xt7h9w09080m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09080m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1936 Vol.7 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, January 1936 Vol.7 No.8 1936 1936 2019 true xt7h9w09080m section xt7h9w09080m link“; I I , 5
* 5‘5
1| ‘
3 5
5 5 . ' L5 5
. —- Of, Bu, Jlnd For Kentuckq newspapers -—- 5; 5
5 . 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
5 Volume Seven JANUARY, l936 Number Eight 5 5
v v V v 55 5
Count": Journallsm Program Of Mud-Winter Meeting :5
Stronger Than Ever Thursday, January 16 Trade. . 5 5
5 -——. 6:30 p. m.—Regist.ration and buffet Saturday, January 18 555 5
5 By A. ROBBINS dinner in Roof Garden, Brown Hotel, 9:00 a. m.—Business session in Louis 55
Like the 0161 Grey Mare Country compliments of the Brown Hotel. 16th Room, Brown Hotel. ' 5 5
Journalism “ain’t what she used to be,” There will be no cover charge to Address by Colonel H. Dorsey New— 555 '
but unlike the Old Grey Mare, the KPA members in the Night Club and son, Chief Information Section, Fed- 3.55 5
- 5 country newspaper is younger, strong- in the Blue Grass Room. eral Housing Administration, Wash- 55 ’
er and better than ever. Friday, January 17 ington, D. C. _ 55 5
5 The trend in the country field is 9:00 a. m.—Business session called 9:15 a. m.—Address by George A. 55
toward better newspapers all the time. to order in Louis 16th Room by A. Joplin, Jr., state Representative Na- 5:
Interesting newspapers, interpretative Robbins, President Kentucky Press tional Editorial Association, The Com- 5
newspapers. Subscribers are no longer Association, The Courier, Hickman, monwealth, Somerset, Ky. 55 5
completely satisfied with the local and Ky. 9:30 a. m._Address by Robert H. ‘ 5 5
5- personal 0011111111 and the country 001“ Invocation by Rev. Richard W. F. Pritchard, President National Editor- 5 5
respondence, tho they Shh remain the Seebode, First Unitarian Church, Lou- ial Association, The Democrat, Wes- , 1
“back-bone” of the community news- isville, Ky. ton, W. Va. 5 .
5 papers. Address of Welcome by Mayor Nev- 10:15 a. m.—Report of KPA Legis- 5‘55 5
‘5 Along with the locals the readers ille Miller, Louisville, Ky, lative Committee. 5.“
," want the big news played up, the 00h‘ Response by J. P. Gozder, Chairman 10:30 a. m.—Report of Secretary- 5 5
‘ structive news dug up, editorials that KPA Executive Committee, The News- Treasurer, J. Curtis Alcock, Daily Mes- 5
really mean something and say some- Journal, Campbellsville, Ky. senger, Danville, Ky. 31
5 thing, good local features, pictures, 9:30 a. m.——President Annual Ad- 10:45 a. m.—Report of Committee 5
some mention and interpretation of dress. on Resolutions. 5
state, national and international 9:45 a. m.——Address, “individuality 11:00 a. m.——Annual Election of Of- 5,
events. ' as an Asset to a Newspaper,” by Tom ficers. 5
When a news flaSh can go around Wallace, Editor Louisville Times. 12:00 m.—Adj0urnament. .5 ,
: the world in two minutes and a man 10:45 a. m.—Address, “The Function GOVERNOR’S RECEPTION 5, 5
5 can fly around it in a week, the world of a Modern Newspaper,” by John M. 4:00 p. m.—Reception given by Gov- 5 5
1 has grown so small that there is no Pratt, publisher The Herald-Post, Lou- ernor A. B. Chandler at the Governor’s 5; 5 5
5 community in the land so small or iso- isvllle, Ky. Mansion at Frankfort. 5
I lated that it is not interested now in 10:30 a. m.—“ Advertising Rackets,” Greyhound busses leave Louisville, 5. 5
5 What 555 going on in the world, because Roundtable led by J. L. Bradley, The Fifth and Broadway, at 1 p. m. and 5 i
5 those things efiect their everyday lives Enterprise, Providence, Ky. 2:30 p. m., arriving at Frankfot at 3 . f, 5
5 as never before. I Friday Afternoon, January 17‘ p. m. and 4:30 p. m. 5 5
5 All this means that publishing a 12:15 p. m.—Luncheon at Pendennis ———~——.—__ 5 5
. country newspaper is no longer a 30b Club, compliments the Courier Jour- KENTUCKIAN EDITORS CLAIM 5:
5 for a printer, but a job for an editor. nal and Louisville Times. “YOUNGEST EDITORS” TITLE 5;
5 A wide awake editor who knows what; 2:00 p. m.—Business session in Louis —— 5
5 is €0ng 0“ in the “mm and can meet 16th Room at Brown Hotel. A. E. Stevens, 21 years old, and R. G. . 5
changing conditions. It also means Address, “Newspaper Make-Up and Mauer, 19 years old, editors and pub- 5.
5 that to survive country editors and Headings," by John L. Lyons, Mergen- lishers of the Boone County Recorder, II.
publishers mu“; cooperate more 0105er thaler Linotype 00., Chicago. Burlinger, claim to be the youngest 5:
5 in the future than they ever have in 2:30 p. m.-—Address, Essentials of editors and publishers in the state. 55
5 the past. Cooperation,” by J. W. Hedden, Jr., Can anyone refute their claim? They I
The only way this 151111 cooperation The Advocate, Mt. Sterling, Ky. print an eight-page, six-column week- , 5.
can be obtained is thru our press 35‘ 2:45 p. m.——“Rura1 Correspondents ly and are giving Burlington 3. prac- 5.
. sociations. Looking into the future I and Circulation,” led by C. A. Hummel, tical community newspaper. Now who 5
5 confidently expect 5'0 see the services The Jeffersonian, Jeffersontown, Ky. is the oldest newspaper publisher in 1;
0f the KPA and NEA enlarged 50 that 3:45 p. m.—Address, “Free Publicity,” the state? Let the Press know.
5 they will not only be our protector and by c}, M, Pedley, The Herald, Eddy- ——————— 5
' adViSOI‘, but 0111' advertising and edi‘ ville, Ky. 5 Congratulations to J. M. Alverson, 5
torial agents, helping us to get out the 4:00 p. m.—-Victor Green, Manager Harlan Enterprise, on his selection as 5;
kind 0f newsmper our readers want International News Service, Louisville, a member of the highly important 5
and helping us to get the national ad- Ky., will explain use of the Teletype. state reorganization board. 5
vertising we deserve. 4:10 p. m.The Intertype Sound Pic- —-
' - The country newspaper is no more ture. Congratulations to our friend and 1‘
dead than the small town and city. 6:30 p. m.—Banquet dinner in the co-worker, Keen Johnson. We know, 5' .
5 It all depends on individual circum- Roof Garden of the Brown Hotel, com- by experience, that he’d do the job 5
5 (Continued on Page Three) pliments of the Louisville Board of right. 5‘5 I
5; ‘
"i 5 ' 5
. ' i. 5
5? l‘ 5
-. . 5‘5 5
’51 . 5 5 -.

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. iii 'I‘I . Page Two '< 1
'E E : THE KENTUCKY PRESS January, 1936 . I
| EE ii Kentuqu press 11-1 0011th newspapers, With an addi- those same officials to be required to ‘ C1
E? iI . tlonal paragraph for a specified penal- subject themselves to a vote of the
I: T; " M— ' ' . '
E E EEEE 3E 0113031 Publication of Tm: KENTUCKY WIFE: ifiggebmuomergfi thls act. . 13.901318 before being re—elected. It is E
1 E EEEE PIE PRESS ASSOCIATION con ‘ t' . e eves‘ at. these bills, Simply a qustion of putting important I
E Ex “I 7% $1” “’9 m natuie, W111 610 much and vital facts before the people who stz
i E 3E {E \IC‘rOR R. PORTMANN Editor totlmprove the status 0f the Fourth after all are the ones Who must D33; ' sit
‘I I if - =“I , a Es ate in Ke . ’
E‘IE E Printed on THE KERNEL PRL‘ss, Dcpart- Emma”, tanesfand: 11110 have the final deter- E W8
II;_ ”I merit of journalism Universit f mina ion m e operation 0f their gov- hi!
, I -: . y 0 HAPPY BIRT I . .
E E.g EE Kentucky, Lexington _ HDAY TO YOU. einment. E W
I I‘iE I: a . m—5 I he
E at PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS The follow .State papers are 0919‘ HAPPY NEW YEAR 3 D“
E E ‘1}: ,I’ __ brating their birthdays this month. a I IE an
E Augustus Robbins President H‘frrfi they ”3.111 MEG} _ Happy New Year to every publisher , thI
E , l , COurjer’ Hickman h e Kentuckian Citizen, Paris, A. S. and may 1936 bring you prosperity and I- wi.
M .Ii John L. Crawford Vice-Pres. T ompson, January 1’ vomme 130, No- good fortune- You might help the fates ‘ ‘
. IE . ITlmes—Tribune, Corbin Lthat only 130 years old! You baby! by attending the mid-winter meeting wil
35E EIE J. Curtis Alcock Sec.-Treas. asey cognty News, Liberty, Otis 0' at LOUiSViHE- You 03111101} blame every- 1'95
13‘, fl" Messenger, Danville Thomas’ editor, begins Volume 32' thing on the fates! gr<
Edit at Sentinel-Democrat, Mt. Sterling, G. __ _ cai
E if _ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE B. Senfi, editor, (now back on the job)
i f‘l Volume 69 on January 2. W. A. BEATTY DIES :1:
i “1 ‘ ‘ _—- ' ‘1 ‘ ‘ . _—— E
E ,_ E“, J. p. Gozder News-Journal Camp- Another 59 e1. Gemgetown Times William A B - . .
l u . ., , ‘ _ . I . eatty, editor and gen- ml
y E E E, bellsv111e, chairman; G. M. Pedley, 3415- LflalBell, publisher, VOIUm‘e 69 on eral manager of The Winchester Sun, E 611‘
E EH '1 Herald, Eddyville; J. L. Bradley, En- ““31? - _ died at 4 p. m., January 13, at his cal
I I .31.: 4 terprise, Prov1dence; Vance Armen- Gettmg alongin years! The WOOd' home fOHOWing an 11111953 0f five days gr‘
I Iii trOPt, Courier-Journal, Louisvil 18; ford Sun, Versailles, B0wmar brothers The newspaperman suffered a heart 1m
. E E'é E Keith Hood, Trimble Democrat, Bed_ (naf sect), Volume 68 on January 2- attack shortiy before 4 p. m. and failed by
E {E :3 "EE ford; Joseph Costello, Democrat, Cyn- SEVéW-elght years young! The to rally. He was taken ill last Wed- as
1 i 3;, infirm; James P. Norris, Independent, SEEM» 11“,] fat/031m, Sam Maxie, editor, nesday from an attack of acute indi- 1
I 59E '5 s and; Robert L. Elkin Central ume on anuary 2' gestion On Saturda his “ " '
I E “I E. I , . _ . o t o I OL
E E . E E Record, Lancaster; Thomas R. Under- Wairen' Fisher steered the Carlisle was reported improveg but 0:31:59; I iJ‘iei
E I 1 :13 E Wood, Herald, Lexington; Russell Mercury into Volume 70 on January afternoon he began to fail I ha‘
E E E E Dyche, Sentinel—Echo, London; Joe 2‘ ManyOmore safe harborS, Warren! Mr. Beatty a veteran .newspa er- { the
E E EIE E Richardson, Times, Glasgow. t Clay Qty Times, J- E- Burgh-er, edi— man and one of the best loved inphis 119‘
,I I i‘ :3; E - or, begms the new year on January 2 profession, came to Winchester in
I E” LEGISLATIV With Volume 41.
. E E L K E CQMMITTEE Co is l t' 1929 to assume the management of ' '1
E E: E .8811 Johnson, Register, Richmond, ngra 11.21 Ions to you all and may The Sun following the sudden deatl " .
I 4 IE? ENE chairman; George A. Joplin, Jr., Com- yo?” .presmge’ influence' and leader“ of Carl C Robbins owner a d b1 ale
E W; I monwealth, Somerset; Warren Fisher, Ship mcrease this coming year! lisher. ' , n pu - Cr:
. 7 E EI’ Mercury, Carlisle. H‘— The editor’s connections with local M]
, >‘. 1.7-3‘ M, OF‘ we
E I, FICIAL PUBLICATIONS newspapers, however, go back to a. E its
El E E A PROPOSED PROGRAM An account again comes to this of qfiaiter Of a century When he was one '1 ecu
l ‘I‘ E“ . ‘ 0 he owners of The Sun—Sentinl 5 ‘
iI' . .- E: fice, tho from another st t e. edi
;E 'l; t; The Press suggests the following misappropriation of fun :5 e, to: 1the He and Col. R. R. Perry, late of this V
‘E I E proposed program fOr the considera— 1 . .0 aing city, established The Sun as a daily I am
:El . ;. .; tion of the KPA and its 16 islati neary $20’009 by a my Offimal Who newsPaper- '
E I E 3 i . committee 1: g V9 was not required to account for funds - eve
,1 h 1‘ E , o be placed before the . , _ , . . The newspaperman was a native of -
Ii : I present 1 - 1 t . _ under his direction In itemized state- - - neV
I I I E =':I . BEIS a 1116. ments to th bl' . California, and from that state he de- E “1:11
E9 , 3: ‘ A 10111, based upon the New Jersey farm What ae 11.) u ,ch m newspaper parted to newspaper positions on Chi- cat
I E E I 1 act, to protect press confidences. ernment also p IDS 1:110 Enumc‘pil gov— cago papers and elsewhere. He was eigi
I :23 E A bill, based upon the Federal act, ministration e n coun y ad" at one time managing editor Of The cen
_ . . 2‘ I, that all Citations for contempt of court . ' Lexington Herald.
‘ I, E 2-. I shall b t . ‘ , When Will the slaughter stop? - - J
I- : E i jud e ried before a dismterested Again these reports come in Who Before coming to Winchester, Mr. ‘ R0]
1 M I ge. _ , - Bea‘tt was 11 ' '
E 5, E 1 A bill, based upon the New York act cant (:tbmateb 1Ezhe amount of money in Florida 8 gaged in the professmn A.
IE . E E _ . I was 6 u ' ' ' _ ' '
, E 3 E I E ’60 permit newspapers, under condition- mg hirinyg pandiogggfl'ls’ buymg’.seu He was a member 0f the bar and‘Ia E ‘ .C
I; . i” E 31 prmlege, to print news of the ar- f 11’ b 1 ’ . p g mney “ght- graduate of Leland Stanford Univer- C“?
I I: '.E I? 1West and charge in criminal cases (with uLIIIdy ilim'gmg to the people and only Sity' pre
E. E3 , the specification of the exclusiOn of er eir direction as 'truSteES? Mr. Beatty suffered a cerebral hem- ' Inc
E 3i In M E: divorce and scand-l What corporation in the country h ~
E [I i , if: 1. . ‘1’ nEWS) when pre- would stand for it9 As stockhold ‘ orr age and a paralytic stroke £01- T
E E H" E ixmnary papers are filed with a. judi— the cit th ' ers 3m lowed- WI
[E E l E eial officer so that only the judge can y, or _e county, how long W111 E— E Dec
I" E i if dispose of the case The merits of thi people hat the” Offimals handle thou- Th‘
I E E EI bill were discussed'at some 1 S sands Of dollars annually WithOUt giv— A newspaper man has been named ‘ f0“
E E EE ‘I' I Editor Don Weaver Covin t ength by ing a strict accounting private secretary to GOV' A' 3' “Hap- ‘ ., MuI
E _'1__;» E5 , ”11¢“,th meeting last Each, at the But aside frOm any question of py” Chandler of Kentucky. He is Wal- ' has
E E 5 II" for as statutory law is coma??? As Wrongful appropriation or wrongful ter Warring Mulbry, 2” native Ken' ‘ ever
5 I J] 'I ery news , e » ev— spending of public funds, not implied tuCkla'n who has been an employee or 'fl
. Ii paper today commits techni- ~ , - . . th 0' ' ' we
EE .‘ E‘ ii: cal libel when it prints su h in any instance in Kentucky, it is an e Incinnati POSt for the last five peo
E Hi“ 3 the arrest and charge 0 news of essential principle of democratic gov- years. He and Mr. Chandler were E a
Z i. i E A . ~ . ernment that the public be kept in~ roommates when they attended Tran- .4 pp
Egg U . codification of the Kentucky act formed of what officials are doing. sylvania College at Lexington, E sorr.
E E ~ , g :: Sggilégnngffiqlatlsgtwho Spend public This is not a reflection on the officials, —— if;
“E 3 i , prin iemized statements any more than it is a reflection on On to Louisville!!! ‘ nal
‘55. E i i ‘ .
E ‘ i ’ . ‘
r-‘I‘ E . 2r?“
E E“ E? E , . ‘ .
f. It” ‘ E X» 1 I \ ‘ ‘ E233}.- '
E Ia E3 . ~ -, , " 2
\' . - , ‘ : ‘ ~ :urn ,, , E

 iii . I
. 'll
‘aZI'I I
s f January, 1936 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three . I
i ' I
to I COUNTRY JOURNALISM HICKMAN COURIER SOLD The Carlisle Mercury has installed a I
the STRONGER THAN EVER ___._ font of 8 point Linotype Paragon with I i
is __ The Hickman Courier, a weekly bold. 4
int (Continued from Page One) newspaper, the oldest in Western Ken- The National Editorial association I
no, ' stances. The small town or city that tucky. has changed ownership, it was will meet in Maine during the week of I
my , sits back and sticks to old—fashioned announced January 3. J. T. Howard of June 21, awarding to announcement .
er- I ways in this day of high powered cars, Effingham, 111-, purchased the proper— from headquarters. Start a savings ac- I
)v- - high powered selling. and airplanes, ty from A- Robbins, who has been count this week, as the annual pil—
I will probably die, and the country owner of the paper for the last nine grimages of the NE A are both instruc- I
I neWSpaper that does the same Will years. tive and educational. See America ‘ 3
: probably die. But the towns and cities, Mr. Howard. a native of southern first! I
I I: and their newspapers, which are 011 Indiana, near Louisville, is a graduate I
19]: '. their toes to meet modern conditions of Indiana University and the Univer- : {j
m “ will not only survive but will flourish. sity of Illinois. ——'—'—_ II
tes Within fifty years the United States Mr. Robbins, who‘is president of the * I
ng will be a static nation. We will have KPA, will continue with the Courier as I
.y_ . reached the end of our population associate editor for the present, and ‘ I
growth, if present trends continue. Be— announced that he would continue to 1 9 3 6 I,
cause of this trend, we can no longer live in Hickman.
hope for our towns and cities to grow The Courier was founded in 1859 by I
i as they have done in the past. We the late 001- George Warren and has :'I
n- I I must build for the future on the pres- been operated continuously since that . I
in, ent foundations. That means more time. MOdCI‘DlZC I
us careful planning and building. The —— I
vs, greatest help we can get along these The editor of the Rolling Fork Echo, ' i
at lines is from our press associations and John J. Barry, fell on the ice in front f 01' .
Ed by careful reading of their publication, of the postoffice and fractured tWO - .
d- as well as other trade papers. ribs. Dr. J. L. Greenwell, attending 1
[1- In my opinion the greatest field in physician, announced his condition is P fi
an I 5 journalism today is in the country not serious. I‘O tS
ay iI field, for those who are willing to work This office has received Volume One
I hard, use their heads, cooperate with Number Two of the I-Iindman Herald, .‘I
1-- their fellow editors and publishers and a bright newsy paper published by the I
iis keep in step with the parade. Herald Publishing Company with R. C. I
in I ————-——-— .Bailey as editor. We congratulate Mr. 0 1936 offers real Opportuni-
of ' The students of Corbin High School Bailey 0“ his new enterprise and WISh ties to the paper that is ready I ‘I
ill 'I are regularly given a page in J. L. him every success. . . . 3
b- I Crawford’s Daily Tribune for their The Kentucky High School Press to cash in on them . . . to the I
M room 11 White,” devoted to the association met at the University on . . ;
al welziare ofa tcliie school. The page has December 1344 With 25 high 50110015 p ubilsher Who ls prepared . I I
a I its own staff including Truman Smith, represented and over 100 delegates in to give increased service to
16 I editor, Miss Thelma Cole, associate attendance. These “kids” are all bright . . . :I
;1_ I editor. and intelligent and devoted the two hls readers and advertisers :‘
is William E. Hacker-’5 Fleming Gazette days to “shop talk” and ways Of im- through a bigger a more at- I
ly I announced “the largest circulation proving their $011001 publications. We . I ‘
, ever reached by a Fleming County hope that many editors will take time tractlve, readable paper. , ‘
)f I n n - abo e an ear e hoin off next year to meet with these high .
:— “1313:??133: 5,211: of vcontinuous cpumig school journalists and give them en- Recent LIHOtype develop—
i- cation.” The paper changed to an Couragement- ments in machines and type '
is eight-column, ten-page paper on De— Many state newspapers appeared in . .
[e cember 12_ Christmas dress wtih augmented pages faces prOVlde the means to . '
John J. Barry’s local editor of the for the Chr‘smas and. honda’y. trade' keep your paper up to date, I
r. I . . . . Spemal pages, or sections, while re- .
Rolling FOik Echo in New Haven ls . . i
n I A. W. Torrey. . quiring plenty of'hard labor and. long and to reflect your progress .. . II
. hours, pay well ln prestige, advertls- . . - I
a I , IOrgna D. Embry is editor of the Cave ing, and satisfaction. in lncreased profits through . I
._ , City. Progress and Carlos B. Embry is Your fellow publishers are interested more efficient production. I
preSldent of the Embry Newspapers,- in What you are doing and What is I
__ Inc. . happening to you. If you plan on get- . ., II
.- The Stanford Interior-Journal’s edi— ting married, or divorced, or adding
tor, E- 0- Walton, pointed out in the new machinery to your. plant, take a MERGENTHALER ,. I I
December 13 issue that on the previous minute of your busy time and drop a LINOTYPE COMPANY I
Thursday he had concluded his fifty- line for the next issue of the Press. I
E1 . " fourth year in the newspaper business. We are happy to state that Clarence BROOKLYN’ N'Y'
Much of Mr. Walton’s success no doubt Matthews, publisher of the Maysville SAN FRANCISCO ' CHICAGO
: . has been due to his courage in con— Public Ledger, who has been seriously fifg‘éggggifiifiggNAmAN
.f . every question of importance to the 111 for some time, is improving. TORONTO'CANADA' .
e .. scientiously taking a stand on any and A. F. Ho-flman, Ewing Enquirer, re— R t It , t]
e I people of Lincoln County. Mr. Walton cently installed an automatic feedi 13:33:92? Eiii’fsséfafeewiwia I
_ .4 apparently never has been so busy on platen press to make his plant up-to—
I something else as to use imported, the-minute in efficiency. L‘NOTYPEBODON'BOLD ANDE‘CELS‘OR I
. canned editorials. May he continue The Bath County Outlook has in— , ‘I
. I:‘.I long at the head of the Interior-Jour- creased its size from four to eight ““‘I'ELI N DTYPE "MK"
.I. nal! pages and is bright and newsy. ‘ .
I f ' I . l
. . I . . . II
; , . , ' ‘
$413,; -. ' ‘ i’

 i I I Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS January, 1936 . I
I' 7‘. «if
{I II5 .73 —.___-———-————————-— I
; i; .3
SI 'I: 3i
i t
3 I I: I: . H“ of D 11
I I I? I Pouring M1 ions 0 ars I
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I: Into the Public Treasury .
I II II . o l S 0 I —
:1 :2
I; II - And Effluent y ervmg I Adv
I. IE I B'
‘2: ' , <
II I The Natlon o o o o o ' o o I
I III I, ,. Just
III saw fit
I: 5W: 8. discu
25 I? ‘ : ets” is
.I; a; I have p
I III II I _ I any at]
I I II: The United States of America enjoys the most effi- I feltblth:
I . - Pm 6“
II III III , cient, the most extenswely used, and the most economical 6113?;
I I II ' electric service in the world. ’ daily 17
II I} I: I fronted
Ii ,5 vertisin;
I I II II . that the
I I All of it has been developed from scratch by far-Sighted I her of
‘ ;‘ IEI I . _ . have be
I I: private enterprise and daring private capital. er is at
III I‘Ie . an orde
‘ II I printer
I 9 [II . . . . . - , get the
; i I; While engaged in this gigantic building and operating I afraid t
, I III I . . . listed a:
I I III II activity the electric power industry has poured into the I a slacke
l .‘I It; ; _ _ _ the cl e
I I I I public treasury millions and millions of dollars in taxes, and I Refceln
I, ‘ II I _ _ said ‘nz
'I I I II it Will continue to do so. . ,5 dutiels o
! I; tect the
II I II II ' Ifi'om bei‘
'2 x; 5 I . . - I I3 ‘ ‘
1' : I :5 I IWouldn’t it be folly to destroy this industry, or to crip- . I 335:]:
I I I I ple it seriously, by politico-economic tinkering that would Ig‘fitfig‘;
‘ I I pile a back-breaking load on the small taxpayer without ' @3132”:
I I I I"?! really benefitting him? ; I 55:31::
I I I II Ii “ ‘ and wari
I I 3 5 , Others h
- I .- ,i i m“w'~ ‘up with
I 5 I I I'; I The m
, I : I the prom
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I I I: I Usually,
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3 I II ‘1; ' ~ SOIring a
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