xt7h9w090b8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w090b8d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1987 1987 1987-11-09 2020 true xt7h9w090b8d section xt7h9w090b8d  


Sports Monday



Loss leaVes Wildcats looking for
answers.SEE PAGE 3.





Pink Floyd offers best of
theatrical rock. SEE PAGE 5.



Today: Breezy, turning cooler
Tomorrow: Sunny and cool



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 61

am 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

independent since 1971

Monday. Nevember 9. 1987





Hy ROSS L. .\.\'I)ERSl-2.\'
Contributing Writer

As newly appointed director of
the Center for Robotics and Man-
ufacturing Systems. William
Gruver already has a lull agenda
he hopes will help thrust t'K into
the let century.

As director. Gruver will ever
see the integration of research
conducted at the L'niversity with
practical applications occurring
in industry throughout the state.

Last year. the General Assem-
bly approved more than $13 mil-
lion to establish the center at UK.
Ten million dollars was allocated
for the construction of the center
with the remainder going for op-
erating funds and salaries.

While construction of the center
has not begun. $1.3 million of the

UK robotics director has full agenda already

operating funds have already
gone into research pl'tljt‘t'ls in
volving robotics.

Gruver said he is pleased to see
the research underway. because
corporations want to see progress
before committing funds The
center is scheduled to be com
pleted and operat ing by mid-Mitt

While the center currently has
a staff of 25 professors from va«
rious departments of the L'niver~
sity, (ii'uver said the search for
four senior faculty professors is

The center will be connected to
Anderson Hall and \\lll have
more than 60.000 square lt't'l
cqutpped with the latest coinpu'
ci‘s and equipment used in Will!“
ics research.

One interesting aspect of the
new facility will be the t‘ltlst‘tl

loop satellite system The system
\\lll link the '.'ni\'ersity with cor-
porations around the state and
\\ ill be used to leach courses,

its main advantage is that
technicians won‘t have to travel
to the l iiiversity to gain knowl-
edge on lllt' manufacturing sys-
tems their company employs.
tirui er said

"It will be unique to this region
and i see it as .1 way of further
enhancing our \\llil llli‘llN
try." he said


Also planned. and first to on ui
at any university. is the Residciit
Manufacturing Engineering Pro»

\loi'e than 100 letters were sent
out to industries inviting special
ists to work as printed managers

\cc IHRH'IOR. Page t4


SGA’S food drive
set to begin today

By Jl’l,ll‘2 I‘ISSI-IIAIAN
Staff Writer

.-\n elderly woman w ho lives alone
is robbed of her monthly Social Se-
curity check.

A single unemployed mother wor-
ries about where she‘ll get her chil»
dren's next meal.

Students will have the opportunity
to help people in situations such as
these in the next two weeks through
a food drive sponsored by the Stu-
dent Government Association.

Starting today and lasting through
Nov, 20 at main campus eating fa-
cilities and the Lexington Commu»
iiity College. contributions to the
drive can be made in a variety of

Besides donating cash and canned
goods. students on regular meal
plans can purchase specific food
items for donation while those on
Dinert‘ard may pledge their money
That pledged amount will be de-
ducted and used to purchase food
from UK Food Services.

The food drive will benefit three
organizations in the Lexington area:
the Community Kitchen. God‘s Pan~
try and the Salvation Army.

This will be the first time the en-
tire student body has united in an ef~
for! to give aid to needy Lexington
residents. said Sandra Barnett. co-
director of the newly formed SGA
Community Affairs Committee.

"We want the city to know that
t'K students are here for more than
academics and athletics." she said.
“it will get the students more in
touch with the Lexington area."

The three organizations were cho'
sen as the most efficient means to
aid a large number of' needy people.
Barnett said,

God‘s Pantry has six pantries set
up in the community to provide food

boxes for Fayette County residents
in emergency situations. In 1986. the
organization served about 132.000
meals to 50.000 people. said exec-
utive director Mary Jo Votruba. \‘o«
truba predicted about a 40 percent
increase this year.

The food donated through the t'K
food drive "will be a substantial
contribution." she said. “We're de-
lighted the tfniversity is supporting
us in this way. It says a lot about
the students."

The Salvation Army operates on-
sight feedings seven days a week
and provides food baskets to needy
people in emergency situations and
at Thanksgiving and Christmas. said
administrative assistant Diane Wil-

The food provided by UK probably
will be used "for a Thanksgiving
meal. and hopefully beyond that."
she said.

(hi-sight feedings. take-home
meals and emergency food are also
provided by the Community Kitch-

The UK food drive “will help us
tremendously." said Alsa Pierce. an
official with Community Kitchen.
"It‘s wonderful that the students are
coming together to help the home-
less. They‘re proving they are useful
members of society. “

SGA hopes to receive contribu-
tions from at least 3,500 students
through the meal card system. and
at least 8.000 students campus-wide.
said Hannah Chow. SGA‘s Director
of Public Relations.

Donations can be made on behalf
of certain student organizations. The
top contributing organizations will
be recognized after the drive,

“We really need a lot of support
from students to make it a success-
ful drive.” said Chow.

Registration Wed.

Staff reports

The advising conferences for new
and readmitted undergraduate stu-
dents are today. Readmitted stu-
dents can also report to the Under-
graduate Admissions ()ffice. 100
Funkhouser Building. from Nov. it-
t7tobegin registration.

Advance registration for the 1988
Spring Semester for currently en-
rolled students begins this Wednes-

day and lasts until the following
Wednesday. Nov. 18.

Students should check with their
academic dean‘s office to find out
the name of their adviser and for in-
structions for special departmental
advising. Students who do advance
register can pick up their schedules
in the Student Center Ballroom on
Monday. Dec. 7. or on Tuesday.

Sympathy, criticism

mark end of nomination

By mvu) mascot:
Associated Press

WASHINGTON _. Douglas H,
Ginsburg‘s withdrawal as a Su-
preme Court nominee Saturday
brought criticism of President Rea-
gan for an incautious nomination.
but mostly sympathy for Ginsburg.

“I urge the president to proceed
with caution and to make certain the
next nominee is asked all the right
questions." said Senate Minority
Leader Bob Dole. R-Kan.

Dole called Ginsburg‘s decision to

bow out two days after admitting he
used marijuana a few times in the
196th and 19705 "unfortunate. but
now we have to move on. "

Sen. Orrin Hatch. R-L'tah. said he
was disappointed the administration
did not give Ginsburg more support.

“At the first sign of vicissitude.
they cut and run." he said. ‘Yes. he
made some mistakes. but i believe
in the principle of repentance and

Hatch said he believes the Senate
would have supported Ginsburg.



Steal it!



UK Wheel Kals' Doug McLaughlin. a busmess junior. tries to
steal the ball from Knoxville's Smokey Mountain Locomotions Fri-

day night The Wheel Kats defeated Knoxwlle 40-28 The team
is open to members of the community

CLAY OWEN Kernel Statt



Architect, publisher relays experiences in field

Staff Writer

Clay Lancaster. an architect-illus-
trator and publisher. came home to
UK yesterday to pass on his motiva-
tions and experiences.

Lancaster spoke to a full house
yesterday at the Peal Gallery in the
Mt King Library North.

Lancaster. a Lexington native. at-
tended t’K. the Arts Students‘
League in New York. Columbia Uni-
versity. New York University and
the Asia Art Institute, He taught at
UK. Columbia University. Vassar
College and the Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art,

“Well it all began in the second
grade at Ashland School." Lancas-
ter said.

Lancaster‘s speech "Reading.
Writing. and Aromatic (And Some-
times Not So Aromatict Procedures
of an Author.” was accompanied by
a slide show.

The slide show consisted of differ-
ent photographs. drawings and
sketches by Lancaster and others.

Displays were set up in the gallery
of Lancaster‘s work — items such as
the development of the dust jacket
on one of Lancasters' book. Japa-
nese Influence in America. pub-
lished in 1963 and numerous original
drawings and rough drafts were fea-

The exhibition also included Lan-
casters writing on East-West cultuo
ral interchange and his children‘s

Goble Porter said she attended the
lecture because her home was men-
tioned in Clay Lancaster‘s book on

historic houses in the Fayette Coun-
ty area. even though her home is in
Scott County.

Alex Bower said she came to hear
Lancaster speak because she knew
him when they both attended t'K.

Throughout his speech. Lancaster
spoke as if he was telling a brief his-
tory of his life.

Brush fires claim several

By TED .\l. .\'.-\TT JR.
Associated Press

Several homes in east and south-
east Kentucky yesterday succumbed
to flames as brtsh and forest fires
continued to rage out of control. offi-

A home in Morgan County. a
house and a trailer in Floyd County.
four houses in Bell County at Mid~
dlesboro. two barns in Rockcastle
County and a trailer and two barns'
in Hart County were burned. accord-
ing to a state Division of Forestry

Ten-thousand acres of state land
were in flames on yesterday. Town-
ley Bergmann said.

He said firefighters were having
an extremely difficult time control-
ling the fires because of gusty. high

The Division of Forestry warned
residents in east and southeast re-
gions of the state to take all nec-
essary action to protect their homes.
said Richard Green. another spokes-

He started with the first tune he
felt any interest in architecture.
which was in the second grade He
told stories of his triumphs and lail
ures in the world of design.

Lancaster said one time on a visit
to New York. he contacted a pub
lisher of Viking Press. He had ‘tllsl
written a children‘s story called the

However. ireen said residents
should not set backfires or use fire
for such protect ion.

Residents should move brush and
leaves away from their homes. off
their roofs and out of their gutters.
he said. Residents were advised to
create a firebreak around their
homes. using a plow or a rake

“Crews were brought out of the
woods to do nothing but protect
structures.“ Green said yesterday.
"It is too dangerous to be in the

The National Guard. using heli-
copters. was dropping water on
homes in Middlesboro. he said.
Bergmann said a total of it) helicopt-
ers were in use yesterday to drop

(hie firefighter was burned on his
arms and hands while battling
flames near Paintsville yesterday.
Bergmann said Hershel Ray Fields
was treated and released from Paul
8. Hall Hospital in Paintsville. hos-
pital officials said.

The National Weather Service
forecast called for a 2040 percent

The lint limited I“tl'l‘\t

It was the first time he had sub-
mitted a story to a publisher The
publisher looked at his story and
said. “The drawings are better than
I d thought they‘d be. but don't ever
\ll‘llt' a story a childcrn s story
flau- a good time in New York. but
don‘t write "


chance ol rain Sunday afternoon, iii-
creasiiig to iii-80 percent by night
tall The outlook for today was a 50-
till percent chance of showers

.\|cx lleainois. a meteorologist
with the weather service in Lows-
ville. said there was no indication of
whether or not the state would re
ceive a Signilicant amount of rain

"it‘s not a certainty yet It‘s just a
toss-up ” Iteauvois said

Bergmanii said he would take any
amount of rain at this point

“We‘re hoping this rain doesn't
stall out some place That‘s our big
gest fear right now." Bergmann
said. “We still have a very serious
situation for the rest of the day lyes-
terday i anyway "

As of 8 am. EST yesterday. there
were 3] tires burning out of control
on state land. including a 2,500-acre
blaze that was threatening homes in
Paintsville in eastern Kentucky. for-
estry officials said.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. November 9 1081

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Centor Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
lucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.



0K""r" \iCtF q't‘r"'\; Card Sales ‘20 Student Ctr 10 4 p rn Call
, rm .

.C‘.n\!‘"‘ Flags ti' Encelience Free CFA Concert Hall 1 30 p in Call
‘ 4903

I.‘,l"‘w (‘ ii'teis'nr‘w Du'na Practice no Auditions Just bring enthu-
szism Free ~‘t‘ €717“th A.eniie 6 31‘ p m 80 m Call 254 3714

Oer . . .- 1.1. E-r" Frill-M": r F'iendsntp grOup discussmr‘ 8
t).i"~ ~ ~ 4" Fl sw>"~>' ' L ' Call2541881

'r‘v- . . ‘ ' : Sci. r «law 1 Casual Gathering Time 01 Singing
Mess 114 "-- n Lxlu" :1 .r inc-nin- o 9 JU L; m Call 254 3714

IRr-luwm 8 i-‘ti-w‘ p-aye' Gr mp B'edk'ast is served tollowed by
:‘Trl.t” Wr-‘xir'. ‘ ..r .larrwii Fin 5178 C tluTTlDia Avenue 78 am 254

vak ‘ ii; ii (‘Nr Mir'a Art Beecher Classes Free Alumnl
Li." Lil" .1 L ‘ T .r-t: 1. '.-_

.bot‘l'\ ’5 .. Reyneu Illt‘lilrn‘t‘ A Wrestling e-berience valu
Call ‘5 4 ' 56
Fret- Newman Ctr 6 b m Call 266

.mu- $5 yt‘l' . n 3

-Rl-llt;rn i», Mm r it in G.- . v-

nit-i , K' . . ,r -i‘ .r' P'i.w Gnur‘ Free Newman Ctr 9 ‘O
{A 1‘ Call 25') b5t\r'

'Ré‘llQlClis Ctr-ii" m w \ Gretel « Prcl Jeannine Blackwell (Ger
'nan Cliiri F'm- {m ~~ 1 .. 4 .ls; 'ri Call r 4641

Call ‘ 3.1m



.. C .1 S'- 95 Worsham Theatre. 8 pm

.17: who" Theat’» ‘C r. '1 Call 7 8867
Lmlissmc 3%: Free £31 S'uden‘ Center 7 30

.ilars Anonymous SeM‘nar $1000 103 Barker
. FR .3
.imw-w Marlul Art Br-c-nnrw Classes Free Alumnl
c :1 .‘rir l. rsc
" S'ud, Gratis F'ee. Newman Center 7 30
~ :. er
‘ r1. . so»: bDeakP'S — Sr Barbara Fiand Cultural Dev A
Cal To Come'siiir‘ F'ee Newmar Ctr 7 30 p m Call 255-8566
'Soorts UK plnlt Pong Club Free Seaton Ctr Squash Cl 7-10 p m
Call 8 8 ‘ r31
CBC-W's in- Cm: Beii'nners Welcome — Wrestling experience valu
' G." ‘ 6 305'“ Cal‘84156
‘ ~ "‘- Rrwlsor‘ — C/ne on 'he singers dancers 8
.J "‘ >1 "icsica Free 508 Columbia 6-8 D Tl" Cal! 254

mum-.9.” 3

'Ott‘ler V’VTtudh A Day

-O"ie' D'shluu s'ted Speakers Program — Sr Barabra Fiand Free
Newmar Ce” 7 .30: "I 01112558566

OFM-qnus Student Faith S'rarln; F'ee Newman Center 910 0'11
Cu‘ 25‘. 8566

‘A :It-"‘ .: A 1.1’ ‘ "1.313? 1’


Mr 1988 Spring Semester ‘Th'Oiilh

ecu-gin“. \( "no ' Mus’ Graduate Forum Free CFA P's-s Room 8
:1 m Cit 7.143-

IMs—etil‘ r- C :s'ngz'inltav" Cliit Meeting Free, 228 Student Ctr 7 p 'r‘
Call 7 275‘

'OI'ier Dlt'rre' CdSudl Dlnnei a Good Company —— Wesley Foundation
53 DE 508 Corumbia Ave 5 6 p rn Call 254 3714

vow-i vv W710" and Women 5 Studies Layll’tg Claim to Their Place in the
Human 'w- Free Studen'CYr 231 Noon Call 7 3295

OSiin-m' t Bit-NW“ Genomic Imprinting -— Memories at mother anc
‘at'fi‘ F . MN Jr‘ 4; '“ Call3 5549

wow M- ‘v .ll".:}.«ill uni. 01 Tennessee Away TBA Call 7 3838

0C -1 :w‘s Tu .-. s E .pnurm'n Student Recital Free CFA Recital Hall 8
p " Call 7 4900

aeolian».- Curtiiw DPJ‘IUUME‘N A Call To Conversion -— Sr Barbara
Farrr‘. F'r-i- Newr'la' C" ‘ JO: "“ Ca|12558566

.ROIIQIOUS Tuesday Night Together — T N T — A Time Ior Worship A
Fellowship Free Baptist StudentCenter 7 30 p m Cdl 73989

'W Campus Crusade tor Christ — WEEKLY MEETING' Free.
Studentctr 245 7 30pm

ISports Japan Karate Club - Shotokan Free Buell Armory, 7 30-9 30
p m

aConcerts Elly Ameling soprano out: $18 UK Stu-sen CII $9 UK Ctr
tor the Arts 8 o rrl Call 74900

oReIigious RCIA - Program lor anyone seeking to know more about
CathoIrCism Free Newman Ctr 7 30-9 15p m Call 255-8566

OReIigious Pilgrim Race Group Meet At the UK Track to Jog or Run at
your own Pace (Wesley Foundatioril Free, UK Track. 5 p m Call 254

.ReIIQIOuS Lunch 5 Last Lecture guest speakers share abdut topics
trom their careers and lives $1 50 508 Columbus Ave Noon-l p m Cali
254-371 4

corner Aerobics Free Newman Center 5 50-7 p m Call 255 8566

IMeetings Meeting tor Students who Studied Traveled or Worked
Abroad Free 228 Student Ctr 7 p m Call 78139

IAcademrc Coping with Mine Gases 5 Ventilation Problems (ReVisedl
(Through TI 11) Hilton Inn Len 8 303 m Call 7-2820

0Acadernlcs Study Skills tor Foreign Language. $10 00 301 Frazee
Hall 1 1 50pm Call7-3383

OCOncerts Piano Dept Recital Free CFA ReCital Hali 12 30 p m . Call

'Concerts Guest Master Class with Paul Meyer 8 Ronald Pierry Free
Pres-dent‘s Room 2 p rrl Cali 7 4900

00ther Contemporary AtIairs Committee -— Robert Owen Courier to: Lt
Col Oliver North. 55 53 SC Ballroom 8r: "1 Call 78867

OSeminar Study Skills tor Foreign Languages Seminar $10 00. IO3
Barker Hall 11 50 p m Call 78673

'SDOTIS UK Fencma Club Free Alumni Gym 7 30-9 30 pm Call
272 1013



unaitglous Pilgrim Race Group Meet At the UK Track to Jog or Run at
Your .iwn Pace (Wesley Feundl Free UK Track 5 p m Call 254 3714

ICancerts Trumpet Students Recrtat Free CFA Concert Hall 12 30
p 11‘ Call 7-4900

IReligious Baptist Student Union — D 8 L Grill 51 Baptist Student
Center 12 I50 m Call 7-3989

USeminar Study Reading Techniques Semmar $10 103 Barker Hall
3 304 15 Call 7-8673

'Flellglous Spiritual Reading Class Free Newman 0“ 10 30 Now
255 8566

“Religious Cornerstone musrc bractrce — bring enthusiasm" iWesler
Foundationi Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 30 8p in Call 254-3714

oReIigious Decision Pornt ~ Bible studies focusing on Human Sexuali'y
lWesley FOundationl Free 508 Columbia Ave 89 30 p m 254-3714

OSports UK Fencrng Club Free Alumni Gym 7 30 9 30 p rn Call
272 1013

00ther Aerobics. Free Newman Center 5 50 7 c m Call 255 8.566

OSporIs Japan Karate Club — Snolomri Free Allin” 6,." BtllCO'Ny
5 30- 7 30 p m

'ReIlglOUS Thursday Evening B-ble Studv — CYVISIth‘t Sluderl’.
FPIIOWSNID Free 502 Columbia 7 p rn Call 233-031 3

OAcademrcs Study Readlng Techniques $1000 301 Frazee Hall
3 304159 rn Call 7 3383

'Greek Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Delta Pi Greek Night At the Oscars
Call 7315‘.

IMovies Children 01 a Lesser God 51 95 Worsham Theatre 8 p m
Call 7 8867

'MOVrE‘S Fletch $1 95 Worsham Theatre 10p rn Cali 7-8867

DRellgious Styles 01 Prayer Free Newman Ctr 7 30 p m Call 255

OMovies - 11 11: Children of a Lesser God: $1 95;
Worsham Theatre. 8 pm . Call 7-8867

'MOVIBS —- 11 11 Fletch. $1 95 Worsham Theatre;
10 pm . Call 78867

IMOVies — 11 12' Children 01 a Lesser God. $1 95;
Worsham Theatre: 8 pm , Call 78867

OMowes — 11 12: Fletch. S1 95: Worsham Theatre:
10p m :CaII 7-8867

'MOVIeS —— 11 13, Children of a Lesser God; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 8 p m . Call 78867

OMowes — 11 13 Fletch. S1 95, Worsham Theater.
10p m ,Call 78867

0Movies — 11 14 Children of a Lesser God. $1 95.
Worsham Theatre: 8 pm: Call 7-8867

0M0vres - 11 14- Fletch. $1 95: Worsham Theatre:
8 p m Call 7-8867

0Movie —- 11 15 Children of a Lesser God 81 95:
Worsham Theatre 7 p m , Call 7-8867

.MOVIeS —— 11 16 Juliet oi the SDITIIS. 81 95 Cen-
ter Theatre. 7 30 p m ; Call 7-8867

OMovres —-— 11 16, The Dead - Mowe Premiere;
Free; Worsham Theatre. 8 p m 1 Call 78867





oMeetings — 1 1/10: Meeting for Students who Stud-

Ied. Traveled or Worked Abroad; Free; 228 Student Ctr:

7 p m; Call 7-8139

cMeetings — 11 11' Cosmopolitan Club Meeting:
Free; 228 Student Ctr: 7 p m.; Call 7-2755

OLectures —— 11 13: Industrial Location Along the US-
MeXican Border by Prof Robert South. UC: Free; Stu-
dent Ctr 228. 3 p m ; Call 72931

OSeminar - 1110: Study Skills for Foreign Languag-
es Seminar. $10 00: 103 Barker Hall; 1-1:50 pm. Call

OSeminars — 11 11 Biochem: ‘Genomic Imprinting —
Memories of mother and Iather‘: Free: MN 463; 4 pm ;
Call 3-5549

OSeminar — 11 12: Study Reading Techniques Semi-
nar' $10 103 Barker Hall: 330-4: 1 5; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 11 13 Chem: Generation 8 Properties
of Alpha Compounds; Free. 137 Chem-Phys; 4 p m.:
Call 7-4741

OSeminar — 11 16: DeSigning A Study Plan Seminar;
$10 00:103 Barker Hall; 2-2250 p m : Call 7-8673





"m- " V1.
Srt‘lr‘f‘ NC. Ci ' «n W
-C.,'- wk film»; .v Viscurr‘ Jonathan Glivon Director Free CFA


' iiiii A Regan indoors Through 11 151 Winston

Rerta mi n: " “4'5
tSbl "\ vr' ‘. u. C ass 1 ,1" 3 basketball tournament benetittng Car
mm: H” 1+ A: 11‘ 'r- - 1‘ 151 530 team Let Athieiic Club 211
L "‘ Cni‘ 2‘14' " '
,"i _ .i'tir Alone "in US Mexrcan Border by Prol
( F'~- 9‘ ,1v' 'C" J28 3': '1‘ Call 7 2931
r em— (Jr/warn“ '»r' v. 9":007'295 31 Alpha Compounds Free
ii ' «1‘4‘
- lHSSPT (and $1 95 Worsham Theatre 8 b m

1" Theater 10 D rv Call 7 8867
. Monda. boning Fellowship meet halt
V ”wiser 412 Rose St 6 p m Call 257


OSports UK Football vs Florida Away 1 30pm Call7-3838

OReligious The Hub Colleehouse -— Clirlstlan Bands drama groups
’ellowshipa'un Free K-House 412Rose St 7 300 m Call277 5190

OOIher College Comedy Tour 87 Ema Phillips Rita Runner a. Larny
Bud Metman SAB» $7 50 Student Ctr Ballroomap m Call7-8867

'Sports UK Volleyball vs LSU Free with UKID Memorial Coliseum
T 30:; "' Call 7 3838

OSports UK Cross Country NCAA District III Greenville SC Call 7

0Concerts All State MuSic Day Free CFA Recrtal ls Concert 9 30
c rn Call 7 4900

0Concr>rts NATS Regional Competition Free CFA Reolal Hali l 3 rr1
Call 7 4900

uConrer's Ann Bingnam Clarinet Graduate Recnal Free CFA Recital
Hall 6 30 p n’ Call 7 4900

'Clmrer's, KY Marching Percuss>on Festival Paid Adm‘ssron Cal' 7
8187 CFAConcertHalI 1 p m Call 7-4900

'Ot'le' Doubles Tournaments Table Tennis 8-Ball 8 Hearts (Dru... your
DartherSi 5‘ SC Gameroom 11 a m 3 30 p m Call 7 6636

OMoties Children .i' a Lesser God $1 95 Worsham Theatre 8 r) m
Cal- ‘ 88E ‘

“limes Fletrh $1 95 Worsham Theatre 8". m Call 78867


'COI‘;-"?S — 11 9 Flags of Excellence Free. CFA
Concert Hall. 1 30 p m . Call 74900

IConcerts —- 11 10. Elly Ameling sobrano pub
$18 UK stu-sen crt. $9: UK Ctr tor the Arts. 8 p m ’ Call

OConcerts — 11 10' Piano Dept Recrtal Free. CFA
ReCital Hall. 12.30 p m .0311 7-4900

OConcerts — 11 10. Guest Master Class With Paul
Meyer 8. Ronald Pierry. Free PreSident‘s Room. 2 p m
Call 7-4900

'Concerts — 11 11 School 01 Mu5ic Graduate
Forum. Free: CFA Pres Room 8 p m .Call 74900

0Concerts -— 11 11 Tuba 8 Euphonium Student Re-
CitaI: Free. CFA Recttal Hall 8 p m : Call 7-4900

'Concerts — 11 12 Trumpet Students ReCitaI Free
CFA Concert Hall: 12 30 p in Call 74900

OConcerts — 11 13. Collegium Musicum Jonathan
Glixon. Director; Free: CFA Rebital Hall. 8 p m Call 7-
3145 .

'Concerts — 11 14 All State Music Day Free CFA
ReCita18 Concert. 9 30 p m Call 7-4900

0Concerts —— 11 14 NATS Regional Competitlon
Free. CFA ReCitaI Hall. 1 p m .Call 74900

0Concerts - 11 14 Ann Bingham Clarinet Graduate
ReCitaI. Free. CFA ReCitaI Hall. 630 p m ; Call 7-4900

0Concerts — 11 14 KY Marching Percussmn Festi-
val. Paid Admission. Call 78187. CFA Concert Hall. 1
p m . Call 7-4900

OConcerts —- 11 15 Center Sundays Series Ken-
tucky Wind Quintet: Free. CFA Fleeital Hall. 3 p m Call

OConcerts ~— 11 16 Guest Piano Forum wrth Richard
Crosfey. Free. CFA Recrtal Hall 8 p m . Call 74900



OSports — 11 10, UK Fencmg Club: Free Alumni
Gym; 7.30-9130p m 1 Call 272-1013

OSports —— 11 11 UK Ping Pong Club: Free. Seaton
Ctr Squash Ct; 7-10p 111 ;Call 8-8161

OSports — 11 11 UK Volleyball vs Univ of Tennes-
see: Away: TBA. Call 7-3838

OSports — 11 12' Fencmg Club. Free. Alumni Gym.
7 30-9 30p rn .Call 272-1013

OSports — 11 13. Women's Tennis Region Indoors
(Through 1 1 15): Winston-Salem. NC. Call 7-3838

OSports — 11 13 Kentucky Classm 3-on-3 basket-
ball tournament benetiting Cardinal Hill Hospital (Through
11 15); $301eam; Lex Athletic Club. 2-11 p m. Call

OSports — 11 14 UK Football vs Florida. Away.
1.30 p m . Call 73838

‘Sports — 11 14, UK Volleyball vs LSU. Free With
UKID. Memorial Coliseum; 730 p rn . Call 73838

'Sports — 11 14 UK Cross Country NCAA District
Ill GreenVille SC. Call 73838

OSports — 11 16 UK Volleyball vs Univ of L0uiswlle.
Away. TBA. Call 7-8383

OSports — 11 16' Football Ticket Distribution UK vs
Tennessee Free With UKID: or $14. $10: Memorial Col-
iseum:8am —8pm




M‘st" (1nd St 95 W0rsnam Theatre 7 p m


an,» m.» csr Center 1 {1“ can 933

--»r- Marni A" Beginner Classes Free Alumn
' t ‘0?
'Sy - L r‘ . ‘- int 7 Shotllkan Free Alumni Gym Balcony 3

“spicy” .1 f ,mm Cpipbuiyw Hour — Christ-an Student
”WM"! r-... - ‘ mmhia ‘ L " Call 233 03‘ 3
main , ~~ Cs-Inhrytnr lma Mass Free Newman Ctr a to
‘ 3' i“ ' 4 ‘ L ' (141259996?

“Tamw- . ‘t-innays Sores Kentucky Wic'l UIII""’I Free CFA
Fr-v hi r-‘a ~. ' Dill' ' 4900
oE-ntn-‘x. :ii."""ifilllBiilk A Collaboration IDA Appelbroog Recent

pain'nqs 'Tt-r my 1 2 241 Free UK ArrMuseum Call 7 5716



DSoorts Aikido Jwanese Mutiat Art Beginner Classes Free Alumn-
Gym Lott 8 30 p m Call 266 0102

OOther Cornerstone - Drama Practice no Audll-ons rust bum; eninii
suasrn' (Wesley Foundationi Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 30 8 D m Call
254 3714

”Religious Free MeGlIaIlOF‘ Group Free Newman Ctr 6 p m Call 266

ORelrgious Breaktast Prayer Group Breaklast is served lollowed by
prayer (Wesley Foundationi Free 508 Columbla Ave 7 B a m Call 254

oRpIigious Worship service warn‘ a. casual uatnamq time 5’ sr‘qmg
prayers a Messages Free 508 COlumbra Ave 8 9 30 L‘ m Call 2‘24

IReligious Monday Eyenmg Fellowship - Friendship group dTScuss-o"
partieslmeds Free K-House 412Rose St 6p m Call254 1881

-Sports Judo Club Begrnners Welcome Wrevl-no PIDeViPF‘CP valiiaDIP
s5 year Alumni Gym Lo" 5 6 30 c m Call 258 4156

OCOncerts Guest Piano Forum wllh Rir hard Crnsley Free CFA Recrtal
Hall 80 m Call 7 4900

'Movies Juliet ol the Spirits St 95 Cen'er Theatre 7 30 D m Call 7

-Sern»nar Des-gning A Stiidv Plan Seminar 5‘ C no 103 Barker Hall 2-
2 50b in Cali 7 8673

0590": UK Volleyball vs Univ 01 LOUISVlIIe Away TBA Call 7 8383

0500'“ Footbdl Ticket Distribution uK vs Tennessee Free with UKIO
orsu $10 MemorialColiseum Barn ~Bpm

0mm The Dead — Mowe Premiere Free Worsham Theatre 8 p m
Call 7 8867



OAcademlc — 11 10 Coping With Mine Gases 8i
Ventilation Problems (Revrsed) (Through 11 11). Hilton
Inn. Lex; 8 30a m . Call 72820

OAcademics — 11 10 Study Skills for Foreign Lan-
guage $1000. 301 Frazee Hall, 1-1 30 pm Call 7-

OAcademics — 11 11 Advance registration tor 1988
Spring Semester (Through 1 1 18)

OAcadernics — 11 12 Study Reading Techniques
$10 00 301 Frazee Hall 3 30415;) m .Call 79383

-Greek — 11 12. Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Delta Pi
Greek Night At the Oscars. Call 73151

OOther — 11 9 UNICEF Greeting Card Sales. 120
Student Ctr 104 p m .CaIl 7-6601

OOther — 11 9 Cornerstone Drama Practice no Au-
ditions. just bring enthu5iasm'. Free. 508 Columbia Ave-
nue; 6 300 m -8p m .Call 254-3714

OOther — 11 10 Aerobics. Free Newman Center;
5 50-7 p m .Call 255-8566

00ther - 11 10 Contemporary Attairs Committee —
Robert Owen Courier (or Lt Col Oliver North $5. $3;
SC Ballroom. 8 p m . Call 7-8867

OOther — 1 1 1 1 Veterans Day

OOther - 1 t 11 Distinguished Speakers Program -
Sr Barabra Fiand. Free. Newman Get 7 30 p m . Call

OOther — 11 11. Women and Women's Studies Lay-
ing Claim to Their Place in the Humanities Free. Stu-
dent Ctr 231 '. Noon. Call 7-3295



011/17 — MOVleS. Juliet of the Spirits. $1 95, Cen-
ter Theatre: 730 p m ;Cat| 8-8867

.11717 — Seminar. Organizing Exam Review Semi-
nar: $10 00:103 Barker Hall:1-1'50 p in .Call 7-8673

011 17 — Sports. Football Ticket Distribution UK vs
Tennessee; Free w’UKID or $14. $10. Memorial Col-
iseum19a m -4p m

011-18 — Seminar Impr0ving Concentration Seminar:
$10 00.103 Barker Hall. 1-1 50p m .Call 73383

01119 — lntramurals- 3 on 3 Basketball entry dead-
line; $10 00; 145 Seaton Ctr; Call 7-2898



 Kentucky Kernel, Monday. November 9 1987 - 3





UK record
just makes
no sense

NASHVILLE. Tenn. — The
game of football is inherently

"1 tell my wife [m 22 years old
and i got another grown man yel-
ling at me and another one trying
to knock my head off.“ Vander-
bilt flanker Carl Parker said.
“You can‘t really make sense out
of football."

Which is why it may be futile to
try and make sense out of the
Kentucky football team.

Watch these Wildcats and you
inevitably scratch your skull.
Every year. they fight and claw
for respect in the Southeastern
Conference. Every year. they
can‘t get over the hump. Even
the players can‘t explain it.

“If I could. l’d be a million-
aire." UK defensive tackle Jerry

Vandy and UK played this
loony game Saturday and beat
the tar out of each other for a
couple of hours. The Commo-
dores scored 38 points. The Cats

What once was such a prom-
ising season for UK is now in jea-
pordy of being a losing one. The
Cats are 54. Bowl games are on
the back burner.

But that is not what baffles the
UK players and fans. It‘s not
often the Holiday season in Lex-
ington is filled with gifts of bowl
trips anyway.

The core of frustration that
haunts the Wildcats is this — the
best team did not win in Nash»
ville; the team that played the
best did. It sounds so simple.

The last-minute 17-14 loss to
Georgia was tough to swallow.
Saturday's bitter pill was worse.
UK should have won. Period.

“It's the worst feeling I’ve had
in a long time." UK defensive
back David Johnson said. “This
just gives people another reason
to say we can‘t win in the SEC."

in years past. there were plen-
ty of reasons for UK's conference
failures. Lack of size was No. 1
on the excuse hit parade. No
strength was another favorite.

But those can‘t be used this
fall. That well is dry.

Kentucky is just as big and just
as strong as its SEC foes. The
Cats have a top-notch runner in
Mark Higgs. Their defense —— at
least until Saturday — was one of
the best units in the country.
Check the stats.

All of this should add up to a
fine football team. And it does ——
on paper. But the scoreboard
tells another story.

“We have a hell of a team.“
Johnson said. “We just haven‘t
proved it on the field."

Ah. the field. That place where
Xs and Os are acted out. That
place where everything on paper
becomes irrelevant. That place
where mistakes and breakdowns
lead to frustration and disap-

“You can make plans. but if
the players don‘t carry out the
plans. they don‘t look good." UK
coach Jerry Claiborne said.

“In this league. the team who
makes the fewest mistakes is
going to win on Saturday.“

Big plays has been the battle
cry of the UK camp all season.
But big plays have not been the
problem. it‘s the little things that
kill the Cats. A penalty here. a
missed block there.

“Those things are going to hap-
pen. its thl part of the game."
Parker said. "We were able to
overcome things like that."

"We got to overcome those
type of things and we didn't."
Claiborne said.

Those that did won. Those that
didn‘t lost. Maybe this crazy
game isn‘t so hard to understand

UK is good. No question. But
the Wildcats are not good enough
where they can win without prop-

So. the ship has sprung a leak.
Whether the Cats patch it up or
sink like a rock will be answered
in the next two weeks. Florida
and Tennessee await.

“Now we‘re really going to tell
who the players are and who
wants to play these next two
games." Johnson said.

Don't try to figure out who
those players are. You can‘t real-
ly makesenseoutof football.

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a
journalism senior.





Sports Editor

NASHVILLE. Tenn. —— In