xt7h9w09079b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09079b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1934 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1934 Vol.6 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, August 1934 Vol.6 No.3 1934 1934 2019 true xt7h9w09079b section xt7h9w09079b “ ' I» E ' * ‘ » H \
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‘ Code Authority Number I E
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E Volume Six J J Jive / ;
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E l Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1934
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' 3 3: E Procedure For Adlustment Of Code Complaints 1
1 z 1 l m _‘
1““ THE PROCESS IN BRIEF authorization of said Committees to dustries A—2 and A-5” (see sample 3
E E ““1; —-———- handle such complaints; and finding attached). E
». E 1 EEE‘E The method of handling complaints that said plan, as placed on file with The respondent shall have a reason-
3, E NEE!“ by Regional Fair Competition Compli- the National Recovery Administration able time, fixed by the Committee '
“ “ “.‘ ““EE“ ance Committees (Fair Trade Practice in Washington, conforms to the re— within which to answer the complaint. E
E E“E Committees) of Regional Code Author- quirements of Title I of the National In the event of a default in answer-
E“, ~“EE,E ities may be briefly summarized as Industrial Recovery Act, and regula- ing, the Committee shall request furth-
, “ EEE follows: Five copies of the complaint on tions issued thereunder, and is well er information from one or all of the
. E““ NRA forms are filed with the Regional, designed to promote the polleles and parties to the. complaint or order a
‘i i II E E; who sends one to the National. The purposes of said Act; and that the hearing at which it Shall request the E .
1’ «1 EEE respondent is notified and sent the membership of the Committee of the appearance of either one or all of the .
13 “.“ 1:: code and “information” is the com— Joint National Code Authority, as set parties, and the production of any in- “
‘. “" “El plaint appears to disclose a violation. forth in said plan, is well qualified to formation, books, records or correspon- \
, 1 1“ 1%!“ If the respondent does not reply, more serve theron, dence relevant to the complaint or E
, . ““1“ information may be requested or a NOW, THEREFORE, I, George Buck- answer. i
,3 j EXEEEE . hearing called. Either the respondent ley, pursuant to the authority vested in The Committee may request the sub-
“ “EEEEEE or the complainant may ask for an me by the Administrator for Industrial mission of briefs by either one or all
. HEEEEE oral hearing, but the Regional may Recovery, and otherwise, do hereby parties to the complaint and answer.
1 ““ E ,fEtEEi sustain the complaint without a com- approve said plan of organization and If the respondent shall have duly A
2 g EEEE“ plainant’s hearing. Respondent may procedure, and the selection of the made answer, and shall have therein EE
, - i E“l EEEE appeal to the JNCA, or notify the membership of said Committee of the requested an oral hearing,
: " ; lE'EEE committee (in writing) that he has Joint National Code Authority, and The Committee shall order such hear-
' . 1 E i1 5“ stopped the disapproved actions and officially authorize said Committee of ing upon notice and hold such hearing
1 E “ EEEEE will abide by their orders or make the Joint National Code Authority to before rendering its decision.
E 1 j EEEE restitution if necessary. If respondent handle trade practice complaints in If the complainant shall request an E
‘I .“ ,“z '- IEE .3EE“E does nothing, the Secretary or Regional said Industries, and do further author- oral hearing, the Committee shall in .
E “'1 f 1““ i: EEE Administration Manager may publicize ize the establishment of Regional Com- like manner order a hearing, unless the '
E, 1 ’E E‘E‘EEE the case and take other necessary ac- mittees to handle such complaints; decision of the Regional Agency sus- E
E. E E,“ El“ tion by law. Appeals may be made by provided that, any changes in said plan tains the complaint without such oral Y
“1; “ “i E .3“ EE either party to the Joint National Code shall be subject to the approval of the hearing.
E E E r zEEEE: Authority (in writing) within 20 days Administrator, and any changes of In the event of an oral hearing or-
E“ It; . “El“E of the notice of the decision, but ap- membership on said Committee of the dered by the Committee in its own E
. i . , EE “9“? peals must be filed with the Regional Joint National Code Authority and any discretions, and on request of the com-
, ‘ _, E EE E“, at least one day before being sent to selection or changes of membership on plainant and respondent, the Commit-
: ‘ E, “ 1, “E3.“ the National. At all hearings the said Regional Committees Shall be commu- tee may require the submission before
1‘ E 1“ E,- EEE“ Committee may decide what evidence nicated to the Administrator and sub— the hearing of briefs by either or both E
1 E i " ‘1 EEE to accept. The Regional may refer a ject to his review. parties to the complaint. I
' 1 E 5' 1 ENE complaint to the JNCA any time that This order may be modified or re— 2. If the decision Shall be adverse to ,
E 1 31 E, EEEE it feels the complaint covers a real yoked by the Administrator at any the respondent, he shall have areason- E
E E i“ ““1 IKE violation which the respondent ignores. time. able time within which E
E E ,4“ .; E; E Complete records, while the case is in GEORGE BUCKLEY, (a) To file with the Committee a sign- ;
“E E 1“?““EE E progress, must be kept and forwarded Division Seven. ed stipulation agreeing to cease and
j E E_ “E to the JNCA upon request. Each de- Approval Recommended: desist from engaging in the condemned l
3 EE I“ 1 E “l . cision in each case must be sent to the JOHN E. WILLIAMS, practices, and agreeing to abide by any ,I
E E . 1‘ , E E JNCA promptly. The costs are assessed Deputy Administrator. order of the Committee issued pursuant
35 1 1: E“ i by the Regional Administration Man- to the Code, and the Act, or other
1 1; E i 1 ,E E ager against the respondent if any part applicable laws, or ,
E E , . E1““ “ of the complaint is stistained, or PROCEDURE); (231333253113? AbigTS (b) To file with the Committee as
E; '. E’ 1; “I““l E ‘ against the complainant if the com— hereinafter provided, a notice of appeal
, . ': “E51“ ““1“ glamtlwas made in a spirit of frivollty 1. All complaints properly within the from its dealSion, order, or finding.d t
i E 1““3'““‘ r ma ice. , . jurisdiction of the Code Authority, and 3' In the event that the responlen ,
1 . 1 l ‘;;E“ E The NRA 5 013501921 approval Order . .- . .. shall fall or refuse to file such a stipu-
E E , ,EEE follows arlsmg in Region for State, 1 ti ti f a eal then the
, E E“: ’ May be filed with the Committee. a 0n, 01‘ a “0 0e 0 .125 , th Re_ .
E ' g E E“E —— Such complaints shall be in writing, 5.90“?” 0f the 09311:” Se orM ea er 1
, “I“ 5 5 it I Order preferably on the NRA Complaint form, glona .Code AdmuElS. ra ion an g
, g, :3“ , CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION copies of which may be obtained at all Sham gm Web 1"”th “‘0 the 9356 as
E i '1 :.. E for the post ofiices, and the Committee may direct, and in 2::-
: E i : EE : GRAPHIC ARTS INDUSTRIES Shall be signed by the complainant 231°“ 31‘3“" the Cis’gmltgetiii’lafide: ,
‘ EE: 1 E 4““, Eng _ -— and filed with the Regional Code Au— th: :2 tp 31,2131. “3:630 deryan (1 other ap- .
'E“ ‘; “E :E ““E Approval of a plan of organization thority (five copies, one copy of which _ ’1 ’ l
E E E1 1‘“ E E and procedure for the handling of trade shall be forwarded to the Joint National plicable aws. . _ I
1 i “E “:1 EE practice complaints in Industries No. Code Authority immediately). EXPEDt as herein provided, the pro- -
E , 1 E EE '1 A—2 and No. A-5. If, in the opinion of the Committee, ceedlngs of the Comm1ttee shall be , .
E ,_ E“ EiE An application having been duly the complaint alleges facts which if kept confidential. 2.“
, “E 5i 1 “1““ EE made, by the Jomt' National Code Au- true would constitute a violation of the 4. Both parties to the complaint shall 7-
, ‘1 “E E '13 thority for Industries No. A-2 and No. Code have the right to appeal to the Joint
E E ..' .E E1“: . A-5, for approval of aplan of organiza- A copy of the complaint shall be mailed National Code Authority from any de- E
“1- “l '1 112‘“ tion and procedure for the handling to the respondent, together with acopy cision, ruling, regulations, order, or 1
E; l. l of trade practice complaints by a of the Code and acopy of “Information finding of the Committee within 20 ~“
1 ’E I E El 7 Committees of Regional Code Author- for Persons Charged with Violation of days after receipt of notification there-
, EE E _ ‘ E ities of said Industries, and for ofiicial the Graphic Arts Industries Code, In- of.
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i August, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ; 2 E
I . .;
_ , __——_____‘_——-—————_— i , a
i . . . . g 22.222
"‘ Notice of appeal shall be in writing COSTS AND PRICE CUTTING others Will, too. 3, E. j
2 and filed with the Committee and with —— C. A. BAUMGART, l g;
.18 i the Joint National Code Authority, but The standards of fair competition for National Administration Mgr. j 32‘ if?
the notice of appeal shall be filed with the trade industry with reference to ._—___ . .2,
h- the Committee at least one day before pricing practices are declared to be as “In reply to your letter of July 2nd, 1 .
ee ' it is filed with the Joint National follows: may I inform you that any person or . Vj“
1t. E Code AUthOTitY- (a) Wilfully destructive price cutting firm authorized to use the Graphic Arts , .
r- 5. The parties to all complaints before is 'an unfair method of competition and Code Eagle may reproduce the same on ;
1- the Committee shall be given reason- is forbidden. Any member of the trade printed matter, but the Eagle must be I , .3 ‘2
1e able opportunity to present their re- industry or of any other trade industry placed near the name of the person or 3 _ ' ‘2:
a spective facts and views, but the Com- or the customers of either may at firm. If the entire Eagle is reproduced 5 , . 7‘
1e i mittee shall have full discretion in the any time complain to the Code Author- the words, “Property of United States ; i ‘ 92
1e 1' acceptance or rejection of evidence in ity that any filed price constitutes un- Government—Not for Sale” must be : . 5 ‘:
1_ i the case. fair competition as destructive price omitted. The entire Eagle may be used. . i
1_ \ 6. If at any time the Committee is cutting, imperiling small enterprise or or the Eagle may be used down through j . f 3
or { convinced that a complaint conclusive- tending toward monopoly Or the im- the word, “Code,” leaving off the name {3
, 1y sets forth a violation which the re- pairment of code wages and working of the Industry, etc. '
3- 5 spondent shows no disposition to cor- conditions. The Code Authority shall ERNEST A. GROSS, i
,11 rect or adjust, the case may be imme- within five days afford an opportunity General Counsel, N.G.A.C.C.” 3 2’ E 1
diately referred to the Joint National to the member filing the price to an- ' a. 3 9::
1y ,; Code Authority. swer such complaint and shall within CODE AND SMALL PRINTER I . ' 53';
‘11 ll 7. The Committee shall maintain 14 flayemake a ruling thereon If euch —_ , . ti
' complete records of every case heard by ruling 15 “Ct concurred m by either The question in the minds of most . ' k}
r- it. Each decision and order of the party to the complaint, all papers shall small—shop owners is whether or not . . g
lg Regional Agency shall be in writing, b‘? referred to the Research and Plan- they can continue with their smaller 2‘ 2i.
signed by the Chairman or Secretary, ning D1v1510n 0f NRA Wthh shall ren— equipment and more limited type dis- ‘ it
n I or by the Regional Administration der a report and. recommendation play in order to compete with the larger 2 ‘ if
.n Manager, at the direction of the Re- thereon to the Admimstrator. shop. Most owners are hopeful, but a 1 :1
Le ‘ gional Agency, and notice thereof shall (b) When no declared emergency majority are openly skeptical and be- ‘ ' i
s- E be sent by registered mail to all parties exists as to any given product, there lieve the legislation is aiming to elim- . 5‘ H
3.1 t of the complaint. ' is to be no fixed minimum basis for inate the small shop. ,
8. The Regional Committee shall for- prices. It is intended that sound cost Nothing is farther from the spirit of = 2 E5!
:- ward to the Joint National Code Au- estimating methods should be used and any code of fair competition, and the ; ; t
n . thority, upon the latter’s request, a that consideration should be given to rulings will, in the main, favor the 3' E"
1- ‘ complete record of every case heard by costs. in the determination of pricing small owner who is equipped to stand [ If“: i
i‘ it, and shall forward to it a copy of its polic1es. on an equal fOOting With other crafts- E E; 3‘
'e decision or finding in each case heard (0) When an emergency exists as to men. The code, however, will not per- g w
h by it. - any given product, sale below the stated mit industrial anarchism, and that has , E32!
{ 9. The Secretary, or the Regional Ad- minimum price of such product, in been the rule for the last couple of i
2o . ministration Manager, at the direction violation of Section 2 hereof, is for— years rather than the exception. 2;! :
L' I of the Regional Agency, shall ascertain bidden. In printing there are three principal l
1 the cost of the investigation, and shall . . HUGH S. JOHNSON, sales appeals: price, service and novelty. ,1 . i
2.- l assess the same against the respondent. Administrator for Industrial Recovery. A price appeal tears down and does E E
d If the complaint or part thereof is Washington, D. C. nothing toward the improvement of ) {I g
d i sustained, costs may be similarly assess- July 10: 1934- conditions in the industry. As such 1 i“
y . ed against the complainant if the it is industrial anarchism. Novelty is I it?“
it Agency shall deem the complaint 130 based on originality, and few are bless- I E}
er have been filed frivolously or ma— MORE ABOUT CODE EAGLE ed With that gift. E ‘ Vii-E
. liciously. -— The only feature remaining then, is E {it
.5 When I was at Charleston, South service. It is broadest meaning it is , {ii
Ll —_ Carolina, recently discussing the Code “a specialized knowledge interpreting E . ' if?
. . . . before the South carolina Press Asso- the customer’s needs." If a business it
it Each Regional Administration Man- ciation, the question was raised as to man has not this vision, then, and only E f}
- ‘ ager and. each member Of the.Fa1r whether an establishment might use then, will a code of fair competition ,1 2 if”
e Eompetition Compliance Committees the Code Eagle in connection with its tend toward eliminating him. On the i :2}
- I Fm Tr ade. Prim“? 0 mmit tees) Imprint in much the same manner as other hand, if he has this ideal before E 5 5,
‘1' 1 should familiarize himself “nth MA the union emblem is frequently used him and can combine with it apersonal '; f ‘ '2":
S E Bulletin No. 7’ Manual forthe Adjust- by establishments employing union contact plus a personal supervision, no .l f 2371
‘ gent 0f Complaintfi,k1)n melfli they W111 labor. code can shake his faith in himself and :1 . 1%"
e ‘ nggigiuwfitgltitefilandfiig of Soirgiafitls- I took this matter hp at Washington his confidence and determination to '2 1 ; f; l
1' nd no ha the wk on this to the stand on an equal footing With any 2 2 5: l
I About the only change that has been a W ve Ing ., . . ,, g 2
' l made in this procedure is that the effect that our establishments who are craftsman in his line 0f endeavor. Its . »
' referring of complaints “On Reference” themselves complying With the pro- the golden opp ortunity for small-shop l 2 i i
_ . has been done away with. It did not visions of the Code, including the pay- owners who can measure up.—Morris ( : ; l
e » 7 afiect us anyway for our approval ment 0f assessment ‘ Grace in CraftographS. } 2. :5 ‘
.; covers the handling of all such com- “May _use th? Graphic MS Code K . . g ‘ ti:
l1 f: plaints “in the first instance.” Eagle in their printers imprint A 99D K001 sale sounds interesting 5 .2 2;!
,1; If you do not have a. copy of the when they produce printed matter With the thermometer hovering around i 5 ‘H
_ E Manual for the Adjustment of Com for others, provided that the name 98 degrees Net only does sunnnerap- ; .; it
1‘ 2 plants let us know and we will see of the establishment appears near parel have spemal appeal at this time, . ,- i
0 K that you get it the COde Eagle.” but porch and lawn furniturehawnmgs 1. '2 i . .
_ - I am sure the South Carolina pub— and screens are timely. It is cooler .‘ 1, > E
E C. A. BAUMGART, lishers and printers will consider this driving too — SO don’t forget the 3 . ‘ a z,
National Administration Mgr. good news and I imagine some of the motorist. . I _ E
l :E . Ei‘l E
: s 'f' 2“
j l i :‘i
i 7’ I" {E1 E
Q. - :7 ,4" '2 . ,

 .-.:‘ :3:::“fil—,;:E EEEEE ‘
5 E“ nEEE .
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1. . E. HE -
E . E EEEEEE Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1934 E
. , E ._ I
E E; E- E.EEE —— ——-—_~————§ E
:5 E E EEEEE supreme court, circuit court, prerogra- FARM AID IN ADVERTISING E
. E E. EEEE K611111610; Press tive court, orphans’ court, surrogate — E
‘ E E-rEE ________—_____ court, court ofcommon pleas, court of Numerous dairy authorities have ,
E . E EE‘EE Official Publication of THE KENTUCKY oyer and terminer, court of quarter been suggesting that the most effective ‘
E E E 'EEIEE Puss ASSOCIATION sessions, court of special sessions, mag- and economical method of solving the E,
‘E '. E, E‘E —-——-—-—P————-—% istl-ate’s court, recorder’s court, or any dairy product surplus problems is to E
' E 'lEl E VICTOR R' ORTMANN " ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' " tribunal, commission or inquest operat— put on a nation-wide advertising cam-
E E . E E m ing under any order of the above men- paign to sell milk, butter and cheese. E
E ‘ EEEE ment of Journalism, University of moped courts- _ The government proposes to Spend E
_ . 3 1 Egg Kentucky, Lexington . No person engaged 1n, connected $200,000,000 in acampaign to aid dairy— ‘
E ; l E'EE m With or employed on any newspaper ing, the plan embracing an elaborate E
El , E ”E PRE~ shall be compelled to disclose. In any percentage reduction in milk produc-
l 1 g E ' EE ,— Pr 'de t legal proceedings 01' trlali;bef01'e any tion for each farmer; elimination of E
,EE- .:. E4 EEE George A- JOPEm’ Jr. - ‘ ' :51 n court 01‘ before. a; grand Jury of any cows and collection of a processing tax
, E. , E .EEEE Commonwealth, Ssmerine 'd t county, or a petlt Jury of any court, or to pay the bill. The dairy authorities E
l E EEE A. RObblnS -_ - 3 ice— re51 en before the “pre51ding officer of any tri- who have made the advertising Sugges- E
‘ ;. EEE . Conner: Hickman bunal or me agent or agents, or before tion say that for $10,000,000 an adver-
E ; E E E J- Curtis A1000]?- - - - Sec-Treasurer any committee of the legislature, or tising campaign could be planned and E
I E E l‘EE Messenger, Danv111e elsewhere, the source 0f any informa- put over that would increase the con- E
. EE E] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 131011 procured or obtained by him aind sumption of dairy products to a point 5
. :_ E7 ____,_ published In the newspaper on which where the surplus would be wiped out
, ; g 1 EEE J. L. Crawford; Chairman, Times_Tfib_ he 15 engaged, connected wish or em- With the probability that the dairymen
E ; :3 E EEE une, Corbin. ployed. ; ; would have to hustle to supply the E
. E : E g E G. M. Pedley, Herald, Eddyville; J. L. T319 pgmoste if ““5 a“ 15 to safe“ demand E
E E ,5 E Bradley, Enterprise, Providence; Vance guar an pro ec confidence 0f news- In other words they think the ad- E
j E E ;‘E E Armentrout, Courier -J ournal, Louis- papers and newspapermen. vertising campaign would do a better
.E ‘; E‘ , EE 3E ville; J. P. Gozder, News-Journal, “Other law that should be passed job than the production control plan E
E3 " IEE lE Campbellsville; Keith H. Hood, Demo— should be molded after the U- 5' stat- and do it $190,000,000 cheaper. A pro- ;
E ' E : E lEE crat, Bedford; Thos. R. Underwood, 11:5 alld as found on some state bOOE‘S- gram that would do a better job at a E
E3 5;; ‘~ Er‘lluEE Herald, Lexington; Joe Costello, Demo- T at :1? imam that in a1 contempt saving of that much money ought to a
E . . E EEEEE crat, Cynthiana; J. T. Norris, Independ- afiesée‘ et gal énust be held before a be considered.
l‘ E ‘4“ E3EEE ent, Ashland; R.L.E1kin, Central Rec- 15m leg e 11E ge. .AS It IS at pres- A great many people, without ex-
E . I. . ‘ 1. ’E 0rd, Lancaster; Joe Richardson, Times ent, the complaining Judge acts as com- - . ~
E -: IN E 1 ’ plaining witness prosecuting attorney p erience m the matter, have the idea '
_ g _ = M EE G ”30‘”- . d nd . ’ t t' ’ that it is useless to advertise food be-
‘EEEE Chairman Legislative Committee: Eu go, a Jury, a one 11116. cause “people have to have food.” It
. . s. ‘3 EE . . These laws should be on the Ken- .
. nE E B. B. Cozme, Shelby News, Shelbyvflle. tucky statute books Will ou d 0 IS true that people have to have food,
E ’ I - Eur E —-———_—— part? ' y 0 y ur but they have a wide choice of food. .
-j E E. E The two incidents, one last spring ' People CEO HOE? have to eat butter 01‘ l
E I E, E‘EEE and the other just finished in Dan- .H— drink mltlk- NEE/1131‘ dghthey hag: :3 E
E ; , " E ville, that have tended to undermine ea mea 01‘ rea - ey oug
E E E EEEEEE the right of freedom of the press in THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER gait suchh footcllf andt iltlleir geilth is E
E p . l: E our state and the right to protect . _ e er W en ey ea em, u 35 a
EE E E E EEE newspaper confidences, surely must or: $33? yéwsgagzgservlgsgrlnietsgf 213$ matter 0f fact they do HOE? have W E
E 3 E EE EEE awake in the minds of our editors the readers disagree, the newspaper is sorry, eat them. There are many substitutes.
lE -. 2 EE E need for an adequate 13W_ upon our but it cannot be bribed to betray the Hence the fame 0f persuasm.“
3 E . . , :E: statute bOOKS- _NOW 15 the time for our best interests of its community in order through advertising: The argument ls
? E. ‘: H E. Kentucky publishers to promote web to hold one subscriber. It may disagree all in favor 0f mllk and butter as
E E ‘ : ‘ EE! EEE legislation for their protection in the with a man today and agree with him against the substitutes. It is adver-
f E -I E: I E EEE future and to lay plans to have amodel tomorrow. This must be so because a “Sing that has built the demand for
E E E : EiE E‘E law, herein published, filed and passed newspaper is a public trust. Its de- substitutes and their sale has been '
E 2. I ; EEE E in our next legislative sessmn. . cisions must always be based on what enormous noththstandmg there 13
E : E,E‘;1Ej Maryland has had a statute Whl‘fh will aid the development of the com- much less t? b? Fa‘ld for them than for E‘
EE E E EEEE spec1fically protects newspapermen in munity and bring prosperity to its butter. A JUdICIOUS campa1gn, attrac- .
E i »EE1E:' such clrcumstances, and New Jersey residents. tlvely presented and perSIStent In Its E
E . j EEEE. recently wrote on. her statute books an Those who disagree with the news- character has many possibilities 0f
E; E EE E ideal law to preserve newspaper confi— paper must remember that if they could solvmg tne butter surplus problem.—
‘ E' ., EE i dences. The Editor and 131113115113? has control it easily, that others could, also. Long Pralr1e (an') Leader.
‘ “ , ; Efi Eg'i‘ long been 111”ng organized newspapers The newspaper is always open to news
E 5 E EEi El and associations to promote SUCh leg- and comments on diflerent topics and E‘
E E ‘E E E: islation where newspaper craftsmen 31:9 is glad to get them to enlarge its own The perfect alibi at last has been E
’ 'EE :E always at the mercy 0f vengeful P011' fund of information, but it must always found for editors who let mistakes ge'fi E
El: ; ‘1? EE EE 131013115- . . be free to decide what will be best for into print. A statistician has worked i
. t3. . 33; E)" E F0110W1ng IS the blew Jersey law that the community it serves. Any other out the number of chances for mistakes
. E , . EEE- E should also be written on the Ken- course would be a betrayal of public in one column of print. The number
'. E I' :E E .» jg] 1010ka statutes. LEE? us start HOW for trust of which no true newspaper would is 70,000 to one. In an ordinary news—
E E E EE definite “hon: be guilty. paper column there are 10,000 letters of
. , :1 4. 1E EE’EE “An act to define the obligation of It is to the interest of every sub- type; there are seven wrong positions .
' : E 1. E E .. newspaper employes when called upon scriber to insist that his paper stay that a letter may be put in; there are
E E E: E to testify before any court, tribunal, independent no matter whether he 70,000 chances to make an error, and E:
E, E14 El 3' .E commission or inquest. agrees with it or not for it is the one millions of chances for transpositions. E
, =?; l. .E 2 E; E" “Defim‘tion: By the word ‘court’ shall weapon which can be used instantly to In the short sentence, “to be or not to ll
E E E ‘E , a! be designated the following: court 0f fight corruption and graft without fear be,” by transposition alone, it is possible !
EE E EE . E EE errors and appeals, court of chancery, or favor. to make 2,758,009 errors.—Cappers. E
In" REE-E: E E 3E E"
it“! P“. E55,.I
E E 5 EE E 1
2E ' w;
—‘ “ il‘ 'E ! '.‘E§! %
EEE‘LER; _ - . , ,

 . I. \ I I,
I ' i l. i
I August, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 5
' h I
- I ~——————-—-—————————-— I I
v I, .
I Address Of Keen Johnson At Owensboro Meeting _.
lie I' (EDITOR’S NOTE: We print some Pertinent president has been authorized by an act code administered by your own group, , II
I: I fixings”; afifi’refiid‘ifsufifi; $12231; of congress to accept an acreage for by men who understand your problems Ii. EI
to I ta:restrictesse-first tints.interferences; insistence:retiree 2
1' 123123.312?) we are happy to present It at are closely connected with the career The printing and publishing industry _ 'I‘
I —— of Boone. They are at Boonesboro, is the second largest industry in Amer- . ‘
1d I Ladies and gentlemen of the where was established the first fortified ica. There are more than 25,000 estab- I ; 1?;
I" I Kentucky Press: fort west of the Allegheny mountains, lishments in the nation, yet it is esti- . I‘
be I Before giving consideration to the Boones Station, Bryans Station, and mated that approximately 80 per cent ‘ ' 1‘}
3' NRA code I am taking the liberty of Blue Licks. Money received from sale of those establishments have a low cre— I . II
3f I‘ calling to your attention some other of the coins is to be used in purchasing dit rating, and many Of them are on I I
bx . matters in which you are interested. the land. the COD list of paper supply houses ' I
35 I The gross receipts tax recently en- On Labor Day there is to be held a An efiort has been made to stabilize EL
5- acted is not applicable under the law, huge public demonstration in the na- prices for commercial printing under ' III
F- I on revenue from advertising or circula- ture of a Kentucky Homecoming at the code in order to restore profits for I LI
Id tion, although it came near being so. Boonesboro. We are anxious to have plants perilously near bankruptcy. II
I- i In exemptions under the bill there is the names and address of all former Result Of that effort has been the I I III
1'3 " included newspapers and space therein. Kentuckians that may be procured in issuing of the Price Determination .' I I:
it The 3 per cent tax will have to be paid order that they may be invited to the Schedule in which prices are given on ;, I: ;
in . on all commercial printing and sales of Homecoming. So many of you as feel types of commercial printing in com- , :“II I‘
19 I. office supplies, etc. It was impossible disposed to do so are requested to run mon demand. Regardless of what may . I" I
I to secure exemption for commercial a small box story in your newspapers, be your opinion as t0 the schedule 0f I I
l- I printing. There is a possibility that requesting your readers to forward to prices contained in the price schedule,
3r under the state law which exempts Frank C. Dunn, secretary of the Boone you can see that its purpose is to elim- {II
.n I manufacturing equipment from state Bicentennial Commission, Lexington, mate destructive price cutting, restore . ISII
)- , taxes that a, case might be sustained by names and addresses Of all former prices to a umform and profitable level. ‘ I II
a I court action securing exemption for Kentuckians. A county chairman and It is difficult for us to agree as to ‘ III
0 a commercial printing, classified as chairwoman is to be appointed in each what constitutes a profitable price level. I II? I
manufacturing. county to conduct a local Boone pro- As a member of the national code I II]
:- I cannot go into a detailed discussion gram. I believe the project is of that authority I have registered strenuous - I
la a of this matter. I do advise that no nature which you will regard as worthy ObjeC'OiOn t0 the initial price charge in ,
:- action be taken at this time to secure of newspaper support. The fame of the PDA- I did that because I believed 'I;
[t a court decision as to whether com- Daniel Boone is international in scope. I was representing the thought 0f you PI
:1, mercial printing is exempt from the 3 A national monument to his memory and other southern publishers and ‘ EI
i. . per cent tax. If you understood some will become the magnet which will at- printers I am presumed to represent. I? [I
)r I of the ramifications of the situation tract thousands of tourists to the state You know that it is true that the III
.0 I you would agree. You are darn lucky each year. majority of non-metropolitan publish- i;
I0 I that the tax does not apply to advertis- The NRA code Of fair competition for ers and printers are operating on a EI I
‘3 mg and circulation. the non—metropolitan publishing and dangerously narrow profit margin. The l .I
a I I call your attention to another fav- printing industry has now been in efiect COde appears to present an opportunity . I
'0 ‘ orable factor inthe sales tax law. Elec- several months. I assume that most to establish a profitable schedule 0f
5- tricity, water, natural or artificial gas of you have cleared up such questions prices for printing. It is the only ad- I I
n furnished for a manufacturing plant is as may have been uncertain as to pro— vantage WhiCh may be secured fOI‘ you ' I
is exempt from the 3 per cent tax. This visions of the code. You have found under the code, Compensating in a iI.
15 means that since newspaper and print- that as result of the superb service measure for the increased 0051? Of . I'I
'- ing plants are classified by statute in rendered non-metropolitan publishers operation resulting from curtailed III
>r Kentucky as manufacturing plants they and printers by the National Editorial hours and increased payrolls. The in- .3 l
n ' are exempt from paying the 3 per cent Association representatives, that you strument 0f salvation is in your hands. - ii I
is tax on electricity and gas used in have a code sufficiently elastic to per- The price determination schedule is II ‘I
r . operation. You are not concerned mit your compliance with it Without comparable to a life buoy thrown to a . II
1- I. about how these things were effected imposing destructive restrictions. Ihope drowning man. The theory is sound. . , I‘I
'6 I and I do not propose to explain them. you realize how valuable has been the Prices in the schedule, while I have I Iii:
>f But they are distinct advantages you service which the National Editorial maintained are too high, are arrived at _
— shou