xt7hdr2p626m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hdr2p626m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967-01-jan20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-01-jan20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-01-jan20. 1967 1967-01-jan20. 2011 true xt7hdr2p626m section xt7hdr2p626m 

      Minutes of the Recessed Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Friday, January 20, 1967

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board Room
in the Administration Building on the campus of the University of Kentucky at 10:00
a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Friday, January 20, 1967 in a meeting recessed
from December 13, 1966. The following members were present: Governor Edward
T. Breathitt, Chairman, Dr. H. B. Murray, Secretary, Mr. Wendell P. Butler,
Dr. Harry Denham, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mrs. Rexford Blazer,
Mr. Richard Cooper, Mr. William R. Black, and non-voting faculty members, Pro-
fessor Paul Oberst and Dr. Stephen Diachun. Absent were: Dr. Harry Sparks, Mr.
Smith Broadbent, Mr. W. F. Foster, Mr. B. Hudson Milner: Dr. Ralph Angelucci
and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer. President John W. Oswald and Vice Presidents A. D.
Albright, W. R. Willard, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech, and Robert L.
Johnson represented the administration, and members of the news media were in

      A. Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered to Mrs. Rexford Blazer

      The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a. m. and asked Dr. Stephen
Diachun to pronounce the invocation.

      Governor Breathitt introduced Mrs. Rexford Blazer of Ashland, whom he had
appointed to the vacancy on the Board created by the expiration of Mr. Floyd Wright's
term on December 31, 1966, and announced the appointment of Mr. B. Hudson Milner
of Louisville to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of Mr. Clifford E. Smith's
term on December 31, 1966, and the reappointment of Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer as
alumni representative on the Board. All three of the appointees will serve four-year
terms, expiring December 31, 1970. The Governor administered the oath of office to
Mrs. Blazer, explaining that he would administer the oath to Mr. Milner and Mr.
Hillenrneyer at a later date. Mr. Milner was unable to be present because he was
undergoing surgery and Mr. Hillenmeyer was out of the state.

       Dr. Murray called the roll and reported a quorum present. The Chairman de-
clared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 10:10 a. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Dr. Denham, duly seconded and passed, the reading of the
Minutes for the November 17, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.



       C. President's Report on Activities

       Dr. Oswald prefaced his report on the University's activities since the
December meeting of the Board by explaining to Mrs. Blazer that each month he
presented a report which did not cover all the many and varied activities being
carried on at the University but was representative of the wide-scale involvement
of the University in local, state, and national programs. Copies of the report,
following acceptance by the Board, are mailed to the faculty and certain key alumni
and friends of the University as a means of keeping them informed. Following a
brief comment on each item in the report, he mentioned three items which were too
late for inclusion:

       1.  The death of Mr. Jesse Tapp, distinguished alumnus and a
           distinguished Kentuckian. Mr. Tapp, who was a member of
           the University of Kentucky Development Council and the Board
           of Spindletop Research, Incorporated, had maintained closely
           his love for Kentucky and for the University. He was one of
           the financial leaders of the nation, serving as Chairman of the
           Bank of America in Los Angeles, California.

       2.  The recent receipt of an Appreciation Award and a check for
           $2, 000 from the Western Electric Fund in recognition of novel
           and new approaches to education. The Award was made to the
           University of Kentucky for its H. L. Donovan Senior Citizen's

       3.  Enrollment for the spring semester stands at 18, 715, an increase
           of 2, 640 over that of 1966. There are 13, 336 students on the
           Lexington campus, 4, 654 in the Community Colleges and the
           Lexington Technical Institute, and an estimated 725 in extension
           classes throughout the state. At the corresponding date a year
           ago, there were 11, 225 students on the Lexington campus.

       The Governor asked if there were any other additions to the report and, upon
finding there were none, ordered the report received and filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       For the benefit of Mrs. Blazer, Dr. Oswald explained that PR 2, Recommen-
dations of the President, contained important items of business which require Board
action. This report is prepared in advance of each meeting and mailed to the members
of the Board so that they may be familiar with the items requiring action, but because
of their routine nature, would not require discussion. The only item which he wished
to mention in particular was the recommended change in the name of the School of



Allied Health Personnel to the School of Allied Health Professions, explaining that the
latter name was more consistent with the purpose of the School which is the profession-
al preparation of individuals to serve in certain closely related health service fields.

       The Governor having been called out of the meeting, Dr. Murray assumed the
chair and, having determined there were no questions relative to the report, called
for a motion. The motion was made, seconded and carried that PR 2, Recommen-
dations of the President, be approved as a whole and the report was ordered made an
official part of the Minutes of the January 20, 1967 recessed meeting of the Board of
Trustees. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Governor 3reathitt returned and called on Dr. Oswald for presentation of
PR 3. Dr. Oswald explained that PR 3 contained items similar in nature to those in
PR 2 but were items which had been received in his office too late for advance mail-

       Following a brief examination of the items and noting with regret the resignation
of Dr. Raymond Bard, Director of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation and
Assistant Vice President for Research, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried,
PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the January 20, 1967 recessed meeting
of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       F. Resolution Relative to Capital Construction Programs (PR 4)

       Dr. Oswald indicated he would like to make a background statement relative to
the Resolution being recommended for approval prior to Mr. Kerley's presentation of
the Resolution.

       For the past three years, the University, in anticipation of vast increases of
enrollments both on the campus and at the community colleges, has been actively engaged
in planning both for academic as well as physical plant development. Such planning is
necessary if the University is to meet the quantity demands while at the same time
maintaining and improving quality programs. In June 1964, the Academic Analysis was
presented -- a document not intended for action but rather an assessment of the
problems and prospects that must be faced and resolved if the University is to move
forward in a sound manner. It projected the future growth of the graduate program and
delineated growth of the Community College System. It further emphasized that the
University must take a careful look at its general educational requirements for students
in order to provide enough breadth in educational opportunities to be certain that the
young men and young women who graduate from the institution are indeed well educated



individuals. A year later, the Academic Plan as adopted by the Senate was presented.
It involved certain basic changes in requirements for graduation and established that
all students be enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences for the first two years be-
fore entering into their particular specialties.

      At the same time academic planning was going on, physical planning was also
being carried on. The first overall Physical Development Plan was adopted in June
1963. In September 1965, the second phase was completed which set forth the plans
for the future development of the central campus, showing that caution should be exer-
cised in land use so that twenty years in the future a building would not be located
where a larger building might be needed. Also in the past year, sites have been
selected and architects appointed to draw up preliminary development plans for the
co mmunity colleges. Concurrent with the planning for the academic and physical de-
velopment programs, financial planning to implement themTn has been underway. This
has been done by Mr. Kerley and his staff and by Mr. Grafton, the University's bond
counsel. Three sources of funds are available; (1) federal grant money, increasingly
available, particularly in the community college program; (2) money from the general
obligation bonds, a portion of which was allocated to the University of Kentucky for
construction purposes; and (3), revenue bonds which the University sells and to which
the revenue from student fees is pledged. The recommended Resolution relates to all
these fund sources and provides means for interim financing until such time as it is
advisable for the University to offer one large bond issue to finance the proposed
projects. Dr. Oswald then asked Mr. Kerley to explain the proposed Resolution in
greater detail.

       Mr. Kerley, indicating that the Resolution and its attached schedules had been
mailed to the Board members in advance of the meeting, said that those involved in
its preparation were members of his own staff, the University's bond counsel, con-
sultants from W. E. Hutton on the debt obligation on the community colleges, and
F. L. Dupree and Company, Incorporated, for debt obligation on the Lexington campus,
and Commissioner Felix Joyner and his staff, particularly Mr. Donald Bradshaw. He
pointed out that the document was in four parts -- the Resolution itself; Schedule I, a
listing of various buildings and projects on the Lexington campus; Schedule LI, a listing
of major reconstruction projects on the Lexington campus; and Schedule III, projects for
the enlargement or activation of each of the community colleges. The bulk of the
money realized from the interim financing techniques authorized will be appropriated to
the awarding of contracts between now and January 1968 although some planning money
for future projects is included.

       The Resolution authorizes five different ways of financing and authorizes the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees to take action on individual projects in
the event a Board meeting is not scheduled, or in the event the schedule is so tight that
it is impossible to convene a meeting of the full Board. The alternate methods of
fi.nanci.ng provided are: (1) sale of revenue bonds; (2) interim financing (revenue bond
anticipation notes): (3) guaranteed bids; (4) advances from other funds; or (5) any
conbination of the above.



       It is no longer advisable to go into the market with small issues; furthermore,
it is desirable to go into the market when, in the judgment of the University's fi-
nancial advisors, it is possible to get the best interest rates. From all indications
and from all available sources of information it is evident that it would not be best to
go into the market within the next six to eight months. Based on currect indicators,
the market will be -much more favorable in seven to nine months. It is better, there-
fore, to proceed with interim techniques until such tinme as the financial advisors
recommend that the market is favorable for the sale of bonds. The proposed Resolution
authorizes this procedure.

       Mr. Kerley then explained briefly the projects set forth in Schedules I, II, and
IlI, mentioning that the drawings for the classroom-office building were completed,
had been reviewed, and had been put out to bid. Actual construction should start the
last week of February or the first week of March. He summarized the total project
costs as follows:

       Construction and reconstruction on the Lexington
          campus                                               $26, 000, 000
       Enlargement and activation of the community
          colleges                                               19, 400, 000
       Planning advances                                         1, 275, 000
                                             TOTAL             $46,675,000

       Governor Breathitt expressed appreciation to Dr. Oswald, Mr. Kerley and his
associates, and to those Board committees which have worked with them, for the
careful thought which had been given to meeting the needs of the students, the Universi-
tv's first and foremost concern, and for the planning which would provide the maximum
utilization of finances and space.

       On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Dr. Denham, and passed unanimously,
the Resolution as set forth in PR 4 was adopted. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       G. Mr. Ezelle Excused

       Mr. Ezelle, noting that a quorum would still be present, requested permission
to be excused from the meeting in order that he might attend a one o'clock meeting of
his own board in Louisville. The Governor granted such permission and thanked him
for making a special effort to attend this meeting of the University of Kentucky Board of

       H. Construction of Temporary Parking Lots and Installation of Parking Meters
(PR 5)
       Mr. Kerley was asked to present the recommendation relative to the con-
struction of temporary parking lots and the installation of parking meters. He said that



he felt the background statement and the recommendation made in PR 5 were self-
explanatory and needed no further discussion unless there were some questions. He
added that some of the work has already been done and he needed the Board's author-
ization to pay the bills.

       On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and without dissent, the
President was authorized to spend $80, 000 from the restricted parking account for
the construction of special temporary parking lots, including the cost of demolition
of sub-standard buildings located in the area, and the installation of parking meters
in the visitor's parking lot at the Medical Center as a pilot project. (See PR 5 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Authorization to Negotiate Contract with General Telephone Company
of Kentucky for a Centrex System (PR 6)

       Mr. Kerley called attention to PR 6 which recommended that he be authorized
to negotiate and enter into a contract with General Telephone of Kentucky for the
installation of a Centrex type telephone system to be engineered and installed by ap-
proximately September 1, 1969. He said that it was estimated that under the present
system by 1970 the telephone bill of the University would be $1, 000, 000 annually.
With the proposed system, the bill would be approximately one-half that amount.

       On motion by Dr. Bushart, seconded by Mr. Black, and approved, Mr. Kerley
was authorized to negotiate and enter into a contract with General Telephone of
Kentucky for the installation of a Centrex type telephone system. (See PR 6 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       J. Resolution Ratifying Action of the Council on Public Higher Education on
Student Fees (PR 71

       On October 21, 1966, the Board of Trustees adopted a Resolution requesting
the Council on Public Higher Education to adopt a Resolution consolidating the student
center and activity fees at community colleges with the registration fee so that the
full value of the registration fee ($140 total per semester) might be pledged as se-
curity for community colleges educational buildings revenue bonds.

       The Council on Public Higher Education adopted the Resolution given as part
of PR 7 at the end of the Minutes at a meeting held on January 3, 1967. The Council's
Resolution incorporated a few changes and corrections which were not in the original
Resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees. It is, therefore, necessary that the
Board ratify the Council's Resolution.

On motion by Dr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Black, and duly passed, the



recommendation made as a part of PR 7 was approved. (See PR 7 at the end of the
Minutes. )

      K. Committee Appointed to Draft Resolutions of Appreciation to Mr. Clifford
E. Smith and Mr. Floyd Wright

       Governor Breathitt said that he would like to appoint a committee charged
with the responsibility of drafting resolutions expressing on behalf of the Board of
Trustees and the alumni, faculty, and students of the University, thanks and ap-
preciation to Mr. Clifford E. Smith and Mr. Floyd Wright for their two terms of
distinguished and loyal service to the University. With the full concurrence of the
Board he named the following to serve on the committee: Dr. Ralph A.ngelucci,
Chairman; Professor Paul Oberst; and Dr. Stephen Diachun. He expressed the
hope that they would detail specific services rendered by each -man and that the
resolutions would become a part of the Minutes of the Board meeting at which they
were presented for adoption.

       L. Hospital Audit Distributed

       The Governor called for other business and Mr. Kerley placed in the hands
of the Board members present two documents prepared by Haskins and Sells which
resulted from the hospital audit authorized by the Board of Trustees at the April 5,
1966 meeting. He indicated that copies would be mailed to those not present and
would be placed in the hands of the Trustees' Hospital Committee for reveiw dis-
cussion and report back to the Board at some later time.

       M. Luncheon Announced and Meeting Adjourned

       Dr. Oswald reminded the Board members that lunch would be served in the
President's Room of the Student Center immediately following adjournment. He
urged all those who could do so to remain.

       The Governor, having first determined there was no further business to
come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The motion being
duly made. seconded. and carried, the meeting adjourned at 1:10 a. m.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               H. B. Murray, Secretary
                                               Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR ., PR 6, and PR 7 which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the January 20, 1967 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentuclk-y


                         PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES

                                  January 20, 1967


       The Uni'ersitv of cenucky Fellows, a program for recognizing major donors
to the University. no;- is in operation. iEstablishment of such a program was the
initial recommendation of the University Development Council, as reported to the
Board of Trustees at its September, 1966, meeting by Director of Development
Leonard Ulilson.

       AnnouncemerLts of the program were mailed initially to University alumni of
the classes of .L33G and earlier, and to members of the Alumni Century Club.  The
program wilt recognize persons who commit a lifetime gift of $10,000 or more to
the Alumnr)s I lind or the l University in a single gift or over a period of years, and
to persons who make a deferred gift commitment to the University of $15,000 or
more,  The purpose o.f: the gift is determined by the donor so long as the purpose
is acceptahic. to the iloarn of, Trustees.

       As of January ;() a total of 13 persons, either friends or alumni of the
University, had becn recognizod as University Fellows.  An additional 22 inquiries
had heen rccev icu Iy hlat diate.


       The widow of a former UK faculty member has left the University $175,000 to
be used for graduate fellowships in tobacco research,   The will of lirs, Helen
Lasby Jeifrey, probated iast month in Washington, D. C., where iMrs. Jeffrey made
her home in recent years, directs that her estate, estimated at $350,000, be
divided between UK and the University of Minnesota.

       lrsO Jeffrey9 a Minnesota alumnus, taught chemistry for a time at
Transylvania College during the period from 1936 to 1946, when her husband, Dr.
Robert it. Jeffrey, was a plant physiologist at the Agricultural Experiment Station.
Dr. Jeffrey achieved recognition here for his research in the curing of burley
tobacco. Upon leaving Lexington, the couple lived briefly in California before
going to Liberia, where Dr, Jeffrey was associated with a rubber plantation owned by
the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company,   From 194'J until his death at Silver Springs,
11d. . in i.962, Dr. Jef frev worked with the U."'. Department of Agriculture at Beltsville,

       The fund bequeathed to the University by Mrs. Jeffrey will be administered by
the University Research Foundation.



       The University's second Community College Conference and Faculty Meeting
was held January 3-5 at the Phoenix Hotel. Participants included advisory board
members of the respective community colleges, policymakers of Kentucky's independ-
ent junior colleges, the presidents of eight community college Student Councils,
and the faculty of the Community College System.

       Visiting educators from Florida, Chicago and South Carolina joined several
resource persons fro;- Kentucky in discussions of the philosophy, purposes and new
developments in community-junior college education, Governor Edward T. Breathitt
outlined plans for a program of development for the community college campuses.
Advisory board members attended a special session at which their role in the
future of the Community College System was defined. Faculty members focused their
attention upon reading-study problems, the utilization of educational television
as a teaching-learning aid. and the identification and solution of departmental
problems   Presidents of the Student Councils worked on guidelines for a student
advisory group to serve as liaison between student bodies of the respective
colleges, the dean of the Community College System, and the president of the


       rMining engineering, one of the oldest branches of engineering and one that
is vital to much of Kentucky, is being revitalized at the University by a new
option program whose graduates will be qualified as both civil and mining engineers.
Because coal mining is a major Kentucky industry, the program is oriented toward
coal, but enough of the techniques of metal mining are included to enable the
graduate to adapt to either field.

       The program directors Prof. Ted D. Haley, reports that mining option students
will be given an unusual amount of practical experience through employment during
summer vacations. They also will receive business practices training not ordinarily
included in engineering education.  Ideally, students will take a bachelor's degree
in mining option plus a degree in business administration, thus preparing for
eventual managerial assignments.

       Professor Haley, who joined the College of Engineering faculty last August,
has had broad mining exnerience in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Oklahoma.   lie most
recently was associated with the Culf Oil Corporation.


- 3


       Personnel who will serve as beef cattle and dairy specialists in the
Cooperative Extension Service's new area system have completed training for their
new assignments, Fifteen agents completed the special course for beef cattle
specialists, and 14 others completed the dairy course0 Under the Extension
Service's new area system, established last July, the state is divided into 16
areas; each of which is served by specialists in various fields. The new agents
will work several counties in their specialty instead of confining themselves
to general work in one county as in the past.


       The University was host this week for the premiere showing of a full-length
documentary film depicting life in Peru, The new film is one of six which have
been shown on campus this week by Julien Bryant world traveler and executive
director of the International Film Foundation0 The series, which also included
documentaries on Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, Egypt and Israel, was sponsored
by the University's Council on Aging and by the Oliver Wendell Holmes Institute.


       A physical education program now in operation at the Blue Grass School for
Retarded Children, under the direction of a University faculty member, is believed
to be the only one of its kind in the nation, Headed by Joe Brown, instructor in
physical educations the program is introducing the children to exercises which
most retarded children never got0

       "The old notion," according to Mr, Brown, "was that physical education would
excite these children, make them uncontrollable and nervous0 Actually; the opposite
has happened, They're just like anyone else, they feel better when they get
exercise. Afterwards, they go back to class and are quiet0 They're much easier
to control."

       Under the program, which is financed by the federal government, every child
at the school has 30 minutes of physical education every day0 Its primary objective
is to determine what the retarded child can do, Another member of the instruc-
tional team is Bob Johnson, varsity track coach, who believes that retarded children
have potential that is never used  because they never have the chance to try,




      Richard L, Hills, former assistant trust officer of Ashland's Second National
Bank, has joined the University staff as associate director of development with
primary responsibility in the area of deferred gifts.  Leonard L. Wilson, director
of development, reports that Mr. Hills will work with University benefactors,
attorneys and trust officers in making appropriate arrangements where the University
is a beneficiary in a will. a trust, or an insurance program. Graduated from the
University in 1960, Mir. Hills was a high school mathematics teacher in Columbus,
Ohio, before joining the staff of the Ashland bank in 1962.


       The U.S. Public Health Service has annroved a $346,760 grant requested by
the Ohio Valley Regional Medical Program to support the first 12 months of a two-
year planning effort,  The application for funds to develop the program was
sponsored jointly by UK, the University of Cincinnati and the University of Louisville.
The program is to be part of a nationwide network of regional medical endeavors to
combat heart disease, cancer, stroke and related conditions.

       Dr. William R. Willard, vice president for 'the Medical Center, says the
program will seek to improve and enhance the region's medical capability through
voluntary cooperative arrangements which will relate the area's existing health
resources in programs of research, education and training, and patient-care demon-
strations. The Ohio Valley program will provide a continuing basis for more formal
and effective relationships among the area's three university medical centers and
the community hospitals and practicing physicians of the region.  Such cooperative
arrangements are intended to aid the area's practitioners and institutions with
the most rapid possible translation of research accomplishment into patient care.

       Dr. Wlilliam 1i. MlcBeath, an assistant to Dr. Willard; has been named director
of the new program, He reports that the recently announced federal grant will
permit planning activities to begin immediately, with the active involvement of the
region's practicing physicians, community hospitals, voluntary health agencies and
public health departments.

       The Ohio Valley region will serve most of Kentucky. southern Indiana, south-
western Ohio, and the western tip of West Virginia. Major metropolitan areas within
the region will include Cincinnati, Dayton, Evansville, Huntington, Lexington and


-5 -


      A new method of joining building rafters without the use of nails is being
tested in the University's Civil Engineering Testing Chamber.  The new method in-
volves use of an adhesive and rafters hlaving a set of interlocking "fingers" at
the end.

       SSponsored b)y the National Science Foundation and the Departments of Forestry
and Civil Engineering, the experiment is of potential significance to the entire
building industry, particularly to manufacturers of prefabricated houses, Dr-
D. B. Richards. chairman of the forestry department, is principal investigator
for the experiments in which the lower ends of joined rafters are anchored to the
floor   Pressure then is applied on both sides by heavy jacks at points about three
feet below the Joint. By means of recording instruments, comparative data thus
is obtained on the pressure which each type of rafter can withstand,

       .he testing chamber is built into the southwest corner of the new engineer-
ing towear Its two levels are separated by a two-foot floor of reinforced concrete
into which are built heavy anchor devices for securing the test apparatus. Director
of the testing chamber is Dr. Hans Gesund, professor of civil engineering,


       An experimental machine employed for the first time during the fail semester
has simplified for the Department of Psychology many of the problems created by
limited space. growing enrollment, and high cost of laboratory equipment.  The
machine--called ALDAS, for automated laboratory data acquisition system--was de-
veloped-b Behavioral Research Systems of Beltsville, ld., to meet requirements
specified   BDr. John .1 Donahoe, associaite professor of psychology, for laboratory
work in intoductory psychology courses.  pith ALDAS, 60 students at a time can
participate in experiments conducted by a single instructor.

       The machine now is in use about 36 hours a week, As more is learned about
its potential, its uses are certain to be expanded, Already it is being consid-
ered for use in research projects by psychologists and others. To promote the
experimental model, the Maryland firm recently sent a representative to the campus
to film ALDAS at work, and to interview students and teachers about its effec-
tiveness.  Dr. Donahoe remorcs that a final evaluation is yet to be made. "But,"
he says, "it was either develop something like this or abandon the lab course."


- 6 -


      Forty high school English teachers will enroll at the University in June
for an eight-week Institute for Advanced Study in English, Financed by an
$88,000 grant from the U.S, Office of Education, the institute will emphasize
subject matter rather than teaching methodse  It will include courses in com-
position, language and literature,

      The Department of English conducted summer institutes for teachers in
both 1965 and 1966. The earlier programs were designed for teachers who had
not majored in English, This year's institute will be for English teachers who
did major in that subject, Teachers who are accep