xt7hdr2p6406 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p6406/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-12-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  6, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  6, 1929 1929 1929-12-06 2012 true xt7hdr2p6406 section xt7hdr2p6406 rum nil

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Forquer Selected to Captain 1 930 Wildcat Gridders

Thcta Sig Adviser


Fraternities Will Contend for
Card Table; Identity of a
Mysterious Person to He
Solved at Tavern.

"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray"
Will Run Entire Week
at Little Theatre

Strollers will inaugurate another
new custom at the University, when
they have as their guests for the
opening night of their first semiannual production, "Local Color,"
Governor and Mrs. Flcm D. Samp-


Professor Brady, Miss Willy
King Are Also Prominent
In the Cast
"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray"
Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, the second
production of the Guignol theater
this season, will open Monday night
December 9. The play is a society
drama and an outstanding piece of
dramatic literature or the latter
part of the nineteenth century. Its
chief value is found in its almost
perfectly constructed plot. In Act
I the problem to be solved is stated,
and the following acts reveal the
solution and completion of the
Paula Tanqueray, the leading
character, played by Mrs. Edna
Bradley Troxell, is one of the most
prominent roles in the history of
dramatic art. She is a study of
circumstances, a woman whose past,
present, and future are summed up
in her own personality. Things
happen to her which might be criticised as being artifical, but regardless of this fact the woman's life is
such that would attach to any incident a tragic significance.
The part of Aubrey Tanqueray is
played by "Prof. George K. Brady,
who is an actcr of wide experience. He appeared as one of the
principle characters in "The Flight
of the Duchess," which was presented last season at the Guignol,
with great success. Aubrey's idea Is
to build a marriage on a miserable
foundation hoping still to be successful. Ellean, his daughter, played
by Willy King, is more or less the
final cause which brings the drama
to a climax. Copley Drummle, play- rd" by Ben P.- - Vair Meter, is a man
of about town who is a friend and
advisor to everyone. Captain Hugh
Ardale, played by" Robert Thompson, protrays a dashing young
soldier from India. Gordon Jayne
and Frank Misquith, friends of
Aubrey Tanqueray, are played by
Martin Glenn and Richard Carron
respectively. Sir George Orreyed
portrayed by John Noonan, represociety
sents a
dude. Lady Orreyed, a society lady
by Katherine
by marriage, is played
Davis. Mrs. Cortelyon, a friend of
Aubrey's and his first wife, is capably
depicted by Mrs. Dorothy Velaney
Mart'in. Hester Green takes the part
of the maid, and Joe Conley the part
of the butler.
The scene is laid in the Surrey
Hills in England. The play and
characters are distinctly Greek in
the tragic irony that follows the
leading character. The versatility
of the actors is proved by this play.
Last year the plays presented at
the Guignol theater were brillant
successes due in the main to the
adroit directions on the part of
Prank Fowler. Since "Mary, Mary,
Quite Contrary," the first production of this season, was such a sue- cess, it is thought that this year will
be one of the greatest in dramatic
productions that Lexington has ever

Loving Cups Given-APrizes by SuKy

Sigma Chis and Alpha Gams
Are Winners in
Silver loving cups were presented
Circle to the two
by the Su-K- y
Greek letter organizations, Alpha
Gamma Delta and Sigma Chi, whose
house and grounds were most artistically decorated for "homqeoming
day." Several other fraternities received honorable mention.
The Alpha Gamma Delta house
was decorated in the folors of the
two schools and in the yard was the
end of the "Kentucky Special" train
going down the track for home,
while to the side was the battered
and wrecked automobile of the Vols.
Nothing but debris was left of the
Teimessee hopes and aspirations.
The Sigma Chi house hod a huge
head of a wildcat in its most
ferocious mood, with claws distended, looking down from the roof of
the building. On one side of the
houso blue and white streamers were
suspended from the roof with a
large "K" in tho center of it, and
to tho other side streamers
orange and white were hung with o
center. On either
large "T" in the
side of the entranco door were large
shocks of corn fodder.
Honorable mention was given to
tho following fraternities:
Alpha, Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi Delta
Theta, and Zeta Tau Alpha. This
is tho first time any thing like this
has been done on tho University
campus, and the visitors expressed
delight at the idea, which was
copied from the "Big Ten" Universities.
Professor Enoch Qrehan and Miss
Helen King were the judges.






All classes In the University
will close at noon Friday, December 20, for the beginning of
the Christmas vacation, and will
not meet again until 8 o'clock,
Friday morning, Januory 3, ac-

cording to an announcement
from the office of tho registrar.
The customcry penalty will be In
force regarding absences from a
student's last class before the
holidays, and first class
will be deand one-tenstanding of anyducted from the
one who disregards the rule.

Y. M..C. A. WILL!



Year's Budget Is Accepted by
'Advisory Hoard; Four Day
Drive for Funds to Start


Tribute Is Paid to Four Graduating Members of
Kentucky Team

December 0.
With a budget of approximately

$1,800 accepted by its advisory board,
the University Y. M. C. A. will begin
Its annual finance campaign among
students December 9. The drive will
continue through December 12, In
an effort to raise $1,000 from the




Numerals Are

Awarded at Banquet
The third act, which Is being restudent body, which together with
By Council
hearsed each day in the Armory, Is
$800 subscribed by the faculty, will
nearlng perfection, In preparation
finance the year's
for the opening night, December
"Father Floppy" Forquer, the
16, at the Guignol theater. Rhythm
through four days in order to give
fighting Newcastle "Deacon," was
King's orchestra, under the direcall men students an opportunity to
last night elected to jcaptaln the
tion of Toy Sandcfur, Is rehearsing
Two captains,
1930 Wildcat football team. He sucwith the cast.
and Al Klkcl, have
Advance ticket sales are now being
ceeds Will Ed Covington, who will
been appointed by Bryant Jones,
made at the various sororiety and
treasurer, to lead the group of 80
be graduated in June. Calloway C.
fraternity houses. The first fratern- Executive Committees Hold boys who will solicit.
Hoskins, Beattyvllle, was selected to
ity or sorority which reports that
Preliminary Sessions
be senior manager of the eleven
The budget, as outlined by the
its members have purchased tickets
next fall.
advisory board, provides for the folFirst of Week
$100 for "Local Color," will be presented
The election was held at the anlowing: telephone and telegraph,
with an elaborate card table, on
nual football banquet staged at the
$25; printing and stationary, $75;
is painted the Greek letters
University Women Enrolled in which sororities and fraternities on. DELEGATES WILL BE
postage, $80; magazines, papers, rec- Will Make Arrangements for Phoenix Hotel by Lexington business
GUESTS AT COMMONS ords, pool table repairs, and supplies,
men, in appreciation of the efforts
Department of Journalism of all
the campus, and two decks of caids.
Laboratory Exhibit at
of the Wildcats during the past sea$130; conferences meetAre Eligible
This contest will close Friday, De- Schools of Eleven States Are for Y rooms,speakers, $150; socials,
son. Three hundred guests were
ings, and
cember 13, and the winning fraternpresent. At the same time the AthCollege Night, etc., $120; discussion
Represented at '34th
The National Council, Theta Sig- ity will be announced immediately.
group expenses, $60; Y publications,
Dr. F. Paul Anderson, dean of the letic Association awarded letters to
ma Phi, has announced the offer
The first night of "Local Color"
twenty-si- x
varsity men and numerCollege of Engineering, left Lexing$60; campus and community serof a cash prize of $100 for the best will not be formal, it has been anten-da- y
trip in als to forty-tw- o
vices, flowers for
article on any phase of women's nounced.
annual meet- secretary, $722.50; sick, $50;council, ton Monday for a
The thirty-fourt- h
Captain Forquer has been a regnational
the East to attend the annual meet
work in journalism, written by a
There is a "mystery person" in- ing of the Association of Colleges $100; foreign work, $50; state Y. M. ing of the American Society of Me- ular lineman on the varsity team
woman student enrolled in a school cluded in the cast of "Local Color."
for the last two years, starring on
of journalism, where there is a chap- Just who this person is will be dis and Secondary Schools of the C. A., $40; repairs, $50, miscellane chanical Engineers and the National the yearling team during his freshExposition of Power and Mechanical
ter of the fraternity. Any woman closed at the Tavern at 1:30, Satur- Southern States has been in session ous, $100; total, urged to
man year in 1927.
In his first
contribute Engineering in New York.
Students are
student enrolled in the journalism day, December 14. All members of since Monday at the Lafayette
While in New York attending the season as a Wildcat he was placed
department of the University of the cast will be at the Tavern at hotel. About 500 delegates are in and any student desiring to assist
in the soliciting is asked to see Mr. meeting, Dean Anderson was the in a tackle position, where his work
Kentucky is eligible to enter the this time. One of these has been attendance at the meeting.
principal speaker at the annual was excellent. The past season he
In addition to the annual con- Peak in his office in Alumni hall.
the "mysterious perKentucky New York Alumni club was converted into a guard and his
may deal designated as the identity
Although the article
son," thought
is known vention, there were meetings of the
dinner at the Harvard Club on consistent performance was little
with any phase of journalism, it only to
person. Everyone pres- pxpnntlvfi p.ommltteft of thfi asso Rifle
Thursday, December 5. The guest short of remarkable. Around Forshould advance new information, ent may that
attempt to solve the ident- ciation on Tuesday, Wednesday, and j
of honor at the dinner was J. I. quer, Coach Gamage built a sturdy
fresh proofs, br new theories, as far ity of the mysterious one.
Thursday, and meetings of the com- Lyle, prominent Kentucky alumnus Blue line that was the sensation of
as possible.
The whole range of
This procedure as outlined by mission on Institutions of Higher
to develop in the South during the past season.
has done
of the history,
journalistic work and
Thirty-fiv- e
members of the Rifle who Kentucky much York Alumni In recognition of his great dependaStrollers is Contestants must be at Education on Monday, Tuesday, and
position, opportunities, and achieve- thP Tnvprn at van whpn thp onst I Wednesday, mere was also a meet- - Team of the University satisfactorily the
club a spirit that has made it pos- bility many southern coaches and
ments of women in Journalism is enters, look
them over carefully and inB of the commission on Secondary completed the training preliminary sible to place many Kentucky grad sports writers named Forquer on
open to the contestant.
think is the Schools on Tuesday and Wednesday. to shooting last week.
Articles are ,to be mailed to the choose the one vou SteD
Ho. uates with the Important industries their
f tUlr tnnnth mill
The mass meeting of the assocla
ud to that
Forquer is a product of the New
secretary'bf the committee In charge "mvsterv person."
person ana say, "Are you me mys Hion opened Thursday morning with voted to grouping shots, calling shots
National Exposition of Power castle, Kentucky, High School, where
by April 30, 1929. Announcement of
j an address of welcome
by Dr. Elmer and shooting in the several positions
held he was also a gridiron luminary. He
the awards will be made by the terious person?" If you have guessed Campbell,
of (prone, sitting, kneeling
New is. a member of the Sigma Chi soc
National Council of Theta Sigma correctly, (he or she) will answer, TransylvanifuoriSrse, The., response,
- "Yes," and
the valuable prizff to on
ial fraternity.
Issue.. ofOn" Monday, the men" whchad
.Phi in the Tpctober,-U930behalf of the association was givCoach Harry 'Gamage, in his ad
urguu ui uiu yours.
.wit: iMHirix, oiiiuuu
en by Dr. J. H. HIghsmith, Raleigh, satisfactorily passed all the required ! year.
important dress, "My Team," complimented the
Bids for the Stroller tea dance to North Carolina, state high school in- tests were divided into two teams
disimprovements that have been made squad on their accomplishments of
This contest was won in 1929 by be given December 19, are being
Carolina. Follow- which will shoot against each other during
Complete arrangements ing the of North
the last year in processes the past season, and expressed apMiss Dorothy M. Baker, a graduate tributed.
appointment of committees during the month of December.
preciation for the cooperation which
of the University of Oregon in June, for the tea dance at which Stroller and the report of the executive comhigh men of the two ment in machines for the power are had been given by all. Coach Bernie
eligibles will wear blue and white mittee, Charles E. Friley, dean of teams fifteen
and transmission of
and a member of Theta Sigma Phi,
during that period will be presented to
the engineers of Amer- Shively spoke on "Football as a Gen-- ;
Mortar Board, and Alpha Xi Delta. ribbons, will be anounced later.
of the Texas Agricultural and Me- selected to represent the school in
erai proposition.
Miss Baker's paper is entitled "The
chanical College, delivered an ad- its first match, which will take place ica.
The Lexington Board of ComDean Anderson left New
Press Concedes Itself to Femininity."
dress on "The Place of the Tech- the week of January 18, 1930. The the last of this week and will York merce was represented on the prostop
She is now connected cwith the
nological College In Higher Educa- other men will be placed on a second
at Philadelphia, where he will make gram by E. R. Ackerman, who was
Hennepin County Review, Hopkins,
Chi tion."
team and if their work improves
arrangements for the labora- loud in his praise of the team and
Minn., where she is doing general
Thursday afternoon the program will be advanced to the first team, final exhibit by
the College of En- coaching staff as well as "Daddy"
reporting in Hopkins, and work
consisted of a report of the com- replacing those whose scores fall.
Members of Sigma Delta Chi,
gineering. This exhibit at the an- Boles, In his address on "What a
among farmers for farm stories, men's honorary Journalistic fra- mission on Secondary schools by
nual Exposition of Heating and Winning University Team Means to
subscriptions, advertising, and job ternity, are discussing plans for a E. J. Mathews, chairman, and an
Lexington and Kentucky." Lexing
Ventilating to be held in Philadelwork.
Gridiron banquet to be given the address by O. C. Carmichael, presiphia in January, will consist of one ton and the University found a
dent of the Alabama College, on
second semester.
of the laboratory expermlnental set spokesman in James Park, common
The banquet will be held accord- "The Place of the Women's Colups from the College of Engineering wealth s attorney, who was football
ing to the traditions of all gridiron leges in Higher Education."
captain in '14, when he talked on
of the University.
President R. L. Marquis, of the
dinners given by newspaper men and
What a Winning Football Team
will be a stag affair.
Prominent North Texas State Teacher's ColThe,
Means to the University of KentucNeil Plummer, a graduate of the Lexington men as well as members lege, and president of the associasponsor ever to serve in the history Oil
on ky."
Journalism department, has recently of the University faculty will be in- tion, delivered an address Thursday of the University band was elected
"Daddy Boles radiated satisfac
night. Reports by the delegates Monday afternoon by the ninety
been made city editor of the Lex vited to attend.
tion as he awarded the letters and
At a meeting held by the fratern- followed this speech.
ington Herald, following the resigna
members of that organization, when
numerals, and spoke especially of
On Friday morning, Dr. Charles Miss Leura Pettigrew, EP Paso,
tion of C. Robert Kay. Mr. Plum- ity Sunday afternoon committees
oil the four, Capt. Will Ed Covington,
An exhibition of thirty-si- x
mer received his A. B. degree In were appointed to investigate and H. Judd, of the School of Education, Texas, was reelected sponsor for the paintings of landscapes and still Pete Drury, Warner. Ford and Tom
1928, and Is now studying law at the formulate a plan whereby an annual University of Chicago, addressed the coming year. A ruling of the band life by T. C. Steele opened Monday Walters, whose football careers were
Blanket Hop might be conducted by delegates on "Professional Training that no one could hold the position at the Art Center and continued ended with the ceremonies. Gold
He is a member of Alpha Delta Sigma Delta Chi for the benefit of for College and University Instruc- for more than one year was set through the week.
footballs were also presented to the
Sigma and a charter member of Sig- graduating varsity athletes. Each tors."
aside for the third time that Miss
T. C. Steele belonged to the Brown members of the varsity squad by
Wednesday night the delegates Pettigrew might be eligible.
ma Delta Chi. While on the campus senior letter man, if the plan is
county group of Indiana painteis, al- "Daddy" Boles.
he was a member of SuKy, Phi Beta adopted, will receive a blanket dec- were entertained with a reception
Members of varsity squad who re
Miss Pettigrew, who Is a senior though he had studied in Munich
Kappa, Alpha Tau Omega, and for orated with a large K on a blue In the Lafayette hotel given by the in the College of Arts and Sciences, under Professors Bentzur and Lo- -' ceived letters were: Kenneth AnWomen's Club of the University, majoring
two years was managing editor of background.
in Spanish, will be grad- effts. His paintings were exhibited drews, R. T. Baughman, Joke Bron-sto- n,
The Kentucky chapter of Sigma Transylvania and the Lexington uated at the close of the present in Paris during the exposition and
the Kentucky Kernel.
Milton Cavana, Max Colker.
Kay will be connected with Delta Chi will also make a definite branch of the American Association semester. She will enroll for grad- more recently In this country in mu- Will Ed Covington, William T. DruMr.
the Louisville Bureau of the Asso- bid for the national convention of of University receiving As guests of uate work at the beginning of the seums at St. Louis, Cincinnati, In- ry, Warner Ford, L. G. Forquer,
line were the
ciated Press. He received his A. B. the organization in 1931. Kentucky honor, In the
(Continued on page eight)
second semester, when her second dianapolis, and Boston.
degree at the University In 1927, and was the, second choice as a conven- presidents of the colleges of Ken-- 1 term as band sponsor begins.
Invitations have been issued to a
wives, tho officers
his M. A. degree here In 1928. He Is tion city for next year's convention. tucky, and their
tea to be held from 3 to 6 this after
is a member of Alpha XI DelShe
Albert Stoffel and Richard Brewer of the Association, delegates from ta, social sorority, of which she is noon ac me arc uenter m nonor or
a member of Phi Delta Theta. For
the past two years he had been city were Initiated into Sigma Delta Chi ' the Lexington Board of Commerce,
secretMrs. Steele. Miss
Ann Callihan,
and members of the boards of Edu ary-treasurer
at the meeting Sunday.
editor of the Herald.
of the Spanish club; head of the department of Art, will
cation of the University and Trannnd member of the Girl's orchestra. preside.
sylvania College.
Mrs. Server Delivers Interesl-ii- i
At 6:30 o'clock, Thursday evening,
Lecture on Conditions
the Kentucky Association of Col-- 1
in South America
leges gave a dinner at the Lafayette hotel In honor of the visiting
El Ateneo Castellano will hold
delegates. At noon today the delemeeting in Patterson hall at
am doing publicity for Guignol gates will be luncheon guests of the
3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Back in 1919. when "there warn't this month; I advise the Strollers University, at the University Com- '
was assigned to the Courier-Journ- al J. M. Server, Instructor of romance
secretary mons.
no such thing" as Theta Sigma Phi, about their publicity; I am
Approximately 100 university and
Frankfort Bureau for the languages, will deliver an Interesting-lecturMiss Mary Chenoweth, who has
group of young ladles, interested of the advisory board of Y. W. O. A.;
on the customs, habits, and
In Journalism as a proression, pe Mortar Board faculty advisor; asso college presidents, and 200 deans, been on the staffs of the Louisville session of the Kentucky General
Louisville Assembly.
of col- Courier-JournAt the close of the first living conditions on tho west coast
titloned the national organization elate editor or The Alumnus; and professors and registrars
for membership. The chapter was i last not least, faculty adviser to leges in the southern statues, besides Times for more than ten years, has mouth she was instructed by her of Soutli America.
100 principals and high school InThe lecture will be illustrated with
received wide recognition for her office to take over a confidential
organized in 1919, and called Phi 'Thcta Sigma Phi.
work in the newspaper world and is Investigation which took her away a number of slides portraying
Sigma, but tho pictures of tho mem- "Hum!" We poised a stubby pencil spectors representing the departscenes.
bers didn't appear In tho U. K. an- - for more. "And have you had any ments of education of Virginia, one of the most successful of women from Frankfort. . A petition signed Spanish-America- n
by members of the House and Sen- Server returned to Lexington this
'special articles or features publlsh- - North Carolina, South Carolina, Journalists.
nual until 1920.
Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, FlorFifteen minutes before Miss ate, was sent to Judge Robert W. year after a year's stay in Brazil,
ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi- Chenoweth entered her profession, Bingham, publisher of the newspa Chile, Peru, Ecuador, and the
ponntpnance do vou snnnoso annear- - '
"Oh yes," she smiled depreciat
Whose ingly. "I did special work during ana, and Texas were present at the she had never given reportorial per she represented, urging that she Argentine. She will also exhibit a
ed among those present?
... nili,iisi,pH thn niiiPirrnss
work a thought. For a number of be retained in Frankfort during the rare collection of nrtlcles which she
helping hand has aided freshman
years, she had been a singer in 'session of the General Assembly
secured whlje in tho Spanish speakdown the thorny path to Journ- - Fnrmer and havo wrItten features
church choirs in LouisviUe, To make ("because of her fairness and accur- ing countries.
m ,umaf
Biisup carecni lur
tor years and years. I still do special Second
money to further her career she took acy In handling news." This re
The American Association of Uni,
has been doing newspaper work '
PPni(1 nmv anA th,,
versity Women Is sponsoring the
a business course, at the completion quest was complied with.
steadily, since 1912? Who, but I guess that's all that isn't known
In searching for news and fea- program in order to secure money
of which she went Into the office
"Professor" Margie McLaughlin?
about me. My past is an open
to ask a ture stories, Miss Chenoweth has for a fellowship fund which will
of tho Courier-Journ- al
All these "whose" sound llko the book."
friend if she knew of an opening handled many stories of crime and assist women to do national and"
refrain to a popular foxtrot, but
All sorts of questions stuttered on
lawlessness, which have taken her international research work.
Miss Margie is the answer to them
The second f a series of five for a stenographer.
our tongue,
At tho suggestion of her friend Into many dangerous situations. price of admission is thirty-fiv- e
are being given
all. But you haven't heard any- theje.tip of Margie- was a and died Cadet Hops wu
busy wo- by the U. O 1 C, regiment of tho that she try reporting, sho went During her experience of handling cents to all persons except the mem- Miss
thing yet I. She has had her finger
was hungry. We left.
University, will ako place Saturday directly to the city editor and asked news of this nature she has never bers of the Spanish club, who will
in tho pies of so many campus men, and she
There-another side to the char- afternoon from to G o'clock in the permission to work without pay until involved her paper in a single re- bo guests of honor. The public is
activities that it makes her red head actcr
of this peerless, eternally young Basketball buiiu ng Tho Rhythm sho could demonstrate her fitness traction.
ache to remember them all.
of school
Sho has made many trips into the
uder the direction for tho work.
"Start with A and go down to Z" Journalism professor. Outhours, she Kings orchesti
as well as during class
... nua been engaged
Miss Chenoweth bears the unusual mountains of Kentucky, riding a KAPPA DELTA PI INITIATION
wo suggested helpfully.
Toy Sandel
to of furnish tho mu c The first hop record of having jumped directly mule Into territory seldom traveled,
Miss Margie struggled with a is popular. Her invitations
The Alpha Gamma chapter of
galosh and heroclally refrained from chaperono fraternity and sorority was given two iucks ago and the into "top of the column" front page famous "Clayhole election murders"
dismissing reporters and going homo dances and teas are sufficient third dance wi:i nit take place until news, and her career since that time In Breathitt county, where four men Kappa Delta Pi will initiate its
testlmonals in themselves, to her Saturday, Janumy 1. Admission for has been both sensational and At one time, she investigated the pledges at the Lafayette hotel at
to cat dinner.
were killed, twenty-on- e
wounded, (J o'clock on Wednesday, December
u single ,Hop is j0 jents. whllo sea- spectacular. She became so interest"At present," she tabulated, "I am wit and good humor.
thrown into 11. Following the initiation
This is Theta Sigma Phi speaking, son tickets, good or tho four re- ed in her work that sho soon gave and the ballot-boxechairman of tho Woman's Club;
Pledges will bo truest nf tho nnHu.i
the creek. At another time she
maining affairs, ca.i be obtained at up the Idea of a musical career.
press chairman of the American students.
chapter for dinner.
on page eight)
We give you, "Miss Margie."
In the spring of 1922, Miss Cheno- University Women;
the door for
Association of




Theta Sig Announces
Cash Prize of

Dean Anderson at
Engineers' Meet

Team Passes

Preliminary Tests



Dinner, Hop Planned
Sigma Delta

Leura Pettigrew

Reelected Sponsor
University Band

Neil Plummer Made

Paintings Are
at Art Center

Meet in Pat Hall

Theta Sigma Phi Introduce Their

Miss Mary Chenoweth Is Prominent

Friend and Adviser, "Miss Margie"


Figure Among Southern Journalists

Saturday; Third




� Best Copy


the other guests were:
Misses Lois Purccll, Kathcrlne





Watson, Elizabeth

Acker, Florence McLaughlin, Louise
Virginia Yarbro, Lucllc
Alllc May Coryell,
Roof Hlpdon.

Pearl Mclntyre, Jane Foster, Myrn
Ollbcrt. Louise Oott, Mrs. Linus
Koof, Mrs. Frank Hill, and Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Cundlff, Coach Lawn,
rence Sullivan, Messrs. Stewart
Sunday, December 8
James Boyd, Fred Hcrzog,
Nature shines her
Vesper Service In Memorial hall James Johnson, Leland Maschmcycr,
On the people of this earth.
Brandon Price, Trnvls Pugh, VernAnd though she covers nil her at 4 o'clock.'
Wednesday, December 11
on Rooks, Edwin Wade,
Afternoon tea nt Maxwell place for Rottgcrlng, Howard Twltchell, Man-no- n
And bright fires grace the hearth,
faculty and students.
Whltakcr, Charles WIckllffe,
Soon will the waters fill the
Nelson Boyd, Matt Habakcr, George
Haydcn, Ralph Wright, Robert
Soon will the violets spread their
Paducnh n.niqucl
Wright, and Norman Price.
Padticah students of the university
Louisa Blckcl.
Kentucky-Te- n
and visitors to the
nessee football game attended n
Beta Sigma Omlcron Guests
banquet at the Phoenix hotel
Beta Sigma Omlcron sorority had
Thursday evening.
the following visitors for ThanksThis is an annual Thanksgiving giving and the Homecoming:
Friday, December (5
affair in Lexington.
Mrs. Fred Ottcrback, Louisville;
Su-K- y
dinner dance In honor of
Miss Lois Purccll, who presided as Mrs. W. H. Mason, Elklns, W. Vn.;
the football squad.
toast mistress, introduced all the Misses Emma Lou Trnutman, DaySaturday .December 7
members of the assembly and an- ton; Dorothy Davis, Belle vue; Hazel
Sigma Alpha Epsllon house dance. nounced the program.
Mullens, Chicago; Louise Gott,
Alpha Sigma Phi house dance.
L. C. Sullivan, former football and
Mary Robinson, Knoxvlllc,
Alpha Gamma Rho house dance. basketball coach at Tilghman high Tcnn.; Shlrlce Orth, Winchester,
Second Cadet hop, 3 to G o'clock school, at Paducnh, wns the honor and Mary and Dot McClure, Knox-vlll- e.
in the Men's gymnasium.
Mrs. W. H. Mason is visiting the
mmmmnt Beta Sigma Omicron sorority this

All ye Eds and Co-eof the
Greek World I Certainly want a
group picture of your class and favMagazines "Say It" every month orite fraternity or sorority. "Get a
in the year. What else docs? E. W. 1930 Kcntuckian.
Wallls Magazine Agency, Phone Ash. ,
Molay Smoker
3798. Adv.
The De Molay Alumni of Lexing
ton will hold a smoker tonight from
Delta Delta Delta Banquet
Delta Delta Delta sorority observ- 7 to 9, at the home of the Alumni
Mr. G.
ed its annual Founder's Day with a advisor, street, C. Boden, 565 West
for De Molays who
banquet at the Phoenix hotel on Second
arc attending the University of KenWednesday with members of the
chapter, University of tucky and Transylvania College.
Delta Rho
This is the first attempt on the
Kentucky, and Beta Zeta chapter,
part of the Lexington De Molays to
Transylvania College, attending.
Miss Kathryn McWllllams, presi- organize and many sections of the
dent of Delta Rho chapter, presided. country will be represented.
Responses to the toasts of "Dreams" twenty-fiv- membership is composed of
former De Molays. The
were made by Anna Mae Lewis,
officers of the local chapter are:
Mary Armstrong, Elsie Hatfield, and
Ovid Johnson, president, and HuMrs. D. B. Harding .
The decorations were of the soror- bert Moore, secretary.
ity colors: silver, gold, and blue with
Next year you will be sorry. If you
The pro
grammes and tables were arranged don't subscribe for a Kentuckian tomorrow. adv.
In the form of a Delta.
guests were pres
About sixty-tw- o
ent including active members,
pledges, alumni and members of
the Alliance.




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