith Play
Monday Night





mil ne rreHenira lor ween







at Little Theater


Letter Men Elect Sale NEW WOMEN'S
As Basketball Captain ARE CONSIDERED
at Annual
i.: Made Wildcat
Ranquet for




To Discuss Plans for

Basket eers

Presenting the opening perfor
mance at 8:30 o'clock Monday night.
March 14, the Oulgnol players will
give for the entire week at the
camnus little theater Oliver
"She Stoops to Conquer."
The two lending male roles will be
portrayed bv Woodson Knight and
Horace Miner, familiar flsures to
the patrons of Oultmol, while Emllv
Hardin and Caroline Speyer will
enact the leading female parts.
A few changes have been made In
the original cast as well as the addition of actors In minor parts. According to Frank Fowler, director
of the thenfrlcal productions, the
complete cast Is as follows:
Marlowe, Woodson Knight: Hastings, Horace Miner: Tony, Mlekev
Magulre: Mr. Hardcastle, C. Parry
Kraatz; Kate, Carolvn Soever; Constance, Emily Hardin: Mrs. Hird-eastlJane Ratchford: Dlpgory,
Sam Manlv: Roger. Eddie Hettlfer;
Jeremy. Morton Webb: Dollv, Eleanor Steckler; Charles Marlowe,
Wayne Haffler;
bumpkins. George Lee Outcher,
James Farris, and James 8ahey.
"She Stonrw to Conquer," one of
the outstanding works of Goldsmith.
Is a classic 18th century comedy,
portraying typical English customs
of that era. The plot concerns a
youth who. disliking
women of the higher social class,
sets out to scrutinize his prospective
bride, whom he has never seen. He
Is directed to the home of the girl,
which he thinks is an inn. His actions there furnish much humor and
laughter to the plot, especially when
the girl he intends to marry disguises herself as a barmaid. He is
cantlvated bv her charms and the
actions envolving under these circumstances provide romance and
Interest to the play.
The making of the costumes
those worn in the Empire
era is in charge of Virginia Boyd
O. L. Crutcher and his crew of
stage hands are In charge of the
stage setting.
Immediately after the opening
a reception: will be
held upon the stage. Oeorglana
Weedon directing the minuet.



"Aggie" Sale was elected
by this year's basketball lettermen
I jp"f"
as captain of the 1933 basketball
team at a banquet given in their
honor by the Lexington Alumni club
Reduction Is in Addition to
Present Procedure Will Re
Tuesday night In the Palm rooin of
10 Per Cent Cut Already
the Phoenix hotel. "Aggie" describChanged Materially if
Made by School
ed the situation as a "dream come
Plan Is Adopted
true," for, he explained. Paul
The executive committee of the
former captain of the WildcounThe women's
university met Wednesday morning
cats, is from his home town and
cil, at a meetitiff yesterday afterIn th" office of th? president, to
when Paul was elected to the post
noon In Bovd hall, discussed newly
consider the reduction of the unihe had remarked that he some day
prepared rushing rules, which If
versity appropriation, proposed by
would like to be captain of
adopted will change materially rush
the joint appropriations committee
basketball team.
week procedure used herefnfore at
No announceof the legislature.
The banquet, an annual affair,
the university by Orcek letter sororwa.s attended by 75 persons. Includment of ""Hon on this matter was
ing President and Mrs. McVey. Miss
made public.
Dean Sarah O. Blanding. who
"Margie" McLaughlin, mistress of
Thr committee approved the Inhas charge of sorority pledging, was
auguration of the general salary cut
ceremonies, Introduced Doctor Mcpresent and gave her views nn proVey, who made a short address In
for university Instructors and emposed plan. After revision the plan
ployees. The measure previously was
which he praised the basketball
Is to be submitted to the offlee of the
proposed by the committee and was
players not only for being exceldean of women before final conlent players, but for their scholastic
announced recently by Pres. Frank
sideration by the women's Greek
L. McVey.
John Lavln and Joe Wllenskv. representing the University of Florida,
standings while members of the
The reduction in salary was in- will meet Clifford Amyx and Sidney T. Schell, Jr., of the university at
According to Marlanna Lancaster,
augurated as a measure to meet 7:30 o'clock Saturday night in 111 McVey hall In the second intercollegiate
"All honor to you men for what
president of the council, if
you have done for the university,"
the reduced Income for this year, debate of the year. The question for discussion is the same upon which
resulting from a decrease In the Kentucky defeated Berea and Centre last week in the state triangular
continued Doctor McVey.
Production Committees Are is adopted approximately one "'nn'ng
will elanse between the
amount of Inheritance tax and debates, "Resolved: That Congress Should Enact Legislation to Provide
"You did not win the championAppointed for Work on
of classes and the first pledge day
ship, but I am one of those beother sources of revenue for the for Centralized Control of Industry." Kentucky will present the affirma
This will enable the new ntshees
Spring Vehicle; Three
university. The cut went Into
nighted individuals who thinks a
tive argument.
to decide fully their choices of sorRolls Unfilled
team does not have to win all its
March 1 and according to pres
orities before finally pledtring. It
games for a season to be a success.
ent plans will remain In effect un
was pointed out At previous pledg
HI July 1, the end of the present
I think there ought to be a law DANCE PRACTICES IIELD ing
it was necessary to decide upon
fiscal year.
that would permit a team from
choices after only a week In school.
winning more than 60 per cent of
An additional cut of $114,531 in
Applicants for the production
The plan of having the Pan-Hits games.
the university appropriation re
staff of Strollers' spring vehicle, lenic tea at the beginning of school
quest, submitted by Pres. Prank L.
Seniors desiring class rings
"I am in favor of letting the "Good News", have been announc- year also has been modified in the
may be measured
for them
McVey. and approved by the bud
season go on as it is arranged, and ed by the director of the organiza- plan
under discussion. Instead of
Friday, and SaturThursday,
get commission, was revealed Tues
to let the tournament take care of tion.
having emir sororities attend the
day when the complete report of Final Counting of Votes for day, March 17, 18, and 19. Duritself. A different type of team from
The roles of two of the cast has party, only
representing these days a representative
the Joint appropriations committee
the one that wins most of its games not as yet been filled but will be atives or a representative from each
Most Popular Students
of the L. G. Balfour company
during the season is needed to win filled within the next few days. The sorority will be allowed to go. AD
was read before the House of RepTo Re Made; Dyer,
will be at the Administration
the tournament. From what I can script will arrive today and the rushees will be invited.
building. The 1932 official class
Adcock Lead
learn about that tournament, a leads of the show are to report at
The new reduction is more than
Following the opening tea given
ring is the same type as that
IS per cent lower than the total
team of Percheron horses would 7 o'clock Monday at the women's by the council 10 days will be Ret
by the university
have been more likely to win than gym to receive their parts.
appropriation for the university in SENIORS MAY VOTE MON.
aside, to be known as "tea days."
during the last few years. Stua team of speedy and skillful boys."
1931, and Is an additional below the
Pending the arrival of the score, Each sorority will be assigned one
dents may procure them with
M.3 per cent reduction voluntarily
Doctor McVey concluded his ad- rehearsals of the chorus are being day on which It may entertain
Final counting of votes In the
dress by congratulating the team conducted under the direction of prospects with a tea. Following this
assumed on behalf of the univerKentucklan popularity conest will the university seals or a fraternity crest
for "keeping high the spirit of Georgiana Weedon. The feature period there will be a three-da- y
sity by Pres. Prank L. McVey when be made at 5 o'clock Wednesday
he discussed the situation with afternoon. All sales of Kentuckians
dance of the show, "Varsity Drag" rest period. The week of parties
the state budget commission.
Coach Adolph Rupp, next speak- is approaching perfection and the and dates will follow this three
and all votes which are to be count'
According to thee report of the ed must be hi the Kentucklan of
er on the program, described the chorus, led by Louise Johnson, has dav rest, it was said.
appropriations committee, the total flee before that time. All seniors
difficult situations the basketball been practicing steadily.
These features, according to Mls
amount allowed the university for who failed to vote Monday, March
squad found Itself in during their
The entire cast of characters in Lancaster, are the principle char
all exnenses is $1,298,000 which is 7, will be allowed to cast their
first southern trip in which they cludes Ralph Kercheval, Tom; Tom acteristics of the new plan which,
$114,531 below the amount recommet three tough teams on three Phlpps. Beef; Johnny Epps. trainer; 'if adopted, will go tnto effect next
votes between 2 and 5 o'clock on
by the state budget com- Friday and Monday
successive nights and beat them all Phil Ardery, freshman; Elizabeth beptember.
All local chanters of
mission in its reeport to the joint March 11 and 14, In the Kentucklan
"Not once during the trip did I Jones, Connie; Mary Stuart Black-wel- l, sororities are members of the counPhysical Education Depart
aporoorlations committee. The
hear a word of complaint," he said.
Patricia; Louise Johnson, Flo; cil This council controls, with the
office. It was announced.
by the
ment Will Hold Second An
"ThJ boys took their sandwiches Mary Louise Bradley. Milly; llce assistance of the dean of women of
According to available' figures.
budget commission represents a
when they could get them. I have Jane Howe, Babe; Homer Bran- the university, all rushing activities
Jane Dyer holds first place with
nual Exhibition In Alumni
assumed 10.3 per cent re- 375 votes, while second place is oc
never seen a finer bunch of sports denburg, Windy; and Don McGurk, of the Oreek letter sororities.
Profrrsm to Commemorate men.
duction below the appropriation for cupied by Millie Nelson with 370
hist year. In addition to this re- votes. For first place among the
100th Anniversary Of
The business staff with Clarence
The athletic council held a meetcarnival to be given
The annual
duction the university had agreed boys, Hugh Adcock maintains his
ing Wednesday afternoon" to pass Yeager, manager, contains W. T.
Goethe's Death
auspices of the men's
under the
to renounce its building program lead with 595 votes.
on varsity awards and freshmen Bishop, assistant manager,
physical education department will
for the next two years.
In the contest among sales rep be held Friday, May 20, according
Plans for March convocation In- numeral awards recommended by Jolly, Thomas Conroy, Ollie Price,
$1,010,000 asked by
Instead of the
resentatives for the engraved cup
program of
a re- John LeSturgeon, Robert Milllus,
and Glib.
and Coaches
the university as an appropriation offered to the Individual with the to Prof. William Hansen, who is clude a commemorating music 100th sult of Rupp meeting 10As varsity Mildred Hart, Nell Disrunan, and
for the general maintenance ex highest number of sales, Anna in charge of the exhibition. Ten- anniversary
of the death of Ooethe. awards and 14 numerals were Betty Watkins.
penses, the Joint apnrooHition com- Mvers is ahead with a total of 17 tative plans now are being preLawrence Herron is chairman of Thirteen Colleges Will Be
famous German poet who contrib- granted.
mittee set aside $940,469 in the sales. John M. Kane, with 15 sales, pared.
poem to which the opera
Invited; ProgTam To Be
Varsity K's were presented to the publicity staff of the produce
bud tret bill for this purpose. The holds second place.
According to Mr. Hansen,
the uted the
tion. He was appointed to the po
Faust was written. Plans for the
Climaxed by W. A. A.
summer session fund was cut from
affair will be more elaborate than affair are being formulated by Dean "Aggie" Sale, Ellis Johnson, Charliell sition upon the resignation of WilFor the cup offered to sororities
Worthlngton, John DeMolsey, Dar-re$28,000 to $10,000; a request for for
the largest number of sales, the the show given last year, when ap- C. R. Melcher and Prof. Carl Lam-per- t.
Darby, Howard Kreuter, Wil- liam Ardery. The remainder of
$17,000 for a new dairy barn was
are ahead with 17 sales. proximately 2.000 people witnessed
Although the exact date has liam Klelser, Ercel Little, and the staff Includes Gilbert Kings
thrown out: a $3,000 reduction was Aloha Gamma Deltas are next the April presentation of the de- not been
The fourth annual play dav to
ret definitely, it is plan- Cecil Bell. Numerals were granted bury, Manning Holllngsworth, Joe
(Continued on Page
by the university
with 11, and Delta Zeta is third partment. This year a different ned to hold the convocation Tues- Amos Taylor, William Davis, Jack Ferguson, James Curtis, John M. be sponsored
Wilson, Woman's Athletic association has
with eight sales. Among the fra- plan will be used In selecting the day, Mrch 22.
Tucer, Dave Lawrence, Wilbur Oder, Kane, Polly Lee, Linda
been set
ternities, 13 sales have been re acts of the show.
Goethe's principal contribution to Joe Rupert, Charles Gates, Oeorge Mildred Holmes, Mary Chick, and cording tofor Saturday. April 9. acan announcement Issued
ported by Alpha Sigma Phi, who
This year only the best acts will the literary world is "Faust," but Alexander William Singleton. J. W. Betty Watkins.
The orchestra will be directed by Tuesday by Miss Rebeeci Averin,
4 is in the lead.
be presented to the public. They he Is also noted for others, which Blggerstaff, Fritz Kreuger, Vernon
Gene Royse. Pianists for rehearsals instructor of physical education for
A list of the total votes for canwill be selected on a more or less Include Clavlgo, Egmont, Torquato, Nugent, and John Morris.
didates: Jane Dyer, 375: Millie Nel- competitive basis, a plan which is Tasso, and other contributions. The "Daddy" Boles made the an Include Charles Hatchett, Flora women and faculty advisor of W.
W. A. C. To Sponsor Annual son. 370; Elizabeth Jones, 250; Sara expected to result in a higher poem
A. A.
The program will begin at
"Faust" was set to music by nouncements and presented the Knight and Max Kerr.
Dinner in University
The stage crew is headed by Tick 1 o'clock and will be climaxed by
Bethel. 225; Mlna Pate, 120, and grade performance.
Gounod, the Freneh composer.
awards. Robert Reynolds received
Evans. His assistants will be WU seventh annual W. A. A. banquet.
Muriel Wiss, 120; Hugh Adcock, 595,
Plans for the April convocation a manager's K, and Charles
A slight admission fee to cover
The colleges which are invited to
Ralph Kercheval, 380, and Bennie expenses Incurred in the presenta indicate that the program also will was selected manager of theMaxon3 Ham Jolly, Matt Kabetltsch. Winn
1932-3Ardery. James Fahey, Don Crull, send delegates are the University
Pan- numbers.
The women's banquet, sponsored Martin 320.
tion of such a show will be charged. include
I. C. Evans, E. Whipple, Bill Mas-sl- of Cincinnati, Eastern Kentucky
After the report of sales repre- Through this system better acts Polltikon has made tentative arannually by the Woman's AdminisRetiring Captain Ellis
Douglas Parrish, O. B. Coff-ma- State Teachers' College, the womtrative council, will be held Monday sentatives Wednesday afternoon all may be given and an elaborate rangements to present a program of presented each member Johnson
of this
Billy Hubble, James Milter, an's division of Centre College,
night. April 4. at the university votes will be given a final count bv system of decorations and atmos Scandinavian music to the student year's basketball team individually,
Louisville Normal School. Georgemembers of the Kentucklan staff, phere may be provldede, Mr. Han body. Professor Lam pert is arrangand William Core.
eommons. according to an annouce-meand concluded his presentation with
Tommy Lyons Is the head elec- town College, Berea College, Westmade after the W. A. C. meet and the results will be announced sen said. Any money remaining ing the work and as soon as it is a few words of praise for
the team trician. His assistants are John M. ern Kentucky State Teachers' Coling yesterday afternoon. All girls In in Friday's Kernel.
will be given to the Student Loan completed the entire program will and coach. Captain-ele"Aggie" Kane. Bill Morgan, George Donan, lege. University of Louisville, KenHonors for the winners of pop- fund, it was decided by the mem be released.
the university are Invited to at ularity
Sale thanked his team-matfor
tucky Wesleyan College, Morehead
contest include a
The April convocation. If plans electing him captain, and George and Clarance Moore.
tend and all will be given an opbers of the department at a recent
The committee on properties is State Teachers' College, Transylare carried out. will be unique In Yates,
portunity to contribute to the pro picture m the feature section of meeting.
center of last
by Joe Mills, who
assist-- ( vania College. Asbury College, and
the annual and pictures in the Colgram.
Active rehearsals will begin after convocation history. This will be year, gave a short talk. Other speak- headed Continued on page is
lege Humor hall
Nazareth Junior College.
The banquet this year Is to be of The selection of fame.
school basketball tourna- the last public program sponsored ers Included Coach Glib and Dr.
the high
The play day this year will be
a different nature from those of based on votes cast candidates is ment. Additional plans also will be ter new April will be selected was W. D. Funkhouser.
held indoors in the women's gympresentation, it
to the of 1932 Kentuckians. by purchasers announced at that time. The car
previous years, according
Doctor Funkhouser, who recently
nasium and gym annex and will
announcement Instead of the us- aser is allowed to cast Eachvotes for nival plan: used by many of the announced.
resigned as chairman of the ath15
feature Individual sports. Tentaual toasts and speeches there will payment and 10 votes for each part larger schools in the country and
letic council at the university and
tive plans include badminton, tenbe a program of stunts and other payment.
has met with success wherever unsecretary of the Southern Confernis, handball, ping pong, deck tendevices. A call is being Issued to
dertaken. The plan was adopted
ence, as his last "official act" be- Charter Is Granted Universi- nis, specified Individual challanges
all girls who will get up stunts for
last year at the university and this
fore sailing for the south seas, preand as a climax a round robin basty by National Rifle
year's event will be the second
the program, and a prize will be
sented gold basketballs
to Cecil
tournament with teams
given for the best stunt.
presented on the university campus.
Bell, Ercel Little, and William
made up of evenly distributed
Last year's show met with such
Klelser, the three seniors on this
In accordance with the annual
members of all taking part in the
success that it was planned to make
William 8. Ardery. Paris, left year's Wildcat basketball squad.
custom, Phi Upsllon Omicron, honThe varsity and R. O. T. C. teams play day.
orary home economics sorority, will W. Lawrence Cook To Pre- the affair an annual undertaking. Wednesday morning for Frankfort,
of the university had another oer- Participants will be divided Into
In this manner the public has an where he will assume his duties
pledge at the banquet, and the folfect week, ending by winning all of six color teams that will be led by
sent Pro cram of Eight
opportunity to review the work of immediately as representative of the
lowing awards will be made: the
their 12 matches. The varsity won the tribal leaders, Catherine Cooke,
five, and the R. O. T. C. won sevW. 8. O. A. award for the most
the department. The show Willi International News Service. He re
Virginia Carbn, Helen Fry, Margar
mark the close of the physical edu- signed recently from the associate
outstanding Junior girl: the Mortar
en. The varsity score was 3729 and et Chat field, Margaret Lewis, and
W. Lawrence
Cook, prominent cation department's activities
for editorship of The Kernel and other
Board award for the two dqitnltory
the R. O. T. C. score was 3720. One Pearl Zlnk. Points will be given
campus positions to become Lexing
Dr. William E. Wickenden, presi of the varsity victims was the
girls who have kept their room the Louisville organist, will present the the year, it was said.
for winning different events schedton correspondent for the Cincin- dent of the Case School of Applied United States Military Academy.
neatest during the last semester: seventeenth musical at 4 o'clock.
at the banquet Individual
Sunday afternoon in Memorial hall.
Science, spoke at 10 o'clock Wed
nati Enquirer.
The vardtv team also won its prizes and be awarded members of
and the Alpha Gamma Delta award
Mr. Cook appeared on the Sunday
While a student at the university nesday morning In Memorial hall National Rifle association match
for the outstanding freshman girl.
the winning team.
Ardery was first assistant announcer to the regular Engineering college again to keep its 1,000 percentage
The new officers of W. 8. a. A. and afternoon series In November, on
Plans for the banquet program
he plaved a brilliant recital
of the U. K. extension studios of assembly.
T. W. C. A. will be announced.
Fifth Corps Area results show
exuniversity organ. He has
WHAS, Louisville, and director of
His subject was "The Profession ed the university to be fifth In that Include an act by the women
All girls desiring to present stunts tensive concert experience had in
"Christianity and Government in Strollers. He was associated with of Engineering." The different races match, according to thp announre- - tumbling team, tap dancing and a
or take part in them are asked to Europe
one of the Dutch East Indies," an article
quartet composed
Catherand America and
report to Ayleene Razor, at the the outstanding musicians is of the by Mr. Amry Vandenbosch, of the The Kernel for three years, serving in the past ages had difficulty In ment bv Cant. Cunningham, roach vocalCooke, Lois E. Neal,of Margaret
needs, he said. From w ho also said that the Hearst ine
Kanna Delta house before next state at the present time. Mr. Cook political science department, will ap- as reporter, assistant managing edi supplying their of
tor, editor and associate editor the beginning
the modern aes tronhv match will be comoleted hv Scoggan and Dorothy Strotl'cr.
Wednesday if possible.
has arranged his program so that It pear In the next issue of the Mos- During his freshman year he took conditions have been so Improved the end of next week. Results so far Announcement ol ol fleers of the
W. A. C .will have a called meetorgan lem World, a quarterly published in over the column "Squirrel Food" as to cause ovt
will appeal to students of the
lor next year will be
In the re verv promising, according to the asixiation
ing at 4 o'clock Wednesday after- and music lovers In general.
New York. This will be the fourth which was chaneed later to "Sneers, country today, so that now. It Is
made and uwards of the "K" ring,
rifle team eo ich.
noon. March 18, in Patterson hall.
bv Dr. Vandenbosch, pub1. First Movement from the Rix-t- h artlele
Snickers. Bcandull."
While editor not the difficulty of supplying our
Anion'? the teams who Were tired letters numerals and pins ".ill te
The meeting is extremely important
lished within the past three months. of the 1931 summer Kernel he wrote needs, but finding needs to Mipply with during the week were, I'nlver-th- e presented.
Margaret Sco"g;m. W.
Ortfin Sonata, Mendel'-sohn- ;
and all members are required to at. (Variations on the Choiule: Vater
, sitv of Mrtrv'nml.
A. A. president,
will presid- -,
of Dr. Vandenbosch the column and special articles un
Other articles
Doctor Wick-Wild.
are: "East Indian Nationalism," pub- - der the pen mime Derek Smythefleld
feels that the engineer can tnt, of Technology. United States Mrs. Allen MeC'lure, stall pianist
unser In Hlmmelrelrh)
lished In the December 1931 issue continuing in this way until his do a great deal towards readjust
2 At the Convent. Borodin
Indiana t'niwr-m- g of the women's physical education
department, will accompany
3. Fui'ue In D Minor (The Greatof I'aclllc Affairs, publication of the resignation.
tins .state of conditions.
istv. and Drevel Institute
Aril ry wis foimeiiy historian of
Institute of Public Relations nt
ickenden graduated with
er). Bach
The university
rlffe tenni has singing, dancing and ture.blin; acts.
Honolulu; "Dutch Colonial Tariff Phi Mu Alpha, honorary music fra- honors Irom Denison college m been Issued a charter by the Na4. Reverie. Bonnet
Due to the fact that the univerPollclej," in the Southeastern So- ternity, personnel officer of the l'JU4 At present he Is a director of tional Ri'le assoclaMon. according
sity gymnasium will be in use. the 5. Allegretto gra'ioso, Ilolllns
6. Dreams. Stoughton
cial Service Quarterly for Decem- men's band, and a member of the investigation for the Promotion of to announcement made Wednesday
last of the series of cadet hops has
Phi Beta, women's musical and
Finale from the First Organ ber, 19:)2; In the Journal of Com- debating team taking part In the Engineering Kdueation. He b a at the headquarters of the associa- dramatic fraternity, and I'hi Mu
been postponed to a future date, it
parative Legislation, published at contest last yen- with representa- member of Phi Beta Kappa and tion here
Alpha, men's musical fraternity, will
was announced yesterday by Clar- Symphony, Vlerne.
19!2, tives of Oxford I'nlversltv. Eni'lund
holds numerous honorary degrees.
Due to many requests Mr. Cook Ixindon. England,
acence Yeager, who is in charge of
The etitb Is one of artoiit 2
give a musicale for the Lexington
Customary and Inter- He belongs to the Phi Delta Theta'lle is also a member of the Ameil-socltive rifle shooting clubs affiliated McDowell club Tuesday evening at
the function. The dute ot the will repeat the "Toccata and Fugue "Indonesian
can Institute of Electrical Engineers. with the National Rifle association. 8 o'clock in Memornd hall
racial Law"
In D Minor," by Bach.
will be announced later.


















Senior Rings








March Convocation

Plans Formulated


Tri-Del- ts

Woman's Banauet
To Be Held April






Rifle Teams Win
In Twelve Matches

Ardery Becomes
Frankfort INS

Louisville Orpranist
Will Give Musicale

Dr. W. E. Wickenden

Speaks to Engineers

Dr. Vandenbosch's
Articles Printed




� Best Copy

Tatre Two
rut Ion Textiles are utilized by every
civilised people, and niorr stress I?
brine laid d.iilv upon tlvlr proper
Pl Hi.imini on n fsdays and I iiiiuvk rkirtlr value.
The department of nrt In rxhllvt- iiv! this collection ni textiles anortis
NnCoi ni ('"ll'iir lr.
everv student In the university an
u nllrf lr
1. x.i,
Hoard of
opportunity to famlllnrle himself
with the trend of fiis Important
branch nf the arts Students should
advantage, themselves of this

The Kentucky Kernel



firt.T phaii riiF KFiisri. n:rss am,

Jest Among Us

f it t
n Ch Ir I
)!,i("no Hid"
Amstnnt Friars
Despite the phonetic spelling fad
Mnrvln C Wnrlis sweeping
Jolm M Ku r
over the country, the
Flnbcrt Pnxtrr
Bliss Wnrrrn
Jester would suggest that the state
An,','lii J Tot.h'- i'i



U'rtfrf s
J Drlrri.ir




Yeah, and while the legislature
Art F.dilor Is legislating, how about doing someJOHNNIE CRAIWOOK
thing about this weather. The
Swift? Editor
Flrnnor Smith Speaker ought to be able to figure
Fully Hnrdin
out the committee to which It
Lois Onihb
ritratwtli Hnrdln
should be referred.


L'.trrarn Flitter




Hf porters

Betty Dimock
Betty Boyd
Sarah Di'Lorip

James Palmer
John St. John
Charlton Wallace
Mury CakH'ill
Mnrjorie Weist
Mary Agnes Brrnd
John Totter
Mrrtlr Polk



Asiittanl g
F.velvn Treabess John Good

Osrar Ilniiiht


Nell Dishman


Bill Uurrrtt

Clrcvlntin: Mrnaan

Perhaps no other problem of the
many which besiege us In these
troublous times Is so distinctly the
problem of youth as is this
question of war and, in
connection with It, world peace.
If there is a war, it Is the youths
of the nation whose lives will be
sacrificed, whose prospects in life
will be seriously affected. If there
is no war, as yet, it Is for the young
persons of today, whose problem It
is, to work out the prevention of it
in the future; for they are the future statesmen and legislators and
executives upon whose shoulders the
present burden will fall.
Therefore, it Is extremely fitting
that in a university such as ours
where young people from different
localities meet upon a common
ground of ambition and desire for
a hiphcr level of living, there should
be organizations whose sole object
is the study of such conditions and
the working out of possible solutions for them. It is only through
such study that these future citizens may pain the understanding
and the breadth of view vhirh is
admittedly the most necessary
of the remedy for international troubles.
Siirh organizations as the
,xilitan club, wherein students are
brought in actual social contact
with young persons from other lands
and given an opportunity to know
and understand them to the fullest
extent; the International Relations
club, wherein problems of international import are yiscussed and
studied seriously, and the International Relations class, wherein stu
dents and faculty meet together to
study these problems, should receive
the fullest support of the student
It is deplorable that more
students have not taken advantage
To participate
of the opportunity.
in them is a duty as well as a privilege; for it is only by such broadening Influences that we will be able
to make of ourselves intelligent,
worthwhile citizens.


Students who have not done so
.should view the exhibition ol modern textile designs on display at
the art center until March 22. Ruth
Reeves and Henriette Rciss, the designers whose creations are presented, are among the acknowledged
leaders in thin field of the arts, and.
according to Prof. Edward W.
head of the art department,
their work is closely identified with
the rapid changes taking plate in
the decorative art of America today.
To the uninitiated the term art
itself is applicable only to creations,
of the mullet and the brust, anil
the scope of its encompas