xt7hdr2p8f06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p8f06/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2001 text GLSO News, February 2001 2001 2001-02 2019 true xt7hdr2p8f06 section xt7hdr2p8f06 Pride Center Has a New Home Mordi OPUS BC“
The lease has been signed and lamps, tables, bookcases, a On Saturday, Feb 24‘ AVOL is
the Pride Center of the Bluegrass microwave, coffee maker, televi- hosting theirfirst annual Mardi Gras
has a new home for the next three sion, VCR, stereo system, and art- Bell, a Black Tie Masquerade. It will
years. Actually we will not be mov- work. We will accept donations of be held at the Kentucky Horse
ing far, just downstairs at 389 Waller new or slightly used items or cash. Center (not the "Horse park"), 3330
Avenue. After looking all over town If you have artistic talents you Paris Pike. Doors open at 730'
we couldn‘t beat the rent, space, can help by creating a logo for the opening ceremony at 8 pm.
location, and parking. We take pos— new Pride Center of the Bluegrass. This promises to be a spectac-
session February 1st. We want to establish a symbol that ular evening with a cajun buffet din-
We want the new Pride Center will represent the vitality and diver- ner, dancing, and entertainment A
to be someplace really special that sity of the community we serve. live band, "The Rock Stars Qt Soul"
the whole community can enjoy and If you can provide any help, be will create a New Qtieens almos-
be proud of. The aim is to create a it your time, talent or ideas, materi- phere that will dispel any winter dol-
space that can be used foravarlety als or furnishings, financial assis- drums you may be experiencing.
of purposes. tones, or lust good old moral SUD- Come costumed, black tie formal, or
Now the work begins and...WE port and encouragement please fabulous. -
NEED YOU! contact Jane Minder, Pride Center The hostess for this event will
The first order of business will Committee Chair at 389-7698 or be Miss Whitney Boyles, Miss
be renovating the space to furnish a ladyianeky@yahoo.com. Kentucky 2000. The emcees for the
large area for social gatherings and The support we have already evening will be Brain and Cathleen
meetings, a smaller meeting received from many members of the Collins. This is a major Fundraiser
room/library, and an office. We will community has been very encour- forAvol and tickets are availabvle at
be doing the renovation work our- aging. GLSO and the Pride Center $50 per person. (Call AVQL 225-3000)-
selves so if anyone is involved in Committee would especially like to Come join us for an evening of New
the construction trade and can help thank those who responded to our Orleans style revelryl
with expertise or materials we need end of the year fund drive. You
you. donated over $1 ,000 dollars to ben-
lf you are someone with deco- efit the Pride Center. ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘
rating talents we need help select- As the Pride Center of the
ing a pleasing color scheme and Bluegrass moves into the new year
window treatments. there is a new spirit and determina- J 7 ~ .
it's also time to start thinking tion to better serve our community. 7
about furnishing the new Pride We hope you share that spirit and
Center. We need office furniture will be an active part in the future of ' . ‘
and supplies, couches, armchairs, this important community resource.

 A NEW HOME for MCC action to the world. ti;
AY and by Rev. Mel Bailey . UFMCC takes risks for human
i . G rights and has served as a van- gig;
5 LIZ—351;“ 'tl Faith Metropolitan Community guard OftC'Y” lag? huh"? lrigthhts
592 . . movemens incu in e o s in
with" Church announces its new location mid-19903 t d it? b l e
‘5; ORGANIZATION at 145 Burt Road, Suite7. The new . 0 e_" e 5‘” Oh. 93‘
Lex'ngtorl Kentucky site is part of a continuing journey bian and gays m the U.S.-mllltary, f.
to a “new vision” for this church, respond to human rights Violations ‘ t:
7713‘ formerly known as Lexington’s in Brazh, and'flght the radical rell- 7
QLSO MEWS Metropolitan Community Church. glousrlght. Since its earliest years, F
Vol 16 N0 2 Since March of 2000, the church UFMCC led marches, prompted A
° ° has been pastored by the demonstrations and staged Sit-ins ,
Published Monthly by: Reverend Mel (Melody) Bailey, an to gain justice for lesbian and gay 'v'
ordained minister in the Universal people. i:
The Lexington Cay Fellowship of . Metropolitan , UFMCC Otters, “”3 and “93"
. ' Community Churches. UFMCC ls ing. Compassmn is at the heart of .
Lesbian {Den/ice a worldwide Christian denomina- every Metropolitan Community 2
Organization tion of over 300 churches in fifteen Church. Christian love IS embodied F
2| 5 d bf countries. through the ministry of Faith MCC. c
5 econ . lnthe last year Faith MCC has Health and wholeness of spirit, t
, undergone changes in its worship mind and body are fostered. The r
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" GLSO page 7

 _ (1111180 News 2001 Sponsors
: 40:00 pm Wishing Chair 7:30 pm Gay.f1..esbiam AA
(Clueapside Bar)
1 . _
1551113011115me ONTllJlT. LASTI’AOE le‘JCONl-‘IRM EVENTS. i J' Mark Chambers, CPA""""""""266 8877
MOVEABLEIEAST'NEFQEFOLUNTEERS—EVERYDAY, CALL 252-21157 __ ’_ , _ ._ __._.___.. . .
4 SUNDAY 5 MONDAY 6 TUESDAY 7 WEDNESDAY 1 8 9 I 10 For all your Fmancml Needs
10:30 am MCC Worship 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00;)m1’ridlu Center 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion I 7:00 pm Fairness 7:30 pm Gayflesbian AA 1 10 um - 4 pm. Bookworm ‘ .
SCI—Vital: (Ffliflfl MCC) P131]. fling (Pjidg C(m’fief) GI‘UUP ‘ (Pl-Ida CLthT) Sillc (Fa 1th M(:(:) Bluegrass Falrnessu........................296-7812
10:45 am UU Church 9:00pm Rainbow 7:30 'pm FaYenrlPride i
12315 11"“ I’ltmvwve Bowling (Shuthland Center? Keeping our eyes on the Ky. Legislature
Luncheon (UU Church) Lanes) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6:00 S"'t : l . . .
pm .10 mm 3 Richardson VlSlOIl Center ..............278~4201
Rehearsal ‘
~————-—————————-—~- - -—-——- ___.___-_.__.__,__._,______,_._ ‘ —-———————— 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
11 12 13 l4 1 155 16 17
10:30 am MCC Worshap 7:00 pm Vagina Monologs 900 0111 Rainbow 7:00 'pm GLSO Discussion 7': 30 pm Youth Support 7:30 pm Guy..i’1..esbiam AA i ' I 1
Service (Faith iMCC) (Singlctary Center) 130v ling; (S'nuthland Group (Pride Center) i : SCO“ ACkerman""°"°'"(VOICe mall) 294 2055
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step1 Study Lures} 15:00 'pm Gay/Lesbirm AA 8:00 pm Judy Shepherd . . . ‘
6:0(jlpml DIGNITY (Berta College ,1?hc1ps 1 (mobile phone)....338—8483 Paul Semomn Realtors
6:0! 1 pm Sistersound "Stokes Auditorium) { .
REhearsa! [ Slstersound 0......I.O...I....‘IC.00....CQOCCCOCOZ43-0243
l .
. ---- ~—~~—-——-—-—--——- -—~~—-——-————-—-—-~———-~ ~—~———~~——-————-——— -———-—-——--————- .___._.__._.__.._____...__ l m———*-” Diverse music for all women
18 19 20 '11 2:: 23 i 24
10:30 am MCC Worship 7:30 pm 1131.30 Bozml 9:00 >m Raimbow "1" :00 pm GLSO: Discussion [(1:00 pm Wishing Chair 7:30 pm Gay..i'1..csbia1;i AA , 7:30 pm A VOL Mardi . ,
SCMW (Faith MCC) MCCfinE; (19116103 Center) Bowling", (Southland Group (Chuapside Bar) 1 (has Ball {Kentucky Imperial court 0f kentucky...........252-30 14 .
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Lures) 3:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ______fi 1 HUT-‘36 Center) _ _ ,
6:01] pm Sisterwunt'l Study (3151) NEWS DEADLINE. ' A chanty orgamzation
F()I'l‘ NJ}; XT CA]J{£NI)A}Q 1; The Bar Complex...--I....I-IICIII..-..ICII‘.255 1551 _
373-0649 ____.___._ -
25 26 —~ 3-.7—‘——-——————-—-——- fi~~-~~~ 224 E. Mam
10:30 am MCC Worship 8:031 pm AA Step 9:0” )m Ruimbow '2":OO pm GLSO Discussion -
Service (Faith MCC) Study Bowling: (Southlancl Gmp Turner Counseling ..........................269-6497
10:45 am UU Church 14317-55) 11:00 'pm Gay/Lesbian AA
13:01me Sistersound 2216 Young Drive, Lexington
1 Reheamal
6:0‘1 pm DIGNIT‘Y Windy Knoll Farm .O...I...I...... .I...I.I-.299—741 0
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Lexington Men’s Chorus................266a9175
Rehearsals start again in March
I‘ P%asus Travel OCI0.0.0....COCOICCIOQCOCOOCCOOCZ53-1644
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO


as}? is: HAS BIG PLANS FOR 2001! {fix y«
“33,1; 7am and w; 45 3
45,31; LESBIAN . ,. . . ~ C
.- ..',". ,. blLlZVICL V3. _ ‘ ' * '17-'15 ' ‘3‘
5“" ORG/WET“! ”W 51.? '4'” ‘9” {i V”
Lexingfan. ntucky 3 ' ‘ - "‘ 1:1. . $135 .
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. . 1 w ALA—‘1’!!!“ 6!? g

4 7 V. f'>'--';‘..Q‘§'L.I!I; ..t 1/ * , ' y 2 i

GIL-SO President Terry ‘ g Afiy‘m'nus‘l! ' ' l” '
Linger Moore Sign our _ .. f: i " l g. .. V M s«
new lease V‘v‘iih our 5" ”‘me 9 .~ "g t l ; - ‘ . C1
landlord . ' " ‘ ~~ ’ ‘ -g ‘ .2 b

q; ' *‘ ; ‘ 5

”HR “’31.! . . . I L ‘1: g," E" n

' . .1 . . ~ ii

We will be designing and . é a
decoraiing the new Pride . 1"

\ - ~ M 1
Lenler over the next 1'9“ J“ i (3
mouths. Watch for Our ”—5.5; ’5 , N
Grand Opening. , a

.. . .. . , '7 L... z
._ W... .A. . V .. . __, , H_ .vw .___. ...__ .d__. ,m . w.“ we .._- ._ k--- u. 8
Yes! Please add meto your mailing list 2
. 12 issues ( I year) for S 15.00 ; ”
24 issues (2 years) for $25.00 ( a $5.00 savings) ‘
9 Couple membership 12 issues (1 year) $20.00
3 Mt at this time. but accept my tax deductible donation I
in support of the Pride Center 5‘ 3
a I would like to subscribe at a rate I can afford right now... 1
$ for 12 issues (1 year) i
I i
f Name 1
i dddn’ss _._. _ _‘ _ ._______—.
i - .
; City. State. Zip ________________
: Mail to: GLSO News. PO Box 11471. hxington. KY 40575 ‘
GLSO Page 10 .

 InBusmegs One World Fi|m5 was voted best Feature Film at the
One of our new sponsors this Festival will focus on the lives of Voyages '_5 set '" the present
year, featured on last months Women in a Variety Of cultures All and concerns itself With the after
Sponsorship Page, is J. Mark the VIewlngs will be free and open to effects of the Holocaust. It tells three
Chambers, CPA, PS C. Mark is a the public. Check the March GLSO linked stories focusmg on the lives of
- certified accountant who has been for five more films to be Show“ three elderly JéWISh “’°".‘e” Who find
working in the field for ten years. He On Tuesday, Feb. 27’ at 7 pm, themselves facmg new Situations and
has lived in the Lexington area for 5 Seven Sisters will be shown in the struggling to make sense out Of their
years, and is originally from Eastern State Theater inside the Ky Theater. history.
Kentucky. He received a bachelors Seven Sisters is a new ViSion 0f . Sn Wednesday, March 7
in business administration from Appalachia WhiCh powerfully evokes MISSISSIppI Masala will be shown at
Pikeville College. the coming of age of seven women Lexmgton Community 00"999 3i 7
Now that tax season is almost through their rural to urban migration. pm: This story centers 0" 8 Indian
upon us, you may be looking for This is a story of heroism, not in a family that “V95 . '” Greenwood,
someone with Mark’s expertise He grandiose, earth-shaking way, bUt M'SS'SSIppl managing a road side
can help You with your individual or through a collection or small acts Of motel and participating in a commu-
business tax return. He also offers sacrifice, courage and generosity. At nity Of other Indian families. Growing
small business consulting manage- the center 0f it all are seven strong up m th's country and feeling more a
merit advise bookkeeping services willed and c0|0rful women-one family part of the amencan culture than her
financial planning and computer and the fierce bonds that hold them parents, the daughter Mina becomes
assistance. ’ together. Interested In dating Demetrias, an
Mark has offered to donate Patrick Donohew, the director of African Amer ican. Both families
10% of y0ur tax preparation cost to this documentary and a native struggleto come to t-erms wrth ”“8
GLSO AVOL or Moveable Feast Lexingtonian, will be joining us to dis- blossoming relationship.
Mention his ad in the GLSO News cuss his work after the viewing. A _ Th's '3 a love story that 3'50
. . number of the sisters in the film will gives the viewer a glimpse into the
:ggoihossathedcimmutnity organi- also be present to answer questions. “V95 0‘ Indian immigrants to this
Mzrkucazube'r2agheedpét 266_ A reception will follow the film. COUVW- The film raises questions
, _ On Sunday, March 4, Voyages about the relationships among minor-
8877 or at imarkc@gte.net. H's will be shown at 2 pm at the Central ity cultures within the United States,
Om.ce '5 at 1025 Dove Run Rd" Library Theater downtown This film and about the various guises 0‘
Surte 107A. ’ ' racism.
Rainbow Watchers H M. B. d, . h
Member of Pet Sitters lntemational um ma Ir nsrq ts
- Pet Sitflngllxercislngfl'nnspomtlon Balancing New Age & Traditional Services
- House/Farm Watching - Errand Running
%_ (859) 273-7202 Tina Gale, MA Guidance & Counseling
A”; ManZflzgkx;EII-com Phone: 859-913-3620 e-mail: Hummingbird@ptel.n;t
_ GLSO page 11

 A an ric n Barbara Smith, Tha Truth That Nayar http://www.dcblackpride.org/
lit-bio :1?ng a Hurts: Writings an Raga, Gander, am KUMA — Black lesbian erotica http:/l
By Reinefle F Jane? M 1998, SD” 081352573X lSd.usc.edU/~retter/lochron0.html
' . Lesbians of Color Chronology, USA:
BOOKS 390“ W~ Thompsor." mung , 1950-1995, http://members.aol.coml
Nikki Baker, W 't t _ - 't M h ' uloah/home.html United Lesbians of
Murder: A V-flgima Kelli: MIME,” MW, 2000 African Heritage (ULOAH) - Black
1992 isbn 1562800124 isbn 0816636362 women who love other women,
. based in California, organize annual
Lashonda K. Barnett. 999999.999 Shay Youngb'md’ Wee- 2000 SlSTAerst retreat.
QtneLLesniatLLdvelaies 1999 'st 1573226580
'5‘)" 1892281082 MUSlC GBF (Gay Black Female) Magazin