xt7hdr2p8k35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p8k35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1985 1985 1985-04-18 2020 true xt7hdr2p8k35 section xt7hdr2p8k35 . . '.' 12...; i fix" v“,’.r"’. ’ mi .-i .‘I f. w r . I. I . J. . J} ‘_ : i=1”. : .
- ”mh’eamfi "~W We . deww : 2- man-rm "mu-v. April to. m .
Cheating n' h t '
V“ debated at S mpos' m I.
.. - .. 2 _ ; By FRAN STEWART __ dent. “We have people who cheat for " . . ' '- .
' v'f 9.. Senior Staff Writer “Students do not cheat profit." she said. . " .' 9 '
.. g , . “We have found that any student. ' . . . .
-;, .3. ’4‘ - . ..y 'l‘hseh'trl‘niversity needs a comistent because of their with any background m , , . g -. " ,
‘9- , .1 i . ”i" puni ent for cheaters and plagia— ' ' ' cheat," she said. “Cheating is a way . .- . 2 . 4
. ' u‘ ‘ i " rffi " “5‘5. said Dr. Charles Ellinger. aca- relationship WI”, 0 of life for many students by the time - . ' . ' .
D t 'j t "f, .. “ ». demic ombudsman. teacher, They d0 50 they reach college.” . , .' - '
l . « ‘§* ' During a cheating and plagiarism b - . h [ Cheating may b‘: a Wa)‘ 0‘ llll‘ for .' ' l. ' '
. —. l K 3, §\ if" symposium yesterday at the King ecause It [SOS OI'ICU some students. but other students ' . - _“
i w” ‘ " 3“ Alumni HOUSE. four members 0‘ the way [0 a grade . . ” want stricter. more consrsterit pun .- _ , j .
. a. .. . "L academic world presented position ° '. ishments. said Kathy Asheraft. Arts . - ‘
f z i f ‘3 papers to discuss why cheating 09' Jean P" “1' & Scrences senator for the Student ' ~ '
31* i curs and the diversity 0f penalties at Professor of English Government Association 9; ‘ .
3 » g UK- "Cheating is much more than dis ' : .
1 4:7 I' .. 2-, i . . . ’3 The purpose or the symposium —— honest." she said "(‘heating cheats . ~
" ' 1 -3 9 a? was to “try to, first of all, establish have increased in the last is years. me out of the value 01- my diploma " ». 2 '
" '1;th ‘ ' . ' why cheating and plagiarism “The fact that only a small percent- Pival said the t'niversity adopted ' 1 ' . -. .
>‘ "~ 9.” - f7 o.‘ '9. fl ' . occur." said Ellinger, whose office age of students appeal their cases a variety of penalties to differentiate . . ‘ 1 .
slit - . , 7 hostedtheseminar. make this increase espeCially dis- between the (-onsplramnaj cheater _ ‘ . , . .
§ 9 ‘5 . 4:? A He said he hoped the symposium turbing,"she said. and the student who succumbs to p '1 ‘ .
“k “'3! ' ’ ’ . . V ' would give rise to objective recom— Although She Cited several possi- temptation at the spur of the mo- " . i '
.9. _ . £155"! .. mendations for revision of the pre- ble reasons for the increase. such as ment. ' ' -
”4:. Mg»; ‘ .. .1 ’ ‘I sent student code. which permits changes in societal values and this H" 1_ true that many cawg of _, 1 - . .
55‘ Mu’ I. , *i many discrepancies in punishments. careeroriented generation‘s added Cheatlnbg or lagiarism exhibit. r0 ‘ _
" ‘ ’ “Ni .» g He said he also wanted to decrease emphasrs on grades. Prval said meditation aiid "ollu-' on .. 'h» :M - ,
ea -52» J 9;: :1; the amount and degree of cheating cheating did not occur out of disres- ”B t ’ ft ‘ tM" '_ 5: 5. g . ‘ . ‘
5‘.» _ of; atthe University. pect for instructors. u . In?“ _ 3 .e'i‘l ' Til; ”w?_“:‘“’:"‘ .
. ~‘F . _ ' ”Fr ‘ ‘6 -'.: “Academic dishonesty is certainly “Students do not cheat because of or flunk?“ ”will ‘ ”I“? “l ”l :‘l .
)9", 1"-.' 9;. .. "WK: 2‘ a concern across all campuses of the their relationship with a teacher.“ “ll“‘fm "\t t“) Y thbu mpta‘tr’?) t'” ' ‘ . .
' : ”z "a "‘3. ’1 _ ‘ .5. i United States.“ said Susan Novik. she said. “They do so because it is a g an“ d l ‘21 Télg in“ ”hJ‘E” "‘ . . .
» ......;M.,&w-.<-:* ' i" '"“~ W ombudsman at the University of shortcut way to a grade or because exam paer 0‘3 "mp “mu“ ‘d .,
l I 5 " ' s. "1 Cincinnati. they feel pressured from their par— . ~ . . , . . . .
__ ~..' . if “ls it because the students aren‘t ents or peers to maintain a high hazheallzagj) ?;C%en:?::;::\.no$“thré ‘ '-
l I moral'?" Ellinger asked the approxi— GPA" meting out of punishments she said i < '-
. .;_ . ‘y . mately 50 faculty members and stu- “Students help each other cheat ' ’ . .
9;.” . g ‘3” . - dents in attendance. Or do the of- because they place a higher value Pival supports a "policy of a Man .
'i ‘9 ‘ ML 9‘ ;:..'-... .. fenses occur because the students of on helping a friend than on academ- ket ‘E‘ for academic crimes. cou .
‘ .9" 9' ' . . , .3... _ , .11 today feel compelled to cheat to sur- ic ethics,"shesaid. pied with the student‘s right to ap- .
. 1.. ‘ . l6): 4 . ‘v ' ‘" vive the pressures of a career- “I can‘t explain why people pea] the penalty." ' . ‘
. at: ' w » . ‘- ' oriented generation? Or does the cheat." Novik said. But she did
U f - dl ““"r‘gs'm‘"“"s”" fault lie with lax professors who fail group offenses into several catego- "[ also strongly support the con
sel' Hell y to enforce the proper punishments? ries. which include: "cheating for cept that the punishment should fit _ ‘ ‘
. . . . heasked. love.“ where b0yfriends or girlf— the crime." she said “And I helieie .
Kelli Hardeman, a communications senior, hUSS FUBAR. the robot the Student Activities Board According to Jean Pival, a profes- riends take tests for their loved that all students should be given a 9
brought to campus yesterday to promote Little Kentucky Derby week. sor of English and former ones, and “cheating for money." chance to redeem themselves llt‘ltirt' ‘
. ombudsman, incidences of cheating often a way of life for the good stu- theyare publicly hanged.“ '_ p
(at, i ‘ l
- ,' 473‘3- 4-) ,
° 0 a r . a ‘ I - . .
Volunteers to be recognized for their work during week g5 m to dlSCll SS , ,
By SAILAJA MALEMPA’I'I we’eIka. while Eastern State Hosplital tend medical school. said he began 7.“. \'
staffwriter is ving a reception for its vo un- volunteering ”to get some experi- -" » _ . .
teers. ence working in a hospital and to pay scales i
The 80100 UK students who volun- “They (volunteers) really do help see if it‘s really what I want to do." / ‘
teer each semester at the Medical out a lot and seldom get recognized A majority of the students who - . . , .
Center will be among the many vol- for it." Lysaght said. volunteer at the Medical Center . J ' AA UP OffICIaIS Say " - ,
unteers honored by area hospitals “They are a tremendous support; work in the emergency and operat- ' » , . .
next week during National Volunteer some departments couldn't get ing rooms. “The students are a defi- . . _ . >_ UK 5 $010,785 [0 wer . . _. -
week. along without their help.“ said Chris nite asset in ER. and i feel they ' “ . 1 ‘ . ' .
The week. which will be observed Embry, director of the volunteer are getting a lot in return." said \ . . than b en Ch m ark S, . . _ ,
across the country. begirs April 22 service department at Medical Cen- Mehmet S. Akaydin Jr., head of the \ a) . . . ' ‘ 2
and gives places such as hmpitals ter. volunteers in E.R.and O.R. ‘ c a J 353}:j}.-_»_.33.;3;fégfgggjéfijgggfg By [)ARRIeLLrLI-gyj ‘ ‘ . , .

. the chance to recognize men and Employees also appreciate the ad- The Nest, a center for the preven- ‘-. :.§{'_~~.'_--§;.. Senior Staff Writer '
women who have provided services ditional help, she said. “They look tion and treatment of child abuse. 3 .,.:§s;5:§;;j§§§;§ . 2
without receiving any money. upon it as a very favorable service. also relies heavily on the support of .‘g 2- The UK chapter of AAt'P mu hold ‘ .1 ' . - -

UK students make up a major por- and are delighted to have the assis- volunteers. according to Lisa Car- 5 .......-_‘§§_3§j§};_?§§j.'3;; g. a meeting today to discuss faculty -. , . _
tion of the volunteer staff at both tame.“ penler. coordinator of educational salaries which have been getting ' ‘ _ ' '. - '
Eastern State Hospital on Fourth The student volunteers at the Med- programs. 5' 1:_‘fir-«1';-:.:ff=:5::=‘ff'5-"i‘§§3f§?g:§_§;‘?as;’i worse virtually every year." ' " . . ., .
Street and the Medical Center. Stu- ical Center work from 2-25 hours per Eight of the 10 volunteers current- _5 .r‘g; A move in 1930 to make L'K lac- ' - . ' " '
dents work in all areas of the hospi- month. Embry said. “Ninety per- ly working at The Nest are college : ’ "'""2""?:ffi'='"=:s-’:r:‘:§=‘2:s:.=;:§§;s [my salaries more compmmw . . . , . '
tals. “Some are in direct contact cent of those students are in the students. “Most of the students are moonumxmonohics failed because of budget shortfalls. . p ‘ ‘
withthepatients and othetsdocleri- health careers. The majority of stu- working through a course to get who puts in four to five hours a ple don't support it, then it just and it has been ”downhill ever _ " . , ~
cal work or answer phones“ said dents that volunteer want to expand credit."Car,enter said. week at The Nest said volunteering won't work. it is part of my respon- since," said Benjamin Leon, the sec- ~ .
Patty Lysaght. an internist in the a component of their college prepa- “The others just volunteer he- makes her feel good about herself. siblity and it is a part of the public‘s retary of UK's Amercican Associa- '
community relations department at ration. cause they want to help. They come “I like children and these kids need responsibility ttohelpl." tion of University Professors chap~ ‘ . . . .
Eastern State Hospital. “It also helps them make deci- for the experience and 315° because as much helpas they can get." There is always a demand for vol- ter and a professor of electrical -
The Medical Center is planning to sions for their careers,“she said. they have the desire to help children unteeys‘ Carpenter said. “This sum- engineering. . ‘ . ,
send off helium bailouts in front 0‘ lee Ricketts, a chemistry and 50- and families whoare in U'OIJble." Hill said the volunteers are an es- mer, when the students go home. we The meeting will be held at 3 pm. . . - '
the hospital to commemorate the ciology senior who is planning to at- F‘reida Hill. a pharmacy junior sential part of the program. “If peo- willbein desperate need for help." in233Classroom Building, ~ . . _» _.
Connie Wilson, an AAUP member -
and a professor of social work. said . . 2- .
U K . S SGA senate elects UK faculty salaries consistently fail ' ~ .
senlor 9 ‘ below those of other institutions. ‘ ‘ _ ‘
3 “We've always been below the '
0 O benchmark universities." she said. . ‘
WInS local _ WM top house Offlcers Edward Carter. associate Vice .
2‘5" "3.; president for administration for ‘ .
“"92; planning and budget. said t'niversi- -
:..i" , - - ty faculty salaries were becoming .
a cant ': ' By ‘.‘NDREW DAV lS catch up With the executive branch: more competitive until 198485. when - . ‘
Semor staff Writer which is two to three years ahcad _ _
in termsof involvment. the salary. 8.810 between ['1‘ and "
”NATALIE CAUD'U- In an organizational meeting last Dixon said he ran for senate coor- other JE‘I‘Utlfm Widen“: b) 273%
Staff Writer night. theStudent Government Asso dinator — informing members of (:9,wa thermal“? #3350 belom
, ciation elected Kenny Arington and meetings and bills “ because he had ".m ‘. . . . 0w .

Voice senior Melinda Cululnr- ‘fi, Brad Dixon to two of its highest sen- somethingtoprove. See PR0? LSSORS. page 5
ledge defoeted u otter cantee- " ‘ ate offices. “I'd like to prove I am more than .
tents to become Miss laxin‘ton it Arington. a senator-at-large, was hot air.“ said Dixon. who has com-
ms last night at the Opal 3 '2 j . elected chairman pro tem of the sen- plained about the apparent lack of
Horse. ate in a close race with four other senators‘ dedication. “I thought It

“It’s wonderful to watch all candidates. Dixon, also a senator-at- would be the fair thing to do after l
yourworkpey off,“eeid Cumber- - large. won in his race for Senate griped allot “Stile"- _
ledge, who wants to bucolic no \$ Coordinator. He was victorious in “It‘s easy. for someooe to 8“ book sign-- In. tad! tow-ii the M
opera singer. ' ' his bid to take over for current coor- and complain about "MES “0‘ going one with “Cat’s Eye." a trio of

The Home. 23-year-old hm- . dinator Flo Hackman by beating out smoothly and properly; I Just mmmwum
m sung “Till m Wu You" 2 mogul-candidate. wanted to say, “Hey. I m m‘te'I'CStEd m m mm Christine m Cujo
from the Broadway play “Th0 w. .‘;;.v . "I feel that my role is leader of insoeinstholtlmethmssdo in come rota. For a review. one
Milic Men" to In entrust-sue . .9 the senate now. 1 ma be more of Dixon said he world to to P06! 8" Mmecz.
audience. . ‘W J i l a motivator and keep on pewte (be- bllls 24 hours before senate meetings

“I tell that the moot no my "" '7‘: . came) it‘s hard to stay motivated so mm. could bye 8 chance to n- oel-r iii-nu a.- uni
immanent-emu. . j. . thewholeyeer,”Arlngtonseid. study the bllh- Ho and "It was my M m. 54. to m

ember-ledge will receive e y :1... mcmmnmmnpmm mntbeaueltwunolmm HM”~IF¢&¢
moo mm from Calumet ‘ overtheSGA mtewhen tremor your; m oer-ton M1 to rely on amt-m").
ram and will the mount out .5; .,- \ vice "idem i. “gem in“ . inoiitionwhenvottng.
yanwlllhevei-edeiflllu- .3' 14‘ . ma‘wentltospeekmm. Aboetthemeetin‘,SGA mem-
mmwanu ' " Milt mmmmmcommittee mm
Millet-find. ' “ mmmmauymu. chetrmenendtheeonetemembu'of

Andelreeeidit'snotovcyet. " " tend ell committee meetiru in en WMMWW-

“Well. in. m u the ’-°~""f'°°""‘f“""' effort to nab: are the minim
M M N m U II“ 1 Melinda Cumberlodge. a voice senior. was crowned Miss Lexington m u SGA has an “eqml voice“ m m... “ml-M for .hfiflh-‘~—um
win ll 0” 0“ M turd l l98$lestnightatthe0pere House. in matters with the executive theCotlegeotfine mums elected ‘~..h”fl‘7‘

Mi"*"“- Mmh—m.mllld.tlltil program committee cheirrnen and .**"~".

AMMJr..u-cuflwd- aym.mamm-m ummaiimdmu both-Mm. Heckmuiwuohamtobemcm- ., ..anm-I
meta-“William “mom. pageentel’vemn.“heeeid. mince on Cornmltteo, the m ' “flu-fit
«min-ammo: ~m~mm Seem”: "IhI-et-hunmuue- mmem'm .069. ..

add. I out to out lb out ammonium. " ..W-.-..,.._.... '
I o I

 z-xmvxm MM", 1“
Am Editor
ts : s, . » ~ . . . .
l f t
o o A . By mm JORY , . x; . s .
~ rom pl 1 u o . , mam
_ “s‘ I NEW YORK — “lmks familiar, .»- ' ,. . ’

Whit WOUld a year at the mOVlfi “The hedge" as an over-the—hill ten- 1 doesn’t m" Jean Shepherd Wm ‘
be like without at least one thriller nis bum who is thwarted in hiseffort D ? l as he guides his skiff toward the y“
from the Overactive imagination of to run away with a greedy million- ‘0 I thick, dark slime d an WM” 1.."
horrorwriter Stephen King? aire's wife. The millionaire, Kenneth Swamp. “That's where we all came ' . 31.3% ' '

. No one will probably ever know. McMillan (“Dune“), kidnaps Hays a Cl ‘ :3 from,theprimmm_n ‘ _ ct-
judging from the multitude 0f films and forces him to walk the six-inch i .. .1 A3,:- Shepherd has a knack m- summa- .. _
that are released each year based ledge that runs the outside of his ' l .5 rizing a circumstance, like the ori- ‘ .
on his works. The latest lS “Cat‘s penthouse apartment. It sounds just ‘ . . 3’ gin of life. in afresh, pithy m Hills 3‘ _. ,~ . .
Eye," a terrorizing trio of vignettes as morbid as the first tale, but Mc- ‘2 h. nently funny way, and he M’t f” _7 . x .4; H
, . whose only connection is a devilishly Millan‘s juicy maliciousness and the E‘ .g’,! “ seem fazed by the news from Cali- $55 ‘ ' ‘ tgx
smart little feline that plays a part terrific twist at the end is nothing I fornia that life may have emerged i “335}
in each segment. short of perverted genius. from clay, and not mire. “s is . ”3&3”!
The first two episodes are based In the third tale. originally penned “The Times (New York, where g _ " “5.2;“
, on works from King‘s short story by King for this movie. we are Shepherd read'of the theory) is al- ' K $1.1?”
, collection Night Shift. The first, treated to a “Gremlins“ rehash, in Despite the second segment and wayskillingyourdream,”hesays. “ ‘ §;:§n§
“Quitter's Inc.“ offers James which Drew Barrymore (“Firestart- the masterful animation of the little Shepherd _ writer, actor and "
Woods (“Videodrome”) as a busi- er“) is terrorized by a vicious little breath-stealing creature in the third keen observer .— is a bearded na- ,
nossman who is trying to stop smok- monster. imaginatively crafted by segment, this movie contains none tional treasure, and if time is -‘ '
lh8: comedian Alan King stars as Carlo Rambaldi, the genius behind of the humor of King‘s 1983 horror money, his half-hour show, “Jean . . . . .
. the psychotic head of Quitters, Inc.. the creation of ET. Before the ac- spoof“Creepshow." Shepherd’s America," starting to- Eggnggsiliegoiheifiierd muses over the funnier side of America in
' an ultra-radical version of Smokendr tion is over. the audience is treated morrow night, is worthamillion. v 8e es.
' ‘ ers. Under the company rules. being to the mauling of a parakeet and a But have no fear Stephen King It‘s a return to public TV for
caught smoking will result in the shredding of the malignant little fans. there will quickly be two more “Jean Shepherd's America," first anything but utter, afterappropriate ing that morass of middle-class hu-
' torture and/0r mutilation 0f your crud through whirling fan blades. King releases — “Pet Sematary" broadcast in the 1971-72 season. The consideration, what comes to mind. manity,theAmericanTourists.
loved ones. Real nice. Lung cancer Definitely not for the whole family and Steven Speilberg‘s “The Talis- new set includes 10 original shows, In the end, though, you’re left hold- And then there is “Filthy Rich at
‘ - would drop by 50 Percent 1" ""5 tunless yOU‘re a member of the man." Perhaps they will prove to be beginning with “Mosquitoes and ingagem. Last."
country if the program really Manson family). more enjoyable exercises in the field Moon Pies" from the Okefenokee, ' _ _ . The program begins with a shot of
' eXlSted‘ King and director laerS Teague 0f horror. andthreefromtheprevious series W? writing ‘5 that way . ‘00 a 10,000-dollar bill.

The only thing that WOUld be hard- t”Cl-m") 80 annoyingly Ollt 0f their Shepherd has done several things —. 3W9 "l structure bllt loaded “This is one of the rarest sights
er than sitting through this segment way to include several self-congratu~ KERNEL RATING: 4 for public television since the series’ With subtle turn and hidden, gener- that's available to us today." Shep
“"0““ be Wing ‘0 .3“ m " While latory ill-jokes from past King mow first run, including “Phantom of the ally hilanws meanms herd intones in his distinctive, grav-
maintaining a Stl‘alght face. Its ies. The rabid mutt Cujo and the Open Hearth" for “Visiom” and “A lot of'l'V fans n he sa “are elly voice. “Not available to many

, . downright Pltlltll» and sets the alldl' possessed '57 Plymouth Christine “Cat's Eye" is playing at the North “The Great American Fm “ M _ to - thisyflhe . .. Why donit you just reach out

' ence up fora really bad movie. make cameo appearances. while one park and Southparh cinemas. Rated July and Other Disasters” and “The ri gmytakm‘datoosmndh m?- and touchthescreen‘? . . .
' Fortunately» the next episode l5 character watches “The Dead Zone" PG'l3~ Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine til: i. es muc conce a- “Wallowing in ill-gotten gains," he
_ not nearly as awful. Robert Hays on TV and another reads “Pet Se- Cosnowski“ for “American Play- ‘ continues after a while. “is one of
‘ ‘ (“Airplane") has the lead role in the matary" in bed. WESLEY MILLER house." That doesn't mean they won't like life's attainable pleasures." And,
He has a novel coming out in Octo- it, because even without a lot of “Oh, Gm, it’s so much fun to own a

' . ber, based on his experiences in the deep thought, “Jean Shepherd’s yacht."
* I V H ll of F to nd ct seven Army, and at leastthreepaperbacks America”isveryfunnytelevision. The remainder of the half-hour is
a ame l u in print. And very American. One episode spent aboard that estimable craft,
Shepherd’s work is not necessarily is titled “I Love Cars, So There. during which the viewer is treated
By JERRY BUCK Sullivan. and Sylvester L. ”Pat" stars were film direCtOl'S Woody autobiographical, though it does Ralph Nader." in which Shepherd to the narrator‘s seemingly random
AssociatedPress Weaver . father 0f the “Today" Allen and Mel BFOOkS‘ newscaster have that overtone. supervises the assembly of his own fancy, concluding. though not end-
show. "The Tonight Show" and the Mike Wallace, actresses Elizabeth “Jean Shepherd‘s America" is car and takes a 1924 Dmenberg for ing,wilh:

LOS ANGELES — John H. Mitch- TVspecial. Taylor and Julie Harris, comedian unique, one of those rare programs a lap around the Indianapolis 500 “Filthy rich at last Ha, ha.
ell. a tall. rangy. nearly bald tele- The first inductees were comics Alan King and playwright Neil you won‘t mind setting aside a good race back. ha! , , .The American dream."
vision executive and nonstop talker. Lucille Ball and Milton Berle, wri- Simon. book. or a trip to the local bar, or Then there’s “The Great Ameri- “Jean Shepherd‘s America" will
doesn‘t l00k like a dreamer. ter/directors Paddy Chayefsky and “The honorees are picked by a 59' whatever, onceaweek to watch. can Tourist Trap," featuring Shep- be televised locally on Kentucky Ed-

But he is. “I had a dream." he Norman Lear. newscaster Edward lection committee 0t 12 persons. The really nice thing is that Shep- herd —— in a straw hat, oversized ucational Television (Ch. 46, Teleca-

, said. “I began to believe it could R Murrow, CBS founder William 5- They represent a cross seethll 0f the herd doesn‘t seem to do much of sunglasses and a gaudy shirt — join- ble Ch. 12) Friday nights at9230.
take shape and form and come Paley and David Sarnoff. the found- industry. These are people who have
alive.“ er of NBC. no axes to grind, who've been __
' His dream was the Television Aca- Mitchell is the chairman of the around a long time and are well _"———*—————.
demy Hall of Fame. which is now in Hall of Fame. The idea came to him qualified to judge their peers. They Advertise in B I '
its second year and will induct seven when he was president of the Tele- discuss the candidates and vote and The Kern l' uy 1K erne aSSl le S
more legendary figures in a two- vision Academy of Arts & Sciences then discuss some more and vote 0 ° _____—______—_
hour telecast Sunday on NBC He is also a former president of Co again and keep doing it until they‘ve Call 257-2871
iWLEX-TV. Ch. 18;. lumbia Pictures Television who now whittled it down to seven. The nomi- Classifieds
. Those being honored this year are runsaconsulting company. nets are then announced on the or
comics Carol Burnett and Sid Cae- This year‘s Hall of Fame presen- Emmy show in September.” C ll 25 2
sar; newscaster Walter Cronkite; tations were made during ceremo a ' 7' 872
. Joyce Hall. chief booster of the nits at the Santa Monica Civic Audi» Mitchell sits in on the discussions Display
”Hallmark Hall of Fame“; “Twi torium March 24. They were taped but does not cast a vote, which is by
light Zone“ creator Rod Serling; Ed for later telecast. Among the guest secret ballot. ___._..__
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Sport! Editor
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Kentucky S - It arrage smas CS V answ e
By JOHN PAINTER town riding a schoolorecord. 12-game no hits and no walks during his 4 2-3
Staff Writer winning streak. The Commodores innings while fanning eight batters. .
took twoloree from UK in Nash- UK sent 10 batters to the plate and ' ,
If you're currently doing a double- ville (Mar.1f‘rl7) and are 26-13 for scored five runs in both the third , 4' ,
take at the Kentucky Wildcat base the year. and fifth innings as they rallied . T 1 \ . . ~. I . .
ball team.you‘re not alone. Kentucky. 8-10 in the Southeastem from a +1 deficit, The Aces had rt .. -h E?"
About ready to write off the last Conference Eastern Division. needs jumped on top, thanks to three home , 5- ,; ‘ ' '5 . , ..
month of the season because of con- to take at least two from \Ilandy (5 runs in the top of the third off Ken- \ ‘ - I . - - 4.. i. . I ‘.
tinued all~around poor play. UK has 10I In SEC E85“ to keep its hm tucky starter Dan Eskew. * Vef‘j‘ig I. . . '
suddenly won six straight games to alive for a second-place finish and a But the second of three balks by I ' \ , .« . . 4 . ,
push its record (2019) above the .500 berth in the four-team, conference Evansville starting pitcher Keith 4 a ’ L ' .I 34’ . . .
mark for the first time since Feb. tournament. Auville (+5) and Clark's threerun “m“! 424;!" "j ( .- . ',
2-,, In yesterday's game. UK pounded homer to right field made it 5-4. , . is“ .I $.2 ea; .. . a. 2 I '_ . . '
"We‘re the exact same team as three Evansville pitchers for 18 hits Kentucky. The Cats added a run on , {3% ,. .\ G) / 2 '~ we ‘ » 4.
before.“ head coach Keith Madison as Randy Clark. Steve Hamilton and Kevin Gothard‘s sacrifice fly later 5 '“ V \, . ~ ‘ 5 .I' " ' 5' .
said. following yesterday's 134 past- Buddy Alexander all hit home runs. that inning before another Auville ‘ - 5' ' ~:--. -. ’ 2 4 4 ”'5
ml]. of visiting Evansville. “We‘ve Clark‘s was his 12th for the season balk and Jim Willenbrink‘s sacrifice .3 - , ‘ . v «5%; -. "M" .I ' -
just developed a winning attitude. and helped spark a sixI-RBI day that fly uppedthelead to 84. 4. 2 MN .. . , - . - .I II
We ve learned liowtowin.” flip-flopped him back "“0 the team4 . ‘ 5 .1” , ~ . ‘ ' 5 ’ ~
llur‘ing the streak. the (Tats have leadin RBlat40. UK put the game out of reach in 1 III ”of,” . g, . I
outscored their opponents by a 67-27 For Hamilton and Alexander. both the fifth. Clark and Rick Campbell “a - g . r... . , . 2 .
count and l'h’ pitchers have allowed round-trippers came in the eighth laced tworun singles and Gothard fl; 3 ' .' , ‘ '.
but 12 Ciil‘nt-(l runs. The latter figure and were their firsts during what smashed a run—scoring double that my 1 . 4 . . .‘ .‘ II
is a far cry from the staff's 6.18 has been a season of sporatic play- eventually led to Evansville head Ivy-f ~ L"... 4. - ‘. . _ I4. .
ERA lollowing last 'week‘s loss at ing time tcombined 10 games). coach Jim Brownlee‘s early depar- new» ‘. . . _
(‘lncinniiti that at the time was Ken4 Hamilton. a catcher, is a juniorcol- ture. o.“ ‘ ' 4 ‘,'3‘,» '. I .
luclty‘s llthtn 18 games. lege transfer from ValenCia tFla.) Brownlee disagreed with plate ? I - 2 I i». “"34. . I I ‘. . I
~~n chums like everyone is pulling JC. while Alexander ts a freshman umpire Barry Brown‘s ruling of safe .3. $3: 43; . . ' I. 5: . .. . I -_ . .
for one another." Madison said. Shortstop from N35thlle« Tenn. on the Gothard double that scored ”II :3. ” '-’ 4.’ 44.3 " ' ‘ .. 4 ‘ '
"livery layer is confident he is Willenbr‘ink, and later came face-to- I! Q “‘2 ,44 . .. '. I .- ’.4_ .
going to get a hit each time he steps The Cats also received their sec- face with Brown in the seventh - “ ' ~ . - I 2 .
up to thc plate, anti I‘m confident he 0nd outstanding relief performance perhaps due partly to the fact that I, . I - - '.
is goingtogctahiteverytime.” in about 17 hours as senior right- his club was dropping its third I , ., .‘ I . it .
The \Mldcats face thc three-game hander Jeff Hellman followed Jack straight. . . ‘ .I 1 v
series «it the season this weekend Savages lead of the night before. Nonetheless. Brownlee was sent to ‘ 4» 3 '.-' “'2 3 “'2‘ . ' . . 4
when rctlliot Vanderbilt comes to Hellman 13-1! blanked the Aces on anearly shower. - . j
x l HRHIsWIHHRb""‘.i' ‘ -. 4
- f I 4 UK'S Jim \Villcnbrink slips around Evansxille catcher Ed Kotlicra in yesterday‘s 15-4 Kentucky \lClt)rI\. 4. ‘ 5 I . '
. l Willcnbrink scored from first on the play off a double by Keyin (iothard. . .~ I' '
" -‘ * Al (if d * * "" '
4. I 4 4.. 2. t anta e eate BUY KERNEL CLASSIFIEDS . ' . ' '
“aw; 5 ' < 4 4 n .
- y mcmnatl, 6-1 . 4 . , , .
I ’ ATLANTA «AP! 4 Surging Nick Esasky drilled three IAIGAIN MAtmus-cvnvogv I
‘ 4‘ hits and drove in two runs and Tom Browning scattered Clcu'flad‘ have $2.50.;g10112‘txma
. ’ " six hits as the Cincinnati Reds beat the Atlanta Braves good; deals '
T. , 4 g. . 6-1 yesterday fora sweep of their three-game series. l D "All - ~ _
:: . " , Esasky has collected eight hits in his last 15 trips. ‘ {or 9V“'Y¢”"°i 123.55%.” in... m-..“ -
. y ‘ ' 5‘ ” “ “4 e‘ emaiusimlmrouvlr
g“; L, W ’ / o. I .fI' .4 .. ;. I . . I -L; I II.’ . II Ahead 2-1 after five innings. the Reds broke the game ” ' m, ”fist-"I” . .
"‘ ‘2? -, .44“ . -_ ,‘* , -- . . Kdfigifi’, open 'with three runsinthe sixth. ;
, to ~ -4 We .
‘ mic ‘54"? '3. ' , “\e ‘ ' Dave Parker led off the Cincinnati sixth with a d0u4 FULL- SERVICE I 4 I
II I I .. 4. erg... 'I . ’ ’I' ’ ‘ I I 3 ble. took third on Cesar Cedeno‘s single and scored on —
‘ .; ‘ " ' "I" - . ’ V- J Esasky's Single. have Concepcion followed with a single BEAUTY SALON " ‘ ' ' ' ;
2-“ to drive in (‘edeno and mash eventually scored on nowhos2 ,
II .4 I r. . . * ‘ ““2" ~-. " 4 ,~ 4» ' .» ».- ~ . . Ir . ., 4 ', . __' ‘ 7. Dave Van Gorder's sacrifice fly. WOLFE TANNING BEDS “figfillifldklmI I '
.4. a . " “ . 56 porslnglo vlolt .
“"“M"'"" "‘"“""'2“’ Browning. 1-0. struck out three and didn‘t walk a bat e, . '1
._ . . , ,1 . . .. . . , . . . ter in going the distance for the Reds in his second ovlsmior $30 ' ‘ ‘ '
kciittltk) \ Randy (ldrk is tagged out at first by Evanswlle s keith AuVille. but not before he Singled majorleaguestart. or IllDAVlJthvtl) ' '
home I\\ it of ll|\ \i\ RBI for the day. ' 12 I..." ,0, $50 no s:soa:so1;sov:u ‘
The losing pitcher. Steve Bedrosian. 041. allowed five rooirrsolvmoltl) ’. '
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