xt7hdr2p655p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p655p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2011 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 82, no. 3, Fall 2011 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 82, no. 3, Fall 2011 2011 2011 2012 true xt7hdr2p655p section xt7hdr2p655p A ‘ l ”f fl I? “:3 bg ’ ' "
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a Meet Dr. Eli Capilouto,
‘~"‘-‘ UK’s 12th Pre51dent
Digging Ancient Ruins - UK Alumni In Leadership

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 Q I I I · Fall 2011 • Volume 82 • Number 3
    Dx Eli Calpihrdl'0 is l']9€ ]2¢]9p7'€SiL{€71¢   Mat Saunders;   up •
ON THE COVER Vibe U””’€””W ”fK€”’””l’J’- adventure in Central America
Mat Saunders ’OI AS has made a major archaeological
discovery and is building a cultural research center to
1 6 President Eli Capilcutc fmds honor the memory ofa fellow archaeologist,
second home in Kentucky BY Chrlstlna N°ll
Embracing his opportunity to lead UK, Capilouto is proud
to be a part of its rich tradition and looks forward to the
challenges and successes to come. 2 4 A|umnj in hadershjp
BY Ke"' Elam UK alumni are fulfilling their civic responsibility;
four alums are Kentuclqw constitutional . Q
i     officers, four in Congress, I3 in the      __
__ N » l’''    H B __ Kentuclqr Senate and 28 in the House _   ._y_ ; ,_
"   ` , of Representatives.   ;;·r k I
€   W, . -_ ,, “ . jL»··;".;`-€
J   rivi       By Linda Perry  I
* E         li o  ‘  `    
I or »   1‘T,~§"%  I   B
_ l   g’zi»"   ’ W 2 6 Ceal Barry: Trailblazer
I ' y   Ceal Barry 77 BE was part of the first class of female
student-athletes to receive scholarship aid for athletics,
Q defining her basketball career in two parts — before Title
  IX and after Title IX,
_ ~ By Kelli Elam
  i   s
g ;·=;,   . ,·
~ _,     The healing power of art   · ·
""6   The arts touch spirits that seek solace and FW  
  " encouragement at the new UK Chandler   J ’x
  V Hospital, M *7 EB,
re   ,
§ ig
§` I 
4 Pride In Blue
S G G b I l I G 7 Presidential Conversation
9 UK News
f 'I 'I Blue Horizons
www.uka|umni.net `l

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 Association Staff
Publisher/Barecutiye Director: Stan Key ’72
0 to Editor/Associate Director: Kelli Ela.m
U N I V E R S I T Y O F Ma.naging Editor: Linda Perry ’84
to Senior Graphic Designera1el¥Hounshell
K E N I \       Publications Production Assistant: Christina Noll ’96
Aiuinni Associglio n Brenda Bains Records Data Entry Operator
Boa rd of   rectors Robin Boughey ’O8; StaH`Supp0rt Associate I
duh, L 201 1 _ Jrrhe 30, 2012 Gretchen Bower ’03a Program Coordinator
Linda Brumlielda Account Clerk lll
P `d t
(jammie Desiaifeidilbrmt *70 ED Nancy Culp; Administrative Services Assistant
preerdenteeleet Halee Griggs; Membership Specialist
Geerse A· Oebe IV V4 DE Caroline Francis 188, 193, ’O2: Alumni Career Counselor
Treasurer L 1- H .p C d-
larenaiala. Gosncy ’7O HS, ’75 ED J   “¥“d ,g;g;;‘“ _°“;““”
S [ 0 Gag an 1 ssOClat€ ll‘€Ct0l‘
stem ig; $;ED Diana Horn ’70, ’7l; Principal Accountant
Brooke c. Asbell *26 BE Diane M. Massie *79 cls Albert Kebm ’03¤ Webmeeter
George L. At1rins1r. *62 BE 1ames rDan*Mccain *21 BE Kerrre Merhere Sterrcgurrperr Aeeeererrer
Lisa creenwellAtlrinson *92 cls Angela Rose McKenzie *72 ED
R. Price Atkinson *97 cls Peggy s. Mesearos *72 ED Remdebl Mergem IS Teeb $·rPP<>rt
Theodore R. Bates *52 AG Larry s. Miller *72 *76 ED Ketre Murphy: Merhberehrr, Speereher
Richard A. Bean *69 BE Robert P. Miller _ e _ _
Brreh R_ Berrrherr tg; 186 EN Terry B_ Mebrey 165 ED Melissa Newman O2: Associate Director
Charles Roniter *91 cls DayidW Moseley*76 BE Meg phr1hr,e»0orpregrerh Ceerrhherer
1et1rrey 1. Brock *24 BE Susan P. Mountioy *72 ED _ _
Mreheer L_ Brew 22 gg Herheh Mrrrer Myerr or ED Darlene Simpson: Senior Data Entry Operator
Marlr W Rrowning *20 AS. *24 LAW 1ohn c. Nichols. ll *52 BE Ji11Smith’O5, *11: Aeeeerete Drreerer
MichaelA. Burleson *74 PHA 1ohn c. Owens *50 BE e _
Emmett rRuee* Rurnam *74 ED Kimberly Parks *01 BE Aiyeetr Tberntrm 11¤ Pregrem Ceerdrmter
Susan Bushart Cardwell “63 AS Sandy Bugle Patterson “68 AS Frances White: Data Entry Operator
Shane T. Carlin *95 AG qnntissa s. Pealre *04 cls
Andrew M. Cecil *00 AS William P. Perdue 1r. *65 PN. *62 BE
1anice Warren christian *72 ED Taunn A. Phillips *27 PN. *04 BE ‘ ‘
MichaelA. christian *76 AS.”8O DE Robert P.Pic1rard*57 *61 EN Unnierslty of Kentucky
William M. corum *64 BE chad D. P0l.l¢)94DES ‘ ‘
lohn R.Cr0ckett)49AS PaulaLeach Pope*72 AS. ”75ED A umm Magazme
1o Hem curris *62 AS. *75 LAW David R. Ratterman *62 EN V<>1·82 Nee 3
Rruce R. Danhauer *77 AG c. David Ravencraft *59 BE Kentucky Alumni (ISSN 7326297) is published quarterly by
William R. Daugherty 1r. *70 *77 *27 DE lim A. Richardson *70 AS. “72 ED the University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Lexington,
Rruce K. Davis *71 LAW D. Michael Richey *74. *79 AG Kentucky for its duesepaying members.
s RD ”73BE Sh P.R b ”66AS.”76”79 ED . . . . .
1.%. mil; *76 RP oaZE“2. rfagiffieo to © {QH U¤·Vdr;;YetKedt¤e<¥Alm¤· Aeede·eg2¤· etgtt
Elaine Duncan *74 EN Charlene K. Elam Rouse *77 DES W eft *10*** ~ ‘°W$ %“ °P‘“‘°“$ °"P’€?”_ ‘“ ?“*“C _Y
Beverry 0 Derhem 67 ED Adele pmre Rm 68 A6 Alumni do not necessarily represent the opinions of its editors,
Marianne smith edge *77 AG Heather Dawn Saxon *02 cls tbe UK A1rr¤¤¤¤Aeeee¤¤t¤e¤ ¤er tbe Umvererty et Kerrtlrekv
Ted Biden *22 EN William Schuetze *72 LAW
Katie Riserman *00 ED Candace L. sellars *95 *02 ED
LarryM. Elliott *71 DE Mary L. Shelman *21 EN Hcw T0 Reach Us
Abra Akers Rndsley *92 *01 cls Dayid L. Shelton *66 BE Kentucky Alumni
Pranlelin H. Parris 1r. *72 BE Marian Moore Sims *72 *76 ED UK Ahrrhhr Aeeeererreh
Paul R. Penwiclr *52 AG 1. Prite slreen *72 *72 BE K. Ar . H
Pllen Ferguson 1. Tim Skinner *20 DES _ mg ““‘“‘ °‘”°
William c. Francis *62 AS. *72 LAW Daniel L. sparlrs *69 EN Lemngtcn. KY 405060119
W P. Priedrich *71 EN lames W Stuckert *60 EN *61 BE Telephone: 859257-890 5, 1r800»269eALUM
Linda Lyon Frye *60 AS Mary rKe1ree* srorcsilr *72 BE pere 8523251063
Dan cipson*69 EN 1ulia K. Taclrett *62 AS. *71 LAW E .r_ dk 1 . dk d
1ohn R. cuthrie *62 cls Han1rR.Thompson1r. *71 cls ’“‘°“ · “ ““‘“‘@ W “
Ann Brand Haney *71 ED Myra Leigh Tobin *62 AG
Lynn Harrelson *72 PHA 1. Thomas Tuclrer *56 BE
Tom W Harris *25 AS William T Uerle *62 BE U Pdate You r Recc rd
Wallace P. Herndon. 1r. *67 BE Sheila Platt vice *70 *72 ED UK Alumni Association
Pm?‘r?“‘iit°1;§‘la“%Er#€rlaLA`”  IIEIIPIJR rrrremrr 
strlcls . ug CS at s . ls . 2
Ann Nelson Hurst *20 BE Rachel L. Webb *05 cls L°"‘“g“’“· KY 40506 O1 19
Lee A. 1aclrson *72 AS Lori P. Trisler Wells *96 BE TelePb<>¤e= 859r257r8800» Fer 8596231063
lames L. lacobus *72 *20 AG Bobby c. Whitalrer *52 cls Bemaila u.l.. ·§ ’ . , V - •   ‘- *1 * ‘ -*$;;.4» , ,Vi`
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 I Presidential Conversation
New to the Blue
About IO years ago, when my daughter was I3 years old, she in- again, recruited the most _ _   { 1  
sisted I watch with her, the movie, “Gladiator,” I didn’t know why academically prepared class '   2   TT"
she asked but, looking for a moment to bond with my daughter, I in our institution’s history  
agreed, At the end ofthe movie, I turned to her and asked, “What Now that we have settled  
was the most important statement that Russell Crowe made to his into Maxwell Place, I have  
followers ?” redoubled my effort to un- fi;
She didn’t know, but I persisted and asked again, “Please, as a derstand our institution,     it
parent, tell me what you thought was the most important state- community and state, I have  
ment,” met with more of our  
She said, “Oh, I got it   On my command, unleash hell,” world-class faculty, spent  
After a short laugh and some time to compose myself, I said, time with our devoted
“No, The most important question was when he turned to his fol- physical plant staff and iden-
lowers and asked, (Why are we here ?”’ tiHed key community and business leaders who can expand our ca-
I asked myself the same question when I decided to uproot my pacity to serve Lexington and make it a great place to raise a
wife and our two dogs from our home in Alabama, And it is the family and start a business, Integrating their insights about the
same question I continue to ask our faculty, staff and students university and where we see ourselves in the future is a key compo-
every day, A continual assessment of our mission to serve is critical nent of my tenure,
to our beloved institution if we hope to move our university and And, Hnally, I have been fortunate enough to spend time with
the Commonwealth toward a better future, the University of Kentucky’s extended family, our alumni and
My recruitment to the University of Kentucky began more than friends who continue to support our mission in a multitude of
IO years ago when I heard President Lee T, Todd, ]r, speak at a na- ways, You are unpaid recruiters who share the countless opportu-
tional conference on the importance of land-grant institutions, nities UK can offer to the best students in your community, You
I·Iis devotion to UK and his commitment to the Commonwealth are volunteer consultants who provide crucial feedback and cre-
immediately signaled to me that UK was not just another univer- ative approaches to issues facing our institution and state, You are
sity — it was a special place with special people, private fundraisers who generously contribute to the university,
Before Iwas announced as the university’s preferred candidate, both Hscally and in-kind, And you are our extended family with
my wife, Mary Lynne, and I traveled to Lexington to visit UK and an unparalleled hospitality that has warmed our hearts,
the city we now call home, Dressed to blend in, we set out across At every turn, I grow more enthusiastic and optimistic about the
campus for six hours to discover what it was that people loved ro ad ahead, By working together with the creative minds at our
about the University of Kentucky, We met students; we spent time university, our devoted partners in the community, policy leaders
at William T, Young Library; and we visited the ]ames W Stuck- throughout our state and our committed alumni and friends, we
ert Career Center, The fervor I heard in each person’s voice con- will reach our shared aspirations,
Hrmed that UK is more than an institution — it is a family, I will continue to visit you in quarterly editions of Kentucky
Prior to my Hrst day in office, I sat down with nearly 60 faculty Alumni magazine, You can also follow our work through my blog,
from colleges and departments across campus, When I asked what uknow,uky,edu/ president, or on UKNow, the university’s official
made them proud to be a part of the University of Kentucky, one news website, at uknow,uky,edu, I look forward to our future to-
ofthe Hrst things they talked about was our incredible student gether and seeing you at some of our athletic events or one of our
body, Since my arrival, I have had the opportunity to spend time many academic or Hne arts programs,
with our new students, and I am proud to say that we have, once Until next time; continue seeing blue, Wildcats!
E2; Z? me
Eli Capilouto
S G G U G.
b I TM
m everyt/amg we da.
www.uka|umni.net 7

   UK Alumni Association goes mobile!
YOURU · · fK K al · f ul d KH The UK Alumni Association is now part of
mversrtyo entuc y Lmmr, ac ty an st . . . , .
club offers an experience not to be missed. UKM0l?l|€' the Umyerslty Of Kentqcky S lApp
Become amember today and begin alifetime ofmemories. for the Iphone and Ipod Touch Qulckly access
_ _ association information:
• Two Private Dining Experiences
. 1 · A rh T il
,     ° Legacy H • Calendar of events
• §_?h¤¤g>K9¤SbiP C§>1g1¤€F G • Member benefits & discounts
• WO 1 IH 3.11 LIEUH 1‘€€HS · ·
. Volleybal1l1;ndgBasketbaH $....11. • Locations of UK Alumni Clubs
° Ch“df°“SPl“Y%“°““dAf°“S • Staff phone numbers & email addresses
Part of a great UK tradition. Become a member at
The Club at Spindletop Hall.
Visitwww.spindletophall.org man 8592552777 You can also browse UK news,
W . _ . . access campus maps,check sports scores,
1 ' V .  ·_    »  Q1 ;     search the UKdirectory and more!
` '·' ·   . , ¤r_   ~ ..1*; 1*  wl E ' [ ·: ' . .
___ K   ‘   gt;  Kg; gig   i ‘ ··      Download the FREE application today:
  N x   _ · .     www.uka|umni.net/iPhone
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  · · · 1 see blue;
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8 Fall 2011

 - U K N ews
D“:‘=‘"°‘.C°"e9e9f UK buys building to relocate
Englneerlng t0 reSIgn
Thomas Lester, dean ofthe UK Col— Depa rt me nt Of Art
lege ofEngineering, Will resign as dean UK has purchased a 100,000—square— across the street from campus and close to
ofthe college effective June 30’ 2012' foot building to become the new home other housing and businesses frequented
Lester, who has served as dean since for the UK Art Department. The univer— by students. The building itselfhas a good
1990’ is currently the longest serving sity acquired the privately owned former roof, windows and exteriorwalls, sound
dean 3‘: the university. He has “0‘: final— tobacco warehouse, currently known as stairways, solid electrical supply and a
ized any future plans 3‘5 this time. University Lofts, located adjacent to cam— good elevator; and it does not have the
Prior to his current appointment, LBS'ZBI‘ pus on Bolivar Street. safety, access and site drainage issues asso—
served as professor and chairman ofme— This approach should not only meet ciated with the Reynolds Building.”
chanical engineering at Louisiana State the needs ofUK’s art students, faculty The building will include class space
University from 1983 to 1990, and as pro- and staff, but will also save money in nec— for an art studio, faculty studios, gradu—
fessor ofnuclear engineering at Kansas essary renovations to Reynolds Building ate studios and spaces for advanced un—
State University from 1975 to 1983. No. 1. University Lofts has recently been dergraduate work. The Barnhart Gallery,
Lester is a UK Fellow and has made renovated, so it is in much better condi— the primary exhibition space for students
personal contributions to establish and tion than Reynolds Building No. 1. Al— in Reynolds Building No. 1, would also
endow the Donald L. and Gertrude though University Lofts will need some be relocated to the University Lofts
L. Lester Professorship in Mechanical modification, it is anticipated that pur— structure:
Engineering. I chasing and converting this building'is a Before it can be converted to house
more logical, fiscally responsible option. UK’s art students and their paintings
Ifthe project goes as planned, UK stu— and sculptures, obligations to leased ten—
dents could be aintin , scul tin and ants must be met, sa s Ben Crutcher, as—
New dean for the drawing in the fenovatid facfiityis early sociate vice presidenl: for Auxiliary
UK college of Medicine as the fall of2013. Services. “UK inherited those obliga—
. . “The renovations required to accom— tions to the residing tenants, including
Dr. Frederick C' de Beer, longtime modate the College of Fine Arts in Uni— several leases that will sporadically lapse
University ofKentucky faculty member versit L ft . t l' t d” th t ear” he 53 s.
y o s is no very comp ica e , says over e nex y , y
and current chairman ofthe Department Bob Wiseman, vice president for Facilities The University Lofts property also in—
ofInternal Medicine, has accepted the Managements. “We intend a wide—open cludes on—site parking, as well as an asso—
position ofdean ofthe College ofMedi— floor plan with institutional HVAC sys— ciated SS—space parking lot across Bolivar
cine and vice president for Clinical Aca— tems and the necessary air exhaust sys— Street from the Lofts. The addition of
demic Affairs. H5 succeeds D11 Jay tems for certain fine arts needs, new proximate parking is a welcome amenity,
Perman who was named president Offlifi lighting, modern accessible rest rooms as the existing Reynolds facility has ex—
University ofMaryland in 2010. and other amenities that will optimize the tremely limited parking. Additionally,
de Beer received his medical degree space for our art students. University Lofts is located adjacent to ex—
from the University ofPretoria, South “But most importantly,” he says, “the isting campus and city transit routes
Africa. His postgraduate education was University Lofts building can be a safer which will further enhance the students’
at the Royal Postgraduate Medical building. It is on a well—lit major road accessibility. I
School, London. Prior to coming to the , .
United States in 1989, he served as pro—
fssor ofmedicine at the University of Faculty member elected to UK Board of Trustees
Stellenbosch, South Africa. In 1993, he
was named chiefofthe UK Division of Irina Voro, associate professor ofpiano prize, she has also performed solo con—
Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine. in the UK College ofFine Arts School certi with philharmonic orchestras on
In 2003, he was appointed as the Jack M. ofMusic, has been elected as faculty rep— four continents and given solo piano
Gill Professor and chairman ofthe De— resentative to the UK Board ofTrustees recitals in 15 states and 11 countries.
partment ofInternal Medicine. I for a three—year term, which will expire Her teaching awards include the US.
June 30, 2014. She fills the seat on the Presidential Administration’s Distin—
board that was held by Everett McCor— guished Teacher Award, the Kentucky
Compiled from UK websites, UK Public vey ofthe UK College ofFine Arts, Music Teachers’ Association Teacher of
Relations new: reports, and Kentucky Alumni whose term endedJune 30. the Year, the UK Provost Award for Out—
magazine staff reporting. Voro is an internationally renowned standing Teaching and a Teacher Who
teacher ofthe arts and creativity. Winner Made a Difference. I
ofan international music performance
www.uka|umni.net 9

 Another member benefit from the   4 — I  
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10 Fan 2011

 - Blue Horizons
UK receives its largest Public Health launches
. national coordinating center
resea rCh fundlng award The Robert WoodJOhnson Founda—
tion awarded a $3.2 million, three—year
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), with interdisciplinary research teams. grant to the UK College of Public
the largest government funding source for “Probably the most important research Health to create the National Coordi—
biomedical research in the United States, has that has been neglected on a national basis is nating Center for Public Health Serv—
awarded $20 million to the University of that there are some standards and best prac— ices and Systems Research (PHSSR).
Kentucky to move research discoveries from tices that just don’t get disseminated and The grant will help accommodate a
the laboratory to bedside more quickly don’t get used as effectively as they should,” growing field that supplies public
The five—year funding, awarded through says Dr. Michael Karpf, UK executive vice health officials and policymakers with
the NIH ’s institutional Clinical and Transla— president for Health Affairs. “Figuring out the data they need to make decisions
tional Science Awards (CTSA) program, is how to change that, how to get physicians, about how health departments should
the largest research funding award ever re— patients and others to comply with what we be financed, staffed and structured.
ceived by UK. It will be used to support re— know are best standards is a critically impor— This research is important as state and
search at the UK Center for Clinical and tant issue. That’s going to be something we local health departments across the
Translational Science (CCTS), making it are going to emphasize in multiple different country face difficult choices due to
part of a select national biomedical research ways. We’ll emphasize that through the grant budget cuts and reductions in staff,
consortium. The UK center — the only des— and some of the partnerships we’ll develop.” programs and services.
ignated CTSA in Kentucky — is led by Dr. CTSA fundingwill support infrastructure One goal of the new center is to grow
Philip Kern, associate provost for clinical and and the Clinical Research Development and this field of research by coordinating
translational science, who will serve as princi— Operations Center at UK Albert B. Chandler current PH SSR investments, supporting
pal investigator of the program. Hospital, where patients participate in clinical real—world applications, and strengthen—
Translational research, referred to as research studies. It also will be used for educa— ing the capacity of researchers and prac—
“bench to bedside,” means turning lab find— tional programs for future investigators, for titioners. Another key goal is to
ings into preventions, treatments and cures community engagement, to fund research determine the future direction of the
through collaborations across academic units pilot grants and an informatics program. I field’s research initiatives,