xt7h9w090j3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w090j3s/data/mets.xml Kieffer, Aldine S. (Aldine Sillman), 1840-1904 1885 1 close score (64 pages), 15 x 18 cm. Call Number: M2193.Z56 K540 1885 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2193.Z56 K540 1885 English Ruebush, Kieffer Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Sunday school music Hymns, English Shape note hymnals The Zion Songster No. 1: for Sabbath Schools, 1885 text The Zion Songster No. 1: for Sabbath Schools, 1885 1885 1885 2023 true xt7h9w090j3s section xt7h9w090j3s ‘ mmmmmflmmé EWWWMNEWWMM




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And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs

31nd everlaStving joy upon their heads—ISAIAH.

~~i> ,,__ a~———*—-*—-—~77 NW,



Dayton (Rockingham 00.), Virginia.


773173IEATQP'MNGE?0.3112516] flag-7.91.5“ {Li .u‘wll 111:1,

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And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs

and everlasting joy upon their headS.——ISAIAH.



Dayton (Rockinghann 00.), Virginia.




Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1885, by
In the Ofiiee 0f the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, DC.



J. K. ARMSTRONG a 00.,
lmw Typoannmms,
710 Samoa: Street, Phihdelpbln. Pa.






















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l { Zl- on stands with hills surrounded, Zi - on kept bypow’rdi- vine; ‘ .
' All her foes shall be con—found-ed, Tho’ the world in arms combine. Hap “py 2‘ ‘ or), happy Z‘ ' on!
2 { Ev’-ry hwman tie may per— ish, Friend to friend unt‘aith-ful prove,} ' ‘
Mothers cease theirown to cherish, Hcav’n and earth at last re»m0ve; But no changes, but no changes



















1x— "fa— 1: ~A~ 13+ -t '“A- 1r l —P—’—A— , 1—.- ' ~A—
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What a, fa- vor’d lot is thine; Hap-py Z1 - on! hap- py Zl - on! Sav’d and kept by love: di-Vlne.
Can at-tend Je- ho—vah’s love; Hap- py Zi - on! hap-py Zi - on! Guard-ed by a Savmur’s love.

_fl_ 0 _‘_








.‘ nus-win




















































k fi—fi—L—f—rfl_k___f_p_g_3 ”.l-l'rl- fl .


















Arr. by A. S. K.
N ' %—A J b R" I
—l— ———-*~—-—fi——kr ———N—-N——~—N—-N— ”ii. fi—v
,kj \H __~_.,,_____i______.__~*
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Y1 AII_A A A__')}__ I __'I_~._d__',i__ _-_!_i__'fl.. ,__. v__.._i_,°,_ ...._. V__fi i I A'
r I n ‘_N—‘_"_ v. '. »§_ . 6., HI m
1/ l t a
the sweet Sabbath morning is g’lid-ing the hills,And the dew on the grass sparkles bright,
we meet with our teachers so lov - ing and kind, In the name of our Sav-iour and friend;
we sing of that“ land that is fair- (\r than day,” Of that “Cit - y so fair" and so grand;
us live for that Saviour whose dear,lov—ing hands Ev - er guard us from morn-111g till night;
\ /
.1 —!‘—y~.9-~v~—~r—R—~'——fi—~fl—-—k—ik»~—P—i#——.1——k—-'—»Ix—~ u!— i
-—~-l——~E —l-Q-—F’——~—-'r~—Q~— ‘ l ‘ ‘ ‘r I ' l ' L l l—Q—-—l-—— é
.:¢— F————~r_A—A—: l s L L twfl l l l l l—An—~-- :
l L _ __.__ _.__‘ _' _,1_ __ _‘ -3.» __.,' .— _.l.- ,7,. __ _- I
r v r r V r r r V r l V l l V .' f V
I V V l V V l V v i V V v
b N A A A?‘ ‘ h R i 5
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1‘ .. l —1\-——-———- “ -*j r * 1‘ I " ‘ 2 W
1 95—:D—54.42A% ' LiLw—;::F—‘ % l qA¢+¢—vv--+vd—f
x11 .l . A ‘__‘,_-_;*__‘F_ _& x . a , .h1_$;_A‘,_-.fl__ l v -__ Al. Ai—l
V .- - V ’ ‘ 7 “ —l - V a»
V 5 V I V V a l I
We havemet once a-gain in our dear Sab—bath home VVhereourvoic-es in song may 11 - nite.
And a fore- taste we have of thatpleas-ure and bliss That in heav-en shallne‘erfind an end. k
Of the dear, lov-ing Sav—lour,whosehandsafe willguide,Till we rest in that sweet hap-py land.
Let us toil in his ser— vice and work for his cause,And at lastreach that“home0f de — light.”




















h, sweet



morning, we hail thy gold- en light, For it brings us a. day of

L‘I "L I l 9 'r L’ ’. ._____ ‘_ _-____'
59m? w-a A A~3 % k 9 A i-w g a e ? P F fi‘g . f
l l | 41 L l I I1 _ - ._,._r____._,‘_n
Vl)y9liz:u.yv.ix:~ -—,-l'l";£.—s';iil
V Vi v VI 12 v




And our voic-es we raise in a, glad song of praise For the bless-lugs its brightness be - StOWS.


V l









































































Rev. J. W. HOWE. Arr. by A. 8. RENEE.
l) 9 ‘1 7 I ! 1' ‘1 I
7 L 3 Ji 4 a; l. l j 1‘ g A: A a; ’0 ll
. _J I 1-! l _! __.._ ______ ' —-— ——
\ u a Q g Q . H i ' g. I d 5—”6 U“ ”a
7 o v 'v‘ d 34— o o
r A
1. Je - sus my Sav - iour, and my King, I’ll lean up - on thy breast,
2. I may for - get thee as I roam, Per - plexed with anx - ious care.
3. I’ll lin - get there with my dear friend,‘ Till I' am sat — is ~ fled;
4. What need I here in this dark world But pledg - es of thy love,
_ -9.
A A ___ A A A A , A A A n
no I 9 ‘ __ l L l 5 I L l I ‘1’; I
93__[)_3) L l l l I l bf " E
V 2 —r ‘ A A 1% LA ii lik—+—ls ‘ ‘ : I
I r 1 I I 1
3;" i! 1' 1| ‘ 1 1 ‘ I 1 1 l "
’ _.A l I . I A _v
my a. r“ 9,. L, 1 As g: i l 3 ll 0: A If
x ’ ~—- —— —— ,___.____- ._; "‘ ‘ : l
Bu 0 d i d d ‘ a I g: fa y. (:3 o I
So long as I con - fide in thee, I shall find per - foot rest.
But then in hours of so - ber thought I’ll to the. cross re - pgur.
Yes. Sav - iour, I would trust in thee, For thou for _me hast (hed.
For thou hast prom - ised com - fort here As well as Joys a — bove.
A N A A A A A A ‘A A
» g ’ L I l I I l I
9" 9 L *‘o I _ ,l J , Ir
EV, A E I; A : EA LA; :r
1 l























m 2. W. CHAPMAN. Isaiah 60: 8. J. E. TENNEY.
,. s P P J R l P Ll-
at?“ P x K 1.. 'r—Qh—fi. f f‘ i" x n .} fl.“ 5 ‘5 Pfk “W73:
' "'___ ’H’ _ : " I‘lel’ ‘l‘L' ____:
231,4 2 - i ‘ 71“ V’fl’fi A. -___l I ‘. V :TLL‘EJ -‘
V v 7 Vi V‘ 0 ' '
"i‘ i - fi- il-
Oh,fly as the dovestotheir Windows,Wide open theentrance ton—ay, Wait not fora. season con-venient,

Oh, fly as the doves to their windows,
Oh, fly as the doves to their Windows,
0h, fly as the doves to their windows,

The Saviour hath ten










derest care: Make haste to the refuge he of - fers,
For Jesus can ease thy tin-rest, Just hear him and gladly receive him,
Press on with a heart all a—flame, No soul ev-er seeking in ear - nest







36:5 New“










'3" ‘#—,H‘. a" I - 7* 7‘7“? _,_-5__ __ L+,_*:* *ggfi;

0; I. 94 a a i e - L. ; a E .144-_n—:-p—14..Ce_p l .9: [r - [
— l : . l : ‘r r i e l r e ! ' z E l F—l—l—P }
: , : : : : l V : E i l ._;_._J_' : : ; e e .r
VV Viv VVy/Vlvl pVVVVl/V

Oh, why willyou Ion-ger de
Pro - vis- ion a- bund-ant is
Thy soul will for — ev- er be
Has nailed a. free par-don to

Saviour inviting-1y calls;








fly. fly

a - way.






oh, has- ten to - day,


The refuge is nigh, and grand its supply, There’s safety filthinfiits bright walls.
' N




«aw <


Hrs. P. PALMER. Eu. 1. P. “APP, by p02.




l 0, when shall I sweep thro’ the gates! The? scenes of mor-tal - i - ty o’er,
‘ What then for my spir - it a- waits? Will they sing on the glo — ri- fled shore?








CHORUS V 182: time. fil ed time,



Welcome home! welcome home! A welcomeinglo- ry for me; wel-come for me!



Welcomehome! W come home!
2 When from Calvary’s mount I arise, 4 The beautiful gates will unfold,
And pass through the portals above, The home of the blood-washed I’ll see;
Will shouts, \Velcome home to the skies! The city of saints I’ll behold!
Resound through the regions of love? For, 0! there’s a welcome for me!
Welcome home! etc. Welcome home! etc.
3 Yes! loved ones who knew me below, 5 A sinner made whiter than snow,
Who learned the new song with me here, I’ll join in the mighty acclaim,
In chorus will hail me, I know, And shout through the gates as I go,
And welcome me home with good cheer! Salvation to God and the Lamb!

Welcome home! etc. , Welcome home! etc.




we» 53” ‘









' M ' I

There’s avhome o - ver Jor - dan for me, Where I’ll rest in the shade of Life’s tree;
There my friends who have gone on be- fore, Safe from sor - row shall rest ev ~ er ~ more,

. Je - sus reigns with the saints o - ver there, With the an - gels so bright and so fair,



I 1/
In the bean - ti - ful fields of de-light, gm the shore that shall nev — er know night.
And I‘ll join them a. - gain 0 - ver there, In that land free from sor - row and care.
And I long to go home to that land, There to dwell With the bright an - gel band.






In the shade of Life’s tree we shall rest;

I _‘_

In that bright

hap - py home,
hap;py hime, In that bright hay-p‘y home,

+— +~





 —< 2 age:

A HOME OVER JORDAN. Concluded. 9

that home, ha ap - py hom We shall rest with good and the blest.

sweenhap- py home, In that sweeet hap-py home,





A - bide with me fast falls the e - ven- tide: The darkness deep- ens, Lord, with me a -bide;
2. Swift to its close ebbs out lifos lit - tle day; Earth SJoysgrowdim, its glo-1ies pass a -way;
3. I need thy pres enee ev’ - ry pass- ing hour: What but thy game can foil the temptm s pow’ r;



\Vhen oth -er help - ers fail and comforts flee, Help of the help - less () a - hide with me.





, Change and (1e — eay in all a - 101111d I see 0 thou, “ho chang- est not, a - hide with me.
Who like thy- self my guide and stay can he? Thro cloud 11nd sun- shine, O a b1de w1th me.
_E_ ,B_
lrfi—pflnfie -17 11—91-. ¢_&—J r fl—fi— —~~#— E~k—©






l 1 1 p






, k‘ 1’:
,2“§T: ,,_. '_._‘jk:Eif;&:_ TILT: :*::: Biff—ilk: i :1: h; L_.:__
__5 r5 A ' P A f- e— t 1—— A—l[

Jaw-r “tr—u gunk}: * R—v—Pvflh—
l 7 I V





Words arranged.







' J




l I

. s.

l l ‘



! b. Lam—45w






Al I
V‘ | V‘



1. Come, children of


e 4

——4—~£r —-AE———-_Al*-:l—fl—lfl-—tl-
T | I

Zi - on, and help us

. 0 come to the Sav-iour and take up
3. We’ll fear not the dan-gers that lie in our way,








1 . l 61‘ | | v v. 1—“ ‘
——N*> ——f~rtl—-—fl—E—-N—N—Ah A 'Ah—“Ar—zi
t? ”a '
to sing Loud anthems of praise to our Sav-iour and King,

the cross,

See treasure in hea—ven,
His arm W111 pro-tect us

count all else but loss;
by night and by day;





















Whose life once was
His mer - cy



O chil—dren of

in -Vites us, then let
All this we must suf-fer and pa-tient-ly bear

Zi- on! O

giv - en our souls to


4- .


re — deem—And bring us
com-ply— 0 why should we



Till Je - sus shall take us

-9- -p-

chil-dren of Z1 - on! Loud anthems of praise let us


to hea — ven to reign there with him.
lin - ger when he

1— 4— 4— 4— e e I“ #— ~k— #— 42— 42.
u ,, D 9 l__.'_ U -3... J 0 1 . 'r g l__'__'._'_
,_ H n ILA I I l l ' ' '— ‘1 :A IA IA 1‘ ”fig 1_ ‘
. FF ‘2: g 1 l1 "___"__" L E 5 L '1 '7 l f l——- _F '_
j H '1 : l l l I I I | l _ __ >
Lt r r I ‘r 1 g 1 l l 7 % —%"" L—‘¢'—' —'b— b‘ :—
| V V ' ' F


is so nigh?

to dwell 0 - ver there.

sing, let us sing

4- 4.!—



 \ H315"

CHILDREN OF ZION. Concluded. 11

To him who redeemed us, To him who redeemed us, our -phet, our Priest and our King.
—I:- -I:— ' -k-- A -F—



“ FREEDMAN'S SONG.” Arr. by A. I. S.




1.{Je - sus my all

to heav’n is gone,
He Whom I fix my

hopes up _ on;}When the last trum-pet sounds,I’il be there.


CHORUS. Repeat ff.



v I, v

I’ll be there, I’ll. be there, I’ll be there! I’ll be there,When the last trumpet sounds, I’ll be there.
_ _ '-A_

2 His track I see and I’ll pursue, 3 This is the way I long have sought,
When the last trumpet sounds, I’ll be there, When the last trumpet sounds, I’ll be there,

The narrow way, till him I view, And mourned because I found it not,
When the last trumpet sounds, I’ll be there. When the last trumpet sounds, I’ll be there.








































































































From “ Sabbath Bells,” by permission.

h 1 I ] J i " "W _i I I I ‘I o '1 I I‘ '
es- __ _ _
. J I“ J, I J. a 2._-;_7_.:- s? i z: I 5' ’I I S a *
I . if A! i} a; A A: v . — ——tI—— ———*}—AI~— #3 —AI—AI—~I—-
r-rr— —r—~a--a 0 a r-
0 love sur-pass - ing knowledge! 0 grace so full and free! I know that Je- sus
0 won - der-ful sal - va - tion! From sin he makes me free! I feel the sweet as-
0 blood ofChrist, so pre«cious, Pour’d out on Cal 'j‘?’ - .2! I feel its cleansing
. . _ _ _ _ _
I: Q Q_ __p __p IO IO »F— ’8' I! I ,, ‘F 9 . 0 9 7p
. P. ‘A '1 o A A _ __ ___Z§ 'A I L_I_ I I 'A A c 'A 'A L
331$ ‘1 E I I I I . . I I I'_;_.I'_'___" v I I I I '
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n H l J ,
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. “" — “i T“- ,_ - v—w' a 0 — ‘ . ‘3 a
N g . F I
saves me, And that’s e- nough for me! And that’s (3- nough for me, And
- sur - ancc, And that’s e-nough for me! And that’s e- nough for me, And
pow - er, And that’s 6- nough for me! And that’s 0— nough 1‘01 me, And
k- ~E- -k— ‘
u I. - Q! _ 0 I. 9 g 0
g- H I A A L L f I LA 1—P—IZF —-°—-—L‘A——IA— —-Ia~—¢—' ——
I ,°._ *_' ‘7 ‘__o_ _‘ >_______' _ __ __ _ ______> I I
I“..- :I r? P+¥x I— IJI I___I «I
l I F I l L I ‘ I ' ' ' ' f ' __
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_ __ ____ _ I I I IN I I I
{I '§:j NH I g “—h‘ri—‘fi‘é I I T I I“ i! ”3L:fl:§: [
I mgr? tank—gm-— ae—xw A .4: m g 2L5 gem—JR Hm I
I —-—— ——-.-—k __ 5 u___ ___.__:T— __:__av_.d#_ ___.. _ .—
that‘s e-nough for me, I know that Je - sus saves me, And that's e- nough for me.
that’s e- nough for me, I feel the sweet as - sur- ance,And that’s e-nough for me.
that’s efl-nough for me, I feel its cleans-Egg pow- er, And that’s e-nough for me.
_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I I . I I {Q p I. - _ o I E__E__.__»__pflp__ _._sz__ _
S"? F I I I I I :A —' 4— ——1——L-—————t—A~~A!r—-I—+—— -——éL——i
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I P??? «IFJIJII s. Pvrrr%[
I L I J L l I I I r I IA L ,1 I I n __
I V I I I_ I I I l


,_ Ifih‘w News},


 .. 111,545,:9
















J 11.12. . 1. CALVIN BUSEEY.
$71: . k :5 1x A j 1 ‘ A h 1 h J!
fifi‘A N _ "7,1“;11w '__ 1 1‘1 " j—j:—4 *“fi— 1*" :N ' ' :i:
*._i “.34 . ”‘1 1 . ‘V‘V 51- '.V 0. L.
W23; 01— , — #1 F—v---F-—r~oA—--oz*~-. 9-7-7— --;--u e A; , 1 1, -—-#-—
—————N—-Ar A. 3~A:+——,¢—— iiiii AP- «AA— A A? A1 AL A: -







1. In our Father’s heav‘ 11ly mansions With the ransom d ones a - bove, \Ve will join the 11:11 - le-
2. The10,a - mid the mu- sic ri11g—i11g,Not a sigh shallheave the bIeasL; Thelethe wicked cease from
3. May we gain those heav nly mansions, And among the blood-wash d sing: Rest with long— lost loved ones



















,W_ _ __ap-;_ .flw _ p_;_fl_ p_;_fl_Q "fl 0 52-1%,? “I" +‘__
g 7 __‘),_,J __AI1__LQ__°_,F __ C: _ __._ __ #1 1 _ ,_ ________ ,___
agfivg—LLAM —A-—°~A—A—--’£—— —A_ TEL , if t— , E A:- ————— 0— If -[A— tZE: _
* ”1’1- p- é-rrrpifimifli P-r—r-wgflb; 2 1 r, 1 :1
v r F u v v






-1u - jahs,8111<*1n(r of aSuviour’s love. Sing-ing glo - - - ry, hui- 1e - Iu - jah! 11:11-16-
t1oub- lin'g,A11d the wea- ry me at rest.
ev - 01" Where the 113.1 - 19-111 - jahs ring. . glo- ry, glo- ry, k

._A- K -

1— i‘ 1“ 1 1‘ 1‘ 1—




-1u - jah! hal -1e - lu - jah! Sing-111g glo - - ry, 1191 10 - lu - jah!Ha1- Ie - 111 jah to the
glory, gimy,


 GIBSON. 8s 85 7s.

ALDINE S. Kllfl'lfi.

































| lst time. T 2d time. I
l A h; L K , 7
. j i\ 1 .' I‘? l J ‘ l I 7 i I
5—04 A; il' '_‘1_ ' i j 1 1 '____._..\'vr___ ____{ __.'e_.:.l: J‘__‘..__i I:
r . J: vi . A]; "—ifl j I: l —i. i ir l '12:} I.
' d—d—al—T-d- -I—~I——I——— ——d——'>———i—7—d———l——+———«d——i ——1—-—'———l——
- 1 4 w- w— 4 - v
1 ( Hark, ten thou- sand harps and voic es Sound the note of praise a - hove;
'1Je - sus re1gns, and heavnre - joic - es, Je - sus reigns, the (omit. . God of love;
2{ Je sus, hail!whose glo - ry bright-ens All a - bove, and wives it .WOlLil:
' Lord of life, thy smile en- light- ens, Cheersand charn'is thy(0mit... . I.....) saints on earth.
at .A A - A ,A A .A .A A «v; ——w——A——¢d—1—N~—w——A—t
0 L l 1 I I ‘ ..L___ __ __ __L _ ___ _._.__.___._
“‘ . .L F i a i- : 1 9‘ = 1 : F 1 1' 1'
"*H-r-“w fi‘t‘FWi



Ha -

' Py



- on,
- jam

- on,
- jah!

glo -

hap — 10y, hap - 10y Zi

glo - ry,

hap - py, ha


hal -

-py Zi



- jah!

fa - vor’d
rules the

on. 3.
Je - sus


fa - vor’d
rules the‘

on, a.
jab! Je - s'us

lot is

world a -


lot is
world a









a. mi

a M" ”Wham. Wkamhwi‘CJ—l wwmoemw

A ' "A 'gfimg'waégwt ., an?"



Arr. hon ALARM A. WATTS.

Amngod by A. S. I.





1. When shall we meet a_- gain, Meet ne’er to sev - er? When will peace wreatheherchaln
2. When shall sweet frlendslnp flow Pure as life’s riv - er? When shall love ra-diant glow,
3. To that blest world of light Take us, dear Sav- lour; May we all there 11 - nite.



Round us for - ev - er? Our hearts may ne’er re - pose Safe from each blast that
Death - less for - ev - er? Where 'oys ce - les - tial thrill, Where bliss each heart shall
Haip - py for - ev - erl Where in - dred spir - its dwell, There may our mu - sic

-Al- I


In this dark vale of woes, no, nev - er.
And fears of part - lng chill, no, nev - er.

And time our joys dis - pel, nev - er.







1. 3 shall gath-er home at last, When life’s wea-ry day is past, To the pal - ace of the
2. Tho’ our bur-dens be se—vere, Let us hear them bravely here As we jour- ney to that .
3. There we’ll lay our burdens down, There we’ll wear the shin-in; crown, And will reign as kings and

whiny/.4- . “sue. ‘ '

3:“). II:


.Am «- —\-‘

w 3;“; , saggy : -r.-..-.

King, 0 - ver there; And be - neath its shin - ing dome Find an end - less, hap - py home,With the
land, 0 - ver there; Wea - ry hearts and hands shall rest In that king- dom of the blest, In the
priests, o - ver there; There, with saints of a. - past, Whilee - tor - ni - ty shall last, We shall


V .
D. 8.—-faith it views the sight or that



o O O
bless — ed hosts of God,
Saviour”: home of love,

praise the King of kings,

} 0, that bright glo - ry land, With its glitt’ring,gold-en
ver there.


-ed home in heav'n,o - ver there.



OVER THERE. Concluded. 17




ow the wea - ry heart grows light As



strand, With its fountains and its gar -dens blooming fair! by



1. Now have found a Friend: Je - sus is mine: His love shall nev- er end: Je - sus is mine:

2. Though I grow poor and old, Je - sus is mine: Tho’ I grow faint and cold. .10 - sus is mine:

3. \Vhen earthshall pass a - way Je - sus 1s mine ‘ In the greatjudginent day, Je — sus is mine:
I - _AW _ _. I _fi_

~l—— 4— +—










































- A Jr J b l J h I ,
u '1 4 4 11 i 7 - ' h a 1 ! 1.:— ~~—1— 4 1; Er
{94,2— _—a 1 . . , #0 l a a e ,_.,;,_‘_ — . e [
v a v . a . l . e i l e e e~~ei———o—-J~-——l
——~—8’—¢— *F-AP—Al m A‘ A; a: 8-¢--fi+——IN—-Ar~*———A~-fil——Al~—zl——é— —
Tho’ earth-1y Joys decrease, Tho’ earthly friendship cease, Now I have last—ing peace; Je — sus is mine.
He shall my wants supply: His precious blood is nigh,Naught can my hope destroy; Je - sus is mine.
Oh, what a glorious thing Then to be - hold my King, On tune — fu] harp to sing Je - sus is mine.
I | - - '- -- - I
I _ _,_._.
0 a__ .3, . i 1“ fl 3% 0 0 l— ‘E— _ _ _
n. l , : F ,1 o 649*: E 5 : l o f g .1 ¢_g_“_g:[
9-3—32 l :r 1"! '9 i l 3"? i ‘9 1‘ .A .‘H‘ . l . : [
J w l I I l u l | l ___
v r) P P i : l '7 ‘L l " ‘L L l i b . iJ' P“ l
' I l I V r l I I I I 7 l I f
B I l l












































I my . | I -_
I n I 4* :3??? , 7 7. I Q Ii I :I-
4. 7,»~Asw»4r-i—- i- “Iqfllf -——;F—vr—.I——1—fi—+—
fl'v~§ ~vwz~—-—§—V—-¢—‘—¢~{—-i—~J- -. -—-M —-0*—~"—“-‘——-G———O—
%’ 3“ 6‘ 6‘ 9‘ ~OL 0 a”; 9
round the Szw - iour’s loft — y throne Ten thou-sand times ten thou- sand sing;
2. Je — sus, thou ev - er - last- ing King! To thee the praise of heav’n be — longs;
3. The’ sin de - file our wor- ship here, We hope ere long thy face to View,
1*.— e— 3- ‘3‘" w , 7k 1*- +— "I“ 2*; -.t~ 1- 1-
1—4~F———4———,L—— fi——~L--— LF—~.L~ -L—pmger _L_t_ _
l L___.___, __I__) I L _ I . l l F,_.__,_l I __ A.
__ ___. __ I 'A I ‘A {A I “I T I I ‘ __;___
| F I _f F I __F I L E I L . __ ,
I I I I F r I I


. —!-—
_ ®I_.___ Q:—

- r _ _
wor - ship him as God a - lone, And crown him ev - er — last - ing King.
smile on us who fain would bring The trlh- ute of our hum- hie songs.
heav’n With an - gels to - pear, And pralse thy name as an - gels do.













‘ o


Let us join the angels’ songJVhfle they sing around the throne,Whi1e they sing around the great White throne;

-‘_ 0










, 0
And our cheerful notes we’ll raise In a. grate-ful song of praise, To the Lamb who sits up- on the throne.

' —A—'-A— 1— °+ —A-'—A- +°+ 1— —A-'-A— 1J1; 1-. R







1. Chris-tian breth - ren, ere we part, iv’ — ry voice and ev’ - ry heart
2. From thy house, when we re — turn, Let. our hearts with - in us burn:
3. Tho’ we here should meet no more“ Yet there is a. bright- er shore;

, _ FJI
Jom and to our Fa - ther rinse One last hymn of grate - ful praise.
That this eve - ning we may say “We have walked with God to day."

There, re - leas’d from toil and pain, There we all may meet a



















































iv .
His bright home preparing, Faith. ful ones,for you,— J e - sus ev - er liv - eth, Ev - er lov- eth,





All his work is end- ed, Joy-ful- 1y we sing;



Je- sus,King of glo - ry, Je- sus,King of love, Is gone up in tri- -umph To his throne a- hove.
Nev- er-more to suf- fer, Nev - er—more to die, Je - sus, King of glo - ry, Has gone up on high.

K ‘1 I I \ h 1 a L ’ JrN l L L .
#6 T mNJra'. ”.i\.—! 5!. 1, ! 111L133 3
ei ~+4r A1 .____. __ _ 4.- _J___. 1 a __ -_-_
n 8 a #4714: , ,' , .a: g {2.6.}; 8' , - :1 :9" AL: [.1' ¥—§;§ r—ge—Taijg
'7 l
1. Gold- en harps are sounding, An- gel voic— es sing Pearl - y gates are 0 -pened—— O- pened }‘f01 the King:
2. He who came to save us, He who bled and die , Now is crowned with glory At his F other s side:
3. Pray-111g fo’r‘ his chil-dren In that brlfwssed place, Call-1mr them to glo- ry, Send-mg them his grace.
I .
u 4- 4.1;? 4. 4- 4. 4_d-‘: _(p_. 4- 4.4- 4- 4-. Q . 4- 1"“!— o .
(\oflfi! {AA lA! I 'AAIA ' L if PQ‘IAm'E 'r .'-__I:
I ' 3 E | l 1 0 I __V _' _ ' 14 .-_r .. .___l .._,_.._
9"fi‘u‘f—u i‘flq ‘P:-" l u l a P L“ P 1 L__ P P P P
D l V f V r L l 7 l 7 I Y F I | I F l r T . I
. 1 L 1 1 l I _t..__l I -
I I l . v 1 V V





J 6 - sus hath as- cend- ed! Glo-ry to Zi- on’s King!




l 1"”















































7 A. CUMMINGS. 3. H. TENNEY, by per.
1 n I N N h N \ l l 1 ~ 1 l h
r u -12 :3 - 4 if 444 1 \: .5 i eI—L—igi—dmer—i—U
@?7r—* j: i *k—-;V*— fie“-.. 1 1 a z 1 _.- :1?
' "_ 5‘5‘7” *— J'L: 6 , !__-_ LLO !’_'—’ _"‘_—L _”_ .§;__ L: :I
v d J‘ 0‘ v . 6* i 3‘ s!
1 Fa. - ther, in the morn — ing, U11 — to thee I pray; Let thy 10v - ing
2. At the bus - y noon - tide, Press’dwithwork and cure, Then I’ll wait with
3. \Vhen the eve-hing shad — ows Chase 9.- way the light, Fa - ther, then I’ll
4. Thus in life’s glad morn - ing, In its brigyht. noon—day, In its shad-owy
, A ' A A—~—A w— w 1-: g——A ' ° A
g:—12-3— ——‘——P~—9- 1-~-r—~~——~sv: P— v t i
'h "‘ 1 IA! 1 l ‘
l a v u T T v 12 v





kind-ness Keep me through this day. I will pray, I will pray, Ev - er
Te - SUS Till he he'ms my prayer.

pizLy thee, Bless thy child to- night.

.eve— ning, Ev - er will I pray. I Willpray, I willpmy,



will\" pray. Morn- ing, noon and eve— ning, Un - to thee I’ll pray.
Ev — or will Un - To thee
‘6‘ o























J 4— a. —9- -a
1. There’s a land far a— way ’mid the stars we are told,Where they know not the sorrows of time,
. Here our gaze can —not soar to that beau - ti - ful land, But our vis-ions have told of its bliss;
. Oh, the stars nev - er tread the blue heav- ens at night But we think where the ransomed have trod;

L “J L b L L L L l »1
L4 4‘3'1‘Mi‘nhafl Dis 4‘“; ‘ ,:
-——3I———g—j~.- , . a .: l 4. ——;.l—;1——a—j——+- a
V __ ._ 1 1 l __ _ U_n - i ____.' (KI
#4‘A" A-AA'QI'TTQ’irv’ZAA'4'Ag 'A: l











































1'-°—'- -o— 4-. A 4- A u 79— 1- 4 4— —p— 70—1-9— —p- 1— 1:9—
ql n A ’ A A _‘ . A X A A ’.a A [ A A A l ‘r [ F F L i—
. I LI- ‘ I I P I ' l I I *f _| I _[ ___! v I

a 1 I) 41 '4 l 1 I A I I l_ _. __p__ __ __ ._,.. __..K_._

7 g ’1? V l/ r I I F I P E l P P F L l-

w I w v I a u I
n L l L b L 1 i I“ IN E;
D 1 i‘ 5 F J‘ " . i‘ K L L k j‘ ' ' ' i T _ . __._.._
k; a; . 9—4 . 1, J. 5—4—4T4‘. T‘ 1' $1!“ :5 if? 1;” 7“”! a

2-7- ~_ A‘TTT— —I;~..-1,— A —r— F; A :tte—w

Where the pure wa- ters flow thro' the val - leys of gold,And Where life is , a treas-ure sub-lime ;
And our souls by the gale from its gar - dens are fanned When we faint in the des - erts of this.
And the day nev- er miles from his pal - ace of light fiat we feel the bright smile of our God.




































+‘+ 1r 4». - - 1* F 2- + 2'- -.- 2* .+ -.-- + . e

0' A . A {A A '7 K {A A Y’i A l A rA :A llA {L h_ A { fi_____.__ ‘

'"Jol - . - - l :- .'- - F - f .- r- _ . ' x.- I
7 K . , : . J .' I. . '. . p . :- : I, z. , j a ,
v I I r I I r v I I } [I [ V V } l 3
,3. m h \ 'h Q I. a a f a . I x .P a if fig” T‘? 7
i, I i ,- i i“. ‘l— ”d l l I i v d —“'_'_ ‘d— _L‘.' K '_ n =3
. V 1 "_ A ‘1‘ l J l 1 1 L—— L ' H I 1“ I— lfi—d _ , ;'




'Tis the lam; of our God, 'tis the home of the soul;Where the a - ges of splen-dor e - ter - 1131- 1y roll,
And we sometimes have longed for its ho - 1y repose W hen our hearts have been rent with temptations and woes,

We are trav - el—ing home thro’ earth's changes and gloom,To a. region Where pleasures unchanging-1y bloom,



































. m m
r129— -FL in, AF-{- , mun—4 —'-'—9— — -_—9- —p— 1 J —p——g—
{0' A n A __L l A A A A A ° A A A A A T A A v A 'A
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 4-3M;- :" e .37». . ‘-

. -f-.23.v;.'-:—im. fivv A

:. an“...

new" 'mngvSITMmflEW-f—



”G . I“ n j: % 4‘. K. 4‘—

,. ‘— ——— —J———e h J. ' . :JL—A— «1— "
4)-! . 1 —* *- . .4: Law!» —L— _....._ _.._
@fi: him—:51— "PE—“SF”? g h,‘__,'~dflj_i: gilt. o 2.45 ._ E

1 V















Where the way- wea ry trav - e1 - er reach- es his goal, On the ev- er- green mountains of life. -
And we’ve (hank from the tide of the riv - er that flows From the ev- er- g1 een mountains of life.
And our guide is the glo - ry that shines thro’ the tomb, From the ev er- green mountains of life.

































4— A 4— - «v- -v- -v- w'- m JF-‘J— + 4- 4— - _
0 A—}_‘—K A 7 A A I { {v 0'
git—14p f" 7‘. ‘. L44 ‘ '1 . ,1 _, .. e , 1'.
7 V '_: L V 1 s (r V 1‘ , 1 J. *1 —' 1
u a v w v g V ‘r u v w 1


TRIBUTE. 83 36 7S. A. J. snowwrm





1. Sis - ter, thou wast mild and love - 1y, Gen -tle as the sum - mer breeze,
2. Peace - ful be thy si - lent slum - ber,— Peace-ml in the grave so low:
3. Yet a. - gam we hope to meet thee When the day of life is fled;





























n H 1 I h 1 1 1 __
1 fl ] 7 ‘ Al‘ I '1 J l
1 -—fi—~i——*'* a . i—i- a—e-J —J———a‘n———a‘-9- —-— —4——-— r
'\\ v 7 fi‘ 0 1 ""* “"4“‘ ‘1’?“ 8‘ ‘_ 'fi ‘_
f A‘ ' A A M ' A 41' ‘
l V _/
Pleas - ant as the air of eve— ning, When it floats a-Inong the trees.
Thou no more Wilt join our num - her; Thou no more our songs shalt know.
Then in heav’n with joy to greet thee, Where no fare—well tear is shed.
.A- _,A_ c _A_ A , 7A— . -A- 1A- l
gig—.4 .. -- __.>.__I L 1 —s9—.6————6~—r—
o 11 __o I A ' A i ' ,___fi__l,I:
7 “n. - I 'I - - C L
TT - I; I >1 0 l




























































































" 4x I“ +
7+- ~~~¢r~~ h i r A a i x x . i g
1.044,; ,3 a , J ; ;v:\-~P~+ 1h K 53 dd .21.“
n , . . .r l n'. Al A‘. .' ‘ ' AT ’ I ." J" A‘. x J 1 J V;
”‘1' l'..".’{ l'zsi—f‘ia‘d .' 354;; i.
_ "" | . n . _ '— '*‘ "‘ ‘— .‘ | . I v v v ’H’
- L ‘ -O’- 76’" -d— 34- v ‘ ‘ —U- -0- -O‘- -0- -U- -0-
1. I’m a lone—1ypilgrimhere,Vex’dwithma.nyad0ubtandfear,AsI jour- ney a-Iong by the way;
2. Here the des-ertwildsexpand Rounda-hout on ei-ther hand, But I’m near-ing the Jor-