xt7hhm52g88c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hhm52g88c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1981-06-aug25. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-06-aug25. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-06-aug25. 1981 1981-06-aug25. 2011 true xt7hhm52g88c section xt7hhm52g88c 

   Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, August 25, 1981.

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 2
P-m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, August  25,  1981  in  the
Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
Lexington campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

    Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order
at 2:10 p.m. and pronounced the invocation.

    The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William
P. Black, Mr. Britt Brockman, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler,
Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Professor Opal Skaggs
Conley,   Mr.  Tracy  Farmer,  Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mrs. Sally
Hermansdorfer, Mr. Thcmas B. Kessinger, Mr. W. Terry McBrayer,
Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, Mr.
W. B. Terry, Professor William F. Wagner, and Professor Contance
P. Wilson. Mr. A. Stevens Miles was absent from the meeting. The
University administration was represented by President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Jack C. Blanton, Donald B. Clapp, Art
Gallaher,  Raymond  R.  Hornback,  John  T.  Smith,   Charles   T.
Wethington, Jr., and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster,
Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator of Research; Mr. John
C. Darsie, General Counsel; and Dr. Howard L. Bost representing
Vice  President  Peter  P.  Bosomworth.   Representatives  of  the
various news media were in attendance. The Secretary, Mrs. Betty
Pace Clark, reported a quorum present and the Chairman declared
the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:12

    B.   Minutes Approved

    The  Minutes of   the June   23,  1981 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved without objection.

    C.   Nominating Committee Appointed

    Mr. Sturgill named Mr. Homer Ramsey, Mr. Thomas Kessinger, and
Mr. Frank Ramsey, with Mr. Homer Ramsey as Chairman, as a
nominating committee to prepare a slate of officers of the Board
and members of the Executive Committee to be presented at the
September 15, 1981 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

    D.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    After calling attention to the million dollar gift to the
University from the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, President
Singletary recommended that his monthly report, copies of which
were distributed to the members, be accepted and   filed.   Without
objection, it was so ordered by the Chairman.



    E.    Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

    Prior to his recommendation that the appointments and staff
changes in PR 2 be approved, President Singletary called attention
to  the  following  appointments:   Professor  James P. Chapman as
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor Donald E.
Sands as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, and
Professor M. O'Neal Weeks as Acting Dean of the College of Home
Economics.   On motion   by  Mr.  Homer  Ramsey,  seconded by Mrs.
Hermansdorfer and passed, the appointments and staff changes as
recommended in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the

    F.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

    There were no supplemental recommendations.

    G.   1981-82 Budget Revisions (PR 4)

    Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mr.
Black  moved  that  the  revisions   in  the  1981-82   budget    as
recommended in PR 4 be approved. His motion was seconded by Mrs.
Hayes and passed without dissent.   (See PR 4 at  the  end  of   the

    H.   Reduction  in  State  Appropriation   in 1981-82 Operating
Budget (PR 5)

    President  Singletary stated that the budget revisions in PR 5
were the result of a reduction of $8.8 million in planned    support
from  state  appropriation.   With   the use of charts he explained
that in order for the University to absorb the loss and in order
to maintain faculty and staff levels, a freeze on hiring has been
instituted  and  in  addition  the   Administration  has    had   to
"literally strip the University of additional dollars in operating
expenses, equipment and facilities." These actions, he explained,
will result in a balanced budget for the 1981-82 fiscal year but
added that the longer term implications of the budget cut are
still under review, and that a plan for the longer term reduction
will be presented to the Board at a later date.

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by
Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. McCowan and passed unanimously,
the  reduction  in  state  appropriation  in the 1981-82 Operating
Budget as recommended in PR 5 was authorized and    approved.   (See
PR 5 at the end of the Minutes).

     I.   Biennial  Budget Request 1982-84 and Five Year Plan 1981-
1986 (PR 6)

    With the concurrence of the Chairman, President Singletary
said he would present the Biennial Budget Request and Five Year
Plan as his last agenda item.



    J.   Approval  of  Degree Candidates--University System (PR 7)
and Candidates for Degrees--Community College System (PR 8)

    President Singletary recommended that PR's 7 and 8, regarding
candidates for degrees, be considered together. On motion by Mr.
Terry,   seconded   by   Mr.   Homer   Ramsey    and   passed,  the
recommendations for degree candidates in the University System and
the Community College System as presented in PR 7 and PR 8 were
approved without dissent.  (See PR's 7 and 8 at  the  end   of  the

    K.   Report on Gifts and/or Grants (PR 9)

    President Singletary recommended that the report on gifts
and/or grants covering the period from April 1, 1981 to June 30,
1981  be  accepted  and  made  a matter of record.   Mr. McCowan so
moved.  His motion was seconded by Mr. Black   and  passed  without
discussion. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

    L.   Change in Responsibilities for Academic Unit (PR 10)

    President  Singletary  stated  that  as  part  of  last year's
decision regarding the need to eliminate some positions, it was
decided not to fill the position of Dean of Undergraduate Studies.
He  therefore  recommended  that  the  duties   of  the   Dean    of
Undergraduate  Studies be assigned to the Assistant Vice President
for Academic Affairs and that the Dean of   Undergraduate  Studies'
position  be discontinued.  On motion by Mr. McBrayer, seconded by
Mr. Terry and passed, PR 10 was approved. (See PR 10 at the end
of the Minutes.)

    M.   Waiver of Governing Regulations, Part VII-A-(7), (PR 11)

    Explaining that normally the director of an interdisciplinary
research institute would be a member of the faculty of an academic
department, President Singletary requested that the Board of
Trustees waive this requirement as set forth in the Governing
Regulations  VII-A-(7)  and  appoint  Dr. David S. Walls as Acting
Director of the Appalachian Center while Dr. John M. Stephenson,
the current Director, is on sabbatical leave.

     On motion by Professor Wilson, seconded by Mrs. Hermansdorfer
and passed, approval was given for a waiver of Part   VII-A-(7)  of
the Governing Regulations as recommended in PR 11. (See PR 11 at
the end of the Minutes.)

     N.   Articles of Incorporation of the University of Kentucky -
 Business Partnership Foundation, Inc. (PR 12)

     President  Singletary stated that Dr. Richard Furst, the newly
 appointed Dean of the  College  of  Business  and   Economics,  had
 proposed  the  formation  of  a  non-profit corporation to solicit
 gifts from businesses. He added that the gifts were to be used
 for special purposes within the College and for other purposes as
 specified in the Articles of Incorporation. President Singletary



said he agreed with the concept and recommended that the Board
approve the Articles of Incorporation for the University of
Kentucky - Business Partnership Foundation, Inc. as recommended in
PR 12. On motion by Mr. Terry, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and passed,
PR 12 was approved. (See PR 12 at the end of the Minutes.)

    0.   Biennial  Budget  Request  1982-1984  and  Five Year Plan
1981-1986 (PR 6)

    In opening his presentation of the Biennial Budget Request and
Five Year Plan, President Singletary said he wished to make three
basic  points.   First,  he gave an overview of the 1980-82 budget
cuts and what they had meant to the University. Assisted by Dr.
Clapp,   Vice   President   for   Administration,  and  Dr.  Peter
Fitzgerald,  Associate  Vice  President  of  Administration    for
Planning and Budget, President Singletary, through the use of
charts, explained the $5.8 million cut in state appropriations
from the 1980-81 budget and the cumulative loss of $23.2 million
for the biennium. He also pointed out that the requested increase
in state money did not take into account the latest budget cut of
$8.8 million because the Five Year Plan was being completed when
the state reductions were announced on July 28.

    Second, President Singletary displayed charts which indicated
that  the  Southern Regional   Education  Board  states'   average
spending per FTE student is $3,082 compared with UK's average of
$2,627. He added that he was particularly concerned that the
University's average spending for each student is less than the
$2,679 average spent for each student at Kentucky's eight public
universities and that is without any weighting of the more costly
doctoral and professional programs at UK.   He  also  pointed  out
that UK's state appropriation for 1981-82 is $34.2 million less
than is called for by the Council on Higher Education formula and
that it would take an increase of $91.0 million to catch up to
that formula standard by 1983-84. President Singletary said he
feels the real issue is whether UK is to survive and remain

    Third, increases in the state appropriation requested for
1982-84 total $65.4 million, of which $34.3 million is for
salaries.    The  remainder  includes  $7.4 million   for  current
expenses, $2.1 million for utilities, $3.6 million for fixed
costs, $3.2 million for debt service, and $14.8 million for
special  program  emphasis.   President  Singletary  reviewed  the
program plans along with the major capital construction priority
list-  (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

    P.   Adoption  of a Resolution Amending Resolution Authorizing
Issuance of Series G Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue
Bonds and Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes (FCR 1)

    Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr.
Homer Ramsey that the following Resolution, which was read in
summary form to the Board of Trustees, be passed and adopted; said
Resolution was entitled as follows:




         (The full Resolution being attached to these Minutes
    as Exhibit 1.)

    Upon a vote being taken on the motion, the result was as

        Yeas                                               Nays

   William B. Sturgill, Chairman                            None
   Mr. William R. Black
   Mr. Britt Brockman
   Governor Albert B. Chandler
   Mrs. Betty Pace Clark
   Mr. Albert G. Clay
   Professor Opal S. Conley
   Mrs. Edythe J. Hayes
   Mrs. Sal.w bAermnansdorfer
   Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger
   Mr. W. Terry McBrayer
   Mr. Robert T. Mc(owan
   Mr. Frank Ramsey
   Mr. Homer W. Ramsey
   Mr. W. B. Terry
   Professor William F. Wagner
   Professor Constance Wilson

   Thereupon the Chairman declared that the motion had carried
and that the Resolution had been passed and adopted and directed
that the same be recorded in the Minutes of the Board. (See FCR 1
at the end of the Minutes.)

    Q.   Adoption of Resolution Approving the Sale and Issuance of
Series  G  Consolidated   Educational   Buildings    Revenue   Bond
Anticipation Notes.

    Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr.
Kessinger that the following Resolution, which was read in full to
the Board of Trustees be passed and adopted; said Resolution was
entitled as follows:



    FOR   THE  PURCHASE  OF  $17,100,000  OF UNIVERSITY   OF

    WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky (the "Board"); by Resolution passed and
adopted on March 10,1981 (the "Original Series G Resolution')
authorized First Kentucky Securities Corporation, Fiscal Agent for
the Bbard, to solicit proposals for the purchase of the Board's
$18,600,000  principal   amount   of    "University   of   Kentucky
Consolidated   Educational Buildlings  Revenue  Bond  Anticipation
Notes, Series G" dated June 1, 1981 (the "Notes"), and

    WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of said Original Series
G Resolution the Fiscal Agent has prepared an "Official Statement"
containing a form of "Invitation to Submit Proposals for Purchase"
in regard to said Notes and has distributed same to perspective
purchasers of said Notes in accordance with law, and

    WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board that the scope of
the Project to be financed from the proceeds of the Notes should
be reduced and accordingly the principal amount of Notes to be
sold should likewise be reduced, and

    WHEREAS, the Board has on this 25th day of August, 1981 passed
and adopted a Second Series G Resolution superceding the terms of
the Original Series G Resolution in order to reflect the change in
the principal amount of Notes to be sold, and

    WHEREAS,   under  the  terms  of  the  "Invitation  to  Submit
Proposals for Purchase" it is provided that proposals would be
considered by the Board if submitted on or before 11:00 A.M.,
E.D.T. on August 25, 1981, and

    WHEREAS, the hour of 2:00 P.M., E.D.T. has arrived and
proposals for the purchase of the Notes having been received by
the Vice President for Business Affairs as follows:

Bidder                                  Amount       Coupon         NIC

First Kentucky Securities Corp.,
  Frankfort, Kentucky                 $1,000,000     10.24%       10.67077%

Citibank, N.A. and Associates
  New York, New York                   $17,100,000    11.50%      11.96154%

Merrill Lynch White Weld
  Capital Markets Group
  C-incirinati , Ohio                  $17,100,000   11.75%       12.21154%

    WHEREAS, the Board has considered the matter of whinh blcls)
is (are) the most advantageous to the Bo:Ira;


-7 -


    1.   That  the  following  bids for the sale of $17,100,000 of
University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue
Bond Anticipation Notes, Series G, dated September 16, 1981, be
accepted and confirmed:

Purchaser                     Principal               Interest

First Kentucky Securities
Frankfort, Kentucky            $1,000,000              10.24%

Citibank, N.A., and
  New York, New York          $16,100,000              11.50%

    2.  That said bid(s) identified in Section 1. hereof have been
deteria-ine~l L.) br tie  highest  and  best  to  the  Board  and  the
University   For  said  Notes, the interest rates on said Notes are
hereby fixed at the rates set out in said successful bid(s).

    3. That said Notes as identified in the Resolution passed and
adopted  by  the   Executive  Committee  on   March  10,  1981,    as
superceded by Resolution passed and adopted on August 25, 1981,
shall be delivered by the officers of the Board in accordance with
the terms of said Resolutions as soon as ready.

    4. That the confirmation of this bid subjects the Board to no
liability if it is unable to obtain the final approving Legal
Opinion of Henry M. Reed III, Bond Counsel, Louisville, Kentucky,
or if said Notes or the interest thereon should be subject to ad
valorem or income taxation by the Federal Government or Kentucky
prior to delivery of said Notes, but the purchasers shall not be
req iU 1  to ;) -I,) Snl N4-) i-es ..ltout the final approving Legal
Opinion of Bond Counsel accompanying said Notes or if    said   Notes
or the interest thereon should become so subjeict I)    taxion.

    5.   That  this  Resolution  shall be in full force and effect
from and after its adoption.

    Upon a vote being taken on the motion, the result was as



        Yeas                         Nays

   William B. Sturgill, Chairman     None
   Mr. William R. Black
   Mr. Britz Brockman
   Governor Albert B. Chandler
   Mrs. Betty Pace Clark
   Mr. Albert G. Clay
   Professor Opal S. Conley
   Mrs. Edythe J. Hayes
   Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer
   Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger
   Mr. W. Terry McBrayer
   Mr. Robert T. McCowan
   Mr. Frank Ramsey
   Mr. Homer W. Ramsey
   Mr. W. B. Terry
   Professor William F. Wagner
   Professor Constance Wilson

   Thereupon the Chairman declared that the motion had carried
and that the Resolution had been passed and adopted and directed
that the same be recorded in the Minutes of the Board.

    R.   Lease of Hamilton House (FCR 2)

    Mr. Clay, on behalf of the Finance Committee, recommended that
mial  V Vrie  President  for  Business  Affairs  and  Treasurer  be
au torizDC Z ' a  1ii r e.-Id C. execute on behalf of the University a
lease with the Hospital Hospitality House of Lexington, Inc.
whereby the University will lease Hamilton House for five years
with a five year renewal option for the purpose of utilizing the
facility as a place of temporary accommodations for friends and
family of patients hospitalized in Lexington. Mrs. Hermansdorfer
voiced strong support of this project and seconded Mr. Clay's
motion which passed with all present voting aye. (See FCR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)

    S.   Meeting Adjourned

    There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at
3:15 p.m.

           Respectfully submitted,

           Betty Pace Clark
           Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 and FCR's 1 and 2
which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                        Office of the President
                                        August 25,1981


     Members, Board of Trustees:


 I.      Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

     Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the
     appointments and/or other staff changes which require Board
     action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments
     and/or changes already approved by the administration be

     Background: The following recommended appointments and/or
     other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees
     in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations
     of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to
     the Board by the appropriate vice president through the
     President and have his concurrence.

     Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
     appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
     President or other administrators who are required to report
     their actions to the Board. This report follows the
     recommendations requiring Board approval.

                         BOARD ACTION

A.   Academic Appointments


          College of Agriculture

          Burris, Walter Roy, Associate Extension Professor*,
               Animal Science, 3/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Cantor, Austin H., Associate Professor, Animal Science,
               12/1/80 through 6/30/82.
          Jones, Larry Dean, Extension Professor* (with tenure),
               Agricultural Economics, effective 6/1/81.
          Willett, Joseph W., Visiting Professor, Agricultural
               Economics, 7/15/81 through 6/30/82.



          College of Arts and Sciences

          Picci, Giorgio, Visiting Associate Professor,
               Mathematics, 1/1/82 through 5/31/82.

          College of Business and Economics

          Laumas, G. S., Visiting Professor, Economics, 8/16/81
               through 12/31/81

          College of Communications

          Donohue, Thomas R., Professor (with tenure),
               Telecommunications, and Chairman,
               Telecommunications, effective 8/16/81.

          College of Education

          Crystal, Ralph M., Associate Professor, Educational
               Psychology and Counseling, 8/16/81 through 5/15/83.

          College of Engineering

          Boldea-Goza, Ion, Visiting Associate Professor,
               Electrical Engineering, 7/1/81 through 9/1/8,.


          College of Medicine

          DeMaria, Anthony N., Professor (with tenure), Medicine,
               effective 8/1/81.
          Low, Reginald I., Assistant Professor, Medicine, 8/1/81
               through 6/30/82.
          Orr, Charles, Instructor (temporary), Medicine, 7/1/81
               through 6/30/82.
          Takeda, Patricia A., Assistant Professor, Medicine,
               8/1/81 through 6/30/82.

B.   Administrative Appointments


          College of Agriculture

          Hiatt, A. J., Professor (with tenure), Agronomy,
               reappointed Chairman, Department of Agronomy,
               8/1/81 through 6/30/87.

*Special Title Series



     Williams, Albert S., Extension Professor* (with tenure),
          Plant Pathology, reappointed Chairman, Department
          of Horticulture, 7/1/81 through 6/30/87.

     College of Arts and Sciences

     Chapman, James P., Associate Adjunct Professor,
          Classical Languages and Literatures, and Assistant
          to the Vice President for Academic Affairs,
          appointed Assistant Vice President for Academic
          Affairs, effective 8/1/81.
     Rast, Nicholas, Professor (with tenure), Geology, named
          Chairman, Department of Geology, 7/1/81 through
     Sands, Donald E., Professor (with tenure), Chemistry,
          appointed Associate Vice President for Academic
          Affairs (part-time), effective 8/1/81.

     College of Communications

     Donohue, Thomas R., Professor (with tenure),
          Telecommunications, appointed Chairman,
          Telecommunications, 8/16/81 through 6/30/85.

     College of Education

     Cross, D. P., Associate Professor (with tenure), Special
          Education, reappointed Chairman, Special Education,
          7/1/81 through 6/30/82.


     College of Dentistry

     Laswell, Harold, Professor (with tenure), Restorative
          Dentistry, reappointed Chairman, Restorative
          Dentistry, 7/1/81 through 6/30/87.

     College of Medicine

     Rosenbaum, Harold D., Professor (with tenure),
          Diagnostic Radiology, reappointed Chairman, 7/1/81
          through 6/30/87.
     Sayeg, Joseph A., Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Radiation Medicine, and Associate Professor,
          Department of Health Radiation Sciences, College of
          Allied Health Professions, reappointed Chairman,
          Department of Health Radiation Sciences, 7/1/81
          through 6/30/87.

*Special Title Series




     Elizabethtown Community College

     Dudgeon, Margaret Jean, Professor in the Community
          College System (with tenure), and Acting Chairman,
          Division of Fine Arts, Humanities and Related
          Technologies, appointed Division Chairman, Division
          of Fine Arts, Humanities and Related Technologies,
          7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

     Hazard Community College

     Brown, John K., Professor in the Community College
          System (with tenure), and Acting Division Chairman,
          Division of Humanities, Social Science and Related
          Technologies, appointed Division Chairman, Division
          of Humanities, Social Science and Related
          Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30!84.
     Crowe, Richard C., Jr., Associate Professor in the
          Community College System (with tenure), named
          Division Chairman, Division of Math, Science, and
          Related Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

     Jefferson Community College

     Gaskey, Norma, Associate Professor in the Community
          College System (with tenure), named Division
          Chairman, Division of Humanities, 7/1/81 through
          6/30/8 4.

     Lexington Technical Institute

     Fuhrmann, John, Associate Professor in the Community
          College System (with tenure), named Division
          Chairman, Division of Associated Health
          Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

     Maysville Community College

     Klee, John R., Assistant Professor in the Community
          College System, named Division Chairman, Division
          of Arts, Humanities, and Related Technologies,
          7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

*Special Title Series



          Prestonsburg Community College

          Fuller, Hugh Kenneth, Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), named
               Division Chairman, Division of Physical Sciences
               and Related Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

          Somerset Community College

          Cornett, Wendell K., Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), reappointed
               Division Chairman, Division of Physical Science,
               Mathematics and Related Technologies, 7/1/81
               through 6/30/84.
          Hughes, Charles T., Professor in the Community College
               System (with tenure), reappointed Division
               Chairman, Division of Arts, Humanities and Related
               Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.
          Johnson, Donald F., Professor in the Community College
               System (with tenure), named Division Chairman,
               Division of Biological Science and Related
               Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

C.   Non-Academic Appointments


          Institute for Mining and Minerals Research

          Adibhatla, Shridhar, from Professional (part-time),
               (temporary), to Senior Scientist Position #2156,
               effective 7/1/81.


          University Hospital

          Lowenstein, Arlene J., Associate Executive Director of
               Nursing Services, Department of Nursing
               Services/Hospital Administration, effective

*Special Title Series




          Vice President for Academic Affairs

          Williams, Nofflet D., from Acting Director, Media
               Education, University Extension, to Director, Media
               Education, University Extension, effective 7/1/81.

D.   Reappointments


          College of Agriculture

          Anderson, Richard L., Professor (with tenure), Animal
               Sciences, joint reappointment as Professor, College of Arts and
               Sciences, Department of Statistics, 8/16/81 through 5/15/82.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Pisacano, Nicholas J., Professor (part-time), Biological
               Sciences, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Revesz, Gyorgy, Visiting Associate Professor, Computer
               Science, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

          College of Education

          Harman, Robert L., Associate Adjunct Professor,
               Educational Psychology and Counseling, 7/1/81
               through 6/30/83.


          College of Dentistry

          Lange, Karl W., Associate Professor (part-time),
                Prosthodontics, and Associate Professor (part-
                time), Community Dentistry, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

          College of Medicine

          Brooks, William H., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
                time), Surgery, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Garden, John W., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
                time), Ophthalmology, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Gerson, Kenneth L., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
                time), Pediatrics, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

*Special Title Series



          Jakobson, Sven O., Visiting Professor, Anesthesiology,
               7/1/81 through 1/31/82.
          Kielar, Richard M., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
               time), Ophthalmology, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Leavell, Ullin W., Clinical Professor (part-time),
               Medicine, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Mayer, Lloyd D., Clinical Professor (part-time),
               Medicine, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Mazzoleni, Alberto, Associate Adjunct Professor,
               Medicine, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Mersack, Ira P., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
               time), Medicine, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Offutt, William N., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
               time), Ophthalmology, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Roach, Benjamin F., Clinical Professor (part-time),
               Family Practice, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Roeckel, Irene J., Clinical Professor (part-time),
               Pathology, and Clinical Professor (part-time),
               Department of Medical Technology, College of Allied
               Health Professions, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Sklar, Allen L., Associate Adjunct Professor, Family
               Practice, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Stambaugh, James L., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
               time), Ophthalmology, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Wallace, Gary R., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
               time), Ophthalmology, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Wood, William J., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
               time), Ophthalmology, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

E.   Tenure


          College of Agriculture

          Newman, Louis E., from Associate Extension Professor*
               (without tenure), Veterinary Science, to Associate
               Extension Professor* (with tenure), Veterinary
               Science, effective 7/1/81.

F.   Promotions


          College of Agriculture

*Special Title Series



Anderson, Robert G., from Assistant Extension Professor*
     (without tenure), Horticulture and Landscape
     Architecture, to Associate Extension Professor*
     (with tenure), Horticulture and Landscape
     Architecture, effective 7/1/81.
Christenson, James A., from Associate Professor (with
     tenure), Sociology, to Professor (with tenure),
     Sociology, effective 7/1/81.
Edgerton, Lee A., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Animal Science, to Associate Professor
     (with tenure), Animal Science, effective 7/1/81.
Heersche, George, from Assistant Extension Professor*,
     (without tenure), Animal Science, to Associate
     Extension Professor* (with tenure), Animal Science,
     effective 7/1/81.
Olson, Kenneth E., from Assistant Extension Professor*
     (without tenure), Animal Science,