xt7h9w090b7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w090b7t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1985 1985 1985-11-18 2020 true xt7h9w090b7t section xt7h9w090b7t MW
Vol. XC, No. 31 Estoblluhod 1894 UhtVGVS'W 0‘ KW'UCKY- Lexington, Kentucky Independent since "7‘ Monday. November 18, I985 . l
B « - - -. _
ush ans to tour ' » . UK Victor 1n recruitm war' * ~'
.A"; g .‘ - g . '.
UK t ‘ Ch - ' "
" " ' . .I v'
cancer cen er,   ,. apman becomes a Wildcat
. ' I 9.. . A . ' . -,
. . F: W,«.: 4". I . ,. . ‘ t i' .-
S eak at dedlcatlon ‘ " A231; .31: t3 B-t “Rt‘flu‘” guard. off-guard or small forward head basketball coach at ht'lllUi'ky g ,. 'LA "3
t t t‘ i Staff“rlter Sutton said yesterday "llefensnely \‘lesleyan ’ ’ '- -. , l
t ;, fit fit .4” i 35-2, Th h l d d t'K he has the potential to be outstand (‘hapman said he has relat.tt-s ill ‘ . {2 '. 'i'A'i
. ,. til". . ”‘A' . e sus *nse as elite _ an « . . . .' . . . . 'A .' . "p 'A
StaffWriter 15-minute tour of the building goes “if .° ' . great day for Kentucky basketball " the Moot-4 guard ;i\erdg€(l 37;; him. "They only \A‘inl-(‘tl “TA 3 i r‘ , f t, t: l“
l and The ASSOCtatt‘d Press as smoothly as P055tbt9~ the partici- - a? Rex (‘hapman “t Apollo Htgh ptiints. 1!) rebounds and five .issists tiesl for me he said‘ a t d til

,. . . AA pants have staged dress rehearsals. ‘ “V School in ()wensboro. Ky . regarded a game (‘hapman becomes Sutton 3 t‘hapman mm the comma...“ AW. A, .- ; " ": A.

\lce Prestdent George Bush thll With medical SpeClallStS timing their "‘32. ~ as one of the nation5 premier htgh second recruit since taking over at famllMtht‘ atmosphere oi I K ‘vtds ' a" 1")“ .‘5-
be greeted by ? hOSt 0t VIPs and short talks about the center's t3Cttt' 'fo : SChOOt basketball players. “fitted a [K Pulaski t‘ountys hvfoot»? for- one factor in reaching his final .it-c; " tilt i’ 1
medical speCialists when he tours tiestothe minute '5 national letterotuntent with t'K Sat ward Reggie Hanson sighed iaci Wm -. '. ‘ v. s 1,2"-
the $9 million Lucill: Parker Mark- ' “This t5 our first run-through With .' ~5‘3“ urdaymorning Wednesdai . t "When l ("”710 up for n» ’lIi‘t" ' " 'i V E j
ey Cancer Center 3“ participates in all official like this It‘s not some- . . . .. “I'm very ext‘ited about om to ~~ 7 . . . . f A. t , ' I ”A. -". ‘

_._ the building‘s dedication today. thing we do every day." Heller said GEORGE Bl 5“ Kentucky]: (‘hapman salt? as a may}? ”I: iflqgfjitfiumzltdyealggé patter]: ‘ “thLShiyhe it??? Altar: h: " . A
A.BUSh also is sigheduleld to speak "So its something we want to be funded by private donations. will press conference in ()wenshoro it with most mod“, ppm,“ rate mm a, ”arm,“ and I stayed inppmp, Am, i ', ‘

' with a patient ”t t 9 tdtt tt.‘ 5 examr handled very “'9“ open for patient care on Jan. 6. W35 a tough dt‘t‘tStt’h» hUt ”ttt't‘ t ‘dt one of the top two or three prospects we were impressed at w but a t'ltt.\" _ '- t . . . .
inatlon room. tn“ the person “t“ be After the tour. Bush will speak at "It's a rather remarkable philait down and thought and tttt’UEht itttt’Ut in the couiitr\ " Sutton said knit group of people the 'il'itw-s iv . . A _ . . ._ .

' afake. the center‘s dedication ceremone' thr " ' it t ~~ ., 'd J h S where I would be tht’ httppttfi‘t l t the othe t l- i. . i th-r‘ ti: f i ‘1 : -' ..
l . , A . . . 3’ opic m“ t u ion. salt 0 n - . d' -. . . Many schools throughout the court r b "t tn ’ d t “"‘dt “‘t ‘ . ' ‘ ' " .'

”Its a Simulated situation since at 4-30 pm. The ceremony ‘5 open Macdonald. associate director for knewlbelonge ‘nt‘tmmk‘t try recruned ('ha man but he re watt} gotalong well“ttttt‘H‘t'Ii'iht‘ . _. “ '.
we haven‘t officially opened the t0 the PUth and shuttle buses Will clinical activities atthi-ceiiter. Chapman satd .ho Urea“) km)“ 1' Vi d1 ' lpi ‘ l ' ”t’ttt-N Witch Sutttir- was a tilt; tut . '? . t:' l. I '

. . . , .. . . .. A _ . . . th't we "s . r poi e y narrowet iis ist of schools ,. . A . . . - . . .,
building for patients yet. explained run from Commonwealth Stadium to The center was the culmination (”Uplefif‘th ago d “d Lon to six t'K louisulle North intro “tr “9 5““ t ”t“ "Mt“ ’7 " ' ;‘
beonard Heller. vice president for the center from 2 to 3130 pm. R058 of efforts of thousands of people. not mg tot h 1mg, Georgia [Tech “85“.“, Km. Ptt'xst‘tt With h .. Air-it 1 nt'- .' ' ‘ . 9:
academic affairs at the Medical Street Willbeclosed at3330P-Am only in Kentucky but around the "He can go ”mm, has great tucky and KentupkA gyrpievwn Prt’N‘t‘d “'tth h “*‘lt A“ “t tt ‘ .' Act
Center The cancer center. which was seeni'sn.page‘ ballhandling skills. can play pomt Chapman‘s father. \\a_\nt' ls ihi- Wu . k
C 11 t' P ° °

0 cc 1011 .. ‘A a nest stresses impact . ~ _ .~ __

e ica e f 1%“ v . 0 technology on faith
to llbrary T By.\l.EX.\A.\'I)I‘IR S.(‘Rtll(ll that haye shaped l' 5 culture sad ‘ .' \ h ' it,
‘ ’ EditOt'lalhdttOt‘ s'taudenmaier. a historian oi let-ii -' ' 7 : t.

‘\ r . nology at the L‘niyersity iii lK‘trtH' A , .‘ . .

B} ”85-" "‘1“th Q ‘7': The Rev JOhh 3t Stat‘ttt'hmi‘t" The first. which he said lasted from . 5 A , - ' " ‘ 2
Staff Writer - . called on his audience at the New 1600 to about 1880. was character ' ‘ - . f ‘
. A ' A man Center Saturday htght to begin ized by both a knowledge of design ‘ . . 5 A .

Described by Art Gallaher as “an r " A ' ," . ththkthg 0t technology 31" a series and of the context. and the asstiitip A . .I- ‘2 ‘
occasion to honor one of our own." "‘ ’ ‘ ~\ ' . 0f thOit‘eS made by real humans.‘ tion that one could simpl} leate Hits ~ ' .: - _ ‘
the w Hugh Peal gallery was for. ~ * instead of phenomena as inevitable takes behind . - . ‘A
mallydedicated yesterday ' , at! s 35th? weather The tension between design anti ..- . ’ - ~. .

Peal. who donated more than " w a This engagement “'tth technology context was lost as the tinited states .' t ' . '
15.000 rare manuscripts before his WOUld 3110“ them as WHOM?” 0t moyed into the second style whiir. =. .' . .t
death in 1984. is one of the t'niversi- JBStL‘ t0 “labor tttr 'd 500“} that t> began around 1813 became vltJll. t ‘. ' ., ‘.

t.‘"5 most important library donors. _ more balanced. rt‘t't‘rt’ht- Wht’te- nant in thc 1itl8o.s and faded in l‘frili . - ‘ ' 3
Gallaher. chancellor for the Lextng- - . 1 tatthtUt H he said The necessity of Tk‘ldlin'pfi t.» j' A A .‘
ton campus. told about 75 people at _ The JeSUlt PrlGSt began htS tiitk the human or natural t3n\1f‘t)nllit‘12? ' A A -
theceremony ‘ . “Technology. L‘ S A Style ”“93““ gave way to the iiiipiisitioii of star :' - A ' ‘ . ‘-

Highlighting various examples of f .. ' . . on faith life" to about 90 people dardizedsystems ’ A i-' -. '
the collection. the dedication began ‘ a . .- 2 by quoting St Paul in 2 t‘orinthiatis. -\t the same mm, memw A”... ‘ ‘ ‘ . ’.
with a slide show which called the f‘ 4"" t. A .. .4‘ b ' . that Jesus |> the )‘95 t0 Gtxtlh prornr munication replaced sensual . 't'l' v ' '. .'
Peal collection "of major scholarly ” ‘ " . 1585 That yes has to bean answer to action ‘~ People could talk mm...“ . ' , ,
importance" / ‘.~ .. A‘ the world as it is. Staudenmaier touchingforexample ‘ ‘ . '

Peal. a 1922 CR graduate. was ’ . ’ ’ ‘ , "' A, §3td~ it "labor t9? healing the world The electrical culture also made A' t_ . '
symbolic of what this ['niversity is » j‘ c. A,” m .. thtt'hICh “'91”? the values of light predominant . . . ' . '
trying [0 d0. Gallaher said. "He be- & . / a} A: He said It would be a "fruitful clarity. Strategy; preCision as tip. . 'A . 'AA -
came a man who throughout his life .' t’ ‘/ 2‘ ”law form 0t prayer to t-ontemplateAAthe POSEd t0 the ”"trtues 0t hOt} ‘td-"k‘ ’ . f ' ; " '
continued to grow intellectually." 4 iv. m technologies we take for granted . stillness. rest. intimacy touch A . ‘

John L Clubbe. a professor of En- . ’\ ‘ M ‘ ‘ L ”9 added that more t5 ”"0 t'atUt" Staudenmaier emphasized that no ' - ,
glish. called the holdings and manu- t t. , ‘ neutral technology Each (“"195 culture. 5001er or individual can get . ' A. ‘ . ‘ . .
scripts “absolutely spectacular." . \ ‘ certain human values. “'htt‘h be along Without both sets of values '. . A' = , --'
Pomting to the research possibilities — - ' “3 g said are limited because they are But he added that the contemporary ‘. '. ‘ A, '
of the Peal manuscripts for staff ‘ human SOCthF ts "hOt ROM 3t blendthg the ' 1' x
aiid students. Clubbe said “Behind ' ’ “em - "a. . Staudenmaier contrasted his posr two" i, f . -: i -A; ’_
every book lurks some manuscript. .. t A. ‘ {"59- * “0" 0t questioning technologies t“ ,. . . -. -' ’ ' .
We are so fortunate to have so many w A .. A . understand their values mm what lhrough an examination such as _ . i .v 1' .
manuscripts." ' __________ _A___ d.-. ‘..?‘M __ . ’ he called a "second belief system" he offered. staudenmaier said i hrls‘ .. _ 3 . . . .A

Clubbe. a specialist in the early alum KornclSto“ in America .., a “powerful religious tians can answer the queStIOhS iA' .' '. ,; »
English Romantic-SA noted [hal [h-e Team work faith in inevitable progress Thl> '1va can the ”SUGnd t()AA.A\'hiA'.i}X‘ the At'H-‘II A I , l .
collection has research possibilities behet- “'htCh means people rt’t‘dtt’ t” tuhmttmm? 0f the future ‘m‘t. 1’ i .‘ , f ' .1 .-
for others also. Peal acqutred Amer- technolog)‘ b." '"t‘éttt‘hthg UP t0 ”3 tr 't t’ttmbte for to” to ”wk" ” Mt"? V " a w t.’
ican and French literature and let- UK volleyball Players Mechelle Elliott and Jill win over Eastern Kentucky Friday night. For most evident today in computer ad t'ht‘easabetttm't . _ ' ,i A7' i. ‘
ters from monarchs. artists and Ackerman dive for the ball in the Lady Kots details, see SPORTS, page 5. vertisements.hesaid “You do not follow Jesus by re A t ‘ “ ("t , -
statesmenamong othershe said . . . .A A. . s A. 1‘ , . " " -

James D. Birchfield. assOCIate de There are two technologit il tyle s. Pans] . . _A A. . .
rector of collection development. 0 O 0 - t - A
5.... .. i. .. Sov1ets sa Weinber er letter Will deter arms talks . " - -
collection. especially the unity of the 3' t ‘ ‘
numerous autographed letters. (‘ol- ~; ' . ' , C
lectors In the 19th century would Oh' By MICHAEL PL'TZEL episode as an attempt “to torpedo morrow and Wednesday with Mik- A key member of the American ration 0f nuclear weapons to other . i; i Mt“
tat" only one letter Of an thdtthuat Associated Press the arms control process." hail Gorbachev delegation. inSisting on anonymity. countries " " '. f - -' ' 'I‘ . "
author. and thus thecomplete corre- Reagan's spokesman. Larry The Soy'iet leader arrives here said he thought the summit 'would i' - 1' .’ "'
spondance “'0th be dispersed Speakes said. "We are not changing today. but he was well represented produce some [IS Soviet a- National Security Athser Rttbert ' ' . . . .
across theworld.Birchfield sa'd GENEVA —— President Reagan. in- our views one whit“ as a result of by a Kremlin Offlc‘lal who told re- greements He said odds that they McI-‘arlane. part OtAtht’ a‘tththbtrtt" . ' ‘ ‘ ' _ .

Peal‘s holdings make available to specting summit sites yesterday as the leak of the”Weinberger letter.“ porters the summit will be a "trial- would agree to hold periodic summit “0n btttz 0'1 the bunday t.‘ w‘k ' t ' , -
scholar: complete collections of au» he prepared to meet his Kremlin [n the letter. Defense Secretary by-fire" test of Reagan's commit- meetings. were "more than 50 per- shows. sa'd 't we try hard. there ' ‘ ‘ . '
tographed letters. he said. counterpart. sought to brush aside Caspar Weinberger, who was left off ment to arms control. and de- cent." And he said. it was "highly mtght he agreemt’tttr 0“ CAUttural t" « ‘ . ' "

evidence of administration discord the US. summit delegation. warned nounced in advance the arms poli- likely" that the summit would pro- changes. opening ”e“ 50““ and . » ' ‘ .

As pan of the program. Paul A on arms policy. but the Soviets Reagan against agreeing to several cies Reagan brings with him to the duce an agreement for the two su- American consular Otttt't’“ and th“ ' ' ' . . -' ' A‘
Willis. l'K director of libraries. read turned up the heat and described the arms positions when he meets to- summit table. perpowers to guard against prolife- sci-st“ It Is. nim- ‘ ‘ ~ .
excerpts from Peal's diary which he ' . ,
kept daily since Feb. 1. 1911 . . . ' .

Closing the dedication. Peal‘s Radlo actIVIt ‘ i '
widow. Margaret W. Peal. reiter- I '
ated his love for UK. “of the 52 .
years I‘d known him. he never . . , . _ ' - ‘ .'

s . .
Eitéiioifinft’e“ °‘ "*8 New Groups working separately to establish an independent UK radio station s , .
BD'Tt-‘l JOHNSON needs and funds." said Don Wheel» l ‘- ‘ munication students would be the ‘
Senior Staff Writer er. general manager of WBKY. who .~\“" ‘I-D'V '. cost in usmg telephone lines to '*
also attended the meeting. ’ .a" \ d . - transmitthe Signal. Wheeler said

Increased interest and support "What our students are proposing i I I z" '\ t \ "L'nless they get the lines ded-
UK . uh but have motivated two student groups is an AM carrier current station t A ' ' ,\ ,' .l ‘. t 2 icated from the L'niverSity. they're
m. n. may to develop plans for campus radio that‘s totally different from your , ‘ . . I . .' A. gomg to have to pay 332 a month per

“t" ewmmm stations. regularbroadcaststation.“hesaid. . . , . line from GTE." he said "That's

‘ f“ M W“ Ahd White the two pr0posed sta- A carrier current station trans- .‘ '. ’ / probably a major flaw in the stu~

“‘ 'tl It“ a” m ”‘7' "‘ tions are completely different in mits its radio signal through lines. {S / dents'plan "

MN“- {item they feelitSimilar obstacles in commonly telephone lines. from the .J‘AA‘ 7. t Wheeler presented a hypothetical

ommtiarea Y A control room at the station to a I i’ \ . J bu et for such a station to exist.
rm" "" r37: . “It‘s ii {at more complicated than transmitter in another building. /§ .“ ,. 12:5 assume the station would
I 3““ deciding to have a station that That transmitter sends the signal ‘ \\‘ ‘ ”I want to serve 10 places on campus.

M bad WM Gin * t" plays your mmic." said Herbert through the electrical circuitry of “ s > That‘s alreadv about 810.000 a vear

'3' W “01:; m- A,“ Drennon. dean of the College of that building The signal can only be ; l in line charges. .

' "u" °t . fl "' Communications “A lot of details heard within that particular build- / "For maintenance. they'd proba-

“'m"‘ ' and plans stillneedworkms out. . A ins. bly need 33.000 and at least a 310.000

Althwgh both stations are Stlll In The station would be a lab experi- operating budget for tapes. records
the planmm stages. the two groups ence for the students who would run / and salarios." he said. “That adds
*— the le formed Radio Free it. Wheeler said. They would also / up to an approximate annual budget
bexmston and a group of three tele- sell commercials for revenue. / . ofstiomo."
communication students — have . . . .

m an be unit an m . met several times with different ad- mywnociegém: 0‘ the stattlm in..." "New" “3‘": "5;” ”what ‘9' " fmt'm

”mmdm mimstrators to plan then next said. but the Shademntuddentlerhuhg main one being money. Wheeler run for theAfirst two years without hnfiim‘m‘lmaprlmisno more

‘ I H 'I be h III Q" .. "Wt/”r _ . been proposed 'bl I . said. some subSidization from someone.

I“ II b I.” dud, '. t“ t! recent meeting “at Robert asapossi e ocation. "The cost to build it and get it "But they want (the station) self- “They‘ve put in a M 0t real hard

on In unt-I a. ' Zumwmkte. Vice chancellor for sAtu- Before the proposed radio station started would be the first and fore- sufficient. and i don't think it would work and effort and they should be

dent affairs. the telecommunication can begin broadcasting. several most problem." he said. "Persmal- generateaioughrevenue for that." commended." he said. “But I think
students ducumd constructtm problems stand in it. my - the ly. i don't believe the station could Another problem for the telecom. s«umo.mev
‘ ‘ s

 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL My, New 18, 1“
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office,
203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The infor-

' motion is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
ities Office.

. a m u s a e n a r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man-
‘ _ day preceeding the publications date.
' 0 Academics, Advanced registration for the 0 Academics: Advance registration for the 0 Academics: Advanced registration for the ' Concerts: UK Chorus Concert; Center for
' , . 1986 Spring semester 1986 Spring semester 1986 Spring semester the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7-3l45
" ~ . y. e Exhibitions: University Artist Series: 'Rus- 0 Academics: Last day to schedule a final 0 Meetings: Emergence- A Feminist Womens ° Meetings: Baptist Student Union Student
,_ . 'V ' sell Sherman piano- S7-stu., $11-pub.; Center examination in The Graduate School for candi- Presst students interested in NOW call 231- Luncheon- 5‘? BOPliS' Student Center: 7130
-. ” V' - . tor the ArtS; 8 pm, Call 7.3145 dates for a December degree 7985; 109 SC: 6 p.m.: Call 231-7985 p.m.: Coll 7-3489
~ : j v_ ‘ 0 Films. Ashland Kiwanis Club Film Series: 0 Concerts: Central Ky. Youth Orchestra 0 Meetings: SAB Concert Committee meet- 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting- free
, ~ _ $3.50 at Ashland Community College; ACC Au- Young People's Concerts: Center for the Arts: ing: 228 SC: 5p.m.; Call 7-8867 instructions; Alumni Gym: 7:30 p.m.; Call 233-
-.- » ‘_ , _ ditorium, 7:37 p.m.: Call 329-2999 10:30 a.m. 8 Noon: Coll 7-3145 0 Meetings: Maranatha Christian Fellowship- 520l
.‘ L l ' ° Movies. 2001- $1.75 w UKlD; Worshom O Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee Students With a Purpose: free; Maranatha ' Movies: 2010; $1.75 w UKID: Worshom
‘ ' f . ‘. Theatre; 7:30 pm. meeting:115 SC: 4 p.m.: Call 7-8867 Center: 7 p.m.: Call 231-7001 Theatre; 7:30 p.m.
‘ -‘ j ' - - 0 Other: Back to College Workshop for Adult 0 Meetings: UK Water Ski Club meeting- ev- 0 Movies: 2010: $1.75 w UKID; Worshom ' Other: UK Theatre Department Production;
-. .- ' Students-register by Nov. 15: 230 SC: 7-9 p.m. eryone welcome, please stop by!: 228 SC; 7 Theatre: 7:30 p.m. $5-pub., $4-stu.: Guignol Theatre; 8 p.m.: Coll
‘ s Sports: UK Football ticket distribution for P-m-ICOll277-0618 ' Recitals: Guest Recital: Roe Von Boskirk. 74335
. _ ’ game against Tennessee, Memorial Coliseum; 0 Movies: 2001: $1.75 w/UKlD: Worshom piano; Center for the Arts; 8p.m.; Call7-3145 ‘ Sports: Entry deadline for intramural 3-on-
.- 1’" ' ' ,, . 3 an_.3 p.m. Theatre: 7:30 p.m. 0 Sports: UK Football ticket distribution for 3; 135 Seaton:-1 p.m.: Call 7-3928 .
‘ ’ . ,- ‘ ' i. 0 Other: TNT- Baptist Student Union Tuesday game against Tennessee: Memorial Coliseum; ° Other: German Club's 'Cafe Deutschland’:
. . ‘- ' Nite Together: Baptist Student Center; 12 9a.m.-4 p.m. German House; 5p.m.
I ’ .' . I ' Noon:Co|l7-3489 0 Meetings: UK Snow Ski Club meeting to
~ : . 0 Recitals: UK Percussion Ensemble Recital: discuss Spring Break Ski Trip 8 more; 228 SC;
' - ‘ - Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.: Call 7-3145 7:30 p.m.: Call 8-6298
. 'y 0 Sports: UK Football ticket distribution for
. . game against Tennessee: Memorial Coliseum:
l '- _ m 9a.m.-4 p.m.
' ' . .' ‘ ' O Sports: Entry deadline for the Turkey Trot:
' - ' . 135 Seaton: 4 p.m.: Call 7-3928
' ' I - ' Other: Seminar: ‘Mechanism of Action of
. . . ’- EcoR1 Endonucleose' by Brian J. Terry; Medical
' : V Center/MN363; 4 p.m.
, ’ ' V -' e Concerts: Collegium Musicum: 'Music of 0 Movies: 2010; 51.75 w/UKID; Worshom 0 Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Seaton 0 Movies: Free Premiere: ’White Nights'-Pick
‘ V .' ' , Orlando di Lasso'- free: Center for the Arts; 8 Theatre;7:30 p.m. Gym: 2:30-3:30 p.m.;Call278-7138 tix up at 10 am. in SC addition info desk:
- _ pm“- Call 7-8182 0 Other: UK Theatre Department Production; 0 Other: UK Theatre Department Production: Worshom Theatre: 7:30 p.m.
_ L ' ' Meetings: UK Badminton Club; Seaton 55-pub., Sd-stu.; Guignol Theatre: 8 p.m.: Call $5-pub., 54‘5"” Guignol Theatre: 3 p.m.; C0”
' . , '-' . Gym: 5:30-6:30p.m., Call 278-7138 7-1385 74385
" -' 0 Movies: 2010; $1.75 w UKID; Worshom 0 Sports: UK Football vs. Tennessee at ° Concerts: Suzanne McIntosh, cello; Lucien
. ' . Theatre: 7:30 p.m. home; Commonwealth Stadium Stark, piano; Recital Hall: 8 p.m.: Coll 7-3145
-' " ’ 0 Other: Graduate String Quartet: King Li- ° Recitals: Graduate Recital: W. Edwin Bing- . Recitals: Senior Recital: Mary Lohner,
: , V V brary North: 12 Noon ham, saxophone and flute; Center for the flute: Memorial Hall; 3p.m.; Call 74900
_ . . 0 Other: UK Theatre Department Production: Arts; 8 p.m.: Call 7-4900 ° Concerts: UK Faculty Brass Quartet: Center
‘ _ 55-pub., $4-stu.: Guignol Theatre: 8 p.m.; Call 0 Other: UK Marching Band Banquet: SC for the Arts:3p.m.:Call7-4900
- , 7-1385 Ballroom; Call 7-3210
. . . 0 Other: Application deadline for December
_ teaching certification: 1018 Taylor Ed. Bldg.: 8-
. 4:30 p.m.: Call 7-1857
_ ' Other: UK AFROTC Military Ball: SC Ball-
“ ' ‘ room:8p.m.:Call7-7116
- . 0 Recitals: Collegium Musicum Recital: Cen-
" y ' terfortheArts:8p.m.;Ca|l7-3145
' , y _ 0 Sports: UK Basketball vs. North Western
. ' . State at home Rupp Arena: Call 7-3838
,' ° Other: Anthropology Colloquim Series:
v: . ' : 'Food Self-Sufficiency in Nigeria' by Ronald
‘: _ Cohen in 213 Lafferty Hall at 3 p.m.
\ . 4 .
~ ' . . .l 11 18: 2001: $1.75w UKID; Worshom Theatre; 7:30 p.m. ”"19: Central Ky' Youth Orchestra Young People 5 Concert; 1118: UK Football ticket distribution for game against Tennes-
. y ‘~ - ‘ . 11 19.200151.” w UKID; Worshom Theatre; 730 p.m. Center for the Arts: 10:30 o.m. 8. Noon; Call 7-3145 see: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Memorial Coliseum
.' y ' ' '. ' .- 11-20: 2010: $1.75vV/UKID: Worshom Theatre: 7:30 p.m. ”"21: UK Chorus Concert; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7' 11:19-20: UK Football ticket distribution for game against Ten-
? ' . ,‘ . ‘ 1 11 21: 2010; Sl.75w UKID: Worshom Theatre:7:30p.m. 3‘“ . . "essee: MemorialCO'iseUmWO-m-J Pm
1‘ .' ~ " . 11 22: 2010; $1.75w UKID: Worshom Theatre; 7:30 p.m. “"1223 Collegium Musicum: 'Music 0* Orlando d' Lasso- Free: 11/19: Entry deadline for the Turkey Trot; 135 Seaton; 4 p.m.;
‘ . :. -. . -- 11 .23: 2010; $1.75w UKID: Worshom Theatre: 7:30 p.m. Centertorthe Artsz 89-01.: Coll7-3145 Cauque
. \ -. ,. _‘ 11 25: Bridge Over the River Kwai; $1.75 w-UKlD; Worshom ”/24: UK Faculty Barass Quintet: Center for the Arts; 3 p.m.: ”/21: Entry deadline for Intramural 3-on-3; ‘35 Seaton: 4
' i '. Theatre:7:30p.m. Coll7'4909 . . ' . ‘ . p.m,;ColI7-3928
.2 l, t; .‘ .' _, 11/18: University Artist Serles: Russell Sherman, piano; $7— “ 02: UK Basketball vs. North Western State at home; Rupp
- ‘ . . - j -: '. stu., $11-pub.: center for the Arts: 8p.m.: Call7-3145 h Arena
'. *‘l A. ' - 11/18: Ashland Kiwanis Club Film Series: $3.50 at As land , . _
. ’. ' Community College:ACC Auditorium;7:37 p.m.:Call329-2999 3.3330...“ F°°'b°” VS“ Temessee °' h°m°' C°mm°"w°°"h
”A " '. I . .. 11/‘19: UK Percussion Ensemble Recital: Center for the Arts: 8
' p.m.:Call7-3145
.l ,V , v‘. .' 11 19: 5A8 Public Relations Committee meeting; 115 SC: 4 ll ”8'20: Advanced registration l°" the '986 Spring 59m95’e'
53.5“ ; '- :'. , !‘ p.m.: Call7-8867 11/19: Last day to schedule a final examination in The Grad-
; i:- .~ g ., 11 19: UK Water Ski Club meeting- everyone welcome. Please vote School for candidates fora December degree
' - stop by! : 228 SC: 7 p.m.. Call 277-0618 ”/2830: Thanksgiving Holiday- Academic Holiday
. .' . - '_ L’V ll 20- Emergence. A Feminst Womens Pres; meeting/students ll/l82 Back TO College Workshop for Adult Students- register
2' m '. 1 ‘ interested in NOW call 231-7985; 109 SC: 6 p.m.: Call 231-7985 by Nov. 15; 230 SC: 7-9 p.m.: Call 7-3383
f ‘1 1’01 5“ Concert Committee meeting: 228 sc; 5 p.m.: Call ”/19: TNT- Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite Together; Bap-
', g. t ‘ - . 7-8867 tist Student Center: 12Noon: Call 7-3489
‘ , 11 20: Maranatha Christian Fellowship. Students With a Pur- 1119: Seminar: 'Mechanism of Action of EcoRl Endonucleose'
' ‘ 1" , 'y pose: Free; Maranatha Center: 7 p.m.; Call 231-7001 by Brian J. Terry: Medical Center /MN363: 4 p.m.
. - . .' 11 ‘20: UK Snow Ski Club meeting to discuss Spring Break ski 11/21-23: UK Theatre Department Production: SS-pub., SA-stu.:
« . - -. , ' trip 8 more; 228 SC; 7:30 p.m.; Call 8-6298 Guignol Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-1385
'1 _ ', 11 21: Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon- $1; Baptist Stu- 11/24: UK Theatre Department Production; SS-pub., Sl-stu.;
, ~ 1 * . ' dent Center: 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-3489 Guignol Theatre; 3 p.m.: Call 7-1385
. ', 161 21: UK Fencing Club meeting- free instructions; Alumni 11/21: German Club's 'Cafe Deutschland'; German House; 5
' ‘ ll" ”1 UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym; 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Call ”/22: Application deadline for December teaching certifico- L KING AHEAD
, , 278-7138 tion; TOIBToylor Ed. Bldg; 84:30 p.m.; Call 7-1857
1' . 11/24: UK Badminton Club; Seaton Gym; 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Coll 11/22: UK AFROTC Military Boll: SC Ballroom: 8 p.m.; Call 7. ”/26: UK Jazz Ensemble 1 Concert: Center for the Arts; 8
V 278-7138 7116 p.m.: Coll 7-3145
' ' ”/20: Guest Recital: Roe Van Boskirk, piano: Center for the “/26: Graduate Recital: Connie Golden, organ; Memorial
I Arts: 8 p.m.: Call 7-3145 Hall: 8 p.m.: Coll 7-4900
. 11/22: Collegium Musicum Recital: Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.: ”/28: Thanksgiving Holiday- Academic Holiday
Coll 7-3145 11/29: Thanksgiving Holiday- Academic Holiday
' “/23: Graduate Recital: W. Edwin Bingham, saxophone and 11/29-30: Lady Kat Dial Classic: Clemson vs. Middle Tenn. 8
flute: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Coll 7-4900 Ky. vs. Cleveland State at Memorial Coliseum: Call 7-6046
"/24: Senior Recital: Mary lahner, flute: Memorial Hall; 3
p.m.; Call 7-4900
' l l

 KENTUCK Y KERNEL My, November 1!. 1m - 3
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Starting January 1, 1986, your already If YOU are already a subscriber to the UK
comprehensive UK Health Care Plan is getting Health Care Plan, YOU W'” automatically be _- = ‘
better _ with the addition of Human Organ covered on January lst. If you are not covered, .
Transplants, Well Baby Check-Ups and contact your Employee Benefits Office. 1 f i i
Gynecology Screening. And what’s more, the . . . ‘i i,
new plan now includes dental benefits that The UK Health Care Plan '3 administered by .
cover many frequently needed dental services, Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Dental Dental 1 . , -
with emphasis on preventive dentistry. This is 0f Kentucky. ‘ f
the only plan offered “UK employees that , 4
includes dental benefits. 1»
Blue Shield W A
of Kentucky (9 ® ®
0 RooMak- Bthrou-nd Blue Shlold Anon
0'1»ng Donn Dontetl’lem Ann. ‘ . ’

 4 - KENTUCKY KENNEL My, New 11, 1’“
Sports Editor
Aulcioni Sports Editor
" - sass-3-x : ' . -- . .
W omen impressive desp 'te loss to OU
. I ’ . ' 9 ' Continued from page one
- Men steam Wins, but coach pleased w1th women s effort in narrow loss
. , . . . . ‘ players like him and look up to said. "If I were a basketball
\ ‘ - ' ‘ I?) “M“HI”; and finished second in the three- him He really seems to have a player in Kentucky l’d want togo
‘ . . (ontr‘t‘t‘t‘ng “ “t" meter for the Katfish. good rapport with his players." to UK.’
. . . . _ . V . "Julie was a standout. she looked Chapman also said he and cur- Although Chapman is consid-
' , ., , be" though ”‘5 women th'V really good today." Devries said rent UK forward Winston Bennett ered a solid, all-around player,
_ 'V . me“ lt’ft to 'd tOUE-lh 0th Lmversity "She won the one-meter competition are good frientb, and Bennett his uncanny jumping ability,
' . team haturtla). their effort was and was really strong .. . . , . - had a lot to do with his coming to which he says is around a 3% or
. 'V f _ , more lmVPreS-‘lt't‘ than the “I" 0t the Also turning in good performances -, w ,. . , (WV _ . V ., _V UK. 39 inch vertical leap, has drawn
. .. . l l‘ me” 5 5W,“ for the Lad." KatflSh were lrfihman ijgfh” c: "T” ‘ " ' Sutton said that he and his raves and helped him win a slam-
_ . ._ . - T29 léidl' hatmh- Who WV"? ht??? Cheri Baxter and junior Allison j§~*33 - . l. coaching staff tried to sell Chap- dunk competition in Las Vegas,
_ .- en “-30 by the same 9th l niversity Hicks Baxter took firsbplace {m a » w & . V_ -- man on UK by stressing the im- Nevada last summer.
- , . . team last season.” €13“thth a ishes in both the mo and 200-meter portance of attending the state “It isn’t how tall you are, but
. 1 .' Prett.‘ good 503”) Sam U‘ 5“"m' freestyle competition and Hicks fin- university. how tall you play," Sutton said.
, ._ . ' "1mg coach “.‘V'Ymhut . ished first in the 50freestyle and the - " “We want every kid in Ken- “Chapman can outjump two
. , ~ ‘ - Th“ womens team. “'h‘t‘h stayed 400freestyle relay. . '-‘ tucky to come to UK," Sutton thirdsofourteam rightnow."
~ - - '- ‘ 2.22. ‘2:.:;’lil{33:‘éi122‘;“g"°"‘ Meta" me“ 3:"
‘ . - - . - - ave n as im resswe as e ,
'~ 3 I * "La-"t year they kmd 0t humiliated women‘s loss, Paul Eras still pleased '
'1‘ '. .~ ; ; us. but this year it wasn't won for with theoutcome. .. O B l l
, . -. them until the next to last event." __ , . ,. range 0w appea S
' V . '. Paul said “The score 64 to 49 is Pal? Vedxll‘V-‘ated to WI“ the bglti-t
1 fl ‘ - kind of misleading We were never u 53' e areszimminm ‘
, - ' ahead but we were in striking dis- ter now than at thithime 135‘ year to enn tate p ayers
1; ,V '. , .- lilnt't‘ throughout the whole meet." when we swam 0W0 U. We are
. - . ' ‘- . _ 'l‘he L'K men eaSily defeated the sw1mming far better, ~V
.- . _ ' . men of the Ohio L'niversity team by So h Chr" “odf . led h r , » V _ STATE COLLEGE. Pa. (AP) — right now and the reason being that
- ~ .- _ - - a score of 75 to ‘38. but the outcome P; 03“”‘9 "thlb V“ f. rte-‘1 t. e at , , , , at No. l-ranked Penn State said yester- it would appear right now that bowl
, . . .V. V \ of the [Hens competition was not as ingens ethor 3031 dtwo firs -p alce fin- WE“ ”a." ,. sass" day it would accept an invitation to would offer the highest ranked team
'I 5 , . -’ surprising as that of the women's, ls esm e. an 1000 reesty e. ,fi» ' VWka take 0“ the Big 8 champion m the th