xt7h9w090f34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w090f34/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-01-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 09, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 09, 2008 2008 2008-01-09 2020 true xt7h9w090f34 section xt7h9w090f34  



BROAD SHOULDERS: Woodson carries Cats to another

tag/bowl Win in the Music City










Mid-year layoffs, tuition increase not likely after state budget cuts

By Jill Lester


By Friday. UK will determine how a
potential cut of more than $160 million
in state funds will affect academic pro-
grams and tuition.

Last week. Gov. Steve Beshear
asked state universities to prepare for
state funding cuts as high as 12 percent
for the 2008-09 fiscal year.

Beshear also announced that state
agencies and public universities must
prepare to reduce spending by 3 percent

for the rest of the budget year. which
ends June 30. The decrease will result
in a cut of about $10 million for UK.

While the 3 percent cut through
June is set. the Kentucky legislature
will have to approve any further cuts
for the 2008- 10 biennium.

UK officials will gather information
and discuss the university‘s options be-
fore announcing how it will decrease
spending, both in response to this
year‘s 3 percent cut and the potential 12
percent cut.

The plan must be presented by the

Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Ed-
ucation to Beshear‘s office by Friday.
said UK spokesman Jay Blanton.

“A cut of that magnitude (12 per-
cent) is almost unimaginable and would
have a heavy impact on the institution’s
ability to move forward.“ Blanton said.

UK President Lee Todd said in a
campus-wide e-mail Friday that while
the cut will require “difficult choices."
he does not anticipate layoffs or a rnid-
year tuition increase. The $2.3 million
in staff pay raises. which about one in
four regular full-time UK employees

began receiving Jan. 1. will not be af-
fected by the 3 percent reduction. nor
will the search for a new vice president
for institutional diversity, Blanton said.

A reduced budget for the 2008—10
biennium will mean that universities
throughout Kentucky will have to make
budget cuts to academic programs or
raise tuition. said Brad Cowgill. interim
president of the Council on Postsec-
ondary Education.

In November. the CPE set a tuition
increase limit of 9 percent at UK for
2008-09. The 9 percent is a tentative

figure for budget purposes; the cap will
be set this spring following the 2008
legislative session, Cowgill said.

Last year. the CPE set the tuition
cap at 9 percent. and UK increased tu-
ition and mandatory fees the same
amount. In 200506. the UK Board of
Trustees approved a 12 percent in-
crease. 3 percentage points less than the
CPE cap of 15 percent.

Cowgill. who used to be Ken—
tucky’s state budget director, said the
state has “had a number of situations"

See Budget on page A3


First candidate
for long-awaited
diversity position

visits campus

§y_Jill Lester

The first candidate for UK‘s newly created
top diversity position will answer questions
and share her thoughts on the job during an
open forum today.

Judy "JJ." Jackson. dean of the college at
Vassar College in Pough-
keepsie. N.Y.. is one of the
two candidates selected by
the search committee last se-
mester for the position of
vice president for institution—
al diversity. As part of a
two-day tour of campus. she
will participate in the forum
from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. in
room 209 of the Main
Building. .

lf selected. Jackson will be responsible for
advising the president and provost on how
UK's policy decisions will affect the universi-
ty's diversity goals. according to the position
advertisement released at the beginning of the
search in fall 2006. The position will also in-
clude developing and coordinating diversity
programs throughout the university.

Jackson said she wouldn't know her specif-
ic responsibilities until after meeting with
members of the university community. Having
a set plan before spending time at UK “would
be like trying to suit everyone up in mail—order
outfits for one the most important events of the
university‘s life." she said.

UK had planned to have a vice president
for institutional diversity in place by July 1.
2007. but the initial five candidates either
pulled out or were not selected for the position.

The search committee decided to find a
new pool of candidates. this time actively re-
cruiting people the committee members
thought might fit the role rather than simply
advertising the position. said search committee
chairwoman Carol Jordan.

See Diversity on page A3



UK freshman
dies in car wreck
during break

By Alice Heymond


Kelsey Sorrell had a contagious smile and
loved kids.

“The kids loved being around her: she
loved being around them." said her Uncle.
David Ross. She frequently babysat his 2- and
5-year-old children.

Sorrell. an undecided freshman. was killed
in a car accident. driving home after babysitting
her cousins at Ross' house Jan 2. She was 18.

Sorrell was home in Erlanger. Ky.. for win-
ter break and was about to enter northbound
Interstate 75 from US. 42 in Boone County
when her ear hit a patch of ice and slid into on—
coming traffic. Ross said. She died when the
car was struck on the driver‘s side.

Ross said his niece was a “social butterfly"
and full of life.

“Everywhere she went. everyone knew
who she was." he said.

Sorrell graduated from Notre Dame Acad-
emy in 2007. and most of her high school
friends also went to UK. Ross said.

She came home fairly frequently on the
weekends. he said. but she loved UK. She had
wanted to go there since she was a little girl:
her dad is a huge UK sports fan.

She is survived by her parents. Steve and
Terri Sonell; brothers Tyler and Trevor Son'ell:
and grandparents. Tom and Ruth Sorrell. and
Chester Dreyer.

The visitation was held yesterday in Fort
Wright. Ky. at St. Agnes Church from 4 to 7
pm. Services followed.











New Hampshire voters turn out for yesterday's primaries. Hillary Clinton was the Democratic winner, and John McCain won among Republicans.


(Percentages as of 11 pm.)





Mike Gravel ,1 %

5 0/0
l %



Clinton upsets Obama;
McCain beats Romney

By David Lightman
McClatchy Newspapers

MANCHESTER. N.H. —— Hillary Clin-
ton surged back from a distant second in
weekend polls to stun rising star Barack
Obama and win New Hampshire‘s Democra-
tic presidential primary on Tuesday. while
Sen. John McCain of Arizona routed former
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on the Re-
publican side.

The Associated Press projected Clinton
the winner shortly after 10:30 pm. EST.
With 67 percent of precincts reporting. the
New York senator had 3‘) percent to Oba-
ma's 36 percent.

Pre-primary polls had found that Clinton
would lose big. perhaps by double digits. But
she ran strong Tuesday among women and
voters over 40. while the Illinois senator
failed to get the overwhelming backing from
younger voters who helped propel him to
victory last Thursday in Iowa.

The Clinton comeback —- reminiscent of
her husband's rebound in the 1992 New
Hampshire primary. when he climbed back
to a second-place finish and went on to win
the White House ~~ sets up a coast-to-coast

duel for the Democratic nomination that's
likely to go on until more than 20 states vote
on Feb. 5.

Obama congratulated Clinton on her vic-
tory shortly before 1 1 pm. EST and vowed
to keep fighting. To cheering supporters. he
said: “ You can be the new majority who can
lead this nation out of a long political dark-

Clinton still faces some major hurdles:
The next Democratic stops are Nevada on
Jan. 19 and South (‘arolina a week later.
Obama has clear advantages in both states;
the powerful Culinary Workers union report»
edly is ready to back him in Nevada. and
about half the South Carolina electorate is

But after that. Obama and Clinton will
engage in political combat across the nation
—— when organization and money could
make a difference A and each candidate has
a deep war chest.

Tuesday‘s result was less encouraging
for former North Carolina Sen. John Ed»
wards. who finished a distant third with 17
percent. despite having campaigned hard iit

See Primary on page A3

Rudy 0/
Giuliani g 0



Mike Thompson



UK professor:
Presidential race
still uncertain

BUM)?“ Yeshon
ivachontkakernel com

Democratic candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton
squeezed past Sen. Harack Obama while chub~
lican candidate Sen. John McCain pulled ahead
early last night for victories in the New Hamp»
shire primaries. a traditionally kc} early contest
for the presidential nomination.

Clinton held 3‘) percent of the votes to ()ba-
ma's so percent at the tintc of publication in the
Granite State after falling an a\erage of eight
points below Obama in polls. according to Real
Clear Politics. a Web site that averages poll rc-

The unpredictable nature ot this year‘s [)c—
mocratic and Republican primaries and caucuses
are making the part} nominations too hard to
predict at this point. said Donald Gross. chair of
L'K‘s political science department. on Monday.

The competition is not our. he said. btit it
could be b} the time Kentuckians head to the
polls on May 20 for the state‘s primary elections.

See New Hampshire on page A3






UK Catering tries. new recipe for fun at annual food sho

By Kenfl Coleten

“The reputation we had in the
past was of cafeteria catering,"

said Ray Schmidt. assistant direc~

At its third-annual food show.
UK Catering hoped to show po-
tential customers that it's more
than a cafeteria catering service.
and it knOWS how to throw a par-

fun too."

Nearly 100 people filled the
Grand Ballroom of the Student
Center yesterday. surrounded by
colorful lights. disco balls. 70s
music and the idea that UK Cater-
ing delivers both good food and

tor of catering. “This year we‘re
starting 100 percent from scratch
to showcase our food and have

The event in past years has
mostly been a “vendor show" in
order to bolster the reputation of
UK Catering for potential and cur—
rent clients. Schmidt said. But
with each year‘s show bringing in
an increasing number of clients.

See Catering on page A3

Dressed in a disco
outfit, Nick White,

right, tends the

Asuan martini salad

bar during UK
Catering's food
show yesterday
afternoon in the
Student Center
Grand Ballroom

ED mm

Newsroom: 257-1915; Mnfllelfl: 257-2872

1 l


 PAGE A2] Wednesday, January 9, 2008

- your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun kernel ‘ QP

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
days rating 70 is the easrest day, 0
the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is an 8 — Your friends are eager to
hear all about your recent adven—
tures No need to embellish the
truth. It's more impressive than he
tion anyway. Besides, humility in
creases your charm

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 7 —— Heed an older persons ad-
vice, even if, at first, you think you
don't agree Upon closer scrutiny,
the odds are good you’ll change
your mind. Be inquisitive.

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 ~ Money’s not the most im-
portant thing for you, that's certain
It's nice to have the bills paid,
though, with a little bit left over
Since you're in that position, go on



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a romantic outing.

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 7 ., Now that you and Your
partner have pretty much decrded
what you want, its almost time to
go shopping. (30 over your lists

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
6 7 You may be facing a question
you're not qualified to answer, Don't
feel embarrassed if you don't know
everything. Consult somebody who
specializes in whatever it is.

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 —— Now that you've set goals.
your interest focuses on the work
you'll have to do Start by getting
yourself organized Begin with the
ending, and make your list go back
wards until now

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today is
a 6 w It's starting to get easier to
understand a complex loved one.
The trick is in listening objectively,
not with your emotions. Keep prac-
ticing, it’ll get easier.

Scorpio (Oct 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 VA Relax and let yourself
think, while copiously taking notes

At first it'll be a jumble, but soon
things will fall into place, You love it
when that happens.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 A You have an in»
creased ability to understand elec-
tronics Try out a project more com-
plicated that you've done before.
Don't be afraid, this will be fun.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 — You'll soon have the
money you need to get something
you've always wanted. Upgrade the
quality level by shopping for sales in
the better stores

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 6 --— You're starting to feel
more confident, and more intelli-
gent. This is good, it'll help you
make quick work of whatever's left
to do Tackle the job with vigor.
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is a 7 -—» Sneak away from your
fans to get some quiet time fOr
yourself. Contemplate the role you’d
like to play. Imagine yourself in it,
That contributes to getting the pan.



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Carrie Ann’s New Battle

1119 DiSI-I

On a break from
Dancing With the Stars,
it"s War for lnaba!

Instead of judging. Carrie
Ann Inaba is now the one being
judged. Before their new season
of DWTS begins March 17. sea-
soned choreographer Inaba and
fellow DWTS panelist Bruno
Tonioli will face off on ABC's
Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie
Ann (premiering January 7 at 8
p.m.). The two will train com-
peting song-and-dance troupes.
and viewers will vote for their
fave. The Hawaii native. who
has been living with So You
Think You Can Dance‘s Artem
Chigvintscv. 25. for )0 months.
kicks up her heels with Us.

Q: So. a new gig! How do
you feel?

I'm excited. but I‘m not go-
ing to lie: It scares me. I went
away to a spa so I could calm
myself! You turn off your cell—
phone and don’t use the -Inter-
net. and you're facing your fears
— walking on tightropes. climb—
ing on ladders. . . . It -balances
you back out.

Q: Is Dance War similar to

It's a little bit more like
American Idol. This is really
about kids pursuing their
dreams. That mentoring aspect
is important.

Q: Are you always dancing
at home too. wiih your

When we‘re in a good
mood. sometimes we can't help
but dance around the house. For
Christmas. he got me Dance
Dance Revolution for Wii. I

have to say. that game is hard!

Q: How do you feel about
turning 40 on January 5?

I can‘t wait! I'm really hap-
py to “e 40. I‘m proud of the
things I've done. and I'm look—
ing forward to what comes next.

Unlucky Idols

Hard times have hit these
former faves.

Jessica Sierra

The Season 4 finalist. 22.
was imprisoned December 2 in
Tampa. Florida. for disorderly
intoxication and resisting arrest.
She faces ll years. and her
lawyer confirms to Us that she
is pregnant.

Ruben Studdard

The crooner. 29. was
dropped by J Records in late
December. (His third album sold
just 235.000 copies.) The Sea-
son 2 champ remains with 19
Entertainment. which is seeking
a new label for CD No. 4.

Fantasia Barrino

The Grammy-nominated
Season 3 winner. 23. takes her
final Broadway bow in The Col-
or Purple on January 6. The run
has been dogged by rumors of
frequent absences and even a
pregnancy (not true).

Who's nixing resolutions

“My New Year's resolution
is to not have one this year. I
tried for 10 years. but I didn‘t
ever achieve them. so what’s the
point?" ~ Diane Kruger

“I don‘t make resolutions. If
I decide I’m going to do some-
thing. there is no time like the
present." w Eric Dane

"I gave up on the resolution
thing a long time ago. Every
time I came up with one. it was
shot in the matter of a week.
Too much pressure!" —» Jaime

“I haven‘t thought of any
resolution I wouldn‘t keep any-
way." — Denzel Washington

"My New Year’s resolution
is to not make a resolution." 7-4
Lisa Kudrow

“I don‘t have anything to
fix! I don't smoke. I don't drink.
I don‘t eat carbs. My life is just
great now — normal. vanilla. —
Jason Bateman

“I tried to stop biting my fin-
gemails — I just never did.
Maybe I‘ll give up." ~ 30
Rock‘s Katrina Bowden

Spiritual scarves

Farewell. Pashmina: there's
a new scarf on the scene. Drew
Barrymore. Julia Roberts. Jessi-
ca Alba. Lindsay Lohan and oth—
er stars are wrapping themselves
in Sir Alistair Rai prayer
scarves. hand-embroidered with
words such as peace. love. truth
and karma.

Words to live by For inspira-
tion. creative director Kiran Rai
draws on -everything from Mo-
handas K. Gandhi to her own
homeland. India. “The scarves
represent my favorite Hindu
mantras.” she tells Us. adding
that each not only promotes
global awareness. but “could re-
mind the person wearing it that
beauty. truth and love never go
out of style."



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Continued from page A1

involving budget deficits.

Following his 2003 inauguration, for ex-
ample, former Gov. Ernie Fletcher proposed a
$16.7 million one-time cut in UK‘s budget to
help cover a state budget deficit, which the
Kentucky legislature passed.

Following the cut, UK raised tuition by I5
percent for the 2004-05 school year.

Cowgill said he does not necessarily antici-
pate a 12 percent cut in university budgets, but
any kind of reduction will affect the goal set by
the state legislature in 1997 to double the num-
ber of Kentucky citizens with bachelor’s de-
grees by 2020.

“We have 12 years: that‘s six budget ey-
eles." Cowgill said. “It‘s like six plays on the
football field we have to score a first down
every time we get the ball."



Continued from page A1


Jackson said she was asked to apply after
she and her research partner conducted a work—
shop on faculty diversity at a national confer-
ence in the spring. She initially declined. but
her focus on higher-education diversity efforts
led her to agree to meet with the search com-
mittee. she said.

“I felt compelled to talk with the search
committee about its strategy — both to learn
and perhaps to be useful in some way." said
Jackson, who later decided to seek the posi-

After another round of interviews with
Jackson and four other candidates, the commit~
tee selected two: Jackson and Ovenoun Jenda,
associate provost for diversity and multicultural
affairs at Auburn University. Jenda will speak
at a forum on Thursday, Jan. 17.

There is no definite time frame for when a
candidate will be hired. said UK spokesman
Jay Blanton. Setting a specific time frame for
searches for high-level positions, especially
those following a national search. would be a
“mistake," he said.

UK will benefit regardless of which candi-
date is hired. Jordan said.

“I think UK is fortunate that we have se-
lected two very strong candidates — individu-
als that we believe in either case could make
important contributions to the cause of diversi-
ty on UK’s campus,” Jordan said.



Continued from page A1

UK Catering decided it was time for
something new.

“We wanted to change our reputation
first," Schmidt said. "Then we decided to
go with a theme, someone suggested a
disco theme and we ran with it to show
we can have fun too."

The annual food show is the biggest
event for UK Catering and has grown
every year, increasing business for the
catering side of UK Dining Services.
Schmidt said. The event required a
month of planning to be ready for the an-
ticipated crowd of 300 to 500 people.

“This event is like inviting everyone to
our own little party," said Melinda Ply-
male. event coordinator for UK Dining

Many of the members of different
UK departments enjoyed the food and
the atmosphere of the offbeat theme.

“it‘s great." said Kristi Cox, a staff-
support associate for the department of
employee benefits. “I‘m really impressed
with the food and decoration."

And while Cox's department already
uses UK Catering for all its events, the
food show helps keep the department as
a client, she said.

The event also serves to bring in new


N EWS B R1011?

clients like Karen McDonald, a price
contract coordinator in UK‘s purchasing

”I love it," McDonald said. “Plus, it's
free food.“


Jerrod Figgs slices a Jamaican pork loin
yesterday afternoon in the Student Center
Grand Ballroom during UK Catering's disco»
themed food show.


Former city police chief starts at UK


Anthany Beatty, the former chief of
the Lexington Police Department. began
working at UK on Monday as the assis—
tant vice president for public safety.

UK announced in August that Beatty
would join the administration and over-
see the UK Police Department. Parking
and Transportation, Environmental
Health, and Safety and Emergency Man-
agement. .

The position is not entirely new. Last
year Ken Clevidence was responsible for
those departments and for university prop-
erty as the assistant vice president of auxil-
iary affairs. After he retired in June, the
university modified the position so that it

had a greater emphasis on public safety.

One of the first tasks that Beatty will
have to tackle is the ongoing search for a
UK police chief. in August. Beatty said
finding a new chief would be his first or—
der of business.

The last permanent chief resigned in
November 2004. Maj. Joe Monroe is
serving as an interim police chief until
UK makes a filial choice.

While the decision needs to be
made quickly. Beatty wants the search
to be done well to ensure the right chief
is in place. said UK spokesman Jay
Blanton. Beatty is reviewing resumes
and also considering people who are
currently within the department. Blan—
ton said.




Wednesday, January 9, 2008 I PAGE A3



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Continued from page A1


New Hampshire, including a final 36-
hour marathon. Edwards vowed to contin~
ue his campaign regardless. hoping to
mount a comeback in South Carolina, his
native state.

Among Republicans, McCain made
his own kind of comeback. His campaign,
all but dead just months ago, was ahead
of Romney by 6 percentage points with
63 percent of precincts reporting.

His victory left the GOP race more
unsettled than ever. McCain, who eight
years ago launched his bid for the White
House with a smashing victory here,
hoped to all but knock out Romney, who
governed the state next door until a year
ago and has a home here.

As cheering supporters chanted, “Mac
is back! Mac is back!,“ McCain relished
his rebound to victory after having been
widely counted out when his campaign
broke down last summer: “W friends,
I‘m past the age when I can proclaim my-
self a kid no matter what adjective pre-
cedes it. But tonight we sure showed ‘em
what a comeback looks like."

Romney also finished second last

began yielding military results.

“A lot of good things had to happen.
particularly the war," McCain said.

McCain’s win in New Hampshire
could make the final blow against Rom—
ney imminent, since the GOP hopefuls
will next move on to a Tuesday contest in
Michigan, where Romney‘s father was an
almost mythical figure as govemor in the

But McCain also scored a decisive
2000 triumph in Michigan and has the po~
tential to stagger Romney further. and
Huckabee has a strong base of support
among evangelical Christians there.

Huckabee. though, was unable to gain
any momentum in New Hampshire from
his big Iowa win and wound up with
about 12 percent of the vote, topping for-
mer New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.


week in Iowa af-

ter leading polls u , .
there all year. LEISglve

only '0 fa“ short America the kind
behind former
Arkansas Gov. 0f comeback YOU

Mike Huckabee, -
who mobilized iUSt gave me.
We are in it for

Christian evan-
elicals. n
g the long run.

“Well, anoth-
er silver. I'd
rather have a
gold. but I got
another silver,"
Romney told


Democratic candidate


supporters in

New Hampshire Tuesday night. He eon-
gratulated McCain “for running a first-
class race. Give him a round of ap-

McCain pinpointed the beginning of
his remarkable comeback — “a very slow
snowball." he called it — to a debate just
after Labor Day in New Hampshire, when
he gave a moving, emotional answer to a
young woman who stood to ask if her
brother's death in Iraq had been worth it.

“That was quite a moment, and one
[‘11 never forget. . . . It was when people
first really started looking at the candi-
dates,“ McCain told reporters recently.

He then embarked on a series of town
hall meetings, 10] in all (he held 114 in
2000), where he took questions from all

“The undecideds started showing up
and giving me another look.“ McCain
said. “I‘ve always said I can out-cam-
paign most people. And with another
burst of ego, I can relate to people at a
town hall meeting."

y McCain also relied on extemals
breaking his way. usually a dicey proposi-
tion in a political campaign. But he
lucked out: Romney collapsed in Iowa in
the face of Huckabee’s surge, denting his
fmnt-nrnning aura. And the troop surge in
Iraq, which McCain had urged for years.

“ 5

who got 9 percent and Texas Rep. Ron
Giuliani. banking on generating mo-
mentum beginning Jan. 29 in Florida, told
Huckabee told backers that his finish
was “better than a lot of people thought"
The Baptist preacher‘s prairie fire was
barely a spark in New Hampshire. with its
Christian voters. He hopes to rebound on
Jan. l9 in South
started showmg C 0 m m u n i t y
Up and giving me nearly two—thirds
_ can vote.

always said i can Typical this
out-campaign feeling of Scott
Rowell. the man-
Jmm MCCAIN learning facility.
Republican candidate Who said. "i just

with him."

Romney and McCain. on the other
Hampshire, and they tried mightily to tap
areas close to the Massachusetts border,
reminding crowds of how he championed

“I brought a conservative approach to
a common problem." he said.
beat commercials about his vision for the
future and his optimism. while running
McCain‘s record on taxes and immigra-
urday night's debate at Saint Anselm Col-
lege, when a surly McCain clashed with

“What I like about Romney is he has
a strong presence on TV." said Leon Bar-
doesn‘t let anybody bully him."

McCain countered with a heartfelt
win in 2000. His ubiquitous TV ad was
simply the senator looking into the cam-
changed and neither have I,“ and “once
again I need your help." The message

Paul. at 8 percent.
supporters here. “It is a wide open race."
and would sustain his momentum.
far smaller population of evangelical
“The undecideds tCt‘lztiyrolina. where
could make up
another look. We "f "‘6 Repub'i'
week was the
mOSt peome." ager of a Nashua
don‘t connect
hand, had strong personal ties to New
Romney eyed support in the suburban
a comprehensive health care plan in 2006.
He also blanketed television with up-
other ads and having his staff tear into
Romney seemed to benefit from Sat-
Romney over immigration policy.
ry. a Nashua glass company owner. “He
plea to the people who gave him a huge
era, telling viewers, “You haven‘t
moved a lot of voters.

i .‘






Continued from page A1

which are some of the last in the country.

Strong showings in Iowa and New
Hampshire are enough to give a candidate
momentum 7-7 and funding for upcom—
ing primaries. especially “Super Tuesday"
on Feb. 5. when more than 20 states will
participate in primary elections. Gross said.

Clinton won New Hampshire after
falling to ()bama in the lowa caucuses last
week. Huckabce's loss in New Hampshire
after a victory in [own highlights how open
the Republican race still is. (iross said.

High voter turnout in lowa added to the
uncertainty. Gross said. More people are
coming out and making it hard to predict
who will take home party nominations. he
said. The increase also signaled an in
creased interest in the 2008 presidential

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More than 225.000 voters came out for
the Democratic caucuses in low a. up from
l24.000 in 2004. The Republican caucuses


also saw an increase from 87.000 voters in
2000 to about |20.000 last week. according
to the Iowa Secretary of State Web site.

About 500.000 voters were expected to
participate in the New Hampshire pri-
maries. according to predictions by New
Hampshire Secretary of State William
Gardner on Monday. ()fficiai voter statistics
were not available by press time last night.

UK College Democrats and College Re-
publicans are both encouraging students to
get involved on an individual basis if they
are interested in supporting a candidate dur—
ing statewide primaries and caucuses.

“ln Kentucky. we don‘t really have
much of a choice who gets picked." said
Robert Kahne. UK College Democrats
president and political science and econom»
ics junior. “If you‘re really interested in get
ting involved in a particular candidate‘s
campaign, contacting the campaign directly
is the best way to do that."

UK College Republicans President
Thomas Roberts agreed. saying students
who want to actively support a specific can»
didatc should focus on upcoming state pri-

"l've encouraged people if they support
a particular candidate to call the campaign
or get in touch with a grassroots organi/a»
tion and get invoiyed." Roberts said.

Richard Becker. who serves as state co—
ehair of the College Democrats. traveled to
Iowa during Christmas break to work for De-
mocratic candidate John Edwards' campaign.

“The Iowa caucus holds almost mythi—
cal status among people who work on cam»
paigns.“ Becker said. “It's the icadoff state.
It sets the tone for the rest of the race."

Becker. a political science and econom~
ics senior, spent more than a week making
phone calls. camassing in support of lid
wards and helping staff events when the
candidate was in town.
