xt7hdr2p6h6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p6h6s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-10-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1952 1952 1952-10-10 2013 true xt7hdr2p6h6s section xt7hdr2p6h6s vaiiduic

The Kentucky Kernel


Movie Actor

Is It Adlai Or Ike?
University To Vote

In Mock Election
Real Voling Machines
To Be Used In Polls

Tiusday to
vote for their choice of senatorial and national candidates in a
mock election sponsored by the new College Chain-Ix- t
campus-wid- e
of Commerce and the League of Women Voters.
Polls will le open for voting from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student
Union. Regulation voting machines loaned by the Fayette County
Election Hoard will 1h? used.
University students and faculty will have a chance

The Eisenhower for President
Club and the Young Democrats
Club are working with the two spon- ruups) in putimg uii tuc elecMJllilg
tion. Members of each of the four
groups will be on duty throughout
the day to instruct voters in the use
of the tabulating machines.
Four candidates will be listed on
the ballot: Dwight Eisenhower and
Adlai Stevenson, presidential nominees: and John Sherman Cooper
and Thomas Underwood, senatorial
John Chandler, president of the
Chamber of Commerce, said he believed the results of this mock election would show the political leanings of the state as a whole, because
the students are representative of
every section of Kentucky. He noted
that the election will serve a twofold purpose to educate the student
in the use of the voting machine,
and to find out the degree of student and faculty interest in the
forthcoming election.
In previous mock elections held on
campus, voting was restricted to students who were residents of the
state. However, all students and
faculty members will be eligible to
vote in the election next Tuesday.
Workers at the polls will have a list
of all students and faculty on campus and will check off their names
as they vote. In this way, there will
be no duplication of votes.
Each voter will be considered a
resident of the "nation" of Kentucky, the "state" of Lexington, University "county", and the Student
Union "precinct."
The last "straw vote" held in
October, 1948, proved that the students were good at predicting national election results. They elected
Harry Truman over the predicted
winner Thomas E. Dewey. At that
time a popular campus phrase was
"as the University goes, so goes the

Former UK Student
Pictured On Stamp
Miss Mayrell Johnson, former UK
graduate student and resident of
Murray, is one of four women pictured on a postage stamp recently
issued by the U. S. Post Office Department. The stamp honors the
work of women in the armed forces.
Now a wave lieutenant commander in Washington, Miss Johnson
received her master's degree here
in 1932 and was named dean of
women and professor of political
science at Murray State College. She
returned to the campus in 1941 and
1942 for advanced graduate work
before entering the Navy.




JQ 1 011111 ICS

Vote To Have
Informal Rush
Council voted
this week to have an informal rush
beginning Oct. 18 and lasting
through Nov. 1.
The IFC plans to give each fraternity a list of the 129 students
who registered for rush at the beginning of the semester but either
dropped out of rush or were not
pledged. Other persons interested
in going out for rush may sign up
in the Dean of Men's office between
Oct. 13 and 17. A list of these new
rushees will also be distributed to
the fraternities.
Preference day will be Nov. 2.
Fraternities are required to turn
their preference lists in by 8 a.m. in
Room 127 of the Student Union.
Rushees will report between 9 and
11:30 a.m. to make their preference
of four fraternities.
Informal rush will be similar to
last year's rushing with only a few
restrictions. Fraternities are asked
not to speak dishonorably of other
fraternities. No one can be pledged
who has not registered before Oct.
17 and paid the $2 fee. There will
be no more pledging this semester
after Nov. 2. If a pledge breaks his
pledge with a fraternity, he cannot
pledge again until next year.
Generally, the IFC applauded the
new rushing system for its
and workability. One
member said that if the predictions
of the faculty and Board of Trustees
holds true, the University, not always known for large fraternities,
can look forward to a much greater
enrollment and student activity, especially along the proposed fraternity row.
Inter-Fraterni- ty

John Murphy Added
To Editorial Board
Of UK Law' Journal
John W. Murphy, second-yestudent, has recently been added to
the editorial board of the Kentucky
Law Journal. Appointment to the
editorial board is based upon high
scholarship and the ability to do
creditable professional writing.
Officers and members of the
editorial board this year include
Robert C. Moffit,
William Rice, associate editor;
Norma D. Boster, note editor; William S. Tribell, Charles M. Carnes,
and William R. Ramey.


In Hollywood
By Leslie Morris



Demonstration, Rally
Are Scheduled Tonight
In Front Of Coliseum

motion picture actor answered
Hollywood's statement, "Movies Are
Better Than Ever." in one concise
reply: "I never bother to see any."
John Carradine, Shakespearean
actor and Hollywood and Broadway
performer, is not satisfied with "Hollywood's way of making pictures."
"I've had enough of Hollywood's
way of making pictures," he said
adamantly. "I wouldn't mind mak
ing pictures in England, however,"
he added.
Carradine appeared Wednesday
night before a capacity crowd in
the Guignol Theater. His program,
entitled "Great Scenes from Great
Literature," included some of the
Seniors who expect to graduate
scenes from Shakespeare the first or second semester or the
A campus-wid- e
demonstration and pep rally will be held this
and selections from other English summer term are requested to file
evening at 6:43 in front of Memorial Coliseum.
writers, as well as readings from for degrees on Oct. 17 and 18,
Photo By Belly Bnuuh
Scheduled to appear at the rally are Coach "Bear" Bryant and
Abraham Lincoln's addresses.
Richard L. Tuthill, University regisCECELIA GORMAN, a sophomore majoring in commerce, is pictured
He seemed very impressed with trar, announced this week. This ap- the entire Wildcat squad along with LSU Coach Caynell Tinsley
above as she enters one of the voting machines in the Student Vnion
the Guignol Theater and the Fine plies also to graduate students who and the two Tiger captains. The Marching One Hundred will furbuilding. The machines loaned by the Fayette County Election Board,
Arts Building. "I have never seen expect to complete their requirenish its jazz band for the event.
will be used during the mock election Tuesday.
quite as complete a plant as this at ments for graduate degrees.
any other university," he said. He
The program will begin at 6:30 may sit where they want to and
on applications previously
likened it to the Pasadena Com- filed in the Registrar's Office must when the jazz band begins a tour cheer in groups.
munity Theater in California.
"This is just to be a trial", Angelus
be brought up to date by the stu- of the dormitories. The first stop
This was Carradine's third en- dent. All applications should be filed will be the men dormitories. The Levis, president of Suky, said.
go to Scott Street
gagement on his current tour. He is in Room 16 of the Administration parade will then
Mississippi game,"
"Up until
speaking at various "colleges, wom- building. As commencement lists are Barracks, and from the barracks, to James Perry, the
managing editor of the
the women's dorms.
en's clubs, cultural organizations, made from these cards, it is imKentuckian, said. "I was completely
and town halls." The actor is also portant to file an application at
The demonstration will move to disgusted with the school spirit
fulfilling engagements dropped by this time, Mr. Tuthill said.
the front of the Coliseum where the demonstrated when it was needed.
Monty Woolley, another Hollywood
rest of the band and Greek organ- Apparently it takes a close game to
Candidates for the bachelor's de- izations will join.
Approximately 200 high school
character actor.
get the old high school spirit to
gree will be charged a graduation
speech teachers, principals and
In 25 years, Carradine has ap- fee of $9. This will cover the rental
Members of the UK football team come to the surface. This shouldn't
the I-- D
peared in over 100 plays and 225 of cap and gown, diploma fee, the will be introduced by Coach Bryant. be. A team needs support of the
state are expected to attend UK's
motion pictures. His favorite roles Kentuckian, and other expenses. The band will play, and the new student body when they are losing,
annual Speech and Drama Clinic towere in "Winterset," "Mary of ScotCandidates for advance degrees, cheerleaders will lead several yells. not winning."
day and Saturday.
land," "Captain's Courageous," and other than the doctorate, will be A torch light parade will be held
Bill Rice, cheerleader, said that
Identification cards must be "Stage Coach." "Most of the rest charged $20.
event will be sponThe two-da- y
This covers the above downtown after the rally at the the response to the plea for an inpicked up before 5 p.m. today in were pretty bad," he added.
sored by the UK Department of Uniexcept for the Kentuckian and in
formal dress at the football games is
versity Extension, the University's the lobby of Memorial Coliseum,
All sororities and fraternities have one sign
cludes the cost of the hood to be
that the student body is
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, UK
Department of English, and the
presented the candidate. The fee assured Suky members that they will ready for a little school spirit. This
announced this week.
Kentucky Speech Teachers Associaattend the rally. Over 2500 persons has been a big factor in the past.
for the doctorate is $25.
tion. All business sessions will be Registration receipts will not be
are expected to take part in the
Graduate fees are payable not giant "spirit revival".
Students have come to football and
held in the Guignol Theater in the honored at the LSU football game,
he said.
later than the fourth day proceedFine Arts building.
The card section sponsored by basketball games dressed for a style
Late registrants' pictures will be
ing the commencement, the Regis- Suky will be eliminated at this show and not to push the team on
Miss Chloe Gifford, assistant in
taken from 3:15 to 5 p.m. today
trar said.
week's game in order that students with cheering, he said.
the Department of University Exand from 8:30 a.m. until noon totension and coordinator for the morrow. These people will be
clinic, said that the event is plangiven special admission to Saturned in part to bring speech and day's game.
Miss Norma B. Cass, head of the
drama educators together to discuss
reference department at the Marthe University's drama festival,
garet I. King Library, has been
slated for next March.
granted a leave of absence for one
Among guest speakers for the
year to accept a professorship at
Student Directories will be out the cent charge for the books has been
clinic will be Dr. Paul Carmack, di- To
University, Tokyo.
first week of November, Jane Truitt, dropped.
rector of Torensics at Ohio State
chairman of the Student Directory
Announcement of Miss Cass' apUniversity, Columbus, Ohio He will On
Treasurer Henry Maeser reported
Committee, reported Monday night that this year's budget has not been
pointment to the post in Tokyo was
speak on "Debate and Discussion
Oct. 21 has been announced as the at the weekly meeting of the StuFritz Diehl of Ilbesheim, Ger- made yesterday by Dr. Lawrence S.
drawn up yet since he has been
many, recipient of a scholarship of- Thompson, director of the UK closing date for acceptance of ap- dent Government Association.
unable to discuss it with University
Dr. Charles McGlon, professor of fered annually by UK, began his libraries. Miss Cass will teach li- plications for Junior Agricultural
The Kernel Press has agreed to Comptroller Frank D. Peterson.
speech at the Southern Baptist graduate work in chemistry here last brary science
at the Japanese Uni- Assistants by the United States Civil print 4,500 copies for $800, she said. "Instead of the estimated revenue
Theological Seminary, Louisville, will week.
George Lawson, president of SGA, of $5,400 from the students' fees this
versity under a program sponsored Service Commission.
also give a speech during the clinic.
scholarship win- by the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr.
Examinations will be held for noted that the idea of having a 10 semester," Maeser said. "We can
Students from Lexington high ner is a graduate of Heidelberg Uni- Thompson said.
count on only about $4,000. We will
these positions: agricultural ecoschools, Frankfort high school and versity, Heidelberg, Germany. His
have to dip into our reserve to make
The UK librarian will serve on the nomist, agricultural writer-edito- r,
school, Louisville, will ap- selection for the award was made
Male high
our budget. With the anticipated
pear on the clinic program to by officials at Heidelberg University. library science faculty in Japan agronomist, animal husbandman,
enrollment increase, we ought to redemonstrate various phases of pub- Diehl will receive $1,000 and fees for along with specialists from the Uni- botanist, entomologist, fishery biplenish the reserve easily."
versity of Washington and the Uni- ologist, forester, geneticist, home 1953
lic speaking. Several question and his 10 months of study.
economist, horticulturist,
President Lawson said that a
answer periods have been planned
Diehl explained that he hopes to versity of California. Miss Cass was pathologist, plant quarantine inspecrepresentative of the National Stuwith local and visiting speech and be able to study "some history and selected for the position because of
Applicants for the 1953 Kentor, poultry husbandman, soil scidrama authorities presiding.
tuckian Beauty Queen Contest will dent Government Association has
political science" in addition to his her experience as a catalogue and entist, statistician, wildlife biologist,
classification expert, Dr. Thompson
be accepted through Oct. 20 in the asked that the local SGA join the
Others appearing on the program major work in organic chemistry.
and zoologist.
national organization. Lawson exKentuckian office. Journalism
He expressed amazement
last added.
are Wallace Briggs, director of
The beginning salary is $3,410 a building, Corky Glass, Lamp and plained that the National Associaweek at what he called the "wide
diDr.xThompson described Miss Cass
Guignol Theater; Keith Brooks,
tion is made up of student organizarector of Little Theater, Eastern open spaces" which he had seen as "one of the leading reference li- year, and the positions are in the Cross publicity chairman, antions of a great number of colleges
Department of Agriculture and the nounced this week.
Kentucky State College; Louis Clif- since his arrival at New York.
brarians in the country." She holds Department of the Interior in WashThe contest will be held at 7:30 in the country. It would cast about
"I didn't shoulder arms during
ton, head of the Department of Unid,
World War II," Diehl said, "but I a BA degree from Lawrence College, ington and throughout the country. p.m., Oct. 29, in Memorial Hall. $100 to join, plus regional fees, he
versity Extension; Cawille H.
A written test will be given, and The Queen and her court of six added.
acting, head of UK Radio Arts was among those recruited as a Appleton, Wis.; a BS degree from
Dr. Albert D. Kirwan. dean of
attendants will be presented at
Department; Russell Miller, director front helper to dig trenches and to Columbia University, and an MS de- education, or education and experience is required. Experience alone, the Kentuckian Dance Nov. 1, students, told the Assembly members
of Little Theater, Western Kentucky perform other duties."
gree in library science from the Unithat UK joined the National Asin addition to the written test, may sponsored by Lamp and Cross.
State College; J. Reid Sterrett, asversity of Michigan.
qualify for agricultural writer-edito- r.
Candidates for the contest must sociation in 1948 but dropped out in
sociate professor of speech at UK;
Students who expect to complete have been a student at the UniA native of Viroqua, Wis., Miss
Keller Dunn, Ruby Hart, and Jean
The Assembly appropriated $0 for
their courses by June 30 may apply. versity for at least two semesters
Cass became a member of the UK
Marie McConnell, all assistants in
the publishing of folders to be
Full information, including instrucand must have at least a 1.0 overlibrary staff in 1931 as librarian of
the Department of Extension.
on how to apply, may be oball standing. They will be judged handed out to the members of SGA
Journalists have freedom only as the Graduate Division and was tions at the placement
at each meeting. The folders will
office or on poise, beauty, and naturalness,
long as they maintain a responsicontain a copy of the SGA constituthe chairman added.
named reference librarian the fol- from the head of the department
bility to the welfare of the people
tion, the budget, and the minutes
where the appropriate courses are
lowing year.
they serve. Dr. Niel Plummer, diof the last meeting. Pat Patterson
rector of the UK School of Jourexplained that these folders will
nalism, told the Kiwanis Club at a
give more organization to the meetluncheon meeting Tuesday at the
l- '
Lafayette Hotel.
Pete Carter, head of the Judiciary
Dr. Plummer told the group that
Committee, said that since the comNational Newspaper Week, held this
Clark spent three months in Vienna
mittee has been given more power
is a time each year
as a visiting expert on American year Oct.
than it has ever had, it should be
when newsmen account for the
history in the U. S. Army's educadivorced from the Assembly of SGA.
tion program for Austria. In the things they have done and reveal the
"As a member of the committee."
trials they have had to overcome to
summer of 1948, he taught history
Carter said, "I am impartial and do
get the news.
of the American South at the Salznot represent the students. ThereHe added that journalists also ask
burg Seminar, Salzburg, Austria, a
fore, the name of the committee
project sponsored by the Harvard that the readers put away their
should be changed to 'Judicial
"smugness" and realize that indiUniversity Student Council.
Council' and it should be divorced
vidual freedoms are not so firmly
from the Assembly. I don't think its
Authority On L'.S. Frontier
rooted in common law that there
name is appropriate."
A native of Louisville, Miss., he can be no definite restrictions on
Carter also advocated that the
has gained a wide reputation as the press.
number of members on Judiciary be
authority on the American frontier
increased from five to nir.e. The
and on a variety of Southern hismembers should be appointed by
torical problems. Among his best
the president of SGA and approved
known published books are "The
by a majority of the Assembly. In
Rampaging Frontier," "The Ken- Open
order to remove pressure from stutucky," "Pills, Petticoats and Plows,"
essay contest with
A nation-wid- e
dents. Carter said that the members
"The Southern Country Editor," "A prizes totalling $1,800 has been anshould be removed only by a
History of Kentucky" and "The nounced by the National Council of
vote of the Assembly. He
Rural Press and the New South."
the Churches of Christ. The contest
said that he plans to draw up a
The veteran historian holds a opens Nov. 1 and closes March 31,
motion to be presented to the Asbachelor of arts degree from the 1952.
sembly later.
University of Mississippi, master of
Prizes will be awarded to two
UK, and doctor of groups, 15 to 18 and 19 to 23. Perarts degree from
philosophy degree from Duke Uni- sons need not be in school to enter
versity. In 194C he was selected by the contest. Winners will be anhis colleagues in the College of Arts nounced about May 15, 1953.
and Sciences as that college's disThe subject for the essays will be
Victor R. Portmann. secretary-treasurtinguished professor of the year, and "The United States and the Under- f'
of the Kentucky Press Asin 1948 the UK Board of Trustees cieveloj)ed Areas." Basic purpose of
sociation, has announced that the
named him a "distinguished profes- the contest, Ernest Lefever, associate
annual K.P.A. executive meeting
sor of the University."
director of the National Council's
will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at
The University has granted Dr. Department of International Justice
the Lafayette Hotel.
Clark a leave of absence for the and Goodwill, said, is to stimulate
it ...
If JMjJ tSft-- '
After the meeting, members of the
period spent overseas, and Dr. James active interest of young Americans
By Bi lly Buunh
K.P.A. will participate in laying the
M. England, associate professor of in the problem of the Point IV Pro
cornerstone to the Cardinal Hill
GRETA GROOS "HOLDS THAT POSE" while Ray Kuenstler takes her picture for the 1953 Kentuckian.
history at UK, will serve as acting gram and our relationship with the
Nursery School, a project of the
Seniors may sign up on the second floor of the Journalism building to have their photographs taken. Pichead of the department duriiift Dr. economically less developed coun
tures for the yearbook are being taken in Room 209 through Oct. 24.
KPA., valued at $10,000.
tries of the world.
Clark's absence.

'53 Graduates Over 2500 Students
Asked To File Expected To Attend
Giant 'Spirit Revival9
For Degrees


Speech, Drama Clinic
Held On UK Campus

Cards Required
For Football Game

UK Librarian

Accepts Post
In Far East

Heidelberg Graduate
Continue Studies
UK Scholarship

Civil Service
Gives Exams

SGA Student Directories
To Be Issued Next Month

In Agriculture


Beauty Queen


Journalism Director


Dr. Clark Will Lecture In Asia
On American Life And History
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, head of the
Department of History, has been
selected by the U. S. Department of
educaState for a special
tional assignment in India and
Pakistan, it was announced this

non-stude- nt




Under the state department's
Leaders and Specialists Service, the
UK department head will speak before college and university students
in India and Pakistan during part of
October, November, December, and
part of January.
Dr. Clark will leave Lexington next
Monday night for New Dalhi, India,
where he will be attached to the
U. S. Embassy during his stay. While
working from New Delhi, the Kentucky historian will be associated
with Chester Bowles, U. S. ambassador.
In addition to lecturing before student groups. Dr. Clark will engage
in university seminars and speak
throughout India and Pakistan.
To Discuss American Life
The state department selected the
UK professor "in an effort to help
introduce workings of the United
States to students of India and
Pakistan." Dr. Clark said that he
will discuss "Amnean life and American history" during his overseas
"Students of India have been asking an enormous number of questions about our country, and I will
attempt to answer these questions,"
Dr. Clark explained.





Essay Contest

two-thir- ds




Granted Leave
"The state department is attempting to combat, as intelligently as
possible, the continuing struggle of
Communism in Asia," the historian
The state department's selection
of Dr. Clark for the lecture tour in
Asia marks the third time since 1948
that the UK professor has been
handed an educational overseas assignment.
During the spring of 1950 Dr.

Annual KPA Meeting
Set For Tomorrow







School Spirit, Sportsmanship
Are Dead Issues At Kentucky
Students at Texas A & M put UK to shame last
week even thoutih the W ildcats came home with
Texas team
a win after fighting off the
right down to the last five seconds of the game.
We've nothing hut praise for the football team
thev racked up one of the finest performances of any
I'K team ever hut the school spirit and sportsmanship displaced by the host school certainly contrasted vividly with past performances by UK rooters here at home.
Down at Texas A & M, an all male school, the


Notes From Afar
college fraternity in Alabama was shut down
bv the school authorities when it was learned the
was 19 vears old.


students march into the game in a body. If the
boys have dates, the ladies sit in a separate section
of the stadium and the couples meet after the game.
At the kick-ofthe A & M students rise to their
feet and stay there until the game is over. Then,
win or lose, they sweep down on the field in a lxxly
and carry both teams off on their shoulders.
At Stoll Field the picture is somewhat different.
Dressed to the teeth in their latest tea dresses and
drape suits, our docile rooters file in, accompanied
by the inevitable bottles and the frame of mind that
makes for frequent displays of poor sportsmanship.
sophisticates look at
At the kick-of- f
our would-b- e
one another and chew over the latest campus gossip. They rise to their feet only to boo a referee
who has ruled against UK. Needless to say, the
gentleman in the striped shirt is almost always right.
During the game, UK's "looks only" cheerleaders
lounge gracefully on their pretty blue blanket.
When a time out is about over, they languorously
get up and
beg the student body to
struggle through an
unexciting "cheer."
In all fairness it should be pointed out that one lad
does seem to want the students to give out with a
little enthusiasm. His trouble, however, is that he
has to insult people to get a rise out of them.
Of course Suky, the tightly-kngroup that claims
to lx interested in school spirit, doesn't help the
situation any either. The football players landed
at Blue Grass airport last Sunday afternoon and
were met not by a cheering crowd of students that
had been told when and where to meet the team
to welcome them back but by empty runways.
In our opinion no one group can be blamed for
UK's shame it falls equally on the lackadaisical
members of Suky, the inept cheerleaders, and the
prideless students.

half-hearted- ly


New parkin? meters on the University of Oklahoma campus may make the university some money, but they've already cost the library there a valuable collection of rare looks.
Recently an old alum paid a visit to the library
to donate a part of his book collection. While arrangements for the gift were lxing made, time expired on the man's parkin? meter and the familiar
parking; ticket was neatly placed on his windshield.
The alum went to the comptroller s office to pay
his fine but found the office closed for lunch. After
a half hour of waiting and fuming he .decided that
the university parking procedure presented too
great a barrier to anyone merely wishing to present
a gift to the school.
So lie took his books and went home.





FrM.iv, Octf.hor 10, 10r,2

Decline Of Voters
Reveals Disinterest
In Nation's Future
Year by year, greater numbers of our people
lose interest in freedom.

Recent statistics compiled by several research
agencies show that although the number of eligible
voters in the country has increased through population gains in the last half century, the actual number of those who go to the polls on any given election day has steadily declined.
Our country was founded on the premise that
every man has the right amounting to a moral obligationto vote for the government of his choice.
The decline of voters is an alarming indication of
a general apathy that might well allow us to slip
into a period of decline similar to that which preceded the fall of great civilizations in the past.
The nation is particularly dependent upon its college students. It is they, better educated and
therefore more aware of current political, social, and
economic problems and methods of dealing with
them, who must take over when the elders lay
down the reins of leadership.
mock election can serve
Tuesday's campus-widfor many as an initiation to the responsibilities of
an adult citizen in a democracy. It can, that is,
if all
if it actually is a campus-wid- e
make the effort that seems so impossible
for many of our elders and walk to the polls to
register their choice of candidates. True, such a
mock election will accomplish little in a practical
way, but it will serve to show what we can expect
from the country's future citizens.
Voting, like the use of a muscle, is a function
that atrophies if it isn't used regularly . . . and
atrophy is listed far more often than conquest as
the reason for the downfall of democracies in the


UK Fires Have Been Expensive
Ad appearing in the Ixwisiana State Daily Rev-

eille: "NED REITS The Only Leader in the South
Having Seven Instruments and I lis Orchestra."

The letters TNE stand for Tan Xu Epsilon, a
group of pranksters and vandals who have been
banned on rnany campuses, including the University of Kansas campus.
But last Saturday TNE was back in Kansas; they
had burned their initials on the football field, and,
were it not for some hasty patchwork, the initials
would have lxen viewed by 20 million TV football
fans that afternoon.
University officials, hopping mad, said the vandals will be punished if they catch them.

Various "weeks" set aside annually ordinarily
don't have too much significance for us here at UK.
However, a current observance, National Fire Prevention Week, is especially meaningful. During
the last 20 years, four major campus conflagrations
have resulted in damages totaling $758,000.
The first blaze within this span was back in 1928
when the then-neAlumni gymnasium went up
in flames. Fortunately firemen were able to contain the fire and damages were listed at $8,000. In
1946, fire swept through the Service building. Fed
by stored gasoline and oil, flames destroyed property valued at $500,000.
A year later, in 1947, the west wing of the Arts
Center on Euclid avenue was gutted, destroying
the old Guignol theater and offices of the Dramatic

Arts Department. The loss this time was set at
$50,000. The fourth major fire occurred in 1948
when firemen were called to the UK campus once
more, this time to battle a $200,000 blaze in Norwood Hall, a geology and mineralogy storehouse.
One result of these four fires has been the strict
University ruling about smoking in classroom buildings. Lexington Fire Chief Earl R. McDanicl
counts student cooperation an important factor in
preventing future campus losses.
Try and remember then, when you're tempted
to light that cigarette before you get to the door
of a restricted building, fires have cost us, students
and taxpayers of Kentucky, a little over $750,000 in
the last 20 years. Let's not allow any more money
to go up in smoke.

The Readers Speak: Praise Given To Aggies
Dear Editor:
I was very much impressed with the spirit,


thusiasm, and sportsmanship shown by the Texas
A & M students at the football game when we
played there last week. I had heard much about
their cheering section lxforehand, it l)eing referred
to as the "12th man" on A & M s football team, but
I actually had no conception of its true strength
until I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears.
From a player's standpoint, I can vouch for the
fact that such a cheering section has a very strong
psychological effect on the visiting team.
At A & M, the entire student body (6,000 students) is required to be at the game an hour before game time, and the yelling starts lefore either'
team takes the field. Relieve me, the yells are
deafening and are at a perfection. They have yell
practices for the entire student lxxly through the
week, and they really take pride in their cheering.
As soon as the final whistle of the game is blown,
their student 1xk.1v comes leaping out of the stadium and converges on the playing field. Not only
do they carry the entire A & M team off the field on
their shoulders, win or lose, but the visiting players
also get a boost to their shoulders and are carried
