xt7h9w09091r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09091r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1971 1971 1971-11-05 2020 true xt7h9w09091r section xt7h9w09091r By GAYLE MCGUIRE as there are faculty members and importantly, no record would f .
Kernel staff Writer administrators. show such a failure. . - - ' .
Differing philosophical There are two interpretations I . .
orientations toward academic in direct OPPOSihOh- One view Frouh vs. mdrvrdual l"
issues inherent in the by-pass defines credit to include a letter A ““31 bone 0‘ contention - ass 8:. ams -' .
exam concept have prevented grade designation while the TCVIOIIVCIS 'd ro U n d the I Ir
any definite settlement of a other insists credit does . not administration of the test to . . ,
raging controversy at UK. inherently carry such a groups of students as opposed to . , I II '. I .
One problem revolves around destgnation. The latter group the I present l’OllCY Of __ » :
the lack of agreement insists a student should be given administering lht‘ ICSI t0 in Con ’ Ove’ 8 ~‘. -‘ . ‘. ,
c o n c erning the terms the requisite number of hours mdtViduals who must first seek 'I ,
“academic” and “education". assigned to the program if he permiSSion from the Registrar, :_ . j .
The entire concept of 3 passes the exam without having see the Dean oftheir college and s ‘ , -. = ~
by-pass exam indicates a student a letter grade assigned. the chairman of the department LT 0 o I q , . . I I' _ I-
has acquired some minimum . AnotherI controversy comes concerned. anerSltV c, Ellale ('la] ["8 I'" f,
standard of competence in an lhto play In the event a student Some faculty members and V l " '1
area This knOWICdge has been :~:-:»:-:>:~:-xiii-3‘92:7:2:IrZ;Z;Z;I;I;Z;I:Z:Z;1:Z:f5:155:7;1:2:$1311:T:3:3:1;3:3:3:7:-'t::$:::35:21:72323:1231;521:5353: admlnlstfators havk.x hcld [lldt tilC d ‘ t I-'
earned prior to enrollment in a NAal administration of the test to no I) rece ent set .I
particular University course. ewsnysrs groups would entail a larger V i
The controversy focuses on 711:1:3:1:3zi:?:I:3:7:1;1:3:i5:?:£11355:1:5:=:?:3:i:1:-‘:¢:3:1:1:1:525552223315252325233351333:5132}:§:§:§:§:3:§:f:ij§EfffigEffffff amount Of WOTk‘ time Lilld I‘
academic knowledge' The Crux does not meet the n‘inimum trOUblC. Pl‘hcy have IndiC‘dtcd U I. 4
of the matter is whether or not standard of competence fear that a large number of '
the University should Idecm designated an adequate score. In students may sign up and take H ’I
knowledge gained outSide a this instance, two options are in the exam who are blatantly ' ",
particular classroom a valid part the process of debate. unable to demonstrate a basic ’ ‘f
of the educational process, One of the options is to enter proficiency in the area. thus '
Credit not defined his inability to pass the special creating a backlog of paperwork. ‘ . .. IiI.
Yet another hassle deals with exam on his University record. 52 fee i
the ambiguity concerning the The alternative is simply that the At present special exams may “ks...
term “credit" outlined in the failing score not be recorded in be administered to individual ,' .I.I".I
present policy concerning spec1al the files. In essence. the fact that students willing m PU} a $3 fee I -'II.'I : .~ II
exams. . . .. a student unsuccessfully and go through the process ”0m ., y , II .
The term credit is not defined. attempted to by-pass a course Registrar to their college dean to I ~ ," . ‘ .1 I~_ ‘. ..
As could be expected there are would be dismissed from the i ‘ V ' . -' V -
as many differing interpretations minds of all concerned. More Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 _I . V = : 3
. . fl “I 'III v
» ' If " it i'
55:? . . l
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an Independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky
Friday" N0 V. 5’ 197' LEXIN(;T()N. KENTlV(‘K\ 405““ VOL LXI!!! NO' ‘7 a; fv~.:§'i:§=ff§::t.-:”A“aa§ " ‘.-:.-:.. ., '- II ‘
Organized before homecoming .. we ,
. O ' ‘.
. ———-————————_— G b II r . .
. reat a is 0 ire.
CI 011 O OSBS Stadlum Sorry sadists. this is not some Buddhist self-immolation. it‘s just . .I‘ ;
Mormon missionary Elder lson performing a little ‘ole Samoan fire 2 f"
. . . dance on the Student Center patio. (Staff photo by Jim Wightl . '7 .
By MIKE YORK Rayner Scott and Will Ross. organizers of ‘v ': ‘
Kernel Staff Writer the campaign. . ‘ , . i f r f
Amid the cheers of UK’5 homecoming EImbryomc stage . ffigigigij-ififfzifiifiéfi3;}:EiiiE3E§E5i§3§§§2§5§3§E§E§E§E§E§§§52E53EEfi55:?E§5g15353.55;.5EEEEEEESEE§E§E§E§E§§§E§E§§§E§E§i§EéI§E§E§E§E§3§E§E§E§E§E§i§§§§§§3§3§3§32:35531i;3§3§i§3}i§if5:z{373:'fingjfiEiziiEI'Ej g3:55;:=7;255:2:grisisifzgiifiii ;:g'5:;:?515155255}'f-':‘§ F. - . , ! '
victory last Saturday. a group Opposing The group IS Stlli In an enlbryonlC stage Eggggggtf:-3:EI::{:Efiti:1:-'.§:1:Z:3:f:3:5:5:§:§.'3:f:£21:§‘§:§:355.1:§:i:1:§;1:1:-':3:}:3:553:15:3:1:323:?:§:1;E1:5:5:F:§tE23:§:§:§:€:2:1:1;§:§:§:3:3:3:'.':3.':"?:3:‘:?:3:',1:':"' .-'.':‘:-”*-i'I-,:*i:' a"?! :1 ,' . -’ ' ,'.
the new stadium began its fight to see and does not have a definite timetable for ,4 x ,-' 1 ', »
that UK's future Victories are won at Stoll action, but Ms. Scott has ideas of creating l] o d W k I ‘ h f I. ~ '
Field. awareness of “just what is happening. , nlte av see 8 un( S 3g I l -
_ . Scott said there is “tremendous V v’,\ I . . .
AbOUt 10 people (1.15”thth leaflets opposition” to the stadium among people ‘ Th‘ ‘am )11' United Way fund drive has 'lnTlOUll ‘cd {h I " i' 'I , i '
calling for people to Visualize how much . t , ‘ 4 , .. 'l ., Eiifféééiéif LI L . t b , , I r. . . \ . 2:335; , I ,. I
, 'd' ld . ‘t' t if at LKI Iand throughout lhk Sldu- Th3 £2522;ng contributions to date total 338.000. approximately .r
th‘ new Std ””h W0“ “05 1“ erms " oppoSition comes from people knowmg 33355555; , , ~ _~ \ t , -. , , .- ~ ,-, . a . :.
how much 81] million would buy th f t H l "d ~.:;::::>';5= one-half of the established goal. (ampaign ( hai.m.iii l, 55%; - .
' e ac 5- 51° Sb“ ' _ F. Witte urges campaign solicitors to complete their A ‘ ‘
The 7000 leaflets OPPOSlhg the new 80th R055 and 5C0” “kid matters 9; fl Work and re‘iort all contributions at once. Funds are ~‘ '
stadium were the first tangible signs of Priority tn opposing the stadium. I‘Itven it urgently needed by twenty-one health and welfare Ix . '. . .
organized resistance to the $11 million the stadium does payIfor ltSt‘hIm 30II0f agencies serving Lexmgton. 32‘ ‘f -'
project. .40 years asIctIhey (Stafhum ddVOLdlteS: .5“: It; For further information about the campaign. call +1 ‘ , '.
. . I it Will, sat Ross. most peope tiin 258—4664. >. I! I ‘, .
The planning or the "3515”)th to the the money could be used a lot better ggEgsggigg; t -
Stadlum began laSt ThUrSday, JUISt two 50m€WhCrC else", Egg}?~:>:-:-;-:':-:-:-:-:-:~93}.-:-:-:-:-:-:~:~:-'.-:-:~:~;-.-:-:-:c-:-:-:-:-:‘:-:-;»:~;-:-:-:-:-:-:~;~:»;-.~:~;-;-z-;»:-:-2-;-.~:-:‘:»i‘:-:-:t:-:-:~;-:»;~,-:-:-:~:-:-:<:t.'>:~;~:‘;-:~;-:-:-:-:-:-;~:-:-:-:‘z-z-:-:-:-:-:-.-.-:~:~:‘.-:A:-:-:-:~:--.-.3:3 -3 'I
days before the game. according to Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 '5 ' I. l ’ 3.
An ad hoc committee to study the Hendrickson said. She cited tlic “friendship . , ‘
relations between Greek organizations and aspect" as being better than another hung . . -:
the University has been appointed by Dean unit.“ The l4 chapters on campus have .1 ' ' a ~ ’ I“
of Students Jack Hall. limit of ‘30 but most stay smaller, . I ‘.
“The main purpose of the committee is to Fraternities Slit) Small too_ l'lkll'l saul T . . ‘ ,' ‘
l, (a t, n 0 decide whether or not fraternities and Their houses hold only ~18 members and . _‘ . .
r t to e sororities should be completely dependent when a minority ot‘tlic members liw wiitsitlc -_I ~ I .I .
on or independent of the University.” said the hUUWIll 1‘ hillll l“ \“5 ””"MJ i -
Kent Maury. president of the Iiitcrfratcrnity Ms. (‘indyI llomrri. t‘t‘t‘stdpnt or thc I ‘. I .‘
(‘ouncil who was named to the committee. l’anhcllcnh (ouncil. said cost has been D . ~I
1 . _ l‘trim 'ntill to the (urecks l-‘ccs for housing a . . .
Ad h . o . llall sde “We want to gain a clarification to “then \lllllltl III the l‘noctsitx (luv I ‘.
- OC (omnllttee aPPOIHted ot' the role of thliL‘rnlllci .ind Sttrttrlllt‘s m such” Itccs )1“ toward “ml,h}\ t“, , I . __.
relation to the University. members .. , tII
Before naming members to the committee. , . ., , i ' x. .
h ‘ c In lllt past ll I\\JT\, tout \i-.~‘!lllt\ .inn I I
to Stlldy GI 88k dependency ”all consulted the lH‘. the Panhcllcnic added chapters to the l'lx tilltll‘“\ U
'1 Council. and Deans Mimi Illendrickson and (-Umcmmg ”Mann,” [.hhir \Imt in the ' .I I i I.
Robert Elder who adVise the I(.reck§-I next few weeks there Wlll be a request for I. - -
Hendrickson and Elder hm non-voting staff the recognition of a Sigma Pi chaptcr at l'K. ' I , I'
consultants to the committee. , The chairman of the committee is Ms. -.
Recently .the (ourterJournal carried a Arthur Curtis. a former preSident of the 'I '
headline Wh‘Ch read, (Tech, membership '8 Gamma Phi Beta House (‘orp. The t i I
coht'hu‘hg to dCChheht LK‘ committee is made up of students. faculty ' '
The smaller sororities prefer to stay small and staff. and their report is due March 31. ‘
because they feel they have more to offer. ‘07: . . .

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. Nov. 5. Ill7l ________—_____________________________________. I]
moses significant talks on my difficult courtrordercd ”Ming PM" ”m” “‘9 pep‘f’tmfihh of Health‘
Eéiiiiiggg‘"3‘"w‘$33k:5£35:5:5z55333535‘;5555353515“733‘15:55:55:53573::i:3:5'3':?:7:::7:7:3"Z:':"3:‘z'i:”:533572’:‘I':5:3:3:5’1::T:3h5‘3'zir*1‘?‘3‘i"'i‘*“i"3"""i"’1"‘3‘?“"'3‘":‘i‘i""‘:"‘3'§§§§§§g§ problems 11 fl'CCIlII 21 b OI II of our all possible appeals have been hducatlon d‘nd L are: . .
. ‘ countries." exhausted. which could mean “The Nixon admmlsuation n‘
Ziegler said he could not two or three years. says no federal funds (for busing
. discuss the Specific details ofthe All the amendments were yet federal offiCials are saying B
‘ Nixon-Gandhi meeting. White added to a massive, $21.7 blll‘on spend your 10ch funds and‘ we H
. House aides. however. disclosed higher education bill and could reimburse you, said Mrs. (ireen. 1
. 1 HEV that Nixon would ask the Indian be subject to later votes before “1 call that the height of Th
leader to order a pullback of final action on the bill. hypocnsy. b t . d t t child
‘ Indian divisions deployed along . si nored Some mem CFS “9 0 5 ml “hi"
the borders of both East and 'Wammg g ‘ the ' flow Of amendments by CM"
2s West Pakistan provided Pakistan Warnings that the House “’95 arguing that cutting off federal prog
ti “ inadeasimilar withdrawal. acting irresponsibly “(Id _m funds for busing WOUId throw LC)“
I ' Ea:a':.2§§.‘E-Ez-:-:-:-'-x:t:;:~:‘;;:-:~:-:-:-.v:~:-:-:-:-:~;~:-:-:~:-:-:-:-:~:.:-::-:-:-:-:-;.:-:-:‘:':-:-:-:-:-.'-:-;-;-:~:~:-:.:-:A:~:~:~:-:-:~:-:-:-:~:»:-.‘:-:~:-:-:‘:.:A:-:~:;:::~:;:;315;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;::2::;:;:::;:::;::::Z:Z:=:5:1:1:15:3:3:I:i:i:1:2522:2522.giggiiiiig I Ilditl \Vants a“ of [he Violation Of tilC 'COHStltuthn the burden on local taxpayers. Parer
' . estimated 9.5 mime“ refugees were, brushed aSidC at the But the House was in no mood ( o
i i h . - who have fled Pakistan since last late-night 39531011 as members to listen. open
1 f V W A S H l N G T O N “But there are severe “mm to March 75 to be retumed as “15th 0“ enthusiastically to get Amendments kept coming and - flrSl
(APl— President Nixon met at what we can achieve. he added. quickly as P05511316 because 0f on record against busing. as members rose to speak on uned
' length With India’s Prime Ziegler 531d the President‘and the economic burden they have Southerners clapped . and them, shouts of “vote! vote!” aboi
. ’ _, Minister Indira Gandhi Thursday the Prime Minister Will continue thrust as India cheered as Northerners With a frequently drowned out the chil(
. . - and urged moderation on both their talks on Fridaywa meeting ‘ long history of opposmg speakers. recor
.’ - ‘ sides of the India-Pakistan not previously announced. . * ,i. * antibusing amendments when meth
. .. border to reduce the risks of “You can conclude the United only the South was affected by ,,. ,i. * plea
,i ‘ 7 war. States will not sit back and let WASHINGTON (AP)—The them trOOped down the aisle to expel
; q . After a two-hour and events take their course.” he House voted Thursday night to vote for the amendments. Th
.3 . . . ,. five-minute meeting at the White said. clamp harsh restrictions on the The amendment barring the WASHINGTOI: C(AP)—T}‘lhe . intr01
i ‘ ' House, presidential press On her arrival for a two-day government and the federal use of any federal funds for congressmnal Blac aucus. as years
. . _ secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said official Visit, Mrs. Gandhi looked courts in an effort to prevent busing, offered by Rep. John M. announced. four more .miéitary inten
. g . _ .1 . the detailed talks with Mrs. wan and pale. forced busing of school children Ashbrook, R-Ohio, was adopted bases. Will be ignite. to the
, . ' ' . : Gandhi and the contacts the Seeks understanding to overcome segregation. 233 to 124. investigate reports 0 racrsm in pregn
. . ' United States maintains with “I have come here looking for Acting in what Rep. Emanuel The one delaying the effective the armed forces. are t:
. Pakistan President Yahya Khan a deeper understanding of the Celler. D-N.Y.. called “haste, date of court-ordered busing The caucus said Thursday that apprc
* ’ ' “should indicate that we are situation in our part of the excitement and hysteria,” the plans. by Rep, William S. Rep- Parren Mitchell, D—Md., with‘
I ' . " - involved." world," she Sflid« She said she House adopted a series of Broomfield, R-Mich., was Will hold a hearing at Ft. Meade, “W
, . . I. . . was “in search of some wise potentially far-reaching approved 235 to 125. Md.; Rep. Walter E. Fauntroy, anybt
. ' . 7 - impulse, which, 35 history tells amendments that could sharply Rep. Edith Green. D—Ore., D-D.C-, at Quantico Marine make
. “ 3 US, has sometimes worked to slow the pace of desegregation. offered an amendment to Base; Rep. John Conyers, Ms. C
' - . if save humanity from despair.” One amendment would prevent the federal government D-Mich., at Ft. Campbell, Ky.,
. » f . ' Mrs. Gandhi said her talks prevent expenditure of any from requiring the expenditure and Rep- Ronald V- Dellums,
. . . I > ' ' With Nixon no dOUbt Will lead to federal funds for busing. of state and local funds, which D-Callf., at TraVis AFB, Galif.
v' . .' . ‘_ Q: 3 Strengthening or friendship and Another would prohibit the was adopted 231 to 126. Rep. Shirley. Chisholm, .
' ' 3;, f \9‘ understanding between the federal government from ‘Back-door support’ D-N.Y., said testimony on the
‘ ' - I . - v United States and India. re uirin a state to spend state She said it was designed to racial situation on military bases .
' I . . . q g . . .
' " i - " A On his part Nixon said he and or local funds for busing. prevent what she described as Will be taken at the Capitol Nov.
‘ ' ' ' M’S- Gandhi would have “very Still another would delay a back-door support for busing by 16-18. The
I- O M 0 i “ 7:30 i:
' ' 3555;5:33:35;{13:53:535:335;=5Zgzgégégégégigz'j3553:3232'Ejg1:333:35}35335,2332?3355;E;E§§;Eg€§§3§;?g§g23555523332533335335523: . . first I
. . M 9 o o Organized education protest ' columt
» . n n D b d -
.- _ , , 9 9 99” one}, 3 yo 6. lso e lence urged to Improve programs PH
. . featuri
" _ ' W Applications for . ; Baldwt
] ’ . I- financial aid are available By WENDY L. WRIGHT the less severe the punishment and the Room
_ '_ .- ._ PRIVATE BANQUET ROOM from the Office of Student Assistant Managing Editor quicker the grievances will be heard, he , ET?
'- - '.., -, R t. 2555004 Financial Aid, Patterson Student protest against irrelevant said. appum
.‘ . ', . - ”2"" '°" _ Office Tower, through education should be direct and organized, Wertheimer said above all, the 5. for
a - ”9 South Limestone Nov. 15. former Free U. Coordinator Paul disobedient’s motive should be to present E223:
= ' ' I . ;§:E-::';:Z;E»E:E.E-Eziz?222;:1.3"3.;.3_:i";:Ez;'E:§:3:E:E:E:i:i:§‘§331E:3:1:51321332322355?Ski-:1?1-5-33113131E113513;';.; Wertheimer tOId Dr' RObert BOStI‘OIIfS hIS dCSiICS SO the professor may availah
H ' . Communications 551 class Tuesday. understand and cooperate in them. and Center
" " = = “The grade is the only weapon 3 thus improve his classroom situation for F123;]
' , ‘ : xI - .. BEN SN YD E R DEP’T STORES teacher has to keep a student in Check." others as well as himself. Kappa
If . " . .‘ ' said Wertheimer. “I believe one of the No violence ids?“
’- f j ; ‘ 4 . . Fo' Y°‘" C‘W'Pk'e One Stop Sh°PP|09 ‘ best methods of showing ones “This strategy is not one that finds its to £3:
'_: . ' In The Ben A“ Guru e displeasure and the failings of a course is comfort to alienation and violence. If the soc
‘1 ., , - I-HOUR FREE PARKING . h $3 P h 9 not to do well in it." disobedience is motivated by hostile 2:223:
. ' i. I If . wut urc ase A “non-violent disobedient approach" emotions the situation is going to be and p"
‘: ' - ‘ '- __._ _ __ __ , Will produce a limited amount 0f highly flammable and likely to terminate 1415~
_ . . . j _. ——__-_—_ -——V=- :——'=.—-— :J C: :3 m . - ‘7 ' ~ - ~
" ‘ 7 -' ' a — 7 ‘—=— D ahChUlIOh between thC StUdt‘hl and in further mistrust and Violence.” [6:13;];
“ 3 . .__._-_—_~ E f: ,3; fl professor. Wertheimer said. In c lass discussion following Studer
j _' j I. ‘_ B 3—3:? 9 _‘=‘-. __ ._;_.—=—__;__,f- . Dedication needed . . Wertheimer‘s presentation. some students 5}"? l
_- . 3‘ __."='-‘ T—:_ 715:; ‘5 _' Tux “Being Wllhhg to take PUhlSthhl 1h expressed doubt his system would work. inOlihe
"F2:- .—=—"'—_:_-“' Q _'__-=- ‘-_—______ __.- ‘ fl ”10 dorm 0‘ 3 lower grade TGKQS “I’ve used this method and I always Aik
‘I I é -4: E _.-:_-_: 5?;- CDKLPOM dedication. Bl” 1f the SlUdChl .18 end up the villain. not only in the eyes of mpoé‘g
. _I. _ ‘ ’2: .;"_“‘ =_——..- g E .-.===’_ committed t0 8 moral. “01 a material the professor. but in the. eyes of the class A301
' -. ' ___—"—-—:—— =: '__—_-=___‘_ '—'— ‘ W‘RHI’S issue. the professor would be forced to as well." said Ed Dictz. Womei
} , . . ; -,. f. 1; ——;_ i5 “‘ +0 bq restructure the course to capture the Pragmatism? iii?“
‘3 " .3 . » fl 5:“ E T;__ 'v:; VJ“ 7 [1 student 5.1m381nfit10h- . . Another student said “My time is too on St
L . . » E EST—.2 Two I Ii‘ci‘dks Wertheimer said a tactic of mass in-class critical to take my chances on this, (2)2153:
. r' _‘ 9*;- ___‘=_- ’ disobedience would give students the th uh I r i',« b" h' . ' d 1’
. ' ._I. 5__ P. _____=. 3 ‘ _ “ 0g eai.c ytisattitue mnot
,. . I] ," §£ EEC flywx 2008+ U feellng they are “OI lmpOtCht," thus helping future generations any.”
F E‘EE- - ‘? givmg the confidence to :‘tackle all the Wertheimer then asked the students
. , . . fl 5 3 £29 SGMW fl other‘problems of SOCiety.‘ how many of them would be willing to
1 ; ' G $ i 00 I / “It s a lot cancer to go out and protest engage in his system of dissent.
', '1 .3 _. i “ Arby's “(‘1 ~ 1‘ o o ROTC, becagse it doesnt have a face, “I would if pushed hard enough,” said
. ,_ . ( 3 than to stan up in class and say “look one student Wertheimer hot b ck‘
. flamiw/ VI‘OL l I CK, , . 99 ’ ‘ S a '
. R P K ' ) that s not right. . “You’ve been pushed all your life, and
. .; . . . '3 I] DAST I 0 Try talk first you’re just used to it.
. .' -_ BEEP r s Wertheimer advised students to talk “Education is a process of sharing,
. , . . . . n privately Zithbadprofessohjbffore ftrying questioning and experiencing and it will
. : ‘I , . classroom iso e ience, an i that ailed, be the student’s responsibility to bring it
-‘ 3. . i. Stdel’Ch 1‘; S ou‘i’kiGMA DY. H to consult with other students in the class back into a sensible equilibrium.
- ,_ .I ’v ii "-*‘\/o‘“ 27 ‘qu to gain support for the action. . “There should be a balance, not a
: '» , 3, - "7 - 7 " C] “When dealing in classroom dissent my reversal of power between student and
, ' ' . , Dc: :2 1:: n :1 i=3 1:: a c: 1. maXim is: The more students involved. professor." I
. “ ' " - . M i
' 3 ." '.r .‘ . ‘ .
~ . . , ; . , The Pertwrllaby Papers by Don R050 and R0" Weinberg ‘
. ‘ .' A. . , .. _ v . ‘ . 3 . ,. V...” w)?" (w/ . Ix ‘ , \ . \ ‘ 4’" 313'; .. SUM“ —————___
. _ a 7-.. a z ', . .~ one i s «WV! . is" \GROC 5 Th H k H. I
“ - .' . .. ..; “ ' ' ’ I “ ‘~ :’ ‘t/g, 7.. 1 um! i . ‘ i 3“ ‘ ~ 1... .. I; c cum: y me .
. ‘ " _ ~. ' ’7 ' V ' 2‘ PM”; -I n 3 legit " '33,. i ’if f . i V’, QVV V m“-..__.~ '5 i ii a.) The Kentucky Kernel, University
_ . .. .~ . . . a, f . 3: . ‘1 . :. ..' , ' 1/ 3/ 46:0“: VQNI t i} Q i a 2”] ”iiflggstz' r 2%; I ,9.- d 2; Station. University of Kentucky. Lex-
. : . . l . ' ‘ ' ' . ‘ / , ,‘q _’>‘, f -‘_/ 3’ g / . .‘v. P 1} [#51: ‘5 _. *4 / 73%" g ington. Kentucky 40506. Second Class
- . I. ‘ . . « i i. . 3‘ . . ’f/ 3%. . M“.- ..- 4‘ x - - r" t f ( 9:331:31, _ fifth postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
, , -‘ ‘ ‘ f ; -*-__ I“ N. ”x h . f r? f} i v a .. FIT-g m Mailed five times weekly during the
,- ‘. _ . ‘ ‘ - ‘-' l' u M .. ~ .. ‘ .3 / i t‘y‘ - it '\ £7 ‘, “M V” /‘ ' ‘ 8 . __ w :1“ g, m school year except holidays and exam
* . . 3 . . ’1 i/ f n 4.; if . ‘4 S J ./’1"u M . f. ”g, . pggrlodS. and once during the summer
,' _ . ,1 . I I» a‘ . . -1 ‘, ~~,~> . , sh' ‘.sion.
‘- . . . , . - . »- \ / Ir J . tru‘ V'i’j'fif; a . ' l ., ,w’ ‘2 I, 76" ' {RA ‘ 9_’.“ 14,»? i .5ch ; Published by the Board of Student
. . ,V . . .1 ,3 , . ~. . mg. g 3’ . .1 , 4 y’ 7 1%,, . 41.1. g g . 0 Publications. UK Post Office Box 4986.
I ‘ . ' .. q /. ’4'?" T: I I“ .' ah " ’ 4- -_ ‘ ‘4 7'4- '5_s“.,,' \ We ‘ ’9 , 5 ~ I 0 Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
.’ . a. . 4 / , ’ . . . _ _. - ,, gs . w . . L , ~. \ 3‘7.) I, i L. g ‘ 1;. , 3t 2 published continuously as the Kernel
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. ' . '7 M—

 ME“ THE kENTl'LKi' kERNEL niiioy, Mn. 3. i971 — :i 'v
I t tio off dfo ._._
. o o i , ' .'
ion . . -.
ing natural Childbl/rth Cllulflcd ndvertlslng will be occeplcd ~""'""0""oooooooo ""0"""""Oloovov .- h
. on I pre-pnld buts only. Ads may in JOB OPPORTUNITIES WANTED -. ‘ . '
"11g [plunged In b perso'rli Monday throufl: fi'f’f’OOooovoooo'Ooooor ff0~ooooooooo’~vo -- o , . .,
e 11 By PRINCESS M- LAWES to no n... n... ma m... n mm... are: 3.2:: 523333.25..“".’.”.‘{§“‘:}..11? . . , . -
en. 1 Kernel Staff Writer 1058 painful.“ Ill, Journnllsm Bldg. for Mr! Loul M K 5N“ 299.745nv 1x5 ' ._ 1
of The Lamaze method of “We are not teaching natural ,ofszgggnfig-g'gu'vz',figmfi;ffigj STUDENTEEEVEEOO:"Eli-Ill:A«(Ir-1:17;: xii—llifni—iinnlnTi:“In. .4, gay... " " . =
. ' ' ' i" x i ‘ i . ' - , ._ gm d 1 20 - d . 5‘" money. Part or fllll-llli‘f‘ int) [n ‘k 1‘ month in Rolling Rid-W AM“ "H '. ' '_
childbirth 18 designed to theVL Llllldblrtll although we do not a": 1'" 30 “list“: 0:111“: 39: '“gr'; '.'""‘““”' Q... “1"": hm... {f if. Tom. Cri-l-k. 272—5092 3N9 ;~ . . .
em unpleasant pain duOfdmg to Ms. discourage anyone who wants to over 20 words, per Insertion. L331? ffif‘dtg'kfify' :‘h *nger V}_r- HST—73“.“? “T f- . . . ' .
by Caroline Conger. chairman of a have it." she said. “We try to he w'irofietdfldglllneuls '1‘, “-5". :‘h' 4"! -md ON;.':::'.-MAW{:1:,:\,: {hill-«emf? iill-illf-rsv...()iio‘r‘l'r'i.=Cain} ' -' .
. . o u on on. . a . V .4 ., . . . ‘ ., -‘7‘, . . ‘ . _ ‘
”81 program sponsored by “18 tlcx1blc and accommodate m7):l cltcp race. lrellglzn ::rllsletl:;:| FOR RENT _N~~- 13 (.133‘1‘1‘xi”_:_‘7_fl00:23 . _ . -
. . , u . '. ~ ' ‘ x . n or g n Is a qul lflcttlon for rentln ’W'N””’NN""' v ') . . .r. ,‘.. r. H, ". g.
0“ LLXll’lg‘tOH “ASSOLMUOII lOI LVLTYODL. . rooms or for employment. ' FURNISHED apartment for roll. berl- EEKEELMILE‘Shim!”,..‘}‘.',:(fwf}ll,,..‘Lin”. . ' .l
CI'S. Parent l‘.dUC2lllOl1. ClZISSCS Lll‘C‘ llCld ill (yOULl meooooooo Effigy DNVflCLYkIEMYEjt fully "Clipped :‘xrts Blllldll.L‘ 2 beairtmmk. Kitcln-ii, . 1‘. 5 ‘3. .l
‘ ' w . . l 1‘ 9n “(WIT . lil ll"; Lil .' ' " ., _ . - ‘r - y 4 . I. .‘-
)Od C 01')ng Silld lllC program Sillilillllllll Hoslnta] t’VL'l'}' ONNN'EP'B’EAOI‘OEO'N’o-O' Dlfl' 260 South Limestone Strict. 4N1) run" 252 28% AN.) . h“ l ‘
operates under two “princmles; Tuesday night and :it the UK 19;“ BRONCO’ 4_wheol dmu SUM ,-m--~.[;;;--------- mSCELLANEOUs ;.
111d - “[31. t0 'dCCOIldlIlOH and Medical Center on Wednesday l.“““‘“’“ 5‘.) Pound hunting b0“ $3.3- W----.J-T.-m,---fl 'm""'""m""“' ' .f .
,, . . . 511111115?) Civil War lit-line! $11. })h()ln‘ GENERAL automotive repair ard ‘ ' '
on UHCdUCfltC CXPCCMHI mothers nights. In addition to the actual 2990022 :iflL’l 5. 2m BLUE LLK flmtornglcke; “nth 19714 nine-up Guaranteed work coil n
, . H ,, , . . ..._,.._ E._ ._. ,_._-_M __, ,7 7", ........__ new)»: I e rout. _ our". . in: lane Hi i . _: i v . .,'-.
e!’ db?!” . the horrors of training, there are also early KAWASAKi 25m Euduro 1970, like 258-2428 “Mr 1 D-m- “(Mum 5N9 254 2926 after 5 pm' Mk m “553:5 ' V ‘
the Chlldblrth and SBCOUd. t0 prenatal classes to introduce the WW» m really good shape. Would .
. . . . . like to sell before Winter. 8550. Call
reconditlon and instruct them in Lamaze method to interested 253—1956 after 6. 3N9 ShO DOWNTOWN , ‘-
’ . M. c o l t I
methodology to make It a expectant mothers. PAPER ROUTE ., Courier-Journal p - '

_ . ' ‘ . . ' . mornings only. P- 350 w kl '_ Vii ' ' 1 '. l E.
pleasant and rewardmg All the Instructors in the gum 0,1,..2 hogggworp‘fia; 5.3;“ where the Fashion Action is!
experience. program are registered nurses. 253—2367 after 6 p.m. N5 ' "

. . , - - . .- M g, ,
"he . The Lamaze method was There 18 also a Medical Adusory BUY beautiful Persian carpet at reas- '- I} a.
. mtroduced t0 Lexmgton five Board which consists Of lWO onablc price, from student going & {I
has . . . . . _ . home. Call 254-8766 after 6 pm. 5Nll . ‘ . »
”y years ago. It 1s essentially an obstetricians, Dr. William ‘g7m_—_~ _- ‘I ~
‘ ‘ ' ' , - . , . . runs real well; needs . . . . i
to Intense "ammg Program during Schultc, clllet-Of-Staff at Good somebody work. Standard shift. S400. Complete Third Floor of Collegiate Fashions
. the last two months of Samaritan and Dr. Philip 03112544766 after 6 p-m- 5N1!
u . M - V I ‘ ’ ‘
m pregnancy U1 Wthh the women Crossen, and a number of BfQTORCYCLE fiSe: En Texaco sm- 2 Hours FREE PARKING , _ , . a!
, 4 . .‘. Ion. corner lg - uclidr; stereo -~.~ ' -‘ ' \
’lat are taught to {Clint and deYeIOP pedlatrluans- equipment. records; Encyclopedia In- 01' the Ben A“ Guru e .". __. . .
d appropriate breathing techniques Each training session lasts gfiigfggloal; 800k 0‘ A"; 269-51311 9 g ‘ ' . ~..‘
. . . . - - ' ' I ' A» . . .
d" WIth the aid of Simulations. about two hours. Ms. Donna jUSl‘ behind Embry s —— With purchase! ~'. g-
e’ “We are not trying to fool Rogers, registrar for the TYPING _. .. “~ t
)y’ - - - ‘ 4 Wow _ .. >. » .
ine anybody .lnto thinking we “in program, can be contacted at PROFESSIONAL typing. — Theses. .
make childbirth painless said 2 9 9 - 5 0 0 0 fo r fu r t h er égemes. tlfrm papersinziurziltlifindf/im. . . .. ' ; .-; -
- . . . . . . s . ve s. v. ' r. ' “
55’ Ms. Conger. ‘We are Just trymg Information. 25%-3‘337. 355; £33??? p.m.l mnle ° . ,_ ; _’ y ,1 -_:
ns: = ooo-oooooooo-oooooooo OCletaS r0 69‘ us I' ' f '
0 FAMILY i . '.
. o ‘ .. i
l... ' l 'O ay an '1 'Omorrow g COD NSELING . 0N5 .. ..
. o a . .
ses 1 3 Health Servrce . NOW BEl NG ACCEPTED ‘ 1 . ..
3v. 3 233-5823 . ' . _
- - O ' ' ' l ‘ . .
The deadline for announcements is TOMORROW 0 Counseling and Testing - Applications may be Obtall‘lEd In 1415 OT,
7:30 p.m. two weekdays prior to the ° 0 . ‘
first publication of items in this A I R F O R C E 0 F F I C EB ° 258'8701 ‘ ~; . .
' column 3UA151FYUfG dTEgT (”0503‘me g a returned by November 15 ‘
' e a minis ere a.m. a ur ay, _ _ ' o . .
TODAY Nov. 6. Room 206, Barker Hall. 00009009 oooooooooo , .7-
featuring Dr. D- W. Martin. D- H- clean-up. Meet at the Koomer Ridge - . _ ._
l Baldwm C0» 4 p.m. Friday. Nov. .5- Campground. Rt. 15. at 9 a.m. . 1'
31:12:! 153' Chemrstry-Physrcs Saturday, Nov. 6. Bring lunch and ‘ ‘
. mg. drinks. 7“”? . . 1'
T1913.“ N AMdE NdTF ,g Al‘gES CAMPUS FRIENDS OF PCCA l. J M E N N E N NOW only 50s 89C _ "INNS" ”l 2' .
app lca 10“ peno en 5 n ay. 0‘“ s onsor Action Conference on strip 8 _"’
5. n... no... on. .......-.. gm... .0 ..... .0 4 p... 3...... PUSHBUTTON V, . , \ kin Bracer. . . . ._
ends Wednesday. Nov. 11 for bridge. Nov. 6. Student Center Ballroom. / deodorant l . x 125 33C AFTER SHAVE / .. » .... 7‘ 1l . ,
Each entry. 15 $1 and entry forms are HISTORY 104 STUDENTS: A 3;“, . ANACIN ; (I. X . , 1
$3233.23?“ m Room 203‘ Student special exam to fulfill this Now 4 oz. i FAST Now 4 01. . .‘ _. '
. requirement will be given 9:30 a.m. i . r , ,1 , D a i i . .
BRIDGE TOURNAMENT AND to 12.30 p_m_ Saturday. Nov_ 6. 89C \“Wffiffmflal‘éifi -- i ’3‘,” 89C ‘ . . ('9 ,/
FASHION SHOW sponsored by Room 108. Commerce Building. For . RELIEF *1 ~ J . , ,
1593989: (ixlpthaC-lzio plsmnfinggll. NOV- more information see Dr. Daniels. ’ .
. u en en er m room. .. > .
Admission is $2'with proceeds going SgCElI;¥¥' Slag: fgggkAiizfnllg . . . y
‘0 “819 °°mmumty “h“d’en- collectors to attend a meeting 2 p.m. - ' . - , . — .. _
S?CIIETdASh,P%O LEGlBUS. Sunday. Nov. 7, Faculty Lounge. 33 ; SUPERS'ZE ~ ._ .-
pre- aw ea ers ip onorary. is now Student Center. 5 y I t .' 'i .
accepting membership applications '< e 8 But TABLETS 75C . CO 90 e . X"
and may be picked up in Room COMING UP DENTURECLEANSER 0 ~—— 20: on... a... “Man“... ,-.,
1415. Patterson Office Tower and _. . . _, . . , . . '_
returned no laterthan Nov.l5. 0 0M 1) UT ER SCIENCE M _ i
edlum .
ATTENTION HISTORY 108-109 COLLOQUIUM presents‘ Allen 57c re .‘ .
Students: A special exam will be Newell. Carnegie-Mellon Universny _ , mm.“ _ . , _,
given upon request that will satisfy on A Survey of Artificial Intelligence I l U ‘ ' . . ,I ‘ ’
your requirement if you’re enrolled 4 p.m. Tuesday. Nov. 9, Room 208, . .. r0 8'“ paér‘zi‘rse. .. i
in the College of Arts and Sciences. Classroom Building. Coffee will be -.... '
Ask your teacher for more served 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9, m AEROSOL . .
information. Room 943. Office Tower. 21,; SCH ICK _ . . . _ . . ‘-
ABORTION COUNSELING. presents John Wisdom. University of FOR THE LOOK AND FEEL OF HAIR INJECTOR :_. ,. ,V .
Women‘s Center. Call: 252-9358 Oregon. 8 p.m. Tuesday. Nov. 9, ",1. was." 1" ‘ ‘ " I .
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday Room 118. Classroom Building; 8 (if; NO 7 01. size $1.25 ”Hagan"; :1 .‘ . _ _ ‘
through Wednesday. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. p.m. Wednesday. Nov. 10. Room ””31; 5 a ‘1. so»: . .'
on Sunday. If emergency during 118. Classroom Building and 4 p.m. *. ”Twflgw ‘ . -. . ' _
other hours call Patti or Laurie at Thursday. Nov. 11. Student Center l-e'fixhxi‘w . . g “ 3
253-2284. T