xt7hdr2p8n9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p8n9s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 2008 2008 2008-09-18 2020 true xt7hdr2p8n9s section xt7hdr2p8n9s o

'Asii‘or in THE DARK

Lecolboriotafuturefdon' ’
Starbucks Radio 3.. POP, page 3







Art director brings new image to Tuska Center

By Erin Molwigg
news kykernelcom

The new director of the Tuska
Center for Contemporary Art said
students should expect more inter-
esting and exciting exhibits this year
from the on- campus venue.

Kate Sprengnether, who took
over as director in early September. is
an artist with a master of fine arts de—
gree in ceramics from Syracuse Uni-
versity. Her job responsibilities for
the part»time position include over-
seeing and planning exhibits. contact-
ing artists. developing ideas. hosting
events and installing artwork.

“l _was interested in the position
because of the opportunity that it af-

forded me to focus on bringing con~
temporary an to the university audi»
ence." Sprengnether said.

For the last three years,
Sprengnether served as the visual
arts specialist for the Lexington Art
League. Sprengnether is well con-
nected with the different artists liv~
ing and working in our community.
said Allison Kaiser. executive direc-
tor of the Lexington Art League.

Sprengnether is the former edu~
cation director at the Headley—Whit-
ney museum and an independent cu~
rator. Her experience will be valu-
able to the department. said Ben—
jamin Withers. chair of the UK De-
partment of Art.

“I think Kate will use her

knowledge of art to attract a higher
caliber of shows and at the same
time to help us bring in new audi-
ences.“ Withers said.

The Tuska Center for Contem—
porary Art was created in the mid-
1990s and the Center is dedicated to
introducing contemporary art to
both the student and Lexington
communities Withers said.

Since 2005 Anna Brzyski. an as-
sistant professor of art history at
UK. served as director of the Tuska
Center. Before Brzyski. there was
not a lot of direction or continuity in
the program. Withers said. and the
position was held by a series of one
year appointments. However. Brzys—
ki's threeayear term ended this year.

Withers said he hopes that the
job of director will someday evolve
into a full—time position because of
an increasing interest in provoca-
tive. cutting—edge contemporary art.
Sprengnether said one thing she can
contribute is her full attention to the

"In recent years. the past direc-
tor of the Tuska Center was one of
the an history professors. So. as
such. her attention was kind of di—
vided." Sprengnether said. “1 have
the highest respect for her. but be—
cause l‘m not pan of the depart—
ment. 1 can offer something new.
iThe Tuska Center) is my primary
focus. I‘m not teaching on the side
or anything."

Sprengnether said her goals for
the center include maintaining the
high quality of shows. bringing in
more exciting and interesting ex~
hibits and raising the visibility of
the gallery throughout the region.

“Kate will work very hard to do
the absolute best thing that she can
do for the gallery. sometimes at the
sacrifice of herself and her own per-
sonal time." Kaiser said. “She'll
work very hard to realize the mission
of the gallery for the university.“

As for now. Sprengnether said
she is focusing on getting organized
and settling into the job before plan-
ning the exhibit schedule for the
2009le season.





By Allison Alvey

Donnie Keathley grew up
seeing stars. As a kid. he said he
watched “Apollo 13" at least 30

“I‘ve always been wrapped
up in space flight. mainly the en-
gineering side of it. ever since 1
was a kid." said Keathley. an
electrical engineering senior.

Now. his fascination with
space flight is paying off as
Keathley was awarded a
$10000 scholarship from the
Astronaut Scholarship Founda-
tion. an award given to only 19
students nationwide.

The scholarship will be pre—
sented by Edgar Mitchell.
Mitchell is one of 12 men to
have walked on the moon. He
was assigned to Apollo 14 as a
Lunar Module Pilot and on Feb.
5. 1971. he and Alan Shepard
landed their lunar module on
the moon.

“lt‘s definitely an honor and
a privilege." Keathley said. “It‘s
a once in a lifetime opportunity
to meet Dr. Mitchell. not even
considering the monetary as-
pects of the award.“

“To get an award from an
Apollo 14 astronaut is absolute—
ly phenomenal."

According to the ASF Web
site. faculty members in their
department must nominate
scholarship candidates. 'l‘wo
candidates per school are cho-v
sen and reviewed by the ASF
scholarship committee before
picking one recipient from each

“lt‘s a big honor. especially
on the UK level. to say they se—
lected me to try to represent UK
for the scholarship." Keathley

The ASF is a nonprofit or—
ganization formed in l984. The
scholarships are meant to main-
tain world leadership by the
US. in various fields of science
and technology.

Keathley said all the money
from the scholarship will go to-
ward school and eventually a ca—
reer in research. His presidential
scholarship ran out this year. so
the money will be going toward
this semester's tuition.

Todd Hastings. an assistant
professor in the electrical and
computer engineering depart—
ment. has worked with Keath-
ley in a research lab for the past
two years. Since Keathley has
joined the lab. Hastings said he
has accelerated their research
and brought new insights to
their program.

“Donnie has been an in~


Refusing to quit.
Lopez fights back
from four lmee surgeries


J’.{‘l"m"./ .1 ,7 , _,



’J.‘¢._r.rlr ’14»!
Pill '11'

,r.’ I


Giuleana Lopez, who was forced to redshirt the 2007 season With her fourth knee Surgery, is hack on the field for the Cats in 2008 She scored l0 tinals in 2006 for UK

Br “"3152
ansen©kykernel com

(iiuleana l.o.pe7 was on the verge of owning.
She refused rehabilitation. broke down in tears
and went home to clear her mind. After her
fourth major knee surgery in just over four years.
Lopez felt like her career was over.

It was an emotional breakdown an ex-
haustion of the mind and spirit. A shower later.
Lope/ calmed down. She loved her teammates
and loved soccer. Without them. she felt empty.
Those closest to Lopez had helped her through
her first three major knee injuries. They weren't
going to back away after her fourth.

Lopez said her roommate and teammate

Katie Fahcy told her if she quit she would never
speak to her again. Lope/ and liahey happen to
be close friends. a bond that would haye been
broken had Lope]. gave in.

“My parents were always pushing me to stick
it out." l.opc/ \tilti, “Every time 1 got injured in
high school. my parents made sure I did my rc—
hab. Now it‘s on me. My friends push me to get
back out there and keep me going."

Lopc1. a redshiit sophomore forward on the
UK women‘s soccer team. had just stretched both
her menisci in her right knee. requiring her to
have her fourth knee surgery. Three surgeries
were on her right knee. the other on the left.
She‘s had two ACL tears and at least one menis-
cus tear or pull repaired in every surgery.

When she‘s healthy. Lopc/ is one of the
team‘s best players .-\s Ll trcshman. lopcl
scored a team-high 10 goals and tacked on five
assists. That earned her second team All—South
eastern Conference and 511‘ XII—freshman lentil

But the horrific k‘ncc problems that plagued
Lopez. in high school had now followed her to
college. 'l‘hc ordeal took a stifling toll on her
mood. Lopez went from a happy. inn loung girl
who lines to talk on the field. to .i rcmm cd and
distant benchwarmci with no chance of getting
in the game Her knee and spirit \\t‘lt‘ in sham»

Sei- Lopez or: page 5


Jackson: All students
play a role in diversity

_B_y Drew Bcwlcy

Many students never actually cori-
sider what role they play for the future
of the university. But on Wednesday
night. J.J. Jackson chal»
lenged them to think about
their part in IIK‘s develop—

Jackson. the vice presi-
dent for institutional diversi-
ty. spoke in an open forum
with faculty and students at
the Student Center Theatre.
As Jackson continues to get
acquainted with the campus.
business freshman Tony

"...we need all
those different
colors and peo
pie with dis-
abilities in our

about were things like sports and drops
in enrollment at l'K.

“I said I hear you but it is all in the
past. You have only told me things that
have happened many years before."
Jackson said.

One of liK‘s goals is the
Top 20 Business Plait. Jack
son said that belieung lll
yourself is a main part in
heading toward this goal.

"If we try to reach
above the stars and way
above where we are now
then we will be in that top
tWenty." Jackson said

Looking for a communi-
ty where differences are ex-

tlic rally.

Nader rally at UK
cancelled, moved to
Louisville's campus

By Katie Perkowski

newsvmkvkieirnel corn

Presidential candidate Ralph Nader will no longer be speak-
ing on L’K‘s campus at a rally that was planned for Friday. In—
stead. Nader will speak at a rally at the l'mvcrsity of l-oins\il|c.

Nader was supposed to speak at Worsham Theater, but ac-
cording to Jim Wiese. Kentucky State (‘tmrdmator for thc Nader
campaign. l'K told the campaign the timing was just not right for

“iThe administrationi basically told our guys that iSept. I‘ll
was the worst day really to base Nader come because there‘s no
home game. there was going to be .i leadership retreat. there
would just be no one around Wiesc said.

The rally will be held at Loiiissillc‘s Swain Student Activities
Center. The news conference will be at 6 pm. and the rally will

start at 6:}0 pin. This will be the only stop Nader will make in
Nader is doing a tour throughout the south and all over the

' J.J Jiicitson

Vice prescient for
institutional diversity

Clarke said he is looking
forward to what she will do
for UK.

pected but respect is due
will help the university. she

Credible student. both in class
and in the lab." Hastings said.

Keathley helps make bio-
medical sensors. which are
chemical detection sensors used
in drug discovery.

“As of now. I look to start
my PhD program next fall and
after I get that and graduate. I
would like to be a research pro-



“She made a lot of good
points and is going to be great for the
university." Clarke said. “We will be
proud to be from the University of
Kentucky and honored to say that."

Almost three months ago. when
Jackson first arrived in Lextngion. she
said many of the issues she heard


\ i

then human dignity and integrity will
stand out.

“One way to get there is we need
all those different colors and people
with disabilities in our classrooms.”

said. and if the university is
striving for mutual respect.

See Jackson on page 8


country and he is the only candidate who plans to visit all 50
states. According to Toby Heaps. spokesman for the Nader cam-
paign. the goal of these rallies is “dying to open up the presiden-
tial debates so that there's more than just two candidates doing
parallel debates."

”We‘re hoping that by the next election. the media will open
up some and allow third parties into the debates before it's too
late." said Wiese.

m 257-1915; W 257-2872
I i





















1 1111111 ' .1\11.-ttsiniz.ill 11.341.11.11 \l.llil)»
\3 rules lrum taluptrsl ‘fi‘ ll'll'.


By Linda c. Black

To get the advantage check the
day’s rating) 7.17 1s the easiest
day, 0 the 111.15: 1‘l.i.llt,’/lgti’l1l
Aries (March 21-April19)
Today is an S , The work you
do now shou‘d on pretty Well,
so put :11 the mm 1: ‘fort 1ou
can also 1.1111191111111111 siiiUS.
which ieaii‘. sweeteds the 1111
Do what's required

Taurus (April 20—May 20)
Today is a 9 Love‘s in the 111
1nd you're also 1111: ky v.1?!
1amesa1rl111.ei 11w Unto 11111
nately. this IS happen. to nine
middle of the Week Adiust .1111
schedule accordingly

Gemini (May 21—June 21)
1(l1W1lS 116 ~ Give you: 1111.11
lChalTC‘r TU TEidA Lls‘h 1' .1 (’1:
11111511 12111111111L let y1:11 1' 1:1:
go blank 11111. the .11‘
seeking .1111 com:
Cancer (June 22-July 22)

lbs‘v‘rmxy . ‘.

Today is an 8 ,, Teach the oth
111s how to make good docrszons
.111 their own They look to you
for practical advice, but don't do
their thinking for them

Leo (July! 23-Aug. 22) -,,-
Today is an 8 Find out what
needs to be done and find a
way to do it If you get the con—
tract, you can hire people to do
the work Think big

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today IS a 9 You are one
lucky buckaroo Things will fall
together 111 absolutely amazing
ways. Keep pushing for what
you want

Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) ‘—
Tnday 1s a 6 ,- Do the numbers
and figure out what you can
afford With the help of a friend
who owes you a favor you can
get what you need

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ~

Today is an it » Find a person
1.11111 really trust and hand the
reins over This person Will get
you through a tough situation
\‘illli l.ttlr 111 1111 t.f‘ort on 1111111
p.111. That should suit you per»





Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21):
,,, Today is a 7 ~ The work;
you're dorng now could bring inl
a bunch of money later It looks)
like you re good at this andr ‘ian
achieve the goals you ve set.i
Good on ya

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan.19)l
— Today IS a 9 -_ You' ll find it
easier to relax now Pressurel
points are not being activated i
Your buttons are not beingl
pushed, and that’s always good 1
Sleep like a baby tonight i
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ,_- (
Today is a 6 — Make time to}
relax and ponder the data
you've recently acquired Figure
out how you'll put it to work for‘
you. Run out the numbers }
Pisces (Fab. 19-March 20) ~l
Today is an 8 —« Concentrate onl
your studies Minimize distrac-

trons Figure out what you wantl
to do and make up your 1111 nd to
do it Conditions are good forl
making decisrons you can billlll:
upon .

(cl 2008 Tribune Media Services. Inc.


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fl'le DiSI-I

spoke minimally and didn‘t

For the Sept. l l episode
of Rachael Ray (check lo—
cal listings). the Hills star.
33 revamped the wardrobe
ot ‘l7-ycar—old Mount
Kisco. New York. high
school student Kaitlyn l‘os—

Drab to lab Fosse. who
favored 'swcats. tells Lls
that Port taught her about
layering and accessories
during their $200 spree to
H&M. Forever 21 and Gap
where she picked up nine
items. including jeans. tees
and a beret. “She saw how
mttch you cart get for so lit-
tlc." says Port. l-‘osse tells
Us she‘s thrilled: "I feel so
much better!"

JT and K-Fed play

It‘s a small world after
all a» or at least for Britney
Spears' cxes. According to
a source. Justin Timber-
lake. 27. and Kevin Feder-
linc. 30. had a close enw
counter when both were
groomsmcn at the Septem—
ber 1 wedding of their mu-
tual friend. choreographer
Marty Kudclka. (The
source tells Us that Feder-
linc. when he (111st moved
to L.A.. used to crash on
Kudclka‘s couch; Kudelka
has choreographed routines

for Timhcrlake.) At the
wedding 4.. held at a pri—

vate estate in Malibu — the
men "were cordial to each
other. but kept their dis—
tance." says a source.
“They sucked it up, shook
hands and smiled when
they saw each other —— but

talk about Britney. from
what I heard. There was no

Vince Vaughn's low-key

His ex Jennifer Aniston
has yet to find love. but
Vince Vaughn has been
happily cozying up to
Canadian real estate agent
Kyla Weber. The duo of a
few months enjoyed a ro—
mantic dinner (and two
bottles of $1.800 wine!)
with another couple at Yel-
lowtail Sushi in Las Vegas”
Bellagio hotel September
I. “They were touching
each other and kissing each
other constantly through-
out thc meal." a fellow
diner tells Us. adding that
the Four Christmases dac-
tor. 38. was cracking the
group up with his jokes. A
pal tells Us the pair Work
because they both prefer to
stay out of the spotlight.
“This is just a normal girl
he can hang out with - no
drama. but lots of fire-

Jennifer Aniston's career
RX -

Is Jennifer Aniston
poised for a career come
back? Though the former
Friends actress had a string
of movie duds —— such as
Derailed. Rumor Has It and
Friends With Money —
following the series’ end in
2004 (only 2006's The
Break—Up was a hit). her
upcoming guest-star gig on



A Hills fan’s

Whitney Port rescues
teenager's wardrobe

NBC's comedy 30 Rock
has industry insiders saying
she’ s made a shrewd move.
“It's a hot show and she
could use some heat."
James Ulmer of The Ulmer
Scale. which tracks stars‘
bankability. tells Us. “Tele—
vision has always been her
forte." In the episode (sea-
son three premiercs Octo—
ber 30; an airdate for Anis—
ton’s spot hasn’t been an—
nounced), the Emmy-win-
ning actress, 39. plays
Claire. an ex-roommatc of
Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) who
arrives in New York City
and turns *stalker (Alec
Baldwin is her prey).
“She’s really funny," costar
Katrina Bowden tells Us.

But Aniston — who
once commanded $1 mil-
lion per episode of Friends
— isn‘t done with movies
by any means. Besides a
number of films coming
down the pike — tearjerker
Marley & Me is due at
Christmas. and the comedy
He's Just Not That Into
You is out next year -
Aniston was spotted dining
with Oscar—winning direc-
tor Woody Allen. 72. at
West Hollywood restaurant
Madeo August 26. “It was a
business dinner about a
project. just fleshing things
out," a studio source tells
Us. but couldn't reveal
specifics. “Jen would clear—
ly be an amazing pick for a
Woody Allen movie. She
just has that neurotic-
woman thing down doesn t

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly



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18. 2t]!!!


Whitney Waters
Features Editor

Phone 257-1915
wwaters@kykernel com


—— Katie Holmes on her daily fixes.



‘6 I’msospoiled —Imusthavea

Starbucks vanilla latte every day.
Otherwise, it’s going to be a bad day. I
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On Sept. 3, Owensboro, Ky., native Nathan Morris' single, "Closwe," from his album "A Gentleman's Closure,"


bucks Radio in over 14,000 Starbucks locations in the U S and Canada

Expresso s tot: to

By Whitney Waters
water is kykernel. corn

Two weeks ago Nathan Morris
saw one of his dreams come true.

He went from being an unsigned
pop singer working at Starbucks. to
being an unsigned pop singer work-
ing at Starbucks whose song is in ro»
tation with Radiohead in over H.000
coffee shops across the nation.

Ten months ago. Morris' second
CD and first full-length album. “A
Gentleman‘s Closure.“ had just been
released. He was living in Nashville.
Tenn., working as a Starbucks barista
to make ends meet between gigs at
local venues. and he was gradually
starting to turn heads in a city that is
known for the music and opportunity
that thrive and circulate through its

But then Morris. an ()wensboro.
Ky. native. abandoned his original
plan. He traded in Nashville. a town
that is so saturated with music that it
is commonly known by its altemate

moniker. USA for
Lexington ~ the
the world."

Morris said he went against the
grain and left Nashville to pursue a
more grassroots method to get his
music out to a larger audience. With
the help of lriends and family. and a
small nudge from Web sites My-
Space and Facebook. Moms said he
hoped to generate whispers about his
music on a basic level.

"I didn‘t have many ties in
Nashville. Other artists are going to
be your friends. but they aren‘t going
to buy your records." he said. “Peo-
ple in Lexmgton could hear the mu»
sic and tell a friend in Ohio. In
Nashville. you spend more time
building relationships and not with
the individuals who will take the
time to purchase your music."

In Lexington. Morris found him
self using local outlets to promote
his music. But one day while work
ing at the Starbucks near the corner
of Virginia Avenue and South

“Music City.

capital of


debuted on Star

S U CC L 88

Broadway and listening to the music
that play ed on Starbucks Radio. he
found a way to take advantage of his
surroundings and the company that
he works for.

"i had just released my record in

November, and I thought to myself

that I wanted to get my record in the
stores. \\ by not try to use overhead
play?" Morris said.

Morris. \ia t‘eltlttlls and phone
calls. contacted the district and re-
gional managers of his Starbucks.
and he \s as then put into contact with
Carrie Boyle. the director of Star—
bucks lintertainment.

Morris suggested tour songs.
“Closure." ”Vagabond." “(‘lose Like
Me" and "Broken But Breathing."
for Boy le to consider putting on Star»
bucks Radio.

lzven after months of negotiations
and slight frustration. Morris said he
never got discouraged through the
entire ordeal. Just impatient.

See Moms on page-1


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Video games
could possibly
kill the radio star

Earlier this month AEG
Live announced the “Rock
Band Live" tour to help
draw in—
terest for
the new
of the
Band 2."
which is
slated for
later this
At each
stop on
the tour.
fans will have the. opportu—
nity to play the game in a
competition style setting.
Eventually. the best com—
petitors will have the oppor—
tunity to compete live on
MTV's “Total Request

At first. this seemed like
an interesting idea. but the
more I thought about it I
found myself starting to won—
der if games like “Rock
Band“ and “Guitar Hero"
could actually be hurting mu»
sic more than helping.

When music games first
made their way onto the
scene. I thought the whole
concept would help spread
interest in music and could
perhaps encourage people to
actually pick up a real instru~








ment. We could possibly
have many more musicians
in the world. which could
evolve into new ideas and
bring us some great music.
Now that the games have
been around for awhile. I
have not met one person who
has told me that the game in-
spired them to start making
actual music.

This thought caused me
to reminisce about my own
childhood. 1 can vividly re-
member being 10 or 11 and
playing air guitar to my fa-
vorite bands while jumping
around my room like some
son of crazed animal. Be-
cause of my excitement for
the music. I was driven to
take up playing guitar so that
l could jam along with my
musical heroes.

Now that kids can son of
get those feelings from play»
ing video games. it may be
enough to fill their musical
voids and cause them to new
er even pick up an instru»
ment. In theory. the game
could cause the world to
have fewer musicians and
>|Usl more kids who play
video games. Could the game
be an angel of Death for the
media it promotes‘.’ Probably
not. but it‘s something to
ponder upon.

Nick Walters is all Eng-
lish senior. E-mtllfgfi’a»
IiiresGi kykeriir’lt'mn


Student models use
catwalks to tear
down stereotypes

By Kelly Wiley

teatiirés dlrykernel. com

This is not an average
fashion show with models
strutting high»priced clothing
down a long runway. This
show is LK students wearing
their own clothes aiming to
break through stereotypes put
on by different canipUs or»

“This isn‘t an event for
one group of people or one
type of person said Jeremy
Ridgeway. special event coor—
dinator for the (‘ats Den “We
are ll'}lllg‘ to mix it all togeth—
er and show what college is
about fomiing relations."

The mail 7 named Van
ity is not like othei pag-
eants at l K Ridgeway said.

Shenneka Nwachiikwu.
creator of the show. thought
of the idea two years ago but
never had the sponsors or
venue needed to do the show.
But With help front the (‘ats
Den and Ridgeway.
Nwachukwii recruited models
with a group on
liacebookcom to put on this
year‘s event.

The models picked the
clothes they will wear at the
show. but they are not exactly
the newest. most expensive
clothes on the market. Ridge~

late night at “Iowa l 48

l‘t‘.\\\ii '\\\

way said. The theme is more
of a mi\’ between Slls and Stis
with a modem twist. he said

“Students should e\pect
some very bright colors and
anything from the skinny ties
to the 50s white Jackets."
Ridgeway said. “Espect the

This show will not feature
anyone‘s original clothing de»
signs. but Nwachiikwu said
she hopes to hold another
event in the spring that will
include designs from stu-
dents. including soine of her

Even Student Govern,
ment President Tyler .\lontell
will model for the show.
Ridgeway said.

Nwachukwu said she
hopes to make Vanity an offi-
cial student organization and
thinks student support at this
first event will help them
achieve that.

"Come with an open
mind." Nwachukwu said.
"It‘s a movement not a trend.
and hopefully you‘ll be able
to see that in more student or»

The free show begins
Thursday at 8 pm. in the
Cats Den. located on the first
floor of the Student Center.
Free hors d‘oeuvres will be
served at 7.











 PAGE4 | Thursday September 18 2008

Local artists hold
rally for voting

By Amanda Wallace


Kentucky musicians
wrll launch their own grass-
roots campaign on Saturday
to get young adults otit to
the polls.

Jonathan Webb arid soulh'
erii alternative rap group
Nappy Roots will headline
a Voter Registration Rally
at Fox Run Estate in Shel-
byville. Ky: The rally was
arranged by
StandForAllorg. which
aims "to bring youth to—
gether and raise awareness
of issues affecting people
today." to help promote
Voting in the upcoming

“Every four years the
election comes up and it is
very important. but (this
election) we really feel like
there are a lot of issues.
whatever candidate you‘re
voting for. whether you‘re a
Republican or Democrat."
Webb said. “The youth
need to educate themselves
on that subject. register to
vote. and hopefully pay
more attention."

The 24—hour event will
begin Saturday at 3 pm.
and camping and tents will
be allowed with purchase
of a ticket. During the day.
a DJ and local bands will
play and the main perform~
ances will take place later
with W‘bb and Nappy

The event is bi—partisan.

and though Webb and Nap»
py Roots have candidates
they are planning to vote
for. they aren't bringing
their personal political
opinions with them,

"We're not going to
push a candidate on peo-
ple." Webb said.

UK College Republi—
cans and College Democ—
rats will be at the event and
will encourage people to
think about the November
election and to continue be»
ing politically active after
the election. said College
Republicans president Ja-
cob Sims.

Organizers expeci the
event to draw in several
thousand college students
because it is held between

the UK and University of

Louisville campuses. Webb

“it's basically a grass
roots effort by a bunch of
people who do a bunch of
different things and we got
together and said let‘s try
and make this happen,"
Webb said.

While the event is mas-
sive. it‘s not for profit. and
the revenue from ticket
sales will go towards event
costs. Webb said.

General admission tick-
ets are on sale at Ticket—
master‘s Web site.
(www.ticketmaster.com) for
$l0 or may be purchased at
the show.

Fox Run Estate is locat-
ed at l44l Fox Run Rd. in

Matt Arbogast of the

Gunshy, Bedtime
9 p m , Al's Bar Tickets cost $3

Moon Taxi
8 p iii , Fish Tank Bar & Grill Tick
at price unavailable

Rascal Flatts w/special
guest Taylor Swift

8 p to, Freedom Hall, itlUlSthle.
Tickets cost $49 75.357

FRIDAY, Sept 1‘)
The Big Maracas
10 pm Als Bar Tckets cost $5

SATURDAY, Sept. 20
Clifton Keller and In Ende-

10 p m, Lower 48 Ticket price

Mural Unveiling Party and
Duncan Park Stage
Fundraiser featuring The
Deep Vibrations, Fifth on
the Floor and These United

Event begins at 5 pm with mu5i~
cal performances to follow, Al‘s
Bar. Tickets are free and dona—
tions are suggested.

Margaret Cho w/special
guest Liam Sullivan

8 pm, Louisville Palace Tickets
cost $29.50-$42.50

Voter Registration Rally:
Nappy Roots and
Jonathan Webb.

3 pm, Fox Run Estate, Shel»
byville. Tickets cost $10

For the week of
SEPT. 18 SEPT. 24

SUNDAY, Sept 21
The Swells Brass Band
9 p m, Als Bar Tickets are free

Conor Oberst and the
Mystic Valley Band,

w/ Jenny Lewis

7 30 p m , Ryman Auditorium
Nashwlle Tickets cost $23 50»
$34 50

MONDAY, Sept.2

French Kicks

8 pm, The Southgate House.
Newport. Tickets cost $10 in ad-
vance, $13 at the door

Sunset Rubdown
(members of Wolf Parade),

8 pm, The Mad Hatter, Coving-
ton. hckets cost $10 in advance.
$12 at the door.

David Byrne

7:30 pm, Ryman Auditorium,
Nashville. Tickets cost $39.50-

TUESDAY, Sept. 23
Stars w/Bell X1

7 p m., The Southgate House,
Newport. Tickets cost $15 in ad-
vance, $18 at the door.


Langhorne Slim, Will Hoge
and Paul Thorn

6 pm, Waterfront
Louisville. Tickets are free


Holler Poets Series:
Installment 5
8 pm, Al's Bar. Tickets are free






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Continued from page 3


“Patience is the last thing that I‘m
good at. btit in this business you have
to have tough skin." Morris said.
"You can't be completely optimistic.
You have to assume that it won’t pos—
sibly work out. and then if they say
‘no.‘ you go at it in a different angle. 1
jast had to wait for them to give me
an answer."

When Boyle called him with a fie
nal answer. she reminded Morris of
how hard it is to get played on Star—
bucks Radio.

“It was funny because she said