xt7hdr2p8g43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p8g43/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1999 Vol.70 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1999 Vol.70 No.4 1999 1999 2019 true xt7hdr2p8g43 section xt7hdr2p8g43 Volume 70, Number 4 - April, 1999 I I as: S
. __—_—___—__——__—___—
W— _
KHSJA St t C to U. t 700 '
There may be hope for the deplet- “ . .
‘ ed workforce of journalists in Iw‘w. exerted “KS“? thdg many _ '
’ Kentucky — at least a few years hUddmg young JilurnahStS 3“ } «I ’
‘ down the road. together. It was heartwarming . '51 ‘4
g ‘ Several KPHFQCky newspaper 10m and gave us hope that maybe i
“mom‘s phrt‘C‘Pated ‘“ the 1999 some of these folks in the future .
i Kentucky High School Journalism will be in news a )r 'obs ,, / -
i Association (KHSJA) State P m J " y . 1
2 Convention March 31 in Louisville. *W—r- ' f
They left the event inspired about the Max Heath 5" ‘ ’
state of scholastic journalism in Executive Editor, LCNI . 5‘
i for the future. structured much like KPA’s. And just I
i _ The .(‘Vfi’ht drew over 700‘student like at KPA conventions. the awards ‘ .
.lhumahSts and 'ddVlSCFS from 39 presentation added an element of k '
SChOOIS~ _ . excitement. Thanks to a contribution . V 49- . j . fl 5 W i _
i . “I was impressed Wlthihfi’ GhthU' from The Courier-Journal, KHSJA . ' "’ , “,3; «£9.57? ' " , ' j
siasm and interest 0f the kldS and the was able to present plaques similar to , ~/" _ .
ii fact some of them were so focused on KPA’s to the students winning first . ,’ /
i Wth they wanted t0 k110W and what place in the various categories and to . i-
3 they want t() do," said Max Heath, the schools for (}eneral Excellence. Above: Jo-Ann Albers ‘- !
executive Editor 0f Landmark “Just look at the faces of the kids and 30b Adams critiqued ‘ ‘ /’ .
Community Newspapers Inc, and a at the awards ceremony, and you'll SChOO' newspapers and " I ; /—\\ " /
panelist fora “Careers in Journalism" know this is one of” Kl’A's best pro— met with students during . ' r . _‘=
session at the convention. “I was jects." said KPA President Tom the 1999 KHSJA State .
T (’XCltt'd to 590 that lnany budding (Vitudlll “The Students \‘Vt‘l'e SO (‘XClt' convention MarCh 31 in f V 4 ,
l young journalists all together. It was 9d. This is the first time some (,f'thpm Louisville. Right: Chris .' .
E; heartwarming and gave us hope that have ever gotten a school honor. I'm Poynter, South Central ’
5 maybe some of these folks in the really proud of KI’A for its support of Kentucky Bureau Chief f
; future will be in newspapei‘johs." student newspapers." for The Courier-Journal, ;
i The students came from across ('audil]. assistant managing edi- taught a session at the ‘fi . 4
the state. to learn about topics like tor at the Lexington Herald-Leader. convention on the basics
newswriting. photography. desktop has been involved with the high of newswriting. -
publishing and ethics — and for school association since it was formed
4 many, to receive some well-earned in 1997 and serves on the KHSJA ‘
recognition. This year‘s convention Advisorymiunci], -
featured an awards presentation See CONVENTION, page 12
‘ . . ' s“. ~ ‘
New members brin g diverse 01 I lIIlltt€€ t0 iifiiliii‘éfi 4 /
. '4 e wwrsrezxafi’h .. f,
. oAprii22: KPA Circulation Semina' ;
back rounds Ideas to board I‘CVIEW COHtCStS Hondayinn North, Lexington s i
’ 0May6-7'KPASprthdSemha' 4'51
. What 'ould be don , to make ' I i II 5122“
By LISA CARNAHAN 47-year-old Ivory has worked for improvemtent‘ to conning“ spon- llyattllagallcy, T’-
. . a - . . .1;
KPA News Bureau Director eight newspapers across the coun- sored by the Kentucky pH,” 'J‘MW-‘iaifimm E . 3
A When H}; Kenttlicky {)ress try'Th th , 9t h B l' Association‘.’ Holiday Inn, Bardstown i
ssociation entuc y ress en eres t ep en ow ing. Alot‘.’ :3; ,
Service Board of I)lT€Ct0TS meets, 27, (‘dltOl‘ Of The J‘deSOl] Times. A little‘.’ .M‘b‘rgom'z'l-ezimmm TE
there’s five new faces around the where he started his newspaper Or maybe nothing at all‘.’ a tt, xng :4
i table. And. the new faces bring a career. _ ‘ ‘ ‘ [f you fall into the category of w I W.» .
diVPY‘S“ set 0f backgrounds and Taylor Hay es IS ( I“) ”t people who see substantial need for »»’e;3 1:5: ‘
opinions to th“ board. Kentucky New Era inc..‘and pub- Changes. or even if_\'ou see the need oP9.2: P009... PapersintheNews
, 3.. ~, , _ lisher of the HopkinsVIlle dailv - . . . , - .. - . .. "3?
Then s Bennie Ivory. execu _ . 4 , g im only let ininoi altuations. \u s
- - , - .~ , paper which has been in his family , , .. . . . . . 'P9.8: Leuntoiooktorthe .5
tive editor and Vice presidi nt of nud to ht in from you...and soon. a at:
news for The Courier-Journal. The See BOARD. page 7 See CONTESTS page 12 I g ““3:
_ . . . . . ..
"_.,.‘. b >‘ ‘ "" " "" "" 7” " “" ' ‘ ' ' .. aw . .. .. . ,, -- . - . 9" ‘..! €6.31. glue“. :2 5".L'J. Pa\.o'§‘.'.u'..r. .. at... ./. - '. ..
i » | ' . » _ C ‘ “ .v * ' i .1 _ . . ‘i ., .
l i‘ ‘ i i n i I i ' . . ‘ - A n p In ‘ h . l V
' ‘ 'J . . f . f 4- ' I' ‘ I. ‘ 9 ' V ‘ > an
x A ’1 V» y . ”r V. ' A ‘
. ' , ‘ \ . ‘ .. ’ . ’ ' _ ‘ 9- ~ ' .

 / . l
l t
Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. April. 1999 l
' l
en uc y peop 6 papers in 6 news i
l .
, n - . ' ~- Bet'ore c min-' t - 'l‘h~ l,t‘(l\’e r FUSIHI‘IH. ()hio assistant circula degree in advertising from W'estern
Mulc ih\ n imed editor. . . . ' , ,h , . , r:
t ' ‘ ll‘itl:*pt‘tl s *‘, is “. .‘ mi , . , M. , i .. .. , \ «
in mi in l i thur 1" Th l t l t r N/l'lddUX rl‘Cl‘l‘V .Olll m 1994 He studied at Blinn Junior étdf (t1 005d V1 dhlfflmt t H l
l L” i: 'll 'r (- {l A; ‘l L: ‘ " i A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ . I ~ (\ ' i 1‘ '2
b . , .. . L ‘ . J ( ollege and Sam Houston btate “m” ”l th‘ ‘Riclimond R glht‘r 1“ 1 l
Independent. MU} -‘\ 1H“ ”V ‘- . ‘ . - V [rmvprgnv both in Texas general assignment reporter. ;
rt‘pllik't‘S Killtt Stillll “'lll) rt‘k't‘nth ('11 kllldt1()l] IL‘I'I] I 2' » l l h x \ rec int -()urn'}“qn1 ’r'itlll' [p ()f l
_ 1 ' A native ot Henderson, 'Ierry l I U l l ‘ ‘ If“ ht dk l
resignet' , .. . ‘ 7. ~ , . , , - . e niv ‘I‘thV o entuc ', i
g orts writer t‘huck medvn ‘11 chdCI 50]] (JlCdllCl has rtturntd to his tormtr position {‘1 ,, u ens . , , . , l , '3‘ l
'h K-p-V ii th ,, . -. . 'fl- ' l' . R \l‘ ll _ y ‘ l K as home delivery manager and Wlll ( "n-‘dl‘d “l. (”"90““er “”35 ‘.
w ‘o’panu ( ntwspaptrs stal in , “inns . art ox . r . am ini I)“ responsible for recruiting and but primarily p()ll(‘L‘ and court
last beptnmher. took «her they) ) as Terr) ha\ e‘heen named' to key training independent contractors, beats. 5}“. is a romdp‘nt (,f f,
sports editor posts in the circulation department coordii‘izltlng home deliverv distrib- Lexmgton and has preViously
Mulcahy has been employed at at The Henderson Gleaner ution and maintaining home deliv- wnrkpd with the Kentucky
the MaysVille paper for eight years Maddox, who helped budd cir- erv customer service. Democratic Party and the Fayptto :
, He was hired as sports editor in culation as a district manager for ’ He is a 1985 graduate of County Democratic Party. ;
1991. and became design editor the ()wenshoro Messenger- Western Kentucky University and i ’
after a short stint in the sports Inquirer. is the new circulation ,, . - .. ~ I -. ~ ._ i , ‘ ‘
l I ,. . _ .- . ‘1 ,, ' ‘ h‘ l . was involud in a family owned AnderSOn NCWS
department. In 1998. he again took dll‘tttnr Hi strud as tircu ation busmess before returning to work
over the sports department director of The ReView Times in for The Gleaner. r€C€lVeS centennlal
I he KGHIUCky Press Johnson, Pennington business honor
Th K k Pr lSSN~UU234RZ4 _ b D, m‘ (1? d k The Anderson News is among
‘ , .. 1 _ \. ‘ ‘ s t . . i
.t mmc 'V es“ . , § “bl” .‘ C . i ‘ name to 6y pOSIS 4.3 businesses in the state honored l
lished monthly by the Kentucky lreSs (ilenn (may, Manchester Enterpnse . \ “ .
Association/Kentucky Press Servicednc. at COmmonwealth-JOumal In the KCHtUCljy Centennial
Periodical-Class postage is paid at Frankfort, [Mm-Ct 14 _ Business Program.
KY.4i')601.>‘ubscription priu.-is$8per year. Stuart Simpson, R. Michael Johnson has been The program identifies and rec-
l’ustmaster'St’nd Change ntaddre» tuTlie SUmCI‘SL’t l’uldhlxl NeWS- (\urnal named editor of the Somerset 0 ’anOS for- ”of“ businesses that
K tu k r Pres“ 101 Lm‘isum ’r Law ‘ ' g I
F:::1kfi):t Ky‘mwn (H)2)27:';_3871L L0mn]()n\"(‘alth‘JUurnali Longtlmt‘ arp 100 3'9an old or ()ldcr‘
’ ' ’ ‘ " DistnctiS-A ' employee Cindy Pennington was Businesses must b0 based in
Officers-and 01mm3 Dan White, Andersun News promoted to retail sales manager. Kentucky and m “Hummus UPON—
Kentuckyl’reSsAssmiation D t' H" B Johnson comes t" the paper tion.
l5 NC 3' . ~ ' V y r V '
after spending the last 15 years in
”€5,de John Nelson, DanVille Advocate-Messenger news )3 ier mam} Yement throu ,h_ . . .
unusual” Lawm Herald-Leader ‘ ‘7 - . g . - 3” Roy Clark Jom graphics
, Sm at r out the L nited States. Most retent- *
tier age , . ,_. ,
President Elect l’n‘nnielvory, The (’fourier—loumal IF ht mandlfld a “(WWB‘ graphite {Eam at Bardst0wn
Teresa Rex'lett,McLeanCounty News and-technology “(’n”UItlng {lrm- ‘ . _
Kristi Blackford—Banach SW‘lelzmts’ 1,“ “QWSPBPOFS- Graphic designers 83'1“] ROY
[Zafll‘rtejdt’xfi . KentuckyEnquirer A native of Somerset. xiri<1_«_los_liii:iClark hrweyiined the
buttll]tll'1t,‘ld.(lf]lt‘n\'()!Ct?&llnk‘5 Pennington “'01.de 115 an advertis'» staff ()f Th(‘ hpntucky Standardx
\v p t m TuresaMullms, Bereac'iuzen ing sales representative for 10 Bardstown
lCL‘ rt’i‘lLt’ . . . .. .
V n' ‘ l J I ) ‘ ’ l)’ ' ' i l
Mam Backus, Appalachian News Rpm» ‘7 ’ ‘ V , Mars htton htr promotion. Sht is Ito). w), graduattd from th(
‘ ‘ Ti‘Ivl‘Wllflrc-‘v M‘lmlfk.‘ 4"“ E“ iiCIth‘ in local charities and \‘olun- Rocky Mountain ( ollege of Art and
Trmqwr _ teer programs. Design in Denver last year. His
DakltlLirL‘cr/Tht‘ Kentuckvbtandard, f‘:‘;‘;:"::1{?”“m“ past experience includes designing
Bardstown ‘ * “ "l' . . ’ ' . ‘ - - i ' i t .
Kamimnttn Messenger-Inqmrer Wins W ‘1 (“PWPHM‘ Wm”- H‘ m“
D 1 ' . resides in bliepherdsvxlle.
'strirt. . r V.
“mm,“ \litchell Fultiinleader -\d\ertisin;: l-)l'.']\lt)n fidtlondl COIOr award (Mldrki 2'3, ‘5 <1 “<11” 9 “l Lanml
' larry Brooks, Lexington Herald-Leader The Messenger-Inquirer (:(lunty and has (‘Xpt‘rlt'nc‘s WUrk‘
Distrith .‘ H‘ 1.1) ()wenshoro, has been honored for ingBon hiswcalllege ngwspaper stait
~ _ . a .V ‘W.\ ', lairhl .t\'i\i\)t‘. . ,. . g x 1‘ _ s ; i ‘ -; ' i p __
_ ltd Dillingham, Dawmn springsl’rogrc» \tlark \fmmk “mm“ “M the quality of its color reproduction ltd (It (I l I ( n1 . up L ’Hl 0m;
. i l i / 5 . , ‘ x - r I v' ' , x” _
. m a nationwide contest, 1L lar , gto og}. ant Int ustria tt L i
- ‘ ~ 4 oorv
35%“ 1 O\ sb )Nl-s i (rliwum Circulation l)l\'lstlm Th" newspaper w‘m semmd m n L"
,. c , , , .r p .
‘ m}, ven- (h ’ Lsug H Davelxldridge,lessaininelnunml 1h" H'U'nt l’rlnt'quahty contP-‘ll .
‘- mm“ held by the Inland Press Games takes new role
Charlie l’t’ri't'maim, Franklin Favorite lournalism lxducanou Association. competing against I . , ,
lit-Ami llutt-Nl‘t‘r‘ papers in the 20000—50000 circu~ at Dally N8“’3
- a - 'W' t'rt KJnt ‘k\. l ixerst' I. ., i ~ V V
DbdeV ‘ H ‘ ‘ ' L“ , “ l 1‘ .ation “‘1‘ gory. Scott (xames has taken over the
DaVld 611(42le Kentuckyfitandard, \H pntruntg \yorv 5-“ ) ]i()(l tll(‘ .
Bardstown (.eneralcounsels A l ['1‘ t H) ' , credit and (“H‘Ttl'm r('Slmn-‘ll-‘lll'
lon Flewhakerand Kim Green.- same U) Ur 51”) and. we“. “lquntd “"5 1” 1h" B’WVHHK (”“3” Dilllf“
Districtb l)lnstn
1m“, Pennington. Bigfundt MM) supeammddl ..'\dn“,1n;\fv.;fne,l‘xssislant l‘raiiklort, as an inl‘wr‘tzsing repre. puhlislier l’ipes (itlllii‘~‘ and the
' l5tlll:.'.\tlilv, Bookkeeping An‘hliil‘l s-iitatix'e filth generation of the (laines tan.
District}: RathelMiartv,AthertisingAssistant \ nati\~ t l'ii‘anklort. il}' to l)(' :it‘tiVelv lll\’Ul\t‘(l in the
Stephen lbwlmg, Iackmn limes kristie’loles, TearsheeH txfl'dllulli)!’ Armstrong reemx ed her I’ML-helnr's Daily News operation
. \ . g i
\ . ,
\ ' -i
,, . % j
"' f: 1
. ' .

l .
i l
i The Kentucky Press, April, 1999 - Page 3
i . 0
i. Hatfield purchases The Flemlngsburg Gazette
‘ .
already in place." said Hatfield Fleming (‘oiiiit}.','~ said Ilatfield both going u) against pa )ers
l' Hatfield Newspamrs lnc' “We'll have processed color in the “We'll continue with a Wednesday owned by thi‘ predecessoi to
I now inCIUdeS three paper and replace some outdated publication date, ~yust as they've liandmark, Newspapers Inc I was
' equipment in the business office, had The changes we'll make will up against the Irvme Times Herald
ll papers, two Shoppers newsroom, composing and circula— be positive. We‘re going to get in and he was up against a paper
tion." there and rive them some news." called the Flemingsbur I Times ,
ll . Guy. Hatfifld‘ owner and pub- Hatfield also owns shoppers in As a iii-stilt of the change in Democrat I guess we just Lstruck a
lisherof the (litizen‘ VOICE". & Times Irvine and Stanton. ownership, later ad and news dead common chord and have been
i. in Irvine and the (.,lay City Times “I felt Fleming (Iounty was just lines will be possible, Hatfield said friends ever since then," said
i 1," btanton, purchased The a real growing area,” said Hatfield. “They were printing in Hatfield.
l Plemtngsburg Gazette m late “I'm very excited and have always (Tynthiana on Mondays, but I‘ll be “He first mentioned selling the
} March. loved a challenge. The area is much printing the paper at Georgetown paper at the funeral of Russ Metz, .
i The purchase ends nearly five like Irvine and Stanton, very agri- late TUesday afternoons," said saying that maybe it was getting
. decades ”f ownership by LOWCH culture oriented and I think it’s in Hatfield. “We‘ll be making up the time he got out ofthe business, and
3" Denton. The Gazette published its a position to do a lot of growing. ads in Irvine, doing circulation and then again when I was visiting
- last issue under Denton’s owner~ Maysville, Morehead and Mt. accounts receivable here and until papers last year," Hatfield said. “In
5 ship M3TCh 31- Sterling are all growing rapidly we get somebody in place that December, I made him an offer and i
5 Under the operation 0f Hatfield and this sits right in the middle of knows pagination, we‘ll do that he got back to me in January."
: Newspapers Inc., the Flemingsburg the triangle.” here, too." For now, the newspaper Will
paper Will get a facelift through Lowell and Jean I)enton had Hatfield and I)enton have been remain at its downtown location on .
new equipment, according to owned the paper since 1951 and friends for years and Hatfield Mt Sterling Avenue, The building
Hatfield. the paper was started in 1880, believes I)enton wouldn‘t have sold is owned by I)enton and Hatfield
“We have immediate plans to according to Hatfield. to a chain has an option to buy the building
upgrade and some equipment is “It’s the only paid paper in ”We met 2:") years ago. We were next year, '
i ' ° 9
, If class1f1eds are your Reverses don t work... so
. . ' h " . h ‘ Q
hfehne, make them grow. w y are you using t em. ,i
o a:s:¢:s:::a:2:,:gs:a~"' )r'int‘.’ _ . . . H ._ . _' l
Interactll’e I 0 Do you offer online links to Design is rm m 1: llillliidlihiit.it;,i;,‘,li,ilr,,,«:t "M. (will, l
I'lSider “it; 3" § advertiser’s' will“ Sm“ from your a if " l is the Uriatintou—s use of idlor itliel
T g; onlineclassifieds" Everythlng g: , “ \‘Wlmd’h the IN: of “HARM, tv w
__ c 4? o I)oyou aggressively ”upsell" ser- ,1 ‘ ”WWW colt-r '1“. PM: fer I: I“! , ‘ i
if“ vices related to each classified cau-go- l , , ‘ l' . ‘ .l l ’ ’1‘ ’ l .i “ “ _ \ /
By Peter Zollman ' ry, like car—care coupons adjacent to Edward F' = '--'.. I) (w m ”r I)“ ' “,H r" ‘I MM“ l ‘
. . your online car classifieds, mortgage Henninger $7 WIN" TIMI“: ll“. ”MW“ r"‘1'“qu
Are -classified ads crucial to Your services adjacent to your homes—for for color are .ilid
bottom line? Do they represent 30, 40 sale ads and moving services along- Almost everything we read is ‘ t’T‘JP‘T 11>" "1 TVIWL’FHIITT" "Mll‘ ,.
or even 50 percent ofyour revenue? side apartment ads? printed m dark typp against, a for us to abandon reverses There \\
If so, are you doing everything . Do you have more outside clas— lighter background. The Stumps m are exceptions ,, and .I ve used 7"
possible to make them grow? Sifted sales reps than vou did two our newspapers ____ with few ”(ch them mvself at times for special ,
Like many parts ofthe newspa- years ago? J tions —— are cast in black type on, effect In. features packages. But ’
per industry, the classified advertising . Are your outside reps aggres- we”, not—so-white paper. the consistent use of reverses in
business is evolving rapidly because of sively packaging new services and And readers, for the most .WUT ”PW-"PHD" “W15 ‘0 mak“ WU
online services. Papers that don't solutions instead ofjust selling the part, are. used to reading newspa- “PPM” dim-“1 and 105$ (flit-“V > ,
change with the times will find that sameold stufl'? pers — as well as magazines, ”VT“ “T“ 5””1" him“ I" “"0“
the times have changed without them. Real estate: books and ephemera — in black on T“V“T5"$3 ..
Don't think you can "protect your . Have you made a deal yet with white. 1. Redesign your labels (.ziw.
franchise" or "hang onto your rev- your local Multiple Listing Service or Perhaps it’s because of that UP thi‘ HOW)“ that tht’y mUSt b“
enue" — unless you're willing to find Realtor board to carry every local list- habit of reading dark objects reversed. _
new ways of serving your advertisers ingon yourWeb site? against a light background that 2- AS WU Tf‘dt‘Slts’“ lab‘J-‘l W“
and readers. 0 Do you 391] related services we find the opposite distracting, can hU‘ld ml”. ml" “7”“ by using
Lots of newspapers have found online, including "community special- diSCODCPTUDE and infill-“TV“- “’5 8 wk) ”r .8 “Sign (Al‘immt “10h a“, .
ways to grow not only their online ist" ads for real estate agents? JUST "WT" dlmCUlt t“ ”ad Whll" a small “rd“ ”r square 3“. part 0f /
business, but their print business as 0 Can online users instantly see letters ”WOT-“Cd against a dark .thp style ”f your labels. I 5“ ml”
well, with aggressive, creative one or more pictures ofevery home for background. m a?“ part ”f th" 13b” .
approaches to the new world ofclassi~ sale? But even though we may 3- Ilan your “’1‘” “f“ on the l
fieds. 0 Do you offer panoramic and/or understand that, we sometimes Pail" I’VUW 5” YOU dont have to
So take this five-minute, 20-ques- extra photos online as an upsell? insist on running,r labels and other ”5“ lh" (‘Tl‘lfh "f Pl‘mne' Cf’l‘” ”l
tion classifieds quiz. For every ”no" 0 Are you courting the FSBO (for elements in What We call “rcvcrs Tm” lam“ m the fir” pl”?
answer, subtract five points. That's sale by ownerlmarket as anewoppor es." The occasional reverse w _ 4 Remember that 'graiv “my"
i not five points from 100, like on a tunity for expanded ads? used. perhaps. as part of an art “'T.‘ ”Hit"? ”‘ml ‘ “‘TF. classy
school test .._ that's five points from Autos: head or a special package — may ”Elf-“(l ”f T"“‘T:‘“~“- If up"‘l‘“”‘
your margin. ° Are you developing a market Work well. But scattering reverses rr‘ft 3" m." ‘rl‘ghl Thad“ "T L’T‘i‘ can
General questions: wide (or region—wide) database of all as standing elements throughout “”3”: “ Sign and‘elegant look
0 Are all ofyour classifieds online used cars available at dealer lots',’ your newspaper can give it a clut- l l i) _ “”fj‘“ “T “:‘hmltl‘ if 19"”?
m a userufriendly, fully searchable 0 Have you found a way to con- tered, unprofessional and anachro. ()f' ‘} t‘.‘ 8‘3” “Iii 43.5 Tlgidm
system? vert that database into additional nistic look. .. {MI l” (lift: :1”: qfh‘flud‘ *‘El‘
0 Including display classified ads? print lineage? Reverses often are the off- ”3 Uxuirt "i‘ki T. l (1:) L an )"i
. Can your advertisers place clas- . 0 Are your auto dealers so happ)‘ spring of color We want to scatter fin-kn} ‘ d’d“ ‘dl""‘t;]“'Ul‘ 1 P‘bTH nt
sifieds online? And pay for them that With your paper's serVice and results color on our pages to make use of l ‘1‘ “‘lll‘ ”5“ Vttl 3“” (:Th “'T ”('1‘
way? that none of them areon Autobytel, as much of it as possible, so we f” ”I It ‘3“ it ”T 3 ”IL I an
0 Can advertisers place longer (,arpoint or other online-only. non- run labels and other elements in appt a mb 0” '
Z and more complete ads online than in See CLASSIFIEDS, page 9 “WW T“V“T5mfl a TVW ““Tds ”U: “f See REVERSES, page 9
l I
l l ' ' i ' , . ’ '
. l l
l ' x
l . .1 i '

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i The Kentucky Press, April, 1999 - Page 5
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