xt7h9w090978 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w090978/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-06-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 16, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 16, 1977 1977 1977-06-16 2020 true xt7h9w090978 section xt7h9w090978  

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V1. LXIX. Number 1
June 16. 1977


an iniependent student newspaper}

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Kemel's wet again; liquor ads to flow

Managing Editor

You’ll probably notice one major
difference as you read this newspaper
in the future—there will be ad-
vertising of alcoholic beverages

Not the type of ads strewn with
innocuousphrases like “Your favorite
beverage,“ or “Happy hour." No sir.
Advertising appearing in the Kernel
can now have such words as “beer"
and “liquor.” Brand names and
trademarks will probably abo be

This change is because the Kernel
Press. Inc. won a legal fight eight
days ago in Franklin Circuit Court,
exempting the Kernel from a state
regulation that prohibits beer and
liquor ads in any school newspaper.

Here’s the background. In October
1974. the state Alcoholic Beverage
Control Board (ABC) began enforcing
its regulation on the grounds that the
Kernel was the University‘s student

Immediately, owners of the local
liquor stores dropped their ads for
fear of being sent before the ABC.

As Gary Stingle, owner of Stingle’s
disco in Chevy Chase. said at the
time. “I was advised by the ABC not
to advertise. You can‘t buck the ABC
if you want to stay in business.”

Not surprisingly. the paper .as

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Several mm try to plug a gas leak
after a pipe was broken last night
(hiring construction on the Kincaid
Tower site near the downtown area.

: 1'“ « .'*\£'dsifa;$q;«.. “tam...“«za.4.3-5»; .. . .

beginning to lose revenue (about
$15,000 to $20,000 a year).
For 15 months the Kernel fought the
regulation in ABC Board hearings.
No dice.

So, last December. Tom Miller,
attorney for the Kernel Press, filed
suit against the ABC. The suit
claimed the newspaper was in—
dependent and had a general cir-
culation among regular paying

As it turned out. that argument
weighed heavily in Judge Squire
Williams‘ decision that the regulation
could not be enforced against the

“I looked on the case on and off for
abmt a week and I felt it was a clear-
cut decision." Williams said. “Other
points were raised, such as freedom
of the press, but a judge only has to
render an opinion based on one point.
not live or six.“

In his opinion Williams mentioned
the affidavit prepared by former ABC
Chairman Julian Knippenberg which
stated. “Since the great majority of
college students are under 21," it
would serve no useful purpose to
advertise alcoholic beverages.

But Miller‘s presentation to the
court shot that argument down.

"He gave us proof that 57 per cent of
the UK students are over 21,“



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09¢" an. 34 Pu. and

1973 (I); 1977 (r)

Williams said. “That didn‘t even
include the thousands of faculty and
staff members."

Although the ABC has persisted in
enforcing the ban for nearly three
years. don‘t expect it to appeal the
decision. At least that‘s what R.
Coleman Endicott. counsel for the

51"th R'N' Bottles 5 .89

lechon 0' Win25

Ph. 25372207

[Tm‘versity Plaza



s—Pany supp...“




agency, is saying publicly.

“As far as I know. I would have to
say we won‘t appeal." he said.
“We’ve never been the Kernel's
antagonists. The whole case was a
question of interpretation. not guilt or

Continued on page 4

The Gift Basketball team gets dorm

Managing Editor

Way back in 1934,

Studios put out a comedy called It's A.

Gift. WC. Fields buffs know what I

Now the non-profit corporation
known as the Wildcat Foundation,



along with numerous contributors,
are doing a remake. This one,
howaver, is no comedy.

The bottom line is that the
basketball team is getting its own
dormitory. The $500,000 facility will
be located on Lexington Avenue
across from Memorial Coliseum. The

University isn‘t paying for it. The
Athletic Association isn’t paying for
it. Na‘ther entity had any plans to
build such a thing.

It‘s A Gift.

And it‘s going to be plush. There
will be 17 rooms, four guest rooms and
a manager‘s room. Courtesy of the
Foundation, indirectly anyway.

Andy Palmer. an attorney in Gov.
Julian Carroll’s office, is the cor-
poration’s president. “The Foun-
dation was organized last fall, it was
(basketball coach) Joe Hall’s
brainchild,” he said. “It consists of
about 50 petple who have been doing
volunteer work.

“Other schools in the SEC
(Southeastern Conference) have
athletic dorms and since people

wanted to get involved here, we‘ve
been trying to get donations.”

They have received donations.
Plenty. Even Hall has been actively
engaged in raising money for the

Palmer said some money from
Eastern Kentucky coal barons has
been received. There was no limit on
what people could contribute. He
wouldn’t release their names. either.

Names are touchy subjects with
members of the Foundation. “Uh, no
names please” or “I’ll refer you to
someone else" are familiar lines.

“We're not a secret organization,”

Palmer said as an afterthought.
As Athletic Director Cliff
Continued on page 4

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J_ 5, Kgmp Chudr Combos Ken Kuan


.' x "
up \
Editor in Cllel Ans Edhor Sta“ W rite"
Marie Mitchell Nancy Day Judith Ferrlell
. . ' Jennifer Greer
a COW Mall-[.3 Editor Chic! Photographer David thltl





It's about time

It's about time.

It‘s reassuring to know there is still
some degree of sanity and reason in
the state judiciary.

On June 8. a Franklin County
Circuit judge issued an injunction
against the Alcoholic Beverage
Control Commission (ABC)
preventing it from enforcing a
regulation used against the Kernel to
stop the advertising of beer and

The regulation in question prohibits
liquor advertising in educational
publications or newspapers without
regular paid subscriptions. In other
words. university newspapers,
because they are funded as
educational programs. are not en-
titled to advertise liquor.

But the Kernel has been in-
dependent. a self-supporting cor-
poration since 1972. so we felt we
should be exempt from this

You‘ve seen our silly ads in the
past. You didn‘t see the words “beer"
or "liquor" used. or brand names.
Instead to comply with ABC
reginations. our advertisers were
forced to advertise. “your favorite
beverage". "mug of suds“ or “your
t‘avcrite brands." without being able
to specify.

In fact. stores had to change their
names in order to advertise, or else
their ads couldn‘t appear in our
pages. For example. Big Daddy
Liquors had to change to Big Daddy’s,
Coliseum Liqours became Coliseum
Shop, and the Wine and Cheese Shop
couldn‘t advertise at all. by virtue of
their very name'.

Bruce W.

Interstate 10 runs across the
southern United States. Within the
space of about three hours‘ driving
time from New Orleans. you cross
through Louisiana. Mississippi,
Alabama, and finally. Florida.

I just completed three weeks and
about 2,000 miles of meandering in
and around the South. so “eye-one-
oh" and I became somewhat friendly.

“Breaker one-nine for that west-
bound eighteen-wheeler, come-awn."

“You got the Silver Eagle, good
buddy, come awn back."

“Thank yefer the come back, Silver
Eagle. Y‘er tawkin’ to the Petrocelli,
what‘s it look like back over your

“She‘s clean, mean and green all
the way to Mobile town."

The Kernel wasn‘tgoing to take this
lying down. We appealed this

regulation before the ABC in May g

1975. One of the agency’s main con-
tentions was that this paper serves

the student community and that most .

st udents. are under 21.

Our legal counsel offered evidence
that 57 per cent of the student
population of 21,000 is over 21, not to
mentim the 6,900 faculty and staff
members. But the ABC turned us

As a result, the Kernel may have
lost about $50,000 in advertising
revenues, not to mention many
thousands of dollars in legal fees.

We hired Belden Associates of
Dallas. Texas to survey the area, and
they found that 40 per cent of the
Cniversitycommunity depends on the
Kernel exclusively for their in—
formation a bout goods and services in
the area. so it‘s apparent that there
are a lot of people over 21 who read
the Kernel to learn about local bars.
liquor stores, and nightclubs.

It took us two years. and huge ex-
pense, to successfully get our point of
view across. Judge Squire Williams
had no trouble deciding the case,
although we presented the same
evidence to him that we did to the
ABC two years ago. The figure of
students over 21 has remained con—
stant for at least four years, so there
was no new information to present.

The ABC has until June 28 to appeal
the decision, but indications are that
they won't. Good for us, and good for

This ruling has no bearing on the

Victory in Jesus, or:


Ten with one blow


papers at the other university
newspapers, because they are not
independent. This case could have
been fought strictly on “freedom of

speech" grounds, but that part of our
argument was not reviewed.

We hope the other universities will
fight the constitutional battle.

Singleton... in Margaritaville

“Thanks a lot. Silver Eagle. I just
got on the superslab here, so I don‘t
know what it looks like over my

“That's okay Petrocelli, I‘ll find
out. You drive careful now.”

I had not driven far on the slab
before I ran cut of radio range of New
Orleans. At that point I found out the
meaning of Country Music country.

Now, even when you're driving
through Tennessee, you can pick up
some stations playing Top-40 music. I
guess I had always figured that if
Tennessee has top-40, every place

I was mistaken.

The hours of country music and CB
radio took its toll. I caught myself
singirg along when Kenny Rogers got

. » .... -. - “r... .,i.,,h,,~.. .

to the Chorus of “You picked a fine
time to leave me Lou-seeel. or when I
heard “Now it's a real beauty...A
Mexican cutie...How it got there I
haven’t a clue."

I didn‘t start to worry too much,
however, even when I turned off the

radio and heard myself singing about ,

changin‘ lattitudes, changin’ at-
titudes. Dismissing this as a
momentary flight into some form of
subliminal seduction by the Country—
Western Artists’ Guild, I drove on.

“Four hawngry cheeldrin an' a crop
in the feeelds." I began to realize it
was coming automatically. I turned
the CB back on.

“Hey, Breaker one-nine. Anybody
out there wanna ratchet jaw? Come-

..,..._. -9” ». . -»

“You got the Sugar Britches, good
buddy. Ah‘m at this heah rest stop
own mile mahker one-one-two. You
wont to find out how much it cawsts to
go aroun’ the world?"

“Er, uh, that is somebody must’ve
stepped in your transmission there, I
guess I‘ll get back on the air when it’s
less crowded."

I turned the CB off and the AM radio
back on. Some people say it's a
woman to blame...

And I heard myself answer, “But I
know, it ain’t nobody’s fault.”

I realized this had to stop. So I got
off the highway, got away from
radios, and sat soaking up the rays on
the beach. I had left “eye-one-oh” at
Jacksonville, and after a week of

Continued on following page

., t.) r.

r - »-“~uo..e:.mw


_, «- WeWV-IPIO'WC' n..- ., . ,__



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. Tour Lincoln Homestead Park.
Ltnccln‘s Boyhood Home.

The Stephen Foster Storv e830 om I

resolutions on problems in 1978 "We aren‘t out to repress
g facing Kentucky women and Several anti-abortion and women. rather to advance
to elect 2A delegates who will untrEltA groups sought an their rights. They tgroups



M, I"


r represent the state in a injunction last week to filing suit; came. par- it HUMAN RELATIONS CENTER §
November national con- prevent the lWY activities ticipated. placed people on 3% 258-2751 :5
ference in Houston. from taking place. Their the ballot and voted on the E‘- ’2

resolutions introduced during
the workshops. '

Members of the groups OPENINGS

for comment. .Arr you in the held of education looking :or u
Cf‘.ull(?ll€,‘lll(.‘ rewarding opportunity? The US. Navy has
tpr‘l’llnqs for qualified instructors for the Director of
Naval Reactors training program in Orlando. Florida.

Bruce Singleton... "SITES

request was denied.

No“ a federal surt has been
filed by the Kentucky Right-
’l‘o-Lit‘e Association. Inc.,
Concerned Citizens of

("ongress appropriated $5
million for a national con-
ference and state or regional
meetings throughout the
nation. Kentucky‘s


. .,. .. wan—J.”

. ~a«~.v«~.W’.~g ‘ '



(‘ontinued from page 2

baking and peeling, l was
able to go cold turkey on

I was able to run on the
beach. That made me
remember the first time my
parents took me to Florida.
My brothers and I, always out
on the beach at the crack of
dawn, had discovered h n-
dreds...thousands of star-fish
that had washed up on the
beach. Our mother had told
us to store up memories
because we‘d always

remember that first trip. And
it turned out that more than a
decade later, she was right.

I felt great. Knowing I was


cured ll hadn‘t sung about
Lou-sees] in nearly a week), I
headed for Lexington. I left
the radio off while I passed
through Georgia. 1 almost
turned it on in Tennessee, but
forced myself to wait. fearful
of the consequences if I heard
the songs again.

I pushed the button where
WLAP should be and waited
for Lexington to start coming
in. By that timeI was driving
up 1-75. Back in civilized
country. And then, right
about London, I could pick up
Eric Steven’s va‘ce. It was
great. I knew he wouldn’t
betray me.

“C‘mon. Eric,” I yelled at
the radio. “Play a little ‘Ain't


gonna bump no more with no
big fat woman‘.“

The record started. It
sounded vaguely familiar.
but I didn‘t realize what it
was until it was too late.
“...andslippedoffher ring...“

“Turn it off.“ my brain told
my body. But my body
wouldn’t listen. My hand
stayed on the wheel. My ears
kept listening. And the song
went on. But then there was
that strange voice in the
background again. I realized
it was mine.

“...Lived through some sad
times, but this time the
hurtin' won't heal. You
pickeda fine time to leave me


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 rung-unwi- ~.—- - ”v

4~ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, June 16. 1977 ,

gets dorm

Continued from page i
Hagan said last week. “You
don‘t turn down a gift.“ Yet
too many unanswered
qustims about the dorm

What‘s in it for the big
contributors? Power? Or is it
merely love for the Big Blue?
(It's tough to keep a straight
face on that last one.)

We do know that the most
generous donors will have a
dorm room named in their
honor. This is hardly a reason
to give large sums of money,

A history of recent political
campaigns and logic suggest
that such large sums of
money wouldn’t be trading
hands unless something was
expected in return.

Then there‘s the omni-
present philosophical
question of why should
athletes be treated differently
from any other student? Sure.
the jodrs generate revenue
for the University, but so do

the rest of the students to a
lesser degree.

Since the basketball
players will not eat at the
dorm nor train there, they
will be more isolated from
other students. What effect
will that have on them later in
life, when they’re regular
folks again? I wonder if they
can adjust.

Why is each Wildcat en-
titled to his own comfortable
room, while the dorms on

”slit“ “Fr


site of new dorm

campus have two students to
a room? It doesn’t seem fair.

But Palmer and Hall think,

the advantages outweigh the

“It should be a recruiting
aid." Palmer said. “The
athletes will have supervision
and the dcrm should be
conducive for study.”

The new dorm would
probably prevent a repeat of
the Mike Phillips, Jay Shidler
and Truman Claytor

'33:. . s .k.


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