xt7hdr2p6h31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p6h31/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1949-10-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1949 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1949 1949 1949-10-14 2013 true xt7hdr2p6h31 section xt7hdr2p6h31 Stadium Jam





VFW Asks
State Aid
To Veterans

Untamed Wildcats
Meet The Citadel

The Henry A. Lucas Post 1885.
VFW, is sponsoring an amendment
to revise the Kentucky Revised
Statutes concerning educational aid
to war veterans. The amendment
will be placed before the 1950 session of the Kentucky General Assembly in January.
Under the present Kentucky statutes, every person who engaged in
military or naval service during the
wars declared from 1917 and thereafter is entitled to a free scholarship
in any higher state educational institution, provided the person is not
receiving Federal Aid.
The Henry A. Lucas Post proposes
that the statute be amended to provide that the veteran may receive
state aid after completing his scho-

Kentucky Expected
To Win Easily

Lead Is field
the In Tag Sales

Fy Kent Hollingsworth
Kentucky meets
Military College of
at 2 p.m. on Stoll Field tomorrow.
Noted more for
than its football prowess. The CitaDelta Delta Delta and Lambda
del is a definite underdog to the Chi Alpha stiU lead at the end of
team; the the second home game in the ODK
nation's eighth-rankin- g
contest will hold little interest other tag sales. Net Breathitt, president,
than how well Coach Bear Bryant's announced early this week.
reserves operate in varsity competiThe proceeds of the tag sales,
sponsored by Omicron Delta Kappa,
Head Coach Quinn Decker is national men's leadership honorary,
from Charleston what are to support minor sports scholarlooks like the sophomore class, as ships, a program initiated by that
larship under Federal Aid, and
six men in the starting lineup will organization.
Kappa Delta, rates second in the therefore not be excluded from the
be playing their first year of varsity
football. In all, 29 sophs will make sorority division and Zeta Tau Al- state aid entirely.
pha is in third place. In the frathe trip to Lexington.
The game itself was scheduled ternity division Sigma Alpha
Kernel Meeting
is second and Sigma Phi
last year as a breather prior to the
S.M.U. game, and going on The Epsilon is third. The K Club,
A reportorial meeting will be
record of 1948, it ap- though not eligible for the trophies,
pears as if the Kentucky gridders has turned in $22.60 in tag sales held in the Kernel News Room at
4 pjn. today. All Kernel reporters
won't even draw a fast breath after to ODK.
on the news staff are asked to
running over the boys Irom South
Three trophies will be presented
to the winners in both the fraterCarolina.
One-On- e
nity and sorority divisions.
However, Coach Decker has come
up with a bunch of sophomores that
could make the game interesting.
Following an opening 14-- 0 defeat
handed them by Florida, The Citadel Bulldogs nosed by Newberry
last week, bringing a
record with them to Lexington.
Big dog on the team is
Curtis Bozeman, an
sophomore fullback. Much
of the team's chances this year rest
on his inexperienced shoulders.
Catching passes from the end
positions will be 6' 3" Sophomore
Harmon Brownlow and Eugene
of equal height. Captain Ken
Drawdy, one of the few starting
seniors, will be at one tackle and
Jim Whelen,
at the
other. Jack Huddle, one of the better guards in the Southern Conference, will start while Sophomore Albert Malcarne's great play as a
Lin Stafford, WBKY staff member, discusses a radio adaptation of
freshman assures him the other
the novel "Lonesome Valley" with its author Henry Hornsby (left).
starting guard position. Jim Doss,
The adaptation will be one in the series of radio plays based-obooks
another second year man, is schedby Kentucky authors.
uled to be at the pivot for The
Citadel at kickoff time.
sophoDick Zelinski,
more, will direct the attack from
the quarterback post. Walter
Brugh, a Paintsville, Ky., lad, is expected to see much action at the
halfback slot.
By Clara Early
enced either in real life, or through
Kentucky's Cats will enter the
reading and thinking. In this sense
A radio version of "Lonesome Valgame in good physical condition. ley," a novel by Henry Hornsby will only does Mr. Hornsby admit
Halfback Cliff Lawson, sophomore be broadcast over WKLX Sunday his book is about himself.
from Arkansas, will probably return evening at 6:30 pm. The program
Hornsby, who is acting city editor
to active competition Saturday. He will originate in the WBKY studios. of the Lexington Leader, learned his
missed the Georgia game because of
Hornsby's novel will be the third style of writing as a newspaperman.
a cracked rib suffered against Ole in a series of works by Kentucky He believes that writing is to be
Miss. Ralph Genito and Bobby writers dramatized for radio by the read and understood. If not underBrooks' injured knees are about Kentucky Radio Players. The Ken- stood it is wasted effort, therefore
mended and they show do a little tucky Radio Players, an amateur a writer should express himself as
ball toting, if the field Is in good acting group, is produced and direc- simply as possible.
ted by Linley Stafford, UK student.
The radio production of "LoneHornsby will appear as guest some Valley"
features Wallace
speaker during the radio show to Briggs as Johnny Baker, Margaret
discuss certain phases of his book. Larkin as Aunt Rhody, Dudley
"Lonesome Valley," Hornsby's first Saunders as Uncle Lehigh, Bill Clark
novel has been widely acclaimed. as Crit Marcum, Bobbie Preston as
Many people have asked the author Lucindy, Priscilla Hancher as Hazel
whether the book is autobiographi- Ponder, and Davy Brown as the
cal. His answer to this question is preacher. Special sound effects will
that every book is written about be by Gene Arkle, and the announthings which the author has experi cer will be Joe Knight.
By Henry Maloney





Fox-wor- th


Hornsby Novel Is Third
In Radio Drama Series

all Carnival

To Be


Friday Nigh I

The annual Fall Carnival, sponsored by Lances, Junior men's honorary, will be held on the Intramural
p.m. next Friday
Field from


Following the Carnival, a dance
will be held in the SUB from
Bob Bleidt and his Blue and White
orchestra will play.
Trophic Given
The carnival is sponsored for the
purpose of raising money for the
Lance's scholarship fund and features competition between 24 different campus organizations this year.
Six trophies will be given to the
competing organizations. The winners and runners-up- s
of the 1947
and 1948 Carnival along with this
year's finalists will receive the trophies.
Basis of Selection
Selection of the winning booths is
jased on the amount of money tak-- ?
in, the originality of the booth,
d the beauty of the sponsor. Each
hese factors counts one third in
final choice.
he intramural field will be avail-.- e
for the building of booths from
on Friday, and must be cleared by
.1 a.m. the following day. Lances
members will be on the fieid Friday
f.nd should be consulted concerning
the booths' location. They will be
identificld by the Mystic 1 armband they will be wearing.






High 75






Partly Cloudy;


the YWCA during the annual membership drive, Dorthy Doyle, acting
chairman of the committee has announced.
A recognition service honoring the
now members was givpn by the YW
cabinet Tuesday night.

From SGA...
Editor, The Kernel:
I would like to point out one of
the bright spots that came out of
the melee before the Georgia game.
It hr.ppcned last Monday night. The
SGA room was packed and every
seat was taken. Not only were the
students represented, but also the
faculty, including Dean A. D.
Dean of Men and Mr. B. A.
Shively, Athletic Director. The results of this meeting have been published elsewhere in this paper and I
oelieve they will help remedy the
crowded situation before game-tim- e.
I may add, for many have
bten asking me, that the rest of
the seats on the student side have
been sold for the remaining games
and for that reason there can be no
changing of seats. But it is not the
results of the meeting that I want
to point out. SGA can and will be a
more dynamic organization if students will come to the meetings, as
they did last Monday night, . and
let the assembly know how they
feel. How did student governments
in other schools become so strong
strong enough to hire and fire their
coaching staff? It didn't come about
in a year nor even after the faculty
felt they were capable of handling
it, but it came when the student
body backed the student government
100. Let me urge you, as the student body, to be interested in SGA.
Get to know your representatives
and let them know what's on your
mind or better still, come to the
meetings yourself. In this way, and
this way only, can we as students
make our influence felt to the faculty.
Bob Wharton
President, 8QA



College, will
lecture on the late English artist,
Eric Gill, at 4 p.m. Monday in the
lower foyer of the Margaret I. King
Eric Gill was renowned as a
typographer, sculptor, architect, wood engraver, philosopher,
and author. The lecturer was acquainted with the artist in England
and he has many interests parallel
to GUI's. His talk will be in connection with an exhibit of Gill's work
now on display in the lower foyer of
the library, which was brought to
this country with the assistance of
Gill's widow.
The exhibit consists of four original drawings and about 68 prints
of wood engravings primarily created for various types of books, the
most outstanding of which are The
Canterbury Tales and The Four
Gospels, both by the Golden Cockerel Press. Also on display are books
which include Gill's autobiography
and several of his essays on various
aspects of art and religion.

Suky To Hold Rally
Suky and the freshman class
will sponsor the
rally at 7 o'clock tonight in front
of Alumni Gym. A snake chain
downtown and a bonfire will
conclude the rally.

A new procedure for seating students entering the stadium at futuro
football games, including Saturday
night's tilt with The Citadel, was
announced by the University Athletic Association at the Monday
night meeting.
(For stodeal opinions see page 2-B. A. Shively. athletic director,
explained the following measures to
a packed house:
1. Four student gates will be open- -

Editor. The Kernel:

The near-rio- t
outside the stadium gates liefore the Georgia
The entire student body is asking
game cannot easily be explained, and nolxxlv concerned is with- "What caused the confusion at the
stadium gates last Saturday night?"
out blame.
I would like to give a few facts
First, without reserve, the Kernel is willing to take full re- which will answer many of these
sponsibility for any errors due to its ommission of a
notice questions.
Last spring SGA .passed a resolu- that freshmen would le seated in a special zone.
tion to set off a section of the stands
We do not believe, however, that the Suky president's infer- for the freshmen student body,
ence that the ommission was the direct cause of the stampede which was requested by many student articles of last year. It was
is true.
decided that this
In the first place, we believe that any proposal for the seating located in section section would be
"A" of the conof more than a fourth of the student bodv should rate a
crete stands.
In an effort to get a more organ- In this case, the short notice was
story, with explanations.
ized cheering group, Suky worked
buried among other miscellaneous data for a general feature storv with SGA and placed the much reon Homecoming. This feature would have been used if needed, quested card section in this freshe
but with two
Homecoming stories and an already over- men section, as is done in most of
the other schools.
set paper, it had to le ommitted for alxnit ten news stories.
Mr. Shively. of the Athletic DeA member of Suky complained strongly to a Kernel reporter partment, was very cooperative with
on Friday that such trouble would probably develop, but evidently both organizations in this matter.
The plan which had been worked
Sattook no action to change the freshman seating plans
out was to designate one gate which
urday night. The guards, still under the same instructions, was the only gate at which freshmen
attempted to obey orders, however erroneous, and barred the books would be received.
one-inc- h

ed two hours before game time,
2. Students at all four gates will
be given equally good seats.
3. Ramps to Sections C. B, and A
will be used at the same time to feed
middle section seats.
4. To expedite entrance. studenU
should have athletic books open so
that the ticket can be torn out easily
by the ticket takers.
5. A part of Section C will be
roped off for a card section approved by SGA and sponsored by Suky.
Mr. Shively emphasized that good
tickets can be had at all four gates,
including those near the end of the
stadium, for future games. When
the better ones are used up, all four
gates will funnel spectators into the
poorer seats.
The card section seats in section
C will be reserved for volunteers,
who will exchange student tickets
for passes and enter a special gate.
All studenU interested in sitting
in the card section were directed to
contact Suky.
According to SGA figures, the
seating provisions at UK ara as follows:
Total possible student tickets, for

good-size- d



Upper classmen were to be admitted also if their date was a freshman. In this way all the freshmen
would be seated in section "A", in
which they could organize their own
cheering section. All other gates
were to be used by upper classmen
only, in the usual "first come, first
served" custom.
With the understanding that a
feature story would be in the Kentucky Kernel explaining this plan,
Mr. Shively gave the gate guards
corresponding instructions. But by
some mistake this article failed to
appear in the Kernel. Consequently,
the student body had no notice of
the change of procedure, which resulted in many people in the wrong
lines followed by the jamming.
Many, if not most, of the student
body are wrongly accusing the Athletic Department for this unfortunate incident. Contrary to general
opinion, they have been very cooperative in every way they could
with plans to' promote school spirit
(Continued on Page 6)


Along with the foreign gift and
exchange plan, material is also exchanged with universities here in
the United States, and with large
production plants such as Reynolds
Metals Corporation. The library receives and sends out such material
as science journals, data on political
and economic questions, and small
publications of mutual Interest.
Recently our university published
a bulletin containing the text of
Henry Clay's last will. This, together with a series entitled
is be"Occasional Contributions",
ing exchanged for similar humanistic bulletins.
Scientific materials such as reports of the Department of Anthropub
pology, ana various
lications, (for example, McFarlands
Geology of Kentucky) are secured
through the exchange of proceed'
ings of the Kentucky Academy of
In the field of social science, ma
teyal is obtained by means of exchanging publications of the Bureau
of School Service, and various


The work of the Gifts and Ex
change department of the library is
a small, but let us hope effective,
effort toward better international



Stock Judges State Highway Chief Praises
Will Compete Engineering Scholarship Plan

Judging Team
Dwight H. Bray, Chief Kentucky-HighwaThe UK Livestc
Engineer, told the Amer-- 1
left Wednesday for Kansas City
where they will compete tomorrow ican Association of State Highway
30 other Officials Wednesday at San Antonio
against approximately
teams in the American Royal Live that the Department's engineering
scholarship plan at the University
stock Show.
Members of the team, coached by was expected to pay great dividends
Prof. A. H. Lawson, are: John within the next few years.
Under the program 18 scholarships
Cooper, who was top man In a field
Livestock are awarded annually to Kentucky
of 18 at the
Exposition at Memphis, Richard youths on the basis of competitive
Crafton, who placed sixth in the examination scores.
These boys then enter into a six
same event; James Gulley, Ila Gat-ltDon Evans, and William Giltner. year period of cooperative education
The team held a practice work and practical work during which
they get 36 months of (Jiversified
out at the University of Illinois experience with our department as
They are to compete well as their bachelor of science de- in the International Livestock Ex- grees in civil engineering," Bray ex- Mid-Sou-

Pianist Opens
Music Series

Law Student Makes
3. Scholastic Standing


The Sunday afternoon musicale
series will open Sunday at 4 p. m.
at Memorial Hall with Robert Floyd,
instructor in piano, who will present
a piano recital in three groups.
For his first selection Mr. Floyd
Tocatta in
will play a
C Major, which includes a prelude,
intermezzo, and fugue.
The second number is a Sonata
in B minor, opus 33 by Chopin, inmovemento.
cluding Grave-Doppscherzo, march funebre, and presto.
The last group will consist of
Cappricio of F sharp minor, opus 76.
Noel by Brahms: Scherzo in B minor, opus 20 by Chopin; Nocturne in
D flat major by Scriabine. and
Soiree de Vienne by

Arloe W. Mayne, sophomore In the
College of Law, made a
standing during the summer semester. Dr. Elvis J. Stahr. dean of the
College of Law, has announced.
The last perfect standing in the
College of Law was made by James
M. Lassiter and Frank K. Warnock
in the summer of 1947.


position In Chicago on Nov. 26.













. iI





By Clara Early
England, France, Germany, Japan.
These are only a few of the countries on the mailing list of the Gifts
and Exchange department In the
basement of the Margaret I. King
.Gifts and Exchange is a division
of the library through which pamphlets, books, and other data are
exchanged, nationally and internationally, by means of a mutual
Periodically the
agreement plan.
library is receiving pamphleted information from at least twelve foreign countries.
Each country has set up its own
agency for facilitating and expediting international exchange of library materials. The International
Exchange Service of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. D.
C, receives materials from all U. S.
libraries, and in turn ships them
abroad to their destinations in
ship-loa- d
They are received In Denmark,
for example, by Danmarks Institut
for International Udveksling af
Vicenskabelige Publikationer (Danish Institute for International Exchange of Learned Publications), in
Austria by the Oesterreichische
(Austrian National
Library), in Japan by the International Exchange Service of the
Nationnl Diet Library in Tokyo, and
so on in each country of the world.

students and

wives, amount to 7831.
There art at present, by action of
the Athletic Board. 6412 seats in the
concrete stands lor students ana
1569 in the end zone. Thus, about 82
percent of the students and wives
can be seated in the concrete stands.
block of about
Ticket stubs for
200 seats which were held open for
the students in the end zone during
the Georgia game are at the Athletic office, according to Mr. Shively.
A surplus of ISO seats Is held for
students at all times, he continued,
New SGA members are Helen
Deiss. A and S upperclassman; BudJudy
dy McMeekin. engineering:
Barnett. graduate school: Bill
and Jerry Jones, law.
Bob Wharton. SGA president and
The department pays scholarship present student Athletic Board repwinners $60 a month during their resentative, presided.
freshman year, after which they are
expected to save enough from their
work periods to pay school expenses!


All applications should be field In
room 16 of the Administration building.
Candidates for the bachelor's degree will be charged a graduation
fee of $9. This will cover the rental
of a cap and gown, diploma fee, the
Kentuckian, and other necessary
Candidates for advanced degrees,
other than the doctorate, will be
charged a fee of $20, which will
cover the above with the exception
of the Kentuckian, and in addition
the cost of the hood to be presented
to the candidate.
The doctorate fee is $25.
Graduation fees are payable not
later than the fourth day preceding
the commencement.

Plan Inaugurated
To Prevent Jam

From Suky...

Cause And Effect

gates against freshmen.
Much of the misunderstanding goes back to the super-secr"Spirit, Inc." campaign which was often more enthusiastic than
fofesighted. Had the Kernel deciphered the pencil written copy
of the freshman seating notice which it received, and printed it,
many freshmen would have missed reading it in only one edition
of the paper. There is also reason to believe that many more
would have tried the other gates with the same
The Athletic Department was at fault when too few inside
ramps with proper ushering were used. Hut it was
with SGA and Suky in seating freshmen. Mr. Shively has stated
positively that such a difficulty will not arise again. The gates
will be opened earlier in the future, and more efficient ushering
is promised.
All facilities were strained at the. game, where the largest
Seniors Must Apply
football crowd in the state's history gathered to watch its greatest
football team. Nobody concerned, certainly including the vicAll seniors who expect to com- tims, were prepared for what happened that night. Many changes
plete their requirements for gradua-uatio- n
at the close of the first or are necessary, and they will be made.
The Editors
second semester or the summer
term are requested to make application for degrees today and tomorrow. This applies also to graduate
students who expect to complete
their requirements for graduate de-

Transy Artist Pamplets, Books Exchanged
To Talk Here By Library Gift Department
at Transylvania


Shively Announces New Procedure
For Student Seating In The Stadium













ypni.m, mil




Mr. Floyd, a native of Tyler.
Texas, received his masters de;ree
this summer from North Texas
State College. He was selected
earlier this year by the National
Guild of Piano Teachers as the outstanding; student pianist in the
United States. He joined the University's music faculty this fall.
Immediately following the program. Mr. Floyd will be guest of
honor at a tea given by faculty
members at the University faculty


riii'VTV'HyW'?t'w""1 i

Ag Dean, Students
Attend Dairy Show-Dea-



(Clockwise) Members of the "Itrst Hand in Dixit-- " outline a I K landmark. Memorial Hall, on Slull Field:
Coach "Roar Bryant" spends an anxious minute on the siili line; The referee and a roin decide the kick-of- f;
A record crowd in size watches the Ranie; Ken Ulcvins. Alma Magna M.tlrr president,
Alma Magna Mater award to an outstanding alum just befoer the game.


L. J. Horlacher of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, and two students are attending the International Dairy
Show in Indianapolis.
Dean Horlacher is accompanied
by William Wash and William Hop-- !
per. agriculture freshmen, whose
expenses are being paid by the Kraft
Cheese Company, and the Ballard
Mills Company, Louisville, respec- -i
Features of the show will be booths
sponsored by the li Dairy Cattle

� J




The Kentucky Kernel





Alt tujned article

and columns are to be
the opinion t of the vriter$ Kentucky Intercollepiate Press Association
and do nrt r.ecescr.ly reflect
Lexington Board of Commerce
the cpmiou of The Kernel.
Kentucky ress Association
National Ealtorial Association





National Advertising Service, Inc.

Entered at the Post C?T:ce at Lexington,
Kentucky, as second class matter under
the Act of March 3, 1879.





CtUtf PmUuktn Ktriumlativt

9m TO,

$1 00






pr rnnuhr

Rosemary Hilling

George Reynolds
Managing Editor
Bob Cok ..
Nell Blair
News Editor
Tom Diskin
Sports Editor
Harold Fleenor .... Business Manager
Jobie Anderson
Society Editor
Joe Lee
Head Feature Writer
James Eddleman and Betty
Boggess .... Asst. Manaping Editors
Wiltred Lott .... Advertising Manager
Bruce Dunlap, Eill Benjamin
Advertising Staff

Asst. News Editor
Earl Conn, Kent Hollingsworth
Asst. Sports Editors
Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips
News Desk
Bill Mansfield
Ben Williams and Ralph Shell



Bert McKenna

Circulation Mgr.
Irwin Higgs
Bob Gorham, Tom Spillman and
Ramon Morgan

The Seating System
Two general plans are followed hv most colleges in seating
students. One, and that which is used at UK, is tlie "first come-firs- t
served" method. Under it, all tickets are of the same value
regarding choice seats, and all tickets are given out to students
at iw same time, nswallv
the season logins.
Another is the priority system, in which the high classes
receive the
tickets and the lowest class the poorest ones.
Michigan State, for one. uses this plan, with lottery techniques.
Each week
a home football game, students of each class
apply on a certain day and draw their reserved seats.
It has
suggested that the Kernel propose the latter
metliod, or one similar, as Ix'tter than the present one. The
problems of dating students from other classes and group seating
immediately arise, and the entire system seems a failure.
A combination of the two might he acceptable, however.
Much more work in preparing the tickets would le required. Thev
would necessarily be made up in bundles of different numbers,
and those applying for a given numlxT would lx' required to
forfeit tickets from that many student books.
In order to be fair, the action would take place lx'fore each

fused situation was the refusal on
the part of the guards to open more
than one student gate at a time.
Students were forced to stand in the
packed crowd of shoving, fighting
spectators for a length of time only
to have the gate slammed in their
faces by gruff guards who informed
them to fight their way to the next
The average waiting time to get to
seats from the sidewalks was ONE
HOUR. And in that hour, the students got their clothes mangled and
mussed and generally unfit for public appearance.
Even the team had an easier time
of it against that big Georgia line
than did the crowd of sports-hungstudents who only wanted to see the
great Kentucky team in action. We
wouldn't blame any student who
elected to stay home next Saturday
and listen to the game on the radio
rather than face that ordeal again.
home game.
We think an even better remedy
The Kernel proposes this method as a possible one, not a de- would be to let some of the University's officials take student tickets
sirable one. It has no power to cliange the system now in use, and go through that horrible mess.
but student opinion on the matter could have great effect. We Maybe then those responsible for
suggest that students write the Kernel and express their opinions these things can see the real dangers
that exist in the current system.
in the letters column.
There were persons hurt in the
crowd. Luckily none were reported
seriously injured. This should serve
to prove, however, that serious in- lx-s-



Letters To The Editor

Editor, The Kernel:

Pa ire Two

game. We went early, trying to avoid
the rush, but were pushed, herded,
crowded, stifled, tramped and
thoroughly beaten for over an hour,
There were two gates open, but
only one ramp open for the admission of students. The other gates
and ramps were securely guarded,
and no one but those holding reserved seat tickets were admitted
through them. After this battle, we
got into the stadium, only to have to
sit in the aisle. We were so disgu.sted
we were all ready to leave.
We have been promised that when
the stadium was completed we
would get better seats. What seats?
From my seat in the aisle, I could
almost see the field. Everyone talks
of school spirit, but how can anyone
have spirit after being shoved
around like we were?
It seems that the students should
be ihe first consideration of the
University, but exactly the opposite
is true. Why not give us an even
break on getting seats. Student books
are issued to all students enrolling





jury is possible and that an immediate solution is in order.
It is not only unfair to ask the
student body to suffer through such
an ordeal even one more time, but
it is unreasonable to force them to
risk life and limb in an unnecessary


Class Head Elected
At Pharmacy College


William Monroe was recently
president of the sophomore


Jack Braeil, treasurer.
Carl Stamper, sergeant-at-elccte- d





Frosh Doubles
For Film Slar


Frank Ramsey, a member of the
freshmen basketball tram, has

for Sterling
chosen as a stand-iHayden, star of a forthcoming
MGM movie.
Several scenes from the film, to
Jangle", are
be called The
being filmed on the Circle M Farm
near Leint on. Ramsey will double for Hayd n in several scenes of
the picture.


xt -



for that
heavy date?

Bob Cox
Editor, The Kernel:
The night of the Kentucky-MississipSouthern football game, several other students and I went to
the game. When we arrived, we
found that all students were being
admitted to the stadium through
one ramp. After crowding into the
ramp and struggling some twenty
minutes in the heat, we finally got
into the stadium and found good
seats. However, we were thoroughly
disgusted at the incompetency and
lack of foresight in the handling of
the crowd.
This episode was nothing compared to the Kentucky-Georgi- a

Uriivcr: if y we have the tickets but where are the seats? Give
of one side of
us at least
the stadium. The Student Government Association should take action
o:i this condition.
"The outside" crowd'; fluctuate
according to our wins i !o: ses. but
by their team,
the students sti-win, tie, or lose.
Sincerely yours.
J. C. Farley

at the

the College of Pharmacy.
O'.her officers were John B. Morris, vice president: Albert Long,

class of

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The Lone Wait

As an alumnus of the University,
I am anxious to meet any of my
friends with whom I attended the
University during the years 1933-3should they come to Dallas to see
the SMU game.
I wonder if you wotfld be good
enough to put my name and address in th next issue of The Kernel in order that any of my friends
who migtit be coming to Dallas will
have an opportunity to get in touth
with me.

Editor, The Kernel:
Students in general are treated
very fairly at the University by the
faculty and staff. We all know of
instances, however, when this has
not been so. Some of these gripes
are legitimate, others are not.
There was a recent flagrant mis-- I
use of students' rights which v. e
think should be brought to the fore.
The incident we have in mind is
the jam which occurred at the
stadium gates last Saturday night
between six a