xt7h9w090d45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w090d45/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 2001 2001 2001-11-30 2020 true xt7h9w090d45 section xt7h9w090d45 Sneaking
into the


If you've been
reading the
Kernel all week,
you've noticed a
lot of the
articles are
about the
alcohol policy
and today is no
different. With
the looming
beer police. it's
hard to enjoy
the college life
promised to us
all by the movie
Animal House.
But I have a
solution or two
for all of you
enough to live
on dry ground.
The following is
a list of ways to
sneak and hide
alcohol on
campus and
none of them
involve any
bodily orifices.

Find a friend at a
local restaurant
that delivers
and simply have
them bring a
six-pack in a
paper bag with
the order.
Nobody ever
questions the
delivery guy, as
long as the
bottles don't
clang too much.

Take a tip from
drug dealers
and get a
suitcase with a
false bottom.
You'll get the
same thrill of
cocaine across
the border with
the pleasure of
a fine liqueur.

Since Ale-B-One is
so popular here
in Kentucky.
simply take the
carton from a
six-pack and
replace the
bottles with that
of your favorite
brew. I don't
think that 40’s
will work though
so stick with
regular sizes.

Depending on the
location of your
room. you could
always use a
pulley system to
hoist the
beverage up you
your window.
However, this
should be used
only when
you've tried
everything else
and you’re in a
college party

- Jonathan Ray

6H4 4.9

At the North Pole,
the hi will be -t and the
lo will be -lt, according
to www.weather.com
Ktéi‘iiiie" is a.

VOL. “108

ISSUE 3367


1'!!th tips; ‘

Call 2574915 or e-mail
kernel©uky.edu ‘


LexTran may offer free UK

Getting around: Grant proposal would allow
LexTran to improve its service to UK community

_By 93.5," Hamilton


Beginning next semester. stu-
dents may be able to get rides to
class and around town for free

UK is working with the Les»
ington Transit Authority to st"
cure a federal grant that would al

low l'K students. faculty and staff

to ride for free on LexTran buses.
Ifapproved. the new plan will be-
gin next August.

"I think it would be great. You
wouldn‘t have to walk to class if it
was bad weather or you lived real
1y far off campus." said Matt
Faulkner. a telecommunications

l’nder the proposal. students
could ride on all available Lox»
Tran routes LexTran would pro.
vide a ”I'K Transit Network" that
would allow three more routes go-
ing directly through campus

LexTran and [TK have been
working for several years to reach


(ill agreement.

portation Services.
“It would take

and riding a bus to class "
The three»year. Si;

sure how their service is benefit
mg students.

It would also provide analysis
on how man}. students are l’lillll!
the buses and what areas need an

"We can g: ther data for stu

dents to see if they are using the
bus system.” said .Ienny Williams.
director of Marketing for Les

If the plan passes.

Lex'l‘ran is trying to improve
their services. to get more stu~
said Don Thornton. l'K‘s
director of Parking and Trans

students to
(‘entral (‘ampus instead of having
to get off at the football stadium

grant lS-lllfttltlll will be matched by
I'Ki is a way for LexTran to Inca

. student
llls will be provided with en

crypted magnetic strips that will
be swiped when students get on
the bits.

Along with verifying stu
dents, it will also give LexTran a

method to count the number of

students using the buses

"We want to see where the
students live. how many are rid-
ing and how we can service those
areas." Williams said.

LexTran currently offers Stilt

semester passes for students.
With the grant. LexTran Is‘ hoping
to pick up about mom to Rollo new
passengers a day on the universr
t_\' routes

The grant also provides capital
funds for maintenance and equip-

meiit. along with the marketing of

the program.

After the three year trial peri
till. the data l'ttlli‘l tell ‘wlll be to
viewed to see ifthe agreement will
will be provided :it no cost to stu

"We want to make sure students

know there is no i'tist involved
Their tuition may be raised. but it

won't be because of us." Williams


Say fuzzy


Marketing and
Finance senior Julie
Tatum sits for her
yearbook photo
Thursday. All
students can have
their yearbook photos
taken from 9 am. to
6 pm. Friday in room
032 of the Grehan

JESSE Linus I krnntismr

Bars and minors:
A risky combination

By Andrea Uhde

"issw'im Naomi

A local bar will have a few
new allies by i-‘ebruary.

Two Keys Tavern. a bar on
South Limestone Street. will a»
sist the Alcohol Beverage (‘on
trol in training new workers to
identify fake IDs.

The task is part of the bur
reau‘s program to target under
age drinking in Lexington

The AB(' is a leader in the
Crusade to stop the sale oi alco-
hol to underage people. and it
has been gaming strength for al
most three years.

Since the Division of Police
took over the bureau iii 1998. the
bureau has better enforced the
alcohol laws. said William Hen
derson. commander and lieu
tenant of the Bureau of Investi-
gation Auxiliary Services.

"We've been strong
since then." he said.

The ABC is responsible for
distributing liquor licenses. an»
nual licenses renewal and eti-
forcing regulations related to the

To enforce the regrlatioiis.
ABC officers randomly visit
businesses. The visits usually oc
cur after people complain of [)(ts
sible violations

Henderson said the number
of complaints varies, In October
the ABC received 36 complaints
about local businesses


After receiving several coin
plaints. the AW‘ hires underage
people to enter the businesses to
attempt to purchase alcohol
without an II),

"We get a very high I"lte of
buy s.” Henderson said.

Police officers with the AW‘
also perform random checks of
local liars and ask people to show
their ll)s_ Henderson said

Establishments caught sell
mg to minors can be fined SIJJSH
and or have their license sus
pended for '13 day s

While some businesses con
tinue to violate regulations. tiiost
are becoming more responsible.

"I think we've made more
businesses aware of some of the
problems they can deal with."
Henderson said

.I l) Mcllargue. the owner of
Blue Moon Saloon. a bar on Eu-
clid Avenue. said he has heard
that the Alit‘ has been more ac
tiye iii recent years. but he can
not estimate how often they pa
ti‘iil his bar

.\IcHargue said even though
Ali(‘ officials do not always ideii
tifv themselves. be is not para
noid that they will be around

No bar can ever tatch all
fake licenses. he added

"We ipeople who sell alco
hol) have a legal and ethical duty
to make sure we obey the law.”
he said "That doesn‘t mean we
always do we will never be
perfect "

How they catch fake lD's

Here's the ABC's guide to
spotting lake In's:

I) Always check the expiration date.
00 not except expired licenses.

2) Look for the word "duplicate" on
the license. Someone else may have
the original.

3) Consistency - The typeset and
appearance of all characters should
be identical.

4) Check reverse-side lettering for
blurred words.

5) Pay attention to the physrcal
appearance of the person. Make
sure the person who is standing in
front of you matches the physical
identity of the license.

6) If the license is an out of state
license. use an to checking guide.


['ntil then, the service

It's over

If K plays its

last game
Saturday at


JESSE LEBUS 'i‘vN'. ,' '

Sanjef Khadim. a computer science student, rides the LexTran bus from the
Eastland area everyday. Khadim said free bus rides would be a welcome
offer. UK is working with LexTran to secure a grant that would allow UK stu-

dents, faculty and staff to ride free.


Retired prof, 93,
still serving UK






Gifford Blyton will be honored at the Dec. 3 University Senate meeting.

‘A university treasure': University Senate
parliamentarian a force behind the scenes

By Kathy Wyatt

l:-7\h \._»:..'~

The l'niyersity Senate
meeting comes to order As he
has for the last so years. a
willie-haired man finds his war
at a table in front of the tl‘it'lt‘i~

(iitl‘ord Blyton. the [hirer
sity Senate parliaiiientarian.
teleorated his 95rd birthday in
\epteniber With much ot his
life speijt '1' Hi. liiiioi: rel ails
ineiiioi‘ies dating more than 3o

As .: tttillltllilllt serous pro
lessor. l’iyton participated in
the :nteciatior. ot‘l‘lx'

He was the first professor
it I'lx' Esm- black undergrad

.i‘y', A-I '.;

Get your pet's picture
made with Santa or
other holiday scenery
at PetSmart from it
am. to 5 pm. Satur-
day and Sunday. Pets-
mart is located In
Hamburg Pavilllon on
Man o'Vlar Boulevard.



Tommy» Wersity Kentucli Liiqexiton '

trite students He renteniln-rs a
time when bian k students were
absent from the -‘ilt‘tt'i‘iit and
the basketball t tttii'i

Blyton his also seer. many
other changes it l'lx' oyer the
gears. lie has seen enrollment
iump. which has caused more
buildings and dormitories to
spring up The number of col»
leges has alsii increased

lily'ton played a
some ot these changes He re~
members working to Ii‘t‘ate
three deparfii‘a nts out of one

"I it'i'~'.'ed untz'; I not the de
partitients of littxlisa. speech
and drama to each be separate
departments." he said

See BLYTON on 2

role in




The Low-down

are two
types of
into a
room and
here I
am!‘ and
come in
and say.
there you



- Frederick L.


Women's Commission meets today

l.lIXl.\'tl'l'll.\' l'K's ('oirirnission on
“1111111111111111.11111 its s11c11iid meeting at 1 p 111 to
11.11 :i‘. thc 'l.i1li1i lidiic.‘ 1111111 Building Room 133
11.11 1111‘1‘1111; .1111 11st iiiitil' _ ill p 111 Mciribci's
111.111 1111'r~1.r-‘.1 1111»1oiiiir.1ss1ons V1111 sitc 111 ad
11.11111: 11. 'ssiiig 11111111 agi-iida itciiis 'l‘lic
11111111‘114 :s111111ri 1111111‘ public


Preliminary hearing moved to January

ll\l\'i. ltl.\' 'l'.‘iiiir11i‘ Ray Mullins. who
'11s :11 s 1 ‘ 1:1. .irgr‘s 11]. 11111:; to .111' 1111's 1111

111111.111 ll':ll.\tl.l1 1111111111; his s11111111111111 pr‘1l 11111.
11.11'1 1111.;i‘ii1; 111 .l 11': 111.11 the Fayette (‘ounty

llisir'Jl‘t t ‘llli'llillll\l‘

SG creates anti-party plan Web Site

l.l"..\l.‘;c.’l‘tl.\' Student tlovcrniirt‘nt has
1 111111 \Vi‘ll s111‘ 111 int'or‘iri students oftlro
l.1‘.‘\lll_‘lllli .\l'l‘.’l l’.1i't1. l’lgiii 'l'lic Sllt’ address is
1.11.111 iiop:i1‘t1'pl.=.i‘. 1'1111‘.



2nd slain officier to buried Saturday

Nll‘lltll..\S\'ll.l.E. Ky. Funeral scryiccs
1111‘ .lcssaiirini‘ t‘oiiiit1 Sheritl's ('apt ('har‘lcs B
"t'lrizck" Morgan Jr will 1111 at 11:10 .1111. Satur
1111 at Soiulrlaiid (‘hr'istian ('liiirch. Morgan. :31.
(llt‘ll li‘oiii iniiiries sutlcri‘d in a shootout .\'o\ 1:1,
l“i".d.1_\ liiii'ial 11.1.11111‘ ir‘. liliic llr‘ass 31111111111411
t..11‘dl-‘..s ‘1:.lcssaiiiiii.‘('ounty

Officer let go over bike rally incident
l"lx’.\\'l{l'tll\"l'. K1 .\ Ki-ntticky State 1’11
112'1'12 11111111 'l'.‘11;1'sd:11 dismissed 1'. 1,11 Ron
,‘1. '11‘11111‘. ’ 11 1.11.1111; .‘1 \l£llt‘ can to 11111111111 11 '11 1:11
'_. 11 ."f; ..;11-.'1..1l 1111 11.11.1111 and tliri‘. trying to lll\"(‘l
' ..p ,\':';;111111 had .idiiiittcd wrongdoing. but his
111'11111 hid 11‘1111‘11 111.11 disiriissiil 11.1stoos1‘
‘.~1r‘:~ 111 1 ,‘1i.iiislrrril1i‘.t .-\llg111111c:11‘1 1pp1-11l the l'lllr
2 ‘ ‘ :11 l": 111'11111111 t'ir‘cuit ( oiiit



Grad students want right to unionize

l' Rll \.\' \ ill (11. 'idii. 1111 assistants 1111111 on
1' 1‘1‘11 is111‘ l lllinois to protcst thc
1111:;‘1 1' 111's llllsill to 1‘1-1‘111'1111’1‘llll‘lll .‘iscin
11.11“.11s\1itlitl‘111‘_;‘.l.t 11111111111111“ Tllt‘lllsll‘Vt‘l
111111. s11-,1p.‘1_‘1- :111111 1 111111.1(11. 1mp.1 1211 c. iirrpus


Apple Computer
Inc's Steve Jobs,
whose blunt
criticism of
Microsoft has
tempered in
recent years after
his archrival
Microsoft Corp.
invested millions
in his company. on
Tuesday said he
was "baffled" by a
proposed settle-
ment to the soft-
ware giant's
consumer class-
action lawsutts.
Under the
proposal unveiled
last week,
Microsoft and
some plaintiffs
agreed the com-
pany would
provrde more than
$1 billion worth of
Microsoft soft-
ware. refurbished
computers and
other resources to
more than 12,500
of the nation‘s
poorest schools.
Critics contend the
proposal Will only
serve to enhance
Mlcrosoft‘s access
in schools while
domq little to
meet the poorest
schools‘ extenswe
needs. "We‘re
battled that a
imposed against
Microsoft for
breaking the law
should allow, even
encourage. them
to unfairly make
ll'llOddS into edu-
cation - one of the
few markets left
where they don‘t
have monopoly
power,“ Jobs said
in a statement.


llll lilomen's Basketball


began with about 50 teaching assistants march-
ing and waving handmade signs that read “No
Union. No Teach" and “T1111 U ofl works because
we do." The Graduate Employees Organization
asked teaching assistants in five of the school's
main buildings to cancel classes and halt all
teaching duties for two days. The average gradu-
ate assistant is getting free tuition and a stipend
of about $13,000 this school year. according to the

Space shuttle launch delayed

(‘Al’E (‘ANAVERAL Fla.
’l‘hursday's launch of space shuttle Endeavour to
1111‘ international space station because of danger
from a Russian supply ship hanging from the or
biting outpost, NASA feared the forces exerted by
tlic arriving shuttle would cause the supply ship
to wobble. damaging the space station Endeav-
our was supposed to drop otfthrcc‘ astronauts for
a simiroiitlr stay. and bring back the three men
who 1111111 11111111 living up there since August.

Toy shortage may damper shopping
NEW YORK The holiday shopping rush

has just begun and there is already a shortage of

hot toys. particularly those inspired by “Harry
l’otttr .\ tlrc Sor‘t‘ficeicr sStone ' Even worse. 111a-
1111 retailers including Toys R Us. Wal—Mar't.
Kmart and KB Toys warn that within the next
week or so. consumers won‘t be able to find many
popular playtlrings in time for Christmas. ()thcr‘
hardto-lirid Harry Potter products include Lego's
llogwart's Express train and Mattel's Snape Po-
tion Lab and Levitating (‘hallenge Game.


Female Ecstasy users at higher risk

1.1 )N[)().\' Ecstasy. the increasingly popu-
lar party drug. may cause more brain damage in
womcn than in men. new research suggests. A
study published this week in The Lancet medical
iour 11' 11 ciorrip 1rcil brain scans of people who had
take 11 “loot 111111 11 Ecstasy tablets in their lifetimes
11 1111 those of a group 11 ho 11' rd never taken the
drug. The findings indicated women but not
men lost a significant number of brain cells.
1111111 though the men had taken more Ecstasy
1.1'111‘ 11111 years. The researchers found that com»
pared to 11111 brains of women who had never tak-
cn Ecstasy. 11111 brains of heavy Ecstasy female
users had wcakcr concentrations of serotonin
transporters. the sites on brain cell surfaces that
mop up serotonin from the space between cells al-
tcr it has finished acting on other cells. Ecstasy
gained popularity in the 1990s at all-night dance
pltl‘llt‘S known as raves. Recent reports have
shown that Ecstasy use is dramatically increas-
ing in the l'nitcd States. Europe and Southeast

Compiled from wire reports

N ASA called off



Rape defense classes
will be updated soon

Self-defense: Under

new program, men

will be allowed to take part in classes

By Candice Byrd


17K r'api‘ deft-rise classes
are undergoing .‘1 change

Thc l’K l’olici- Rape .\g
gressiorr Defense Systciiis will
soon bc plizlsr‘tl out and ['1'
placed with a class that will :11
low 1111111 1oattcndas111-ll.

l'K l‘olici- ('lit‘ 111.1111 i'1~:i
sons for the change.

"For oiit‘. it is very gcndcr
bias1111."said Stcphanii- llzistiri
ot'UK l’olicc. "Mon 1111111 1111111111
11111. and some lravc had very
legitirriatc reasons for wanting
to take tlic sclf-di‘fcrisc class.
There are even sonic who are

Continued from page i

Blytoii rctircd 111 1973.

H41 stayed on because of

his involvement 111 1'le politics.
Blytori li1-camc llll‘ l'riiyorsity
Senate parliairii‘ntar‘izin before
his retirement, and 1111's kept
the Job 111'111' sincc.

Blytori said 11111- i‘1-iisoii is
that people coiitttttil‘ ii1 aslt
111111. Evcr‘y itllll‘ tlii‘rc's .1. new
chairman. (lit'l'ord r‘r-rr1i1‘1-s a
ll‘llf‘l‘ asking 111111 111 \lll}

But he downpl.‘11's his 11117

“During 11111 1111111111114 [1151
sit there and look tri‘ctiy. but 1
do a lot of work behind llll‘
scenes." Blyton said,

Senate (‘lraii'man 111111 For»
tune praised lily ion's work

“He helps Senate chairs in
a gracious way. so as not to
embarrass anyone." 1111 said

Fortune said 11111 rcqiicsts
for Bi 1ton‘s helpioiiit- 1111 'insc
of his know lorlgi of p: 1111: 1111“”
t.'"11y pioiodiiri

As parliarnl-iitar‘ian. 1111

required to take self-(icicnst‘ as

While R.-\l) is worthwhile.
it's llilll' for it to be updated.
liastirr said,

l'l\' Police is organizing a
now sot of self-dct'crisc classes
that “ill most likely be avail
able to all students beginning
1111:11‘ 11111111111 ofthcspring s11-
iiii-str-r‘. liastiii said.

Studcnts who have attend»
11d [lztsi i‘lltsst‘s Sillll 1111‘ 1111-
pi'ovr-iiiciits will enhance the

"1 think it's a good idea
tlicy'rc iiiipi'o1ing it." said Liz
(‘obh .‘i R.»\ll par‘ticipai‘it and
Spanish i‘ducation junior.

answers questions about Sen
:itc procedures. like how many
11 1111s will pass a proposal.
lllytori said the Senate
plays an integral rolc at l'K.

"l’i‘riplt‘ want a voice. and
without 11111 Senate. faculty
and studcirts would not have .'1

131111111 has contributed
that 1'oicc for more than 25
years. Blytoir said that as long
as llt‘ is able and as long as the
chairman asks hirri. 1111 will
("lllliilllit‘ 1o s11r1'o as parlia

".»\s long as 111111 can stand
it. I can stand it." 1111 said with
:i clruckic.

111 llll\“ l1

(111d): '11 11111. the Senate
\(‘l 11t.' ll\ s. 1111 Hi is fortunate
till1.i\i lll‘ too.

111 \ one of tlic universi
ty's tr‘casiii'cs.” Sllt‘ said.

‘ mombr-rs are glad

Former students and University
Senate chairmen will honor
Gifford Blyton at the Dec. 3
UniverSIty Senate Meeting. A
reception will follow


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Call 257-2871 if you have ques-
tions or for more information.

If you are not a senior,
your picture will cost 5 I.



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Stacue Methaus
Assistant Scene Editor
Phone 251 I915 | Email kernelartmyahoo com


Look, Mom! I won 5,000 tickets at ski-ball

Childhood: Students head to kiddie places
to release stress by playing goofy games

By Sara Cunningham

Tt'aey l’arys loves Toys R
Us. She visits the store With her
friends and frequently runs
into other people she knows
there. From video gillllt's to
raeeears. it one ean play With it.
they have tried it out at the

But l’ai'ys isn't a ('illilI
She's a history and seeondary
edtii'ation tresliinan at I'K

"Sometimes you giust need
to let go and have t‘iin.” said
Parys “What better way to get
rid ot‘ some stress than to tool
around and aet like a kid onee
iii awhile."

not alone

and her ii‘lt‘lliis are
;\t‘t‘itt'lilltj.: to Toys R

l's manager l)tl\t‘ l-Iiiglisli. it is
not iiniisti il to see rollege stti
dents in elnldi'eiis toy stores

"I see tons ot eollege kids iti
here all ot the time.” l-Inglisli
said "It‘s i'e:i‘il\ iiiilielieyalile
\yhai yon I'ill see them doing
sonieiinies 'I’liei. are always
(nu-r by the \ iiieii dailies .,

Video stones .n'en't the only
toys v ville-4e kids eiiioy l-Inglish
also tollege students
lioiiiii-iiig lip and liti\\II the
on pogo stii'ks I‘iigii
stli i\\ illl‘ 'lie ser‘ettii Itiiist pop
iilar :ittixiitioii iii the t'lllllt
store tot tollege students. he



'l‘oy stores don t have a mo
tiiiiiiily iii‘. the i'iiilegt' t‘t'ii\\'ti.
though i'ollege sIllli“lli\ ean he

found in many other kltiit‘lt'ltti
ly plaees. sueh as (lattitown.

About 4:3 pereeiit ol' the eus
toiiiers on weekdays are college
students because that is when
eei'tain eoiipons are valid. ae
eording to general manager
Miehztel Whitehotise‘s estimate.
(‘ollege students tend to he
their most frugal t'tistoiiiers.
who often go for both the «heap
food and games

Sophomore elementary ed
ueation major .Ieiinv l)eit/, says
(‘iattitown lets her relax alter
hard days at sehool

"Sinee I'm the ski hall
queen. I like Skiritilii.” she said.
"It gives you a ehaiiee to ill' like
a little kid.

“We get so eaught up trying
to art like adults. it's fun some
times to he sttipid. just play and
spend time with triends ”

Whitehouse says a game
ealled “Big Bertha" is most pop-
ular With the eollege eroyyd liig

Goodness, is that whipped cream on his chest?

The Cinema Committee of the Student Activity Board will present Not Another Teen Movie on Dec. 5 at 9 p. m. at the Worsham Theatre. Tickets are
free and will be available at the Student Center. The film stars, among others, Chyler Leigh as Janey Biggs. the "Pretty Ugly Girl " and Chris Evans
as Jake Wyler, the "Popular Jock."

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Like it Fast?

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zpecial 1-5 week work
resume experienc
oar to door canvassing


-ops available

- Secure Spring or Summer positions


Hertha is a game where players
Ii'\' to throw eolored halls into
the mouth of Big Benita. a very
large Woman. Points are scored
by the amount of “food" she is

Although the game is origi
iially meant for very youn '
ehildreti. the eollege erowr
loves it and provides entertain
ment for many of the employees
who Witness their juvenile an-

Entertainment Express an
entertainment eomplex in
Nit‘holasville. also draWs in
quite a t'ew eollege students.
From the areade to miniature
golf. there are plenty of things
to do Male students tend to he
drawn toward the go-katts. and
sororities often bring their
pledges. said manager Jason

"The ('ollege students tend
Ill be our Itiiis‘t t‘zmiiitiiti‘tititis tit
tendants." said Magnet "They
are pretty funny to wati‘h."




EXT. 2401

$2.99 per min.
Must be 18 yrs.
Sent-II [619] 645-8434





tamer soles/service


Big Bertha, a popular game for college students at Gattitown, gains 25
pounds for every hall a player throws in her mouth. Go feed her.


Read the paper.
don’t eat it

“M I?!“


l.! line is. Not Only Done By Criminals.


fi/Mé’l’flfl E

W mom e. um“







Week ritf/Vriv 26- Dec. 2, 200.7



FREE ' '
. .. ‘ ‘ _ - ' http: //www uky edu/Campiis
Calendar 257 8867 ‘



“Intent/drum, Chy.<.n,m tuitimi .hm

'Math Tinmmii

Y" La Resirlenre trarr rig/i
'NIIM Gallery Serum sewn Mirth", .m, “mm“ pwm


'Anonymvty Flhlhii

‘Amahl And Tim Niqh1V|