xt7h9w090h0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w090h0g/data/mets.xml New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration New Hampshire New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration 1940 151 l.: maps, diagrs. 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: FW 4.14:N 42h/no.5 books  English Manchester, N.H.: the Project  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. New Hampshire Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- New Hampshire -- Grafton County -- Catalogs Grafton County (N.H.) -- History -- Sources Grafton County (N.H.) -- Genealogy Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire. No. 5, Grafton County, 1940 text Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire. No. 5, Grafton County, 1940 1940 1940 2020 true xt7h9w090h0g section xt7h9w090h0g  | uvsm‘omos TH E
COUNTY (fiacmvss





The publication of this volume has been
made possible by a generous contribution
from Dartmouth College friends of the New

Ham shire Historical Records Survey Project.




"Prepared by
The New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Project

Division of Professional and Service Projects
Work Projects Administration


* o * o m' #

Manchester, New Hampshire
The New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Project
April l9h0



The Historical Records Survey Program

1 Sargent Bo Child” National Director
I Frank N. Jordan9 State Supervisor

Division of Professional and Service Projects

Florence Kerr. Assistant Commissioner
Robert Y, Phillips, Chief Regional Supervisor
mery H. Head‘ State Director


F. C. Harrington. Commissioner
John J. MoDenough, Regional Director
William P» Fahey, state Administrator



 F O R E W 0 R D

The Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire is one of
a number of bibliographies of historical materials prepared through-
out the United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of '
the Work Projects Administration. The publication herewith presented,
an inventory of the archives of Grafton County, is number 5 of the
New Hampshire series.

The Historical Records Survey was undertaken in the winter of
1935-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unem-
ployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile
inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished govern-
ment documents and records which are basic in the administration of
local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of po-
litical, economic, and social history. The archiVal guide herewith
presented is intended to meet the requirements of day-to-day adminisi
tration by the officials of the county. and also the needscflewyers,
business men and other citizens who require facts from the public rec-
ords for the preper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed
that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources
in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources.

The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey Program
attempt to do more than give merely a list of records-they attempt
further to sketch in the historical background of the county or other
unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organi.
zation and functions: f the government agencies whose records they list.
The county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country
will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as
well as a bibliography of local archives.

The succeSSful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records
SurVey Program, even in a single county, would not be possible without
the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists. and
many other grOUps in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully

The Survey Program organized by Luther H. Evans, is now directed by
Sargent B. Child, and operates as a nation—wide project in the'Division of
Professional and Service Projects, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr. Assistant
Commissioner, is in charge.



 P R E F A C E

The Historical Records Survey was initiated in January 1936 as
a nation-wide undertaking of the work Projects Administration, but
did not begin operations in New Hampshire until April 7. Prior to
August 31, 1939, the SurVey was a federally sponsored project. After
that date it became a local project sponsored by the University of
New Hampshire.

The purpose of the Survey is to make accessible to lawyers, his—
torians, and students of government the records of state, county,
city, and town offices. In conjunction with this listing of public
records, the church records, including those of defunct organizations,
will be inventoried so that the ground work may be laid for research
in this neglected field of social history.

The Inventory of the Countyzérchives of New Hampshire will, when
completed, consist of a separate numbered volume for each county in
the state. The units of the series are numbered according to the
position of the county in an alphabetical list of all counties in the
state. Thus, the inventory herewith presented for Grafton County is
No. 5. The various county volumes of the inventory will be issued in
mimeographed form for free distribution to state and local officials
in New Hampshire and to a number of libraries and governmental agencies
outside the state.

The Survey wishes to express its appreciation for cooperation given
by Grafton County officials. The Survey is further indebted to the
Secretary of State and the Attorney-General for information received.
Legal research for the essays was expedited by facilities granted by the
Manchester City Library, the Nashua City Library. the New Hampshire
State Library and the City of Concord. The work for this volume was
planned by Dr. Richard G. Wood, former supervisor of the Survey and
brought to conclusion under the direction of the present supervisor.

Requests for information concerning publications may be addressed
to the State Supervisor, Hoyt Administration Building, Manchester, New


Frank N. Jord
State Supervis
Manchester, New Hampshire New Hampshire Historical
April 1940 Records Survey Project










T A B L E O F C 0 N T E N T S






















A. Grafton County and its Records System
Historical Sketch 3
Settlement Map of Grafton County . 10
Original Counties of New Hampshire. 1771 r 11
Boundary Changes of Grafton County 12
Governmental Organization and Records System ........................................................................................ 13
Chart of Grafton County Officers in 177BHMUWM”mwmmmmwmemmeWle9
Chart of Grafton County Officers in 1850 20
Chart of Present Grafton County Officers ............................................................................... 21
Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records. ........................................................................... 22
Recommendations 25
Abbreviations. Symbols. and Explanatory Notes ...... 26
B. County Offices and their Records
County Convention, ”28
County Commissioners m. ..... WWWMWWWHWMWWBZ
Reports. welfare. Financial. Miscellaneous.
Register of Deeds . #6
Deeds. Maps and Plans. Sales of Real Estate
for Taxes. Attachments. Miscellaneous.
Development of the Superior Court in New Hampshire,

1769--. 58
Court or General Sessions of the Peace........59
Inferior Court of Common Pleaswwm ............. 61
Superior Court (supreme Court) ....................... .mwm. .WWHMWWfiB

Index. Dockets. Judgments. Court DOcuments.
writs and warrants. Naturalization. Pe-
titions. Court Proceedings. Elections. Bonds,
Oaths. Financial. Miscellaneous.
Justices of the Peace (Trial Justices)mw ,,,,,, 80
Register of Probate ......................................... mMMWWBB
Probate Court‘ 88
Register of Probate_ ’’’’’ ”mmm- 93
Dockets. Documents. Indexes. Records.
Sheriff (County Crier) ........................... 99
MediOal Referee (Coroner) ,. w... 10?
Solicitor ................................................................... .......,_ ,..,.110
County Treasurer ................................................................................................................................................................. 113

Receipts and Payments. Vouchers. Authori-
zations. County Notes. Tax Assessments
and Receipts. Town Invoices.


 Table of Contents










Auditors mwmmflwmhmuwmmm.HmmmmwmmmmWHquw"WWMmWWWMMWmuWWW” “”120
Superintendent of the County Farm 121
Mittimus. Prisoners and Inmates.
Financial. Miscellaneous. Blue Prints,
Plans, Specifications. Hospital Records.
sealer of weights and Measures ..... 12?
Commissioners of Jail Delivery 127
Appendix . ..... 129
Bibliographymm .WMM. ................... 131
Chronological Index to Records 133
Subject Index to Inventory ..... 135



(First entry, p. 31)


The Indian occupants of the region now included in Grafton County were
the Nipmucks, or fresh—water Indians. The Nipmucks were divided into tribes
such as the Pemigewassets and the Coosucks. Indian authorities are in
agreement that for the most part these tribes were nomadic in their habits.
However, in certain towns in the county such as Haverhill, warren, and
Plymouth, relics have been found indicating permanent Indian settlements.1

The first visit of a white man to this general region is said to have
occurred about 1709 when one Thomas Baker was taken there from Deerfield,
Massachusetts, as a captive of the Indians. It is reported that he was
ransomed the following year and returned with a knowledge of the route and
of Indian customs which was later utilized to advantage by the provincial
government. In 1712 a company was raisedin return to the region. There
is evidence of this expedition "against the Enemy at Coos" in an allowance
made from the public treasury to Lieutenant Baker and his company for sealps.3
According to one account, there was an expedition in 1720; but the editor of
the State Papers expressed the belief that the date was erroneous, and that
the "1720" expedition was actually the one that occurred in 1712. ‘Anyhow,
it is related that Baker, with a scouting party of thirty-four men, Went up
the Connecticut River. and, at the height of land made a crossing to the
Pemigewasset River. In the Plymouth-Campton region, at the point where a
small riVer. later called Baker's River, joins the Pemigewasset. they found
and wiped out a party of Indians, lead by the Sachem waiternummus.

The famous expedition of Captain Peter Powers occurred in 1754. The
journal of Captain Powers reports that the expedition after going up the
Merrimack River to the mouth of the Pemigewasset Hirer, then going up the
Pemigewasset to Baker's River, ascended the latter stream and went across
by Baker Pond to the Oliverian Stream in the present town of Haverhill,
the site eventually chosen for the first settlement in the region now
included in Grafton County.

After the close of the French and Indian Wars. Colonel Jacob Bailey
of Newbury, Massachusetts, and Captain John Hazen of Haverhill. MassachuSetts,
became interested in settling and developing the Grafton County region. It
is reported that in 1767 Michael Johnston and John Pattie, acting for Bailey
and Hazen, went north, and took possession of the "Little 0x Bow" in the
present town of Haverhill. It is also reported that the following year
Captain Hazen came to the new settlement to build a grist-mill and a saw-
mill.0 This settlement was originally called aLower Coos", but it was
granted as Haverhill, in 1763, to John Hazen and seventy-four others.7


1. Hamilton Child, Gazetteer of Grafton County, (Syracuse, N. Y.. 1886),
112 (39)-112 (41).


2. 12-
3. New Hampshire State Papers, 2:635.
ho .ig.

5. Excerpts from journal of Capt. Peter Powers in Rev. Grant Powers,
Historical Sketches of the Coos Country and Vicinity. (Haverhill,1841),
17‘32 0

6. Child, 02. eit., 112 (45).

7. New Hampshire State Papers, 12:177.



Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 31)

Early arrangements were made for a church to serve both this new
community, and another established about the same time across the Connecticut
River at Newbury, Vermont. The Reverend Peter Powers, eldest son of Captain
Peter Powers, was their first minister, and, according to report, preached
his own installation sermon. Reverend Mr. Powers was the only minister in
the vicinity for a number of years, and it is said that his journeys from
one group to another were made on the river by canoe, that, often as he
travelled he would find small groups waiting at the river's edge to hear his

Those who first settled Haverhill and Newbury were, for the
most part, men of some property. and were able to furnish'theme
selves with land, some stock, and tools. to hire laborers, and,
in a short time, their houses were well furnished for that day.
They were laborious, prudent, and economical, but were Very kind
to the poor and sick. They were strict in their religious
principles, and all attended religious worship on the Sabbath,
neither men nor women esteeming it a hard service to travel on
foot, four or six miles, with children in their arms, to hear
the gospel.

By 1765 seVeral additional settlements had been made in the region.
These included Hanover, Lebanon, Lyme, Orford, and Plymouth, the last named
settlement containing part of the present town of Hebron.3 In 1769 a
Legislative aet established a public road from Charlestown to Boscawen.
After that. new settlements Were founded rapidly in this northern region.
Many of the Grafton County pioneers were from Connecticut, and Connecticut'
town'names are reproduced in the Grafton towns of Lebanon, Enfield, Canaan,
and Lyme o

The act of county organization divided New Hanpshire into five counties.
Grafton, the fifth county, was "to Contain all the Lands in the Province Not
Comprehended in the other Counties.” OWing to the sparscness of its popula-
tion, Grafton County was to be annexed to Rockingham County for gOVernmental
purposes until the Governor and Council should consider its population
sufficient for the exercise of its own jurisdiction. In 1773 the Governor
and Council decided that Grafton County had reached that stage of progress,
and a Legislative act established court sessions at Haverhill and Plymouth.6

The history of Grafton County, like that of Cheshire, was turbulent in
the early years. Owing to a long series of differences, the western counties
became more and more out of sympathy with the rest of the state. One of
their principal grievances was based on the matter of representation in the
provincial Legislative body. '

While many of the Connecticut Valley towns, including Hanover, were
represented in the so~called Feurth Provincial CongreSs which met at Exeter,
May 17, 1775nNOVembcr 15, 1775, that assembly adopted, on November 14, a


1. Powers, op.cit., 56, 77.

E. Ibid., 120—121.

3. New Hampshire State Papers, 12:159. 369, 501; 13:126, 222.
4. Laws of New Hampshire, 3:520-521 (1769).

50 Ibidcg 3:524'530 (1769).

6. ‘Id.


Historical Sketch (First entry,po 31)

plan of representation for the Grafton County towns, which caused much dis-
satisfaction in that county. The Grafton towns were to be arranged in classes
and given only six representatives in a body totaling eighty-nine members.
Discontent with this plan received its Openest expression in the Hanover
class, consisting of Hanover, Lebanon, Relhan (Enfield), Canaan, Cardigan
(orange), and Grafton. This class preferring complete lack of representation
to such meagre recognition, returned, without action thereon, the election
precept received by the HanOVer selectmen from the President of the Exeter
Congress. Grafton County towns in other classes swallowed their resentment
and sent delegates to Exeter, but the Hanover class was unrepresented when
the next Congress convened, December 21, 1775.

The Constitution of 1776 added to the dissatisfaction in Grafton County
and many of the Grafton inhabitants considered that the rule of the Exeter
government was but an even exchange for the tyranny of the British Crown.

In the movement to defy the dictates of the Exeter authorities, Hanover and
Lebanon took the lead, but they did not remain isolated for any length of
time. By March, 1776, the Haverhill class had joined the Hanover class in
refusing to send delegates to Exeter. Most of Grafton County and many
sections of Cheshire County took a like stand.

The votes taken at town meetings, in the counties of Grafton and Che-
shire, in the fall of 1776, throw light on the attitude of the western New
Hampshire towns at that particular time. For instance, at a town meeting
for Hanover, Canaan, and Cardigan (Orange), held at Hanover, November 27,
1776, the voters expressed their sentiments in the following manner: When
the state was declared independent of Great Britain, "the pGWerS of Govern—
ment reverted to the people at large, and, of course, annihilated the political
existence of the Assembly which then was; notwithstanding which they have
since presumed to act in the name of the people * * *.“ Corporate towns,
possessing the right to act by themselves, should not be compelled to unite
in selecting a representative. The Assembly had wrongfully imposed a property
qualification since every voter should have been eligible for election.
About the_only purpose that could be served by a Council was “to negative
the proceedings of the House of Representatives, which * * * ought not
to be done in a free State." In cases where Councilor;_were "needful,"
they should be chosen at large rather than from any particular section of
the State.“

A new element entered into the situation when the New Hampshire Grants,
West of the Connecticut RiVer, revolted from the jurisdiction of New York,
and (January 15, 1777) established the independent state of New Connecticut,
the name of which, a few months later, was changed to Vermont.3 Many of the
inhabitants of the river towns in Grafton County were not averse to the idea
of union with the newly formed state.L’r '

A number of these towns held a conVention, June 11, 1777, in Hanover
and they served a virtual ultimatum on the New Hampshire government. They
were willing to adhere to New Hampshire if each town were accorded the right
to send a representative to the Assembly, if the seat of government were


1. Frederick ChaSe, A History of Dartmouth College and the Town of Hanover,
EEKLEEQEEEEEEi (Cambridge, Mass., 1891), 1:422-426.

2;. New Hampshire State Papers, 8gh21-h22. V

3. R. A. Upton, Revolutionary New Hampshire, (Hanover, 1936), 189, 192.

4. Jeremy Belknap, History of New Hampshire, (Farmer Edition, DoVer, 1831;,



_ 6 -

moved from Exeter to a more centralized location, and if steps toward the
establishment of a new constitution were taken. Otherwise. they "must seek
after Connection with some other State. or endeavor to find relief in some
other way * * #91 In November, 1777, a committee representing the western
towns arriyed in Exeter where it negotiated vainly with a Legislative

By the early part of 1778, a group of the estranged towns had definitely
decided to seek admittance to the State of Vermont. Their petition, hOWever,
did not meet with unanimous approval from the inhabitants of that state.
Vermont, at that time, was governed by the Bonnington party, which was from
the western part of the state, and which did not welcome expansion eastward.
On the other hand, the vermont towns between the Green Mountains and the
Connecticut River threatened secession and the organization of an independent
Connecticut Valley state, if the New Hampshire towns Were not admitted; and
on June 11. 1778, the Vermont Assembly ratified the admission of sixteen
New Hampshire towns.3

In the preceding February had occurred the organization as a distinct
township of the Dartmouth College Plain, in which locality there had been
considerable agitation for a union with the state of New Connecticut prior
to its assumption of the name of Vermont. Had the trend of events taken
the direction anticipated by many, the Dartmouth Plain might well have become
the capital of New Connecticut. The new town was known first as Dartmouth
and then as Dresden, Its organization brought no protest from the rest of
Hanover, and Dresden remained a separate township until the return of the
entire region to New Hampshire.4

To trace every step in the secession movement in Grafton and Cheshire
Counties Would take more space than is available here. For a time in the
disPuted region there were officers representing both Vermont and New Hamp-
shire. Before the matter was finally adjusted. the governments of New Hamp—
shire, Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts, in addition'to the Continental
Congress, were concerned in one way or another. Finally, the Connecticut
River was confirmed as the boundary and the disaffected Grafton and Cheshire
towns were forced to remain with New Hampshire.5 Matters were considerably
improved by the 1784 Constitution which gave the western counties a more
liberal representation in the Legislature.“ Gradually, the bitterness
caused by the controversy subsided.

The original incorporation of Grafton County set aside an immense tract
of land, taking in almost the entire northern half of the state. This
territory was added to in 1782 when Holderness (then called New Holderness)
and Campton were disannexed from Strafford County.7 A minor addition
occurred in 1837 when some land in Grantham, Sullivan County, was joined
to Enfield in Grafton County.8


New Hampshire State Papers, 13:763.

Upton, op. cit., 192.

l§§§., 192-193; VermOnt State Papers, 3:9, 24.

Chase, Op. cit., #46, h60-d53.

Belknap, Egg cit., 391-395.

B. P. Poore, Federal and State Constitutions, (washinoton, 1887),
2:1296 (N. H. Constitution of 1784, House of Representatives).
Laws of New Hampshire, h:h?9 (1782).

New Hampshire Laws of 153], ch. CCXC.

O‘Ln-P—‘LO 1‘.) H
o o



 - 7 a
Historical Sketch (First entry5p. 31)

The curtailment of the Grafton boundaries began in 1778 when Conway
(now in Carroll County) was removed from Grafton County and added to
Strafford County.1 In 1800 Burton (now the Carroll County town of Albany)
was detached from Grafton County and added to strafford County.2 Three years
later Grafton County was Split to form Coos County.3 In 1805 a tract of
Grafton land known as Nash and Sawyer's Location was annexed to Coos County.4
In 1832 land from New Chester (Hill), in Grafton County, was added to Wilmot
in Merrimack County.5 This preceded by thirty-six years the annexation of
the town Of Hill, itself, to Merrimack County.6 The homestead farm of
Mahala Gilman in Waterville, Grafton County, was annexed to Sandwich, Carro 1
County, in 1864.7 Grafton County lost Danbury to Merrimack County in 187h.

Grafton County is the home of Dartmouth College. The antecedents of
Dartmouth may be traced to the Indian Charity School established by Eleazar
wheelock at Lebanon, Connecticut, in 1751;.9 After ten years the school had
grown to such proportions that Wheelock felt justified in asking for financial
assistance from abroad. Samson Occom, an Indian minister, travelled to Lon-
don, with the Reverend Nathaniel Whitaker, for the purpose of obtaining'such
assistance. The Earl of Dartmouth and other prominent men were visited, and
contributions were secured. These activities led to the establishment of
two boards of trustees, one in England and one in America. Lord Dartmouth
was the president of the English board.lo'

As early as 1763, the removal of the school from its original site was
given serious consideration. Various locations were discussed in the years
that followad. At length, due largely to the friendly interest of Benning
and John Wentworth, the choice fell upon western New Hampshire.11 A charter
was granted December 18. 1769 and the institution received the name of
Dartmouth College. The purpose of the college. as expressed in the charter,
was to provide "for the education & instruction of Youth of the Indian Tribes
in the Land in reading, writing & all parts of Learning which shall appear
necessary and expedient for oivilizing & christianizing Children of Pagans
as well as in all liberal Arts and Sciences; and also of English Youth and
any others * * *."l‘

When the charter was granted, only the general region of the Connecticut
Valley had been selected for the location of the college; the specific site
had not been chosen. Several of the western New Hampshire communities made
bids for the college. It was not until July, 1770, that Hanover was selected}3


1. Laws 3f New Hampshire, 4:170 (1778).

2. Ibid., 6:647 (1800), r

3. Ibid., 7:206 (1803). In 1839, a proposal was made to divide the county
again. See New Hampshire Laws of 1839, ch. CCCCLXXVIII.

11-. Liftshmogjjglvgmsliiro,J'7gl398-399 (1805 .

5. Ibid., 10:365-368 (1832). )

6. New Hampshire Laws of 1868, ch. XIV.

7. New Hampshire LawsJof 1864, ch. 2891.

8- New Hmnpshire Laws of 1874, ch. XCVI.

9. L. B. Richardson, History of Dartmouth College, (Hanover, 1932), 1:32.

10. Ibid., 1:49-62. " ' i

11. Ibid.. 1:79-90.

12. General Catalogue of Dartmouth College and the Associated Schools
ijQ-l92§.'(Hanover, 1925), 5. a

13. Richardson, op. cit.. 1:91-97.


 - 8 _
Historical Sketch (First entryyp. 31)

August 28. 1771 marked the first Commencement. Governor Wentworth, and
his party came up from Portsmouth for the occasion. There were four
graduates--Levi Frisbie, Sylvanus Ripley. Samuel Gray, and John Wheelock.1

Fears were expressed in some quarters that the newly chartered insti-
tution, in its wider field of endeavor, would get away from the original
aim of its founder--that of bringing educational advantages to the Indians.
Hence, the establishment of Moor's Indian Charity School to take over
President Wheelock's original work; the name was chosen in honor of Colonel
Joshua More who, fifteen years previously. had donated land and a building
to Wheelock's Indian school in Lebanon, Connecticut.2 Some of the earliest
pupils in the Indian School after its establishment at Hanover were descen-
dents of English captives, who, having been adopted by the Indians, had
taken marital partners in the tribes of their adoPtion.3 By 1775 there were
from fifteen to twenty Indians in the school; ten of these were from Canada.
Due to financial difficulties, Moor's School was closed. 1829-1837. It was
reopened in 1838, but, as an institution, it was finally closed in 18h9.
Thereafter, Indian students were cared for in other ways. ‘

In the meanwhile Dartmouth College. though beset with difficulties, was‘
growing steadily and surely. In 1783 fourteen degrees ware awarded; in 1784,
seventce . The largest class before the turn of the century was forty-nine
in 1791. By the middle of the century7 the Dartmouth student body numbered
251. The college today serves 2,437 students.8

Probably the most significant case over to arise in the courts of
Grafton County was the Dartmouth College case. This case arose out of'a
controversy between John Wheclook, thcn president of Dartmouth College, and
the trustees of the institution. The latter remOVed the president and
appointed a new incumbent. In 1816 tho Legislature changed the name of the
college to Dartmouth University, and, to all intents and purposes, made it
a state institution. The matter became a state-wide political issue. The
trustees appealed to the courts, and the case reached the highest tribunal
in the land. Daniel Webster, appearing before the United States Supreme
Court for the trustees, argued that by abrogating the charter of Dartmouth
College the Legislature had threatened the sanctity of contracts everywhere.
His famous statement, "It is a small college, but there are those who love
it,“ has since become dear to all Dartmouth men. The Supreme Court decision
handed down by Chief Justice John Marshall was in faVOr of the college


1. Richardson, 0p. oit., 1:110-111.

2. Ibid., 1:33-34, 113-115.

3. _Ip_i_q., 1.128.

A. _l§£§-. 1:150-151«

5. _I_b_i_d.,‘ 1:418-hl9.

6. _I_‘_b_i_d., 1:202-203.

7. Catalogue . . . Dartmouth College 1850, 18.

8. Dartmouth College Bulletin 1938-1939, sec. III. 96.

9. Laws of New Hampshire, 8:505-508 (1816); "The Trustees of Dartmouth
College versus William H. Woodward" in New Hampshire Reports, 1:111-138;
4 Wheaten, 518 (1819); C. M. Fuess, Daniel webster, (Boston, 1930),


 - 9 -
Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 31)

The west bank of the Connecticut River at low water mark forms thevwstern
boundary for the county.1 Tributaries of this river in the county are the
Lower and Wild Ammonoosuc Rivers in the northern part and the Masccma River in
the southern section. Through the central portion flows the Pemigewasset and
its branches. Newfound Lake is located in the southern part of the county
and Masooma Lake in the southwestern portion. A part of Squam Lake lies in
the southeastern section.

Some of the ranges of the White Mountains rise in the northern section of
Grafton County, among them the Franconia Range which contains Cannon Mountain.
the site of the "Old Man of the Mountain" profile and of the recently cons
struoted aerial tramway, the only conveyance of its kind in North America. To
the southwest in Benton is Moosilauke Mountain.

Grafton County is bounded on the north by Coos County; on the east by
Coos. Carroll and Belknap Counties; on the south by Merrimack and Sullivan
Counties; on the west by the Vermont counties of Windsor. Orange. and Caledo-
nia. The area of Grafton County is approximately 1700 square miles.2 It con-
tains thirty-nine towns.3 By the 1930 census it had a population of h2.816.1\L

In Spite of its fine facilities for water power. Grafton County can hard-
ly be called a manufacturing district. Rather. on the whole. the county shnfld
be classed as an agricultural section. The agricultural census of 1935 lists
2,504 farms operating in the county as compared with 2,077 in 1930.5 Although
this increase is slight. it seems worthy of note. especially in View of a de-
crease in farms in the county recorded in Several earlier agricultural cen—
suses. The figures of the 1935 census are encouraging; yet it must be admit-
ted that there are many abandoned farms in Grafton County. also farms that are
not operated to their full capacity. Likewise, it must be admitted that the
trend toward migration from farm land has not left Grafton County unaffected.7
On the bright side of the picture. there can be noted the increase in dairy
farming located largely in the Connecticut River valley. A certain amount of
wood and lumber products. stone and clay products, knit goods, and sports wear
are manufactured in Grafton County.8

In considering the means by which the inhabitants of Grafton County pro—
cure a livelihood. the recreational business should not be overlooked. Splen~
did mountain scenery has attracted visitors to the Grafton County region for
many years. While these visitors. at one time. made their appearance almost
exclusively during the months of summer, such is not the case at the present
time. The development of enthusiasm for winter sports is causing the recre-
ational business to become a year-round industry. The outstanding sports event
is the Dartmouth hunter Carnival which draws guests from all over the country.


. Report of the [N.H.J Attorney-General * * * 1932-193h, 224-226.

. New Hampshire Manual for the General Court, 1939. 11%.

Ibid.. 121.

Ibid., 117.

United States Census of Agriculture. 1935, (washington. 1936) 1:15.

Thirteenth Census of the United §tates. Agriculture (washington,l913)

7:113; Fifteenth Census of the United states. Agriculture,(washington.

1932) 2 144 Part 11.

7. For details of the farm situation in Grafton County. see H. C. Whodworth.
M. F. Abell, and J. C. Holmes. Land Utilization in New Hampshire,
Bulletin 298. (Durham. 1937). passim.

8. New Hampshire Bureau of Labor Report 1937*38. 42—82.

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