xt7hdr2p7b5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p7b5z/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 20, November 1, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 20, November 1, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7hdr2p7b5z section xt7hdr2p7b5z I I
Official News-Letter of the State Council of Defense
To Eéitorst The
news ¤~ me ¤¤¤¤¤¤» THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Entered ., m,,..,
is prepared t°" tm ‘ class matter at the
pI‘¢SS 3I'ld·IS |TEi¢3S¢d i post office at Lex,
for publication on ington, Ky.
November 1, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. No. 20
Fm [,_ (,amw&H_ mmbel. Ot the Ba,m,_u,._ u ut Etuott G;H,gO“._ Ueilghgx   ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤ is County Councils or Ioefense me rg- The Kentucky council or Dotousot
noutsvulo nar Assommlon mr eight- Ky. ‘ DH _ _ t ‘ “_“‘*S“"d t° _°?“’_ t°"“"d ?“ "’d“°"‘ HS e meme of conserving fuel and
pgp yooto uulnor or several weil l*:nh—Miss Angie Youn·.: Jackson. (/h‘°"g?* msr Oct; 20· 191S· tional F““‘”‘{‘g“ m the VRFIOHS °°u“` labor, is considering the jcgugnce t,·-
known low books hue been llppolm- <>“-lngu-lilo Kv "1”¤·<>fe¤S¤¤· of Mlllwry Smeuce and bee with veterehce to Chretmee bur- In Older 1 . H ` ‘
··     . . .. · ·.,- .· tl- i ` C3 ·e' .
od stm Historian of me Kentucky eoumu--¤»1lSS· rmmlebere su;hm·. T¤¤¤9S» U¤1ver¤¤w ei M mr-<· The ¤=1¤l¤¤¤e¤ wh i¤v¤l_~¤ ¤~j<· mh ° mg " "‘°"‘*"“'€_ estab
vouncil of Defense. It will be his mutt Pams_ Ky Lexington, Ky, phases; {1) the genernl public; (Z) li ments Ht an early hour durmg tho
duty to gather ami mango all ma- is¤y1e—1>l-. www {mmap, lm. "P¤¥S¤=~¤t ¤<¤· WM Department in- the ¤¤e¤‘¤b¤¤tS- Miter months.
totlol relating ro l{entucky's port in ville. Ky. t Ttrucnegsg §ndDecenn’e" 1· tn_e"e “`nl (w) Work with tho Gouopal public The Commercial Economy Commit.
tho pposout wat-_ Butler-—M1ss (fora Gully. Mirgln- ’e _eSta_nS e at Cam? F‘eem0nt· In proeenting thi= matter to the gen- lee of the Kentuclv Q t .
· ·· — - <·1r·a mrow--Mr-1 ’ °““°1°tn"
To enable htm to do this, lt will be ¥0\vh· hy- ja 1 mm · a“_ H an rv _ (BIS la H' eral public you should bring homo fensg tml the United St t F _
twcogzary to appoint a historian in U6·¤lDb€ll··Ml'3. Thomas P. Caro- mg Schogl with a' Capaclty Of 20900 the following special points; F , 8 es adam]
each county, whose duty it will be fhel"=, Newport. Ky, 8tud€¤t8 for the D¤l`D0$€ of turning _ ue] Admtnl8t¥`8t0I' f0l‘ Kentucky,
to report to the Slate Iiistorian facts (talllislelkirl Rn T' Iiockery Al_Iing- full: sQcQnq 1iQut:€¥]an‘[S Qf infnntry,       our   have recommended   these Steps
relating to that countys Dart in the mn. my- Flhe tdtuiatlon St theh Connie iwlll be will bi palitculgrl; uséfugm tggsé be taken, and have shown that tht;
war, czrltte-¤ae¤—M1ss Ethel Hara. Mar- gh °“ WO m°‘th‘S Mt **1*8; n ty rénes who get mem TON tm. Children are saving in fuel will be very gtoat
etionnaires will be sent to ion I’y. e Same 8-8 089 OY U aHtl`Y €¤· - ‘ ·‘ ‘ ` ‘
llogtn; historians periodically. mumg m;ie=s—Miss Alice mm, 410 E, eral 0m°e*‘S’ T¤‘¤i¤i¤e 8¤h¤¤l¤ exeevi Specincany "”‘°°pt""*· It has b°‘°“ S“gg°St€d that ell mel`-
may’need in his work. lt is import- El‘i·‘-tf———Miss Mary Vansant, sandy dA]; ‘n`att1_"e§;St"antS t¤e¤~je$¤ tg Let the public unzlerstand that @089 their places ot buginoss at 5
nm therefore. to select for this work Hook. Ky. nn are e tgl e excel) regis mn S merchants have agreed that they p m. While tuuuy me h
· v . t . . · [ I ·
t. person who has aptitude mr gather- Fle~mg~—Mrs. Clark Overton. Flcm- m mss 1 “h° ""g‘$t"”‘*_d Wm *9 Sw will ¤<>t increase the Humber ef their patriotic reasons ho- rc an S fm
mg statistics and who will gm mgsburg. xy. ‘°“”""* Q-2 ‘3‘“l se “g‘S*"““'· m ‘l€‘ employees- W increase the hem the h ’ W ig"?°d t° tm
The facts which will thus be gather Frankfort. Ky. us tm Occnne On or emp evmen ln` trade. Christmas shopping, there- ess necessary for them to remain open
od will supply material for the future Graves—Miss Eugenia Parham, Clndmg ag"‘°‘m“"e· fore, must be snread out over the uhlil 3 later hour on Sgfurda S it b _
historv ot Kentucky in the great war. Nloyeville. Ky. The physical mqmmmems ere “l0¤th8 of O'$i0bel'· and November- ing generally conceded by mstgrtgh   ‘
rt matters not how much tl county Hancock — Miss com Jackson, thm f°" general m¤¤e¤‘>’ S€""°"· hate Shevvihe will be ¤<>¤Sid€red or Loui ill · · an S
may have done in the war, it will fail Hawesville. Kyl The quote ft"` y°_uI` State tS_'t36· There unpotriotic. d Sv B that uma 0 clock Sen"'
to recom, credit unless it is careful Hardin—lVlr. J. R. Asnleelonllza- is “’*‘¥"’“t “°°"”}‘y that ee q“°“* be ( -, S d E I ey www be a *”°p" ’°g“"*“°¤·
to see that what it has done is acm- bethtown. Ky. Supplied ee ta? m “dYa“°" °t D?°"’“" cuetetthe ifuttc unmmtmtd that 0 r Th'"" have been many protests
Y`"lt€iy X`€pOI`t€(1.   3, man 0]* 3 J3,(]kg()n—-I\/]_,r_ Roy   Rader Bond tier 1 as posslble. GIVE 8,11 avaliable D ' ·   u against a 1·  
woman may be named ae county hie Ky ' ’ publicity *0 me meter ’"’“S“°“"‘“"“ “‘°“""i“ ee °“°r` d pp mum °f th" p"°"°“d
_ _ `- _ U ’ · · · , . .- Or tl · A ._
torian. but it is believed that in most Kenton—·Mrs. Shelly D. Rouse, Cov- Apnhcants will Submit t°_ €xamm` Egggemimwgtgndiisentgitl g;]t¤t)uS; trio? 0 Small Stores m Aactory dw
counties. it will he easier to find tt jugtou_ Ky_ _ thg officers the·usue.lapp11c;lt1on blank   h ld g *`—· me 8·
womanwholstlttdtortht than   Edith om Heidrick, 1* ¤eeieb**=-1*¤¤*¤m¤ebl€e*€*· K?.ilf"3i§i,€Sm?,`$l “°" ”‘“ "°“`““ B“°“’ edmng we ==¤   the
it wm be to Gnd a mmm Barbourvmgt Ky. ter settlntg forth thelrlqualiiicatlons, . ' Kentucky Council of Defense wishes
Mr. Caldwell should have as soon Lau1·el—Miss Lillie M. Lettcn, Lon- also phyemal exammatwn Should be (di De Net B'·*"d°” I-°°’=l' S°"Vt°°$ to have tho views Ot th ‘. _
aq pnssime the name Of SOn_€_man don, Ky. forthcoming. Report letters of recom- Advise the public to carry home all Count C , _ 8 var1°u5
or woman in each county who ie fitfe’l Lowronce —— Mre. Hannah Moore mendzmom After exeminatitm of them pn"°n3·SeS· it possible? nrver to ex' A y Ouncllb in Kemuckn To this
for and willing to undertake this Lackey, Louisa, Ky' and a personal interview. you will pecl; sneeinl deliveriee; and to avoid End County Councils of Defense are
work. Address: Fred P. Camweuv L€Sli€__M1_· W. H- Lewis` Hyden, niake the final selection and forward use or local malls and svecial mee- urged to get in touch immodlototy
]_()t4 Iutmtgouthem Bldgq Louisville, Kyi immediately to these headquarters, sengers, by delivering gifts person- with merchants Ot their cmmti d
Kentucky T4ivQngStOn..1\,]'rS' Charlag Ferguson term 2006- If 3 Sl1ffiCl€I1t Humber cf ally where possible, The merchants ad · 8S' an
Smtthtant Ky ` farm 2,006 is not on hand, a letter or have expresnly promised the Gov- f WSE the Kentucky Council Of De`
Data To Be Sought ·Mndi80n_Ml_S_ John R. Paws, Rich ztitemittt setting forth the required ernment to keep down delivery ser- fame as S°°u as P088tb1€ of Afhe ef-
p0t.ty_tm€ counties have already mcndl Ky, tt tt w o Suffjcignh vices in commotion with Christ ect the uniform closing hour would
ch"-rge of this important work. o_uou_ Ky_ *;-0 let of eliglbles of approxlmatoly (2) work with The Merchants Swer the fouowmg questiolr
· Kentucky is one of the Hrst states MoLean—P;-of, D, B, Lutz_ Calhoun, per cent 0f the quote as alternate See that each merchant in your Arg th · ·
tn the unio;1 to recognize. the value to Ky · gltgnfolg 5006 · mquesft induction Ot county understands the fact that mer- dittons WET; any peculiar local com
itu";-*1 g<·§¤~·F8·U0¤St;>f filings glceufete Mercer—Mr. Henry C. Wood, Har- healdqiartelgvap exangnegl _t° these chants have assumed a solemn obli- I C would make eve °'e1°°k
recor s in connec on witn e war, yodsbuyg Ky_ . 1'0v1 6 err papers t- - Gosing on all workin d
AIT`. C31d\VBil ifi calling upon county Monroelhirl Rowland   Raileyy have HOF been transmitted to the C€n_ ga Ion   regard to Cht`18tm&S trade. Saturdays and nine 0’ci'0cl3.yi, QxCg?t
historians as rapidly as they arg ap. Fut·ktOn_ Ky_ U`?} Off1CeI‘S’ Training Schools now in (li) That merchants will use a part of S t d ’ 0 0S1l1‘e 0n
]'\()intQd to cofnpilg gomplgte rosters ]\iOntg0Yn€ry_MiqS Mar), Everett Operation, ACkI]0Wl€dgg receipt- their {]..dV€YtiS?Hg`·Spa.C€. Btld     at; Qundue   tf)
or all mon outoyiug tho military and Turner, Mt Sterling, Ky. Rules for Examination otherwlee assist in educating the b f an S- Responses should
naval Sopvioo from their counties, to MOIgan_MI,. H' G. Conte, West Lib_ consuming public to buy useful C<;a;rw¤rd;1_ to Edward W, Higgs,
keep an accurate tooo;-t] of the I-B- crtyl Ky. L DBIQBZ Every Monday and Thurs. articles, and to buy and gen.:} man· 611*-110ky Council of De.
Spscflive ca/reefs Of these rncn and to N€lS0n__Mr· Lud`v€ll E I`ICKay, dag'. Fornlal al   t· b d   early,   Beckley, Executive
so own in 3, ppomluout room-d re. Bm.dSt0wH_ Ky. · DD wa lon muy e ma e (b) That merchants will not increase l '
P0¥`t8 of all Civilian activities relating OhtO_MtSS Lettie Markg. Hartford after arrive] in Lexington. their Wefkihg forces by reason  ;
to the war in each r;0unty_ Ky_ w . ` 3- Three l€tt€I`8 of 1`€C0mI'I1€Ild&tiOI1 of- the holiday business over the OATH   OF ·
The State Historian has arranged Oldham—Miss Mm- C_ Gotds. ee "9‘l“"°d· average force employed by them ALL COUNTY GOUNGILMEN
tm. tt umtorm method Ot keeping them borough, Lagrange Ky. 4. 1*30 telephone calls will be an- throughout the year, nor increase ' ·
accounts and the general public is Owen-Mr. C. L. Vallandingham swam ' the Working heure ef their f0¥'C€8 1* th C ‘+ ·
called upon to aid the county histor- Owenton. Ky. · H` NT Royeem during the Christmas Season 0 E Ouhy (e(iuB(e?;nse· ·
ian by supplying them with informa- Robert-on—M;·s_ J_ W_ Zglgry Mt_ Captain   _S· At`mY· (0) That merchants will comply fully Hemwtth we edt  
tion comingiinAlett<~trs ang telegrams Olivet, Ky, EXem¤¤me Officer with the deliveries pfogfam ofthe Oath which you vstgsilgasgrigiafg
row camps n mer ca an in Europe, Rowan-Mr, H, H_ Yout_ Mot-ohoouy Commercial Economy Committee ' A _
At the close of tho wot- tho rgggrdq Ky_ PATRIOTIC CALL SENT OUT of the Kentucky Council of De- . Each qmmgber of your County
will be deposited. in the archives of Shelby--Mr. T. F. Poynter, Shelby- FOR COMMON LABORERS tense- ‘ l vgilirncéogmlinunaiggl gglcelilofteiirchbof
the various counties and a synopsis ville, Ky. “_‘ · _ Imc S E e e'
of all county reports will be made as Simps0n—Mrs. S A Whitosidos The War Department advises that rltte Ctiiumiil Sulfgagts hmm these fm? a notary ?°"bh°‘ or Some other
a permanent State record, Franklin, Ky. · l y wmik at Camp KuOX’ Stithtom Ky" is giiatheerspeoeplergilgali eguntiasatiiarxeiign Oflglfer authorized to administer an
The ust Ot county msmriang ap_ UniOn___MrS. George Av P t, seriously hampered at present by lack l 03 ‘
pointed up to October 8, follows: Mofgenflleld. Ky. mn ICQ, gt comntmé labor` and if me present the Dress. ————-; "By Order of the Ky` Coun` of DEL
. ry · _ , . 0l`C€S HJ amp Knox e t b . Edv W, H' -’ Ch _,
Names of Apuoamcs S ”h‘““t°“ M"· G""“"" W- “°""“» mented material] ltiimo 8 aug RIFLE RANGE ESTABLISHED P `dl men m
· pringfield, Ky. Y W m the next AT VALLEY VIE· en et°¤ B€0k¤€Y»
I A¤;ld’ housed be¤~ wher isteelgeliitktyoItllifgrranggoagengqhglssdwlu °‘ “‘“ C° *‘'‘ °“ °* Dmse ‘°’
V - · · ·, · a S
Depintlzleht _h¥1S_ Tefllleellee the 'lxen- to rtud out yvhetlher he has ms mgm ggrrgistuing Csatingyt Councils of De· aud they Wm bg given thorough drgtl ------ - --------——-·---— - --·--~·~- ~ --~— ~ ·-—·-—~·~— C°nntY·
txckgl :.01:nml 0; é)efeIntSe ·.0 ¤§S:1Stl'111 tration, or exemption oot·d_ matter pp Q 0 for help lu this and practice in riile shooting. inte? the ect of the Kentucky Leg`
o oocwn 0 asa ers an em- 4_ Ke . t h . _ - _ _ Th - · h _ iSe¤re,e1>1>roved March 15,1918.
qumsv mcmdmg technical dma draft bceartdtn htnitzhiswvttlhatiénsir tocol f Laborers wut bg pald 35c pe, hou,. mmf Egarfggtghggs   rgiugggg creating me Kentucky Council of
t;vttdgrs_ that is, dglinquemts who more than likely however ti I t dls 911 3* dey of eight h0l1l`S 8Ild 50% ad- as a rmgman has been up rgciated Defense, d0 solemnly swear that I
have failed to file questionnaires, ap- lm t . ’ _ ’ ld e' dlttenat f0I' 0V€I‘t1me. Laborers gen- . th   wm Support and defend the Com
  or ,,h,ml   or Wi;}“§§H;‘;;0‘;,‘;y0tg;;t1($;;*;;‘ct1¤e"¤’ muy   employed en ¤ ¤¤r¤ pe day. E5miL§“§£"Z;0§£°§3§“w§li“r§?uIiZ Se¤¤<>¤ M ee ¤¤¤·=¤ Seee and
0th8l_wiS€ comm}, with thc Selective 8· Free transportation is fumighott _ . . the Constitution of the State of
Service mw The following pmgmm 5. Question each num an uniform meals cost 300, and lodging is frag gif;nzhgegogiyfhfggethe Umwmty t° Kentucky against ell enemies. for-
ielsuggested for vurious County Coun- iifsistgs tgiuignglm ;§s};fr1g;Y;;n§;n·b8¤i neifgteegts Sshfgild lepply at tho { V ` _ ‘ eign and domestic; that 1 will boat-
i` . : _ 3 011 . , m · . · . ·
Cl; lnetruvr the membere of v · to expire urge hie lllllllédinte return Sllilh Offices arg n poymcmi 0ff1c·E`   OPENING IS true t-mth and allegiance ,tO ihe
l m   ,   . ·_0ul· to Service DJ t_ _ V U _ OW €Si3.bl1She.:l lll DEFERRED ONE WEEK same; that I take this obllgatmn
tgotmcu and tgouuuumty tguuucus Ot (l d b·- 0Ser lon is frequently le following towns and Cities in freely without any mental reserva-
tm!-Gnse to lmdermke this work m iullsieh ty menlln the tmnvovorgtoy. Kentucky: The University of Kentuck hich tion or purpose of evasion; and r
Such tt way that Buch member wm mg elf fulloughs and being afraid Aehlend, Bowling Green, Houdot·Sou_ , _ ,_ Y W “ that I will well and faithfully dis-
fool n personal responsibility in do- to ]`eP0¥`t for Sefvlee. In cases of this L0u1sv1lle, Coviugtgny Lexington Mid_ nas dosed Tntn`S*]dY» October 11· with charge the dutieg upon which I am
l.el=tilU.{ deecrters in every community. l`_-.'``>``''`.`''``-`V'`` ‘
strange man in uniform. whose prog- ·*<>¤¤vhSl·i¤¤¤ thin- new eXC€U€¤t· Sufficient ybarraekn day' November 6‘ This Step was de` S“b?°""°° and sworn to before
ence in not fully zlcleounlod lop lf By order of tho Koutuoky (touncil have been construotod to houso all Uinnn nP°n by Unt"i*l'SttY ”·“tn0¤`iUe8· me this '‘’`‘`”"`‘`' day of '```'```'`````` L ``````’
ho is on logitlnmte errand. ho will of Defense. Edwzlrd W. Hines, Chair- 0mD}0Y9eS» theS0 being the same bar- i"¤1‘l0\1ghS to SU1de¤iS of the efmy 19] ·····»·-·
have \\'tth   0vi(l8"(.(" il} (‘H[Hl)liSh trial],         "thich \\'iIl       SOI-           Htapsvp -----—-- — ·--- — -—-----—~· · ····· ····‘ '‘‘'‘‘ "" ‘‘''‘'‘`
this fact. SGCFGGITY. diers \\’il(’ll the Cfllllp is completed, Sllildily night, N0V€mh€l`