xt7hdr2p8q2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p8q2s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1957-10-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 14, 1957 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 14, 1957 1957 1957-10-14 2020 true xt7hdr2p8q2s section xt7hdr2p8q2s  











'Absence explained


Minutes 2£_the University Facu



t3)" (October $.11, .1522].

The University Faculty met at 4:00 p.m., Monday, October 14, 1957
in the Assemb‘v Room of Lsfferty Wall. President Dickey _resided. ”embers


abgent were A. B, Alhright, F6 B. Aliison, C. Arnold Anderson, Howard W.

hears, 1. M. Chamberlain, L. W. Cochran‘, V. P. Garrigus, Lyman V. Ginger,
H, W. Wnrgreaves, Wyatt M. Insko, DraytOn T. Kinnrd, Abby L. harlutt*, Leona“

W. A. Sutton‘, Lawrence Thompson*, L. H. Townsend, Frank J. Welch, F. W.
Whiteside and William R. Willard.

The minutes of July 31 were read and approved.

Dr. Dana G. Card, Chairman. The University Faculty app oved the report of
the Elections Comrittee and President Dickey expressed a welcome to new
members and to members who had returned from leave of absence.

The re ort of the Facult Committee on Elections was presented h

President Frank G. Dickey
University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

Dear President Dickey:

This is to certify the results of the current election of members
for the University Faculty. The persons elected are listed according to
the group to which they belong.

In accordance with our telephone conversation of several days ago,
persons have been elected to fill all vecanciss. Those with the largest
number of votes are listed for the threeayeer terms, and those with the
next highest number of votes are listed to fill vaCancies caused by
death, resignation, or leave of absence.

Literature, Philosophy and Arts

Seven vacancies were to be filled from this group. Six elected
to threeeyear terms are: Jacob H. Adler, Jesse Dehoer2 Maurice A. Hatch
Arthur K. Moore? Edvard W. Bannelln, and Kenneth B, Wright.

Alberta Server HHS elected to replace Dr. D. V. Hegeman whose term
expires in 1959. .

Social Studies

Five vacancies were to be filled from this group. One was to come
from the Department of Social Work in accordance with the rule that each
department in the College of Arts and Sciences must be represented on flm
Faculty at least once in four years. Harold E. Wetzel was elected from
the Department of Social Work for a period of three years terminating in
1960. Three others were elected for three~year terms to expire in 1960°
They are; Carl B. Cone, Thomas P. Field. and Gledys M. Fammerer.

Thomas D. Clerk was elected for one year to replace Dr. J. B. shammn
whose term expires in 1958.


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Minutes of the Universitx Faculty, October 15, 1Q57


"J o

Four vacancies were to be filled from this group. Three were electec
for threemyenr terms to ornire in 1960. They are: Richard S. Allen.
Wilbur A. Heinz. and Fronk A. Pattiee

.nes 9, Calvin we lected to take the place of Dr. Fnrl Kauffmen, Jr.

s e
who is on leave for l957~58 b t whose term expires in 1959. E


Four vaCancies were to be filled from this group. Those elected
for three-year terns enéing in 1960 are Charles Barkenbus, VinCent F.
Cowling, Vincent 3. Nelson, and William Fe Wagner, Chemistry.



Five Vacancies were to to filled from this group. Four were elected
for three~ycer terms ending in 1960, They are; Lawrence A. Bradford,
George 3. Byers, Wyatt M. Insko, and Drnytcn T. Kinardo


He bert F. Massey was elected for two years to take the place of

.nsen whose term expires in 1959.


Home Economics

One vacancy was to be filled from this groupo Abby L. Marlatt we ‘ E
elected for n threeayear term ending in 19600 ‘ '

“n” neerin


Two vacancies were to be filled from this group. Those elected for ‘
a threeeyear term ending in 1960 are: 99m Ce Hite and Warren M. Walton” . ,

Eggcaticn , 4
Three vacancies were to be filled from this group. Morris Cierley
was elected for a three~year term ending in 1960. Leonard E. Meece was
elected for two years to replace Dr. Fred Ea Harris whose term expires in ‘
1959. Vernon A. Musselman Was elected for one year to replace Dr. A. D. f
Albright whose term expires in 19589


Two vacancies were to be filled in this gravy. Joseph L. Nessie and
H. W. Hargrenves were elected for three~year terms ending in 1960.

The elections committee was composed of Stgley F. Adams, Wendell E.
Peale: Thompson Rn Brvgnt, John M! Carpenter, James Co ?aves, Helen M. Reed,

John E. qeeVes. Dorothy Salmon, and Jonah We D“ Skilese


We had Splendid cooperation from the Deans in preparing lists of
eligible members and from the Stenographic Bureau in duplicating the Ballots.

Sincerely yours,

Dana G. Card. Chairman
Elections Committee


u-uqJ‘tui...‘ .V. ..





Minutes of the University Faculty, October 14, 195?

desolutions on the deaths of Dr. D. V Hegemnn and Pr. Vrnest Revers were
nresented by Penn ‘hiie and re clut1ons on the deeth of Professor “or is Beebe [
were presented by Professor Crous ‘


Resolution on the Death of Dr. Daniel V. Hegeman

Dr. Dnniel V. Ueuema n came to the University of Kentucky as a
member of the l'odern Foreign Language Tepartment in 1934. Dr. Hegeman
had earned his B.A. degree from Prirce.on and his Ph. D. degree from Yalm
one during the process he had displayed such intellectual capacity that me
teachers recommended him wholly and without reservation in the most glowhg

During his yenrs of service at the University, Dr. Hegemen distinguiflw:
himself as an excellent teacher. In tb.e classroom he w=s admired and remmmfl
by his students, and his superior students Vere inspired to unusual intel-
lec.ual efforts. By students and staff alike he «es recognized as a
superior teacher with a high sense of duty and nt ellectuml inter rity. He
was one of those rare teachers who leave a 1n,stin ng impression students.

As a member of the faculty Ur. Uegenan took an active part in
affairs of the Campus. Fe 56rved on numerous committees where he was
inclined to be a silent member. Howaver, when he saw fit to sneak he was
listened to with respect and consideration. Among his numerous services
Were included the presidency of Phi Beta Vappa. the University Faculty Chm
on the campus, and he had most recently been active in the newly organized
FacultyaAlumni Club at the Coldstream Farm.

no t loss to the

“r. Hegeman’s death on May 28, 1957. was : disti
e teacher of the sort

University. He was a. gentleman, a scholar, and
Who Will not easily be replaced.

It is recommended that a copy of these ernressions of respect be
made a part of the minutes of this body. and that a copy be sent to his

__ __ _ M —— ——»V .————————¥__

Unanimously passed by the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences,
June 24,1957.

- 1 L (
Resolution on the Death 01 Dr» Ernest Me ers

Dr. Ernest Meyers came to the University of Kentucky as Instructor
in 1949. During the next nine years he served the University as InstructOM
Assistant Professor and Associate Professor and served the Arts and ScienCfi
Faculty as Secretary for the pest two years. His death came suddenly and
unexpectedly, to to coronary occlusion, on July 20, 1957, when he Was thud?
eight years of age. '

Dra Meyers Vs s born. ir Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on June 25, l9l9e (
He earned his 3.5. degree at Rutgers University and the Masters and Ph.D.
degrees at Columbia University.







uishm 1







Ffiflfla ,——-————-—-—-—~—— ——-


Minutes 3: tie University_FecultyJ October lg} 1952

teeching Career at the University of Kentucky

A ity for the course in introductory psychology
and through this work, had wide contact with and considerable influence
on a large vumher of studentso The students of the University have lost
an understanding, patient, s.imulating, friendly teacher. He geve much of
his personal time to individual counseling and instruction.

He Was an interested and active participant in many organiZRtions on
the Campus and in the community“ In recent years he had been able to giVe
more time to research and writing and two of his papers were accepted for
publication during the pest year. At the time of his death he was engaged
in an investigation of the readability of Braille printing. Many theses
and dissertations prepared by graduate students bore the imprint of his
thinking and counsel.

The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences would like to express

a,deep sense of personal loss. This committee recommends that this statement

be made a part of the minute. of the Faculty and that a COpy he sent to
his family.

Unannmously pessed by the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences,
September 30, 1957.

Morris Wilson Beebe, retired Associate Professor of Metallurgical
Engineering, who had been on an extended leEVe of absence sinCe 1948
on account of his health, died unexpectedly of n heart attack on
May 5 lasto

Beeb, as he res affectionately knewn to his associates and his stun

dents9 Was a native of Apelachin, New Vork. We received his early education
in the schools of that city and later was graduated from Syracuse University
With a Bachelor of Science degree in ChemiStry; subsequently receiving a Mostnr
of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the UniVCrsity of Ventucky.

He use appointed a part time Instructor in Metallurgical Engineering
at the University in 1922, later being advanced to Assistant Professor
and Associate Professor, the position he held when his health forced
his retirement in 1948»

Professor Beebe held membership in Alpha Chi Rho social fraternity,
Alpha Chi Sigma, honorary chemicHl fraternity. Tau Pete Pi, honorary
engineering fraternity and the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers.
He was also a member of the Board of Stewards of the First Methodist
Church. a Meson and a veteran of the first World War.

Professor Beebe joined the staff of the College of Engineering during
the initial growth of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and his
Wise council and unstinted effort and sunnort hed much to do with the
deVelopment of that programe







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the Gradrate Faculty Wes approved by the University Faculty.

Minutes of the Universit_ Facult', October id 1 :7
Y Y _-m

0’ 9”

He ves always kind, courteous and conside‘ate in his relations with
all of those with whom he came in contact, always willing to gi e freely
of himself for the good of others.

The idee
the future in th

ch he exemplified will be carried far into
e students who came into the orbit of his

Professor T3eebe was in every meaning of the word a Good men and he
will be greatly and sincerely miSSed.

The Faculty voted that these resolutions be included in the minutes.

Dr. Voppius, chairmen of the Schedule Committee, reminded the Faculty that
the Comrittee had been asked last year to make a study of the Calendar for
1958~59 before it wes presented to the University Faculty for epnroval. He
announced that the Committee had held one meeting and would hold other meetings

before the November Faculty meeting and that they would Welcome any SUggestions

that any member of the Faculty wished to present° He asked that these suggesfitm

be nresented in writingo The next meeting of the Schedule Committee was setfor
Manley. October 21°

Dean Slone presented for the College of Pharmacy a recommendation that

William Ament “eeler, Jr” be awarded the degree. pechelor of Science in Phammcm

as of October 11, 1957. Mr” Beeler completed his reouirements in August 1957
after the end of the Summer Sessiono He wishes to take a State Board Examina-
tion in January for licensure and to do so must be certified as a graduate.

The University Faculty approved recommending Mr. Beeler to the Board of Trustew
for the degreev Bachelor of Science in Pharmacye

Dean Snivey presented for the Graduate Council recommendations for the
apprOVal of graduate credit for two Home Economics courses nreviously approved
for undergraduate credit. These courses were annroved by the FeCulty.

l. The iraduate Council recommends anoroval of graduate credit for

the following courses, previously spnroved by the University Faculty forlmfir

graduate credit»

Home Economics 133“ Fashion (2)
How the fashion world workso Study of French,
Italian and American designers who have greatest
influence on current trends. Field trips to
augment lectures. Lecture - two hours.

. . . v. z
Prerequisites: Home Fconcbacs 27; Home Economrfild

Home Economics 180. Aging end Later haturity (9)

Aging and the years

elities of retirement, employment, living ar~
rangmonts, mental health, family relationships°

Dean Spivey also presented for the Graduate Faculty recommendations for ap-

proval of a doctoral major in Guidance and Counseling to be administered joinfly
by the College of Education and the Psychology Department“ The recommendationof

h I 0 $
or inter maturity; with 1‘85?"CU
to characteristic adjustment problems and potenfl-


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Faculty, October $3) 1957




Tq,‘lI if IN 3 3320 CR "'1


ired for each area

(The hours ‘
credit hours)

minus 1 or 2


Core - 12 hours required in basic

l Psychologj
{ Psycholog

' Personality a 6 hours reauired

hat Psychology 231b

3 Psychology 253

‘ Anthropology 1/2
ngs ’1 u. I
ons i Appraisal a 9 hours reouirea

1r, _ ~ 29

for education i3

WduCr-ition 122
Psychology 215
Psychology 225
rmcm Psychology 251395
Psychology 226
Social anironment « C hours requi





Counseling 5 6 hours required
Education 255 aeb
Psychology 252

1, Topical Seminer


Diversification e 9 hours required
( EducatiOn


are guides aha may be interpreted as plus


Experimental Psychology (4)
Psychology of Learning (4)
PsychologiCal Theories (3)

Fsychological Theories (3)
Psychopathology (4)
Culture and Personality (1)

Educational Statistics (1)
VduCational Tests and Measurement (3)
Psychometrics (3)

Practice in Testing (3)
Projective Techniones (? eon)

. . . \
Psychologiesl Measuring Instruments (2/


To be added, Occupational Information (3)
To be added, Use of Community Resources (3)
Educational Sociology (3)

Intergroup Relations (3 ea.)

Seminar in Social Psychology (3 ea.)

The Family (3 ea.)

Counseling and Guidance in Today‘s Schools (Q
Psychotherapy (3)
To be added and jointly listed in quCation


and Psychology (w)

The Elementary School (q)

Teaching of Higher Level Study Skills (3)
Local School Administration (3)

High School Administration (1)

F‘ducation 151
eswfi ' Education 202
wnh- { Education 232
i deCatiOn 290 aeb
‘ Education 227
ap- Psychology 130a
tly Psychology 133

nof I

Vesearch orohlems

in Education Administration

(3 ea.)

Principles of Curriculum 7onstruction (3)
Speech Pathology - A Survey (3)
Introduction to Clinical Audiology (2)









Orientation a


In ad


Minutes of the UniversityT


3 hours required

quCation 238 Trends in Hi ghe qucetion (3)
Topical Seminar To be added andr joi:ntlv listed in

6 hours reouired

:duCation 222
chology 270
Se nina.r in Wesearch


Methodology of Edlc
Psychological Res

(required) Student presents for
evaluation an original

education and Psycholo-gy (3)


easch (3)

rohlem. To be jointly listed in

Education and Psychology

icum m 9 hours required

Education or Psychology 311 ambac
dition to above each student
per week for two yeers or fiO hour 5

ed to agency

must complete an internship of 20

per week for one acad mic year

activity or related community service.

President Dickey read to the Faculty a statement regarding the election

of faculty


members to facultysboard committeee


In my estimation this is one of the

we have had in some time. I make t


mos t important faCulty mertings
his remarl: beenuse at this sesmon

we are embarking upon sever al ventures which involve grea,ter ps.rticipafitn

of th

the same View as

the r

During the summEr a

on Co

9 faculty in certain areas of Univer
I regarding these

ight direction.


mmittees was established and this

sity affairs. I hone that youlmw

a namely, that they are steps in

at our last faculty meeting e a Faculty Commithw
Committee has taken its first step

by recommending to the President members of the faculty at large to serve

on the Faculty Committees.
all names recommended by the Committee on Committeesa

You have rec

e‘ved the list of these apocintmmflh

The Library ComMitflr

which had already been named for this year, has been transferred to thelifi
of Faculty Committees and henceforth will operate as do the other Faculty


The Committee on Committees

only after consultation with the Various
in a long term study of the functions of the Faculty Committees and the

possible need for other
serving on these
colleagues to perform their duties as effectively as possible.

committees” It i
committees will feel a r

(whose composition was determind
college deans) is now engaged

3 our hope tha.t those persons
eel responsibility to their


tional ReSeaWrw(



mixior reseamh‘


_‘ ”gum . A p—“r—r.

, .1 11\



of th
has t


Was :1




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in knowing that these stPDS hnvv bewn
o -3 th "10'th “:1 of thi '4 igroun r‘x'tonoi In: 9;. far
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ranv‘c Ht 2 rt~p in thc



(«o'y u ;qeulov marting also n 135 semi importanc9 for us because it

Etct threr herb rs to sorve on

C I ommittee. This committee; it is

hoped, will 3 rve n yopthvhilw purpoxa, by making nVfiilnble f0 tho faculty

‘ yd on ectivn coaxiLtee to wh ch t.o fnculty mnv twke problams
t; Hui the adrinistrxtion. It
11 hav; few 000 one wh(n it E

ishment and the pre::oxuce on such m

v: n vorthwhilt purpose. It is

committen b9 composed of three membprs of the po«rd of



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Search“ an iiwpfir . i

A i 'SLTO Giffarenca; betweun the facul

r f is sinceraly nogafi thFL finch a connitt

Feseamh‘ will lye fflfseg ,zggr to rvct ‘)ut

l in confezrp «3 00:11in t the: i S: ‘0’: ii 617'
pro )05 rd thnt thifl


= Trugtfe‘ (Pom thwt body hfis wlrwnd? appTO'vd the anpointmrnt of me .mhors

( 1c the Facultv give its mphroval) and threw mambers

‘ ulty~nt—lmrge to be elected by this Uni'ers itv

ea would waft on tho ,211 of tho chairnun to hfiar 1

such 02505 r: tuw facultv mig.fi brfing to ite “his committév wilj snrve

i Faculty. ihis co waitt
( fOr a on ~vv9r trrm an: {rs wiTl h” (ligiblp for rp~eloction.


I om rrmdv to out Thain T motion from th; chwlty that this CD? ittep
be estnbliFhed who. if you qr? randy to nominate nnd Plnct your threw
rearesent:tiveg, Vc Csn movw mhemd Vith that action.

Prefifient Dickwv asks; Prc Trimble 1f he wished to wake a report on the activitips
fie 'Committn"s. Dr“ Triwhle, nr Chairmon of this Committee,
the Committefi hnd met and annointed tha members for the Qfirnding
130 3 Mt d that the Committee on Comiitte S
as; ?irst? to recommend tho wsrsonnwl for the ptnnding
span? .ibili ties of the Vrrious
Styfling COT i¥;wrs in ords- to make th* work of each co nmittoe v”foctivn and
aVOid duplic; t r

reported. th
raodty Conwittewse Dr. Wrinhle a
hastwo resnonsib€11+

gs i 1
fnmdny Comm tte and second, to study the r“

u have i

w “— fir—w—v
(4‘ r‘?‘

riox or effc
Presidbnt TTick-:33! than rbcommended thnt th« Fqultv elect three fa011ty

I Mmhms to serve on n Oiot Faculty—board of Trustevs Conference dommittee.

,m- . -, . . . .. . ’. '
ttefi ;.m15Comm1ttev mania m.kr qullqble to tho faculty an lmhrrtlni an? obgect1w~
tap ”mfittea to which the faculty :‘finv tn kr nroblems which ifiVOlVP diffnrpnoes

behmen the fnCu1.v find the administrfliio JL. Frpsldent Dick? "5 I‘F'COP-TPWMtiOr1
rve U ‘

tmmfih ‘WSrmnroved Ev 1h? FmCulty. Aftér some lively discussion as to tho wn'r and
Ifltfim ‘ “HHSOf COU”uC;iILE thé pleation th“ folloWi g nprsons ve"fi plfict d to the

P . x A‘ 1 ' 4
9 Est f 4mm¢t€es Psu" Pherst Enlph Weaver; and VCWsrd W. ”airs

m '\ q.
ined —h9 Erculty ndgourned at 5:35 n.m.
